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Lake County Independent, 5 Jun 1903, p. 7

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1 Cjewri-,or .*ld> jun! Bola tailing s ct1~ ul upyia aunter-Ome ,bizilu ts laI visaI abe mcoant?-plulla4Oll>il Ledger. Moullons le la, tebmuietbtvi ut MIme on the' nDy sm o treet if t ncceed la per. <'bd us'akd hia triatPantera 'Il ,bas bans "mtlialo." -saidXd rà, .Ithnaloua sgdlary *à" b oua.e OË ni et ÏaieaaI 0000agfala asoà a. too, but rbatalthe cemst" qqsýd çariJM1. a et h.i*murr mtoç&gli ua.> 'teg ut thbmennbouma fy th baoid trd hbe.w'< >"Tcs. tua fait. 1I ilai Ibo rater me tee mach. Wby,1i bve ta lake a bath everyarala."-LlUttlcCbron>lI.- ggmsoaaisîPwmOsCura for Coi- septsliAbuu Ilbsgv.m MET Dras ee ina maciih#i nufoÔdemi Who o'er ente hinmci lath gald, "Waro Ijald acrIo u i, ,-rt' [Ild have aàlnrtgaee en the esth " '-Tse Kiesu, RBnc iKtehen KiDd" lé lb. trade mark ou aluves which enAbie r g oIS ta ceuk-la ce0furt la a col ktchen. An Epil pIs. j pliel ia sman cf wiodom mShy. ne Who ature'a laws defie; ' Hc.aoderlook t., .ime a mae- Thata al. He #iupiy die. etb - Carpeta cu b. coloret! on the fleur q. vitb PUTMAX PAE3ELHSEDYE. AIwIyo Domgh ofrt -Ysr WITH- NERVES UNSTRUNO AND HEADS' THAT ACHE WISE WOMLEN &&ýum&t8 saoBauy Nre Net V.s'y Ooasofln«. à ;Wilg8 ii eneelionl is ate bave l Ges-I hbeard Iis maiig that Kaux .veuted .a utoulaîle baby nurse. The @nid 1i rama pîrfect idiot. e9piaratas la tîuchtcd Ioa tril.If hMr%. Gts~ei utyen esre what tihe 1>81>7cre«, air wavto 9 leuus 'e.hesasys. >~iflyarrage wîca » oeruea Giles--Why nt? ,Aqbt*raPb. wle ig tu llllb7. Mrs. Giles-Ilecume h'sgivea ta ex- pbopgnp, wh(-hsing R 111lbYaggrating. L'am sure ao une belleves Yeu OW)O'kiputaicnhl7 loekWo* l re'are perfect. I..4d ua nsthelb. cutle. Wbch__________ th crylng stops the wireq cease 10 VI- Amoog the wonderfal mensiles of the -bialteand the crule stopirt rocklng. tinclent Charch of S4t. Sophia la a igan- oi by one tUèi bucilcor'a -cxcdëÜsa arc t#e figure oi the Ravier. bioame"dga dcatrot'll.deaecvtion has covered it witji vhlte- ___________________ wasah &ad pint. but through il ail the . ic. L not mentiuned la the Old Te, o'Piglaai piture ca be easiltitedoaîfied. ý, ut met.ad only once or twlce la the 'Malinud; lk la net touad lu EgYPti&P a l 'bobant a date prlîr ta B C. 5W. _e- a U.habhhImWS IftA O ripp ig upwth tbe kiduyo for a long Urn. pilla vacsetflacnkw mousilofaiDama& Kîdaci Pilla arilereil fora. girl aine yeara aid aogufltoriLnl b, whlllag. and! ovecd aery IaatIbo ic llhs octet! on lise blatider lu bertmcasd ibc trouble. J. P. Lu"l-. e Cxun MicaE. -My hush#it 10te simplelai Don'a Kldnev I bas lakca Ira mare boxes sat! ,e a newvman. He la a fireillan ai t! Truni, t. R adtbe wrk l, ilse kidasys. MMs. Co. Girotn. -W. VA, - Th* e- t.trial ai mbtHOOf, tb druglst, aI Point t ta sed mo Ibra loues.selîli lia haro gatatti la weight. us el Su ---! of Muy, idol, 't. i il . My bd libtamo ary eu ea u!ccLi- vh*late idliet sud daiY. I a.