Comp1et' Ia&W m gi#intecole ols' tfgO lobàrt brme and-At W"W riet. Itla tilsi 1111_ geai thé st iaI» 10posilile tBam --Ë! Iopepre Toggcmiear niad te i wi va s lhe goal tuaI ýw brin"«ooued % up"sd icolgnal ý,sMtonnsmaimlii geat. Ovîatte t Iicty et the Regmhîsi oimte le dm1 c en rova- tiaes"Iiprobaht>'. 4 m$Wu. ýdvantage h.asecring aMt$ 11li.And yoi lie Climats of lie l"za4 e)44la me siiliar le Ibt ln Maur peuescf our cuntry liaI ticre la »O Stioarraison vir direct importa- Uém absuli netthrtve IfIt btiet ni- *lty. mys Aaele ithcep Bu-eter. ~As lier. lu proialily-nt spurs mai- tweoat Ilb.heUnite'dBtatesaanti moy- - 1 a but doicu Tcggcu ebscaItlel -14îpetithatthle plausme mutieci gove ï'WIIt be crrtieot, for tb. nseO tor imetfi thitiilosstock la vet'7 grast. Ir Oec bae a riait te base an opnion tycms* ohmsat for snythlng Ithora la Mev as lusititt simati ta the Unied etates fer mli goals--net In a grenera Par, but iliere ara acrea oet nquities omsoneor tlu(eas t t ql irgtng mIi, vwcbare vantedi t osee. Tise tobwiII moon lucres» tram sacras te .'lomsmde a peope leru lie rami vaue th Illit. UuUi belle geMt@ara ,*Yallahlc oor pepe vli baehtulic iet viwlthlb ualmliers Ibit msy lm"orn aiomgqui tnorasandi con- v - Opci [I î,whflall t -e, r. N. Armermet ti. X. M. taurepraéuciti tram Imi. Bisu Brauler. li ra. aen wua as the "Anerlca - uget-i I- mre mmauladmolnude taserts de M i *a lt i proeut Urne. »Sea» pisaes for geai.pummse Are mtlamas., 4sas vili cr sai sud m gi bavre lices sphieeat u écomm. - cli ta pie~ la the lut tcv 4 Il la eneoutagng-t bau-lIe anlu Ilrl tovrd oisr ptse L Tbc eY ot sorpamiilusbeain. 1Ady falirie matie soi are adaptai MiY miu isM- apbolserlag car e-Wool NUsta med Sicat. Ucuam ti tbest.m listetheid euits ~oon mmsthep are g enesgb te sImd lic oetama. Sla Milsiyet Ove or six tda"solt. tbe »Mts l natolt Iaili r pig rualta l4 lbe o-ma 4evelop. ,t lih ev, w.brs.. abaqor bis, a OtR inalITor nanuf seultiat WeI u1roua rt tact anti ossi q tétrâ tim ae t-ascithe tte pu ull ev, pr fellythéeteii ï*Mgli t .the es 0f.uiW u ,»eea i*-I@M B 51te it ao i-a -nye is a op abat neau revue*Bd Iam % ie e ttu;it, e , t"p vith Wiiý lv* *te tmuii , lire U~aiauly li bntle lu 'la wvy4gîa O* 'uuruçer. crci a has.u- Xe cel ego ti ye ie moiu e I" eti bq.l w.msose in 5l tb.eop'titi cSnaeiE t el a Çgy-i plts ia su-ont, eort DI ft On u r tare cf slty-ul* Wb smIcaable ralan tiers vii be el Aye-wowtr- en ,éty Ove..-4 ilires, more thb em-Imi et tbe tarai, Tl MiaS t "Jfuralbpotfre fir a veant d amoi et fstock sdlad i uai l:e aveti k hi pustqrlag bosse, breedlng oves sud 01 Iabe belng tattitifer aarket. et Fer twcuty ysars thet landi bas licen ix kept regtlarly lu rotation. wboml. cie- 0 ver sud cern. bbayrnadticern beng d ted eut on lb. taraiendat b. sancra, lu wi mca". bauled tram lova, put onc'r abe lied. Under titis treatment thei landi bau gmeva grdmaly etter. Xbereu la à vet-ammcat ef labo, ceenetelt, ;wttb tblIveytem Ibal ve sre tcrc.d 'N by ctrumatan e cycati - r