Pie go ep u& ins ta dep unl esdongrf@" am Fni xnmnlnthé p-e » e IwuodA s ns nîca bokwle inont vith abon liant it héléN gollir ït-tthUPope - nd s»am cbuhuflto big bot 0 "h prhnceofifalitm hlu*lf thé second ChÉ Ib tel' Fuénltlied by emmty Iltl & 'rntC eof Trige. Ttie Guas roWpié 0h0. anuregn, I] Lovu J. Guaste. &Sec>. éu *obaDrsstg = st o iseitmiet v .... e ... ... .. . . . . . . ... m u s emMI I < .. ise e. sut> .Itou .lés ~U'uuaé "j" * ais.. b f to A Se 3 gkoev mou s~m a v# r'as, have reéelred anewé »auaibail a Scenet fluor pt '"M. W. J. Famond ani ýîAila, $put Sondai aI va@. W rami Malilrote bai hem Wé »t titisplace. Au. examina- mries vas hli Tueday. 4»éreanti, of Okahoma, bui 4 10 hi» honte ater epédng s ftb hin brother, <Cj M. (ekm.pd. g4) oa.-of aur mélésmd ia#'nglrow eseape tram dest li vosk. Wiile on li- vay ataville, Mr. Crow gat i 101la P$iva' oit SIi!. lHe 'abded spo)ngwt twii. mnko inn evesa lQ woulprobabi>' lae perhhsed r buger bail not 1Mr. 8tiara de mthe smoue, anti iy ubov- vivhre lite gaiete aoreauédhlm à untiaiél death. Keep ibe 0( the rua!Jiul. ROLLINS. itinck vai.a psasauttcaller bore Frbd llaàuirantidnmtugiter vers at ILoîllui $rIuday. ras lleuotery Society vii nigt ïx. Wm= Wiltan Nov. .- zdvrde mud lSquire shéidan two séud «W o hopTbudai. Brm Te""d liée. fl a w.Ie if b. inuhénbeti- midu and Fritai nifnet -eel Mo iu 0"e v *okfollovtt uWU asdi * 110wtotr Baoc _____ thé Ja n MAU e ~ Pli tlan,4a» hlUts. tuh 1wÀWb Pésslet. Mry t Ii, ueets and mm,. Pérgum tsa.nerwevs',théeot"tr A wholmaulepao lng of dop b1ok placeon thé West' ld4è satushi ase a imlt of eotiétdi aylupoison thut a "" turcae m itie oftictotdre woëk agiSowS:me re ÉInakl J& * detarukul ort te let. thé -morne 0. t i maitha" procstffl me folav - È!" m ena im-e .hsM 5.10 w bo là-mmme. - blsfr*eéw. 1'ltpoltaa itéf! Ka 116q 9» u m s.ed tu bale worlsê ite ten «hainelu a. ou Oha boavum.su»it on MU flWaWnho bb e , 1 lié pelty lori te's primas ad thé law lé vory etriet predict. nti ea luanclalWaiikgan bs nov thée 4surancesof inésltion aapýthér n»wfaMeav.Thé éoncér, thé in thia "lou laof wh» inha ortslnty, ia the au thé UnItéiSStOu ssZnw ie opny whltb amd ,thé bas boue W t tsé,éétryite temlaére- e0icperty. Thé tract ho locut ed mathi of mobatecOakwood esntetery, aen Idéal factory to Roné oit. Upon thistract a factory vii hé dOx thé talitI at bnéethé vork to hé rnmbedaC Of làoo- rapldly a.possible. At thé oiqtat thé ii jist Satorn viiMPoi four buiidd bandé Met théead t 1hthé cmpénoi'Intention te mae theé.Wmkegan p"et iés main vb 5W eru fator5. Mr. Lagan, 0f Wo eér Whto la moaget<i h capgi wl moye thée lvkepatbr u C. diret thé vork of uitahhéhing tht. new 1 lndobty lu aka. George Bs, %the Worth .chicago yeug msaarmeta ut- eek chargsd 'wii tbing Audéew H-bherg -me--o te that village wuhéd .ta thé grand l jury &y Madiàftwsrun h JuWstc Mérnil uband i OOsMd ln doistt cibailhé Wemtto juil. One of thé main plais of evidénc vhih eaumsd the'jndgé ta haid bise Wàmsthé testiMaayofai1r. Herbesgerthat bhé.had rméld bacit *abois m:outbte Ml. Ne tatud that a Canadian quarter écrouthé Ige 0f ,vb" e é aà scaitbwd aan, vas taons thé change atoha sMd that hé had Wli Ibot!s foi thé identIcalpurpose Wb" cIbhe tue und 1h for, that aof helplmg lcal.a panlbelhis Thé-eplmie ai scaîl ever and idipithéria buai rma4 ~stgeln Wmdwe diWte héçutéalarmoi Mmd théiviii ilkeWIs t osée 0*s Ob"péta*top thé bapIli'aaeuntuth . 