terne of Inteèt to LIbertyvie Readers. b ai~~1.5 c.màw cloôds, uàoâ'te'hty. Ve mi. .. *1- e lm" nOur inhet @0% md buvem we *My 6.IWT,*elaBu.. wç sol à TRIGS & TAYLOR, LIBBRTYvviLLE, ILL. DARBY BROS., Libertyville - - - linos Odds and Ends 'whilh voare éselling below ecot to knove tbem Gents Driving Gloves, ver SL25. la varlous ulze& Nov ...........................50 MWisss Vo!Stockinio wvue25e w. elllaglm closeIO out for............... .... o Ladie' Vol Strocislnga35, qumliy.usti lia lesmow a go et ............ ChlresCoftoù Stockiog à' ver. d 25ç. 5c for ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If there is anything lu the. above lotit you eau ume, thse price. hould convince yoîn lt's; likejfludiug 'em ................Sod ........................10e 'Cms. n ............................... le PackageMache......... 6 Iýbox SRic......... ..............5eo We hiaveo on band a lot of remuants th~ Mîînlin whieh vo are clomîng out at. .. . 7w Wle hiave ieveral dozen Ladies and, gente' Uader- wear which we are cloulng ont soc Oult t.........................30e SMIH &DAVIS C. 14. 3 T. P. tIME TABLE. la mdi flmmD.ou 1 s 'os TrO IC^0O. I FROU CHICAGO. ,VU . D«Mm UXDAT%. Dopa"f rom New Depot. Arrive et NeIw Depot. IawikUVvU~ ArrIve Obluao. loave OhkScob 1ArrIve Libertyvl"e .o im smu...... ... .. oitui.... taa. ...........:U,16M. .lG .........1:1 a. m. *m18.....-MP. m. ......... 1&:"p.M.. Ve lipm............ 8:0oP. M., 187...4:6 . M............ £8 0'M. tiV»Aiu.! is .....8:08P«.............7i1p. m li...... ,m. ............ 9:U au.m. I " ...* U&M . ........ . '1o:15 a : o.o. lo...... I:0L&DM. ..........tata... 1*4 >5 p..L.........8:100p. . lu...... 2:» .m ............ *-dop. U. TO CHICAGO. VEXE ATE. omart Prom Cid Depot. loSava boet7vvIIl Arrive Qlilcsgo. US.U*.S a. ............ Lln la.... 1: p. m.0.........-1P0. m. s.: .... o 06m. ..........15E.. Sai -- ......as Climiegée Uwauk Electet Rifromd 4*uIyvlU.LIM . fluera. IV.LAM LII' .V IIIEITli.l.E 605 a. ni. (1:30 a. tel. a. 7PO5 g. ni. a. 7:30 a. in. aman very iv..mie.- and PvrrY '3e 'in- utslaftethe hmur îîte ft*r tlh.. hcuî until lntil a Indmten the Il te cr on Sîînday. connections will l. ieladent Bltelgtt Xw, [aie Bluff, with north and noutI, hou.! envi on main fine dl this railroad. ClImvingEvaneton onde. even hour outil 10 p, m., and Wankffan on de. hald hour anti! and inehiding m-0.i e. wlll luBie e0l1l 1101t1itet ak ' Bluff .for Uh.rtyvllle. Tila ompany n.awrvea. the. r:lt t., va r> eWiroîi n itli liît notiic. 'Ioeta, time tables and iiifo)rinetijoli may bh h'>et IP. .11, .l e.lîî tou.. lÀhort-yvil lo. Mises 1,dia l'lîîitlî lîam bee <',îîlnte. o: ber boine te. Jemet wovel. wîtlîh attî of laarippi.. Miss 1Del)ioîlî C ofr ( f lîk. ltff. viited witb Met ltRuez 4>.lerîîc t1î. iiet of thl. e fl.. Mair. Petprson. ane 'ialMloor.., fonneriy îof timle,edit.'>ilît lierlu,î ln Elgie n rn v eeningof tvpluîd flev er. Forçster teanîof Aeme Canmpigiree et 6M .lparty and> danmi thise Fridîîy îî:glit in Llbert.rrilk. toiwn hall. Yole amî lnvlted. Balurda> C., Il. Branîley desîîîîed chargeof the sa loaîboutine«sin Proctorii block whicb lie pîireted -)f R. H. Fairhaire. Nlr. Rmntleinjefrtn W&iiike. a". Mrs. Iieorgi. Vowl.re îbible clatis ofithe. Mi. E. Runday iehlool atnd friendsl. tlîîrt'.'