s. p L N A C Ne have sôme partiouiarly eholce sImb k> serve you 'tht,' week-roeat.s, chôpo, frles-aay eut you prefer. it'. fine eatIng, an4 we'Ul lue giRd k> have your order. TRIGOS & TAYLOR, Libertyville - - - - Illinols. ~saan.nnu.vmin~ VVVVVY»VYI Brgalins... We have bargains i n* dlocks, Jewelm ,Etc. +4 f lave you im e.nthe Ernest A. Tonk pîilo< If ijot, you had better in- v estigate beft>re bîîylng. We eau f uîrirdî yoli wi be boNtin aSilver- ware, Souvenir tipoôns, Kuiveo and Forks, Staiionery, Pens, Peucils, Accouut Books, Etc. -DARBV BROS-09 Libertyville, - - hUmais. Sale Prices. SThe following' goods must bc closed out within ten days: t2.5v red lace home.................. i8C 90- ............i5 15eScotch dimities................. lac 1201- Suîbeam silk ........... ....... 17C 1 se lMadrais.............. ..........15C $ Nt 'jealada<lPercale ............A 25c w~hite figured muli........... ao 2.5c- fant y striped zephyr gingham ... 2oe ý2e -mercerized lawn ....... ........1C ~ $22t. figured, dimIty................1 e ................. 17C 125e mun bonnets ...........19C These goswîImve $~ quickly at thèse prices and you wiliI do weiI to calI-erly for your pIck. mSMII &DAVIS,. Libertyville, IiWols. MY~ ~U aciers. TOCHICAGO. PfOu m cIOCAO. vual02. UA* Depait Prom New Depot. vw at New Cmpot. LoLmlb.tyviiie. Arrve ChicaO. Leavoe hna,. 1 rrite i.itertyvileq. m . ..... 7:1ea. ..... ..... roa. m. lo. i...1.4 e a . ....... .l1 8 . lu .... 8:I?11m..... .. ai. M. .-46 .... 2 Im.0 4........ 344p. M. lu ..... 9Ii a. 8 ......... g 1 6 .' 31....- 6 Pta.... ..±o......4:2 p. m: luU....1:6 V i. ......msP1M4u3... II.lo.Lý... ......?604 ). UM. No. lU. 0P.? ..00.10:...a.n..... ni.s . .............7:f ..U LeSVA OhiMUa 1:6 91o. m.Arrive Llbertyliie 9t27 P. n. TO CHICAGO. PROU ÔIACO. Depart ProM 010 Ompt. Arrive h*40OU Deitot. Leur.UheytyvillO Arrive Claaol; Leave ObloaWo. , rrive Libertyvlillo% O....i M96M....... U . 5. n i . 141... 9:0 6 5 .. ....... Io:" 0 . .... :080........ 8:4al. M -143.. 6:28 p. e ......-66P.IiM. 24 .. ..... .;:1.. . . -133 .... .n ........7:0 P. *WA train leovm oltia tton on Rendars for Chîtogo ai17.3a.&8M. land,., .Union <ept lot Lbertyvilie nai0310 P. M. LibertyviUe Lodge.. auNUHIN COURT. Ne. n T. B. . ifr~~rr eetngsfirtà rd IMonda ACNE CAMPeN.10 .W .mesOs COLUKBIX LODQN. No. isi M. W. W. moetsasecond andi ortâ Tuo.days c4 euh 1moul. L*3tllvîLLE OJAPTEBi. N. 4U.0. O.IL 1t8«%Wgeermeetingâ. emconit andi fourth Tbursdy oveninas each mont . ERIEI<DUHIP 0COURT OF HOLOIImeaou fu5Stl1~7 ight 0f aah monte ini axOULlifOi CAMNe. U7ni R.N. of A. =ee firaI and i U.l dTfiurelay plbta of emonth. 9W . ~ effnniaulong ea.ond ah foifth Bourdr aeveninasofe fesli monta. Niotica s t. rstrlmmThe Nnammu1 vOi pablâhi res. notIe of. meion o f ail jodés.saper 111v..if saretaotlIu fomni court>, on»58. Lt Vrfâýk Komu 14 viaitimrelatives in Indices t11 vei. 1 Z. D. BRubbord and vifs are happy parte t fa gil ibaby, bain Votiue- day. Woulegan ham tbrty-thi!oensans Md theIlot Y-fonrth one la &bout 1 bc alhrtaid. Miss Ida Kobnor, of àt. Loutoi, il spending ber voatU ionlh lier conuia Ramsanmd Mai Kolinor. The aide.of theW. C. T. U. viii Raou a pieule on Mr$. J. W linta.'. lave, Tueaday, Aug. Il. 190., Dr. Bcbinon viii proocb Sunday morning ou- SouNate ee"and tu the evelug on -"Tho Supreme Quoi. *Théereport of M. L yd# is SaiR <Itou Snnday evean of h. Epvoqth Amano ouvSiliiai Dotit vu. le- tertUng and eaied ont a Ilreait. A vîceti looklng vind âtorâpased o1er LbertyviUa Oriy Woduiooday morning, and 18 appagresi thali our u.lahbore on the sothoost lot the bruns ofIL. loch andi erY Wa.day the phoo studio lu the Bulkioy blutia open1 for business. 