6éii thé fi"»ae iof e sm alsd ta préhlY" observe tbé guarmatharin Stspi ta mmgedi.thm "0 aan belm ta". Sa ssiouéluae e WtaM issostbait lo a éid tlwmre a aiffl~ltyioi théboard idhéalthteiiln mw tosm thé clty Whlo* aMWl the mpiih hvec vlib. iTvemty-Sve fmlse@w ocaupati af tbh owet uley qustentionsi'QuAla ensb t isof aI racdy, follovu aioré ou 6MfsaCoaaimlémetaofel train wiéding ôt aaudvir aofamille aoi dlptbu a thbuildingla thé out Wauhegan h ta bave ,a-four story store, on".e&ad iadge nias buding to ceuostio 476,0"0 to 080,000ta hé eésétsd hî Dr. V. C. Piés on bis propérli. at thé caroS ilemsse ud, MIho siruet e, érmthé pseeàl strmsaio Ahbott & Mtmo ioedy & Durklb sMd Prommy* ;OMM jon rénovbaétsd TrW:plam fucrls tue oteans 50 do~om Pd kS qL-è-do -Wv On, théeltrot soor and iaung oSeé. meéré m t ùmere b.lhéthe e str% dlaislonéam foge*v.- 19 hi 64,- 19 by 78k. 10 hi 40 iel. !OnMaso Stret thésl, iii h dreétouus di- mmmla ne aitaovaw: IIla y 6w4 'Thé main esamé ta théeliqiiMng vii hé luit uorth ot thé Msai etore on ameé sOUot, t atb e , Wta sext te thé a&n Goq gdioni ble attum tote é iioafthe stase an wui -enter a large-. hslla "aleh thtougdi4,n big kDI b reldna l l sud * vi"ibh fouad lwa 7ptbli eétosm iheomttit6tehpeatud, sU aithé tisséSoc palramoftlébnUing. On thé - mdaniS bl&bméhére viiie hé aUhadivhd'ý. iote tveqty-11#e ailo f titrevr co.m 0 ulie aclg Gmeaso, Ivie Mlios mmd six thé coUrt et thé mitk. Os théab"*tfiuor vil hé fôe ouudpétes.mt halland a latige t. 11é frMer .vlilfront a hao akS. d luthé tbernsént toas le a stage 24 hy- 14 féet.This room vWi metsio*t 700 pmnnpmd Il vii ha»&dltsu i uUISy 49lest Thé kWdg.route viJiSave uliitlon aio 84 hi 54 lus ptv mstW "abmt 400i psrsoai aS vil e arramguilfor daué vork, qe., Mm adéeriY désirablefor ladgu purpans Adnp-vom vii h proyldast tbsomtbsést soins, atthie faon ta hé ussi fer bath mntertalmt andi loige rout évente. Its dlluteusomu sam 20 hi *GlseL PuagnobMh1 hecer.thm Oum, ,ety aInt chimpail, le ta attend tis Mot dil. .pnbeaetl1sGj )sAtw -thélé sauwa Dt flMg UU0UR nUneU IU Tbé aming of vinse Foresne.À Mubike, dbughter0 r U, ad jte. C. iluike, té Boy Mitton hPatsm solemnizled- at thé Preshytaulma * lat Wédnaday aflernoen. Théd a.e mouywvaji perforinéfiaI 3.-S:80 oio b tUé ev. A. A. Planstil, o ai l» Thé bride vasitttended hi bar co"t~ Misé Oerdena 8hé1,mau,, vho o govo of *alutéep , and by thelrOUWé shtes, Mimé Lura Païwoné, Wh" a wu] 0a1 wite no'. velling. A cui Mr. Richard (Joodfliow, ut SB. L oulu4f attémded thé groom, au did Mr. IBoy lénks, of Evanstoià, a cousin nif bride.l The bride' gown consléteri of yphito Asoliaut Cioth, dite wore a vi éarnled a hoqiuet ot bride's romes. 