of,-retu ie Bniuab documente eýtgret a- value. sncb ses tic origina fi, nul il of 1,earlyi> Bna Oigneandthe laauie xi te the oiet biblit-al m3aun- 01u thce irelirsacri'Umre tu. tih" th i iumIiuslem texte' 'luicotera andi gui!, dtInnbaci 'a t.ionsnd yeari. -b bllîualcated Bibles Re»eMM f" tien» s ceyo oîg tpet. Wi in large àlIe asdIl, gl. Tiare ktJ*t1cembbiiticrîeandi iseuttt1 Oid deceratione. But tirs.e -Itot jbaurc lu evident a deira te pic-i - tié tati. - Phboeiul preentanons of etii lt wbms.eciApteru taie np tht g_ Cuinsaattempts une 1mati30te eti» tIse boot orevelaticu, lin si pstcrsuga symbole.But mOt Mçjilcihte tonci up oea prac- pl.aeea oftrgti. Sncb sM the gui- areailvex cs:d teeachWtg. The peu-1 '4*edte make mot-n vivi theti p ot (Ind. -and for Mtti hiloe 1Illustrations. - ~.tue: la a pîtore cge. Art lo ug lrge service lu rePrssctIug irai ape-an sd ecaracteta, raing Il -r'e.anti attractie. But pisdiM ,P efectîre waY O et ltnrng tic Il la that viici Creti toleves loy vien lu daily conduct Wlal- u'lt Sbovtng forth Oinus ttet- te oua lives. Nothng eau maie GoSeidaRuls se graphie or 1se force- a ont- actunlly dolug. mteo thar wa vouU dâth tci eould deomile 1 Meu imes anu bandoucaetfgelti1 MI*er vau sneetlu IlMIom nul heie bmnaiigoltianti beain- piutegveIstar tethe boouka. et 15Be cm e m eaula tic >6 istneen sl tuditeti viti eYs- - mat pine». usatonie.,auleo=vaeé il sol. w1c2 ne ce ait ntehaat a ttr.activces posible, fi*v ielavs a lbat.' vaY Of min« the Bible le ibovu te-daY, N ia tencbînge are mati.avitt a lone lurulives. y ptttWi a " anilaur 'laioe curcli tissa- i-atiCbrlaUJau iaritie@, by ha- OU vliiug Bibles. gSpele lu1 In living apisltes etCrist, invu g rt t an ulmn avlng enci char- sa go 'adern t ticdotrine -ef GOI ý'»vWin luain tilu." Tibe ot ~iiBible la vaill iSeS as %t tbel ettcpeople liaI pofon te ~tt u i guide anti lav." ngoij« mm esetout hie discle OU -As ya g% prdàci, mylng the m t f scveilla aitbaud" But dU dl uel do ail their pumeling dlanlng thea gOOIptmessage; 1>Veut thein Uives preaetid. Un, a »eanIlliving aplaties.- Tht. la pJJheltsu - we a lwogy.î or ti enrdasWvil Sas kambire; a. ve go daly v Ipcnet obly by Our convarasél- betl by oua maties, oua looi$. Dur aOnt acte. We rnay nt naalue *v Are coutagions;; v.amasPli- *Qhlng eursalveupen otee AMti iesuquettion soulti urt-tn ist â» va ptecilfls va go?0 nt,-am a U. lllnti< y eOurlves? i.. we pictore the fti has h la Fons. or are v. repaatlug lia tievfl'a ý,Mdtelleas! Are va liuafMirtna * bai t i9lihgneua ni gif-sari- ý* liath ngllueor utialand ilah- *& Deo' ura iveasay a. ve go li>e v ýori, *,The kingtom ci1 sa lataihanti?" lDo people facl et enofead puritz lanus, <tlaIbalpat te boter livea by ite e e itil üusne vi ot #f-q 's ingdom muM e blathnM Peya ea uch i iuouf tieli> 4a.A imperativs caS lo 'tixie 4te propagata th es bhinifa Îýwmanti uveraurne lie vonttel Lb tic heChrlettcuti beaena living ap;jte preaciers etfilsgopeà Ighhaougeas anti loe. m8i omN' CONSiSTENT PHArE)! or lier.W 9.eragd14 »6 flIueti et ite accidente, praycula ssor yen meT stand, e- you or yen Mai lic MMpouren mElayemploy meny vende et cloqut verdi or tant worde. botthliaoeue tueBanal la * **t yr seau! te Qed, b tipOn ne accident cf prayen; 1 j tiai yen pai.