ý t e up siaand serm'tlm-uB Âcb aceaîrecamod. Rip, back.ua loin paunsovercomc. Swellag ai the limbesud dropay àigua ,anlèli Tbby ëorréet urine vltb brick dnt smcl- ment, iîlqltcolored, pai la pausng. drb, blIaf. frequnacy, bcd veltl.g. la' Kdaoy PISarma,. catuansd gra iL Re.l.v. hor palpItation. lePlaa hesdacha, nervpsnemu, diatine. .... .... ~lsmie sOuetriaibox Dosa'. KdW Omola - idms oi L.abUR LAND nanaGALO. 8o a Ll ord goLas. &9 ýTii.Lard vriii go before y00. and tb Gaofa loauc vii l>belyour rear S=&r. -laabIli.. 12.' .Tiere la satcwbare lbhestary ofi'a rTotal stsam baae waters torcyci 10,r e rocks made ted vîi hmos, bIsai, and! alîbougl Ibfis mtream ba lavai on sud onfour agea It camotaie Saab mvay thb. erimoen stain. for a1 Miartyr bure gare np bis lireansd lbis blood! remuas as an eternal Kiitneaa eo the -traIts. And -mou Pplîoib Mis lIrto t l latid. and cilp mach oUi- tra banda above the blood-stalad acha lnd mer wtheir raya ta beayeu. This atrauge %tory lias Ils tulfllpoisIt zov la anc Memoriai Day. wben re- liglou nt!npatrioletclasp bands *bave the gra~ves aOf te departet! harots. Northi and Southi. andl renëw bheir vows tea (land man. To-day we plu thse gucian! ou 1he graves of Uic lt!lers cho gava ibeir lvas for aur country, îand ut la veli vo do, fartIbece are Ibroitas of peuple cern- Ius dally ta aur shores tram ater the 1 s-as wbo doufnet know the matchlema pnie plai for our liberty, and waho do< Dat know the cule of tlan Iottle 'The Lord wIll go Ijafore yau.' we bow reverelliiy ut the graives of tbis @tuent urlny, chose lives smlii 11>00k te us of sacrice aund triumph. tVa coule luIt taeIcoutfor m-arsan 1> woudâ. Xs nature la tiIs ePrînglni chectena lu bet-a bc'bletndiîleg orf n- Itre go g.î.lie limie lias covered the 5cr- rara and sis out toy years aige, sud there rie(% avtr alhe lb iofi dvine I ioaderoblp.,for -tbe Lord oi go Ia- fore >-au aînd theCod of laraci avIli be your rear guerd." The moanvioc examine i teblete of gras$ cliiIsee tbe plan utf(;od rtten ttera. Tht mou wbo, uudies uistary of thp pull viii sec tbe divine plan un. iolt!iîg wnb preclolon an(f grace, and! seili neyer doofit, (su iads theomdl- vidaisandt!hIe nation. Tiaank God, our deys af doubt are paît, for r.' have cie 10 know Ibat Christian masboati ruses triomailnt overOnsi. 