tober 80, l1908.-lOpa«. 81.50 ayagr i~ Cou~. CoM~ 8rcnch~s Iloarsenesss Loss of Voice FB. LOVELL, - - e - llilno le -Winter CotIi ig.. (>vî-r.faitLÉfromn ..............$0.00 t6 $13.00 Jl.i,isSuIte a .............8.50 Lu 1888 lteay.' 8iteu rinî.. ........... 4.00 ta S.0 riI!'Nuaaork Sute .. . *4.... l.00to84.00 slaa';11114 lin, té $9.90 %ipn*maMWa. >Ck(Imiteç..............00 ooanal$.0 Fli var Cuam ....................a.o$1.« t> $21M Faili litio teillfa.ta'eAil WooI anal Fia,-dI:rdî.îîaainit ..00 Lu 5o2.00 Overal is iaktWork Pant. McM4ilIan Ail WbqLJe4nit $2.50 to $8.50,. Vo.' for CeeS, E. W. Parkliurst, scl,. ci locIt Llbevtyvoulu I.1 ,AKE COUNTY NATIONA L 'BANk. piom oý'Storkhoiders Liabiiiiy,ssooo. P.,DVAMOND. Pr".. GUO. A. WRIGHtT ViS Prm. C. F. WRIOtNT. cmafr. F. S. KBURN, Aaa't Cacier. *CRILEY.PraIIe Vew. JOHIN COLDiNOG, Wauonda. a.: 11CHWE MAN, cal=r C R OAU.OWAY Libertyville. P. DYMQNI. Lbrtyvil.. c2EOitOS A. WRiwNT. Uotvle C. P. WRIGHIT. Ltbort"lU.. »J.L. TAYLOR, Or1 O b UTTERFIEILD 10q ov er TrIpgeSt%& vikor'B tT*NsU~A~N .» on Ilr'.aiwsç. CIppOS P LibertyV,IIl. -Illinois. 4ertyvi11el irils.j ri, E, H. SMITH, Xov.r Lal*cCuntyBanlk ,stop&M. And itouic. 117 trtyviIle -Illinois. C. R. GALLOWAY r vyvIIIe --Illinois.. ~A .NIClIOLS.. CiENTAL'OFFliC b A i m *y nh ATJ,1. t'r H. O..B. YOUNG, ty c-am. a'd Surgoo.n. nec - - Illinois. Ia Lclg. MLLusIE. <o ea>'.in.nnI Chicago. rtyt-IIe Illinoi. ijMacCUFFitf, Nomuattu-iiow ma Ne W%*rhow arge TIE fIRST NAT*IONKI.BANKC sil ji aTu4. ua t appfIeto the nm Joli WoItig e. AT OIAAMOND LAKE. cdhntally @hot iiy blé eouipaalo-am the t1wom repulilng on hmai horp la a A"aal bua.,att PaninalLake, an aa " (eeult 0othti,.woueal eau lil,,but anolar daa7 or n et the mont. Bullh sre bleago nmm. At Dilemond UkLa elub boume f aialineal by ae nuaier of WOH14040 Dohorelaof < UbleaO. Hem'.tb.y Mie ta> buat anal for rercatiun. $und"y fmikus aadbis f rienal, Frank Iugior, Uought ta thoot mnd ho" nd m ncrlag tlaelr gu e Mt Lbhe club boune. They got Into amsli boat et the laun MA m s fi>lke 10k up the ualKule PrePaîed to- loed tii,.gnou. He wusalai -th .i aitWo ~uwlug -ontî aall6ùeebig Ohell roin bisepetlng gtmn wiieu ln nom manner IL wen lhiiairged tLb,. oùteuts strlklng Imikum farly in teLii.rght m"i,, -Penting hetween bislatIiandal oa4rug li hIiie ak. it uam a terrible wouud, a liole thi.e!," ut a ilIver dollar. lmikus a wn ra'înoveidl« tLithe lub honum anal Dr. <alkaway, ut Lubertyvillai, hurrlediy iuunmonèi!. Lutaer thé. injuW ïMan was tae-t- hie home ln Chieago. A dihipatei Tneaday 'nigiit une Lt4Lithe esfet h,. coul! ot liv,. and thait death une but a i îatter of a few days at the Kugla-r an prnetrateal lay Lhe terrblei areldiit