.un ~' t e~ i 1AD~AH%'HAVE ~< c ~ljs ~ t~'t'4N EXPREO TOÏ MA DL TO MAKE ME ME.RRY _______ ME SAD.-Shakespeai'e. lm, hi'C' a.'-Lewis) mmli Mi. B easho f Sfrometlie diser table " tIbMIk lli aot 10t* la 0on 111 clnb ttue oveulut. I haven't t>" et the menibctas *ere soatins 1 s to&s-y*bout fiI.1do't suppoSe )niêapy wwotîJi-lms have sou?" <ot lu the 1«e.ef" MrIOpî Mra. %os- -,&0"A you sMr. Yo havnt Loch souté epiOilbti Mau trou i eiciigo t ,te b.ter., snd If le 4qulte ilteiy l'Il lie fftu vi sline. of coursie."' mi 1'l7pioi dlunel? 00 Up as ubispeech yoîî lin -e la bo M~u aout ithe Ibor fquestion, ami but*.' hoexaet h. tblng te S«t off ai a club. Ton viii resPecfulY dectile, of course. o19 se-cun t b ors fle gros-led around for a time sud3 Mil mmmfing abot pasing the evén-t llu aambon. jbut Oflshs ressel, ksmlf and l pmti'd. ma aist le1 --à oubt mib. bock tor a monfli. mat va aIet 9 'cWIL It ot Vreln1. Tme ,0ost thLU4 o es- lrMm Bos-ser s-sm ms-akng huumi up. milsasd S â 8O'Cboc - et mrlg le gofup siovis ouI of be, yavîilug and stretchug. Sud Ob- aecv ed: - "i1 believe s-e are going to bave an s-s-ti storni by tomorros-. I teedloue- mmaieduidepressel Mgbisnoruing, and 'l ache as If 1 'Was coming dos-n -hi "Te"rpiel lIra. os-s istti- eut rasialg ber eyes. - - I uppose you are tlctîil hit.1e skif h ail over tht lifflo Joie yen Meme oit!ne bs-%t night?" be muntiausl. "Joe*.? Ido Dot tues- s-bat son -1 eau appieclate iun s-ss-ci as the next pervon, but if muafm't b.esuarfl ton far7-not tonfar, lire. Bo*ser.I s-et dos-n te the club lat-nlght for thé frt ime In ihree imentht. TOI' Were put out ai my &ing- i lldn't 1%et I ttill hait pont 10 o'clkandou *tw&exacil>' I 'ciok Mr.-.Dow-- )'1fvsn4o-!i~-ai5wateb me I -ppo thn fe front er. Aus-auwonUY- "Tyes; yorr eoditien lait niglut te- muta for Four lepreniedspiriti bo- ay. IttSla pt going b Storm., Mr. tus-uer. 'Sue predlettons ame for clear rnathav fte the. next [bree or tour days My condition laiet nlght? 8y the grçst houm spoon, Lut sou Muat hâve uit our, snes. Do OU inean tu al bat I &-âme home druint" yeqi men toits use a terza calleilas-la- Sid'don't Fou? Von were not drnnk. but aviazbetL .iladto heip youUI P' taira. I started 10 undrega Fou, but you ci-led out. 'Gway Vin me or l'il ucoekerbliamed beail off!' And 1 vent " 'u'o-wouuan. ion arec cray!" gafiped Mri. blowser. ws- waxinc s- as usc the[ kstat liehobail 10 gît dos-n. "TYou did manage.* togî't Four mcat of, Ilielleve, liep;icily continued. 'but that lirel FOU eut. nud sheu sOU is-ote this moruing yu s re sur- prlaed te mid tInt Fou bail siept la Four bat and shoes and most of Four :lothlng." "1-1 ILept lu my bat. dld, 1?.".mur- Btired Min. ilos-er. "Ytom.andl geverai fimues bcfoi'e moru log you a1@6o lked througb Four bat. 1 helleve FOU taen foik% mate use Of uchl expression. don't FOU? Wbcn you ss-ok.e and realized the situiatiotn FOU ihouglit 1 bailiou trYlug f0 Le f un- "lIra. Rêvai-. you-you didn't get a teiegraîu