4i.4'ý à. RIavallia social l1.1c coeur Vuday eveniliN t>.ulghtyon th. Mahodist pomsage lava under *"apieu o0f h. Epvorlb Lague. câIdies 10 conta sf4 adute là. Toit are Inviteti. Meurs. Foiey, Anderson and Sulivan1 vore discbarged tram th. poil lbous. $iei venir. The mon Ingalae, Jacksoni adl ufleMay Fo0107cm bclie lmmd aed a week or 10 andi theu- viii nd the suailpoz épidémie.9 (ihairman Tffany, of the (Jonty1 Board of Superviiora lim on bis Imm 4 soui of Antiocb a "oY stock 100 by 301 font and almcoi 30 fest higli, coussin. ing about 175 ton., probably tbm garg-1 *et steck in thecounty. 'and 1k a&l timoty. lIRiad sutaes, vo vent to Nov Mxico for is eotI a Ymr ago Racpsa, Inpravmd tRt iacm bisiratura lie bu accpied a position a. ticket agent for the . X. .electrie rond ai Evanston. B@ va. formmrly a oonductor on tbm »memlino. At tliir meeting lionday night the vilage board lnatruet.d %hoe shoot commlttée o rsi.?a carload ofcf tri. fies brick, to bc useti for cromings. Tbo brick ar larger tRan ordinal? brick and it la ciaimmd enduré for yoarat. sovail omangls are tu b. put1 in immedintely IboF arrive.1 Mis Agne Morn received the dia.1 moud ring offoeot by the moicine9 compuy mloving Rre lent voek te( thm Young lady rmelving the most votes, andi thereby va.lte cboice cf the audieunces s m he-mont polslar Young 1"dy" Miss morse v itkevise Rouered vbéâUse o0 mp**Yihowed tia Rail Day, so Ie douby popular. ilors. sud buggy 10 lt by dey or vook. WX. 0Gafinfea, Llbryvlle. 1 449Ip 1 T. K@odl, bo têts v.ok movmd Inte the, aNaor.forfelri-0ouplmd hy Wm. Wairocd. oorrik& a comploté stock of gromCiosoand bt., "am aned guina. lie viii e.duot a ârselaiomarket and solielte a trial, guoracteeing 10 Pioas. Thé mulet lhashlionthor. ongle rm«oat d iropalutesi end pom ltaaniviting oppmoornc. sui *vo lagR i qaeat rod Eu- derlii Igondu bloas. uatibé Viaer oaa0chalg e W ,omioim et thé. Suula elamlgumnao. linihai ?t b à"l a 1'1Un er oum o vroeA Ra seahor 110 do ce %q B»lnnoa gIrl babW vas hotu te Mr. snd KMra. lobt Lyns. Mra. Clara Geâilge la spending a vomI villi ber mo ohn aCt andfamlly at Rlogers Pari[. Kr. ansiUlmI-David Bar t, of Wan- kogan, visitesi vith Thon. Carlett ans vIle Tuesao. lire. EtlliWarre ansi Muter Leslie IboetehIbisveek fiora tva weeks' tay as Pavpav, NichR.'I y. R. Mars11 andi vif. are off on a trip tu Yllowslone Park, from vliero ihey go tu Oalifemiis. lira. M. B. Ooiby Rm Ttrned froms a fon? veeka veviéiwihbem parentis ansibisters et Beoit Kas. Tue prenaient. li oir tiheconsing loir a re ontsMd baisait dîlsiribulti. Ton can qot n. ast",lIeotoffico. SThe faim ditoa Rote a meeting ai tise tovu hanl BataIllai tumakre final armagerauifortun 0 0000mB lai. sentyler trttbe. acd Evanston, vis- lted Libuotyiliefrilda Snnday. M. litiauin lamnotneàa market lu Evouston Mmd 415eUebeinca.. Aty. WaJne Oolby is off on a montsolng. Hlie atatleg lu.the fait circuit and oadntlng àa stand, juat foi tbm amusemiot anti recreaiiln affordesi. DrJ. L. Taylor joinsi the Waukffln bosige of £81i1ta Wdday iglit. Poal Mac GuMal,tB. H. Millier, ansi 0. A. Wrght are clissriâtuetyvilllana Who Rave joinl bed heordor luWankegan.' Tise plate gias frontt af W. M. Hlls' nov building va.