vorne the 0ood things we pro- vide for otr customers'tabli*i. the~ earlient. aud. but that corne t this market. Cornefil IL>d buy where Yeu have the whule world for &,.market.. 1640GSkTA OR ri~fviiie - - - [IIinoIs.~ Thel bicycle seamon has comrneed and wtt can fîîrnish yoil with a wheel at priceia that will insure a first clams wheel.- Wtt have on band Banunei- with ingle tube, tire ........ $18 MU M.W. tire........ 20 00 (rescent" . W. tire..........5,00 Coaster raO O 3 DA Ri BROS, Libertyfille - - - Ilinois. ~Af~iLiT WaIIPaprand ln great variety and at prîcesthat prove an in- ducement .~ ...CARPETS... Brussels AKminster Wiltfon Velvet Regal Tapestry Brussels BOdy .Brussels Royal Brusselis Tapestry Brussels lngrains Cotton Warp'ingrains T hree Ply. Ingrains We are Iieadquarters for this fine. SIlITIi &DAVIS, 1.1 BEuTYVILLE ILLINOIS. ' & v r#" THE' INDEPENDENT and the Amean rarmer both one ycar for the. - price of one-.$I.5O. -TIi< INI'ENI)RNI mnd Tii. ulld tmg b*ic fMlil 4iccloakt1De1b1I~OccîaiMhe gurci bt0. Il. *Ibeb.a* U la ici *8, cpu go... ikzL& ........»M I - 10.... 15 ............. u' DPA* Liens 051 >0. lP. 140...... Mo. 111. *1m. * lia. 'a. ........ . :0 1 Arr............ lm ........... .... .. eP.m .............. :Aau WN Trelp~BV ai ~ bondais Mad tbdlurdmav lS a uil moth. St0LU ' Ia00%, No. ilu. IL W. W. omclap.oud m»d tourtb Touadave ef LIBKAINLLP CRAM=IN.ma. 4m0 . IL o.Pilrspécllaam noud sud fortb INIMUDBIP 00DM? or IMONOS mette Mou* Salrd6l alibI of cauh foUi ln LBYVLn rL DN. OMA. lb A. IL sud cioURUIitaeoUP m000"4aid tonuS @Mrdey elaa c f amaS MOUMS motis g o ariscm-The l1»»B»~ wMl pmbffl foe.,-thnOU M-s l ré *im ». i.ViaNopaq aIllems Uh le vione ber percal, lMr. a» a. id. pffl. L IL Glmoa au BbMe stnifer Wut.ubtwcoCmc livor bmi. cS Wc b"i la mile c». Tbé W. C. t. U. ciii mm cBibMim muembora MIad le but Mdsim -vies Tmo m -smakla Pme Pm" teaa p m1g mim. ames 1p c Hulcbasu, Via..c1" htue ite W*Otopic tlgpomd vis& L. a. aHietaut hmom bs»l hm, ooadeliag c l4i erue. o0a uaec"M of Oharn i aie l ..Wamv p mmia SeuKm MWs câibbom MW le Oua. Vaai, li uem.c f&o milcmamc UWoaUo .H Mr. o. ome %b c.aeuu ogbccl hrcladf .S uboma ou au*@o & cato. Bi e lis M. E£4r bm .014ibaS"ptopuSl le0li fi*abmif bas eues" ouemao W* uiad@admthei BbcOPa0igB a30 aolouc 011e, bab tai 1604 cIh~ Ounandai#Bbc pmlpU et Bm.M. okabci cii isainai ciBI Bbc servicss !MBai. W. .-.obet.nS.o .Soqec#5iaatrom North China. Noe deutu% a «roiasWnber 01oS oi -olilei* 0ii Ut"rele ban 1- 11h Milc vîu-nera. et Waukcga, plg»ug b va »la ki.berlvi#h allia norUap MidauaMd mml h100160VuB-o iumi. min Wacqrs comccl UlS mb m tee leaatruit iierwilbsu Mmd chu cii ha passa M.D. Miacbu. iEolbtyuovaenyM 1 or88 mga, vcmhoNe, le c uaoi t0 l a reohi, em oergailamaclmfoiè»uq of élo Yoimddallgbw iclaupalWm lia emanyUboMisyve »aQluiaa and lim «ehaug faole 0of emti dae. A Bmberhor f Ub.tpvll hboli Mcd Shloba au ia