. O ve Pu nuieber tîroveonllt t) Maille Spring Pa'rut leit lridiyniglt ta epen' the evening wîth Hal Follett wlîo leu,% Loua ionfteed tthle bonne for ît nuîîîh)ei of weeks. The yuung people ripent tle. Lvaing playinx pit andt flint-ilî. îftcr wedeh bn wam. serve'> hothe Indieti. The Ladies Aid of the Preslîrierii church field their annuall lection tef offloere Jan. 28,.the following beiîîg ~leted: Mr%. Rd Clark, presldent; Mrs. jË4 Welln, YviceprosesWculad Mrm. C. JLaapp, mecretary and treastirr. Thte laialcielfront their work *143.34 during thle yer' 1903. Next i le.otinir. Feb. 18, nt Mrs. F'. H. WelI e. Tht. Roat Suppor field lit the Plrestley- t"ran church lfont Frday évening watt a tbolrogh .uoeo, about thirty dollarm biig takien ie. (Great îcredt le due te) the gentlemen wlîo prenided eit the tîbleti and the eupper leinontrated Weil tlîiir cnlînnry art. After s elr aIl1retirpt! tii the. main naine where a hup prî,gî îî t witp renîlere'> Ii- téîle.>întlcîîe.îî. At the Chilitg.i 1'aitr.r Show -luit. 27) tp 30 hud!in 7tb Ritentnt Arîîîory. llridgpwttter ' ultrýy Faiîrîîus Ilî.til eatyled oîff nmore thîîe ltA i tur.. of lîîîîo. Their, winninga were lot, 2d1 anti841 prmliums on c"wke.rPlc; lot. :î>Id n tti>.A on hons; lot an'> 4th oîlepelleta; 4tI fn'> 5tL on cockq; leoIt u e îiutltIra sifl eps, and mantager- Fite ln îustly lîroît'>. That portion of Liîîertyville's îpopulo- tien givon ta dîivaring wiloerer oft its reeldents have thet temerity to get marrIe'> tuocri no dimitinetijiî init. favore, an'> Pulls on thé .least an'> most dietingulile'> ealike. ga t cra Tlursday nlght when a crosrd gathere'> arie'> witlt obot gens. liins an'> tin pans tii ramint! Dr. Smïithî they> n-on willing tii participat.. In bis joy. It cot foc a ilvp 'dollar bill Leauee of that '.illingnp.ffl anw was clîeaîî et tiat. A party oh local lissons attpeni.>a banquet et Antiuach 'Monda> nigit an'> partieipîatpd inî workt of thle nioeh Iodge.. Tbey cent vietthe Wisconsin Cntrai from Ractkefeller an'> report a mont ajayable time. Tiiosein the lîarty' were: Paul Mlac-(unfie, Erneet D l i B. H. Brown. 0. E. ChunliII, 4U. A.,j Wrght, C. H. Kaiser, M .Oly .E. Triwg, W. E. Dlavis, F. P. Dymaîîd, F. 3. LorelI, Peter Nelson. Jbohn Auîstin, W. B. Mtier, W. H. 8kinner. IL.MW. Bùlkleýy. Fric! <roker aîîd J. F. Clark. F. (lrabho lîaving tereuinate'> bis contract ta fnrnioh ta tie Perix Minerai 4rlngCa., of Chicago crater froue île inions Ahana epringe, han opene'> a Obteago office st 4 Sherman ét., room 24 ad ln now soliciting business direct from customere serve'> b> tie Purlx poopla ffnd wlth splendid enecots. Mies irE. tlyino l la charge of MIr. Grabie's 'efy office aud havlag for tire. >ears lasie n mectot w!th the. Purix niIela hIller wltil the trpde and a competoei ,sgeuattf o Ues of anavaa 1~va4iar ia~ éla0lasad e sa 14. li. . p. . .......... tpta p ROM CHiCAGO. i nu DATe. Arrkve nt OId Dopot. Leeve Obeaao Arrive Libertyvllie. la .....tom m . ...........10:69 a. M. *l .- s.&,O"<. ........... 6.&0 Pu. Ne. l...........taIgr a. M. .i.ter Saturdaky ('tijeto,îMorst. lui- lireîîî.'lie cr111 it i i lt, r" -j lt:îli. (rumiitt hl.i:i u l e>of J,,,> j1kiîu.I the t4o'aa nd.. sreupî..rîîl îlierty. Cuniederltjon $2500. MlsimBlanrhe Whitî.ii :: ho bastien voniinludta t1wht ltai.. vjtl aeterious at tact off)inPUmoi c:Ùijiiae 1- lFla.rg ill eriv, .'