fIat your mother s-as "O01, no! lIotber la enJOYiiîg SPlen- did beailli. Nothing has happemed 1< suddenly dethi-one nmy reason., Mr. Bos-ser."' "Baut you ara a grent band te drea1- vivi ildreoia. Tour i-cama ara soMu? tifiielq go reallotle thait YOn acreain out and s-te nie Up." "Tyes. I know, but 1 dOn't get Out Of bed and go dos-nsfasaid« flud yot on the stepal It dotant take me f sen- tiý miaules f0 get you unitail'5. ani you dout kick Os'cr Chairs suld jeli out fbat YOU eMU ludthebc boîe Polioe force. Il la ne use f0 dety etcts. II Mos-sr. Tou gay Its-as hait Pest 10 'ciock Ir" "Ill stake my lite on it!" "-ani yet I Iootcd ut Four vatcb, and if had atopped at 0:40."* MIr. Bos-ser sMopli ast and glarel st ber with open inoufh. 111[nnot c'ompilatbuu." sho quietiy continued. "It tsn,'t gscb a dreadttl thîng for a hushau f0 o 0 O f. club anîd coule homne as-luiel amdgo ft b. wlfh bis clothes (Y 1 expoet that nie outý of ton do it. onul they shonidn' get -Up, next morning blAd lay It ail 01 their vives, iou tue-.r" Thore ws-gosilence ftpe tIrsn-Kt twe miufo-iiilelice mo, thick that It could have hemu sileed off lite colbaen Thon lMr. MOs-me; i'eumed bla dom "I mn chmiged s-lth bs-ring coIRI home ln u an lelriated condition las uight. Tmat charge la mai10 "Si -1 vite. I do Dot know s-bat ber objec la, but"- *'bte migît Cali It rhcutaatlim," in terruptod lirsa. owser. "Itheumatisu doms netfiat ws-s esmetlmem, loes -%iVoman. Fou have setebi .tWÎ-Mn -the ulead le Fo sr sabis- borne mach. [lopins that.yen -oPw 30Doge" ZWi$b lu* Wl.ik eiigU le taOM ~iU~S.ê~k Bq se-W» DisU Us *b. Club. f TImJe4l sU,-lE dtK&MW sé ýdl n e 't ait ig k Il' ,-oiQj *.Eau 61M~TSut Q1 - ingi thdT-eadit vas hat t eit unlia. 111 e~gastaeete iige la'amm "-J&. Batuset' sboa I beard s-oU tmi -aginst fbe -front Iot' the belis Ïëre iaat ttiking 1.1" ýý "IWbat! What! I fali agfalust the "Xn ii -amids-hon Is-eht dos-a ypn s itting on -heistout v Ith ymut atm arsonil ou.eofthIe post. Ir bs-i onsberaiie trotuble o tlInsS Yo -te Lrnilu." .Bra os-sotave oge.cs#î ibuu i asmror»,ble oafeol np mnd MOM4 and smil-uàimeahigtrised rl eil '. ar. S.. s la tm. ettlies-m nInto a ovins, son, sibe vite, I have paf np al ndPt aP' uni exerdfed lie patienCt et a aint Tis euds if!" ."Tour lawycu s-lU sec nie mme rime durb*g.tbo las. I fauppose?" qu6-bd lira. osser asihe Initel f0 go dos-a- "He s-i;,-le viii! H e viilibe 1n- - tructel tei àrangce 'erythlng as ami- es-bu saposslbiel" At-thee ireakfat talle, liosever, Mfr. Mos-st'mases-llgtntng <bange and auddealy beentas eynjolIs-. and as lie - inlabsi- tii. mel le puibsl ot the family potketok asnd ei: "l.M os-me*r. yon've be,et.tsthe short ferI-tbot ts-oor hues s-ses-, and ys-botter tati ma tvemrt sort or s« s Io p. P4i gel. tiets- for tlus IbSatttouiglit.