a -les"i ani bfflataoieubr WVumgas410 onulaSai cf r. »a i Mc.lohn. Au"l mmd, me. Mdaia Mc MMUcDLr Talos. mg auM. MoGrogo, lDr.1 Tamodai'51 m tle Liqsville t'@mo sasMMMula ra sildaalbavbIFS »Mn *0S cenolaiballa leho lelci. Who* slin Ocoecdle b, a marfloubaudàicaihBbc nes aaae %0 axpiru Bai raoua malgaB ilys lepr«m p bc e MoIna WUBç btribe oUcWlue bowa ouiMduam I Ibm Qm~ 0aasimGs-aUb ouBb uMaot' laldmiWAl le ha *'ie la" i 84:ttu velas ajb Cteg muatah Mm a s cii oast aa60, spoguf fécli epm.Uva atm Jamlc S eans Bunday citb t(daiabe. Dors &Law ,68 OClusgo. upent, Bon- Roi. Quala md lamilIy rrivcd Gerdi« a Bhéamh0apenL Ful.lmy nlghi Hi. e. 4W i14 homeo lu Bbc ceaS MndaiBulg Ibo; LU $1. m~b7aent a feu days ciae br" *Bdcil e bave Ma tum À efl *00".virginla. sis MUï ï iiied Ob eucfetre îougr fmdA fiMai ptidey nhb. Euh, OUMS lamsavi plma isaiB beS pod" OS oce girl, as Bbc Ail0Bb m goan hi Bc bertyvlis »ohW i VIme out lauM bc chsDap exra» estPer Moui lea« hoawlby aealitPcOpla aa c El Ciiizema tâchue m4 uMiWad$qOàlS.Tbavolai .'pob Tma W. .L A.Club gSmaaceltb poiwýty leMoklq dia nt eha*era bail, huiulgbt. Progiasive cachal Mdi***W. Box cappor. The laffl 4M cf Bbc Praabgtasiaa àMq* ciiîi cAta M".Ir.Si. Boen vthiidi afSIM s, Apihi 30. ilBla anisaieVVy batMiaer eeant. Ceathmie.'.Flubes begma coiSk Ou Bbc 1.uhiiocls 08o W.. VaIrouda oiaUp building Thmou. Ha huma ancumarcf aukegmu smfesm la bis ampler. A, Chiago 1 Bu layer Who amoe ont bu 0800.5 votm ezra meSt bc. bbeug ,b*i Ia teicci mout c haS. *Vew. J. W. IlBttr &» ccfflia mlmuccia"Imlf rcasvin &U ath le vots CaL *obool building, 15v11 cU 0MIla Of aM ug illoflU md eseimles by Obiâim trons ail tc boua. Mlie vMiihaprovided foimhbouje.00duhll, sud à cordiailelviiil<la lludai te &Il le ha Prenant. SamrlaiBeckaf, fer Ipurs s est. damS et LibersyvUlatownshilp diei ui et; mi i.brna la Waukcgack WcfuaayetbesBdOEm.A nuMbar et gmrec olîduea munVe Of9iomu Seuil Sleokuau lire« ou Shbe cl Soumeilcal ortia-umal01f tua illage. ne. Doohmallvu Su hoaqmcU i tecp@mm"adetizen, Who 1hilhi* frqsallty M4i UinduBiy lad aomalaud a eoselderabl coin petemea. T». bcd Jlune saB«itladeoidi gavtïé*p. by a vole Cf 19 fo aMi tO mu tcS ocm br obe Butli lproySUflminverthe i hocil. -mccl lmPoslm*SOf chlob arc agi rMeté and ud ieciib. Wbéùee ci moS Bbc ramit sit %4k$dago iIliof r«I woedbie bean 4fficuBnadnter doMtdial oudiiomi, lao o urce iw octure, bu thebciUBM»mag mmitle ia la te iha ho th"ia"bi Bb pedrpINlllcbeen UP l1%Bbc fors 01 a hall o oir fO.l i B ould bave ub atlu cti lvas. Thufowm by alBond0 aWmler Dhp igit9lmfh eaS la the U" burci aidmmoil a gooily eglamu. imaWalspetaialy bu bo# f s rare o, ch wMiboomblucd W" ài Oa uperilci muliaeductiola I callaSba go bohi Up sialcaca @peu und aouion a -No oqi$0l Mig ls Wto s a $aamai ounUic po bua evi ,Umolbcioie a UU*wqvhllcaudÎdllU0.?