'le» bride advaneed to the ater on the arna( ber fathet, preceded by ber brldea and two littie. girls, Eleanot Meyer »aJ Ruth Lidgerwttod, who wore white gnwns and écattered rose ptais lnt ber pâthway. AteraithontWédding journe the newiy maied coýuple wilIl nake thefr home wlth Mis. C. ,1F. Muhîke. Many Mlothats of a Like OplnlOn. Mrà. Pilmer, of Cordova, Iowa, ms: "Ose of nîy chl4ren wasnbjet ta croup of a oevere type, and thé giving of (Jbanberlain's Cough enedy promtî avays brougt relief. Mni mno brsl ln this nigbborhood think thé samene a 1 do about thés rentedy maid vent non otber kind for thelr ebldren."_ For mis by F. B. t IvpL, Lln eyvIllî. Mise Mahél Mlvaney, of Pennock, speot Sunday wtt mima Eus Dawson., Thé Semai enjo.yed a vacation on lait. Prlday oin accoant of the teacher'a Mieeting at Highlanmd Park. Thbon. Keline, of Vaukegan, and Jas. Donahué, of Chicago, visited Suaday With tbir cousine thé Carolaut family., UmiasAnnie Farley spent Sunday at George Y»rem. Stusnke's miction laiqtod for three dais, a great aumber -of articles bolng eold. C.W. Pttis wae auctioneer and madie thinge yeny pleaant for ail. --A - iéi' ai' t-1Wlailéo intin tbe mélunol boumé on'gunday altemnoon muid ongwdilsia esnetery soclsty. Théy sleetsd thé folio wlng o1llérs: Président, Mis. Ana Melody; Vice Preidént, Mms Jâa. uOtounn, Ssérary, Mima Mats Pawmon, Treaui, Mms Dennis Gibbon.; Diretois, ibe Matai Mcolory, Mis Méq'Doyle, Mis. Jospb.A. Sey1, mise Rosé OlBoîle, MiM argaret Caro"a. Home thievoi aseni tayavé anfty, for this nelghhorbood. Théî stole a fins mrtel boise ownéd hi thé Redmond boys on Thuiiay nigitt of lait week. No taies f théboise cao héfonnd. It semos that mwmorteais neyer conte gingiy, for Mms Rediaond vhile loo ingfrée Séla fIacidentaliy« mte lu It. thé liai chute and I feuto tfie lloor below. There wu@ a l ong gémit on thé sidé of ber hsad wbieh réoderéd ber aoodcous 1or a long wbile; but' under lUr. Dis'caire @hé ha mprovinieely and vîllffoun hé &roud. .ith. the fls'hqouW For neary thirty i h us been traveIijàq aro.mnd the .ord, ansd is afitui rvliog, oringitng health and conijt. %whereyer he goes. To thse conuamjive -he briusgs the ltenh i4lesh Le so much need4i To .ail weaic, and '$ickly .hilde--hegIves ich and irengthëniig food T0 thin and: PaW persons lie gives new. fiïnn 'esh andI îclu red blood. Éhildreiî who first sawr the )Id main %vith thse lih are now rown upadhv-hdéa 'À their p ntihv cid H-e stands fur Scott's Enw!- de,,n hf pure cdJvr oil-a' dlhtul fond andI a'natural wkfor--chi ldren, for poltolls andforall whonedflch *d William Kelly épénit tlnday viti mms. Sheridanm. WdroQ thée wàrebaume la rapldly progreN0lng. Mfr. anid Mm Winî. Kennedy are vimtiug relativeï in tbis vlclnit.y. . . Mine Mary Pýylg»pont lait Frlday antd Saturday at lghlauid Park.