- -jt an Intinc et fiah seul. ra-i te pray. Frayer exhales -selau spetaneeisly as the frl the afoyer. Yen Sut tisai doeseuol pray; yen Ont - ul ie o, nticicertain con- vili not pray.- Tiemese, tc v1d .9convicti o't a blper -conettute liaebule of Frayer la ths exraesion of unsnature et -men, oa *et tiche rlt's worliias vill face te face vitb ma«.mighty t i .upon lie mn tioal Con. t Ged. etfhW e r.iln-te unr it yonr coeception et (flot la e, mnai'li.taI loti la net; If gotu, namei, tisat Goti l, but I@ye4 trom our wonIS. if il ie v*naueb, thai (lot iemayh, ICanot ]MW IMm, tien,14lu gtw, liane la ne ratiepal plmc ra au an Cenoul' F «v*9hbp 14 &tItel t, l *o m 008at-fi *hý60"0 « doe nr#mluoi sene and PIpbtMaPI17et ou day wili bav& ne ot1er conception Of« thea AlgagtY, and ole s.tisaofore seinavl4getint the os «nea onel ding f4" thé WÔendIo le pr&y.,,> T1e-tvektlua et (Codt rough Jeans ae A, i.noiutOylaovinanti 10v ji pâther, inWpre.@à confdence ln i$re. ?ne Fntherlmd of uGe, nseI >atnweaiiy tagt by Christ, la the k & L lIrn4n~tl~)t Tht gpfa$i eof Jeans vas constantiy te ibis. "If a souncaoi ai btad et onyr et you tint 15 a fathor, vili be.b pcjve bina aiMue?"'Fin.! 7our vorwt, t otan, Jeans lu affect sya. yenr ed. bond"ctimùrdcrer, thic suigUt uRne-d ein, tié prjurer, the thilef and ytat iii oventutap gune a a$aone te hie Éeillt -emng -for bresi. -or -a saeznt to,.iaioid bealiiglitb? Naîl naYI thse oue tlilig tlat survivée vrecked inacheatu tla inslutinct, et a ties'. hnlegrity gues down. goet oume but tic instincts ut fatlarl.oetibsido.a. Tic diominnt pasionln.ithie liunua breatlsthi nstinct ut parcniieod. l lion' mîclî trunger, purer, more lu-t deaiructibie lu tie pasaon ut fadiez'-a bod n utIh.boaom cf the lnfintély0 wi.. sud goiti Qed! "If y@. lieu. ba-e lng cvil. know bey tu ive geotigiftst unto your chltiren. boy muai moes *hall -oua ioaeniy Fadiar give goild tidDgs te tbernlt a ekini!" Frayer prevaila viae liea bject seagit la lu harmoni viiithe vill oft Cod dia Fadher. Andt tu la the cou-t idence that va have ln hlm, that Ift ve Onk noytiing accdlding hadebis i t he bareth ne. The pnayer that pre-a vrll i fis oui Clodoe vI anti conforme9 ticreto. "Sttsa 1 Ill, but as lien1 viii" tde mlghty lu prayer are cet-r eaylng. Nt waalth. but poverty; netl heati, but sicinoue;nt victory, but defeat; net a revu. but a cross-if ht ha thy vil!, O Qed!' PIRlVOLiTXMENACES TEcHO1ME or. te. W. S. Leece. Th frlvoityot Younug anti oltila1 awful te thini et. Tbay bave ne frzed1 purpose. Tiare la a Jack uf sernie- nec,. SMen are vIl.! te leave lie firealda ta plonge ont liet tic vemen'e clubs planning teaid bu- manity in a tien. âmof them tiafin. ls. A rail fixa.!- nesa te cOlt boue principle- lu sov. , OU eampla er prac- tias: venu dacaotilpU*elivetly more. Thc lactet ofraiful hua religions von baiper'vadet al elaaee% nutl teau, parties anti dancaiara dia rage. 1 an gladt hat tie. la eue, If csly eue. enery luail tic nnlverac tint changes nt Te ililecrleInty Iin- vite Yeu,.omen andi vmen. Ternuavay tromtic ffnirollti et ofbllrom.carde an t metenste lihejoymsnte liai >vlng $OUI amtibedr ont Jlae usoz- pansive Qed hlmaelf. No Urne for ierloness, ne timc for' thougit an t tdy sncb as matie a Wehster, a Bryant, au Irvng or Emser- son. Titi.for frlvellty, llleupauion carde, tiances, tsetr. Tiu. te foe - lia ue