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Lake County Independent, 5 Feb 1904, p. 10

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KW s. d wIIne emGrayolake NSiyy LltOb*e, 01f Ubertyville, h ast wuSk witb relative« bere. Yds ae nd f amillYentertained op from iRackford part of tast IW. (luhmnaun Wft taChcago 0497 t attend tIhe faneraI Of a NW.MY Magers, af Libertyvîlle. Sunday' at borne of ber fatîner. Mr. la mmored TIssa. Swan will goon > Mr Barrington wbere lie bas jwge Mitchell, of Prairie View, ie thbIe preSet we.ek , wth ber Mi.Jno. Badge. bMs ihoa and Clara Kiggs 'a ver entoyable partY ta their sud Mrs. Rarry Winlleld decilied ici lmve BRoekefeller and willl nake ibepir home near Cary Statiotn. 'Ms.K'nuslanik speut unday xxitii Rd. and family at 1 vanhoe. ad Mm. W.L Berghoru hal for ~'~iguest ovîni Sttnday Mr. Bans, alec> ,<e K . Bergisorix and daugiter. of Lake ladies A>d Socety was entertained i tW borne ai Ms. R. Dolitte Wednesday, *tplfflnre of quiltingwas themain at- Mi .Hpeketgwiler bas been suferait aseevers attack of iliiese. but late r.- porte indicate a marked imiprovenieat i ber condition. Sebooa vas close ail day Tu.-sdiy lso Wedneedav aiternoon ta gîve ail ,pRUpl an opportunity ta attend thi, Paàrmnrs' Inistitute held atilvauboe 1Thse pupils of Mia. Lestereo room uvere Msde happy lat Fridaly listhe gener- Q@.y ai RalpIn Bouse xviii>furuiebed a tomansd took thoer for a sleigiridep Litle Wmi. Kramer, wbîn bas lieen vytttfg rerativee Iemrte ichat feux weeke rsburied ta ie;bomle in bChingiiTiue- day. Re was accom paniîl h Ii.> i nit Mi Anna Knigge. M Uis W'. L. Rieti spent a ctiiill I-rita Olalst week at (isiikosb visitiiig lien qdster, Miss Pearl Mc-Arthuir. Whoiii>lt$i nffstly undergane a surgical aprratioi o aldbough till coullîie'lini thîe lasp)itl pltmtfvtag iàiproveiiielit is ruporteil. Ilgs yppia Tablets give iiii> sdate MrelefandpprniaueutlY(cune &W-opepgia. lndigesiiau andtîlil toimacil aonsibaa'n -l aîîhlne ,hl Iv Niî MMtEt irtyiile lrug Suîîce .aîîîfiî Msies e re iaviîîg an iuinigbers- *Àbetn, but flot in a vsrY evere farta- é~..~ictedare tise fîîmiiy ai Thon Melbîe, Miss Charlotte Me'Bi de, aisc tbefansily aiftA. J -ing. A feuv mor Camand thîgi tay le-, ttleI ni uia-ui. toi". - .Toecbers îInmeting cill lie bield at Dochsdller, Saturu>ay afiernoan, Fe). la, &t 1 .1.O. Fullowing the prograin: #»UEsdtnge, Cnahter i5. M iss Id orse;caliter 7, àMis Fredrickm; chapter 8, Mis. Tidy; social spirit, Clapter 12, Mi.s SmCith. "hpter lat,'Mr. jf.antnetue; cialter 14,- jles Honey îînd Tar xii prevent in ecre pasumonua. It wnul utterlY destrniy thes germe ai tuje nifflise. Ihis unir- veously efficaiaus lu eve-ny foaîi of luiîg tnflammatiois. toues nni)tnhie exhîausin-d glands and huide a p