004 POSMTVELY CURES Beadache AUl Dodily Aches AN4D PAINO PIINSTIPATI( làs a meass ,slabnti -e t 5 af 155 bat als .ut p'.,, a,z«.n lu tas Dangera nvim, istanuts. s. 0.taa andau-s nan.Un.s oi ~~ t t lu tuttbii t a ,. t tîly titn lisiinttis atnd in Ihtilles ls tlfonutunt.anttir titis relu 210 lifsfo ý mnii i t lakinwntan ttîe lu Isbheasss..f case Nai~ 'msè-s n uthh-euuiiam tk autui nlil -5 ueI uem. t h- aei..lr ceiu. i Irv, uril ese 5r tat. w. c .i p. a ilumît cnniaulthnuue furi t. Inmalu- tM--4& IOAs.fut.edte ife-teni n tht îîn iuitrole a*- uri-reutt- 9s. aaurilsn, lnJt-t ed ,tila naasamnIguita pinge,.andn F... le Ct. ~ ~ aga urt-suit tic th ninualgS su-ilIyit-i Fort nstely t lient- isau i-any ay tu la- 1= 7_1 se.ngelt rId of ths1[nu-Clanuit tat n ii-b lui keeplug onc tlinkmantlClîau atoilrem, S-04 ereut. ~l s< lsiussflsessAtas TestiThoas meWho lisse Ti-icu. .19à 1SlFFERED tromo catarri o! the à-a- r Pgs. au ms . ls. nmnaî innî and neyer liapei fîtr ictre. but et...l f- y'."- (M55 E> ré-sî u ta meeatuaudu even tuaI. a .4dabt . a...,d. i--osar Ot.rum. 45 Warerenaresne. Chu- JOHN A. BALlESSma Co.. Inamn. 11, La eCt-un is.L.I ll îEln 'reniBumot uitimi i.1ai aoai aaui crl uit calunrin tint te tnt , ittnit. frînun aluit i tu1 FR E 1ium f' ra tnei luuahlI ls 5 55as5 asning . .majne I. S. Vol. amuitA. A. GOný u otT ,,i i H] _id. ta hi ta..1 Ni Y SO n s ti ctEl,. n i a uttilct'. dlu m,.il$crd yEyBrtir.5;%.r uS , metfl 1 1 Lassa pi. A - m m . U . lL st-a-uu . Saisd idnagsmsts t 5 ea. t1 ~~j~~~pij Mnhtanflteb l rutbrstlchiarinuSt ,-amaui as si ae.dna-s t d aIOAIEW b.sma =meat.,e 2".luail Sml lmT AUP T = o tc h.Inîtuatýltu hnî ma itut tîme m twowàwe. W.l- na..à (. -o. . Ai n.1.(r M" * 1o.a. 5N_ 5-1908. hatmutn$0n eneugrn i UUIIIE TMUSîstaci- ~ymau ... ak... asa.ati. T- lum'uceetinet tcm 'l'Ireetrains an(mis"svlhiesgs -nto - min inaia, Ort-g.uatnýd Cmtin.în tlu CggO, UnîlitaiiNe aud Namilitsnît Weil.tubutlu, su.s1In«a tuttitlima u »uY lur, tin tiiIi I 8en.uuad(tuti-e iii.ni if ua mtn t CASTI( A' For Infants and Childn. Th. [M Yom Have Alway: Doag B3aa- tha 81<natw-c ot 4 f - n laettagolf ttmp tmiit,, lina husîuun 'l t Imtjts tbtI a tcd ea le ui I iu- ue I unj1ýi mmn d i t i Aîc i ,ml ro ( hui.hnsfifîli ou , h. n o nd de (ihtcsgo . pu ,i iu dala-traimns ia the Chicagoa aid Nunrîi- Is n mntîtý- sautlititti e - wesern Ia- - ieutti lui îaknnhn; 'uttrs nf'. nu a (c P va diffeu vtnu t ntt ua -iile-t dit. ' :phiy are a i m; ýt-d hlis li, ite tmmn-d N.u nVettetliue Lt ii ,anih tes oveiintrt uc at 0 su lui uelerniaut ulguita-. l 1t- lu ni irlutt,,ottake t- a i. VIcl toadla tueorcuntutu a u-natun. sutn-4'hicaga Tminnun-. Doan's Trial Triumph Tha Frwie Trial oif Donn'a Kldney PUIs dally carriez relief ta thousands. ft th Doan wny of pro inz Doan aenit wlth ach lndlauldual case. Âclung backs are cusacu lIip, back. sud kldney. I eoîld net get maslf sîraîglal loin paius overcoe. Swciututg o! the wrlicuÏ trieni te stondl, niiufd bsn-e tu, llas and dulopsa- signa vatistu. benut lu a haatf sttuplng positioin. I guI a Tley correct urine wtt.libinck dittsedi- triai box f o! I>ens Klut ae sa- n sd liie ment. higli coloreut, excesive, pain n l aai lofteni At tlue enîd oftw(o das-atley -i paaslg, urIilig, treqîmenea- t)rans gel mueoui t l and amuttns able te go Kldney Plls disslan md reuuuîo rateul atiout 1uhc a deilht lu praising tbein- »d pati Itive bn-rt palupitation, POIs. Ania t *N,ns.Jr. lcpesess tuc.a ucle. nerreusuesa. i - --.