lw- fiae-mcnente wviele WOU4 eier ine vti besinga, houeor anti golt. No tilm for dia borne by mauy men anti ven. No Uime te set an axampia te othune et fitbSnl.eco- aclentiune tlcherge et h6me dtntias liai vod mie men anti, vospen out of lie boys anti gila. NoUrne te, vatri, guide eud goanti bt-tfinte te maie an appeal for chilltiaan'e cim- ltcourte. Lot. oftitmc fer the cura- tive, bol noua fer the preventive. Oh fer À, hapdtem of sernease a fixefte»of etlite anti pnrposc. linha u,, Utije mpty beatieti looking-teu- penre conscience .mny therc cou. tie grestnesofthds e,,=luvies. 4bande ara plessuna fevrmure. r Re;. t. .Casl A Cheitihan otan sai la my isartag tiaf, !àa diti Belkno cf any body oi Chiltiaic really irylng te -ive lu ex. accl obadieuce ote cteacbiugutf Jesu, said thaeSpeker. h betroc? Do1 vo jngglo wlit langultgo antipare1 dowivthii vede et Jeanis tesuit ouri envenleuce? Jens demande tdci lie khugtem aud rlgteuusnens et Qed1 shall holdthe diaret placeIlu unrIlîvea. Thie la nemethlng mure tien halet la a recti or participation la religions careonles. Il celle forrtdo centerlua et dominant purpe inla Qd. Ih maisa liat we love nothlng se véil, Semias uuhiiug e. earueadly, saab uothinsiue aealeusly as nlgiteoneu. là. tisurne eof s? Itlel a question vili c eci muet anserenfon himaslt Il demande Introspection anti hesa asidmate cf onr motives anti pnrposaa Wc -embot- maal tua dernn by eay- lag, "Lord! Lord!" vwili e vdtevote our bot pevrte i he putsch eof wealdi or dtin o Qoivein ua vIll et pleasure. Il la net enongi tisai weteIean iii mghtecusues; vsmuai take thc puait et it tic mot sti'Onu- on., anti peisttactiviti eof ur i'vs Wa cannot, answer by pointint te a peut arpentence. The demanti la fer prenaant cund parmanent deoation. De, -ou Uv t-a uthle tait? Siert Mter Sermons. (loti givr pence by aendIng Pain, Perfec tion ne-c couses b> pstclg A. long as na la biâlezi il la twwb Mauy a maus wa! cainfs OUt hm Hane itgte noelire* vi maies limi of lot-e. -Ma. peoreutcinrels la tlie"etla has. ne 900e maubi e tb ols r-tutmagnai tn am y M M lflmt -t I wMa hedit fore e » omIthenIuand Ilevd b avebIîjT nuefd uce.afor tarne Cutt- l-i-nt-e*s. mrter laitcouideeddkdl tht h uditad an aplaie o atai 'S,. a ar i xCutnion but ~ ~ ~ Mn fo2il70 eva e aeA. D.y geneal ivc-a~I nae didfor am Fro.urne1~~paiataiavrsentiromnd. day vbn aefiutbute as areitn tome, tohe abumre tte promteu cmor lioe"theu dd tll-loter pAeu. ether lar the teidere cdyaiid Lnealahe servaue e e afi l*Foa:biA ceutin m butfr alpaiclIU ho n tbe à daoyuunt gire eraleivddlu gbox ad forken u ,i Fromug mfa ten ae dew aip, the e.y wcben vaitor. tom bs ad riest, metan ois bw iebbA beenuertincas- tomsbtheor*dràd omf lthe ly set then. salves ootth e rght mater. uni be dunste vOheu t , FeirmlirYtedarc for so eutinUofIbQrobl anât oe asOba- efb eua tu a boxcl and tic aes ut *ben ful ai n h upeostitionset#- maod e a ic.edaClirleatian nte, selves e t te igmattersBmutethe castue Wtonlu; ogl. ntd even fori l tliarlgtj genva eontr"ncioSaint 1 onea tue efraL WVe. 14 sd thoms ut tic pressaI la d cbaracterofthe patron ge te cfolotheCrs".ans Ohnt* thle ol cotume b& adeoWthe eiit ato f seudiugvnieutie. la lova-low rs eb.,and a ornesvaîn hae ade ornurf a .uteehrcetryofte actrone soin 0u1 lin. S.Vluii' * Orut patheo