tIi. inusular tAssues. Cures al coingbs.c-roup, whopl- ing eoug and PxVPeolids itione nigiit. Try it-RSoldLiy i..HniF.Liberty- vilte DrnigStore 'dnait GacuSI-%Kt ?aAa,.l xix Tisirten-nipirtreegs lelui-n-r, Mondaîy pester Idey,,.'nmu1us n 'niiit i-tk let wenek. TIse -onngt t'iîiçit> M ndiiiNi 's - Fooket is euh w ii i anlunuuî ma. lire JaisKits-au fn Ii> mringtaii 'risted lin. anîd lins 'llu 'ohlvIxlit veek. Delo Aneewha is visitlng is son Le.- nt Palmyra. Virgînia. uriteo tuai tise wetber is ni,'. anîd warm ttînre. Amnn Ile Cbi'agmn 1isitors iaturduiy wers mn. Ilt. 1.Wels and daugiter Ruth.sNMr. Smihand so ile. kMa-on Cs:tbv. Mkitueert Ciubbius. TIse Ret PitI solîl For yaurig or aId had'. Lttle Lixer Pis Sali1 îf i«vMILL.HACKLEY, Limetvviii>' Brit 8treauititti5A'isiAKE InuA MAri DIAMOND LAKE. Mfr.Towner- is gaitiig. Batl 1>1mbyileonultii. suelt.ut Gergie and ta-lui Otenw'iîî ave Isni vry siick aiie -Is-ite Last w'n . NeEitniiii it1 xeuxnmisui drawing tir,,k ir- Warre-n Da>iîi'iîs xxa G, oi 4t, k-" nite)r 8aturdas and uluiiiî> 1l'Iere wn'îe i, e'itlà N ndn,iii.%-i x îg to the Farinu.r1e lutuitit, ai xun1, tn idr. and ire 'itii l iiîengî,alut is- wus.tuliit«' st 'liuiu cluia ut'iug Jiklt 28. abaut enennty i,- nulr.' u'e- I reprt a good i tnne Th'ere will lee'tin îuu u'i-urg -ut tii Rechoalions>-next i iI1la.ufit 2 1). i Ilu 1ev. Heniri' ilaike Zu Iii, Eu ' body coine uisetxulihui111,-.t- i mu a gond Gernian semi.-ii TIne Diatuoud Lake sivi Niniî xiii gxsini .hiet ion uut-t ia viii> eveninug. wlt, kW nt tun'a h Imns t4) uiii't i anai-gai> fur Itlî-e w'wlnîiil 'ir ue lissited teattend. Myster.oue Corcumsatance. One w'nns paie amld)iitind thuîau t l. nue frssb anîl ros Wiseniu'e fluedmtrinn- $lse wlmo is t.hilni ixtilu iiiu.tfuses.InI e e hAePils ta mnIuintaikiit - c~ oomÈy aoçsng tse a.zyorgne lîe> digestin înd off a TrytIses.(iny' 5. ai 'L Lberyvt Y@G.ês Wm. UnftuoekW.. buay sawlng wood lut wsek. F. Saupr 'and ia'ilîiy viited wth relatives at Palatine Stnday. R. P. Schnabele anN family visited uit h (3. Hans at Quentin Corners Snnday. Chares Barbares took a partyv of fripndo out for a tleigh ride Sutiday evening. Y. Sauer uvio taak ulpleasnrntripi uitil a pariy of friende ibronigl Oklahoîma and Texas retitrueil fîîon C, îfu ÂUnngAOTHEB CORMSPONDKiT. Mrm. J. Hscketaweiler le nt, tii,' ick list. Mr. Schrage bad lus îîîîîl axed Tuesday. Emma Wolf oi Qîteutinin l'îriîrs, visited reIativsc ersmover Sunday. M. Umbdentock and fauiiy siiîi a few days with relative ai Itamcix li ises Honey anud Tir is aî eli-igitflil remedy for coughis. ctiiiie laittillle. croup. vbo apl ogh. jieniiuoniiiandl claver boney and trr'disti1atia'1. Ih le mildly laxative,. tonie and ctreiîgthei îg. Obldrenhinle it and ilt v itusltc rougish cure, RaId Iuy Wwtit! niKI.