-aultoeolo- ~~Ibstetg io u latue eloa us-b = = 27 pp cs- I, OMati yotI. Fs-edde-l t f016 ta le kîer f bat]i the gov'ner s-as avfi'lymal hbecaum i haîd ne lwis. A&lgie-And ws-l ia 16 he Bas, deal bo-? Fveddbe-She mal shed bc eas-VIY muad If -I1liai.3 If s-usat s- fanerai, and a wmes-bat îaCbrsmn oh *Id hulser vas offiAt-1 Méterrl ng te bis long acquainthuC 1 s-itbýthe deemel. lie mail: _"LAh. hrothet'-arnl sten. many a8 rime, have I landled fhlu coi-pieOn MY kmee!"-LIppineuwt's Ho-Lits la m"pli oes grand chs-s. Ir you are net s-mong the purmuera son munt bu on . ftfe puraued. Slus-WI y«sou n ws-lfh fe hounda or Ily ws- the sdeer? [le-I s-fil Is ifi you, des-r, If sor pleaft.-K.mauCils Journal, ffais-haWeil et limeit "in'tt ffrange," remarked lNreM bnas te ber baband, "that I eaunoet Set a pil bargaila iabc?' "-Yeu 614 onse," mail hoer humband. "When.ws-etint?' "Wben soq got me."-Chicago Mec osd-Heral. -Rave jou-ever shed real tease wblls aeting' ,ai lieeInqulitive girl. "Ne "anus-od rsi i. .StorMiagtOli 9aýmss. «J bsve otiut ometimes, but j'at _s-ko i s-rais neyer to let MY box oSS e esenJmtrude it MY s-it.-Wa5h- lugton Star. A sort et a Twister. Cilfiax-Anil no yom flint ilO s-as glal f0 sec son? 1 DuWney-Oh, ses. Almostthflifrat tlkg *ah. saId vas that ohie vîsheil sIe bail tnos-n 1I s» dmiug.-EBtýOhi Trauscrpt._ _____ 'lbe Vuàs-mimosn a srbera. Lasn-Wimt did fthe couvent lin ot barbera amy laitn sou ild-lthem? , as-go-Why, do jou nows. 1jlmdn'f boom faltIng tiirae minutes butose theY r «-beèmm shfiotne «,"NeFt!"-SomerTile Ipûrnal.________ Sihe-Alil vhst s-eul You COUia a c- easmtl pot? Be"-OneIr*te 14vu mm" ensonilà DEK col Copyright1 T vs $u& und Ur.1 ton slow.- tweive ye, t b h o n Y t. 1 rbusines. lb, opies ai-onu un la lied. si i I vlia s ag r bell teun ti put my hi But. Tt vhas 9und sais: ,,fan«. vbas "No, sir; myj l'fans. cii?," T'es. sir." But Tt ougt, aile und Oui Q#MAN I -pm lude" om4 Qme People ~tJ~ dott ii-le tiior, Voglesen " 13$I ls Ivàlu .tinî,-reu for ri. liet .(-biL t'don't [t;vIMý% a grî'mit countfry eut l vias ule queel' Li. "»értdef liiiglît I ieé -vis mftu'r iuiduight. kep, gsmî'iîod> rings my titan1, umlI 1cake 001) med OUdt of der- wlldos- You are 111Al uiat 50)1 sa mai.n, duhlbut s ou,'nan t tOASPeter. If I siait .gt dot bel I0 find I'eter I The Foidicce Man «J v us- mamimsud the othrrAly. iatd the tMan witb the raveied cigar. "h~conversation that took place 4 * eartalfllUtie cote downto*U We tweîi .afamtldlotii patron 'sud tRe wniter asiigud to the titik 0 oi-Vinsl hllm. ..lu 1 wgas itting near the tastîdious patron I mouid fnt rail t0 overhetr is oi'deMS the exaCtUde of W11101 were iu00t edityiiig, 1I mvthat the Walter' b&d. as 1 ha& td, 0.Immedlateiy glzed op the. Man, ne huit a naty. irrtatllag enti lîttIe cough, and ho slpiSded iaPs for whie giving bis order. The coaen- peoI tion ran about tsaid v,. hgi - Brliughie a pot of cotP('.' *' thénad finlcky ensfomer. -a pot. mid you. fnt doos eup.f eUssb11 a ot of it. And Wt und mnt be bot-ebot ad trong. DlJ't und forget that. Mso a tenderioin steak. wa rare. Pleonge remember that. Wagter. <op And don't ha"e a"yfat on ItLi cant I hear the igbt of fat ini the mnorning.' 