entrel " te abandon, as tir as possible. Itye i crêpa vîlhoiut iiàrvstlnig sud thresb- tmg wiliib. tbe principal feuture lu briaging thin'bout. >Farmee ofîcu t wii liot greC Il as we do and Loleg k tiovo" ter tsar et the voltntry il spolllng tb. claver crop follevîng. As le tbls. a yluniéere cr>of ryp, wblcb vs lied lu lover voul h ave licou an advantage lidwev vnît-tu LI nmbke boy utethebecre. Tbe ryc lire- veutedthe e. cover lodgng. esIl vouli screly bave dcii. vltbont t. <'ut for boy, the rye le il vociti ot bit-e b4en bny detrlmeut. but au adreetage If frxil eut un the tarai an >1 alwaio îlà bte-.- If etacked lu tii.' el ithere ttas enougbi rye lu it If the stuck.u vere carefully rak#d devu tu shedth îe rm>. VKlug rye latead of wbest and nîot barvestlng Il briega us op agaîist tIhe taet tht ve are without bedding for II the stock. For a Uime ne dout thIisi ued ceaub. met by purcbaslng itra w. es ruaoy 'farmera vîila un aennof twe erthires illes oel thi sra1m tu msen buylug Il fer factory purpose..i 'hre la 00 maili grain croî. growu tial la licter te, 515.1 claver lIn ien i ryp. andt iis ativantage la mucit en-e batied vbca lb. croe no15 et.lbut Il 1to ait on tbe lied undl licb <StieredtJyUre atek un îhe tarm. Il ,Forltât full.viler andi spmlng pas.- in 4MOng sheup vlha ecati tUte mot e desrable rsaluidla teuose, as tbey viliib ,et lInre tis latidh4 tramping uhen t vat asotiier semala yulL Carylag - tePla ibroagli lb.he irthceely i stumeal lrnrring sucese lW iack et t matiur.. Tilt plan viii prave praetlcable and 1 peellablki on tbausaundm et tarmes wbere wiiesl bas been grewunfor ycara put end tl etmlii eiag grovu, neya,. psYlng c«Pauses. tic land eeutautly IJ #"Ilgposr", -.Wile -te, uns.-et.' ry- wiii coelIDul!liy adt the fl.ertlhlty of tii. sMaliad puy a profit au il gmes . aL&mg. lit viii net came la a iump n wie a granacrop lasod, but tvwlli 'tai, cmilg le ail the. lime. làlatraquelatir demlreble lo-, * lee the mrants ot s vire feues e u1h5 Il stock My lie changeti tro n fe lito te tint otier ultbeut puttlog lu a gale ort euttno lb. vire. 0f courne h.Is lneDt practicable viieréa vire I stretelict tighlll. but on mnny test lot tenveui or a vira eemle placeti aroti n s11mw stick lb. vire casuo el'i itraîcheti very igltlli. Amercon As ricultarst mcggets tint lu mch casa a lttie detice vblie Il llustrates con b. usai for tiesse temporary loti t-ri aatiflutorihy. Dftve tWe stiples, A A, laIe the troc about baif an Inch apart. Pal tlie vire la place. Tien trop Iii. vire nuit, E, lte positon. This laii boid thle vire outil Itlula estrabi. te lever iW. %'aieout thai. po.. iite vira teva Se 1the bette. et th pli anti plane il maer. hoêi. aaaaaet ulolsa vli#t oâb i il am àsabB~ pamla Ni= $vahi ~W. titui i y l totil B Rese>- bote. t-. aqUsltai vtia ffie"c lis 0 amtWhviepiauteti-appla I = Zo iyD gaivi e d h»t lesfcrameti Pa"tisa etîacn te tWely bmaudsof *bItiel tic ate. LUa-it uses W Mi c-t -Cstip 4»0rac acmqper 5tc, £Au bis essailthepetdul-lbtter r.