> Uibertyville DrugStCla dîîliut tix L.AKE PtARSiAC. H. Hilîmnan. oi Lake Zurich. ltîiigit quit.- alierdid offat st«i'kini thuîc val itY last wen-k. Vie are gliîd lxta lîr tlîat Muem C. Go@sxilr w'ba ism fun eo ni the meut.lit te mucis improved. Mr. Scbiit zhas nntK-a< l ave îi"near Whnieeliuit wlIire le w ilii iîîvî'eiiiitillie dui rtgtb tîai otb. Came of the furniers are takinîg admantage id the good mei'ghiig îl'adl un' liailinit the'îr etnplY (ifd xx i I rtt w itter. Esceped an Awfil Fat. Mfr. Hf lixgginîs. ahfNu-i lui i t iii. xu'nt.ee, -"My ductor ttd nîîî- i hi o,i munnptiîîtîanîd notiiig îailî l»-Id for nie. I1xx asgîvelI uI)tcn idi' i' offr oa I afr.-. triai bottin- uof Dr. Kiiiî New )iwiou'ery fr tir cîînîeuntiîîn iniitiîi'.- tii. t -atru'vi. lb-st xxi-n'stîîî'tilng I nmta niwon eithe ronad t ntiir-irrx'and oxvi- aIl tii Dr. Kings N--w Iiei'ax tu i ,urt'.ly sae'd nuv lii' Thi grî- it 'lire îe gijaraltiei(fofi.>'1i1i tiiot'iandmi Iiîîîg dinnnaîies livF. fiB.îueinI I-r u'i; G (I i A%,K C' HInaiMMA1u '.',.i ktid ii .00it)Triail iitt hi-s fi'. CUBA.n Aiglt %Iiivxi- %, . ut to ttii"iiitNI i' Augut Aitei liirg lui1i iii n 1tsi'icon if t1wî- tNeil fîîmnîî ti licck tI 1w pat xx -k. W. I)itr. <of t anihiie. i-n nvivi îg oIIe Roge-rs farni ueîîm t iir> Nir. anl i IM e ilînei t"i iiNt wer et- luh>a -alIhîrc . iiit 15. I tîîerxu'îuhitul xi,' uI mu 'lu called 0it relîtî -e uie di l ,I t i- xxL Musses lois anîd Neltie GCouiu tues SIc-it lthe latter part 0i tIhe-uuw-k i lii î les îlurriv id ictn-r Myrtl.iiiteijh,-ii tine tiameueriute nl iin ' uhix eue Mir. and Mr.. E. W'.Biii-n. ii ,ouda, speut Cunîtay xx iliii-w rîî' motller. Mie and lirm eorg>i5î l (0'ît Nioii î-ouda, ispeut Sîniil ith xxii 'nie T-n.,iii 1ut e anît ianil>' Perfect Confia.nCe. 'n>'lern tii-ne ins-nitii liea lî->Iirig iof1 ilkaasiiese and I x îrru i nthbe lu,ieuiuiuIl abeu a chîld slIîiwu-tl>nifîtiiuiisuif înîu ihete e snîîuu'Iinec't î'îihîi'tuuT iîi. oxxinig t the unuilanin slr'5 i .of Cbanuberlaine i.iouiililn'i'iun t hie i reaiuna t ta of ieic- NIr Mi. lia.fiird of Pîsniesv ilIi. %NiI ,i lun1l'il tinig iii lier ex p rieii' uin iiuî lien. fi iltiît r.-eil.t' say."t bauv-ixxt NmId iof i i i tilt il-n, ie hniîîuleu hne l'ui~ili ' fan t liai-ve fd it xx ut ile- î-nt ii Miy chlîd tinrlanîd s i-li11et t iia x'x attacke iiin'croup andiiut ii li-InSgix-ca E VER ETT. Tii. gnî,uîîiiîîîog nieii-I i--'ilhis eisadaw. Mr. and lim. Ji,iîIllun' i sîs ut li'iii ini Chîcaga. Bc-sie ami Pearl Wiieiiet itilt iilur- day and Sunday in Wannkeganil A eileigis ioad of younit folk,, trt i Evereti and Rîîudaut mcie. aw'Y ta Waukegan on u Catday niîghit anîd pleasiaitly sinrprisred Mr anuil Mhs J.ti1 Murphy. You cannoi cure piles hîy extnrnuai apatan. Ma.Zii 1$lit u Ini ia oapei lkis tube xx'thiî ioncie. ani is applied Mn-lm rimenttunun Ma N îîZi si>e a-pain.,sn>iliis. 