- Iground bam huau broken -for the nev $5000 redénea Mr, Libal. Mime JoBA, -Uodd la at home star apéuding two uoatbs lu Lake t'omet. A nuntér fImm hére attandéd thé card party and etortaintnent glven hi thé ladies ni thé parish for the héneit of, thé itera, at idinWer hall lait Frlday nigitt. ____ Aucuis810 ale lea. Thé liçnuvanér b départaient turne outition 7 alehuis qoiker, hetter and ai chéap ai elmévitére, and lu aditonvapubhlm of . ni caigs& noic nsalesued list of proprti ln the weprhn bills are printed i nsa. INiPi(lI eaché more fartuers than uni othéce pr i thé coonly-lt la thérfoethi. bu=méium luadvertise Mis..Hainés vhltsd'leffhicgopart of luit week. Ralph Ddy vahome fuontChicago over Sunday. .Me. and Mms. N. Lameb are entértainlng ~rltiveé fromu thé veut. Mr. and Mm. -Wn Gager, of livng Park, vislted fiendé héré part of lant veek. Mr. aind MiM. Ne Lanthé and Miss May MeClure spént Smdaî with Dr. muid Mis. Young.i Henry Wilbur-had an auction ae lait iriday. Tbei expéet ta start -eau for Camlorcia. Allen Iixos opent part of luit wéek ut Rosécrans wlth hie ivother Charles vho bas béen ver>' mci, FORT 1MILS-. *Mrs. A. Benweli andS sons were Grays- lake viatars Friday. u kLusk and Notdmeyér are ashredding mru for George Walton. *Cléveland Bra.. aim taking ordeis for- 'home grown huckvheal jdour. tA. B. Couib. sudmothéreçimtéd ,~lIves la *aukogeurmve-BSuday. Smth Latte, et OakP1%k, spait ethé e1epat0f thé e el Iit IlmaSmit* "d fantly. VOLO. Henry Dowe, of Vaukegan, vas In 'Volo Sonday. frank andi Jné Hironfinins drove ta »drtlngtou fréeetiy. ShrifPowell, a1 Waukégau, vas ln Vola lest Tbumsda. 5ev. J. Ronla, of Elin, vlmitedý old ihnds bore lat Thuraday. Me. Vogt ane! mly entertainetd ftbomI!é frointGilmer $Sunday. Esse Fisher and i lf e. thie prend patents af a fine boy, boni Weduesdmy, oet. 01. Mnéotof Ei, luted beér uncie, Dr. basedevtcter, and fainlly a lew dais tut weék. Misé liiojebholg; 01Dépainsé, iWts at WiII Dunonulolit Saéturday acaiSndaî. MissJeasiGale, ai Elgi, VWMit*dM*&O bare lat satorday sa4 Smdnair e home»onda aiternéome MI.Kate Eso : e mucSaîohome aiselaimorann raso br h hsébieenviitlngrlt mm. S.B. Rusesi,, of Chce4o, ld siftui Mm. T. F. Williamns, of DssMolnoot lova) visted thelin .mthr Mm. L M. ]lm=n lait Thuvoday end Fridai. -mrs.Raugt and itrev.Raymond rétuned bomne Fldéy aller ave&'*vlsit i Hlghwood and ChiéjMThe as vlslted thé orphanag* ie lluIL Jamte,Mnrray and vfs iWwl mav te UdméHérthé lirst aet &:veSbes vIse Mer Moitibu mewad tk] la the eaudlMIMZ Mfatas,. Us "n,àhd 1. ?gt.anssUs se. 4*, ussml'vwIi.Lstmesam I~EOtAL aTTENTION I Mmr. Da.amlehntrtaining bhi $tnr. * ea. MieNamba rlmlt.éd féendi bere gunday. IL A. Tottg vas a p leimant eniler héere Mr, aumm. iwelschareentertalnlng tltéirSanut. Truasa Béichér, ofIAi".Villa. opee Saturday bore. P. A. Robnson va. in Chicago ou2d- Mrs. Spriug le home froin mutérnt Mcigea for a fév dais. Utse. Proctai mund Mise Condrey épét luit Thor*a MiMlburn. Min Woadfof aOQ ark,4. ént -a fév dons et Osayaake lest wésk. -Misé EMh*eau*nad ae!Mim Woodfnrd visiteisudi" etRund Lake utidaiy. Min %el Hall asistoi F. Rllhy dnrlng Mfr. Donalsonu ameénee, ut thé Dandy B. C. Bari a anti ite rS otà Dakota,. vinlted i wth Mm. Frank t ngriuh lutI veek. "# SMm. Proclar and MineVnudrey veré, th* guente of f riéndi at Dlainond Lake ýS&terday. P. A. Btoblmunauufamilymçvuunpaid hl Min Lusk drové ta Fort Sheridan Mr. and Mm.