- tiia. Ow> ef my pn.IglubeBstled r n pqcb ui on bed abat aOrtW made Su'- ie Sa luahuetata I ow amla à seiN ~ 1 à »Mastci Plue*bo *a4b1 itmbteIF b ti ane come It re- ifl us ýMulAleM atd clonce attentli iW '14Udetaiste neolvo pay adui la lie expense, trouble la tbmgugeprofit ila ucs Ian Iert la rWb I Tbit depeeaiaon ooeO »g -- the tiocia et ducki, un the sif lilcieum, liaimo re t upas tt14 MMtit busa harge et the ciaileu» a ifttcf dcci, thon trois T'he per cn* t ftcrlty lu blg vlubwIt Incit O t lII vîli ce, authe lm tNB-dit laemach les., beitumici cm la i «né t s l umIl deist.hi., ll stii et b#eta ulve ticlinga thoir nesJi 4t rigolar i' îes, le misoemcaoa cU uer md Oui utath Ie rigli lime laciswI~Mailt teir licada off" ae fat- iiuiyp Jlt-. concereio, for tiey are rt- <rend caera, and unleai iley are 'tiic fei tteeud et the liraI veci, mgiii tbey arc niarisiable. at elgit or uen icia. tlic ted blli vli probabiy eorae laï mucb au the check for the. dliisoml&ii.B@oîthe lUe eer gale. the prica-drei la clinnis atter a cor- taim«Xiew-This tie diffenai ludiffere naritrbat Itle ussuaily Inlunc that thc bhom tallseout cf lbe dock umar- ret Bern e yrs lt'ls a few das ar- lier dm. etiiers, se Iltainbeat te Uc on lic sate aide by but-Ina ibis tccka out usas«riy as possible. The drop troue 13 cenla per poceunoe eesi to en e the ad tla aurely esunab et a drap le cau.. aimatit nee lehostiethe lacis te minket. Keaplea docks tbnough thei.mummer la ot*er to pIck tber n d seii the fealta- ers lua a tiblua e ocer trlurd. Ve vers co.taeldte bep s dock cf >-oung lacis .Ibraugli tbe sumîcer ones. but tbey vers net-ev picieti; vers vbat vioaldb. .çelid "stot-kedt irouglifh aie b.d been hîing et bogi erCatte. maI1 lie faIl risc'l prîce. Tben tttey ner stl mli ed a îuent befsor- market- ing. We came ot abat eause cf wIq pt-reettfee&L ne lois lu cumbera a"thle coîeparatlt-siy Ulgi price re- edrai for bic docks A combînatîcu of cic"B aiddocks le the bapplesft foran m il &rocund profit proeer, but blici muet he cemblned ,effrately, else lhe cêmhtnstleu yull ame ticevner more trouble anti im than &ilthe trait ccmiationa la the bousiae.Dacks and ciliîli Dot fflie la the mme yard. The tdncka may set sioma ail riait, bal ve lethe etIcks. On. eaun ueticeliens fat ncat- tatI itui eeea*ry te have niti bernaor vodon Incuators.Dcis &Ue nuenod toibtils business la tic spriaga-Wile lIeboea re a ecnt lir ova ad itudcks' ragethe lacis yUl bha lllagtle enabasket. flien the îoung duclii viii t e r smle belote any cilcis. When. tiiédc-ka stop taying, tUe bea u elti halaylag mme ton. iDY a eoubatlon oft to pS.obreeda, ose eof-ocks, qe et.tibici- OWiale- é- sh-eans 4-e' thé i locks profits uboulti lie mciv eet e- M la Manea.Peih a rie p a lest ail sretnd duacis ta aruera &Mal ossor*ysandtcs la ecilcis Dom It aeu" teUlme ape"i Well, 117 Si andtias.. it doeWat pae âDcsstm tf tiche rndi âp aboya smbhe tba aers hiave lissehuasanievicre a rai n- tavard aedogat for Il hb o pftveti té ha a uuriti1le InvameuWte lumer. tb" onc triaL-Rmaimu lecatoetla Oie Firour. rovis tiat are crevaleldod not r.