'uaienid cli 'n Sohl Ij ti'î'i Li. H An k 1.5 c .Lîinu'ts civil Urug reii'l aîîd aut il À ic,,5 k K5. 1Il A ix>\nI Library 1h17. of thue tiiniii Fliiuiei instiiao ii'lo, L.uriînîn IIInsunli'-tl'î.nx i n si-'li mid Mairguin'nt F. (iii iu'itut lubtuîî'-iali. Anis mi iuiu 'î%ît-i lii,' lîiiit. and l iltof tiun'înî i-n uîniî fi lit tIi,' toei . 'Liii iln'î' i lt Ii l;c i ROUND LAKE. W iît'u. iiun'eîi i 1 V liluil-i'it .îu'i.% iig i uit i litsa'tii-t us ihuii in' xx unI' 1 i agi tu iu'1uit l nu 'aitf %tic1 iuuuittii.tltilamuirdî fi lmnn g utlic >ex niuiuî hrmtler ut 11J.11el1ung Fidai iui Elma Lyl- las ful 'ix-tavem r(cl n'unu'a serion satten.k of pneuinamiia alter heinit eoafiasi bo ber bail for several veek#. P. A. Rae, OfafI nlsli uiday> bere. Roy Ham ii reported a victim of the Mr. Bumseîad di rddire-to>rYe here last week. Born, to Mr. and Mn> àW. S. MeClain a ten Pound boy. Mr. and Mms. JoliiI Branid are very sick with the nmeaee. painte. ails anud ker)ýIùetî' alughes.. Trading tampe gîcen. J. Golding took a Mr. P'addock ta) the county farmn Monday. leruîan Maiman and R. Kimberly were city visitais Friday last. 1'. C. Price and iamily, of Waukegan, spent a i-w days here recently. rag be. ai E. J. Cook'ffTiursday. G. C. Roberts leit Mouday for North Carolina whfer. lie uill speud a few inonthes. EîitiîBrand'iiiîhcrex'auring ftmiasige of ipisee..1.I îiu'.-l le i. im i"est-N xitb t. iai laLtii. ii iictx 'lut iii aprat ion ai. l-itlaslit uueek. Mer itinnyfrienide bol.' fir a spn'n'dy rnt-avi-ry When You Have a cola. Tihe- irst action wisen you bave a cold siîuid lie ta relieue the l une. Thîis is bes ait'oipliielîe by thse iree use oi Ciiauîbelati'm tSntîgli Remedy. Tiss rnteily liqîuetes tise tavgh mucus and î'ausn-s it4 expulito uni frontishe air relis of thi- Iuigs, produtiem a ire.eexpetaratiail, atndl lpentstiie sn-cntionm. A complete 'îî e siti folînuxe. Tfîîs. remnedy uili ire ii s-v-raiod in lems timté tîan any auer irent li-ntiand ilt aves the svstetni ni i i wituiril anîd lîatili conditioni. It 'îîiu'iiî aiy tentifeniiy tcîward pneu- îîîîîîi. IFor csia-lis y F.fi. Lau'EiL. LAKE ZURICH. F: . tiit'hîit'fîh lhîîagî. vieitn-Ii xxitb hiis filinil*viwn>" iu'r 'undavý lIt t i ui-itii,' c'iiol enitert.aininenit and biket sisii l rniîxy nigbt. Wl I. Prehîuuîtrausacted fline in <'iwag i iiguic'vî'rîîi ý mii> e tctueek liýiiui" % iîs-jr, I., s viiting frnde anît relaivsi on uii iiuiiipv-ewnt W iiltîBuuihiig auîd <lis.Eelip»r xuere Iitiuiiigtoii isiituiu'e hiit i-aturday. uuct t t tm jbiL ,e um a ulîaing eiîîîi f' Itti ll- iii lîti,'fou' tii. -isifn-w' Th'- î' i 1--I C<oiuiialli x Ije t tii ioin- p1teui't1w i ting ti iltwir iut" lionin