-pet le place tlii veut. lMr. Hesi ailaio liaed nev plage glasswindows put fanRb» oltiusilotel bu cocuplmd bY M. B. (Oiy A Son. ,WVus.anett expacta tIo gel lmb biàs nev quarter a ith1e Proctor biocokby the.111k cf Iis ints. Mlia.uor. derol fixturem for hebiarer houp. T*O modem bath roomniviiilie pnt lu and the place fieI clam lu every vay. Ilèeoal surveyors versenexgageui W.dumaday Saking levelis on Milwaukee ovaene om Ibm north village limite àoewarud. The men refflesite m7 las RaI purpoae. It laprmspmedt ey ver. lu the eniplcy cf thse Chicao andi lmau Laen Traction Company. 1 have a carlooti of Mianneota cowis f.Or sale. WU. CATirR. Lib.tyviile. B. T. Uoomov, vlho saeral years @«o0 uibhied a aistoo!Kimbali pianos in LovelIls tircg atome ansisolsi inevrsi lu tiRs lccalii. lea galn on Rond, but represeusing o.l.iifereni conpeny. an, la factcry agent for tlie Robrt M. Cabie pianos, and basn on Sthibition 30000 lUne nmples et Lovena iMore. john xMeAtee bau bean appointesi local agent for the U. 8. Iqjoa Coin- pascy, #»anmig Fred Amm, ru- algned. lKr. le. l huia.lgeia o Mri. atîiWho camse bone hou Kniss booky #0 douter Ireighl aMdI Wll1 give bJis attention tu the expreaa mand super. viaton cf othie frelgist iaulihif business. ait oece viii tt ai tise nt. Poul fraigRI depot. The village Boardi propoa.m Io eatsh- »M sRcment athse tandard aitiovalk matertland at n rtiinouc.te0tisai afteai la nov hein« prepomOd Tise tar vents arefblot tistactofy ansi the Sird bèlleves ernent la thbmomntI pruicasl materlal. Walka of othor ma- terial excoptlng board. vUIiha alloveti enderthebmnov orsltnanoe. only vith apocial consent cf tise board. Pmbably onoe-thlrdth e cosI viii b.eborne by the villagoeviiere cementlale met., let u-tale 70cr plioto neet Wednee- dite. We yull protéine bc Igel a "-géoot one for YOn." 44-Id A couple cf Chicago yonng men droetutunto loveTuastiay, Iad platnly veto nmach thse vorse for *00. TIseir ri# va. basly brcken and -5h. borse, a fin. animal, cnt about the, bege. Bots mou Verto ioder the lnfitImass oftilquer. Wb"a Ihoenamie te, thek ir la a.o! bellg Rit ly a train on a. aouulng, jneat vh.re tb e ld alo rnOrnlse'A loui masm arel for th.l has Mmd Mf«o ro u fs apply t prooefl m otb1h11ayle 1.4 sud Mkes anlÀtad Minutes 0f1leetinge el Juge Ili asd Juiy Oareati,'and " .,cio # 1auby andti K»alic"10appr#ves as measi. Treasurersa repart for dou iiJy reoti andi referred ta finance eomuit. tee anti upon t.eir favora blèereport a motion va. made by Kaloerbst Orablao 1h01 Ita bc accopletandi placqti on film. Varions bulislira.oeted andi ramsi aMd »ferredt 1 finance commigtte ansi ou their favorable report oder ver. or- détril drikvo, ne correclesi, Kaieu andi amby votlng aym. andi Triggsansd Groibe. voting. nay;' Prooldonît Juil vold mye. t;. 0. Buikiey. Rebats on valk..... i 1là@ 0.Y. Cleveland.... ..........se00 GeO. A. liston ..-... 80 Wn.Wairond..... ........4400 1.Baiker l. ~1000 i.Welis .. . .... ..... 6o» JLW. Dus.nborry. - - «.... 83 Heoth labor ............. ......... 2740 James Romnln..... .....IO (Ion. Beo".. ...................u10 è j. P. isnor. tarvaUt2m10sq.i... S. . y. R. Jusl. prlntug.. ............... 7ie J. A. Moore. ishor .................. 160 Char. P. Teibars. 1298 sq. Il. ornent crossinsi.....................1$sas Lake CUulGravai Vo.. [gles agravil ai el.. ........................4ma go John Keli.. laor ................ n ..m20 arlin Proaisman. iaiary............86000 Ereeron Power lieppr Go.. aireet , ilgities...**..................W64n on rosolution cf inance coanmitteé iRaI $1,000 b.ieton tramoinunippro- priati Igusikantiappiied Io t11e ilS and Bridge* !