dacuelehantigr owute b diaen ebrefamidi valetineaI ar en ettd euhteir paceathe svdi place sea-mad -faed cupiesntm etart of qepaeteut forctre-iiet. Tet nomach prine valentis. o C.dial creat pn aoftin, nd catil douae ai doe acidly .ad possblti of thcmenie are raailyu beutfu ic shepcetotcker manufpacure- ate fprifce, urhcpilaalsud slo i forbays-paotfdork.es lu dia Thct tUhsudtni no , aelulïke tiare alit Uc aieltedluandm. Cupide wea anà dou e lse apliat oionebusineos a ma a ey eaut maie bedls ertantei Caufeatuiore ehancawihin an ia surprsfor "-aindiiy Then n tla dune viii tar ch oltorenda csucee it- al b4leedn ed aud fiunish tae vai senne. L la àpobe aforcatune ata uru ontman manî eame 0 ad-palntd v ats ndl eurerday. Tai stin once ar tclarine t p einoand aandare mcosuac ceegnand tic ilgict pue. fiorne e tieu -ed.Se mcband fnisaphte. ne i lpoinefo00ote man00e tomiacouatva ns de.eThsainia rte udes copin. aiond asavnturlcs papse a The vontlaeail dns l' m aineror Brut them pnlin o tic1,0veofthe n ex l-e eniew Uml e itea tie da"iaengady pae?. vioct la pdatet ou itar a tir parte are complet&. The corue valantina la au exresnte of tic preseut. li la a wldospread evil, t0e. for oua Sm <i et. ont s niaas 15,- 000.00cft cu annnally aandpoya 4WQ r -w*mcp >" e an eonuu111ut la siteet 1tî. 15,0ô0,000 combe dia couic valentine 1la a amail part of tic celebration, and 1thongi certain objectienabla persans bave tiain aherteoue iatI Mbefere tbem la a etrong Ugit, and theugi certain other anti 1vbciy Jinoffensive pereone are annaliy roudeeeilnsanc vith raue et vbat ticy ceadngrataituMInanilts, the generai rn fSi. Volenitin4'*<a" missive. cmm utan 57 thc gooti old rbyme eofbcant anti dart eyet aud siglia, and odien combina- tIon amnt as citas fit. Valentin* hlm- . @ ft. LINCOLNS EARI.Y DAMS cema Eesstaiacoucor et iaBojiec tn Indiana. Until a fev j-eas go dieevas lu Gsstnyville an oit vrooden flieihoval, go vielc utiola bal iracçddesa seversés: Time-vihat san Smpty Iapon 'tua, AnMi 4uy* oy aifi dier a; Svif t a *ua arov apeeti ouaIlives, Swvft as a shctlugs tar, Thc prenant moment- Theatsanea vue nt finlesti.but It vas kspt for Uany yearaunutul the oid fi-a sovsl diuappare.t, and t ie haeïabouto ara uninovu to tda y. STiare ne t leha a character arounti Genlryille inu ha ealY tia>'s novu a. "OIt Holmas," Who vae Otten Intoricat- Od. one vinter night "014b Roîme." vonîti have beau troeutmi$oir Lîncoin, whe tto» i hmanti currieti blmaborna, siting up &il night ha reaucitat hlm. Thisi Incident itartati a tcmPananc vave aven Opencer Connty, andte detse ve itfllug andti laaivting. Hait var np tha long vandernna treet for many ycnrs itoti an ltiblaemidi, aiop, la front of hi vas a vide spriat- las trac, thet t alU vavai lis bougie, but aver My gu e di. ihop le goe. Thc grountion vbh ihaolt i my for years vas ovuot by die Bo. Fred Hanring,:pasi commandear oettheIndiena Grand Amrnhe isRapublilebut la nov dis proprir cf, Jaeob D@adntilger a hoa marshal. i This la etilacisust abOP vasà fani- ens place lu dis lite cf QantrYvhlieanti vas a favorite nsrt for lis peoplaet Spencer Ccuty. The oIt ilaciamti, vios. Dame aveny oea sacuis t hava forgelten, vas a net- uni istery taller, antihohadtiarenut hlm a eSrocf as goo shri tallo-s-as hl- AbraIsau Lincein vaaitthia ebuop'a great tisai, and