M .sed to e ap bpm er .,h*d li ras suolier 11111. girl Whao ""a aivays sling ies thlugm, aud li p wU #i faigylu10W055 ba Rb"li tt diftaiond sud inities sud motter aIl from tse gi's mùout viteàil e. And *bat became Outhlsae girls? -b, ifrit unevasW U gaged'by Ma ~~Ie tiUei5D manager and lbe- ' bl econd vas gubiie.! ni>b> & tba ustkqmoe ler taIt iterselftlu dféatb-Juldge. «<OOM ÀE*.. May' 18-11or la Y" rd vut., Mari Dunici> Oft Ibeis" aua -surered wittKiduft ltousble,,iael woose bulad t imes tiat'it madIe ber MI* a buron. »bu e *ied lmucit Medi. ChueIt pd nan>' treataoentf, but guI nu -botter., AÂt tant, bovever. lits. Dunlop 'danm>. tu bave foun.! a perfert reniedy. -àsud sbW e j00spleRse.!etathle vonderful cue sit eht ieu arecelve. taIt e la teia &Il ber fiands snd praising lIÉ siadeieea10everyone eale meta '21>. sale or titis loedleltse la Do.!.'e Kîdia>' Pilla, sud il bas dons vonder- fuli wwok for Mm. Dunlop. Ea'erybod>' la taling abaut I i. and soMe peuple ajre eIaimitiie te bave been e~rd out leumusliSlO b>' t A Mis. Garrett, vit Ies lu Brazls. thia tisat. wasset lhe poit of destb wltli nume Cerelpo-Spingtl trouble. an.! vwas mved by Dd'i Kidnty Pille. [t lsa prtalu Ilat 1n0ollier medieîne e,'ntlomlîuesd liere blias dune su muraI goud la su-ilî s slrt ltu.. -Grand" Larveny. "woaild YOU ail totilng a kt%% Ia- ceny*!" 1ilnic-d the iiaaxPerele'd 'oug sien.--- -1 suppose su.' replie.! tbe marrled <man.,vWho waxs ititlua rom devu 10 dui;k tu support hi$ fil ily. :,NlIat la the pinaîlyt" ý"y. I stole a MIsa ometlime tand. vas sentencead u liaril labur for l! e." FED FROM KISC*INEFFY Borrible Detella of WFeuodlsli Eurbu" itIi.laibîms..ni - wo-asnDIem. bosclcd li Sîeect-Citlldreu Flanc 4frcmWiledos.a sud Trample.! b>'Kob. The victum l thetIi.- linieffmassacra ~ 0< Iç U ~ amber 1W)>. îîccrdinu te latent in- formation re,-eived î,y the .lewisà Cbrou- ici* of Lonîdun. Of thunce et leRflt stxtY-ý LRSOSI ~ove otite killdad more titan 34».1 ml- ad or crippied ftr life. olmile itondre4s escaped woitb Ierious injuries front Viticit the>' olîl eveus-uaill reculer. The dam- age tou property is ettinaated et 1,.00000 % ,-initIes (about $510,01». Titis amouat. le U t4 owve'r. mn>'bule rgî-l>' iîîreai.d b y lIer neya. (f((f ~ cRfrle The Jewisb Chronicle saYs ediorllî>': J)," We charge tle Rutalan goverament witit a. i.aponslbiiity for tise Kisebinf massacre. - if Europe dora outîon lime preseut -ca- Sioln disasiociate iilf tro lte lcPruab talit f titis barbarlali poser it wville Ils Isnaaty dovu as asansd lis civil- isatloatasu rganiizedtypocrie>'. -Thte cardintal fart ut the wvitoishu- gedy lu thal te massa5cr n'ai rgsnîssd snd sbetted by lîsasiso autliorities. Titi killings ad pillaging wvas danuemndez 44**cuver of the troupe