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Lake County Independent, 6 Mar 1903, p. 7

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uli! là! f çwstl* ardnas n1ould an couniR be ue= E 1ttio .vers t ont. PUIlla uWfakIfalag ts t uandS &Ma licetBtheii. ther. orbîr su- tý . ' L Du- stýfIgttb ou*n a 1111e, bat, tw n"Dnt a tlie ' tha*oail. rd gus abot hait » a Ir X:»ýon te JIi'o , andt tarsail 1 couldSet. -TheA trepo1ug n lu t tIi. 'aY Ye u, te b a ýueý e ir iflowa vison tboy sUit.bUt or *# i l 0 '0uge; ccutdn't moet.At- »rt lt 1,*"tise qrg pull on it1 du jiiieowu,tbagace t" I nm lauï top e aisd. tan i Wlaea-lit. Bhihp Arboreo, c1dla g« ton b4 u 1 ...e s t5draver lockud, lirar ffl là, AJd by JiMny î iou.ca eU. drAW- Sn, p lan tg. or W efto& - Theukeî was ltis La e«y it ' lca.&U oobOdy, 1os nor mbedy.' kotgat aout "ýQ e 1 lIme ur ther turucti t. aud fla ** e -7 it*Ç_I bisdu.v.oepurred tme tetry W fipu 1140h b Cam14 *8 puy.. fart. 1 nover thongit Boy- th,.eedi COtBtIon8 > 114»É labeutthe bey, or thelook t *il, Coomn asestablis e u-amy or $is . u;but wvianIL bai %t gt. FaUt. Mine.; OuaBsaturuud tint bey.,tho draver oiecat 4 SSIClti. M.. Chicen '01 * JOt AIsifl. A" 1 Imadu up iuy m" S&-~ pold.; hilveuiea;lun4 î"tbursttenthtirit tileg 1 ïdàl M4t, W. Déitroit, t , t 81. lvays 00<Jeun 1IMcam ae a bS-ý V W sidMarquette, -Miels.; TOI!deresu dravur lia tuck vouiti b. tg-w hattoev. g.D.:Qund 1 St Ilvaet lockcd"-NeW Yok SU&. aws c Li Oet Fans, Met.,a"nth#s ______ »uiomla imade that 117 addressla 9 TsegsaniTrml oWet lieue, wboe are the antlset NelictiMa, arh -A er.tise Oovernrent, it lvi be tu8de asMri .A *0avafltgge or the reatier. vise OU int trevtIbis cty. livsca aeYM 14 lugivon h. tuitet andtimeut 'nn iPPY %se U ia enila TitLeyaà- tb$WkInformation rcgrdlcg tlise-te- sorentBd hacealaty bus god itasea > O a et migrd farming., tarylcge te fuel gad and prend. Usistu and graln-ràilstg, and aise M. Lqvasur bas heon sick for a iwelv Informin ne sate frigt' and, lengtiUre viti genparm ei sceas and geflager rte.,e. ic sn oto, pain In bis hack. At lhe last hu _______________ ot se rrY hadt tat ho coutti ce waik nap" n T. viéý lhout grt mIdetý'. Now bu la veil anaklaaop«king o tiluwos'drtni COMsmerciat Agent I T arenver antI ite peakinapi: veftrcrn t" 'Vadvostok: A Uctman bC" .I Iev l-te ho my duti le tel mobue.r bas fonud *ew naptin uveryboy heu 1 vas cureti. -I1waase Ui'em uthse eauteru part et Bakiatnus tti coula net steop, la fBcl. 1 - IomiW sud aise B large Laeo Bheld vtis vas quable te wnik vitietat gegt pale. *r pist& T 'h#*, bu says, ventaho Ibfflaa taitcg lietita KidneY POUl tumgttatertai tonrîretariag as-.a«aMi ater a IvO 1meu11'Wtreatascut I FI,*. Werk, îî appeas. a, as tegt . uan vei aud sonnd.again. ý.OI fo yers ilo bu ltwtt taise Do&a Kidcoy Pis are a Goa-gent font eans go; bt it reniedy. 1 I viiilwayo praise Uemn for *a, juar or two mre lu des-oiop il, Bs tbeir venderfut cure of my case. 