-------- -- - ï FREE FOR THE KIDNEYS'SAKE. BocKPAiLE.xTEx .Dec. 30.1902 ---When eaireul teIial package e of n s Dean Mldney Pilin t romîltiot gel ont -of led mmli or m back. The Pitîs hlp1edmu lu y Imiuk luaal gene and tIuuanm.-asan esa1 C»thllovtdep. ith aeverto e t 1ii~ IflJ nota (00 C. Btuffsio. , Pilléa ave dton orm-. Iuu non M51 11esesd ie hamalil. ithoutchra yeIsid, hare trieu a grea( maun), meia- 1 utriaaint- tdda- illa. A a.but uotindutg uid tue nom unt I Na ... ..._...._......... gaIDonnas iuieaPlîta ,JAîR.Ms IL__ néATaUL i.Pst CLVEAIDKY, De. 2, t- e wua laid up l in-n([ii mul ha, ina-lnsud uos.nssat uat' - Uise a good, penetratlng liniment when there's a hurt. bruise, pain in your body or the body of your beast. M UZTA14 G LINIMENT wonns its way down through the swolien, fevered muscles to the very heart of pain and drives it out. DER VOUE PLUMBINC SUPPLIES Direct train tle Wholemaler sadSare Mîidlemnts aPnofit -f mmi 2D tq 35 pe" cent. àAflaine .et lrt-Ciaaa Pomb« r h~tEauyDescrption alwas rail $1101 la s ci kfor or~ == * WmTK Poe IItY*T 7#0111111AO Mon Wba meeg v -$Met avay te Iioiilgoeodthe familly wated an- S xlouuly for bIs 8iret letter, wlnIclathey feired woold be filled wlth homeslck longings for the peope andthitls lie Wheu tlt pter carnte ,-orges ftier amiluai. bismother iged. anud lits old- er sistera were blaiuued andihuit- proyokeai. "Dear Niother and Fanîlly'. wrote the only son ofthtei- lougelol. Ive been bere tveuty.ttree bioumra ow. aud It la great. Iy tuenat tutimite friend la aL boy la3-the name of Flopipy Multh. llea five feet six and lins, hatl lbitaleft leg broken la two dlffer,-nt pluies. Love tea al. and witl write gnon ugntu. Your affe<tlunate aon, C EO R(;E." Thongbt Ah. Wnuid Go t'rs.y. Huila. MI., Jan. 2 Irouldn't oit longer than fOve mnutes Il uofe plae 1 was a asa ired. tbut (oul niaire-it or' iéep. I îuuit bei eryinganud feeling thnt aometlilng awtul iras just &bout te hu1ipeu I tliouglit i would go crazy.' In Ibis way doî-a 'tirs. A. Mi. Fi-nb. oftIhla plan-e. tell of the Ill- uu'aa fromntîlînel ali li hnsjuat r.cov- ered. ar. l"yal n -use wanaremtarkatnli- f shefell atlep ll te %ooîld isoLe up * friltiied, ir nînutlî iry and lier M mu ti llwokpL up. $lie was loue- selean i nlnhety even n heu sur- rois e by mi tîng rends. lier bottes oche. sh hadto ilîe water tour or amn la ve lImes everi-rliît. 8lue nus cou .f; -1 Oîated. 