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Lake County Independent, 13 Nov 1903, p. 1

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- LIbertyilfle Lake1 br 130,1908.,1l0 P*ges. $150 a Year in Ad Va SYRKP AFFORDe FOR çCume rhat Cures. Coughs Wha.n you luira' a el.] tii. liitt tiaing tui do la ta cure it. Od -W. have' tii.' eatdy-why flot lîUY It? iy Net Keep it on Hindi' Whii tus col iny«ntag ida btii hn.to applytÉi'remed aud yoil oult te have tuan congi ei n ~ utii..bnuse. Libertyville us I iochitis lloarsnesss Loss of Voice F. B. LOVELLI - - -Illinoi.. Winte r Mniai01 Suitefroni .............. $8.80toi. BySuita rom .......--.......4.00 to 88.5 I Nhllda.' Nt taic uie.........J.00 to $4.00 àm*wa Sh.'ep inm ot... , .......4.30 to $3.90 lien'«a t)uek Cote ............ 2.00 and] $2.80 Fur Coasa.................*16.00 to $22.00 Fuli lin.. of àMena, Ait Wool and] Fk&.Pd jnderwa.ar, a suit..Si.00 ta *2.00 Overalis Jackets Work Pants central Com ltto. Auherlua trio Nome O0D1& o 'TOI ORO&AZuiz CLILL. Saturdayrthe republican countycentra coin mitteemet ln the..court' houms Waul'kgsn, purmuat t atian sd t waa litaniaouelY tarrte.]that the. chairnian and ] Srcetary certify to County Clark Hendée.thait the. choi,. f répulcana for tlI.. unfxplred tarn uof atate's attorney', le Lc(eÀlie P. Banna. Ths unation of course obylatuthe lwqiye.ty of a county convention and mnmta, with approvai of republcu througiiout the e unty. b IMr. Banna hn weii qualifiai] ta 811 the pioultlon and tiaroughbis close nesocla- tioua with Mr. Talcott intinit witJa t. uwjuirm'aantm. Hme in a mangrestly rmp.'tc.d by attorn.'y, among whom bis ablty au counsel je recognlaeil snd tlirinugitapnt .'xten.ivoly acqualnted lin thé.. aounty lista. uaauyfrira.]. wherever lwinj known. lie lxa an u(if splend id elaarnetier, bros.] niSu.]..]and eynpathatic amn ' in.the,' pe'ople will finit an able Thei. lpuoratk central committe. nain..] F. 8. Knox, of Highlandi Park, as tiie 4iLfiidatà.' for themtiPf'W r4, i4. Hanwaa wil hava. <pposmitin. - 74à lSupe'rvision.bave n<t the. power te MI1 vivaraiea, for a pernid ut overoe y.'ar, atlrwim 'tii.'3 would appoint Mfr. e Hannà, as. eome underutood Uiey1 lgttenderi doiug snd tu,,. ave tth. 81700 O .'xî*wa.entalle.]by asptial eletion..ýA A Ltts iesfiMsDWo. F. W. Crnlsh presdent, and Hor,. -wrigiît Cook, attorney of tii vllag, ai Lake Bluff, hmardinvitode.]ti. aphlean1 central (,()Maiitfr.and4itia.rs lucon at the. Hkailton Club, Chbisgo,8ataarday No»v. 14, and an adjournanent wa s ken ktatiardaay tia thea' iillawing Matrey at tii. Hotaititn Club,.1 Tlx-. organisation rat a reublcn "iaI lub will pmobably b. a fmera Claaria'e S. Der.neen, who La a udldst.o for the.'guiiiriiational nomination vîli probably b. preuent. IIiard t-Î.Underatad. Tii..Kenonha Neye matea.serlom. rhargen a. aginenLeF. .Jeannie", ࣠Promînsnt teenher ot Lait eoqt Jeedalvauthie, lu, a hesliyý Speelal A"i conaplstsd IlWO tan farural nov foougn apliolitsd1 POO pointe have >lad meutes ta ete alote.] tao ne Round Lakoe.1, routes oOof i .