'Very veil. air,' outid thevaiter Po- Itlay; no fat. ,.And brnn me tome dry toast. -liot. 1 rememuler-hot toast-sand have It made a a of staie bread. And sec that It in toated outolçie "d ne lt ooggY witbui. 1 liste sos'gy toast Pieaui ber tli.a in xind. '&Ver,' gond, ir' replied the waiter: 0 'flOýot sggY if in.' "'Mjo nome sltcM tomaft-.' contIni ued'the mn. 'And take the ite roîn jlhem and drain thein. I vant my to- inatoeff dry; uuderstand, dry. net s-et! Do»'t foi-get 7 '*,eg. ir. responded the welîter; 'ta- matoem must lie dry.' - -And nos let's se,. let'@ sec. 01. tye&. ning me nome t ied eggs. Bel 1sure that tbey are pcrtectiy fresh- pertecetly fregli. And 1 demre theln fried on one aide oniî. Yoens-on't for- get ît!'C "'-Oh, no. air' eJacuiated tbe s-ller;. '1'il fot forget. And wbicb aide. ir'?" -New Yori-Tunes. The 5a.s-.stie Fsth. Oid tioineyAIothCr blunder! I an alinost discouraged silh yeu. There i. ut u'le aday [bat 1 fer] 70U f0 Jeustiuty the ternu risin,' Young aftor* d nev- oit -Attoruiey's Son-And s-bat lo ce tbat?> y u Oli Aftorney-W hen you're comîlli 1.Up In the eleiator. moring and Buoo.- ne ýd Baltimore American. bc it bE le Ail the iflette? Dva. mer. C. ce loo .vt bt vhsi lu nieren? TwO lghMONg soS la g Vb- au mai pu r4 Vil do sti in] on po lu fr VI mc one kicks ou my door und maltes grent noise und scares Me as-fuI huad. 'ne 1 look out a teller'MY@s: Hello. you! Thas you ssieepPvben kik on îler doorT" ,f <'ourse 1 v bas. vtig sder smme ubles?'e i guies mot."* --N, liire, nu roliberar" But whly You kick On ml door?" -To se if. sou vbas aisrl Or iîeli. 1 dou't bat no gun nor dyne- tte. und 1 can't kili hlm. but 1 like to nt der' 1gw atter,,ln. lit can't lie ght tu speak t0 me like dot. Hou' bai as l at iglît? . I vbason MY oorstep smoking mY PIPe vhen a tngerruies .aboundupil skO Into by bouse und sit% dos-h und poundn nder Wall undl cries out for smre. ody tu came along queek., -Wh'o yon vîinii?"1 aya. 'Ilîcali Brownl." _ ':ud vvat on do liera?" 'y bag ai;orpban."' 'But vby îou comme in my bouse?" 'Iteause ide, vhsa» n orpbau asi- "TYon vIo iictnok." KOm:l-- .e! Vieil. golîlcui'e vha. buat as good. und ynn lurry oop dose. lied oicteî'a" i io-g linké l itl ouft. nrrleil 'jlls a great Place. 'undl Ilike tl ilve i rî . i s hl .11 I 'c i in ix e d O O p ) "0 i mo e- shahl proteet rmyseit. Sonie day n nun vhiil 'omue lu loy shop. . le vthfi cok arundUiî nd 941Y: ",Do 3-Ou kilos why niy naine hi ne Ilîles lme 10 Fiai' no. go liep-ril say brcause il cuijjt Blaek. but 1 don't do i.-la. lia, lia! 1Isaille a leetie undl rnih for îny clIUI. und I suiiie smne more und niute sioug, und la gluit one minulte Uiîîre-pop. banig! lie vbas lying on dei- fluor. und der croner tuira lie vbag go dead lie don't now .laiît lut lîim. Tes. cdr; dot vlins i.Anîd iuodî s-on-t I-oth'r inenu more, nud 1 vikes ail K. t0. 31j. QUAD. A Genimint Teti.o.'ai. "But thcinedicinie muet L6e ail l ýgt." said she. 