about inuin ý tiz, xxiii 1, l .in'xl t Ic' part ' hîav tut tii' lil.ticlu.ket nt tut sîîîiai niexi VT idaiV. Soiinuii-i ur citin-nare takinitof hav- uîlg ix iîtjir,i îuîue iitwii.'i-ea xx -ehfrom Liîii.Un irx îuîid tiioFraink it.uitîî ai i.iiiu'i-xii,. Nn'uukeiii iil i fgilw eîd Tire liîggî'ct crowdil iîîîiever attended ni dainc in-iîre tinrned onst ta talle in the lI-eueriie latai A)IIînuans thall tast "iiin tfiv1 ix ce 10011tiî'kets w en'.- euii, 'J'lv. uiiiilgp boiiiiiii' nît it 'egiihuxîrsi-. Sion luit Ninulî 1 ,Iiii linig hreilent exi-ept lnr.ciiiu iiuh-i'Noi lîîuiuese aiimîlor- tainie, -xxix t rîînîeui'tn-ifThe treist8trer's rpiîuirt xxî m ari-. sbowiug a balance oI $1I,î24.00) on baînd.l Tii. fîilowxing bille xx'oiriiereif par(]: Win. Prebn., niarmhat, $,12 ()o; il. Ci-y. îîîi$9 ofi); .hr gaioiiniî'. l3., Anothen Case of Rheumatlsm Cured bYCamaiil Pain Bainu. Tuleteiiu-iu' ni l'batut'ueriit's Pain itauuil ni ii.- nxiinfof îlîennmatiin let heing îhcuiiiiut ritu,-lii ilv. lParkn-r Tn-upltt. ofi (rignhx XVit., nys riiît Chamberlain'@ h'îîîj ni h.îiîî gîîve liri inncriaint reliel froîîîn t -u il. ri tisunilui tie tiick uxhen ,-ii-vtlluit gel.( ai'u>li4iý ilmI he uOUhI4 Rot ii xilu il. tir mue i,, t'. B 'aVLL, QUENTINS CORNERS. ... rît t l u'rin i iua a ( ltr i c. z, iuiiiî ' t tiit'î l.al t li~ Fil Klx 1.ruîl Sr.. uîîîifii 'îin'lor Palaîitifrîî'nîîle unidiL Ruirnsut PuLiiihmîîi'm yîuangpst mot i under t liei doetars rare ai preffent. ,lavir't i tirnn, Sr. bauinina aar ot (irait itui i u xx-ki ti u>prîlve bis farm. Ntics 'I hueQuenatinu ieited lier siste Mair v, Lt l'unkhtiigp. Ill.. tasi w-n-nk Rl'îiirt huel it thuat WnN'u N'nieart liîi renited lmeri ia-rl»iert'ian's fîîrîn tr neil Fmi tz Fieiiî'r iR quiteîle inu lit presen xxritinig xii i i i! i'i',n onpiaiathenan trubfl>' Friuuk huver hi uesieterLois,- an, Ail i->c.-Ai ii hut Qintitî's ('lers laui I .1httkiîiîiii t littviil-. Ii hatii.'î lu.'uig ema'k. A'ii lhigrî'. i I.,i it irert-e 11ptl i iiciiigo i.lit iiije ettin t ru ini N, i î i uhin g n x l i Miigiîui hm, ii>ri- iiiuei výy o nn u' i'i.'-- t l x i î i i ' a [l e iiiiiiti a i ît'ut lic uhnui n i uMnis 'iiilit. I t- iulî'uîî.fî)utheu' uv1 ic tnue'iuu. a Oba& àtuv. ia tbuldlng a lge o Mi Walter Lips, Of WbeeiLlg . uxa CaalleT bere Suamdy. Misa Juid Mitchellle mvsiting rlativeB ln Rockefeller. Barn, to Mr.and M rs. G. M. Weidîîer Feb. let a son. i'remont Sunday. Mis.sBuste Mason vimit.-d relatives ini Chicago tht. week. Thes chureh services Stindity eveliflg were weIl attended. Mrs. H. Inglebrecht bas bn-en very ill during the pent week. J. A. Maaon made a lîusinnewi tp ta Waukegan lesnt week. Her3cInborger Bras. siiip1ied1 stock tu, iJbicago Frlday Jan. 29. Pat llallon elipped anîd inlured bis leg very badly Friday tnight. Nparly all of aur gaY Yaubg bachlclrs hav' joined the elagini clam. 