1i-liall itlavoraclous appt- ETA. tîle. yet %vas ilay ati tiîigry htewet-i ..d ifI Sm-ais, Siii- ,otigLilIup a agreat dent of wbilte juile, We. Sha beurd Utflin,îd Kidney PIlla aud lifter utinug ttn-ii sa),&a -13yth(e tilot- 1 haîniakin fln-bestoi, 'vas n ew woiiiiiii1I aîluot titi h.w ruunlîgîîed ivhy i ntfor ume. ttc titre usIng IiuKldnpy Milsla ite waus esU1:, a îtrati leuiNon I <a n do ni y mrk andiii til glatîthut t baie work te do. t amj Coîleiily n- stntred" Nei Vmnnin <aile,. 54i»itut, U ttttpn.5$8h(i) lau5e35; ulueti Si ciu $4,0 lx n lent. No. 2 rd. 82eli0,Sit,iCI, No. '2, Itu tii ,;QtaIsNo.2 n'mnie 42o inn 44c; botter, .uienu-e-A2e,( te i ggs, owestern,22c lu, 24c. InrsigNews Items I.& N. euguueera wns auturai- in wages. Wm. J. Bra-an Maa-Maite (lie Commone, s dadla. Twva m Bkilled byla aave-lu, Jobnaco1 euxl. TMa5c Il la ctiînsten t hm1the augar litet ceaja of Kanui. nwil echli4,000 tou.unen thon tsicteliatof inI a-ar.rThte stae hia@ offemed lionnînu ntao encourage titI luduistra-. sud $8,8U i.N tIliaeiained Ina (armnera (ts aeasau. The cotaaltlee neltceai linthe commes- ciet instituttons oftIhe cousn-a- ta reei'mîu mend to the gorermel,( a mnetliud for In- snrlug 5reter accreac n lu rop pWrtn ha. recommendeai a f asm cenosacera- Ove yama, and t(liesutablishament of ocindla fet ntton for canins saumr CAUCI4T BY THE GtnPU RELEASED BY PEuRUm Congressman A Noted HONOR POP. MITCHELL MINERS' PRESIDENT 18 LIONIZIED AM AT INDIANAPOLIS. Euthnsstlcsicly llcreled by Folow' et. andt he Publi Openinir of s t Great Conaveniont-Report on (tispoil -ieavy trafln5ctini tii Hev Y&L rner fis arel oin- ii.. John Mitchell, preaidi-ut of te United ffialt regardiiig 9the stowu iovnuint(of line rkrluiiiinc'inlt- IreighLt.Theihutonîi :nia togeneral "thu es n ttiaaia.ilc dcui,îîn îrntn,ns itIn - laJ aggras-oted hy thi-e eeleece givttn dianaplià N oniuay, the eint tnking place tfuel on-r ail ot ber frengla exceja lIre l inee iiîventîoî hallItInlite iinîirinig. .stock and perialnabii- guetda. NotwiLli - lien enery detegute ruseitulié ofn-il as «standing the extîiniîi- iiierenm tramé- the proi ,;deut enlerei tunid heerot titI partirui;fncilitiuaduirg the, laut eai. hle 1ied Passed ltire full lerigtli Anftins hall snome rond,-hehave .it coîinîeled ti de- sud asended the stage.'TIen te .dite- cline Coljiînuuuita. nardoii n nuy Cases gaies gurtlired srouiid huitîî tualmaîîy aluere a large- umioieof caras t-rn du:o-is i.lishaut] d îî d iiJexpcesuous slred oily Ciie mns peovided. Eaniiuga oif einfidee snd eRterooilý th". fnr ni ilulicfine Junuary uu 'riýTh , uniîitd oratitlt i in utheven- fsst Jeas n bs;,tiie ii i fsincoiîuiia ug n ii3000 mci, i f orgmri.eed ouinlU lra il nia ly e-.ry eeion oi ttie, lahor i. îrîîed in itin l e i ou i.ti country tînort, deoi-a loi iti-pîricea, bu> iiig trect luiitdmarched toe tliauHall. la liella, snd uttinteIneter quolisof Lesds flig 'î-ir good», wliile di-nliiigmasu a roi, ame ou Mr. 