m»,ne the good Inpg -we, pro" rvide, for our. 1 re n delleales-alwiys earileâte t that corne to this ke. men- -lu and bity -where you bave the I world for -a marlet. ~GS T A YLOR Il ~T Cl ~ 3 The bicycle Ôeion bas eommenced and we can furnish you wlh a wlîeel at prices that -wlll lusurs a Lot cinaswheel. We have 0it band Baui.ar wth single tube tire.......S$18 00 . 4 .6m . &.W. tire ... ý......2)0( Cresceut" M. & WYtteî ........ W < Coaaer brake ..........30 00 DA RD V BROS, Libertyville Illinois. ~iti1ff Wall Papr and ln great variety and- at prices that prove an in-. duicement.. . . -CARPETSÇOO Brusset s Axminster Wilton Velvet Regal Tapesttry -Brussels Bod y Brussels -.Royial Brussels Tapestry Brussels 'Ingrains Cotton Warp Ingrains Three Ply Ingýrains We are hieadquarters for this fine. SIIITU & DÀVIS,9 ~.IJBE<TY tILLE ...... For a'telephone in.yý olf busi ness or you rr4 Yon gt th lu icrtasd &iud growiîîg PorînVrr' ~ rat o q to ic.. wvrite- CO.NtRA(ýT PPAR ww~. fl~ UNWS. -' H.2 as«*Mqua Mb5 gmal puI1'~ amTs. 01 ma ett~g, U., ler Mdl livs~J Chies.Cie:111,1 YIS Uykmir Wu* ls lsgus rapd Md Md em 48.1k.. fflussu vin soet. -Tb$0 flp Mas.' la tlb«es -"elae %tb çm: dm. oLé 1 Iuus.am IbIs. bue*Wh VAplet dLabo, pué»p lu. mb5$ju5 lm 10MV" l» aimm tha ellme #b*p làt -à imqy a QI. Ikwm 10 hDiawvg p e*ls 55 Isdls se a sov bomia bu bol MII 1 hin asil>0b'»Pot et bis mousat umiuse 4*W biUaho OM ebUI mai e mhu buesou nesmosancit«Wla BeimelOspad4bsueS. m"y b mashlea« s04Pebueo aas , "sateeait oeueet lbmegemma.ft lien, WheovWOUps 6m ciai . 1 upputuse nibehlufaitsaSemo alo un& tU.ulmg ottul emlumas. <C» île poewy Pablubu lu vulam M'aultpap. hm 4-lb - et, 051 -- mIsa' uempaim ulpill V00el O ÀUSsOemiIn th ieka o'smdtdu e. ., Tb e puioeIl Luaua MSAgAis a Unapu 0.8m$SUethL . .obua 4b dy, évmie& au Mat0. PRelu euslm oman a"mi" M oCieGmdiaomMeuSan AYpeu Kdlelae, Gîtuo, ulAt dmmle.,Ad. luIla 09 0. o Av«eàsSte. s tO lgo umab.siyAvilIs, mal cemal adjola. Mm tueth lb«»us-oeupusi vumîl et 15e Vusehma. oumallnbUe. 605. vo UIO maiémMi . (NaUhai VU[ibuMa u ons 101MB $W abeuavy, W. T Hlbepm aup* M" a. M. E. ehn.1 am alom b lb vsahg M "Ml 09 ge *t m d u % v mla u m il e b o u 11 oy lb or"ie, v",, y W0 etoe. ~'beùubappmia Il te o mueh h Iastdeseg, i w -7 im ot' * ipseusaoa loiLmsohuvw . L lâbyn ii Laeoaqe vusi ràgi.M, fMI ft u U oum u « Ih m t au maseumea se te muila - - %tM tev me MoI ut.v",te ~ le bIl 1 4DWma *Mrs ObMsI s, se mdit euh primpa emihê eSlem. W@4 b' thoy blu"mahh yen Smtwa, fS te Ghetts A.b vualbau.aupm lolvavoui ouisme w 7MO -i -m e i 081 11 vue & masalm.mvm b bn pe a e.sldmia M IndeMu la emliil u O LLus "C,4h3 VI* ontI et b seam ~~ mreonbalWM thlbfl ts mv it ,esudence.Etmao, ue opn e esiden o e latubs»is aulbu lovai om »fogil oy àa auum lavilla boSa mi Mde eivuphmu ____ po"uie tee bue hbed. It Rew l10%,mirvulm" yu eo. "8$406 TrMENT, réw ,I vISa 0" *mur e- DusomqArt%,i e M ri IMM lew al ffl teà lw lm th, W&W ~s ~-q Ijulul md Uval bue vlan mIes uédalul Mis. Ovima Ouiase u IJ USP. 1 i*80 en bihlmO et0 suII a ste.., Obo qi lowem lmm.eeaBt mal"ia mlle qS5 ta *autoa"mai loé: uaI,1 egamiUes gol et.h r«elimm det tyil,181., May 4 hO 'PAlt« trom ôLavl , mlr plsfiuN b. feesabelle lb PU&I Mr. Dnb h moflellte paupome. qmema ami se ib« cd Waub.eesmhlui gufl &ig ma sluiil noms vua oulinlulS LbelyvlFfl peupe 4. 