11cr, Ibh. u, l the Lard go before 1Net la visible ,fore surely. four Ibat r ouit! diicedil ma', mission. Got! doa îlot camte la eartb te prepare everylbin.g for mou-plan. palb sud ali-anU ibeu leadUblmias lbough ho bill aefller slgbt ver *case. ,No. Gt! teacbes mon la use nbat Ha bas given hle. Codt! endsaby lb. preparatiafi ai the paIt. W. Iravel the bigivays lait! sgt yEnta mgo b, or fôrefuthers. W. a«»yaithe liberty purchaged taoxuby the Mettuata of former days. W. take pli the work prepared for us h, Ilime visa have finlabe t Ieir jauruci. Wc Passe"a hthereitas. a, iCliirnu titi- uenshlp. purcb;îsed tiy lhe blond oi maIan berces. We dlg flil oncecmua- tain. 8<-ietIere falatuIl lise pre- clus gId. at! liadthelbditlmolids. for Gad attrncls us bY Hi* treamurw. Now, Ibese are ail the lesdiaga ai tise Lard. Ibouglf tbi'y aceai o natucel. Thée Lad idll go before yoo thon., flot la Hi@ dnuzliug tarai of msjooty mor b>' a vote ut thander train lhe aky. but by he benuli cf Hia trah rereulcd luitHisea-art!. by Hiastlame- dsiaeandt! dIne Influenice, chicg we oflen thinut la ai ourseives. by lte grandeur cf Chistian manbood, by the sKeîums cf forglvenesa, t-y tic Ilaiiy of fils love. by ail ibings goud and! brnotirlfîlileb cea ireminn n fai1 aur 1Hcaveniy 'allier. Ha ga2s before airnys if owe lave 11.1m, onfoldiug cith utîseen lîoîudî thesaptautcOr ivea anîd sealng Ibat vwe l11, the parta uccessari tu comîîiazteiiens. Yes, Ha goes bat are us aven 'in Him death ai gacrifice, au thcoutidlera %rhum va louer ta-day vyant beicre uas'orpurine tbe gloriaus u-ay. Lot um avar foilow Hlmn obedititut chîldren, saylua; " 1The wsi Ihat.lcads fro an ulîment. Wo go lbe wuy aur faiera vent, The kJii7_s bîgimni of ai ttuie%@." But w.a ara tld aisea t u-~the Gotd ai Israel .w 111 ha aur retrard." Tbcre are durit daîtho lu bbcpast of anost avec>' liae-decds vblch ove foin ivanld farget. chIcO, If uniorgivoît, li cent thaîr iliadow Berces aur polio. The future dues 00<t duaturb us oiiet-bhle prescat condlict die acu 0,cr, but cut of thet l me the maustar ailern dsys la round and! kill. Te know Ibai tht everlastiaf (Gad nll be ucar u guaiat w va U permit Hlm. ant hal Ha wIU aettle ail lb. Piat, lea asoure of Influite comfort. To know that Glad - vIiL -forgIve ýthr-pat If ive rlU,-perit Hlm, mnoIlat Il mli neyer cone up la l Jut!nent ta couderatns, ls enougi ta brIîîg lie bloom of youlb bo tbe cbck af aid age. .Now Cod! -corko by iumun ângeac.y riocacoer Ha tau. 1He rerurgî;ards by Bis power- transferred te an.ou.d ex- -Peeîs-"-ca i-Ioa-t-be lhe prol'idoae oi bis owîî Mll1e mpbare up la the hauit ai bis lknowlet!geant! nbuIjty. Scehow .weli tUe Puritana guact!cd thelr pçat by toklng cure ai the preýîaat; pue bon1 IWilliam Pauîîlait:ino oiamy la lits paît ,ta taike amay bis reputation wban ho wsgare. If I then re la ta b. a glo-' rions Puat, la fumiv or un naulca, foi- lowlag thaeedays lit vbicb va liva. ne 1 must see that bbe praseut lo Cui1 cf lte ins of defoasa. We poast @e Ibot *we bave asurplus ai.confidenxce la ubes uo one ma ltalii-udy (lad tram We rejeonelu tbJiJp - Quiet confi- wettiet!peut art! a glaoila fuure. W. are glati le heur ta'iaî tua volts rhicb la the incident t lhelexI ua poitaen ta