wiuh resat! no aerlounely anal bewale! wîat he tpran.d limecna.lem. Imîlkus waneabout 40 Jeana uf ago, paqamlar lai tba.clrclp. in wicii b. mc'! analit wlb ie awquainttera. Rie uit,. and famuly are et bis b edKide. , . A eçtrngea -,colm<ida-n islethait 29 Xparm ego biia ftba.r wasi ebot, tîlying frons the, Tbniea.v information oftLb,. ma', detb ue as , ivel et thie offle,,hb,. by- ing die.! Woaneiiaiy. Sau~t Pro"eCame. Carl Regt, wholcetlgala.d praeediegu egainst Conautor Plneub lu a Kenonh court for amauiltfl bihl eleveea.yeur-ol daeigher Clair.lim. h»-dv.cIddLu drojýtfie matter. IH, Indaeilt ie qulre aisr.m Oae proeaeution anf al l eaged iocaamm of the, tuarai iare touk et Lb earrg wuenPlnanb wax net f rv e aaie ofi ffeg'n a ll, Lia aifer, whk'h was due tu Lii, latte-r'e l nnauaLing ut matt,.rs. le ÙJe Rad thie.St. Paul a-ilroai!offlîla ujîl îlot renutate Pluriib aieai remilt ut tLb, aclair- Board et IReview Throuffle. Lait ireaik th. " oar ap* Reiaumm- vplitPd itia'laborsanal turne! aver Lu Couuty ÇIerIt Remut a-i.îl oke. lie in tuae na!,.a aialie! report Lu Lt)4 Staite fluard! of Equalsation. igurensiiowing Lie ainme.! valaittian li tb.ealifféren:town"ep, of lande, lots, analpemonai proparty. -1 Lands Lot, Pernonail Benton ...1692014 426,967 321,426 Newport-.169.20w 1,7.r3 55,2r0 Antiot-1.249,27.9 58,7211> 82,040 Girant..... 98,160 31,414 83,934 Avon,....201,725 43,690l 78,177 Warren.226,719 1 4,M9. 58,M4 Waiakffln '296S,175 806iO01M.295,477 Ollle4cis;.24..9...381494,*11 Llbrtylll-.2i7,35 60,9071098 Frenint. .281,639 7,530 47,658 Wauconda ..118,801 37,578 45,z520 Cubai......188,241 39,:I0ý 47,09M El&a......245054 13,63838,214 Vernon ..229i8l7 8,615 84,970 W Deefrfiefi!136,38a&. 12.804 22,8W0 Da'erffé.....10,696 636,842 106,295 Total 8,095,285 2,968,701 1,961,428 Foliowing ilaebown the Lta,,:i neneed valuation on ail lanaIs,lo, rlroai! lane.!. pereofa, anal ota, baai sgtck, teleiaph amiStelepiioncua. in the IBentpu, *921,075; Newport, $228,598; IAetlocb, $895,541, Grant, 8168,252; lAyon, $824,174; Warren, 8292,180: jWffklega l*,464,1>1;Obýil-n.*158 8288,21; W»an>de, 820,080; Cube, 225,855;, Ie 8U,627; Vernon, 8321,- 040; W. Deprila, 176501>; Derfiei!, The total amnmçd valluation uf-ail, .taxable properLy la the aounty, le 08,1",450. APoPu orar mmm.. Rosort. T'he p"it nemnahaebeen une of exoePtional prOoperlty for bote Iteepem et Blanond Lakte, analthe gmulng favor uofthm m eaort wlth Chlcago ~ieere seekeme brlnga, atliaetion te. thon. Who have for yeeum maînteime! iL une dmes tailLubiacoei of tii.le-! Lea lo g r enrts te o!lb .cUtdi. - ba& Tlatuer, uic.. heu hatel une i. ail siemer wlLh guenita,, la. ou Îbuilding amiaunex 641"8 Lu accaln- Mmdaen« mcx