'lscy OMOM wacluery anti testIeg lustre- crut âguthengi andt litugi. t am OMM sen@te bu umpteyed for tbe Brt strecg and ablo a niaitnov as 1 té -'VThe profipetet-f- tupitisa-pr.ed- es- r mw». gel me gooti. andti biaesuliacer tlimbe-p tbw romse e bericer hau hos orLsteet lietboti. s7 temoe e h rihertiln 100.et Paraser Gaskies-Wlsat wil ye charge * ~ ~ ~ ~ t ____ _ O elegraph cr My son, up ter Lorel, Brave Mau. Ma.é? mma.A-80 yen gay lucre ea Man Olaestr-Twenlî rente. socer yen blid th oher igbl. Was be Ptrmer Gakinas't ye do it fer loe bmxbr br het iretess Macaroni uyslcrn? Mmu, ZNo: h vas my huzb5nd. W - A toeu.> issod anoie heor ntiwlîio tm'et Plirgir-i - anengageti te bu dsUtrIRte inveigate tie crawicei nuder rnarried. CongrtulaI. nie, dean. Me ________ Mand Brla-Witb al my beart Ev- le m %st pytbiteg I sd thelt time goeca ovi -pack. - -- -The rt ime tbe fllovers et Cinlit wereccalleti Chriatiaaaa was le A. D. di,' y) R 'i A. ~yi'm~-oeM ta RSÉose Peterson, Secretary Iirl- We Tennis Club, -Chicâ from experi- ence- advises AilYoung girls who have -pains and sicékness peculiar to th w- sey., to rely on' L7& a . Pinkhamws VégeeCappound. 1g»w nmny beutif ci reuè U<ha du-op tIse vore. Ien u "iepeu at *4miyctm auffçiet *oeltontonaa net ho mes pato t 111*Mmijsel t,' No vmsa lîuonIt.rr= pisyscetweakneue antiprtd l youe gIia~at uslinto vomfluhocal shoudlmb eeul Mk teuuk.wf te t sc ti ,momudu etbWM t. abtb1, a4widlclsare éomeatWa 'M" jàIII4S>2E, . tIn, Collinga- "J thtiLgt 1 wonld write and tell. yo tint5byfoilowlg' youkiSndad'vice, Ifeeotk -a c ersan I wn a lways thiltand deHlati, aud so weak'that 1 could hardly-do siiythng.' 111"Itld a tt 0 e«r VegetableConm- ansd began tofeoilicItter mght away. I con- = taususe, and ams nv vl U d toqand menstruate regttlanl.IIextnot sny oouig fer What yonr mediciedifer me." tlow lrs1 Plnldam IIelped u U ba àsNu&- hft ux:- 1 _m W mt laaI lat t fia donmn1 fort asu im ofMrchanailse, bat vellegoti th# presiut e tufet which amratculd te hucen a serions anuter, b hw ciutaii tadtate4 efforts te re- AB.. tht freIgi dmweioeileta. Wth ce égier t fOatmr tban thse elay, baIsaCBIa itylil9 jo i lutias ef bathdoomsîtai M ueeaetlyequai te ,ilîcie et the oqff, menh tis ar o, >Xdla sa.ny cosé tim ns. ar mrt gi>.. Tise pu- ý en onu essreng on a scatu Basfer Wo o#etitéad, ae uridesseetiby tla Cor- nions distriltlIu csitioen btausl leqebricu fer prompt slspu)mecl. Punniî eltique-- roe" iiie bear fleiay rte the tact t imd le etten grxetr than anp- pi>'." TU*e tersgoinir la ftem lthe Week- iî Traite Reb-lof utIl. (6. Dun & Ce. It Cotsmees: Incresuid ntereel hos heen dipayeti hi pufehs of ah iiproducts of irou andi tuet. glvlig àa ddccl dfirmes ton@ tu uhsaasketsudta-svy latuneaquotas- tien hav adrticeiOne.et the tihiîe Chsag" WovAarien et $2 a, tee le vire produits. whtk eisvs net a surprise, sud a nwo re schetnle *aseaging ofer 251 omits a' ton hisber. Tue a akes csery stop cf tise promiusmre expensive tue lie ledepeadietproduenr. ore, pg leon, coke, vages anti freegla hsvinlr reiceet a highes position. Tu thc lesdt producer, towever, tie situBtien la bs