ilods peupe e,1d a lsav- si la Bubyloin. Du hM urry, take 'an>u lime, de o ur wvç4uWel, ymu are ah. ion "the Larq ii bafure îou and the G04 ait"eoli w il o ur ccar fi' or. goda Xerrite Driver.,- Well do U rememia à *today rhen the Boans cft1'chiraw tcm pede fabîce- lg thiat alion vaaW pocItU il auera and ridicule OMi 1ffl as "tin oblt!lsm'. But the wv iltbh 8ela ým 0j--nd ut! l.emilict lu bbc ptùilpplus ,and eviiy m-Ap aofaveny veterlan pravftl hîmacit ta ,ie a geaulue uhp of thc original Ploçk; tlîut the serne, of Safiîlago and 1s» Juan hilI, of Mentla Bay sud ot cM l'ekiun ece rorthy of the arte>a*i fuglit at Vicktsburg sud fibUis; et Cbltkuniaoga and! Chattanooga, et <JStlysiuirgaid PeastisTrac ereb; eaISouth Itountain aund Malvern Hill. sudl th1e sons ai 'Ijabani Iteli"sud *"Dhli yoik'" nere Amerltans sil. true liltheait! fias. truc ta the lusegaruble *adtnluts ible pavarumeut et -Wsablflgtaa. cqually trua tae e-ery bîgis sud noble Inîstinct if drathi(4.m paWrotlwM *tbd umaf 1Y.Wicnn olason valt! mîgil meln ta jln hlm lu alnkiag tlbi errilat. ln a vary tempeat t niBplmIi ballets, ut lbe aîot!utat uafluga -Land Adiai lampion cuilet! toc valualt-nes, the sien cf lb. entlre-floel stcpped la lb. fore. Wban lbhe legationa aifltemorld, or ora lncînucU. rare beleuguerLcd ln Diiina's capital und "Boxer' tiends wcre gnusblng at! lapplng for f heit blod! uîd re-eforcemiènts rare orden- eU froni t anils1h..oniy dreat! of ëeh reglient rua thIisanie cîber regiment oiigi lic ondenedté lathe arduoua tank. Ant! wibn thse transports Failat! away, bccng lise fayota rap«coliitelot bellot! benýaliet ei IpabliltyIo buhow the rcrld-oi niaItort ot stund tbey Thanb Got! for tlb. lave. norfit, mugnificent youtfhi lyeoaioary und! Ssoilerbono oant bimaumirepubie, but Sbefoe anter van cms îay the lous>' -decades leoîglheu ba centnriea sudthe onog uafoldlng cealuries ripen, 11ke golden grain, Inoa i. glati Jacvest liai. of universel sud eteroal pente, wOen ail or'!"vardas hah ha beaten labo plovuliare anauaIour apeurs jota prolng fbooks. But let n net fargel, lai yoang trienia, It p geutprfles rentrat ns te-day. prcblemm esgVent sud me- suauloua as Ibome tit bauirapledOur ftbera la t<lie eUopM dayn. Tic ucpa oprobicu yèt 'êes n; tie Inade nlonisl glaul, ra<uslug ta jacor- partate aasu s caPrP< <ion t-om. acessible and amneable laetise bar. at! somebimais crr7lug ion s bush- Wbntblfguind gocriifs aan. uegainat the mm 01 vtal agencico cf1!maerlal ut!