'utîcleilironde lin a irnrinagé.vrlla more tif a cash biaim. Tho- foregoing isftree lietlborltudoiolruajiot iiunod- frumii l,,- %tVekly Traie île-vient of IL. G. &t> la b in flcme tic, tteausof D'in & ci,. iti iithe-n., (i eni nui itlng h iila. ahi-lu bâti i)etannd for tiitiditnig unteriatis la un- forment titi.ianamoih tînil tif 135 t-tereg. îînîîlly tîrialifute iirliiiand prie,-s% et it he n-arching ei wut.ohidi of tutîîter utt ir(- Sininîl liame adi nueed consistiln of tie delegaet-iotirte omilles Altlîougtî fîrtîîîîîî te se«nri tti lareeticliag Civeit,î riaiing ocitattn rom s letier siiîlni.n îtf fiiel, rit itutionlala the. giné helt bns suit tuai organîna- etlOi serint-, atnd 11i3ai> ln irn frnraecn iare e eri ailît oto iile lo.A» lra dorera Inuvi-etîluld ti-r it-ity for @unae tinte ti-ýru i-ilit lie mttitiahugie.sanud ina liffaýri aitthlie-part tif sillir% b s"cure cuir traita ýliei-prtien nfpig irait Or- Ne-t, Eiliiiid trtinesof Iooti Hul_~*~ %hots lnue-noiiels niagil als,,utl lites. esud lier,. ît guhiin i cnnicx foenaril riia nîtuir(nthl-e. tre fen, sapient ntary aidera fir ip.niigt itirie.. A. ti enîltann c rtitil,, itiatiu getiui orders iitiln. . fini peu l ItIIiies Ili îtaniln dt.nt..n .n r1 n I tien grrua. b-rniiun .. in .--tlii r ui-t- r Of th.iti- Iiiilitg a, :l it ibnanit île- ninil bltit-'citntr.ii I n .ttlaitnt suppnltie.t- i irî li atti, (-id, lon.. Paraloga3T iJU14N tITCiitLL Fniiîir,--itir Ill tein nnmter 2iiii ____lit tItinin ti tu i. ngnnniut :1 tînt an-i, loua, wlieh repreeeseld ,ltasse@ of sud -:7 liiit nnîloid. iiirn mii 2:, nunion lalite Thrours -,eonath, street Yer g, the pirsde pasasai sud Nlr. NMitchiell ltral-ne.- a nai* Wtiet, -ntnndag as clu,-di-j tittî- h indreilsof per- fi-i.esîiorî f-nie i-wek agizrrtite sousn,"'l- hit gatlierol ii iiit50 3,.hIN,7.57 Ininîle . innnî4.878.1124 tant Usîil cintinaeil the DeISY creinx wbLau în ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;. euk .2ttb n lnn iuiCrr (e procný,tion wracliedi ile'it sud 4Kt8.i7>4 ile i lita nlIria Tine reeila u îlr ul sitc J'il *t, 1 tilrnicnte 144.179,557 buhuma SPeh Of neti-Ome t'y J.1-.i Feltlian, el. ngiit i;ît4t.81-5 nul ensinn Hullpresident drîe eteiretuintr Uniaon, 11,4»t nu iho wna fîiion cd hY OnI: r llttokîntler tnrinunteaagurgio0C2,376.'13.ii.i2t wi a aniens ih sitni- bi ng"Otuîr eta, aaia 2it4ît il o 'ek, l:.j:20 Gues .M,,Mitchielr îi.i feeling- n year ngtn sud :,12t2in iiatl.nFor thé- fiscAl >ear extinrtsare- 1t1%,4,701t Nîne hininreil detegaites acre prenent haiminrîs. iniaiit 21.434l.')7 u. at acinain. the ext 1îî triing wiîetni ProitentJohn and l*t'.taJ7.IW it47 milMitchelli etad bis asuit tt , tIto (the 2l ItlUfurorentraning an In- 1 Il î iirs trae rn iagefunr the;tiruanît au- Cb lorzttua 11tin il, lel nrui'1.e unin- his (nî n li lu l.e resideiins a f lin ît nî ii-coutr-tuof siri e etîii aln to seti-le itire in aes tt- niiMoriey i l .i -t t il " ig h C u rins artoil before ti ii anu impariti nia nîu ce Of atiiiiC n inîigin lit u airdnIalni (le înaîll iportant erenîs affecîiig the lotio mn lit h et - Iil be liit, ilniiiil I netfîîee aof te toiler. of Intle oniileV, lie fa-tir IMichi îî Culerti îînîîîîty lins ltsaid the aîhreiue rosiI nrlke tod pré- lied op nan i linave iiiv, -'it uIs tlg