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Lake County Independent, 5 Feb 1904, p. 1

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ai bêler fream m,.- lic29 mudluug ~wtyvIIIs s - - Ihh~b J j la thie mesh.ita ui uoh. order to keep tb. bàgi& rOlfsgwRM l wu iJou ~1 E.dv.eseI FulAnsàbei~ *àu~nnytI19m g n k 'f 1$ i. h t àasl*h matr W0f fma- vtu à=%" yeUIir n u metingud OIIhé l.Ot.5éo tI.y k M4at Agu.oài*hàa bot This monld et b.~~~ muq . ottpaero at then Trtm*lu llo tat *. lhm uot ld aa 1TeàoSU.eodee"rtue.W hle amin 01tii 'm.tiuaeire no ge am uty1 A* Oodprte ty. sifi o oé iot irtee ha eo.t90 l iii. affes aoi gthé tbeiombatbt*1.etio ud pialfll4 léouw bsossg mueStlng, aidie no1 - bé ii é as BD teelmol m se w Ofi c ae. y au that nih o.ârrni . dn. othea vil Injhe 4b dptoAgil eluny vlb. bltiothé se mm unetiotuées11w otter g le wmdMSS isqI b pla", -éa, ail miÀ é uuaduafln oi. ol s to udb toes. ul fthe BotarduIs la ue héUo*b - sM , oue h if Injsureth poe Ubd& Qi'luet 5ýlWeIé,l Bot ,~*o inteis «is Iet dla W wp monte0W#4 tiheinomofthé q ginieBine."Mr. V4 daciaSéllearee iÎd Mm . . 81ÀI leva; Mrs. W. ý 8iabcox and Bo"* gai. Ber atiier yelatimesare ti ite.. msele tu i c8im is cliY tckdl tetinuutews1h. ateisnme tIul occpti, but . j oI.r. He ststoê uotioe that a ParI $P,rm Sfr LthepPb F ie natiral dM ý48,000. Thé - > mould fudiemte .1 tom. rit» h agaffin rSuinfe tnmente m be, vA Bosutt.l -l rtim BwaéSi«,5 ,attend tii.cm à Dueoe t o*hé tisa of Wlutsr. eorn m of hibéd*e mitaon'09ôédyiu goghg a e &R to W«UwUBII om M q ;h e lut ; ka -l9 É" ui iho i obh" wa h1ire bissadi. lthéS ttied It l aclih. AeNlgt, ad u 00inSx117 esa u builsV'ae 0 *Mme quo& eur a ine re 18md The MM .191«9 massaIoftth plant of the rd Factorycd jy morulngli Ma ornug1 mas md iuth Cl-for bli lu. ih it iras bat b. mould s lecliued thé hait reMevel bPw stuand sbw bitn te witb mfaertei ebn men by samn You be4iu# tissu L saquent ta thé lia 'hbeodore ebsroUiý. > hebeilg "T' theb liýorab9 laIvtation bWUkeaui Not in seé m bom a.been as gool sfrfgtllgjuLI eunty asai,11,gent Wlt~ aitptin etire hb omr 0ue, lâtaleb Uniesdrivrs bié tp p iu *w u~betsnom itheodse n taio&* msd t ceopineconëttl*i astbey could passibi! b.1, L- nt a baye spot; 14elie ITaxe. HavIna pol 79E? oeodll. byou are' now confrouted by usottuse serfoun propow on-tifs liaie I bsig t*ies. Tiie fore. of lrk. i ias mboen, st worleinite cowmntw *ska offi for snome Uie eu bavebout coni. peted tbelelabois md thé taz bocks mil hé turued om o the. 70- specilve coiw~tom5mom as tué audi- tor reporta aun thé baud of tJseoputg ireosurer uh" 1»b is frwarded ta hlm. Thé report abaulit laniirtred in a&isir daye and iibe W e Iluerono,. lli lkelyb. ured over bta lloibwoasby thé latter pari of b.e ok ast helateet. ScoO omos Dras. Aboutli i.e 'elack M9uda#0.vog thé. &chool bouge ai Whthvp Harbor cuughi lIre sud mils nunbeto tii. resilnts Of, tihe letly vorkil bord lu