-- vancezacut and prospani 17. utar>' la- different la bise coinfort. mcll belag and! dovarigitl lassés sotaluet! b>'an unno- cent sud gerous public; the lîquor demon. as dmadly and! mata.defiant ami atrônffli Inlreached beiedt! egaf, commsercili and! pafitical breailrcrks tbau evor; the vîdesîîrend icorruptions ln polilietlilue sud partlcuorny lu inunicipalittes, andi Staiîaleglanturea; lise teadl i nuasma of officiai mettea- seethelienvasaanîîofiaavauI horde tramn France, tise Pbilippin«m and t!ller Guntrlco. usany af rbom have been exilelle!ionferlinmorailty andi treonon, expelloti ta prevemit Itea inani deslroy- Iaig tbe gavernmuitthle continuai eu- croathmeofaitise ebureis 4pon Ille publie c scisa nd theita -lht?nvul ai louis aif houns et s iuir cilire tram the anc universel Ameritanug sat! patritioum-begetting instllulloa-tiae are probiema liaI nill test pur pa- tienca, cor nusilotaannt car lest stategiliitbip for amy yeara la came. BÇ.94NCM %PRU'>Eg 000- Instant! a9IWg GCcd away from the ,conit!, ic naevalatiot;aofscience con- cel'alag bhee racesa or creàt! ' ba're broidihlt fa agrea t dai noater, for tbey tevoul Hlm net nul>! as lie greoll tiret cause, but aiwa va the great tau- satutanise. Bis prîsence sud poe r la the sectofaitIe conistant progres- sive mortinent ai tre-ative prateesel. Pqpulan tboigbt bu>as aiàs tendati la Inter'pose secondt!cotuses or age-ncIaa betfweeil Ibe Crentor ndttth. croation. Kepler, for instance, explilntt! planaI- ay maltions t-yibm bypattis e t s guldîng augel for enefi art. Nov ne have tlisp!aced thec augel by a systeni at nelugai lacis 3N __ , oces ondaineti lt sapies la lie atlpOSetL ýpïactdon tbeir cuva accaunt ta take change cf the uai<ccseë. lael îîiîy iess nasonable ta tblnk> that Oaci iakes us., ai tOc forc etai'vitation Ilhon 1IDmsuppoao liaI beimode une of an ungel'a pinica? la tia modern doctrnesucofaithe ton. iÈttVLt" ta ai ang nd lte contrai-ar- : iblhlty eof f6cea at-len1rc la beginning Sta suspect Ibat an the d;liereut fcrces e 6 t, ilverse ara butl forma ci toani- featalonom t- are central fonce. If tuis la sa, bia central terce muet lic lu con- ,lutnt aetlt3' for grai-atation andtheit ellie n frt-oqoaitheue iîvet'se ittiar u MON W. L la WEEK M LNCUnAthmecm Wore AtoUICSJL.TUUL OM animation ulirt, 4,sêid-WLb- «" =aa . e ai aimand8i Fruits Boter IChua Avaraga, la th. voekly «CM report of the v..th- or bureau la the f.aovi«g omma"*IT;Le spocting taameraturo. the va*kla d4- tidts osat aifb. li oeki Mohntuainsvia thé. Mpostfavorable et tho *cocon, sud the firit la which thune bas beau bu con. plaint ef a iqck otgvaamtb la MMrePut oft Iis arts. hily rnai ran Okla- homna a"d Alkauu aur&bvrd te Mia'- nesoeh sud them flubas.hava sotrdai vaut lu thons dilsia&Ts. he drought ýubaso bean gl l lvd la the Oblo vasiy<-hb. -lbo 8lo t Md the southeru portion# of the 'Mita Atlip tB tatos. ond puogrme vasmale vltb con pautiun la adieu-.ilIM a. l ichigan aMd Wlsedsls, but t a vwtae et weatbor,. bas proRmulmi ths a.Mpimdan ai tls vw«*4 vbilmlauchb .O rhue tisidroight bus prevm.tui Wm nation sud plathi théalb. ddl. Aia- tke Statue-suad, Nevw glaI&B& n -th Sothera Blutes Ibme basmaie& faor- able Prru lu lb. ouhe.1vleo iMissouri andKaaaust' vhP= reat