ermeînît.Vital princieiîn-anre ai stake lii C b-i-ta itnntC nid ni îî -nu> jas> în.n-îl'I în nd defet nit aiud lia l- givne th le Aulier- enilntarté ntiIn- d'it, ltireti t.ieueîs lsu battoir mon eh iii iushock franitsihici &le of loairoiaitd lnnnniO f unynu-esera il noulai have requin I yesr. 10 recan-er. bnd d-1.u tay k-ni olrn-moues in the Mr. Mitchell t sibiinîned an optuinu t Wiesitanîîtîl niou ltru nuedrifît iillaAttorney Clarenice Sl tarrom, of Chicago ensiternu nonelai o-ir-tl.rnfor emînoinil tnt.oun(lie proposai tu lucorpirate unians, Il n a longlbook ninead toi ient (nut.,nand Extracta (roui ite nlllnfotton. oiaîina a ti iî i- aret ,1tortli mat Ii. fThedennîd f- thle incorporation (nf et r t lanaieee,.ing lunotliat itait tiirect(radteunians lie Ii ns(trench of thoan art- iiiana Ii nJ.iL (tir a repetîtion tîentw ho opponse orgaîîîzî lt te.lo hla tuipa- n an ngrtilalunI fn-na. îf (tietDniony dent sud preonîmînttin ia.N o friend uf erîîgî-îîea afi utafit. niiens (ug a rude rînunîeneitieiered inuit or nd- gin--aéil îî i iucîreînnf-y Inîn Vithliatînsaeated i or cienit- it1. Ihla deonîd- lînere alà ite puon-.iiilty tif suncetases- .d hy ttîtt i eenn sd (hase ineanias sjn o f tnningetnaas i niuurtîlng fan-In, nwo liane uaed euC ci nnssant hi, corn Thi-iîî-îît-- unîrtîl iiK token a aois- mand t to p)-timn e i onims u lncaurt- i- llerent lire n- eniiaof C(auges teene ls lauiiene -Jilta deateoy il. fi, t is ral i i ci in t i tit l aIcint Iao --lion (lie tlite trganizasitinse hal isatetIi îeteîîtsnoc ilan tutinni-manage their Ownu niffaire la nai tino ln tt ttcii.Iniini . aîîd tarif Cen ýt, it Denfuttheeetittti, or thle enaîîiny- îmnnîînîîrnt s gailltiini- rs. This -. înderî tînt for the inicarjoea- Thelie iînntint (nfr iinn'orý- andbin n i lion ofU aieutnîons tnot Olit y îîînîont ceai ti, --lctheuin n and tutti tri, la au-t oureaonttl. iI I laeipud-ent Qi itnitîn u lTe o- in entisrketoansdinsulit ii unthIC1-t ildegree." taielern uilatint ln iie infeatinîre. scorie. oenn t ylJnein The No Lliii ii.ta ngii.td in-,k.n Ru ferriag taui tnttuMr. Mitchell G*;-enmeut bhy n luetiou laonue ut lhetîfnot ilnaidt.uiit,. Itraasîng sud dan- gerînînu etiiods reanîeed to by tLe etoc sites o (lte norktîig:iln.t u desiras latxnr and la ircliin ttI .e constitutins] rigîitif trial Ly jnury. The whoit bs>. teîîî of igeverimenî le Injonct ion grimas traintue distraeof the ultra -cepi tatiata t -h n ngt-i tii. ltmtiltî u tn tit ite, for deuiocratili srus ir ions. ~tu tii $5 dit.iag-. haipiinu gu..î-. f marlu@ngin in fur tle fillsitng of $45t. 6 I.1alo>[,. fuir ta cliV-Si$2 0 Iuiinctloiis are atm ura smlesding rod inn $4 .;whnt, -. -1 moid.-i7e lot 78v; geuerstty ftoivt Su fair as (les. luoire- con,o. Nu2, 4-htt-u 4ooe anis. No. 2, 32e tions are inaaî-dlu inabor caes% they are lin1c ite, u !o.>, 4ie InnSu0-r; lavi- n ntucer iimaieni exuniting In sucli crises as otint. e8.50>lot $î:î SOi. pratreu. $t .K) lu cati for tlire a eiCnnA th le crlmiînni tan $1250; builer. clînnîne crtanery. 