.t ccî'ek fronie W.E. e6 houie. on Lu, treet ta P. It i mall lns are t f: IViirbildi igs ty l. reeted'oiithe ne" lil.rlyî if. Trot- tiigAaiuiitoîi~rîuif.andi have bten .ehirîitted toi contrat, re tior etinlilteti. Mies Aile (lehinge. i%%lho liii six neetil hue 1,met king a iiii f .1treetiiient îîî Evengtoil i rtirnet.iot:lier fî,îîîî lier.. h1lrilay grt.atly':ieiîiiuu I. lDaite îîf tht. nexteiiiuf atntertain i,qit i(ei th, litwrtyvlp t) :ij.rw aisilee en c'latîg.i front Feb. 2!1 as anl vertimeil. ta Mardi th. Extouît'ent i-eljîter. 'This jm te lichut an'> Lest of tlic :,iure. %VauilbasLes in rjelfronîîtii. Walrind vho le vliitiîîr je Englan'> that lie intendedti tataaluu passage Itor 1'. S. feeit cree. H. polehc-cr11lie honte nexi ceek. Tiite fcitl whist lui, inet '.vtht M r. andîl Mr@. W . (<,. Saitlio)re Tîwsdny Peneiag. Liglit luehî wes serve> chier îadellglitfuif tveniing clent i et vai-d. Tite Chicago Amrica ilijis thtet tilrouigl île. ad> ineerte'> ly Mmi. Stevenson reherre' ta îin lest jyes.t e liE':IETMr. Stevenm>n wa.e ocated r andîî loisa goîiîe tuhi@.. leiui(in eF,îrgo. W. . .g ainglieslnted of Ilîiract. BuIlpte icorner robllotaim lbllocItandl te. soon as; Ironporte arrive to lie. plae'> under partition wali thet. flrstoetarv of whju.Ili wl, orm,ved, wilI îc"cîîpy tlîeo addit-linat Kprip.a Ise Pitkiîs floiir plt ' ries jin uîîec nifflît. leare a lird gloiley finish. n iII ilit treet îor liet.!Au eliades. 19-1-d' H. B. Earu. A il-cie i lvantage an'> conrzeniene unuder roeff. f hedianew ekecîriclight Company, once .îînaction witb their Lake Shlore eysterîî la effecte'>, wiIl bie iontitaual teivii'e. nigltt an'> day. Thi. carrent will ilîcwne lie on and> litr'h can bac Iîht lit er plsiireM. Mýonliighî the vllae %ti cin i ilarkîîeém. wgiaout tawn reiîintedP that Bfi raîid in i iii îitieg to hum iîiil1WH tintier tht. b.ijli' put tilt plant outtof iiu.ieý, but flic *'igineer iKlaresl lee of water %es tihe trouille or natlier lavik uif pover té).eîpply it. Wedneeuleus niglit wires behgi an jîji- portant rmeetinig of AmerîeuGarrison. Kiglita oh t. Guh.Theré. tatI hbeit agitation favoriiig dlaiî'>iing of1 tht. luodgi, an'> the jîtestion waa uji for ieision.Afeufiuso îî nIcni cra# dec4ideul kw : :itinue the. orgaîliza- itan, bol'>tht. iiiiiiiai banquet Ccli. 22 au'> o-uiPPreIte ta evIve forliîer jeterest of ner'nhers. Foi- i tiîno the Kniglîtm of the Globe wie i strong urgaîizatiiît an'> ilterpet nlier 11,ilg. Ohf ateit Itas Tint heen go fin(] fî,iîe thle desire oh a fewc ta, dieban'>. H îw.rver a stîpretutu effort nill ho made to lput it outhe oS'> foting. Do yiîu tn oî iliat tht. elsetrie nue'> property now :rhîlle' i-rheiip. My houme.an'> four fiteiorsaîe. E...rtr Witr(ox. ftockehefJr. î1-1 The FarmeerW Revieu, a iiintîîfy paiper publlished len('lii'g:. lastwéeet ontili e.' thle following Wre-rnce tu C. 1. Ciîsy: ~M.C. I. te W. . 1Lihertyvif le. froîîgfît jeto aur ,off:îice 1saiple î'd c'.:ellFt iligp. [t wiue îeiîfîer toc> eidy n,,rto dr-y an'> ehiîwiîîflt it h'heýin r, it 1 juit thte rigilt tiuîî'. Thîis eiws the. t!lfiert.enemutwe.i tiesiloi now. :andu fifte..n ypois ugoý. Mr. Ceee.. s- if,î nas hut tile lst tfff eut!dIvas ,iiiplete> lest ln time to esav'e the coru rp. whjicb ha. bieu caugbt ly front. Thsilodbiiiof the atave variety. 