dixlunbisg. ansituâet oftbtese factue are under (ee cotrol, sud *t il yule possible te holti -prit-cioet inished ti srnt aI nfailtyCou- rrvsalis-e position. A vary hoavy toin- nage et pipe basa bepc m(veti on oit or- durs Bcd ecitderabic ccv business la reltorti. Ft-v adittiogal atisacec irae ccciii mcd in quotalions of cotten gotie. thi dev.iopuiecta oft he wev ei htuchiffY la ,tle diection ut etiliahiueg mar- ket on the higier hasts-tiat 'vaisaug- gosteti by enrlier spasansateilv tianers. Tiacre sa more couiervatiael ou the part cf bnyrers. Busineoss ln ooleca isafait eu off unoxpecledty, foeine esrly buyera redasing lime aise etfIlîir Initial orties,, it'bule lu n few ezeepttonsi escses tiere bas-c liou complte cacceitîtions. Tbis Chacge ot front la tîributeti te thc tact~ tisaI a-empufaeturers. hbase _pot iciti te opeicg prices.h -" New itoglacti shooshopa have ueoliîed moderato aâdsaeces in severel grads ofe fotwens. cieffy et fait styles lu de idant by ueslte huyprs.. Other divs-a loua are rery inm andetiUcentire Mnr- ker exhbils au upwirti teudency. Que- talions et lentisot Are tuily matutaine&i sithengi. Irade ls quiet le sole. Foeign dry bide--aie vrs' bt leactile aWifg te igbl stock anti retricteti arrivais. Faulies tlita vec numhosed 211 in theictletiStatesgAinsi: 2161 let Ypar, Brsdt.leut'so an ale Iaues Wlsentincludllig our, exporte for lb. veois ecduarPcb. 261 aggsoate 2,OW5,- 879 bushelu. aganst 2,718702lt e ee. 3.14.40lu Iis veek a year aleanti à. in m33 ti 0. Whé'ateports ine jui ai*1ti5sc5ate -lOt,T92.641 buabelg, agniat 18,106.00lest 50550e ami 14- M8.952 la 1900.' cern experts aggscsste 2,118.9319 bush- nie, agalet 3.M3.4517 lest ecek anti 4- 185,440 in 1901. For thc nstal yeat ex prts are 30.739,112 busheis. aiait 23,131M hmses sansd 131,75.32la 190>1. tieicgo'-Catti. commun te primo. 03.00 taek51; bugs, ihippleg grades >110M tu $7.155-. sheep, fairsta chiSc, 112.111 te ig7,44); wbeat, No. 2 roi, 74e te 7&», ern, 'Ço, 2, 44e te 45ce; Oes, No. 2, §3lc te 3,-.c; rye, No. 2, 48e te 40c; bey, ýtins- oty. $8.50 té $14.0<>; prairie. 96-00 te g11.qx0; butter. choice creaneni, 25e le 27c: eggs, freat, 14e ta tltc; ptttSi, toc l. 47de Der beshei. ItidiannpollC-Cttle, shippiug, $3.00 ta $5.50>; loga, cheire ighu . 400te $7.1:1; sbeep. common te prime. $2.510 tea *100: witt No. 2,. 74e ta 75c: corn. No. 2 white, 4-4e te 45e; enta. No. 2 white, 37e St, Lois--C-atte, $4.50 le $5.50; buste, 1$6.00 te 17.45; ahep, *$3.00 tu $5.50t: viient, No. 2, 70ç tele; cure. No. 2. ci te 42:c; ati, Nu. 2Z 34e teal85e; i'yc. No. 2. 49e e 30c. . *Cincinti--Cattlo. 14,110 le $4.80; hae,. 40,4 s1721;ueep. $3-M te j4(;uet No. 2, 7&e te 79e;;t-cru, No, 2 mixeti, 46e te 47c; oala. Ne. 2 mixeti, 3Mete 39e; r>'.,Ne.-2 57c te Bme. -Detroit--.Cntt0ý? 3.50 lea*$.00; liés*, 83.00 te $7.10; aseep. 82.50. le $425; vient, NO. 2, 7&etea7me; corn, No. 3 yeliow, 451e te 46ce; onsu No, 3 white, 37e te 38c; rye. Ne. 2.52e te 54à. Miwauke-Wbeat, No. 2 norliieri, 79c ta 8Oc; cern, No. 3. 