bua sufre a m e I él r t e . b l a s h um l , u n eo m Statue and La Nehga*a the eu#au 0- dunes lu pramlatg condiio. la the Dakottus, imuanasI oOa amd Nebraska, aprtug ukast mais rapià growtb, a"nLela l a pr.mlslg condition. lu the aortb Pacifietosast Bltasbeth irap la hackward. luaftheBstasu of the Missourit alley m*aa made favorable grovib aid a icid- emilmprovimçut la reportai tram Michi' gan and Illinok .luthI blo 0ailleY and' milddle Âtlantlc Statea lhe oulook le lama promlalug. Harvcsllag la goberai lu senthera Texa. Georgiea"su Florida. There ha licoua geuttali mprovemeut lu the ontlook for cottan, partlculat'ly lu tbe middle sud veatomo district, but lhe crop gcnerallyla lair. More favorable poWugas baa ntumade wiîh troîîsplsnting tobacco La the 0hio valley. bat in the Mildle Atlantic States -Utile or noue- bai boau mot ap tte lbclm of the week. wben the mueli ncedod raina tell le Maryland. aud Virginla. pliciug the toitlal a favorable condition f4r, ibis ,sork. Peorts5vOy ts lllluol-LlIberal esiall ta central por lion and mattercei abovena ailer sections; tapesire ozetdalvethrosout wveal; ta- oabecondition tr plut maI gorl Mod ova. pastor etsas, Mud gardéeushow a ds- ouded limpro vometý:wbetat moaaIrlly boeliioed; Cco anmgena vaiteuci 7ra1a. sud ntin wii baolnsbed kg Joure . Dostb aud onth etioe aWdsoaty ta fr. dat osiem er amsaains golmatulacetral na ortb sections gSondyag t: cmoppros- pecta gr>ady luproedmi:cueupienltog e aumed and hein8 pwobed vlgorensly; toma- tooa. tobacca. mwet ostalom sud rag bcbg tmasplauted; wbeal shoot snObe fcsnnte bead tto olsemilunueven. &MI ongruand: psslur ucs afor bai guet slntce râla; lb wiaheoempreimi talc erop. >tlssnr-Worm roviog rock; rminescos- tarded ftarai voi; com cu geli. bul beromnlsogon'y lumti;mon 701 taeho planted lu rnori l rma destrrtîve la north;: remiderabie roaspift of pa= s8tands ot Cotton; winest "sSoir m beasing oorth; la me*tigonralfi uupram-. bing. ltbouch lmroviag la forsîtiîcs; mata progrcsaogfavorabl ecadow@ woody; a> pies dolng Weil, Lbut crop ituovaligelaI Artoas-eanmb. niuî e : ar rata lu fore part uorac;am -lusvIbat weedy:nme lHury taote es, cr,. so potatora hy hoa t onplanolnspai eompletot; lt. pla ila gtmnd 45&945 eboppi.g mot Senosia; mre eo m aand et poer calot, rotivatis« amel. émt. mata and Irlishpetatoma promîbse tend lelis Olîlo -Teâhperatse caemlvte: droogt braken on 2 W ta nd 22d ad ta mismf op r - 1ou md; c ht b adb aMMh sot bu-It . odll genoliy . d; oualdecabi ploct.g and crap a tie a hdoca; anme rair cors opeosogbte cultiva; fie headiug; outa shot; tabseca ýb.l tranapatei; çfavcr. arase,s5i1~ gardons fImprovina; strawcý cI: ecr sihrtPks cMarouedr>?pbipt abaceos%:hure greatly louproved hot. wb cte.. orfey, sud medecsa ndpredbn eticul ta germinatioKe rn abd fate cote aud Improied naît plovisg; Cora patng ccili stesced