16 fest le dianîneter, 22 feet higli an'> wilf iuld about 100 tons tif sdige. Mr. CiSey talusthetie sgilo in net 15 itechos in thle pou»'> an'> îa a eeinent founidation and.! bo. Tht coet was about as folldVa: Lumber, $80; iloop, 024.50; eiut, $5; labor, $10; total *119.50. To Ourt rlenant!41-eewmbom and> or àee ambaw w ah to th..akiK i ï 0n»4 uraoàd, Mac0qMg and Miller senlI teir'sto;k 10 Edion a Peoplqp.q PREI4MAN STIL14IN. ThW ie t e tl! lotrie liglît plant changel Lands, Attorneys C. N. Durand, Paul Mactlnfflu uad B. H. Miller owing 100 shbaros of the stKick, dietrilînte! am fôllowis: 1)îraîîd «35, Macdijfin 35 and Miller Rt>, eold to Frank T. Baker, of Cilcaàgo. whio bel> ilve @lhares, tîteir' iinterest, glving Baker 105 tif the. 200 sbarei or a eoetrolling intereet. Pivot- dont Freeman 0of the local compan> boIt! 65 sIîaïes. He bouglt of C. P. Wright 15 oLareo boIt by thle.latter ami 'theag Imsm go oharp.iluthe now Company. Mr. Baker la Preoident of the Norti Sho<re Eloetrlc Company whie inleRait 1 ho controlled by the Edison Compatny, and> hani ites upply plant at Hiiland Park. furnimhing oetricity to nearly ail tliLaieo Shore towas. Ticir pure-haîv of libortyvil!e'e plant le the, mita! reovement, ta extelàdipKthoir line intto entral leke coîînt an'> eventually to Fox lAeke., «raymlako. ILake Villa and Antiocb tin inriu>ed in the plan. To gelierate fiowaet a meltral plant and! carr-y vtiI îutlyiîîg point» îîy. lleane of eîlî.etatjiîe je is o ,ia îndl tIis je tLe Rpeliziîîg taii. nportaiîît.of thç. plant litre the ~Nortlî Short. Coeîî.lany wae anxiS 1 torontrol it. not alone. beranet0 of its estelliele.d IlînneisantI lihoral clîntrlîît ritl the. village, but princlpally lieaume of the ralualle franchie.the Frpetmaiî 'xPower &Supply C). eecurod of a village board somine ars agi) an> JI ierenfeuinberet! exteaido for thirty yearg,- tee yeîtrs of wil.h ile-luilve: Tlîie pra.!tigilly lbers competion and gir... tht. present rompue> ealnanopoly of the. eleitrie light liuinini.e etht.village.' ur atto>rneys wt.re not slow to ses thet th(. hli'>the key to the siituationj antid 'pîî thLî. atke shore corporationj fora ndsîlone lpric, ei eling 1ileir stock, ire alre informe>aet cloge ta par, and lt pretivlly catt tboni nothlng. - It iis sait! the new (rompany rontenî. lîletps exteni.lve improvemente. Current is ta lie furniehe'> froîji the Lake Shore systeuin. Tht. Ljhtrtrrjlle planît will ho dîeîenîîtled an> lwd'>onlyw" a eulh. etatiiel. tlîîs great-ly reducing operatiag elipenffes. U;Onst.luetitly tht. village- boiard> shîuld Le alle ta smeure a con- tact1f;r llghting the strepteat a lss prie@ tilen under tlîe oIt! management and private consumer%, w take it, will aleo reap the henofit of the change Notwitilîtanding much local oppoi. hloî the. retirlng nmanagement bas placet! the pîlanît Qn a eound financial and business baais making it a desirable addition ta tLe North Shore syetem. Witlî tile <bang.. in eletrie llgbt comhpanien an> the promw i'extension of the Nortîh lhore Gao Company's symteni ta Libertyvill', itur people may moatonable iexpert ta lethi. eîupr future be fîrîîimlie> light an> fuel et nomîinal The. followiiîg annual report of Miii. bock.., snretary and troasurer of Lake-. aide, eeeîetery Association afforde an idea of tht. exte.neive wor thtie ladiles )lie and> a aw. coeiplhehing. Ciief i rp(-e<ved froni formîer - troaourpir .............. 