laeeue patrons. (laï Hla eretlng àa eauboat boume cue bi.lae aal Propos« Lu me.thaL aIt Wha i d .e lfe. =Clam îuki le build.ingeonmmooun àme. louéstltbwpetrôna uaey b, enw dxSrhw tLie -loi mount cur TAICP1 III. ».i pected. Inqulry by ÏÎ reaidem injuase up ni]1 hope, e604 deaLIaone* moienlg.ThIMM l by Mfr. Mannae pertiler, wbo lad @ide of tiie. alowly Mr. Telentt ner ewn mince iewas Tuay OCkt. 11 Lier.qsumaid a AU hl outlun, batl snndey b,. bu boa i- nouerniy ew sud Friendu a lit th ii, Tlcotl ÇDEPENiuiF.Nt gffl Radc reply, "Il .We bave ivm boail ex peting bla îimî.i i-arLy 1ma a <bnc,." 11>1 m AtLrneye la'. tly at the .becI. rmail. oaîîî trirkon, ti.', len4t week tirvem,.etn lu o brla.t andlI~e Pwiaîg graeully About Rsdy tec Ceeince WoràC ,Ittension ýDAMAGE.D EUIkINE FIXED. Th-a'.bui beenn o' qation of wurk on the. Lhber*yvlh bmeb onI ilîC Cliflg &'-Milwauakee nIec*dt ruai! ime. îLe opealig ln Septseo s ut! mr>w it le ail but complo.te. A lage.ontrc&o ing lins.b,,.I ii h mieauwhile et work bMling the,- ixtn- aulon froua Lakte Blffaortbwi it4. Northi Chlcago wel ftil otb«w.st4.rn LimIta and that in m.aing coiupa-î ,nd ouble track bavlng bae laI4 andlgrav-i for top0 ut ttroai!-bed 16 naow le-ing bauea trum ie bCOMPenur. Pât, aibiro twahuge. gemaishovels load 9h. traîna efait aie tbreloimutvoeoea draw tiWre ew*y andl return thi.e mpty 4*re Otiti Otiter gangeqof mm eare engage! fn'eparlng aàaew raght.ofwïy for Lb. Hle eAieL of e tiiNort4wuem me akm. .TIIe conepemy il L thavhe two double tiêeruade, unmo ef -l i UIll enator juit off Lb,.pui» highuay unt rprivait, rlght-of.way ara a dl tm k willl repli.f,. tihe cuagli' 'ak nuw ilaune. Anodier aivaiaga. iitls aihmeon Sarp cnrvi-e at- p..4t elntng aire entlrely douei.awa.v wltl und a SmUne ie ubliftttiri,. ulil b,. pocebl., luilt. Prm.rag ate ei.. Wet. Enuglnairhave etaîmloteal moneur, omnte of prrîperty in Li s.rtyville tîait lé lo'be aa'qulred Iay tLb,. u-iaajaffy Lu extend lits in le rt *h-wi-ettaLu lw.laki eraglon and eventunlly Lu Lake C-îa-aaund .aîlieui nad ualrveye ýf thr' lanrd cûftmida- the vlillage, aima. altbougb mni rlht-rf-way Tan neayet bien îuanlrmql or eotraetod oyettWtaleii ïi tb)., iiniidate pfuture. Where netttereiita.. ,aii.t be efféectad il le Raid!tLeii I mariy fr.ulaoneaa Luput op au"nlet bondg andl go ableaid wiLb tiîeir contruction uork. .ettliiig as the e ourts maty <e.,.,but ini île-meanlii- ot heving bain d,.lay.-i. 'I'atit ILletheir intention Lu liagtîiiaaostrnc-tiom otfthte ruai! on West ti fall is uit-tuer evidi'ea-d by their deaire t! el a , Llaa.lpr ma-m. 