24c ta -Govreliinent lv nrrtiîictlon la lutloîly 25-c; egga. (fresu. 20etu *-;Pta2. aaioc, lailte ttnrgtizî abor, butila s o 40e ta de jlie hitohel. tl te toconni itioiit lierty. If tins tadinnapatia-('nîtle. ahiptiiug. $&00 tu Anucican peop~tnlino t chieck ihis abiý $5.25; hoga.es,ioen.. inglini$4.1X)itu$t; A.- ~trara- pnnuee il uit movult lu thie anuiti sîteeja. i-inliimoi tu Inrinre 2 5 In i S,t:-( laton of t ahr uannîttîn sdti in of aIt nliesîr ti o.2, 75tilta 7tc iniNi,. -allier forma of asaociations dinked liry n bie,43e u la44c;. asNo. 2 il ii i-. :4e Cupitînlnto - tnu 35o. Aittee i-nctiin -tMr,. Miteheits te- 1St. 'a--'tte 450 t$u, u i c part lies- ntinvilt(]to nddresa lite lu $5.; Stu nn$6.75.;incî.$*-',, t',, dinua it ccnaiatiire. Mr. Mitel e ceupî w iîcul. No. 2. 72e t U,73c. .ri. Ni2, sod the Iliatiotn. 4)c lin41c: oatNI. ". 231,iu. it--,l3.-,t. Wi lson Reports an Saie Fud. Na. 2, 491e lot5(k. Serretara- Treniirur Wilson made blé Cineitinati-Cttit. $4,0 1t)noz47o5 annuel rcînînelanid tin ttdeait witlithn boi. 4.0 o 6..o seoanethracite aric r !fonda. lie al., ".20 n eagt)a . $0 1 h7bc ue-.111,i1 d wheueecanetite,îdonatons and ileu, N$.2; n lient. Ni 2t. 7;e t atl. i2 i.gare figure. un tltili- No.d 37te 38c; 4iln iNt, 247 ts. N-12 "Ttreetotal iuin nît ttîed thle dif- îîmed 3e 0 8e F-t.Nu -ltC ti0.. .ferenittteionf t-îcorgoutîin ans lIoo-îrinn--Cttlie. $3-0I) tu $5.75; ttt'l- *258343 94.'lsit ,'mie'lson. -ue ta- $300 In-,$6. 40;. sitî ta.$2.50u In$1 (li;te l a naol Cre(eCiviýrntthe spetiai an- whent, No. 2, Slvti nn82c; tnirt. 3 il (lreile aseainiin i sl$t.tSi7.02i-3. yeiinnw,47e ta 4.ke; totI. Ni-:3 ni[rilemakinng fis talilif $2.225370.28 (mfontte XtIlle&10 3 e -N. i2, lilt t Su metulerq of t eI'titlutMill tîn *Vrli-ra (10e -ltnni-n ai-ara. Itlal ta olun ri eustsi,lttithtý Li.nugi-r ttta of a tamtul, ii I laIt f outlotutstyle. kAn uîmîmu iu 11l'ir a laie suolîmuer gîlun aloomnt storu- lu fronI ot a coutiter lau-at, foulards. A binei groundmlwilîli poîkadot seemnO te tiletnne lie but she pansu-O trrenîulmtely. -Iftlooks juat ltke te eta tudli calîcees (bey uiig&il le an wlueî a lîttie girl t Inte coutry," et dlseoouieniedly, M*Nadain.' saidtlite otly san leng alter a-oitand i are dei goet n itn nyll lue wenrltg bl whlitte pt4hu îlots. flic av ue (hem ainentlIe rnue- mengeil (ni laian. tîea- nsIII st-an tîm i sînka Ie t ltaîn -- Atter Iutua t potentnmtlsgravit the expresonuof thltutu t înunu osolutia-tht- ni unti ugla t la ln daeualmt Gea. H. White's Case. Sculptress0Cu red. 1i estht- t11iuiaaeig tter trou s t W tabiash avenue. t nîcago. Ill.: Z tsoaffu-red thîs muntler wi(h s a V i. îtai o lagruîîe At&ter using tb 4.lttles of ltcîta t1taîmnd the groafl 'dissppeared.' -MesT. Seliut. avenue, Alni,,ra. Ilii. -OnIYt- os mlihave suftere.d w ta geippe sud lieî-îî cuurdcueau sppeeeim h-nwgeatefuil t feti that sud sa spieuml :n edîîîne se 'rutua lias ht-en plae eta th, d.ir of ences suffering Iersn."