@blute vislted an mincie ut Lhertyrillie atunday vbo ha. récentiy reueud irètuCalforoila Mint Vida Rendezéila péndlug a fev dais vlth, 4n amet hélore énténing lKt Maris Aeademy et Lihértyvllle. Ialtéti old ti nde and relatives le Grayslace aud. vichinty. thé peut fév deys. ..11 Thé àvan Cémetény SScléy vil îeét villu Mm. W.. Wltan on Noy. 5. It lé - thé aunlMnstlngmaid ai litérmstéd In. lte macit are utged to hé présent. Claude Harvey vai thé lucky one to vin thé bandnomé lunch ciath cafll et Reginold Godfrey'és tars lait Saturday eveng. forty.fivs va.thé lucky, uuhér. Word ceeslrd frouaMr. lSchultz., t 1 hé bai mached lisurtbut inhWhia quit= oobu s ul.ta é~ s On hur.dai oveing, Nov. 12, thé Brut ai the Slsoaietsrtulnmentà gived by thé Ladins AIdaif thé Commreationai dhurch iQii hégiv«et glhéOpéna Hoomé Thé Gnlmuio nsrt Co. viii hé thé lurtj eut4tlahiit ~TWwckm aohéobtalned 1 et oraymiak Pliarmaci, seaion ticet@ 81.00,. Utiidten 50,cent.. Do n< aO lu came. *A spécil maricé vilii hé eld neit Bunêy ittoon ut 8 P. ni. la thé M . -e;umnh. odssaké. It wuli hé an hé prebeolaiy thé palan t b ea, maisa mn liliums hiBer. J.H. Thiom"i, forescy p*Mita,o ur work Imen. ipsejal aUmR6, coahtlng aid timé bynins viiib bs wu, Evetybody i h einante. Thé evenag siervi ii hé a spoiali etjsnasltlé flrte.. Sermon by peétor. Came, mai weleoas> TueVaretCsaiterianolatios IuSvitiée John Beait nextWednsé. Thé Joli Orangers bad théir ftzt Viter et -Grsyaleke lait eek. A mèreytipiwva-a M ied hî ail. rThe follovtag Pupils oi the Grange Hall mchaa dees!ve honorable imention foi hlgreeeivd Perfect attenduoe jerolipt, ion thé SMI mtof i sool: RIS dCrat, Vers Tucler à" G ladys Ihé Grane Railboys aud girlsamu bui mlltng ubanesé ou a ttenbeég oërplu", thé ptoesudsta hébu.ed for Muê bMt Of athe scI il'fty ceanus [W bé -oMfor tetéifio of ton cété eUTOPTOWN @éa,és Amsois ae Libi BonaKER... HOýELS ANOfiEAIL Wt PCLIVgNtO r*AbJ If you vant a Fail Suit--and you MÏoot cértainly do -or wIl--ome in- and ma »W - superior Une of etomplea and get my priôs..> I guarantee perfect it and satisfaction. FRIED CROKER, THE TAILOR sertyville - - - - - Illinois. Lumber Ceeli W E carry a comploe dStk. ..In OUF large 16w Alhm, Iwo are able to proï~iïy bou.,;6it, and 'bave rwex. clld facilities for loading. We have1 ail kinds of hard and sofl coal a ndare selling it 'right. Place, your order now~ bsforqêth. priIce advances. EMMONS-MERCER LUMBER, CO.p, Wriit Brothers,ý Libertyville - - - Stewarts - Geriands seAcorn' Stee-l Rnge$ Steel Çç Buyîý a stove with a name. I pay in the end. COEINý AN GeT PRICES.; ', . Pall. Suits__ - IIlInoIs.