'or- abusive andl offenive ti. the gms0one day lent umet anal iany' gaîvei o#bae of thoir fatéatioe of qulttinig. Altbougb a goual veau, Bupt. DowIte dîl-arge.!thb.foré- «mai.He.unteal Lu li!!Wh- M1n,.n AN Lhe othber com$LraieLiom 'work le about compietoal iL la for tbe fartber extenaiona of the. roa.!ho wam t.t-n. niglît Liae North Cbieffla cunecliextenda'd Lbhe auîapiniy'n franchaise- ovair etreete in Liiatvil111»-, alluivimgîi.ti November, 194 ina whiî,iîLuinplete Lb,. roma. .This aleam e ti,. omtrue.tion gagrnow at work ona that ext,.neium wMi lao treilferreal Lu Lihe.western exten- sion, Wb"alitletu lie- ciarpletial anfJar ne Lb. Wnein Ctutral liafor, Lb., lin,. tbrough Nord& Cliiengo i. flalae!. ia! the vliOnge board -refuwe-ai Lu ncede fur- therlIne,.alavailalale ai-m vwer, Lu lii- put tu uorkonthabai lauin an endeavor to comnplet, iL by Nov. 5, Lb. orIgial time lit, aicUaged EsBaglReairo. Thaîwlay of butt wcaktL. large engilit- Wwhlc un ureke! in iLapouair houe., et Hlgbuooi el ,.twAr part oif Auguet augeia.! Lu iis hippeti to Lb. buliiler. in Mflwaukree for repair,., arrive., anal simc thon expert. have lai- maiy Instalig lie hage machin,.. Ilile'lio,Ithattby Sunday It wlylx-be umiaig. Then eleetri- city ulli beune!nas motive pouar on ti. Lhbervlille bràeh nci ia t 6- abt uil locomotIves, anal etrviî'. onlte miln line be remuam mib,fire the amildnt ufoa'dng mach itecr Mraioidule.. cîafeeiuns or a prIett. 2ev. Jan. S. Coi, <f Wak,., Ark.,1 write., '*For 12 'y..Atrs 1 sffefealfromn Yelo Jaundllca. 1 -<amaiîted a numnber of pybleiiandn!trie! ali! orto of1 medlcl*e, b4t got îî.î relief. Tlien t b,.- gainLb. ni of Sla-ctrit- Bitte. analbeee! tit an eumue!of.wai allestate ba in l îL zrnp foar tuelve ml, 1~ Ifyiou uset e relille nolisfor t. aa kilaey troable, a tomaci W 1SOc. I' uvetmlby r. IVL ilV~ FTAL EmiiroeS Lore..Cafsieau with Whlle teykig to repait hhe revolver, Elyèjefl Omeý ,ah Antrian, wnn $hot bt tbrougb h etoneh Suoday evenng nt e 'elgurk and dlliedlmrnedltely alte.- lewardaist) h. mlildent took place juet Wet of Laoke Bluff lhe i, camp of Lthe maulad gang l I b' omenlo haid <been eaapkoynd for soatiUe. rtAbout hlm, wha.n tboeclltoeeurred, g'were beveal Ini hIe ompaulone Who eaildeoit end theLb.ole cAmp ut forAignere waff m noua ea até of con- fusion, &q the yonne telow wea w popular man In thé, gang. Iaf<ndaiy noon IDeputy C:aooîr Iowpr ln thé abwmof niCoroner Tayl]or, wli j Mee in a cukMKOgomopital, went to Lake. *Bluff anal hd au inqueat .av.