42e lé 4&.; ente, No. 2 vite, M5e te 36ce; rie, No. 1, b0e te 52e; hsnley, Ne. 2. 64e teali5e; parki, mns. $19.35. Toiedo-Wicat No. 2 mmcxd. 761e te .7c; coru. No, 2 rnized, 451e te 46c; onite. 'Na. 2 aai#ed, 30e to 37c; rye. No, 2,. Me te 54c; cloy s-tSeet, prima, $7.25. Buffalo-cattie , choice 'shipping steemi $4.110 te $5.50; hega, tain te prime, 14.00, ta $10: ibecp, tain ta choie, $3.25 te $5.50; Iambe, eemmen te eboice, 14.00 tei C7.10. Nov York--Cattle, $4.00 te $5,45;- lange.. 4.00 .te 17.20; sieep. 13.00 te $5,75; vieBt'No. 2 reti, 804-- te 81c; cqrn, No. 2. 56c te 57e; ati, Nu. 2 vIte. 43e te 44c; butter, msamery, 26e té B; egà;@, western, 14e t u 10c. Teiti lof'a Few Lies.- Cui; Pownufi Hrrlngtbn sUt' mte charge et thc navy yard et Bremerton, Wa'sh.1. J,, W. Jeekson fronté ta e dal in Kaut- qaBeCùnty, Texus. Mercury wus 4 ttc- iow sera.P Loeuis G. Bohue. ex-tederal manihaI, 1I. Louis, je ticat. tecSad heen opcraltid ou for cancer. 1 , At- liatstgords, Tenus,' Wiliam"1Sales kilicit ielix Methena. olorcit, nd ta s-hile mun asnee Wilsoni. gaies wa arrecîcti, .Mtllodisltebok conen has deeidleti lthaI lte e SxIt quadntiil toîteirise xisailbt ekt lunILos -Angeles, lCal.,' ln Niay, 114 George Nais. 1'iIalcpbîs,. ehurgeti vihh le miarder et lus motter, won Bn' reseti t ttReadin' ,Itlaisalleged ieokili lier, la get $1211. "omss J. MeKeentu, jr., vas %mnth- creti hi the falting et a tanoviolse lie ant i.biroîbens hati bailtls'h tic rofe the bhoen eNew Yerk. Cuban soldiemairt; Cabane&a treei. iHavan, reftusetiteeaber ertiérs anti vea atCe"ed vilhs wend hi c19M cf1't4 4"; tee,46 zoofte 4M ., andi 00 - v vCd f rom Catarrh Pe-ru-na. - îial~:~ - miss -FLORENCE KEWN hue PiMummo E. u,4 4 aria eret. Ottaws. ,Ont, wrltea: IaaS0 1 w.,aleaiIfhotlevaM posumntly thIW he à .ah u. Im toek Z ~ awmt b»98l4 »991 «r*dWwbe *WAs hec-e wput *a, MWh..b aDEsud ek emb' andE ué4 -1j aaddv e & ty =InhW iNUIk *» 1 MM **a* 1i w- oeple<eb reate d d"veal».d pgI*ç "I - hA"* tho greambd Jth la Peunua F. 2. KEN<.I1 lIT MW'sheuld beware cf otraet. bought a bottie te try. 1 ams piaaed iing .it*ith. The cold wlnd and that 1 did. for l brought speedy relief. r4ln, "lué a nd dof uluter ore [ n r~ bout two botties, 'Bd 1 especlalj gducive te catiail de- eMdrrtlhb, oe wt ut ragret[n Feu, womcescaoe. *Yeu have a lras friand lu me, and 1 Upon»-0-trt symptôms eatblnetfloly advime Is une te n -f mde, but eold Percua alould te taken. [t toril'baie purehased severai btt te tre te aueiti -apte. againet colds anad £a- those wthout the meure te boy, amd tarrh. have inoticud wtheut eleuptlce that l The tfalag i«latter gives eue yeun bas broapbt about ma pcedî ire ubere- ucussea experlmucewith Peruni: * e ver .l abeenumed ."- lu BRse 1 isa Rose Gerbing la a popular soclety Gerblog. womaa cf -*W* point ld., sud *b. If YOD de otdve prOmad satWa wutles tUne fol.wn:acteryrautWoaseusefetPavana, "Iteuctl Itecn a long drive lns the write at cuneslt Bartase.govins a cocnry. ud olettoc "lny "'ld'Ifuin tatemetofetyour case, sud ho- il e s u h î " d ue t" '0 '4 -tt - Yd e o p le a e d t e g ir. y o u i s v a ia b e a i- laungla dwsc ol lt sem te ic gats Peun t, uiasud ctrb adITu at nUrluni. Columnbus, P. AUTOUATIC CAFL- Ton. Drop la Tmt Coln andt thuFood Yem m ire la 1'EetUisred.