'NIr. and Mrm. Henry ilaltie xx liavers on th iineik liet have innpravn-d. Clins. Sturm shipp-d a carioad of stack ta Chicago WsdnW.ay Jan. 28. Miss Lillian Purdy, of Park Rtidge, spent Sunday with her mather. Sunday echoal in beld in thse Weadman Hall 10 a. m. EverYone wPlcOme. Henry Winfleld tAnith whîî bas heen Mi durini thes pat week i le inrvlng. There wiII be a grand masked bail in Saph's hall, Friday eveuinit Feb. 12. Mr. and Mrs. C.ook are the proud parents af a lttle son. horu Jan. 21). Chas. Allbrecbt has been lîusv iatelY fiIiing crs with fîav for their Iiaga markets. MrIm. Koten and eaonttîv. îf Northn Nortttfield, aeexcaniiîînd 1ev. Koten sunday eveniug. Mr. S. Kuedler anid fanninli anîd Mr. M. Knedler spent Sundav with Mr .1J P. Rittenthier5 and famiiy. Scientiste knnounee that Briglut'm diseases, diabstes. î.ymtitig andl every faim oi kidney and urinary trouble as well as rheumatlsmn. lumbago and siitlar affections do flot aad cannot exist lu thse great pine fostsa Tbe very air is laden with tIn eling and luxtîgoratinit breath tram the pines. Pineules bring healtb ta your barne and are a neyer faing cure for ail thse abovIe troubles. Said by rWtt i. HÂXKLFY, Libertyville I)mg Storm andf ai (îAYSLAKE PHA RMItA> There is a very inarkn-d increaso lu thte amouat of mail]liaudicîl ibrough tbis toffic'e during tihe paat year as a whob,,e and ta better illustratp, the fart thse foiiowiug number if pieces Inandled by tiiherural carriers will give au idea: Caîrrier No. 1 hanîhied for thes rontb of Jaîîuiary 7300 pinen-s and carrier No. 2 11,125'ipieces. himecxpeeted the pi-ple east fram HlI!Diayxviii bave complets servircefrom bere xx iîînthe countv service i-Intalledi At m p. in. on 'riîrsda-y. Fei) 4, nt the r-esîdene orifitlisbride's father. ('letiient dSmaii. uvas celelrated thse uueddiug of lis Ieldeet daugliter. MaY ta Eiuxarnl ItUnnhîîfeîîiac'k suýn ot Miut lrnilId.-îstick. Tiei. x. iii îidht, îof Lointg (iravi', w a the affieiatîng clergymatn. Miss (race It ma1 sîster ioi the tbrid, xxas irideimiaid, r-Georgel'mibdi-nstock hîratîner <if the ie grootji wasbest mninDuriugtheevening :fmany of tiie -f nnds gathered ta wimb the layauuitioitpie liappinems and f>romperity. 1,Mr. and Mrs. Iimbdeuntank wii reelîfe non ilhe -avîeî,n fartuai tLeitlîtaa. fi will lie a pleasafit surprime ti) per- ,a sous who resb'et ta) attacks of bih- iousuess and sic3k beadache ta learu inthat lîraiîçt relief and a c'ertain cure Igma'y le, lil hv taking Me-Gi> Touil Laxative S-' vrnnp. lu mauy cases thse >attack niay le wbolly prevented by f takiiig twi) udoses of Me-Go as (ion am ,n te tiret sruuptams ai the troubile a> ,tpear.lie-Go is a ple"aatliiluiîd