'Theîy piml a splendid testi- nudiali beie froua a Mnau s-li bas becu eureti." "Fake letter. no dotit." "TIcs s-ouldn't dore do tbat. Thec writer's naine and add-ega; are given. go sny one umiglit write f0 in. Il'$ signed. 'John Smiith' gnd dated 'New ork. Jue V 'Jut as Plain as canti e," -Pbiladelpbia Catbollc Standard and ilme. igue@ chuie. "Jane la going fu marri an architeef. Imn't @he?" "Yes; Jane'g father sais If she cau't Sud a man vitI enougli money fe huilldlier a home ah. inust do the next best tbing andl marri one s-ho cauatn least dras- the p)lano."l-Cle'eliud PlinB Dealer. _____ The Liarbter aide et Lit-- 1! Ix cc "g î .vm aB zonM A E PETIMY' MI uu'tI lie te flnI Itios. It vIns n meau t-ick on a maît, w lie loves lis wuntry. Ton Vbas tlb fi-esli.undl If Fu couic dos-nbei-e Vl'l ix Yeouot!" I doui't go) down. Lut muy %ifie shaà sei-ed unidiuîi't go it)sieep foi- tu-o boura. It wasu't rîgîf hy nic. 11k. f0 t be [Peter f0 oblige gome-iody, lut hos- ean 1 bc vhen I vhas iaus? Noloiy ea bu ts-o maus, eau lime? Some odicu' Aig t vbeli I vîs reamning avhus anmiody rings dot bel "d s-akes mie oop. i lokoudt unid na n, undl1 os ais: "*Vbeli. Ivhns hera." "Unid wio vbas you?' I1ats. " l Iy ti e v h a ba i u e s " .Bat i iou'tkuow You." [sgaya. "Pot mates no deeferance. MNy naine vhms Shones. uni If you ever like te me me 1 thill e arolind." "I @bil neffer lite te se you." ".But I vimas Shuinesl juif der samne- der only Shones iin America." Ij"n'f Mate biln out. If lie Vhas ibones, undIif lilites. f0dome buIneggmit me. vliy don't-, bc conie by dayliglit? Ail vIoc strange und queer n dis.count-y. Ts-o deys âge a man omes luin Myplace uud look@s around "TVhis your une Shomephr Y" "No; It vhis Hans. Vhas Yeu look- jug for Shosepli?" -Oh, Der, -vhas you looking for Hans?" "Viel, bow vbas il?" "ll vhaa ail rigît. I ibust ast Ir you Viai Sbogeph." --But if . Yhas lin'" "Don you vbaa net Hans. Sec" - ajpte smre one cIsme si but 1 don't. Il semeaefme dot If m ePOiiY eau effe. uid taitef0me bIh. dot I aboubd ta t der las- on hlm. 1 speat f0 Mr. Vogeuteln about if. ud h. maya der Man Vhas- a dry shoket-. If, ha vis dry. vby don't ho lui smesbeer te vêt oop? if be. 11kes moine shokee. Vhy dom't ho langh? Iabs-Il laiage dot man if ho coine moins e-er. 1 sa ge0s houe der other day becauge 1 lon't foel, vbell. undl I vhas sitflng bY der der vben a as nesm aiog ud "[os- about dot mee'? "Vhatnionesy?" "Dot $20.000ye o fornla loi- aIleY?" --But i don't Sund blir "peemuse Idou't bear et hlm." "But vhs don't you?"' 