an.!te police. Dur- luigte two tisys the massacre laite.!titi 0 ~guvernor did n001 bave hbis bouse. Telé,- graphe communication vitit St. Petue's bang vas slopped. thl le participants lu the sîsogitteit -s.bo vere chietliyimportei bireingo--, - vore re. shiits. An.e>'eoitness in quot- - aid as aayiog: 'The police au.! troopa torm- ed circies lîî tbî- celliter ooflii lte îIaY- log and I.oaag %aes gina o11. the Police *Painting ut thi iaaemOfutheiîcJees 1 0ie0î: -o,,.-.dtnpiîiî the MI. "The îî-stt,-r of S..b'd ti.I le- * terxbtirg%%:Nfrputnth ".ev isllic.a pr(.-diig Ibrouait- Kla- f. the e iw of-Il'~ iîaeeu-ful i maisare otflte Jè-va, la the -apit u oUisuî1wlcnî L.-,..,,,.latcd I>' lI- Sries o! îc,-tîl 'd -itu..l iitîrlr-r-s. The Ju- te trov ii t,!fle-i-arai:,lo ,iîthle Riva-anBatik, au affluent uoftdue- LIniasen. idicia ltiqiry altotorlît- iisalre ix nul tu b thelt -ia-it,,r ii rt Etiroîitealîî Itiaralzi.t -Ilins 102 milr'-l iî,,tr t llasve tof inteudel ta odimeiscthie fuce, but Io h- 1-4i Iil. ::).iî --t it -. M.i itii. ril int tree buiSle itr, 't w-lt -b en I itwoîiir-r t haîi î tha ivter a. :.- 1rîuitl. tr,-'-Ily se-eal rol gc..It la coitlit-a t,-Ilt y ritl -Torureil h Fiedm. viIIî,.atti.~it-e:,anndasiud tlItai-l land eatlaE-iaiil.'aiau- Dn. Doroseba-aski. thaeltaad physicien Ilioiti, -att reanre00.abOttet h be l h.t , ofthlie Ntiotîl .i ial aI Kisaineff. aynatitig.nte--rt i iiiagii'ettToi k!i at t: la ngytunsalunt a ii tber or! ftee iii--gthe du-jdai d oundeti, -Alo, .înn ,fI Te i ocreraf a in j,, b fllivti lnei crnsane abolit I14011IN4. I! L;:î la rge Iii-arl<el a. a)î You don't know on Lw tu flHmwA"s B h y"Ijealei ,îl~- why you suifer = from .'headache B.. ta. SCHOOL LIGH-TS TO MEET. MA and you are apt l8tee* f meicl'JlÇdiIt.s ln to believe y<o.i____lue e feli an Lcaori u have some dire «sud Work. ThBoser-t4iol' fenule trouble, N.-! bent yu et mre moîlibenefited ofthe vintr! ii ,.-arr . lieaitb. jobn'oit. by your trip abroad. of he oi!t iy'il the .-.l .. tie n"'l but its dollars to G~ uwi,î, bo o: vuh a10h.,oa l .ta doughnuts that Jobuson-Tbh.uk yon! dTba,.l nk. a .', i yoii îo Ï, ou ,arc wrong. X.-By tibe way. bow dîd .Yeu bappcflhitry .lit ca'.u A, neriet-. iii bc-ý oce. are prone lteole,yur ealili? Opeiied , j!i,> t ot f IHarvard. topo the atie of atur 10 j.buiaoi-Earfling mgney taogo abrond. y~.- ,fî e a' toa ilthe cs.l laof Nature ag atted to thc dulies of the homie A. r-Denel-r for Ale'. ootKbl ie «,,ig":ic i euu-:el,îIijet lT..i andwhen they do get ti me to go, A pawlier ta ei ita Tour situes. Tt tjs the feeling ha% passed. resu i te et. (Cure. ( oflis. Bailon,, r'rîat iatrt1iîee, hsj Constpation resuts and then Swolli'i, Bore. tt allousx. Aeirg . btîî,o.I h,.,î,.,i.,wl gweantigfe ii goigNails. ibe apceuîd 'u1y : o 1. hall- the awfui racking headache.'faite Allen,% ¶oat-Fese .,aes ri or ight ies' Hill lyai le.