-r_ Ah,. vktim awf the, evkl,.ncp ,bow,.d thait the àeed,.ut wan purely aroldeua, tbait b wae et wurk pryinx down the bairrel wbfrh was pointa.d toward .hlm wh,.m lt went off with owali fatal reaults. A report byam ea, urrpnt tha e i main baIl been anurd,.rpd by hiseocm1Pýnlon, but aceurdlng Lu Lthe evîdemi',.tb.,ye wax mot Lb,. lamat particl., uf groundsi for the, runior. Monday afternoon Undertakr flow,.r took the bod]y oftheb,.veitli LuWau. kegan wiere iLwîlllie hi-Id ea sort tire p,.ndiug word froan,relatives.. The victian wag 'about twenty.three yeare of age. Powiee nd artermeCIla. The ide MchCron<ct. id riipousible for tbe following Item: Fe-A lderian Frank, T. Fowler, (Aitor of tiaé Waukfflam8Sun, anmdLthe fairnie*e n Lake. Countjy aim, ait Luger. hei.!.. TIitrouble wae brouglîtabout by Fower'» refumai to allow Lthemail éommiîalon,.rs to bud ai higiweY. through hie tari, aîtbough Must of the land! ownere in Lbhe rlcinity have slgnoa end are auxione 10 put through the, petit"ui for the proponed road. lfr. Fowlee'attituide han aronoed the. ire ut the' faim.,, and their ait- torney . Adilicon Blakel,-*delareslit willi b,. a ighttthiis. Mi.r. Fowler, on the other banîd, gives warnlng thM - fer enh niioluiA i - hm phai wltbot propea'y entlîottr ho 7eImihar6 eiata. lThe> lnater will b. At ihis lime of yma-toomo s. bg ~~~ÛU4SIr~Wand Ovm"iahrte trou 889 54 p m tàýM~,Yolooselle aMW Uitama MMW yesrMd4M forWonuad hde. -9-Z.entaf.i M'a, w«» n.-dafdan-avey N0011ya44ai uad.ct. * o ieL "Iplenall P velani Mda Wl arirety to choose trom. Amuolea iah 4Wie-otr. anS large. Foi er. si» 8. <> 8.8*, 01.30, $t». aStandl sec; FO«.Wtfmm et #Ï, ie .44*.2i, s là88WC Pror ChUuaW4lmm fur ASq o b 1e 80andl Oft. 3iaS, 81ke Anion SuIt wlt foot ettehe. complet*. lS 8MePe ad lm Ouead. Swotem 09Oeyhrt, coran J acet, Work Pet@,Ot, Jumpem, 010v, Mîtten, a,, cape (vae andl COuhged, uii -PATSON4E< Têt ot NE AigEpa TwNt o. R. [NON &SN CeADiEne Or LOW PUiCgg. Ny kkbituad Also ha a od lin. »<d Fui'Coi fit maprvicom eexlWednewlay. <i *"If Fowler tiinke bai eau ,mtn theBa m .' tarmema of LaIte. eounty," sai! 1Mr. llaikely. -helu nadly inistaken. The P liret Ling b. kndouenoma-bodly-'wil pluele- ci thtingnrm.ionaîleafftier froni higecap. *0 LibertywrNI* Wdiîlin't tuait le. ai ml blow tii Framkl" Bila nButter Market. -- P tutte'r aulvan.'.-!%C Monalmy on Lb.he ~ iEigin ["ird of tradl, and'iem ou quooog i -lria t 2l5%e. Mora>em oAlcii 60>tube aI 121.Walriutit *Adl!40 aîbo at 2lXe* Siiiriaîud ail! 20 tubs an! Warren àoaIfo 1M at 21Ne.' Output for district-i!urlig tli, ek,6980li.. -- tNotice of toclubolaleret leettagi To theetitoekbolderti of Liliertyville M àth F Trotting Aesociation: *Ti .1. You amirelnebyv PotiÉipd LIIeL ou *Coul, spriflg wlre Saturday tLie,.2loL day of Nov,.Mber, l u mr o 1 #0. ut thei,.b Our <f 3 1p. tm. at Lifthe S mmmrd .of Benjamiai- H. Miller-in Lthe reglatea Its own villaige of Libartyville, Lake a'oumtlv*,on Illinois, Ia speelal meting <if tie so ighte uoep hoidere of