'pecame noliodi toilae me" «But vhy dou't somopO~y tell yom"' Uni be go..on dot VUiI tor teu Min- igutnmd don imaiavhaY. bU1011makt' bin oait. Nobodi loem. 0,0, uni nobody finla $20.000, und yet dot man a&M me about If. I1vrlaào goexcitel 1 dorn't- leep ail dot DiOlâ. Und boy about dot man unI a bs-lob?1 vhas ln mr pIs-o. ben lus coOMe1 'An Mit a Par- eeL [l ooks ah i on.undu -Ysaisle vbIb làbck der loor uni bd secret. He vante un tipîiie und speats lu vhtipci-s.i Ho - pats dot parcel on a table uni tAtas oit fen pape-m uni sais: "Bans. boy vhsdotr 'lit vba a brick." "Did jon evei' sec ane hotore?" "Lo»ti or inies, or ee- .., "Theli. I vbam surPt'iad about dot. if you neyer seen onelheis a curi- on"f. [He vhS made-et elai'. uni lic vhas used tu buiid Î4ala.. Tuui an'f .liur "lmoop. lIte wsd, und he last -toit years." -But vîmet utif?IC saiSY,. "Oh. nottings. Imiat itbe te do you a kinduesi, Yeu tuas-. [t vhats ail rlghf, ud don't yen saY noffInga. Mumu vhas 1er word. Ilushi Wleath!" ' Dot mates me mal. Don't I mec somes bricks befoe? D*iit I knos- ail about bricks? btut dot ms-n bock dem doêsr unI speek un vhlisPitutoes-30Wa & brick? [les- baa if dot mooch thingu W. uusodult iinkt tlat "up ta date" Wa-g crtaluy a î,hrase, Denuing pi-carcan that ulserved The vsf'y higlesitraiae. ]But lu tic-as ever huâtIlca tinee Mors rapid la the gait. And thonsesho in the poali wouid siay Muet lie aheadl of date. Thouglu lu the present mei mu nt lils-. Tiiey fr the future plan. Wenil knowiig lébat morceures-ards The s-actera trithe val). They tuas tioY CanOt let Iodai' Uun tomorrow wsait. But lhaveC tea otIe il theiin iSe And iceep aliead of date. Betare ane year taes-el1 advanced Extensive plana are madie Mi' leaders la ail Indutries To capture 11.11 years Us-de. Before amne arasons tsai-hi en The mtre mon ws- are wlae Lai' tnnext secaa*8Ona sio stcfgooit And wiftly aivertîse. Thue poiitlcaiit, als-sys shres-d. Long nmnthea bore hegin Thei- prepai-atloiia for the iglit I h s-hd heY hopr te Win. The statesmni to their dut' true. In nation and ln state. Devts mccl thougt ta future need* Aid for thent legist» In.private ire 'lit Juff the saine, For tho s-ho therp succe'd itke s-uriars inttces-lder fieldls. Are kecpieg litho lad. lu ail affair.It matera net Whiere. i-nul ainitloin clinlig. The mai),s-bas îlot atteand ofdate la fui- ýimhud the 1110s. -l'il iahcrg chrcîthie-Teegaph. Th. 'los'is1g Aller. "ia lsyesr. Pnom. y« ffl wvb Us s-batcver yon bits f or- jb "Oh. hli es-lltfiiif"" -"'for t shant le I.to gSI- Ye onything at ail!" WkU ecbaeai0 loup son cal, "What kil liav-e' înuresuutd ai 1ot 10 l:'d .311 tue like WY' roomU. 11 "Young Brios-n ts a sunirt feliou'." "aIftic manager or the collectiou de- - parfmcnt te th e 9i-ct I la -- "Tyes? W~ha's lie ben dolng nos-" asteul the grent lnwyer. "Why. hos-as n the office alonO e em beiday s-heu hc beard that Bi1k & - Satin wers finanially emnbarrassde& we s-ere holding one or fs-o daims against fbem. andho rubel ound- slapped on an mtfaebme1t jut fittén - minutes befors they closd their doèru."