ntdi- dune. sol,1 in 2-kn, 50c and $1 00 tiotties, and in an ideal tauîc and laxative for delicate Nvîîuuîn and chld ren. Cuîlîl li F. tt oFii.Lbertyx ii. Chus.Bieuermtedt in on thse sick liet. Sunda>. Olur neux' iglits- are hIning lnunng abuout hown tlii, l-k. Mis. Di-knger. utft'htagii. .si-t Suuday ai ihomîe. Born,. taAr. and Mrs. Rd Bliinnn-ii. a daughter, lmci WednsdniOy. Miss MahuciJeffirs. of Gages Lake.in-l viiiig witlu ber sisiuýr. lMrs . 1 I Jorgeusan. Mr. anddiMrs. Harry Thorn, of Foret Gi1en, spent Sunday with lin.iand Mrc. F. H. Meyer, Thue Chritian Endeavîur subînx't ior' Stnday ev.-uing i "Christ fur tue Nril and for M>-, ' Johni 3: 14-21. Loniiiu RuIn a ei'r. Mr. NWiinsui'on xiii agnix iliitiîî Ilulfit at the P-neivtrîan chuirvInnexi Cunaiy. Tbu smunhiime Iun tise momtmti iing tue "i-Fýna Pi toiiti ii-and i the v-iiii ing "C'hristiaui Wafchsrs " Evu-ux hue us linvited. Tue Y. t' C ot tise Germani Lutiierani cbtin'u'h nt lIierfleld will giv'. au n yter ouptier lu thuî eisool rooma o!fitie clitrnu on Liln' ,iie urtday, l.b12. ai 7:301 p. n, A short musical eutertaain-nt wiii pr-cemIe aieoau a dregs by Beyv. Geo. Dn-kinw.-m. lis topic beinîg 'WhatIDoe" our inue temand 9*of Youîng Mn" Tiî'ketm for tIn s upper arn- said ai the entrani-.o-uthtie churcli. The, prire are 25 rente fur adulte and 15 cents for chiidren. Tiie praceede are for théebenelt af the Y I11,. Ereryane n- s 'urdial> inivted. Re W. Krr. a prominent businlegs miani tutHurnricane, Win., says -"Yaur 1ougli medicine, iharts' tlouney and Hor-Iniunud, ie a gond @sller and en-n-ms ta gixe n m'iln stiafaction.> Harts' Honsey uand Horehaand contains nia opium(un atiier stapef.vinit drings and 1is tise t tnediens in exisienee ta- day for croup and wisooping congis and tise anly sej 0f.to gve t'O maf eWldreî. S25o 0Measd ql.0O bottim. t'W byF.-D. LYM.Uwtib s Ln 'r It ut irt ,d st Mn itg id tke y, tii nunut a,"alu.hie lnîiuuuuute nsnd lime -ii uti l,'h Ii.'iiiuiintiuiiui'u'asiiîn t inhlu t.uiuuiira Ce .tseuuîudî'riii- t itiu't li-iji i'ut Itleim luise ai i 1 h' , iiii tOc ,, tOui' nm tiegain. hi ttilu"îiik- cintnrii rondbas t" I i.i utn lufi i'itn' teuldeul at -im te- e ii lithuofIdihay. Thpy t îuxutlî i uumtt lhuefur tlat time. N -mIxyForfoits Hie Lire. ii lli> îlnct euduag fatufmly. culLui,'e aI.uhumi blulal-r uni tise leg aiJ. h iu ii.l'riînukliiuî Grii',,111. Fuir four l'l-it diflinUtl don-Ors aid ail re- Bunit" uit Bueiken's A&rica Sain-s lied au, trouiuui ta ire hlm.Equafhy gd for iuras. braises, skia eruptions and piles. 