> r Is Dr. ledward Ev- a ponu bcs eauv. ibid l> al druggiste; aud 1erett '1,il. r-~sof eoe will shoestors.l25c. s ildFIE bejmode by 4;'.v. .oil aL. lloftMaes- A44resa Alleu S. Ouae.Le ROY. S- 'senhuscia tul and11Yia'Pairi'k A Cul-4 M 76~ aI W C I IAu eider the Thames for telb.ica, Of uiT-a j'these eaddrp>-es Ai-Ir Iaccommodation of p"cletrans bas le,, ibert l4. .qaiî o 'îîniaun W. T. -Sytup Pepein l .rnetly comipli suod opf.ued for lt.h are siiraaidii eofc t Ipublie. Il i» A lobe e nîcret eti dismn- striationi. llre*idntît Ellut of llarrsrd ter .!. l tet long, wiilî lie top tbirrppn wll titleîf,,rmaotileaan te eoferesec every ight b&fore goig thibed. etblî lrirbd.l ss-e-su llîli-r ,'i.yli oaIi- ICeep ýto «a iew weeks. bise by iectric elevaturs sud a spiral niient adrsa o te meeting. Hh sa- r 81f iE>Tgrec railway s etie.end. jeet oil bc-*The .New llu te,'l .fthe I.lVIr, cf Troy. Oelo. illwet i Bar-______ -.- Cultivated 3,î. îlnInthig ad- 5W5Di Unt% dm ins ist 10.Wby DOS't VTou dresB. Benjamn u Xdr,-'..chclîielr ly *ieasd"siaLfmuidsd9o9" S faor enter loto la aisur witaçssOe a" .saditentrItotespirit of te ims, a nd of te-Univiaersiif -Ni'îraatu ii or tenir y 1o nes eadiglî,inTertryEetîu u ,,,aiî. lue isaugrts No betier Way ta gain a few spenk fin The Jeoarîy ut the Cpture et Mré si b tn e Or dgne thon h y writing for the -May issue tf h týe -for djscs4aoiî atthp e Tua as' le Donc" *T1,e Comlog ContrY." 00w resdy. Adt- d>,,ea î'ia ilb'lnîu Mg. 4'Ce an y à son la a dola euss." nietdonsl - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~wo il lajaîk ouit his suljecl arc Cal- mitt. 0 anrgi.8.Lws t.Trd.aiTbîelEieto. ioei lem 4110Freicht clirges ou exporte and ira- vnu .Wo, d Vaîîgton orr gU y~pg j0 U.iILports wbieb go te foreiu lg s a5 re b'" ita: Robert Il. Ti,îîrot-ent. Cornl t'ni- te àlOlellbl liereli tu aggrilgate yetrlY nt letxt SSf' svêity: Thotiallff. Balfêt. -Springfield, Ir S. N. C. No 21-190q a0011,galflt titis country. Masst.. std l ieri . Pritcluett. presideut a - ~ ~ - '- of!lil.. M,-aiotalatitute o! Tecih- The' %V,dîiti ev,-iog tapie willitu- J _qt wliat t vas 25 years 810, C orîilie fity rti hblyn." 1'i ai coter'. iil b.- (ialiT. Bright.,iî IlChî' 'ar, les WSkitier. Aliîîu': (aov. S t J C Q S O uAyeocî 1telNorth, Car,,laa, and' Iletrylt Jaýc b is lo ilL Cai,,î,. Bot-tua. : WTihe 'riitir-iy pveaiag prugratlt is an- h Isno ied al t-fîlowsas:r Titeproptsur cue fr *b.'T,-arltiutof Civieq nad lond gue ur frCiiziic.bile in the lPublielchlool. SORE1N"S AND STrlIFNF SW. G. Welling. Xe", York City. Pricé 25C and 50-turc ou Parka and, Parkwas Materiai c Pre. 5e sdfor Public Edoucatio ',-_au