-Th.eBBclcca sucs" mêmeiais W bc prog-m imN uUlBlli aWhg d Wu caMc Tc:cbomlem 5mer hiea andmore =1 'P*uetIoaI Ca*sctor. tt". ao. peoila.magistra*- J. W. I Ai ?uemdaya illage elo. Bbth muurp'with Ibo exepeon 09 00 tra"M Bd aveu la frnpprteie <0f1IQa McM» 8sBbc îsle W qan orsable 1'b eluciof Clcîk subm -un ahs 14ci aviun te le ow 1Balisns, et Up, 11 b »u. XIM 1104a IL "io »roW e am*s licletlibait hacauceof a légal Baelcalmlwua »eUMBcM bc huv4lta, aMid dter. mima~ quec scmale "sai y. . JIMalm, i 1raidai malied A11 fe IsuSgu. r"k Mc «QuCBba a"J. W., Mo1er for $U agialuaaby b fl *ilMd Bbtaào mm c ai "Ailmia, Mi. hc&Oua.bF, Toim W"on. Btc fori. M04*gues makoing aMIbei 0 voucs reoeld by Ib» wsPeoiiv emidalea. 195p, PAON. P. . ina. Oisle. .............li M.. H. Smaloh peopw..--es ---..--108 Chme. Imlur, 0cms.......... .15 J. Bc. hlq glor .............14 ied &Alu 0., cit4mn........... 101 Viol Oiabbi, Peopima......1 0e.yogmi. ?eoplec ..... ...3 pM. ld W.PihaPoopha ......... lm £ëamS tain, .i.es........... 10 W. C. USabinPeOpic...........i7 J. W. seueteiolChias...........lUs 1). ...cPopa ... ...... 8 Ta. prquld.u h imeBbMils Uri mumigf al mprocbmmtncW" defeala javota of 187 te U. Tumaimp Wu« aIlm e sh0. M, Dira.it promun lag e Punir. imal auné alaiai board. ooultiug ot Preiaa "Wb, OtamboiMi bam ii xmlmweBb lm' u m$va Téeieam" IIII *11011B-c i*a of algues if Bb paUmas l04 me cho ~ Meruaabm 1Os sqahrci h.. lumu pucnatr"pu" te"r Duwmda agucasmciadiumgbi domo mdceeure 01gm"ra, 4Ma omdc UsSi choeamcf Bbnvquae *cf me aoibi cornu pM u Mkibr/place of eclue, %md i au à"bc Bea fe vu lc cieu auSeLt tu~nêl ruol um bc bjoBBG. ui Bctria bod cidel aUlulautli b bjacl4 Fon. U dwimd e MiaSai PuiertJohn J. o!Bnt WAS5M. We bale a Oic tlme',0f Up-Se-daIs Be uimut -Valal-1 ladies' Teitoi Maide Suu tu SU ailon cotb m yeiIhn yêueaubur thé mmlc~ bcg. The 16 SIMB Splmg lUa10 Shoma. CALL AND *lmSURU SOCK. K.mSC"ÇK la COAL Lumber, LWho Shin9k, Dooes, Windows. m 4dI Smwoe Pipe. DranIII., Umt Stucc<>,Sait il Feu ml 01*55aluf mfu iiime a pzaI a ILPmlu maleisi V. bltue,"BID We ar- sow1um a Of . pring and mu*ttefr'ý gOOda in the followhig Mohairs, Zebalinai4eS. 8rgs Sultines, 8rillwa"n, Lad, Cloth, .Cashaéres, Waàh' 811ks., Chltsa 811km. Taffetas. Law#is, Dimtio, M*$* Nord GCAqgh ams. MP4 iitS Cl*sha~n IMrcerlzed .0 - Dotted SWW In colors, Satin StrI DRE6S ÀCCESSORlE-80 .811k Appli4ues, C*#on Applinu Braids, 81Wk ralde, Embrolderles. . 1k - Rlbbons, Satin Rlbbons,: Velvet Rlbbons, Buttons. -tc, MUSLIN Ut4ODERWEAR., Skirts, Drawms, Oor.t, Coveru, Underwear, ail -klnds. We have a fuit lino of gopci 'rv able hosiery,'n IOci 5ce9gît, 86c grades. Libertvie, 11U u ~ kI ht nob la.t socswth"ut itt 0 theb e. ta 510* tbsm Uibertyvifle c' St LE We uuake look Bk* um -:Wov » t - gev.rm 1 - You get the lnresud aud piÀ~sk Oounty Telephose GOosy s Ohicago TelephouemPsaY. For informiatiuerAt**s, 050,, w~;.~ 1471iS 5ri~q SW8~, au ~J2rw' fli-M - - - ý . 1 - 1 wmlKl_ý 1 ýz ý Irýlariz-