t wuasàademmon esOrt tee hIe fadier. Tiomes Lincoln. anti Ai- reism's unece, John antiDaenis Ranis. Thee hp vas tiicountry nevus tand andthdislecture, paitform, andut wva teora.dat Araham Lncoln 1leet m", othdiastortas that b. toit lu attar i vas bora that Deaunl a"eietld the tory of Sykea'dog, aestory tai Lin- eatoIdtoteGrant a11 thse taellofVicie. h. and'.5 w5ieh w-eO. et the muet l w»S q»a. - - k/7 Tic tesi les"a lutbs outriy la tic clernal simnaglei iatvaen tvo prniples -rigit and w reng-'-diungiut dhe veli. Tiey are tich e oprnucples Wvilcie have stooti tacs ha fjce trou. lic beglnat utofire. and vili ever continue ha etrugglc. Ticensm la lie commun right et hu.sucuty, end tisa ther la dia divine igit oftkinug&. lula tis principiewvilci sais, "Yen wori anti toi end airs breati anti l'Il esthi." A bouse tilvidati aginstitusaIt canuot stand. 1 beileve tiIs govermntt tsantiot endura permnueuntly haIt lave and hait free. 1Idulo nt irpecitiheUnion te ha dimloveti. h de net torgect the bouse ta feul, bot 1 do expactIf illii e» ta ha dîvide t i vii ltier baons one ding or cl the thct --lther dia oppouet. et elavery viii arrest tise turtier apreatiofet Itandi put it la the courseetfutu' mate extiuction or lie iv&ocates viii pugih It orverdotil h sha$ha oe éalIDS l avtuil nl ldte Status, o*Ias vehi aune e. Noth asm eii es Soth Four score eud seves yeurs ago unr tathers irougit forth on this continent a nav nation, concelveotinl iberty ant i etetd te tic proposition diai ail men ara eneatetiequaL 1ev veaeaengagoti lu e great civil van testleg vietier dhat nation, or amy n&tIijotas conceivei antinose ddicata.!, eau long endura. W. ara met ou c great btaiefielti cf tiat v an. We have coma te dedicate a prdeon et liai fiel.!seeau a irestint plae for diose vie gavc their Iilve. tiatItiat nation might lira. It. làalntogadier fitting anti proper tint vcebook!i do ibis ]Rat lu a larger oeun4e vscanuot dadicata, va cant coueccate, ve eannuet bal- lowr dia grvound. TIsa brave men. living anti den., vie truggiad era, bave con- secruted ih fer aboyaeur pour pover tha att or detreet. Th ic ed wul Utile nota nor long rernemben vIai at asy here, but t eau ueven forget vhai dicy iid bers, itla for unethllvng, ratier, te lue dedicati here to dia unSuleheti vot vhicb diay vie foughtisiban ave dine fan se nebly adivanced. itla radar tor ne teah be rs tietilctei te the great tenk remaluing betere us--thut rous those bonurati dead -vs take Increase.! tevotuon t h ticause fer vhicb daey gave tdis lest full meuretfdévotion; that ve here igily raelve that t dima ic euh ueî thave died lu vain; diat tdisnation untiet-Go.! ehal bavaea av wbrti of tneadorn, andt at geasmani cf teopaple, by dhe peopls anti for ths people abali uot prii traus e sardi. Fondly do vs hopa% fervently dq va pray, thaittlp mlgity eceurge et vas mai %pcedily paruio .yeT. if ti ville iat It continue until ail la vasill plaIediy te bnmoelO'O Traetfnrqulte tit haleall ha sao, anti untul av- arr drop or blect i dnaweili diahe ib all be peu vwiti anciher rava by the tword, as w it»14 &M rente ae, de stilI It mut be saii: "Ticjutigmute ut the Lord arc truns a ieghheone aliogatar«." Wt malie tevama aaou, vii carty for &l; itbfauiom sluIn the t asQed olivsosntesethéulht, letm atriv-c ou ha finisb heic 'k