ier!ta- tbews, Jr. Boston, Massn. AL . -0*"The Nature Study Mdoveet"-L.u _____________________________________H. 3ilýey. professo f gîtenral ad e- - lo f 0Debcoodauut&d limes. By hi% frt te be bad tblrty perimental horticulture, Corneili voer- Vesy ewperan levestcbproesy bidren. Not deterred by tiis fîunily. si1v. lîbaca. N; . .8 4as tie laIe Mes. Mary Taylor. s-ho watt le marrled agalo, and liad ten b>' bis *duainI the Soutileruafiltas" h buie rcell e Lmwatr y, au second. By lbis tlilrd wlfe lie brouglit yl bliete tapor thie lordng sesalon bunfl rmerl BbtLacasedter, Ebud i b'lldeit oytu.îels I4of lthe convention, It vill be handled b>'9 IcglhpâlWr. Sehdle lUzeteclleit ot-or h Gov. Aycock. Wallace Buttrlck, . ea ImoretIen e liiodred graudcbildreit blg eiglioOe years yotunger tIen York: Edgar G. Murphy, seeretar>' o! anô lly groî,gsodebldr t un l e 4ldest. At te f&rMer'a tUmeral the SoUthpru..Ediicationi oard. udtb bu gaveide wro ~bunded dc.od limrapaia attendance utf8900 de Rer. Cherles T. WaU;er ut Aonat.Ga anti. Sut il stillmore riarkable caneen~'danfts.t b recordaIt b> Lordl George Lyttieton AIwqvs loo foi idits trade ma rk: 'the MAItINO TONS 0F MONEY. of tu an accouint o! a tour lu Weil. He Kienu. KoOil Kitcben-Kind." The aI,, .es a mention@ the death ut f Welsh fermuer, 1vit %t mole, alies or Tient. Moa eCoins fer te lit iipionSeing Torme.! -erFestlnlogi-l the ripe âge o! cosfortable cookinit. e for.î thelmni _________________Tb. work -Qf mtkIig moner o b The Weisebmai bld marrled ilinee Getting swamped la un, softtsuat." Philippines bas begîîn et the Sait Frâa- c eu n llit. The order whiic came from 1 temou> as h the ees et h i vga 4Nh~t EveýryN94y Sayste ol ite as vtithebe de a frilatu ite coined ai fast as possible. Twob I.OttiiLL. K - SWJOUa~W O0U KMnY mcÂo, asiifts o!fsien viii work ln tihe coiîgy lo rc cevlii ftè V» CWIAGiwd U.* - sud ln the meltIisg and rclîulng depart- t'gra aerM" Mi w g shoi1mpl ff uns mete. Oue forcewill vork front 8 a.in. 1 have su....... tueus »u £0 5V *0V 1' t Kidas> PlUsen ss te 4 p.n., aud tbe ailier frouitItet theeui fiysc l71P i t - mhngeriagI l>1witb nsnied bour until 9 t iglit. tir kdiybu! atfî~The govePnmeilt bas orîlered $75.000. trofdnuit tIeYudou sythibg. 000 in pesos--colos about 3114 centst temedis bt ihlont,.~s1,,liaiêt tlred, t c î bove the standard o! the Uuted $tâates t sellet. 