* Itii. Prai1rh VIew oOke .and] o»f66m Rocoellei noakes a total ut tbbteen- for Lake county. The nov rouhp 1.511etart, snm wîtain a moulu, the balancee on or about Jannsey 1. We are able to pà" hei. terrtary to lie rover..] by tibetia4'routes out of Luhert.yvlle suM lis. tva ew ones out of Rock@Miler. Bq%*é o1 Iont of startgat po One milvan. kop, vne norti ~aneraeiu, corners soutd, J7irher, wve tu Harra, cornem, *ortbes.tta Brue e-n*s, vomI te Ams.ornersa1 outh- eat % 01a ia I, 4lth ta JKapple's oùrners, ai ort %. unîeemath to Phuhp's mita.,., u "irre'coroera south ta, RfldS'SdBataMjwukee Aenue n.]ad t tb»e potlolm . , Thé above moute fi.Ott miles sud 1,06 familias vin hé apeueaodated, Rouite No. 2 envers tti owfagterrla>ry: 8ta"tl at psikoBe, onth ta, 'oçaia s oner, es lta O'liern'e corner?, souda te. line'n eat ta, ltmdiey's suth tea finond'is sortt- mat on 'lown Lime *ag to Cordumoy corner, mfoth-vaét t.Fbhanman' corner, wom tu Olgý, aouM steSpeiimn's, 0"t ta, A*bmnsosa's morti-vot tu Wells, lamSotu Epter'. tisa WeI&to aml-. waukes Avenue sad velum t oto «fli. T1ala route aemu"al 109 failles and coera a dIstanceof21% miles aloIs No. 2 ont t< Skeiller (thora beng one nov leoSsd there) Io as 7 hirtaga l LCalef bai. juet a la Lake rouny of sali routesudaiol 01 fcarrie frso almady basa Ctthe folowhag itafor tii. new wotai, two bslug la the Instance - LUberty- Fro. postofioewm t tapratr. timSate Biekwita's, mute Ivaho]= nrtl,-weatta Frmiout'Cobler, soutot ik bel id SIhI~-~I&~~WM 4 ~ I ~ I (<ebt ii.hs O&da mdefotrraogbwetrî $2.50 toS3.50. V«0,8 fer Cash, E.I W. Parkhurst, schncmecBld LIbaityvîlie, III UKE COUNTY-NATINL 3 pptoi.$5309000 Stockholders Liabillty' 5~o.o, .surpluas, $3,000. Imm s.ueur.laing Ced&«e<us ai P. pmutjeyacm onDeand a __OFFCERS C. F. WRIGNT. Ceabler. F.3. KHRN. Asal Ca.aier .OILE.PMrgIi.Vi.w. JOHM COLDOI. ¶Aauconda. e0 Cb WBRMAN, linir. IC. IR. CALL.OWAY. Ubartyvlli.. 9.OMN.Lbêrtyvllle. C GUCI.,WRIQNT. Llbertyvlli.. C.f. WRIGIHT. UlbeitYville. W. J. L. TAYLOR. Dr. 0. F. BUTTURFirL çe Over TIg&Tyo'. VSIAVUIEN O.T t. 1056 . u.to 4mad 4tea 0. m.1 sll~tt eelal *leam on lir-mLaloi. Opposte lait. ÎertyviUle Illiînois. Libe yie, Illinois. Dr. E. H., SMITH, ce over Lake County Bauds ta& tma. a"41to &p. m. BAUL! ertyville - Illinois. Pin vr ovl'sDrsetre r Bank i &v»asaontelu3aanalf s la 9pM. sirvyvi11e -Ililnois. n me A. J. NIÇHOLS. Tu1E-FIRST ot Qolâao. hm. 00a4d a NT NTONAL BANK ma-aea. .to-51a51i.St.willi5v It carelulat. ërtyvile -Illinois. et.. fsmeag H.0 .B. YOIJNO. wa t ilimen i isOtSh anid Surgeon, __anddu________dite. Oum. oppae ia Lbom anWUglelId. e - -Illi noie. Jm woouwg..epm& Fv* PltorV.Pts ENI. H. MILLER, -ILeGu". éCauIuo. ýirvoawcy At Law. - lS-et-SbuaiSiIssiemrblat te qos t0o1.,Teliffloci n. ~*OCU RA itr<us00P@AtiOr4 ýý**d-t o usinessi iaog W MacGUF Illnis an.] uporlteadto f aitla4,l corait blapîeve tlaey are Victlmuois gruseavin] through th. i.Je of books an.] mate. detaila.] an.] lÈngthyexplauaatlon. 1 tle&hard ta nadersta.] bow the Nm amnoice suri eanphatlcet«atommat» «a fraui aignina.t Mr. Jeaumeai, sM iti iclNilvoa-. lW b nowingly ivinde While wè bnow Mr-. Jesaimemne la el mI.tak in lio .bueas ni etiiode, vo aie know hum to ho aboolutely houest, su( refui.,ta bLleve lie ies-lt,, dieundeairabl uewepaper notaiis- eola seMevlgWil rehil ount.y. Tii.. whole matter ln bard] ta un.]. stand, anad it would eea there ila mnatake a.onawiere. H«"daof Nicaragua Cepani Lake couuty lu vetars in tbeim. Ncaegua -onlpan£, an.] tii.re are many, parti rîîlas-fr in Wank.gluc, vilI hointermesta inuh Liai a.