àu d 8300 b.c alo froms tliounapproprIMatfnd Mdagi.p plied bc0 tie contingentftsnd St va. movesi by Kaiser nd Tf lgp tataime bc adopte&i. omieti. Trigp, harman of apecl iCommit. tefrto ol np lot fo viilage purposme made report. commitime bods ovol for Motion made by Triage and- OrabRo "thIe village attorno ey lni iUitoffl bc, drav an ordiamu ma« oent vaIl th. standard vaik,,in the village, Oarrled. Motion made by Grobiso ai .xTriggs lba- Ibeotcommittew o b. Utucoui bc pr acue, 'a saisicarMriod 0f -*Pur, Ington Block" brick for cromslng pur. p"ms. Carriesi. Al votlng are. Upon motion aifSanby pai Grabbe meeting kdjonrned. E. W. Couni, Acting Clark. *,Huri oia t sldMr. Meekton, "de 7011 remember theo mooait, evening when 1 asked you te, marrY me' *11 trust, Loonidas, iliatjoui are not going to, hecome setimental and I iIY. "Not abit oflt. But 1otteirecaIl the occasion wlth interest. 1 ma lner- or quite usiderstansl bow 1 managed to tligo 30familioriy te, ou witisout snom- lng impertinenlt"-Waghington Star. '1-Th..ese.amo- wltb two crl leua. You'd neyer tbiek it. would Jour, «Go awayl Dldn't 1 juat an bim running acrosa thse street ilke a deer ta eatch tisot street car? lHe culat do that vuh coirk legs. coulti le?' "Certainly, if, as happons to b. tbe ense, e, oas bora le Cork.-Bowtou Courier. Proprltor-1 amn a.tified vltb YOUr vonk,.Paser. anti-l wvilraies yonr aaiary train $10 to $12 a voek: but. mind, Ihat does not moenu111*1 you murt go andi get married on theo strengtb of t.-New York Times. Writen Chinese la praettlsly ni- iorm lbronghout thse empire anti lia liartily aitereti turing the vbole course .f Chinose hlstory. The spokren las- Suna. on the otber hanti.la constantl1 ehlanglang. U nclatuaod Lettera. Th iîo f nunhoadtettsrsAt Lbertyville L1ii. ocetomle for the veel ondin# Aug. a. Wbe oln e ofer thera lttera sar "asivor- tired.. ?acan. L. J. Riobinson. Mail W. Harlis. Ernfflt R oberts. lMr. (G. A. Jones, Mr. Frotidie Roblnon. Val sabuta, . r.y WaaaN. ~rua g uter. G. He- SCIIANCK COAL Lumber, Lath, Sints e,. Doors, Windows5 Mouldines Grain. S"ed, Feedu Sewer Pipe, Drain Tilt, Pôrtland Cernent, Une, Stucco, Sait Libetyvita : : lli.a" i. vos giveul hp teo die l quick consumption. 1 then bogan, te lise Ayer a Cherry Pectoral. 1 iimprovcý d niarýn nov lu Reduoe Pics lu order toýa mû1 room for. carpentet ho bive begun to remodel aur rooen1 vse are mukiug a big reduction ln priem, of *mnny, of onr semonabs linos, snch as, lau.é, - dimities, batiste, figiied muils, satin stipes, mercMermd glnghams, satines' and percales. -o- Tu&"a Silks ai .......... 40é per yard. Facy Wainptlag.ai..... 2U per yard. Ladie8' 1undervse ai ....... loc snd 15o -o- Grocçrdès. A nice lia. of fa.ncy andld ai grocerles alviys ia stock ai lowesi -0- M. fi. 62&!~& S~ LibertyvIlle, Illinois, tt I L tcA Boys' 2 plece Duck Waah Suit., conobsilng of weli made Couat ad kaso Pauta, size 7 to, 15, strlped sud-pWad patier ne, iegffla pries $1.85 k> $1.50, our cioulug oui priee only CENTS ~9. CENTS Bo7s'. Crash Kiies Pants.............15 T1, Libertyvli.e - - . - IllInols. Suits For The Pair... You vill vint to -Iook your boat et Golden Annlvsruaryof the 14. Cc% fuir ibis year. W. ea help 7O8u if give n your order for a nov miii.A Une of ninplea ta select from Cone lu sud sS n swhthor yen wsnt a suit or 0, 'VCROKER'TME TAILOR999 Libertyville Travel'i8 Exponsive; TaIk is Cheap.' St.7 ai home; let your voles do traveling for you. You wiii b. la contnt onsh wli elire oowiy and 'lb. -çuiitry atê vih. Oas of aur ioisphma. Busnes Rte, 00,\4&dv s"d U> cOt4TRATDP l.e us rmi o BOYS