1 decîde.! tu Âcllng bckîsic esed. lp. back, sud ighli>'recoulnmended. dollars.1 . Doane Kiue1 n10 pains overcume. BSWOlII Oft he iOdad iagonod, but TIe tirsr Filipino coin inas a pretty tenu botems ud d un limbe aud tiropsy aigus vaulsh. rsîber blredflbh.a piece of mouey aud vas reatîr adinired #Tnd to -Maseta Tbey correct uine viti bick-dust smdi- trouble as.! made me -gs fth iIhOneleKd àfter taklng te tiroment. higli colored,,excesive, pain in pau-sos. Bellon 1 bâtdiYteltble-linàofithio"itOiadeo boeeloa ilUs1a! 5lug, dri Ulns, tréqatucy.led ivettillg.ued ÇP th*lImPiple! elii. iitenP100 utednainltsu relev.!o se pin. aa's fe 11 ilasdisolve al[reunove wafeeling sour mrcnch1993, gtd b stoa sud bavae nt ben ilul îlebo' itter thst, 1gol more sbleld. Oin te rasca rd ta tt tenable. aines. lor i a e. ileve bel alt a-front e dril toe cqua ataîlan vith Ilowiug bair atout tet ta tkIg h;ý PII dnsesbnes, beadaclie, neroutess. 1 ould fotei> dt.- anetanvil ls aforge. The stands 1lalgtes îs pltuv t. Bs.» oget O n@ iPeso Fillinns" crcle ltse figure. Ie sa Ipgsele ful-l'agNP VO tUE !io &4 loegbl limes, and *TaFilipino Peso," aaid Assstant me a el ie a lits urine wis t% C?. p lank A. Pedier. "lae qula-aleot t dleult>' l las8 a. Itvas part blod- lih' Me:icaev dollar. viilcolnrias 4161 Ipst nos.. -Tour, s t b55 a lk5und, gratilla of sliter. Our dollar iiece, bas trtI>', Joase E. Km U-jUV5llke brilek-dnst »sdi- but 412%,~ grains ut silver. &ree'..-'(1'155. àredtm el ulooeofuthIe -Pbilippinesttand lite CO.) ' z..... feei nov tiaut reaso l ilaisnecessar>' t0 uîake asplîecial I ~ oed bl Doaa's Kd' coin for thouk peuple bà tit te calmeor ~smfliie.Wé -ne>' ?tPUâ; but ih-m1I coal beîa 10 use lu, trade monari blei 1 Ws a Tnd pain l a rumaaC, Maeni, uSa, 5i117411yue la blos. the commrcial standard of -0 1 e;moi.d Iiss a.! u > is.ets.iu t Issaa.ol.!. iblice>do my Ibat action.,, b"wdl alk or ait triail box Dosas Eïta.>PMIlla.ien vorit têumg The San Francisco alint ie not to malle -frOM utNO.-.ete à oivI sny ufthlit ulldar>' coins for lb. Phil. le ~ u hha. Des '. 44ty, ilues. ,,These viii be made iltte "--X_6_,___________ POlandtNewOrleans mits. 4 = *;Wmtt titill.tera hue IlirSe '&5it ca.eMM% ý oie la p"sosfer Ils hIle uls, -h-ian o! fruit au.! Ii.al-o. sa-ile New Vont World: Eiw. ooi. whest:bld-s and <aber - A Jets .. îîaîî,'."u -a it'pnir"ii.as brotîgbt liîre aaîîlîta', hall. e' t-a!iOrbes long, dtiniit, ler broin tirougitber MW[ G6014W, muSJOAN or "One Jasa wassbrougbtit in siilsone bip, AR'SI LeU N UERAL Il baltI auki-',rand wo;sl.o broksn. bis ses- AfC~tr,.e td- ittd and ct 1,iitgilisig b> the k. --s--- -"A jeu"tînmed C'hardon heu lalet bis lapper suai'tarder lipta. oili ha.!i been eut a855iqy 55ith a kit-liemi koife, sfIo. obicith is tnu a d miîa'tudpiPe lsd bts paiied ouaiiraag;:iiIi, outh itit Pin- - "The ar-I ut :a .l,v naieti Sulebati Îbeeu cuiti0atit e lit-t.! adbattenet inl twe¶s-e pitre'r. lie os s il ravilir matic, -- - "A carpeier oas otrprtscd 5etsaork sn ud l ofo bis bîande wene âaued off - - siitthbis Olil >2W. -A Jeo-isb girlo-as asauîted b>' sey' aialbrutes. woa lien cul ber eyea out J witis e pocket kîîife., nevma, raler traing ta defenti I ber chidren. oas thrassnIllIon lie pare- ment, dieuîlî,a'leaiand featiiersanatd borselinhir <rouitlier bed ocre t-uff'a-d mb ber bod.!. meii alildrri eas-re fioul;out of -s-a dos and itraîiipledopen b>' tle mob. Forty-aeven vere tldon thes spot. eigbty died of thair injuries and 300 are laniler tr*eatment. Manj i l e cripples I for Ilie. "Four thouasd J.