-o!Frank D. Bîttinger and Orlin N. Vinc-et, prenildent an.] treaauret ni the e onera, who appeare] hofor. thi eeis granid jury in Chleagi ant -vesk1 çitarge.] witii maklng tale.' reprmaeta tien,. taoel fruit land] ln Nicaragua .- The. rompaDy t*mcaard land] in Nicaragusansd pa.] ilgdivîdehd. ta inreetore la Labe couuty tdi lvidende comng o syapmovig gnid haît f«t liriug in uman'y Investars. sel.e eWankegan people sol.] their homnes tu b rtnnd.an.] othora inveete] their aml Tii.y foun.] out ton Inte that the .ronpauy vaa lîkely paying dividenidi ont of a..w .ubscr4ilnn sud wvile nse lrîtids-w, othere coul.] not get ont la Il. P. Barnumn, of Waubegau, was the man who indue.] nany Labe couuity and Viaubegan people ta lnvest in the. eoncern but whom, -it- later develope], hail aiebe-n hoodvnked iy the. other Promoters and Who hlmaell, ha@ sunkeai ail. hi. pmoperty lu the enterprise pro- viding'nothuing le mail.., train it id the future. Mfr. Barnumi la on.' of the mosgt detemmi e.] In tii.promeution ni the otilcera iÏn qucellon snd hi@ efforts vent a long way ta got them n to coutst. True .bille for traudnl.nt une nithe, mails. arrevota,.] gainet Bittinger sud Vinéent, an.] tii.y ilI have ta> face a deterniined triai. >nveaatorai i ianythoeada of dollars of Lobe conntr money have given up ail l'ope of ever realislng tapon saine. 0 Annuel Pire Iêaeuaac. AsuMa. Tii. dîreetr1 or the, Miîbura lintual Insu'rance CosipaY have levie] on each mmer asu seesmeat for I19010 1,36 On each $1000 t péY luomen 09 8,048.42. Assunent vii ho dus in thirty dayi. Joui. A. TuM, e'y. 6-2-d, Milhburu, Nov. Io, 19i3. 11e-lIeToniec-Laxative syrnp lnaa sat anad eDaetual anoieine for1 us qt e tem, r.Unlatiaig tii. liv... sud \bovela, cuit. rostivenas biliouaneea, headacaas, lasai pof tieba.bea=b b , tm.u tif à "d 17te Ï__ «.ty' , ette Kx 0', sor t u sui~st ta CMy sortait iais..] Lake sud tbence teo kselle The. route envers 2.1ile.. No. 3 ou asf Rooéler: 09 Prom poctaffic va-enta Skinaier coteolr, sulitaZersen',, outii-eestti là Glisas, seuth ta Fairfiel.], sentii-eaat td mil flrh 'a, we.t ta (Iravers, south ti D'mlne', north-eto takoe Zurich thon, ta Bigga.rimer, nortli t 1a.alaaWanorti-vetta Laite', corner O svtheaa taKnima'm.. south-.mot su d odit.eest ta HermatiFisfher'.,cent t lis(limer mond, nortb-wcet asudsont an al t.ht Levi Price', place, nothea suI eEard'. orn r, a ms norti-oana sd east; ta iiier'. orne and balk ta post.olla..21% miles. Goel ia Saoeir«. A full plage avertiSine.nt for th ii. Ky TSolomon Tunnel & Developmeni Compauy appears lu tItis boune ni tla la LMPN>uakàv. it exilaines itel but lu roilation thereta w.' <jr-ire tu, state wE il have investigate.] taithée elt of oui il ailthé is haracter sud responsublit3 W, of mon hsck f theii. ccanîpny, sud fnlly enuhe m ais.]orlveas. tothéir reiiablity. A c, À obledrable iiunib.'roetabattis ar >h14 b irtvillanal1Laie ounty niswho hao.e»WiY a lavmst«&s, and are salui.]the s fooijnla a good ou.. 0 f cours, gel.] mine Mharinsaen, plainly ir sgnatlgmare or leus a gamble. eNotl gventur..], nothing , -l~m unon fal e the.management teKing L olomau la concerne.],it ina compose.]of il mmeaof unquestione.] hones ansd in- i terl e Anstte Iiinvetiment ital el eçbmuet aJadis, but It ben thi.enr arks of a viainer, vhb .lileve