v.araelu;te blut np tha natiU'W e undul.te cuse fer hlie inho h ava bene dia battue anti forhils vtdov antiloilsorpian--te. ail vilci mai echiweeantid e i a itut anti iastlng peacca aueg cureeve eu vîi miln nation&. tali et Vliekbng i t tidti netUmut te velopa ah. heu ne deuil that yen are tIs much as an amgy. perpetretor et dia outrage. it gosg The Crawford sehool, vilebAbrahamn vithout weyiug ibat yenu uug ne longej Lincoln attandati. vas ositgfl -, aient conider rourseit among my taugiter'i dirce miles f rom bare. Il vras bàli ot acqualutauea. Véry traly, round luge, anti vas not Me th"tansix sTIORNEIT mniîF- tfet 1110- __ ....."Te pgodas".'irelalmatiPerey, wvian h fiome gfthde eider pero'StUa n-bail rnd théialtteais. "NIOvh bi*i i tny ramember thein parents *iliW or An- a mensaofeth! Nohilng *oultd do but thé, drav Cnuvfdrd, tde tieçýir.,ani hie 1I mutet tI he vrong valentinesalu dig idiothan. Josisi Cravfeni, tIsalatter vnut g avelope. Oh, dearlbis, tiealr inovn as "Blue Noss" Cravft, a berne But Perey vas mistakteiLfHs bat nir given hlm by. Abuiau Lîneel. plaedthte vrong valeutuneS lu tic vrou Jesîni Crawford once lo*uSei Lncoln eut-dopa., Ih marli happeet tt Fit copy ut e 'Liti.cf Waboe aI,» enti ilcby didi't hava dhe avfnhiy kansenu Lincoln goi dia bock val, got vbIcb of humer diat Pereyibai givan hii Cmrword chanmetihlm 75 eu"e a doit crédit tor;bils ltter 'vas meant te b4 dhat Lincoln pal.! by voniing for direes amcestie anti cutting. Wiile as fer ti tiays pulilua odder. nota diai Mn. Syruppiabnad ynitten, die The local bltory llà a hautneyer for- vas luapiiet b> ithenaiugt tdat a gond gava Josiai Crawford, ami the nuame for-uodiing littis cati lii Ferry sin "Bina Noue," that ih leu id be gave mouosbsoniti hava badthediabrasen ai hlm, le part cf tha Ia;cndi et Spencer daciii te senti a love valeutiue te hii conute o ils duy. tangiter )label. Andtihe tding the Of dis enemicu that Lincln matis, moas thi tory a particulanli nadion, none vera groneta iu smmmemberu La dia tact tdat Mabal Syruppe fuR ert he Grigsiy tamily, meng et Whoae ebare.! bar ftdr'a teeings.-New Tom] descendant.e till ive lu *10 nelgibon- $un. hue.- Srai Lineolu, uste W Abrahiam. niarict Aaron Qrlgeby, ami two ysars Uler Valentins. inter tuie. Airaient, il;ulae aiti, alw'a3 delaroi tint île elaten vasot prapeeircarteti by h Gdi ngsb7e.This hneughi about ai social fWdt.-.4antiivihle goni) Corne- &pondtint lii. Lonla Republs. PERCY'S VALENIfl!NE& 10 fient OMIT Tve, bnt TIc, Matis More tIssu Troubla »jegIs. Parei Simmonu, enor etcnousbils intimate fstirttnih al li = ele tiet te syear ho voulti *94 cul> ive valentuutos. One et thece, a really esca pictura ut an orchestra leaader withbibg test anti a funuiy moud.he hovoula subd to Fiti- tlebi. Flddieiy playe theti viellu, antid ho Wao uaie an avfnliy fuuuy flloir hîrneoift dai Farcy mat- ha vouiti hé ticileti a viole lot vian ho réceivedthedia Oh hao y maldea, ft anti aven, *hag rt anu hamore tdcae valeititte.t-han Cu*Id bringa on pntona saie -Thiwer is vaientine weasavccet ltie Wien .t va l &tingnean. pesa lu vbichIl"dilue" anti "mine" Anti as, yenhide Il ataoarai, rbymet viit "valentina." Il vas prnîted t-o sar i vInOsean dvine lu guid on p"i perfume.! sIll anti bati a Thse loy thet came upauthis day bcautiful border cf white sper alingerie. 