tii.endemmr ol' te et twh Vlo ervme Y*u, with -db. cboMw t*~so' Téléphone Nd. 54..' wmII ma gusteoy«*d&S '"I' stbêag 1 ve y 0 u ràd àais n1f-àus-pE ryiarad s ýM-*ëut i ; !wàF...tsmfai klldz -QbeYritji VC7 a orbsnessdatifiri oWlc il s 'ù q et Un . ollowlng pr!cos: .............. .............. E.W; Libstivé, lU. KE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. ONE DOLLAIRI Wilt open a Savinge amcunt-on whlCh intereet wIIl ho paid at the rate -of 8 per cent per annum. DZL lL IAYLOR r-? to 10 a. m. 2 to 4 snd 6Cia mms ou Broadway, eppoalto Park. Lhertyrine liS.Ilols. DENTIOT. OucE ovaLAItS eGiiV "MS. 8l.4te 12 a. ni. sud 1 te p.riP. Lbettyville, lhînah. *~.C .GALLOVAY. *n-4roin 1 an sd 6 ta 8 P: ni. *LlhrtYtllle, Ililols. -D. A. l, NICHOLS. m-~Wtdneady5of ssc esk trois &W0 a. Mt. to 600 P. ni. Lbtyillehiola. DR H O. E.YOUMG paYiroA8 A»i susemi. 408we opposite Lehmni HôtelBldg oue, Dalnois. .ATTOJINT VL&W. Tu nimmYI. TE1xPUOI<UNo. 92& -Libery"ill, illuele. mR 04 P. wrrmqulH. YSnUta'?ATEusiiEaN wu 0" Il «orfi a, gopsto wthe 4 m th# Mn aMlk a! ireFlir cemplant Uif ations ai'e crtacse. Bisasul vs viii out, the books-lit slua~shéaenfor jour inspeiction and taayncué'o! thé Asocation t e&Mé te Inspet théni, sud yone-milii simmys hé given the opportuiity te kuov vratin b eing doue. 1 for oue milI Dot ahrluk frein criticiasin bat i. jusi but vo ak thé active supprt o! every man, moman snd childinl LaIte county. &mai il try te no conducttheLiiFur a. to mnsrt b. assistance ofalil. Ton mllisemagrant that Lier, le no obvions reason uby Lthecontre]of olLin Fair eboul remain jear alter YeSr lu tW bande of a tsi Persona. Chfnge Of nagement lenaU lésai likely te brug s piri o! euulatf ou triCIlienuot failI sooiner or later te hé fnitful o! resats; sund gprel y an in lthe. couuty- mba hua pfficent public sprit msy properly apiae to the pasition e! Fair Commnis- touer sud onght nit te hé criticioel foi boing no. Yours i-ery truly. F. E. MAnen. irbetW. Dd i S.. Mr. Msrob, li taklng exception te oui aceout o! thé meeting ?f the -Lake County AgrculturalgSce<y" referrel te i irai prt o! the letter credito us mith aeying "tiie Lake Couuty Trotting AmSocatleai beld a meeting." lier. in viai me didseay, takoen rainfirst few ineS o! article,,linquestion uhici 1»pppeard..u urissue O! Jsuuary 15: --- "Tuesay ai Lb. Moffie !AtterneS B. H. Miller lnu Lbertywtille mas held a rmeting a! officere e!fLtae Libertyvilîr Trmillng Asocaion miii ubese receuily elctel, as offleers of Ltae Lakte CounU Agrcultiaral Soiety * * * * Thé tatemeut in correct, lu that olera cf both aolif«'ons mer prespeul Not kuomlng we did uaL aitempt to .1.1.e by autboity o!firhich stio! officers the meeting mac celled. As te mor s tatement "ibhey -have deidel ut te content the matr" W me ielu ngoe faIlliou 'vha me considere reiabie Information, aud lrankly admit Mr. jMrsh'« adverse attitude ln a surprise ie Futribr omment ou Mvr. bareh' leiter1lamale eitorfin1lin lu sothe cobinun. ars els fer 565000 SLhmekJ. H.,Westrtld sol hi large srjuon MxliranksesAvenue Vkrtleuto own Id eÀ7.