-ws are wlîbout.food or shlecansd ut la impoasible forthem, te The centrai commilter uofthe relief of 00N11. ,urer's repart tlîil Ilere la au baud lauthe AI à meeting in Dabin theamter de>' t treasur>' tt- ,.tiitout$120910. bas decided Msud (;on-n.mow Urn. MeBide, de- t a tdirae tte tneaearrrla tors.srd an ad' ,manded o! tlpI aIrd Mayor lis. îlrîtn,-c ditional 25.(»0 ruIlés b>' cible ta Kis- bat lie souldi.îoî itratseut ait oiidr".- elebielt. ta King Edard ait the Kingas visit t.a rend. lier ri-irnak offended souite. 1 ageurral figlit !cllosed. and!'îa'a batselnluin ith-~eof ta ulter (e! bembers ,tt Parliomeiit. *ere crack-,.. PA8SING 0F THE VETERANS. tnprceýdeuted -Number tni ail o (Iu.! SnIie.m eIso The ]ltt.tiitg dilocoreri va. nia.!e it the ptisl.i ci.'the other dity that bbel <ael tuehe rolliI rureche.! the Baker, at Albany. N. Y.. bave insu- ligbert poit in tto iaton> of thc cait,- guiraîr'.! ,eent ta abolsh nigàt r>. beeniug tle ttales ot more thitn ork. .000,000 plwisalers ibuthemmoîitls cf Sciieaertady. N. Y., bas 8.856 Irade iuly sud LSepî-ii.aýr. Afler Septembarn iîioibits. au ionere aI ofuven 41.000 in ii tell oftstendiby, anti Comwissiaîier tbvaleuara. i1 t %Vttre oatl-,tbett the deelîna vas du.'( Eetnelv kI uObomt l oe desîba iiiîoae ald an.! teebie vele-rune. Cieveind recenti>' sud formed n BIche la tite tall and! aluer, eased bythîe sssociaiont.. »carrit>' of fuel remutiutn rain the col In .'riilia vomen are emjtîoyed it 1 as F o r t~ to n 7 .- r e t iê ier e b e e n à l~ o ! li n .! c a r r ie r s , a n ti r c l e f o i 2 a 3 ipoculallon as ta asîether Unade Salit î cents a dey. .1i '-ould emer litse 1.0WiO000 pensiotiersait Brickiaycrs sud Dmsus empioyed un bis 3sr flot. 's ar ufter loir lthe ligura-.State contrnact a inHoliant eceive 7 gres. iarger. but lucre vere sîveas lîleti- centsasu hoyr. ty ut alihonitie t..IIIdcciare ltaItue lilgIBMent furnituen la Lancshire, Eug- a meten>'deeiiac au-i due. Conuiai int.n ion of 3Va par cent. Ware calleti onithe chief cierk ut bis det-1 Laundry worters aI Banu Francisco.e partmOott he .it-r 4ay10t mate ni)î Cal.. vilI insirI on a nine-bour day, pvitli atatement o! theIc .tsioners on the v,1s no dacrease in psy.t for racL oftIhe utalths ofthIle preseiiî Iran and! stel vorlers ln Wales baveà fiscal >'ear. On Joue 30, 19102,s-bau lite been graute.! an iueresse utf l3.J