lit viii prove. Lettes to 3. W. »Unmbeiay. Dear sir. Suppose yen al golgta mpaltabonne, sud alk al l te paintars ithortamare ithla reaciito bld os It-you toemM fuaiMatelé.g, tii.y t:sil vhat ote as an.] charg, for tIn..'and Qe Ilol 11oy iv nj' ul taie iie o pint? They, genaily, ilI composu.] their TlIas.. viiiho ntwo alube. .An.] this la tbe M ouf aihianotion that paint ra karovhov to male paint. They knavboy ta plut peaitou; an. tbasI la thlbusiness. Th"adel ugitta nîwvhalta obuy? Hov maa i ohtew buaw vhaî to bny? A bl"tMitJe'"Iluyi" al, becale botte.. aom sud nais tho hg tan mate pre amade for Lesethanho eau mate theni fol-hy ntai-nry. Walon malrabuy heeia, ecanse botter Wheei tontbeY eau maténsamt made forlmh lea usu ey eu mate them for- by aiiihliry. Why ab otld a paintes- 'ake his owu Pointvhho ean u botter for les? W. tlte oriait oi how it tnus out, bon"lDas v[oe.Reala Paint la the. pal lt:s t tyl as long ethe arer- age palater'a paint-lia.]an.]Qo]. Tou. rs e- F.f. [Davos i&00. P.vm UW ,LvL he Dlsdl, a Tb* Cames X.eay et Miner lai treturne.] Friday in tihe Righwood Amit 1 of Alfred Nm .for, fais.'imprimon- laiet. Tuas verdict àppll.'d ta Rog..r Meoore, who woa aasrsl of the. villaige rwben the trouble occurreal, but un far au. àfornier Mayoer ogkmi v ai. oncened, the. 5verdIet vas "flot gullty." The. jury wuon t four bouis sud thé-' vsvlt luonieoftthie vryg.'v nofIs kind ~ ve ndera.] in Lake County Circuit Court. The . co I viiamout tu con- aiderable, penbapa ove.. 850 Pridaey aternoon was hear.] the. divorcetuit of Cors Tituna, aino#t fier hueban.], Fred Titu&e. h' ukod for "rpeation on arcount of eru.'lty. The. couple ros.] in Fremont. Tha.' mas. occupie.] the court until adjJuramnent Satnrday sud wai quit eenaatinnai. Attorneys for oitheerside promnted lengtby argumàents._ The jury was 'out two houri., retuming a s.'aied v.'rdjet, wlak'h wan flot ao.] until a'nurt convena.]1 lon. day aiternoon. The. verdict So)nnaitihe hu.aband gtîilty bi extrenie cruelty sud tint the.' wjF.'waa. -a*gwilty ni tii. nht, ltafa*fi Chisltian Hall, the minuwho atale bicycles froni Waukegso, Lnomaansd Racine, vas sentence.] ta twent dayé i Wa., the. charge agalnait hlm bheing change.] tupetty tarceny. SThontas Mclaughlin wasaentenos.] to onie daj ladi an.] given one of the Serest lectures tua ahtain frrn, drinig whlabey that has ever beau beard in thie court roou. He proii ato keep away fman the lstuif whicb .- e ys has. alwatys caused hie troubles. Thé casai againa.t tii.' bn, Audrpar Rei, Ray Therin sud Arubhle Long, chairge.] ltb assanlting the. foreignor on the laitsfront lu Waukegan an.] robblng hlm, *a@ continue.] ta the Dliembner ternu. Tuesday va. hoard the. case' of Dr. Shailer, of Urayalake vs. 1Mr. (Girard, for tees for atteuding a eniailpox vietini. The. pisintulf was awarded #45. lu "mmaseaiMlkiItbeke vi..Nor.. lng, of fgthiandPark, for tem. for acting 1 oaeeir the% jury awarde4la The Name "6STALEr on. limier PDfg B~ EXCELLENcE & M» BffDlID. imntyw ItAîlredeni lii:'r tif! l ipentent from the ID fUtlI afiam<l w.wili b.' glsd0 ab 3'O(ilt#e* ikipjiiar garmienu 1IaIa[ElwEAlt-'tifr.':12 ta 50- <>VieRNa6600 lSi. 4 t a 18- MOE NO EXTRA CIIARIO I WAR. For Large izs ~I3 .As monr ixul kait garas 'riai njluril l. ri.ewei EY iê9l.co. 41) of pmoelip nà firomtiong witil .'aMh gnrinaon. -IAeli OS Low PRllES. J Mm i ca.rae aidai. village of Libertyvifls Vs) W. A. Dean. for violation nia tOrdinacepmhhhitlug npening ai mnboone -n Public holidsYa, thei court bel.] the ordlnAtice ta hé vaid sud ordere tiie jury ta brang a verdict of net gnilty. The.. jurY Just returne aC5tlime the. bNaEENDgwrgoce ta pases lnthe case of Miller vs. haLos-n., lu whieii W. E. Miller goe, for a'ainrialasion alegur4ta hoe due for ule of land] tathe. elortr.. rond. Mfr. Mîillrer aims i $19() under an aglfement vitli Mr. Ouhomne. Tii.jury EGaOrace suell Co au belle. G rsce- Suel Collin.. the irequeutly in*rried daughtr.o'f the ninraerel Chi. cargo mulonare, Anioe J. Knoll basnlrat ber rigit ta r-tain pomesi.ion Xii lia-r summer villa near Antînci. Père vere filed] in Kenoitawith tii. regiats-ar ni deede Satns-dny cnnvë.'.- iug thé PraPertY ta J. C. Yeager o! Chieago. Tw.nty thoneaidi dollars *ea thé. amount paid-by tlte-puravisr Who vilI ronv.rt the suedoven(il "Omenacre fanan"inta Bilde for coriand] Th rmiro tePPet.emne a big bnilaof lagai documents an.]lui lrsnaferring dube p-,operty aIllb.hehbu- banda of Ms-. Coffin, had a yard. 1The. departureaci Mns. ComlO eoves an lntersstIng charseter sud i.be wvIII li misse. by the people lu thei.ueghbor. boa.] of Cross Labo. 'liaI SarylePegmon. Thora la roasderble.dletiiin Wgaiî on rganuing the isarvice î,ansion adrocate] by the Omit.] Aray <if the Itopubieah Ste convention r.c.tly luel.] lu Ban Francisco. It'la a question that ehould motL 1w iisudlad llbtty or fllppautiy iiy any vriter, but aI lite same tua, il canliot lbe denle.] tiat; thsere o(bjm-tîo)na.ta tise prapoa..blIlh iiAonlil le. .rrfuîly eoasialere.. W, do utot cure liaicaîuiider thte' latterj of expense ta the gava-nmnt, for thore am. few men vlan would care ta , tad up sud lihotouthfor $13 a uajojjtii aIN thé veterana di.] lunttenid <laye. T liey efrn..] every cent thoy gat, anal a g<mod leal more, whs aumany renain..] at ht. au.] tok no part Su the, war at, ail. But the.'fetature of the blîll whila alI, ait lobk favorable ti thé.'giviog atla ousiain ta .av ry minursgardileestif titi length or value (4 ig service. lu suciia Case îna.y nmon whlii ,antase'pil the ver for the, sole purpo,'(il gett iug lie large honntty oaIle-siwanld b$rcîîuil beneiltteaivitii uiooa'1, lt) veut aout fo r PirlY pa5lutc anotiv.'c and.]tIaim waiild If a a.'rvlare penian la. talie giva-u lat it h. at leasI partially grade.] aecrdiiig to) thé sêrvlaaa rende-o. Tii. goverannt la. Inaleteal u) ti. anidiere, but let une ut ph lac Ii.bonnty stanon tihe sme pla e ens i u livta vw ut IaI dt c eW[t 4u*,and ] etfl-.] I ,etlitly I*o~ U#~Iloi0a Clocks -'and ». siAlverwahg Cut Glass, Ebony Qoods, Silver NoveLties and Art Wan ... CaiI and Scec ur... ~Stoçk YEOMAN BROs., Waukegan - . Ill 1 - My tok s Iust in and compri e ii.lauatlin W00l.1Street Blankets Lined ,Storm Banet Lined Stable 131,kts Also have a gsood une of Fur Rob ë and Fur Coats. SOmethbng nice In Plush Robés. My prices are bound to seli the goods. Baum's Stock Food always on hand. Ltbortyvlllha AIER- 11101. [ieating Stoves and -Rang We can suit PI'ow k prlce and kiud. Ail prices-fronl$.q Cali anîd inspectom's*ot before bayirg. LIbrtyvlll. a., VoL~ -:F L -à it A

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