- Wald = àeompmphu *CM tusta Mar. Rail atou, ôtKasité5é(I1f M., or#dU,00 -. ô )inM. hteII enlt Ill., Tués&-g evenive. F,0%, iu oick. 190.' TI.i tl*i*ioaa r hébm aS fffllot u csre!ully pmpaii, havng befls drain Thé buildng lail lu peu and lait on parcdIli n d aiait the otS? $1000, the ot evti bottoin of;escbare the . figaofebabIesby insursum D .Niin h dburu MPtup tmino. standing out pmimstjy "lu i151?5fCe4J. characteristie poses, tii.tuba litIng J .amohaer sens ont. tbeiririùlo cntwind abOut,.eWh otber. z a MouIlay Roy ' r a nrsd lgaz DWo. linruce A. Bxucklef, farinerly spurchasél of J. ILR iuseher. fathér 0f proininm.ut n-cident 0! Wsuks«sz died in thé forme r yonng man, bis businesu i Chiago at 10:30 P.- *-1edA5Y, 8819dGuru.., whlcb théesenio; Braster.haé 76 Èeam. The hody Wl. broughi lier., conducted for 80 jears, bavlng booffM Uondav noua. Funeral MIriffs were pastimaster Lier.s*nm 1874 irith thé ijeld in the Congrgtioliolehurrh at ,epto otbw ada halfyears durine 12:45 by Rer. L. ('. Tsbuuge. Mr- Clevelaud% administration. fiarukley lived in Wadllegsu froin 1848 Mr. Bracher van superthsor fraon tO early in theilWnti0, ibei lxthé tow of Warren sd bubaseldvar- bpaei aune nlvnliid aud veut tojoug town Offices. ne hla ameinhér o Chicago ta lire. Ilecame te tuis thé Waukegeu G. A. R. aud Maeouje region tiretmu-ilia. boy (;f 8 Y-'r; lodge sud ta midely kuomu tbraughoqt with his fathers flmnlY. uhey taking al),ithe county. Hila retirement cornus a ja farta which in now part of Lake Forest cousuderable o! a purrWihe.fens lu 83. u143t.iPfiilyçametoWau- By combinung thé business minci. 1kegen talive..Mr.lieîkeimas prOffl' 1fr.iion basbuilt up witb Liaicf MI. inet lu buAi1Ét8ss, politicalt M*iglous sud iSveer the ne*in cmm leotuo Po>- socalsDsrsof ii ealylay. e W5 esion of a large traIe M edt marebal for fourteen jeman d llled men ofai itansd saierprlse tb.y am rother ofices. Most of bis 1* lhe vas lu but sucee". Lite ýagricultural imp)leiéut aud lu- The. eIder Blrancher coutsmplates eufance business, ha-riiig ,hus home sud moviug with hic family tothe south. office t the. sQthweRt cer s.of Gemesn aud Claytofl etree-te3, -h» heietiLauyon- eV. TJ eWatb Titoisa.- r Judge-HermufblOek uOir et&iui1Éthe --We are tborry tctbay."e"Ipaaid the qorgnal building having only been r,- alitor of a ireeklY Pap u 1as tai i moed lat year. lie wan active >u an ur compothing-rooDl mstueuteeedlaâtbt i churcli, Sunday 8elinol andl temjwranee n it by Liiome unknown thcoundrel, gwork, listing lield -reA7offilcin iithe. uho thtoie every tb l in ttàb lth. loc)al Cougrgotional society. ment sud ubucceeded lu maklng bith e etbcapeünudetected. i Big Sin D lay's Bale. ,lt bath been Impathibleofai curthe 10 lWâcu&eeil, cptgbu t 17X cents tormach Procure aiiOw