0f Oocd et. valanti. Perey inttiedtiseoee fr.)MisaSyr- rpe Wo, uppe-Mias MaaatSynuppéaseehe madie "Tîre eai a oa i& l boIdtuteeau ber viau ha va alone. ITe gsawmnwolut Perey lovai Maiel. cuti b. teitthat ding nutiéta reaumet nain," -ï Mai41 lovai hlm. But.eemehevLowsbmarkad Uic man viii -liaesleepino coulti uevsr quits hi-luebiut h e eyc. point oet eaSitaiT Snding eut, This val- ."Oh, yen main aceeat." suggeut coinet, ho tisouit, veulIaMt bis ticeut-dinar> policeman. chance., "Tiat'a juit eaectly vint I dot 1 e0Parcy? caretlli directeS the tlienc- uscan," rapliedtheds fy cep. "Wilibg vélope. a le isovu iudwalllng, -se hdie ut tfilvorce ibm vas given it Flidlaby veuid give hlm cerldt fer tdetirc fine bicr, andt dat Mis Mabel mgit igt te rosume ber maiden nuit bava ne fanta ti e'ender peem came éec?" treni qe oeie s. Ha dieu plaedt hievalentine. each tlanotteed. ln its propar envalope nu ho diougit et *"Ton ay yotisa' *mi ulster et do ,time. eanledti acaretllii, anti gava récent vetdinBg?" them te James te mail. -Ten. it waa'i vsry long a«." [ Tve. da"e iatcn ha receviatwto loutera. "But I Son't remarnier tiatiet .Oua f et ta reand thus vT: menulouati seing ye."1 p lPaey simmeus: Tous' Valentinoe'- "VanyIlîBi>'. 1 vas onîy t eachisi mi Yaierdcy. Th"e délicata groom,."_-Claveland, Plain Dealen. 1bt et M ftua !eons andt he remnent et diof d th ltlug'mak@4 aifenge OeAdvt*oas. ý uthe mate, Widi ipprs4itve t5ho "Ther'e eu cD o&Iing aient baft FYLE1<. x I LBT. ie."remariai the pillecepir. tàwna- *Unstu..a, th& uglesu, 0134. Rend Matt. 8:14-17; Luks 4: every one ur theni. ndtibcaied thw- Lnke 4:41. very fvll uf nctivity the lite of Jesua wue. Peter, in de»cribingthc von eof Jeasate Cornelius, the Rom,» centurion, and te Uic cornpany o eple tehoni Cor- nelins had gnthered together. saad that Janse "vent abot .oing geod, anti heab. fig aqiltit t veoppreascùlout tic DierIL"' tu do good te ilsose who were ln enfferng wiether iu seul or body. And it van a busieaas that çvidently kept Hlm tolly urcupied. Ih wus Lard for lmu ha gat a timaet quiet for meditation sud pray- er. Sornetîmen He could uDot even get time toeact Hi% frugal meula. Mark for conmmunion with (,ud it vas enatch- cd, as it were. fromt Uhe urs et activlty or trom the hofrq tint thers wonld havé eutr4 st'tu o teep. -(1fat 14.23%1 23; Luke 6:12; Luke Il:28.) miracle working cost Janas nething. Ha admonlshed 171 indisciples, vhen dici could net cut ont a devil thal;t iii 1 gosth net eut but by prayer. (Mark 9: H 2M) ,And Jeaui ilimacîf hsd ne" ti v prayen, and utf fsting, tue. lie aa net telIng Ris disciples et eomethlng tIsaI wos for tluem and not for Hlm. We oa resd, tee, that upon tarerai occasionis .. tti "power came furth f rom Hlm" for bock- lut. and Hie feit tic outge. (Luka,6:19; 8:46, R. V.t Jeasethen dld net du iiHialmng von vîieut pains. without self-sacri- T fice, vithount inncomne vy giving Hirn- self t h i eseolaed Neither eould Haé prench tronitih heart as Hie did vithout lnteusltY of Taos ose ss él tbjougbit and ut spiritual feeling. Andi ea" iseN tsU Ua Hie preachiug muet have been a drain isesitsnosNab5s5 etoma on' Hie physîcal nature au vali as on Hila mm I élap"ut u spiritual atueatint vuniti causa Hlm aoko v 0 4a te Crave rest vary intensteli. But Hne