Lu.bertyv]lie Troiting Ail. O m-la~t ion wilbe belifor tepurpone otf ". nherlng and! acting unpon lie propiolle0p of eelarglng the. cap tel lstock 'of m d. 1 LiierLyvliaTrotting, AeaiSatlain trOM fencinà -are- M« ton tiousanildoalare ($10,000) tLu fi thousanaldollar. ($50,000), uheh n <eaee<f forty Liiound ldollars (#40,000) ini tiie caipitailstock utfmi! s- P G O -M* ,.oclatiom Lu comipriseefour hundreal (400) AG O N V Naia of the tace .valu,. of oneahue.,.!AISI CE dollars ($100)each, andfor Lhaiconslam iain of eua'iiotlwr ibusines anmay ecame 00 MOIne t ' lerfore the niietlaîg. Libertyviîlle, IHL Oct. 15, 1908. A. C. F"oT 24! F. E. MÂsen L 24-lJoun R. TaniapsoN H . iV7 E. P. DsWOLV « Directora. sealoal Propomle. &eel mromoanla avited hithle board! of trustm. cf tb. vIllage et Libertvville tor a drlle.!wel le al.! villagefor vatervorits and d ir ootWslleeparposea. Bîddoam aredotul "e Ivo taldie one fora veli foc, luches in dsaeer ad one for a velilsix facho. iii dlaiebe. eah bld tu italude poeveet bore. Foret f bide and! npafileM atie nd!ail Inforiaation regar.llg re mevai oha.! upon aalai a aI et tMy Pae.of buatemaon Libetrvml. Bilda vili te ieceived aithtie ofice of the vilflgelritup tau 1:0 p. rM. llOvmber li. 1.8 et uhicta tire. tuai oiiitrmeamilted toilhe board of tru.teea etail ad village hi whom thei vif! ho îachIieîmtopenef.. »Idearem.te hoaccmpanle.! ta'àcertlled cheok payable tte .oclr ofIrak IL.fir., village clark. le the auie cf soivealv4v. dollar.@19fils)cih da'poal 'x.111 tareda lote biddou ifh 'bild te reeûte d 0 f- the talddirrla succeaefni upue huume enteron lotoa conlul vilh laid illageo and. alvine bond for lte sildm -arve. - forana cha. arnWvtaefve da-m',tc the da9e of atilleeton thatihe s«I.! oatrac and hon.! ae reedy for aeclion. s contractor muat fcthlalasi big owa aryense MI lahorri materbi!.tola. eto.. Lte LibertyVii ea fulîr coregilata sait veli e4eicrba le thre siauciffcatlons. à 'IL. rInhtIolermnare.!turejeel ani or al or snv per r&UT 'bld. tE villae a9t Uhetyvllla. Ooeut.mfcfLaIe and! Suuordmaf int. Da. cInuaea0f Duoleeti la. 0&*et int0r Ch*%» ué ea Pauad twelve bar wb~ m.(mot'ciimped> tk.. op th m not become Iço lt lü S Secso stand1 a iuin of 800> tir 0~ ILo a each but, ge gaten O=mS1S8W iti ê' Lard theworM over. VRIR F NCE C0.9 - o. Kj stoves and W-eca bit . you i priieand kilid. Ail prloeu-from $2.1 to "Q-0.OO Call aud inqlé before bc FOR Wbeaiyou Ihave a a MId tii, bit tbiaag lu doI o e u apIL W4m, have Lthé reiiidy-WIby - 110 boy le No Kp itofentasd! -Wbea tii. o lle mYikung lei tie ftio ,.to RupINLa. nmady anal yuOU ugit Lab) ive tl,îe cougb cuore I L»-bulea. rtyvlll. àV ýLl m 1 à+ýý 1 t t ti M i i - vam ý - Ùmr -T