641 611 Carp 0i lots........................ w; 00) lmproriîîg lots ................ 41 75 lt etwie.tyv... ....... ........... è() 00 Bazaar ... ........................ 223 45 Banquet .... ...................... M2 31è Wiîrk an> donation ......... .... 27 Irtal ............... $1377 95 1'1Joîeîil intenletery ................ $365.3 J. Andersonî. eurvey............... 12 621 Pen" ............................... 6.7 16 work. nînt»rini, ...t........ .... 14 7M4 Total-............. $1029 ibn Baelen,.on haue'>.................$1146 (M) WIiaRFAs, Tho Suprêe Ruler of the. Ijeivrro.bas, ie Hi@ wisdom, ec.n 'fit taJ minorve fronu among us qur late Neiglîbar A. Il. Stapleti, and WHrXF.Aiî, le tle deatil of ouresteeme> neighbor. w.. coalize that our Canîp lias lost onee f ito most higlîly etiteom' offi..ere, thle community 7au oxemplary citizen and tlîe fauîily a loving humhencl and father. tle.cefore ho it Resoleed, B> Acme Camp No. 170 M. W. A. that thle sincEre sympati> of til Camp b.. extende'> to tîe family of our deease..eighbor. Reaoleed, That thle eharaeter of thîi Campibé drape'> for thirty dayri. Re.solved. That a' copy of tle.ee rmolutione ho eprea'>upon the. recorde of thie Campî, a eopy sont tlîe family oh thle dîetafed annd a copy b.. printe'> iu thp 1'.tEi'>%IiET * COIIMITTEK. EDW.ý M. LANG ilghland- Park, 111. Te.901 P. 0. Box 442 GEORCEICIOR For Steam and tHot Water ...IIeatlng... S.w.rage Plante installed OId Pants Reniod.led. Water Worke 1Bulit 4. ID~ b 11V Wl Having finisbed invoicing, wo arM IN 'cleaning up stock. Broken lina., 4ýo" stocked lines, odds axt udm a I nants are being- plac<,d on tables -aiid l.oualy low Prims Mes'. $10 md S12vercots......80 Mess as4 Boys Suit ........ 20 peS cent b Me.', o. PleScd Underwear....... MeWs $LWO Vo.! Pleeed Usderwear.............. fl"* 35c Reeed Underwear... ........ Mées Peh Doot Combn ...................... si Ladies good Shoet ....................$L25 mmdl Childten.Saod MM&s.lto 2j ....... ...........I Golf Gloves. . . .. . . . .. .. .ý OsiI Drefst os o....................... GoM Piq Tobmcco& pu ib ..................... 10 Dors Good Sup. ..... 1 bpassod.................... RemnatsOf allids of Goods Yours for Businiess, ,PHONE 29 ILN LIBERTY VILLE - - GswsIs, MebmDresseaL~dbaCoed VO Un*rd-frtu, Dawems. b..!se.Aproo n MeWts Nt4 tGowns. m. lseUlMt rue on I d o i.ee woWuld th=Ibma, brgals wfb rsw sms sIgelgt8c a lb, Coto>is woehabo67.js dur Mmd cottos gooda bMeave w ,ssicr VC show thoe KM&ds ow fort tie S AT THE 0W Pr4CEmtmn o purebasetiSl"sedgarmet folm bas ss C"u1d el! ou thse musilsa( mmd aiomblat N. B. An almostwcomplete lino tf Bprlin G oode new oit dl at our stoe, Loughtt(wltlehile eeeptîon 0fMualina, 5i ingilama) ntt hele I prlce, Wln enala us to Maie yOulsni 88 per mut Lbow proett vaue of goode. THE PAIR Winter Suits If you want a Winter SuLit-saud,,P certainly do- or wili-coma-lu and superlor lino of simples and Set VA] 1 guarantee perfect, fit and mati FRED'COR THE TAiL LLertyville- Travel is -Expensive; TraIk is Cheap.. St.ay at home; let your vole. traveling for you. Yon wiflb. in costant louci Wb entire county and 'the oouutry-I witUsone' of Our telepbosiu. Business Rates,è". per 4w "d *4 e R~l4uso tes.50 .r 41y 4, 1