per cent. last report oîs rua, lthe 1euiouera tating-from ipril 1. numbereti 9M.446. the geeet nt""""c ever-retords.! iii'totitat Chue. -'Thich 'ltir of lte.total cornIer o! akille.! vork-- cienlt'a compiilatitonbsoseti j îiitt men li pnintinur s-rdeS lu German', 25 1 1.000.000 for Ilie itttiOf I. tît,'ex_ per cent are organise. net total hebîtc 1,0o<l.494. lu S,-1t.itîl,'r Textile opterativez in Erîglantihave it oaas 1.oo.73*-. lut <nom ltaI pointr it 1fornauiated a e ueo ge sche.iuie caling logautu full. ,ttd.;,îMqrlî1 1 fI t for an lucresan bunvisseâ. year tliere sacre oil> 911,14 1,t-îliitl- A mûr-ement lian Icen inougumated ln on te roli. Gcrmany for the restriction of nlgt ComînPeolitg -Ilil. <anîoiîi' w~n ort binsDaie laboriouaindusatries. esît: "Tihe 1I'ti.,i 'rtîiî hi.'as iIrîl,-,Ieoris. Ili.. palotera demand 40 conta scmas t'le îîîli-O 'ti'l twe Icc ,l l.'th î-an bour and a forl>'-tour-itour veek, ln-i test ten iiie,,utlt '- 'i-ieilnt repot r'.iis, aîead o! 31 cents an u tenu.!a tort>'- the petalua nroil sairerai tîou aini >lt.I),,'. niaI br veet, lb.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~e %Nlim ak-"m rbîblte m- 'âge* if Brooklyn union brickieyers Ilial the nnml.î'r of pensioners as-hi ng -rd ln tbeobueiglilbuooio! 1,0001<M)lo, a are 65 enhts au bouc. Bigha tours. cou- leur or sa, aflîr a hidi lie ein~iie mi i titeu s day's vont during lis-e deys begu. s's-hii rî~utgel plrîi il îîet lthe o-ck, anti on Saturdaya ourt go dos-n very rt1,idiY. stnît'î o ea;arheon W.union ull maite tuedealîsiit.ra t e petilil ir- it -OOtiman. tor chanuge ut exlaling candi- yesr viii 'xi'l16,010),-bu,-leteil . tioute creuse in tii.' a y of uew ltiiolo miil A meeting of business men of Var- I uot bé as îtuuîî-i il las blnîfrty-IremniOt os beli in luittlaudte ho trmau yeams sinte theî Civil 'sar bega,ttanîîd tîte organisation la le knov as lte Em- average âse of the- ai.! ecdieribumara ploiera' Assoc-iationt utVermout. aimiar tIen 60 yeana.' 10 a business îtîen's organixallon larme.!1 --SiOrt ew@ otee lnOhio.- The objecta o! lb. organisa- ShortNeya otas.- Itien viiilie: 'ro proteet Ils membera iu Work lbas 1,lic~t On ie atîtt 'l n them rigitsta 10managethem respective electrle raiilrî,ad frnal Cincinnaiet 10CIii » iema ie'alaitewpoe:tt cage. adoption ofaI asystent oberebv members Ailscittal tîie in lthe Ptiii lt 'asacertain sebo is anti obo la nue base' been iitie.iiei the goarrtiîieut sortt>'fut tîeir empîuyment; tteInsee%. clssilledî-ivui..eie.