I -tmg et spipe eald. "MLy Father 'auriedi hitherto, a"d -1 on." (John 5:17.) Anti again i ald, "I must vork thI vuniaOftUlm ,that sent Maevîsîla it le day; the nigil: camctb vie» Do Mau enu von." ,(John Î jeani wsn' a man lhie ourseiva and. vorkuleant pretty imach da eamé te Hlm diai it mesus to ns. Tic von tIsa i Rie did vas ufthdi mont tatigulng nature -uoe espaciaily bacnuaa tiie reetlte Of it verenosedlsappointing. Ha requiaedà patience, penevrancaand determinat- tion vlth strong fafithin la Qe smuai. a uh ok un i.e e voulti pectithese virtue. toe d *Thcrafore, sock ab accouât as va have lu our lesen varseno aes une wpndi nt tic energy diaplayeti by Jeune, aud * uggauts dia iuquiry if va plan Our lBye. so e ns hget lu suythlag luke as muelà von es va mlght, and ese.clally, un muci von fer otiers Caparnaumn-This vas a clty et eema e importance commerciLaiy, aud.sa tlearu trou verso 28, ditheumeet pèe. IL Jeueprobabiy vent into the elti teu à dies abbath ou purpesete oattend 1h le nynagoguéansd tae a aivettoge ofate o- 0 poert yit oigerd tuepreach tu thé pe Verso 22.-À number oftlime. va, 21 toi.! hcw aonluhed the polvr e1, diseteahingi et Jans. ivoe sa tu have impresaed tieomat MIf A aý quite as muci Ïa H Imirugise. ?i14 es veres eccutomadtit religions tecisti wie alvays retentai te dia lava et Moses or te die traditions o e icdisse *s aund bcd notblag new oet lhiit*lmn.1 ae auM,uer ludeitikiltilifi nt lug te say conceranug whal bai -Sles le sald by dieux of eh time." Th~ en ". ing of Jeans vweoenov, seutInsxMtoi et and se rital diat lit took tels beti il avay. Thc Peuple vais vatn i*i 1 . the came nid round oet aahiungt" »eV- *r srot a stap flirtier. diat gava vély Ssw n p g gi rpss hcobpc. Tbey cravcd uemetbleg a constructive, v)ilc, -and they euot It trOst eJanus. t And mora important atilI, Jeans talight d- ,vith authonlty.'1 It van. "j ceT unto u- Vecrac 23.-The spirit, using tic man., lacrieti eut. IF p . B. Ieml et Verse24.-Tie evil spirit cricd-ont la the nome oftMlus soreiataa, "What bavTi ri a ete do vith Tliee?" lie acknowîted Jans te ha "the Hly Oua cf GO&i. Versae25-But Jeans idoti ears for1 tu4 sncb tcatimuuy. Bllet efthé iaind diai dey'la showen au bofnoune .Ai James - ayse. uer "beliava. an&ti mmbla." Tair Y«i balat sungendera la thon neo deaire >tfo gooti. ne trust, ne love. Itlelanet a bc- liai, a tiar.-din a oing te couvert a elouer. '(aras 2.-Tic a1pi.avsi vian in la driven from, a man iy the. poerenoe Chflet la otten very awful. Quesite. , What was dis gecat purpcac cof Chriseata miracle? (Malt.'12-24; John 9:1-t)> Upen vhat occasion did thiscicples iry te bcai a demoniac aud rail?. (Mati. 7:,2, 14-10.) Big [1OUd% , What reasen did Jeans giva for their lnnbillty? (Matt. 17:19-21.) Lettor k whot uyrnu la vrltteu vith versa 32 ut Our icsen as ita...hjt? lea aa rns very veil-kuovu ,hymu sud oea dat young peuple voniti du vel ha commit ta mcmery and carry throngh lite viiifh thani. Hcv didtihti Jewe acense Jeune ot cating eut dèvils and boy dld Hi refute ag their accusation? (Mati. 12:22-28.) a. . Faumitiar tor>'.11 1Ï' y. Guner-I vondar vhat that pret-MiI Sty seciaty leaer bas beau talklnu a bout for thc lait heur? "Sie bus been taliung tic uoclety ne- o te il OR teg MI be th. me L 1 eh th hN 1 --wlars tbatr a*« t» qmàt L.