-.p Aun satams nad aOlomicta cote, leuvilcis speeti acd silence viii ho tise chiotf, eatures. la about to e t opened in PhiladeIphia. The place wiii be calleti 'Th*'Automat." Amytbtng fesse a sandwich te au 0751er Beu mgr' te obtalnentbY drmp- ptng the nqessary colit, a B lot. Drinks and dieserts wlU b1 produced on the samu plian. Tho food vi b a dispinyed In longt gitan -cenip.rtmet. Yen- de vint yo«u vent, &"dby dr las a cote loto th imtcu ýbushI.tii deiraildisté sud puliing a tever ia nsecbanlsm *tom 8tu vans, an" lota douna asaad- vIeS, a plece ef pie, or vhatuv.r the 0 .1<er tMay califor.1 -t - it t tic Impiteesibite cheat thec miachine; If thUi celaisot of the prop-1 et decominallon, or taise, ildcornesm back le the ceatonier tirougi anauape>:- tiire below. Uctier the coffe, tes, Bcd chocolale îlots lie sainserule-appllea. The. con strikes e dise, ubici releases mit eoug Ilquld le f.tt a cup. Thle cae are lncd Up onl shelye, andi eacb ez- tomer beipa tîmacît Ulsre wiltt e circular tables. wlth condiments. andunttes cheirs for cern- fort. 0f course.tere viiibho any wto wilt ulah frlrzled beef, fricassee. ctck- en, bakoti beann, etc,'andi these ln- trections are Posted fer their tenelt:* On lnserling tic cote aed drawiugè lie ring. a rweeit dise lu deilvereti and thc order lecttlcally commuieat- cd to thc kilt-te. Ttc food la Bt once troshty prepareti. and -111ibcte.-a ilvmered on the insertion et the dise le Use adjolclcg apprtas.. Sppecl attentiou vii bc pafl te tte saloce teature. Il mey ho tint thc .u@M 1 saunceri, aud.pintes wtt ha itteti oppwlUs pnumatic tires to pros-ou tise eltlnnous cdaller. Côustomners wil net.ha olgedti t galber Up te dIshe«. Thera vili ha mon on bandt for thnt purpose-Piila- dlpila Norh- AnUriean. Ss«es TO& Amy7Timie. Neyer ktiow vilen or viere backaebO 1pons wiltt trike yen. IréKiducya viii go weg, ed wben thsy e, Ueirsi trrDuislu ngeceally tistogi tise teck. De 101 tatitoteelp tihe leu*ra sick Negetir ,m*0m me! serions M« $'U un ti ya B ort = '*~ ro s cormne éhe nte heu- Matlc. pains, uriarY dhlerdurs, Dropsy, Olaletes, Brizlt'S Doan' ~i.i plla cue afiîua et i ddieys Bcd-bladtier. Rend tià tetotirnon!. Il telisa of a cure tin t*.* .Mr. A. W. Luta, ecariage wSot work- or, t M0917115 Bveu**,. Sterling. Ill., say»: *After pracurlugýDoan's Kidncy PIIIÏ ln Uic menti 09 Novouihar, 1807, 1 took a course oft tisetreatmect whli. eured me et baekace e d otber annofy- acces duie te over-exoted or weakened kltpeys.. During tiu'tireo yeais uhiet bave ciapei, 1 bairt hai ceoccasion te retract eue word et. my statement matie aithtintlIme. l nov unheîtatl-, lugly and i euphatiodily re-ludorse thc ciaJInsu made for DoM3'a Klduey Pilles. A FREÈtTÈ1ALet tus groat kid- ce-medicine wvilci ured Mr. Luta vi1bu maiiod' on ippUcatlon te any vori fte United. State. Address