- f lîle n tgaiOn 'i'.! dJu.lwent b>' proper offi- Bet>' iiak i-t o!ai- ae ii prng' icens or caniuttee utflte asociation ut fieldi. Ohia. lit li-r 105111 year. Site vas nu question ansgboe. lte mem- 1a native o!f Kelitaiky. beria andti e mployes wteu saucit ques-. IlP. F. Nardi".. reideut outhe rîîyaî hien %hall bo sbmitled lt6lite associa- IDanslm commtlasittiietiitreceut>' laven- tioui far adjuatuient; tu .ndsgor tu Matle ,tigated Ut. Tliîua. ses lthe commission il possible for an>' -porion tsmbtasl s. 1 vili propons iun extensive reduetion ln thé ploymeul vithont boins oblWed e.!0jetsas r ainlaitr budget b>' vlIcb. hola confident istor oeganlastim.. ptutstU.m . talis" - Ibir pltsl araiMaldp Dr ,rpL~~ mi«r V" s L*m sail mas dtm, ansd 4f*,i< mad«4cA an'd é c ,acà , n~o a msi mma for 44;sg Iw ferlas well as 1eterdià .11 isy lf, dasioff tkami ik due toyl00e ô*cll.iwP4 catsnit ara *quit. I**Ii diteretI cases, blet ls Sp cummeam ote en eisisi Ws lads. played- lt, rs4.su 1a;d-up en-dc n fell cobn . lieje oS l co d t'l o'>E la e oforfobd Ul lte aliIliy 10 digest food »sei te le ]bat. Ikin eruptîcus, ulàw cpi hne f it lcl=l. p-M vI&fI iosu ommom set t Peruni su siacti>' meels al lbm . ondiliona It lb.he d iuandla su great ton titis s»0 cd>" e1ttis »"aso t he y" thstIt4la5 Mauly'Impauibrb If rlyon lldo nue recel,. promp su" s tls ftt o i'y as It tefe th. use-of -Ugnma. w'nit* once te Dr. Ilartmsu. SIT-12 ful stalcment toftyoni eef, be viii be plesse.!tg #MIe i hld vaîneble advlce gratis. Addresn Dr. Ilartman, Fied dont of Tiie Hart- S "oB tariumc, Coinusimo, Ohio.. BE "l' a aPlais. eeia>' e ns ea biw- am man,*'e1Mm 5ssdi-b- perme. elit titienty bat.. l »hi fr nul pratloSE à" Wbla, viii708 be un>' iter" lei," raplisi Ithe mbsêoeat ,j ratlci mundat BMm Iimii st 700 woritr_________ -enet n.MVhsbm etu e .t Ios -SUd WUU> f S mmet t "ur'* C- !ai w lss*frc . bhal - 0 .r, r. U a s a s n ,Ç bk. caga. 111. l TBIED Url (IsM Mtaa n-8 teau appearane. man u.!et sitassi. Tb*g s terrible bed ahêes 11 , vU S 9I Ie4-9 imîffereti ara pssé.-W. L lbehceck. les major U. S O d L eei . a-à S qgàif lni ", N. Y. My SON W-@MadivL" at-ssi nie usat]m,& MMja agresaiîït.ilS .Im.Isd. Aissis mU: Thte Da"u4Msse vit ulaO Or s mssslng. tu dbruvig s.Bt 5w0 oIIor malle! b>'y 'buim*IM 06 rrn I Nev Torit. A Tip ter Rueic.t 'lsgnt k siearag beur -pidiIr e lieT' au lts buap ase "Tht'a wlst»' eJehei l0e msa o %M refuses ta oorktmloemes«la "sud i've otten socndoai yo un .g ils » s !idol mat. a shhlp .et11.0 AU creameele -h Mm p. Vt>b~ nul do as lts>' d--»o W4E Tlu BUTTER COLODa. Tol ba hppy la M ths e PRees t0oui being. bnt'to éiaiabamm es.-fbt Md t'ubc Artitsuu s OU ufr.!fruotm 2VegtoblesV.p.nd noot. h va wmme 1 d se r IliaIfîer my relo- *augd vmm . pialeitl>'oei C i ssn bavu taIoiacaeit b" woIu s Id wu 1ui GYlA Osa-t4 850WorIL, .iol ý"Vot-e0tab t iMeM(ai Wais a Wl ettavy io s u-1tocsith trout dm.fr s t tt hat da E .vi euvely uns th gafe atu e t. 1 irilnns hatr a tnofitu wes 1e a.us asS 4 Gie ir 5 e*Plukisam'B ii' -- - M