- Mpoudi with a proftit may puy te latte a mili Bock, andtt heI b.Mdl- tion cf a tev marce bti iad my change lie pt-oit 10 lilas, .-BeutluusMo»M fuislSà behakepI lesaiber-ha lie peuh- try h.« tu the vlnter saison 11*la lie suamr, amila tact, au toit atiha il moy ha ait atitiau la tubave ebousia of tie tollethpr se tht the aen il bait-of their boesmai raies the 1m- periarsetfthe bouoe-yet-tbey-aiield M eh crêCtea or tl«y viii net lthv. Darlag -tii. varu e aason sac lien Mincit bate at least ten square test of rorn, bat la violerflt-s aquara toot may b. uafileln-tUat le, a bet»Ime 1 by '10 teet aboulti iccomuictate Sdi fovla la the nommer, but la tbe vinter bisonmacla sabouse con be usedtot lisp tvcuty bonsevli teu lacent-en- lance thon tu put tea eft hem tegetiier 'ia mntmer., But 1Utile yard rmou la nefftlenvîinter, as tUera lanelting &Ati tfic bous ean aben pIck. but the pultry bouse stionit b. tht andi miate as cenifertabie as possilte. as ail tKIat fpoaltry preter liglit andi chur. iiquarterq.-ïarm m&W Xirasidc. PrelIy asa miNulg«tnpoaltry 41MaM sbava hua OWDihomedt ' Pal- try chiot-s sa"-otiey 'wiera as "aý1 tometi roat>." TiSe la &ai vre lieu, la toluantineula .1el" .LSait pemitry #moto-t, i@.ÛMk lut am ifféie" or'lie air jagaor tc ,eUitiy - Jorn«l@ »oV » "pr table tise. are qaariem ai te, et i twh cumi lie fats 14 ueeffl as ay Illa "% ro=-at irout>." Wbeu-a cblac in l slci mmiyou dWa'l iov vwat alla il, tl"ian à%5 atfre of rea"-Farm unS îbmb. _____ -ikont tIb t ll M in e a 4t, bmedlmtaiai. go aa ebl'k '). The grst êdflwbck theb.d0r- Man or formert et pressaî le,, Ibm - ilmed ilmI -tilt., Well bredt de ealves. loved tafrmsui vtb tieir r Untilveamlg tlm vili i ml reamui. à - W te 83 aPdite, %einsad iluaregtsr thona tic 5up917. ',,Uer ta noiette raies a cat la i l , sud lhe cati epease laee c~u i kcplngtlba Cose aYsar 'Ibe bo UA»npd miii cait lime" le short, anudviw» *0 snaai ehh etf unbealtiiy loeiq&sti sella for $7 te *ZLest valiè befveeta a akilameti mik caîf ati am, tIfloe tatrua vitb the cw redit heprofita made tramâ milkleg. limW 4mlik cit-esare vortb as. mac"et veanlug tlmc as eait-es tUaI' rua wbiUt Ibsr dunes, mnt purs brati calic i* aletiou akinimet mllk baye liem là* Sudjllua fer lhe shov rng viiep Mx mnubs otanid bave said t aI à a" 812.5 escit. le making a trial la eesdlng ou aiim- met failik hie teeder muaI shlow lb, cut te rue, vih tie cc untlitlte cevas utiter becaané ail riglit mcd ber mli *goti. Tintaka*Jt troaite ccv sud leave vîthout teed for lwenty-four heurs, wbea Il viili e luugry enougli Io be euslly tacgit te drink. The tirai, week's teed la test peunds et varni, vbole miii a day, faur pounds lu -the nioriilng, tvo tam io anti four poueds ai uigbt. The second mv-elCa fend suoultili be heIme as tbe filmt, excepi it a ce liîten la- Ive feedi. rnorning sud nighi. At the ecatifetwo eor tbree veekati e cuit .cenuthpu lieplut