I~oterMilburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Pet sale by ail dtuggsts, price 50 omisa pur ber. 00e cf tbe mont beauitul sighta lu the venld la Us. BniW i gration t btter- mmue semas thse ioi*wil. et Panama. To- ward tho end cf 'Jude a feu. acttsed upecalmes aroe io.v«tod f ttug. eut Sqýo ses;a4%4a- the da> lm br tImet ele »1e8» etaIthes. Eark lio. Tes, fitla a 0amt7 habit ofet ptchin out or.lie bacis door a pillful and dtp. Perful. Dow and. theoetgmeay vater, and a badu fnletparloga and the. pan- erai vaste efthtie kitchen tisat breedai fevers and billous diseasue. Tii. vaste dlaappears, fer the meut part le thse soi. but tisat la the. kcy toe i. Usbtet. The. soil gets hull atter a Urne Bnd fer- ments, aud'lie. bot suc breeds se wbichsuuncd Bcd oterthes.bonau. This la true net onty et the. cheapet. poorerhanses and. catless thnitîtus. but w el-to-doý Intelligent people bave speta behindtir Ithouse s mtmtud vit i aopa. la pagicous towns 0o aueunt cf superviaion eau..pruvetat great dent of ftby ui. Eut la thse coentry touas stops aboi bu carcle ouil t. troc. and peured la mIait gusa- tites bere andthier. as a fertiliset. Troc. viii take np a large quaatlty ot water and be gratef et fer iL.Thora muet ea atmply Coestantlinttligenrce la the disposai ofWate. klud TueBir"a Hsrod-Wett. PcrcY, did i " li ae - olie Ba50041 romedy for ciiappcd banda? Prey-78pleedici Net oely tid ti t u" fle chapnes..but every o e ue h ail- room detectedth te imeti and Ibouçht £ 1 owced anuautomoble,-Cblcage New*. ' Many hisheot Oblidrcu A»re BLkl. Miober Grays . Swel Pouders for ý Chlldren, eaed by Mfother Gray àa eerse ' ln Childre's iloeNev York, break up Colds ln 2li heuscure Constipation, Feverisbeesa, Htdache, temach Trou- ble., Teething.Disorders move anti reg- eIte, the bacul, aedj)estroy MWorm.. Sotti by all drogiflts or by lmail. 25c. Sample maiied VREBE. Atitres Alle 8. Olmateti. LeRioy. N. Y. Byron was lmnîoderately fond et bm and eues, but eoulid neyer parlake et lkixt dlsh wlthaiut ledlgesttt>c. Notw'thstaed-ý lng the eunsequences. ho coutti net ai- *sys provaili cehîcaseif lu décine s dalcty that bp se greatly eujoyed. - Economi la thp rmatite vealtia PET- NAM I'ADELEBB DY lIo eroid tu .cononry. ie Swretish towus the. average marry- ncg age out male. ta 30%. years sud 61fte- mates 27%. h Sund@ the FollowIog, the Monlts.of Otè dieu lu a u seo wt eIo saie- viatnt rakable case.. I ai a nornburci iskia humous aat gtvq muou > ul -. but aient tue jea" <eo»uCam-u n IruAt ral il vas oui j aout larg q plnsee, bUtas t WU in w po00nvirory oir, if col joIrigil,vouti Iritatu t lsean rersity- Lsapring It vas a agif nttre iaebase.. cati., etateti 1h te avellegl, m anil a day ert Io il vas as lr"e » hall m ormqire. 1 vas veIrUis or i aa a louatte de- tenduti gene, a pe a9 'Of bier rigisi am. thé o otan anle toc cul voit col lmmunte few momhsa ga)yu lem "dxvek»'lim thu as uoaetoms.ts vih eues peom -il-- Wb avue *uw ,ou 1fr- are' ".1w

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