- M re. iC- t Vî-i. Noed Seulptress Cured of Gaie MINI, I (inaiatn. of th, Royal Acada t-ma-of Arts io, Lndoîl.n. Englaud, nour rcaiditug un anliington. 1).C., in une ci tL, grc.t"iî lii tiig uimptunesand ai terea of te arît She .»aa ttakec lu asire sn rrcnuenudiug Po- ruunu finetatarrh aînd ta griptpe, 1 han auffcreul for unutuin. nnd ufter tie use et loue hnttie it Peiinn t am etnîely welL D Lt 'iahînta scharter meinler et the Intern.,mnul Itarlies totnon, wrlto (roui 15 Viu-atu avenue, Minneapolis. -. h'oiîg sa -ceattacli of la grippe -Z 1 Isee meul Ible aifýeiutadi-&sl oner. O'pn, (If ina Ciioinuers who waa geeatly 1411 beipd th eiii adnmaa-d me -tu try I1, and I prîneureu a bolte ,saine "y. Non tua- ed la eiae, muanerve. art stcadv. I cujay tood And reat .,tt. Po- j¶ID'V rua han ht-n aurti a dollar s dose te e Il . Wiallace. Luiiutniin tariltt. of tle Sait Laine (ite IarrutCinsouit he Salvaflas Aruns. m et-s frnst gden tash:ts sosnr oldtd iaI i coulai hardlg .Our ra ptalu uidt mette te ra-PeignA sud peoctiecu s alîte fuirtue, sud trulr it norlutilwi, nmder". ;VIthun eo weeka 1 if. eWitife, Mwe.r o! Clare Hun. elued w»Nîu, gaisa c an d u a feeoatM endelent <)eer ofodTeiplars, ff« ter haveng s noverla(t My fl tie wrdlis ee cînai(bt a-d btooad Jlee ueaiplaone. Ptmf dNarhluasilionae AxIfeelle ntara.T.W.Calls meus ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H glu ui afttdiahd I yçmu o noterîe poromt adaa elnînttî. uol tous udciles re T.I onC llta eDr. Hacur lds hi nî Ile haetulgrîput s1er-ful staieen of ondcae a ha -----r- le. pler e dot o r a-o la valabfl Pc ru aes the case. Au fairesa Dr-m . Wnia. PCollin Shhrn.woeitow.s and utiîe Tlue satn anDr.larum.ClcmbU,& Ask your druggist for a frece Pc-ru-0A Anac Chant-e fuor VenKeance. A E salut, s Sliîum.nîninuI l --bave sent tle cdi- VV, ITainai lut i mc f Il ont ne MIa gazine tort> -tu'o uIsnvreAtifni, înnnunajlie lias ree(ueuedrery Ir-i t o n, ,ut thern. 1 -'ruennl "aitt ed bni any-mr.H a ag iigtigltigetnnd i.d nili Sopoc na leuould. Wliu coufld be n nulle do.'Assa en to-st. îIle utailnltttsh li nue et heinuunder a-nue ecai na -- New Yonk %Weekty. V... a- go 1hue fie .Orerisnd IlImliesl. alolld trahnirfdLt 7= wý autd. tiUaiontPaeufic sud Northwestern LUne. r___L. ud aud ue sud linl1l t 1 uy n d Tht-e uarunu trln-r.er atht sut- nit iii t au- nut nmi t ul eulu Clii casoa sut lte NonatrsciPme Oînta-48tnicru-eni of tht- gron eauailugs .f It rutit sasoufSpali in apent i tuu- umîrîinet. Thits s the tou-ent rate inawu. Itfa-ou aranl ereameryprîces do as île cri-arenles do. use JUNE TINT B'tfTElt COLOIt. t.sc ltneeadni tu-,ttlong ame hui en- muance undit lt> sd ted le hornss usorcasi.umnti fAnder. Tliree nolnut throuîgtitranadaita Chi- enino to Calftîu hmeago, Unioan Pa- i tOc sud Nnueîlnuesîru int-. 'Nia- sa Itain niomonailiatht strengtla oun ppliourt s utngeririîugisbsud. ESTERN CANADi lereeftnt"br-w& TUE wàumla W-CMd At the Fouatatu. 'What la the greaet nnoacata you find in thet so.a..ter buihasa Uaàtenlng to wornen laistins th,* they shali puy for the soda. wbile e.a onue delays in get ting the maou.y flOu bW" jaurai.. hoping the t one of the otha «WIj gui shead of ber." Ne..Wlss.ws5OOT a 5m ft ~ ~rZ 'A-- . 