tliiPiy 0ethélliluatinté Waukegau over the 'noir' lert ,rOMnd forthitb Iithh-ue, sud v. a em hhth com- a n tud iizlng that î»oPle Ironi <entrai Pelle1 ta go tO preth la o athituation le Lake ceuty an' daily aud in . ver moLlt emliarratilg sud dlthtretlilng; ýY iucr;euing numberm driVlxg to Liberty but me then.nu oothor coirue t puribue y ville sud tiiere taking cars vt1jt4e ount ntyusu te ote iotu tltaggr w.can semat, the. blgzioue of F. A. Lord' & Co, ta get aloug irlion*liethé ulUla letiér 1< sd dvertitqing lite, gwat seven dny's ale and me therefore Prlat thé e Xà ' on ~ e±~netel luUlus tReltor. (h, 1,,t imeregardlleth o e hélotie tinihtslno. to page or thîs issue nîal qw5 tieir ad. lThe Motive oltiaemtbrrmbleltbi'OGlt rO The eletrie rond is a couvenieuce ihunuomu tu uta, -qet dOubtotb math Ir rssldeutoof luterior LaIte colntY n or. revefge for thome* tiuppthol lntholt.,, Anà MT@ appreia 4Itthalneyerbe.tiald thai iii. petty gy sudmoe ppecn '.thite o! the. tbii tou W il laiu bath Iql ,le dat Cnei ... Iiablel ithe 'Nerb.' If lthansettbi lîouir aiteCOUty Vts. the oye oi Lie'detotut&ble rallica, wvo 8 STwo Laeko countY MMs bave beu hég ta aLlure hm ii b. hounderethi- glve assignal hon-r.inuboing amel sa imteti thé ret1oreethb eofafirtb.clatb e, alIte ou thé staff -of <JuteraI John C.noiulpàper wm ib.ubnkt le hécm er NacIt. commander o te- dArY crîpple fit opletulY bY -bresklng mia tii Bçpùbllc o the Uitadi tt4i0 the alphabet. Thé meu are- . .Arthuir Moulton. o! "ýw. taIt. occtaon ota hyte him, Wauksgau, asu d John J. MurphY, 0f the1 lurtb.rn)ore, th*t hélore mou Tburthlsy 4a taof 01Shields, both of thiIllinois. I e vOl bave thres blaetu &th many in Mr. -Mýurphy bolla thé limtincioftht !i ttle do hs.vng esitiela niuskt i tii service o!ftebsa otti. Phi ldiut o lolnger th"a. *ney cuer man Logs Savat. Ô. rb outiolfrom Itbis .onby. né Baviug purcliasol art.elou Mill me b. aetil apuakt nd~G~sia DicItare pmrpisto im loigs for li desfiiDg in o-r Ls be ~ 1 f-l QI Lemu, lbee1f ille, litI hi& M& ud5 - iq&U H.i41S1 t. - une -â Toum Joý wVrv5201asMmLBq wbÈoqeA~ CMO DJLY onehR-OeaN and tyio them asviwae Bond Stel -MaI B' AB>oLuJTE.LY FREE Anl.y iv tii. PstMiaMterGemmri Unesmyine bd"sur Ouluce mp you sébsorb An U.n pa raI edO0ff E s 4oo ai f w s feir tq hs a ly F. H. JUST, Edito Vatch. Oo FURS WAOi For là. y. Huning, Highe8t market price f propitor pithhiie* ait kinda of Iàbertyvile Te& and Cofféee>., Who lavWt- RAW FUR~ ing ait -1he -surround- c= on Libertyvifle Chas. Stean reuidmth, solng the LogGv, very boit i- Long Fu ove, - id, Baking Powder, and 'juit a littho cheaper Try my î1iworld beater" »peE i 8C COFFEE Il la My Speiit?. Ro-bert S.*M AGENT 10 making.s bouse tu bous lAbertwv il. Tomnslilp tira fa"ilis Rliran Dr. Gree me. [mpwuý. -AND-- sUd A G.eeéoiff(Ipow 6 Tali u0o rsarffSl U? eue, trogl drocci N. MI LLER, Prop. ý il Il

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