aaigemlnatiog Seoir, thioolng bogmut ou&rlpittes catea. applea. pesos. lait pearb' es ami fts@ uacmbeubfomomlmg lia,- m coal-Crn pCds patcfl en pletet lunsatbera a nt cural counticesana .bout hoit douc ln oorthera; vînlor wcit sud rye makIlng mlady growti sud hadnï lu soile secbloas; cmis and barléy gondi on Ipadbto owadnly 17fair uacconot Of ex,-ealve mustre; lver sd tmotbl grual.g rapldly: tohacce plante dol ug l. Mînesota-Wetwceai. carilu Mddfe 9 oct: warmth and moisture Canard opine. 1'dgrowtb uft«mail fgoudus. pentures sud grs Il ropld germIf ationacf recoutly aceet cua.fia sud harley; rom plati a,îcb delayed; a aevere .10,01 ou, the 2 Caasr oniderabl loceal damageolfa aotb. Cru couutles. towa--TIc ve vas elondy vl aiment dalîr ebowerm asd anme bea.y local don- polra.pîstto am cativtlng toriber de- layet lu l'motti au wetern tistrictai abucera, snd voruti were limedy and boa. eibll ld uMmmi.PiRilver distric .wha,s the soIf hail betns.. brd sMd loddy; »r mnotîma peoip sal"gend luarc plated Rladsl. Nebrnka-WAnin wtt veot.. xcotîUeitfor rcth ar vcgaadh:wîter choat la tis coudtîca and befflnuing te hesd luasnothema Coîtles. rie nandi badfog; cecm plaut- lug dtàeisy ,beavy rie; Iowants ton cet to wok. Kauusatvi raliem cept lu extrema colt topped fild work: wbest gesersfly, ln ccd c nd to n m ot besdfag lun a &II a of ise; sanme damage, by ly lun atia aut anme catrluasoathora canettes; Ccor rumba aup clbt grocina slwlk, noeda cultlvattlu: anme arieaaudes;ml dclng cdl; affaitaLfuand mdy te cul. Tht Peet Bras. Msiauuaeturiog Cam- pany, saap makers af Kasa* City, cl ettblish a large brandi plant at Omaha thua year. -The uanratlmiu aetttrasport» at ma- alla bonun!forrSait Franclseua.biean resuusîed on accouaI ai Ibm choiera. Thea epidemiein la uklag aliglil galas lu Luzon. Fariner Posalmaster W. D. Ellsworth or Eveleti, IMinaL..plsimi gal te lathe charge ai embea*ng thebomsu ni f$&OS cf i;,verueut fondu. Ha lutest .maener ganîbiiag._ Ti., geisareelptae ft1h. Kansasa CïiI? jpostaffica for the mmti et April wre $99d,& ganat $UEAWI for tIem$ummepa- riod list year, bolog man lcroas.ai$1 471. or 18.4 npratout. Hon. Judson W. Lyons. eafler sofferlng for five long years.1 *M. feeling very food end strong. 1 ilosk, 1you no mach or Perana. 1 ahall recous- mend il ta aIl sufferiag wlth the *ffomt& of catarrh, miiîI T coider it a býouwof blenving. aol neyer b. withoI# Perana."' For those phase@ of cstarrh pecllle 1ta sommer Peruna ailho' baud eGe. - ecloue, Perna cares eatarrh lualal phgsesan stages. 1 Il yoa do nt derive prompt end catit- tsctoa resaitz frein the ase af Peruaau witeut once ta r. lirtman, glviog ak foul atatemeat af youc case, and ho v110 ho pleftsed ta give yoa bis vAfuable i vie gratis. Address 'M IHartmia. Preuldent or r The artmau aitarlurn. iCo)mbas. e- IM L, J.t. a. "icrtes± tokMaW -amalie et ýuwn ci" W" e isfs'Mvie cautionb tema. pma3ba iii ~ ~ e uPpii, utlOo Zoufnamite=t t là EL litai t mmelaIdsai Pauna i tauvinai a.IbsI I ven = M mpoenlda.