'i.~ ;~ 7:Ç% ns -i -i - ~1 C iL? e.- <'e vS?; ln 51 >it -~ t ni-,-u- - ~. J; -N 'J 'mc-,, - ~ s. (4N~ n iii. 5) !PJ.W~MII3~ I URDE WILOIf a.j X. U.F 'n pi. / a. THE CHIL DREN ENJOY Life otît of deors said out of the games which tlaey play andth îe enjoy- ment nhich lliry recenve sud Ithe efforts wliiclu tley maie, cornea the greaten part of that healtîful denelopinent nichlisla 5 essetial to tîcir happimuesa nîten grenu. Wliea a laxative la needrul (le remsedy whichle l given (o (hem 10 cleanse aud ameeten and trengttuen tle iuternuaiorgana tu wbich it act, sboutd lie suict as physiciaus noulti saniction, becanse ils comporient parts are kuese lo be nhotenome snd (lae remeda- itseîf free (romn n-sery objectiouabtc qiualita-. The oeemnedy wniidl physicuansansd parents, vetli itfoemed, appren-e andt recommenut aud which tle itîle oe e ejea- tuccusae et ts pleannant flan-or, its genîle action and ita beneflelal effecta, ln- Sn- vmp o! Fîgs and ton tIhe same rcasou it us tietinta- laxative wliicli shoulai bic ued lia-fatherusud mothens. Sarap of Fig l ie e nta- nemeda- nîtel Sets gently, pleasantty sund natttnaity niieul gnipiug, irritatiug, or nausestiug sud whicla cleanses Ils. systemn effeclualt-, nntliout producing that coustipateti habit whidh results (rom (the use of (lie otut lime catbantics aud moeriem mitations, sud agaiuat whiche the childirn should lie se careluila- guarded. If a-eu noutd have (hemn geaw te mautiocd and nounaubeout, alreug, heaithyan sd happy, do uot give thetua medicines. almen medicines are net ueeded, sud inlen nature needu assoiai.nce lu the naa- et a laxative, give themn ouly thc simple, pleasaut andt gruite -Sarup of Fîgn. Ils qualita- ln due niaI oula-te the excellence ufthte combluation o!f(the laxative principies ef plants with pleasaut aromatie sarups and juicru. but ai.se te eue original metbod of manufacture andi an aou value (lie health of tîme litîle euies, do tuet acairpt ana- of lie subutitutea whniala uuscniputoims deal- eru semetimes effer te increase tirir profits. The genuar aticle may ble bouglit anynhere et ait retiabte druggists at fifta ceuts per botîle. Please te reuember, thie full nanie of te Coimpauy - CALIFORNIA FIG SYRVP CO.- un prauteul On tic front et evera- paci. ~~~ ~ age. Itu erder te get is .Ql beneflca.l riffrus il s laI- nys, oce.,,aca- te boy - ~., ~ ~ . the genuuuus only.4s.. -M epidemic L A ORIlt'E s c14deini 'h.arliIt to dos.no lîarali aa mc Un tloln Tueéezseiis i itunrent And thé ignirui In rs îu hic 1ocai tunhtte ptu er. teloime mii u oiinul etclhed the- chusis nre atmke smiheu't toa ogrippe.t a mutn. Nouene cmin-itAilrc haute are enn'uno liane aou tht gripj? or. raîhur. al is, enLt-u tht- trip t- întinn (p la w lnnu. The origiunal Fre nlà terniu.tMs grippet, hia tuten stuorîcte it lIt théîusvArnti-i Nirs. cau 10 rnad gruja *' Wituut iantniug ex- lIen-ru- lm. 25mii ann UIS? Fou