-- "Got n sheal ot everi en. did har" "Ment eviry other cuedtor," saIdf11 - manager. Thegreat laWyer lookel plessed. i~s "It sa a good piece f Work." he - mai $m maIl. *"Ilikt ee 0 a young ms-n s-ifh Whatwv smre enterpi-t a nd a ul ir in a. W hat d411 «,L5 ing . yon do?" "I*f16 dhlm ft s-as a gooi l pece ef *,Whbaî? The grent lavier looksi "IWhy. I complimentel hlm for hlg promptncii anl business sense." - "lireltul heavona, man, that s-tI ' nover do!" cied tbe gret'as-yen. "1119'11 bc aslring for more sali-. Go out snd fell hlm Ihat if he hal't bean bOrse l ifclOcndsedon-lft just as well."L-Chieno Tribune. Ait s-bore WMQ Nes«.T "Cisrîri neyer thinks ot playing fthe races ans more," muid young lira. To,' klns. "I'm glal f0 hear if." al the fricdl. "H10ou'dM you persuade hlm f0 quit?" "1Iliui't persuade ltat ail. I1se- - eepted it lu a spirit ot patient reaigua- tien sud falutm As-ttIf lie bi m more I--a s olg te do the. cootlmoiD_ý l myasit,"-Walulsfo'ari u t ti, à " P i s s a s , g ir . h o g e d , t h e r a m p , n u v a m y t thaventi bal anytinmg te eut tuIns 1iefttotea Id lmuy motbct"5 e or."1 "Nliher have 1,1 »Id the man s-lUi Fthe. womnus club cii ie, u!SptîtiuOhir F ly shufffilus hlm a ive.-Cincîinmatl *Commercial Tribunie. "Hle som..te bu a nodoaf. uassulu- SlogmInu.", " *He la. Wliy, lue actnalby admit$ thut ho mlgbt mt ho sabie te mu au auite- mobile that lie neyer .as-."-New Tork ITimes. _ _ _ _ i. I. i. i I t. -'a s' The Monkoî-SY. Gi,. bave 7011 Rmon - = Z1rafe4MW hlm m initafc»0 at the mIon yesterdai. but hobe Iut bogu sge m ac.-NOW Tort ve»AU Jourliat k o t h a v e a m i p e .f.' Ild of t ee 10tt?"-- - n N I~ val' r.. A lira. Rlgly-1 tint Couain Kate la elfivies of oui- nes- parior turulturo. ,M._lgy-Why do you thint o? fool cheat f is morning.-Nes- Yort lisil sud Express. Toucher-If I boums- (L dollar trou 7.0u s-iîi utbe necesars ta band if baet tomorros- or eau sfoqvaît unutil next.s-eet toi-If? Prdit-I'ta f00 bua te idiseuspurebi hupothetical questions. Ask'uouebol! s-ho Ukea tu argue.-Kamsu City Jour- nal. Mima Mllctt-Wluy diIIjon discharge your chauffeur? Ne made ucb a fiue appearance. Ui. Lippinot t-Mut the man bai ne tact. Why, on ce s-hen I1s-as dosing ho raul over a fat voman amdalmie josted me out otfins sat.-Siau't Set. "*Dl I underatand4ou f0 sas tual yen aIs-ais est s- breakfast food lu the mormlngr s?" auteims-s from Mis, "sure" repliel the ms-m tram lMas sachus îts; "pis." - Cincinnati TlsUM Star. _______ 'sbe Romaanes Tasken Ont etlit. "TYom don't mos-m t.ftelme you i-u cuol s ioung lads trou drowuimg asc did It even stop t0 leantolbcr uame!' I"That'i s-at I dii. lMy vite vsi thora s-bei I sot lhe girl sabote." Chicago itecord-Her-ud. 'Waiia- Coler» Apolegeitta a Po Blant. hlaut, blanIt. As 1 top the ball on a ta., Andu I would that mi' langue dais utter The tieugîta that s-i-ls Lnme! Oh.,s-cIl fer mi' paituor good That ha lant satchiiig the pls-yi Oh. s-ail foi- the caddie lad Thaf boa dent aa a pet todayl Aid mi' partera hbl l seon 1 Te the igthol over tb. bil: But, eh,.ior tliest-oeCet mnefs-ci Te hasten mi' hll s-ih lice atIlt .1 Biant, blant, bluIst As t top the haillon lhe tee. But sotier chance for a Caméefit tis eWiii uou or coma back tetaMe. a -"Capad Gos,' the 1