on ikîrnaiet i li. Tihe tIraIt '.'d cf silin- med nlk la on plat,.ltheset-ci fee-d oee eut eue-liait pinta andthIe titi Ivo Pinto. As tb. silmuird nluilu 10la- crtmueti Ithe vboie mlii inust be de- creaseti until tUe entîre f-t e -ornes @uiliuaned mUk, lihe ciange bcbng et thîe raie et Loit a pouad per týeet. At the sud ot n mentu ater lbhe cit la takien troinithe ccv the dailiy anuintt giveii la frein tvclrê t., toUrteeindei per calit twIvematic eghgbien ponades, or tweuty Ive ta tventy-1our Pound* per day per ouff. A q#uart owrilk veiglia a Uitie oet isuds.a.nsd the nuw- ber cf quarts a toi tuciiybLitabseccai- ber cf pande. ThiIs mmylook eI a i mail&Mountl te mamy teetars. bat lu ail tiià Uie oulf viinest -mg ébive oil andi gain abs aukicct.qt&»Mly. Tic miliicau b. ted lau n P1114ed thome and the canaea lni tic ikImmed tank in kept must lie tb.ag1t*yW.smboned anti scaldeti caeb imre éýi~t eedlag anti vlien possible set aa u. Keca lihe calves trou s ccüklag >4'"'Otero cars by keevlag them sep q#te for liit au lieu, atter fatilng. a*liýber monthe bec-oninsdry.- Keept> t4es vter vithin reach ofetbUicsalves at àJl limes, anti as »coulas tUicsalves areI tramn uder ni-titer uiiey siiociti l*jsberet. The bale ou tUe plae weje abhem".r voottiappetir soald-I"bc cppeti omf wiliiàeiri - thtièddb a a"l-of cruas- tic pti as v etlnlacold vitet endthle sp)toet l.bora rubbel vitb itnautil Uic skin iappeara raWý, Atter vhicb a light scab lu fornieti, but woen dlaap- pcari, anti the grovIl cf uic bbaru 14. prat-sutei. Uivtcecltes sheller le colti usurier anti anu offlmsetdlu varm Wsuther uher&'tleaucongo for sbatie. Keerm tbe.shett anti yards cu anti trequegilly, ipMInile Uâme areun t ten. Wuieh thectait-es cloue- ly snd If on beglus te soetur culticvwn bis teend atone antidp raein une te tweoneac"et e caturoel.9Ith!s la net suduicut gît-e frî eu ttat iropu cf laudanum a deay lu te mUi, andt le trouble cually mopff la two ta. thrco deym. lueuclate the cilieviien tue th four montbe nlitta Offmat hiackleg. Trytutbemicainlaiui4 #ltiaiciandi 14v. thbin biceme pptIý-tpltemlal. "la icC.a. 0ev. aboucId bave a-àm*ll allpli ot iii evety day. Thebeetsy>, If pi1. bfll-c-iP s blockof-*ii ait where th" eaucongel atItilwbernver tisy vaut. TUE CIREESCUKER Tiitng ail lhiugs Ita ensltieratlcu-ý li la bard te estlmute lie value te eut areat national lotiu8try iii tbe geusi- ai adeptfea et a cool nichbêtofe cmmlg chuse,mys J. W. WIidSen cf Toron- to. Boeueubluamoy hoeleurnedt roue thie experfenccet the peut tue mea- nosinlCaada. The veatmer boa bue ",olanmetconditions fer satina voee la tUs av-eragec itpt'y mtich bellot' tia assai.Oue resut t rtbis lbas lien lie iaygely luceseiti emant far Cinadian cieeae tn Gri5*Britain, t-e- nttang la igbsr prkOg andtilcter valuai tu thelic 1k préjseena DitI ler evaitier eoaa lvays e -depaml uopon. anti foaelâm isabsonit ~r'4fIuet. of Wm prac wicne they r hmyars Mas**to am bamc B«ee r- ,regat oe t Ute Ceielit etofAgi-. aMluOigesa A. Wtil. imde