25e nt P. B. LOitULL Libfebs; 7- Days-' (reatest Dry UoodsW Sale 13ver tleld in Waukegan Cornmencing next SATURDAY, Feb. êthé', and Closing Saturday Evening, Feb. 13 Storetolclose ail day Frîday, Feb. 5 Owiîîg to the gî'eat preparations necessary for this Gigantic Sale we will close the store ail day Frlday, Feb. 5th, and open Saturday moriig withi the (Jreatest Dry Qoods Sale Ever Ileard of Read this and Don't Fail to Cor-ne One Day. out of the 7 Anyway and 7<iigci- $ gral> i,'79c 'us, gust r ix Iii h , 11,1lz'9 lt-t giaiiiî'$1 01)ii.iiit n','i îi iwic..Idl' ld 63 c lii xxlit.' 20,- lPun-re i'i iik 2 V.ýtý 7c i d,39c ,5 7iri,.u%,titi , ýl l l i xxii Itmi $3.98 ad -1$1.9 fr .. .. : ** ' -33C 1<1yanis i "-t 9i'. iniichîd f l tul n fini 6 5 îîr'l xxi', fn - . 11 i. trîhe tiet (Ctt oli n ime i 15 gra-li 85C 19(î Iti.su ii iiihîiSi-t - iiiu55C i-adiM iun fadý ~JEXLmlafltS & Mill End~ A vast ()flii îîa i jiiîî if r .îî îaî on band froni aur eaison's selliîîg of XVagh Gui)olï, Woil .111id Cottn Waititig.4, ooI I)reiss (Go'>dm. Si1kïs.Silkoliiiei4, L.ini îgs of alkiî ul ixsSleetings, O utig FlanrIels, ete. For t lui S> toii Xîual Clearing Sale Pritves are Clut ln Two For Seven Days OnIy CUT PRICES In Bedding, Hosiery, Underwear, WooI Dress Goods, Books, Stationery, Suits, Skirts, WooI Blankets, Muslin and Lace Curtains, and' hundreds of other interesting items that are money savers for you Dry Goods garpets F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F and Granite MiiNi \hINTS. OuF 'i-iOuiti'u DESCIPT'ION. " ..... Emnploy au Up-to-dote. AU CTIONEER. Satigfaction Gtiaraîiteed(. J. H. BOYER, It's the S nw Dayue ie ecein ii bil'y uut lttfr i > htn,51 lu Huiiiy i-icihi-n tiie, * f.tord s4 go. IlIlios FRED JOCHHEIM SPECIAL TTENiTION ro OUTO, rOWiS>OfSuIRS AiN HI-luPItlQ TFAfE. ceunisses se. ai. ciosssnsni.a.t 55Cs~4t. BAKER .. .ANOD CONFECTIONERe ILLINOIS. MOTELS AND RETAILRAS SUPPL91ED. WE DELIVER 70 ADJACENT TOWNS. glearing Sale Prices lýadiex 4't nderwear, wuns $1.00,. ......soc lUtsCidrwear, wk.i 0,. îiaw . ........ (ttt"IUidorwetir, was $1.00,. uaw . SU Ail Wool lires itoode uv-o- 80r, now .. ......... Ail Waai rBrui (ods, uvr (,-0, ix30C Ail W aal Dresstiaodi, uerop 40. tx O Alil Pta t oad Pri' ý. .... ......Sc Cotton Batte at aid prie ..........lOc, 1î2c Shleet Waddiug. per .i,iet ......... . . .. . .... k No. 9 lopper lim Tpia Kettie ........ .. ... . 3Sc No. !) Blue- EîanieW dT.a ...........85C Revolvi'ng Cake arid i i,ti'u t lt tr -... .....1.. ........ il uts anîd Caps at e-al...... ........... -........... 5c to $ 1.00 l iii Packag- Bird 8eed........................ 1 uat to close out mv Pîîsamtef m (ilî lso mx Hiardware. Bargnsii all uext 1% ee'k 2 Bissel ('aipet Sweeperm, each ....... - .........$9.30 Par an-e h i-iti s i- gtiitt nitxuuic'oictiB . e IF Ask Stubbins About It Haineilville. Un 86 fiS AD M ILL. tershall Good FIJI flown l'illowm, 25C 1 5 Illinois 1 ý Ivan hoe 1 14 lý

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