0t a verI »su«ts le Due MIl club bue lut smaememl et ild*rmdy bue.ue 0 6eorna mas. -L b ont amfia tmhlbToeis sigIl, Met S. at-. bvfl u 1aluai mi lb boyusla lieS, %lmna Ibullmnas vinI 10th lieuVllae. kBsn oitbe nt. lPami $*-ïLbWUl't«»Ie the llath»Woiue bout. tor a.inlmble lebu Impuel Mel r Bondl temal or. me, but me eaus MaI04. Mr. Dan hm wveo,. M VS ce" o lu -bopésof et ag es bo demirue. am dbaIelbte om mgo thba f t Im WUe baaIMM ue 10 tor imlm a "y. a Gilmu ei 09 nge aui vu s e o .hmm moeaa bvu USyýville b 1lm. lM» Il aboul a yen m@UN le cOisegouSel ro mauil1mbue auka la ma anus et obi"e Aves on tuue Alumus.o 09 b saie ««WmietaIl sSuI beamu Wi be, mu Maa Odmn jus» t a al» mi Tb@ous dhgus.gs vil tu IL . VMiller, lPau ,.W.sl mmd ci 1p. & jl P"lli visma% 8 Sp.n.Velim Dr. Mai Um.lisnass aramgudaa parblhe lm u.say.b Umae P0U aaemal %. Amtu bue etf hlslalltu bieuShà omer lev te a ..ateyaaoe 1ha1hui lby Or. Suasmm auscm etmisa xyi" 1.1.a deAlulu .ml ulmmee - 8" Slir DIe tht W Mva N* @à iM, mml Si' inituel et~I lbg O Pearln for t3et»Mau"? U GOO prSMile ~ egMal Bulvaater b tUpl.lI »MufaI'Do mUotbbfosprin ,a~ape Isp sà« a s buy Cà" M ai* o9 ui% STOCK. montue wS 55 Iementla 11Mi vue ed su4616a Md coetlb tail lbt p m 8 etlb Smaff oea- olm l ebomoseued S, Mai lIaIthe »0 kaM-Me ur:e ouolloSm, cunla. wooal l I0sema..eoàllse,> Vbb tupaeelairmaoui 011ou uhe. uV» tb4$ouSl ofaet BM.ahtk" bil r« it wue om »evedby Bembi' Md MWs OMM esoiaBAlle b mowsd and ,waaoqmuaidsm .l8M.-SulaoM . GiOmbbo, Ranby, KI* nid-OoumIe oiesat hUemom oue SaliVas Go .. lisi si 5.Oslo .. ................1lit00 W. ala.............)l? 50 OEKuo................38 Oleairâ................. - 4os ....ble..............0 0i. .............. 3 &0 le Besa .e ............ir e - b. jailovi..a..v.. om.el @wu aDaml ...... : l e 00ue uL Lméko. ma. ....... . .... - m4 6 0. IU tel . .. a....a .... o , te à ll for elui ieo -h"Z" Emb iappormiNi amIsàa-0.Wlb seap.re ly vue e outaZ m*hoU sell le Oslogid M VyUon Nlai o l se*w sw~ dU apue . B. .Izuee enplbdm 4. B . aii W 01ai.89a Ile vie " £ mevl oilairhll apum B&sllua.vnqlh M y Wy -mbd -dl«ba te tboaleIsto Uapotoak ouiaux.th it a. A W. -I1" M. thmé lbbuapehu m4 uSavol. mm- boni peon.ebua bu SIm aje.É UuSlmg BasI& M voula a m galsbagus afflKai. Vasili bèmsi"guswb a ales ala mm pemas e - objuolun ol!i sama' wa . o PMMealom0111111811a te . f Limmuea" r & L Am os11go ou mlal Smdi d*eube si muolic. AUR beau pru11lta"selE. W. Bte-. 1 b 7 hsy mai »Oe Is hui aosmu ' awoo iS simss ,u00I et*ulby ode# m o4fl M Gc. a. LaIss, J. à. . ai 1ns aumbue oliheta lUslesa «bomm riai lauVIIIII .litulb elm Mel byMae usd sl La.,mal huir k Icm havlaq matai*lb$"wue Dauu e elutevugM a glu iwxb "OMMhe ulauta$tee l bo "rogise, auim ollr e.1 Miove by KlluMdalWetgIat lt W. naouehamg guettaolb la8" auabaa et veluetee pellesuiq# b iolaed alemoll"-t IE ke. lvb'g aie. seved « MM bmab i Ie afloiI ne Weloe. ail vettue sy3% E. wu". sa 011........... 1 0 L Z. W. Pu~eal.......... 110 Tho I. Emby............... lmC L 11-geWeibl ...............19a00 W. a». sloiWlt&a of sprIng and -sM goodu ln the foi CIothï, Cashmèèère,Wah SIIks, China iliks, Taffeta, Latins, Organdits, Dimities, -Madras - Cloth, WaistIn*s, Toit du Nord Olnghams, Mel'cerimd4 GlgaM.rcerlze. Dan4ý,I Dottedi SwIss ln colors, SatiS DRES ACCESSORIES. S11k Appilques,,! Cotton Applquoi, Medaýillons. Fine Laces, WooI Braidi.,gllk raids, Embrolderle, 811k Ribbons, Satin « RibboÏns, Velvet Rlbbons, Buttons. Etc.,.' t MUBLIN UNDERWEAR. Skirts, Drawers. Corset Covers, Km Underwear, *ail kinds. HOSIIERY. - ,W. have a fuli Uine of good serîlo! 'able leosleryin 10c, 15c, 28c - 85c grades. -4«ý" lb lin, abIN ul akitb Le mI» book. - 1 11 1 :