pub- ibm iett Pmc us.. flitW&ID02 thc mats am Rt@t vam ittet 40,- be eliecs Vu$, bat $sar vwu L tie eoe- gemos cf bet er two vlvaclaus plg- Wbili*Itli depoideut jerksm. Tho- froit iay lat tblk vwhite patterns qa thie gable vlndow cf ber ietirei. ad ber lSueraaclicti ltb raid. The seeeti gman d dualeartened. ?wlb. he enbodmeet ot Barth Ada- unes 1ev ipiriteO condltlou. lii. tled thie sbocstring viclously lu tbree bard knota aroundi the eund ofthlb bralit ,unmin4tul of the dillculty the vociti eacpuater vben ibe untiet IL. *IaraliAdetue. for thee tnd*ssake. ilDt yoc dre»aMiyet? l's quarter paît 7, anti yocr pu'»soge, nesd lb# cakes ore tone ccitt. on coine bers rigLI off r it Wv$ia Sabm moller vbo celled. "Yeem," anavereti Sarahl meekly. --My goodtinemaltaes ,uttered casiy to berseif. "Tliey thaïk 1 eau do every- thlng ail at once." wbeu %ba essaye t tebutton the back ot ber reti and back plaid fiannel vltb the box plaîteti skirt. ber wioler dre for achool, ber fingera falrly refusedt t do their woek. senoid vers lliey. Art- er oue or two attempta Sarah Adélne ast dowu on the stige cf ber bcd aud wept. The reason fer ber tsars was out entircly lhe obstlnacy cf the buttons nor ber ley ingeru. There vam a sors dinappgltment Ip ber heurt, andi-ber objective worîi, esu generaliy là thq case, seemeti pervernely ln league witb IL. -'Sarab. Sa-rab; Sa-rab Adeliner' carne sbrliiy trom blilow. Bareb,,Adellne tumbisd raplily down the iairs, ber reti aud black plaid dresi gaplug vide 1ln1the bock. lier grandtatlier kiseti ber gond morulug. viii the cbeerful adnonlllea tht 1"ltile gala sheiti ld îwys ha up lu thenioni;z Uvsiy." sîraha moîber vas knsadlag breat ln. the kitelien viii aviftt, titermiuetipunces. *"Wmub yeur face goti Barth, at Uie mini. Tisa gel ygur breakfast off the haUt ot ths stove sud set riglit dovaà." a sald brlskly. "Ps.. -e If ycu can't but. ton ber drem for ber, 1i amI' got time to ge my ban da out the douaib." Atter the 1111e frock vm as tend la a itrange. unexpeffle way Barth ats ber breakfast lu silence. Wben %be intldhacput berillbe, wltii the otiiers la a big lin pau. "Tlme yoa ,wwsa ettlng loui te @chant, Saah Adelne." sald ber grand- titiler. «Tes'ua. Tes, tir, 1 mes..".ah. au- -*c*rsd bintiy. "Tour lunch la la yeur basket on tbe 4ntry sheif," celled ber mother. *Andi doa't yonC4*atie.uA Uic anawiodai. 1, *aat yen te cerne rgbt hbeefaier sclicol ton. Dont yen rua areund wltb aboie Lacy cblldreaa on the way bomne." "Ye'rn; no'm. 1 wam'VY Atter Sarah Adeline bati put ou ber, pink epbyr bond, ber beavy brovo coat. ber gray leggngs add b er rsd eit- touassUe bestated Ilrreaciutely. "Ternorrmw's Vaetluess," sbe sld teniallvely ta ber motier. lire. P.untord was ibovlng big, rec- tangubir lias fuleorfat, white monade cf dougalIntlaie eoves. Tliy sorpeti ex*op.raligw enos lmirsgradua. "Toaiorrp' viatr sic qasalosht. "Vauine s." "Ny la& la R lte 14* oet Febust miredyli uiii.atete boua spintn bea bairbwfre1>%»wuiv" «los t f'cm - 'm #et valill thes ventuuui "Wall.umybe ou'U iee, loo,au- gveroi batterr pllag up tme salet. ebrmitait tibesle catterlag ueap. 1I upa't belhewoi me, I aaes-ticy's a Iove l i eue lovi e aBndera' store abat-I'd'Uic to ba o -.