- Um nCajaW. MMs.Kata Bobo, 1119 Wilooghbî r Ecabyn.-N. Yvrlmi ,1 venh 1mta ye« 1 wus Iouled 1 vis traquent imasoel, ibmj. Wtu. feU ailu thse -limai ulomaoas,=« luieis ilts aid aoma, - bai bsLn haruw. XM food rod it te taMW 1.1t fr ovovi -masi. M My hormis vue vcry iatogniar. "I cne. ow for amiee.. sd E nov tuba piosmurs Le Lufomng yeu Ibcé - ne.Gt.lu" cé . e Navy. AI a recent dinnar la Wuailagton Capt. - ofOti nkted t!Baes a a?> tadthe tiafollavlmg slary abut cal- tain chager pu"oS mai apbta no vas.loobai - w9li mm ant;mthy hI. brtior mUcuS U's1. t__ven maamusthOsmmabai wosai Prmew- :er, mai. haai eàb!i uemmccone ta Wuoblglcmla Ms'. Ccalsai'. limete Mt s al«J apuhwy. Whb hWva latroinoot t Os Wbteomss, Mr. COevelani tachai hm ov« 1h bi. grava. "Msi.-, iis h ome àae e , lum, W* vaut - estefmarlt mut aliîty toi' tAis liai ne. uppnSatwsJoluai: "Mn. Proslient. Ifr leaGels vii tint I sgoactet» ln av ary, Mm '7y" mm MW eueo siteascmsue e«L." Ths Ptecsm-t ai bals for a 100> meut a" t lb..MMli lyby; "WelM. -. lru do Mypaut. ay nyw. Oci mnU" "TIi. âe ut tho e s le» mmiithie maunatos. laI Oth lav-*b4rhor a*iilng.'Andi as1I is<tbU MMaoosL lb" a tuonsg cauvim otint Il v»s pa he vW i tPm~vdmS tint 1 about! enter thse uavj at lIat lima.' -Nar Vuilade . &élily uMci gla- enl te setohIlg on ! ami baebuyed jokee. Au acq-uaumanof his. 111mb- log, ta cure uns et lie ponete..ane day gava hlm a aeew .f',Zo.ýmilwe' -Jeat Baak.» UI thI 1s1amalst iI h "Uslgt Lba"notbuç nem' ta-Iol-'. Thcn ie hel tnmaeBt tise ou pale- mabu saket!ia.'4 . e& fle l, *ba-t do von Ih nk et liat bot i1ave 74u tho other Zr'" - "I dwta'I b wse v. re ejo. KMû- I.i' la,," itlipmutly toagimesi.tle Aismlo., "bat t d er lwbosa n 111f, H«'a gaI laid of a lot of m*7 bet %tories andi prcted 'ou. con,,am n bit' aufe. .- - Wie-1l 5 akbo mout ho aslering lota bis sacoiid aillibosi Ruabaut!-Tbarlht. IVu ntbeed Istefy y hat he à%,boqManslataegoqosaiber s geit - my ladWoist- et bybecd lays.a tulevmo happen&. Te # o ,ddaua la hmn FlumPiqIs te Vroubfùcy te boeuUhw b W The «Maum luitcbtugs.ni"d iN 118 »s sla Besson; U» selfa a' amis sa"1tslb.Iqp', «Melisqof tise spif. a10Wt baWi lb lla lwuop~ le »M JUstlle,by lIe OU douaS.%liie uty adt!da pavéS te asa lfloil tahe usais -th o li9M -bahtli lmti o -b f* mat c orgbesd mcmi -m. lblabaeed Oi. ti ah simutem. am. - ool ami clasasa Il a plate ocal aeonaltutla ahci bwmtnt et.m. -Ilt ententoot-ombets sonde of oay. A a-u- e for 1 ao-.. etilous ami bai, litaf~ ghet. 50, 000 tewtiauiis. Tri Il Ss'iOio bd by &MliDrouemi dUb"e o1ge, lc. Don'l aea s bmnt. 'Iblapck- «*goa FEN Lio Aum IL Gin- snm@& la BY Loy.,T Skin, ARCOTIV. als~ssi'

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