-fero-.Sarah > hectatoa-"to e t udmac," @hoe endet la! ebau li 111evolce.-, ; po te nilIl.Sarab Adulase?"la- tqaireti ber moliar atucea the svasies t Uic the Mmuftg ilbvter the vas pocrngloti.pau..-- 1.1 9Vm6Ocata. ýTiers vers holdn.U sudeei'ln a lisvolce, "Nyome ud tibotiyl Well. 1 Somie *vnt bave yoc Imybg ls any m onsfor ~5 tuêt r. %W Mainu MevW labe ic- ulbers .iithé-' itoritî bous.pu * a the west port-b. - obe t-gbsnnba ,uALetlae." e osil.eped a ivi e et plei yP40' lneo Sîirebi lIeu.koW. "'Thank you. triipî. ie nuaveretibt, quli. WUy. ffbils ilegît ont lotoitesoe raid she wîmu» latof et n lüd*to te a If tbrow te asey evay. "lli! Nick- Munît bat clr' aiee aniffe4l., "bTa-oll*i bey amx- ta ,, hiiieg dec-el r' bSPIt ptl.nlckel la tas. ber pocket, bouet-er, anti vipeaavgars Ivwo angry teurs Then sbe lt g bia-alht icriy aieng thc inovî rend ilu the tidsVr Iracis lert lby the vend asigilsansd the N., pungs chat b.d passidsîrly Ibat imara- er0 Saraht AdeIliï lc or vi Cii I Jeanoit. sbc m alaai,_paleremiet t-" Ilttle girl vitU stlff trav celordMeI ar. fi, 1 snd on lier acule, by ber owu laborlous gave acUt.t, ers Ivelve large frecilca. Sbe=m ieeouled tUem escli veek ta ses Il auy Uie bai;dlanppearsd. for slle deapiiedt tbcp. tlitri F'or thebe li stoikSarah'* ber atlbd lIn. a haerttreublet. anti au ïVtlentlnes day t- ahe! proiched b.,- trouble st-ev larger. Ordi- mo l ai-ira-aiAdln. uasa eta comparont alict nmture anal sot. oftétn si î'dfroant a car- luasc, tain piaciti Innocence uhich B*sa edi te b bang about her ie «.clond. Whist-eh*isfor-ea love t he lut-calnlu sret bita., tskbe iMe sraeter pieasuîro ln i.t aing naaifintsm d of ber yotnig ieari cha itî tbe morecern- " mnpiace exhibihion» et sentiment dis-Mra played bhi'ber sadliommes. l t.W, arahi Adeine wax nouia ravaortIe ithi boys. Thitebs nsu anti scespieti, houchi 'ah. couti oui tell viii'hi us ang. Perhape ber phydtCailo ansd outuarti. depreca- tory autimtlsvenems tfisanner repelieti yuuing sainsansd reetraiued twjr boylah Bu beç affection for theoalterner &ex vas of a romautle apritallty. Obst naisei up- beri masculine ideais. cliherlalte them for IL tine andosit tient douit. uni' té a-s poal iih. proesa. SBebobt but lu apprît- pr!ats inentally thei.bey abs coniitereti nicent. anti Immediateli' tbe vexeti course of titis lave us a mmut under ber con-. trol. T'e O ilseti suhmieti beligy os ber. sud eh* insu nuo ri.lWbeuath. usuei et oon. spiritusl admirersu. thor was unIlb he llt-sncb ut separattie ciben gsyly suai'1tiiheavat. 1 Por s menth WilhhtsPenn Dfltlxie-bd belal auprenisplace lu Batabs eart. ibhougli le insu I ast. Tbey lied vallipt te and troucsaebtentdsily. lter lis ta gether sitentieti "auciala"andi "@*p« parties." tbey badl oves Indu.lhesd tlu trop. a-marriage ccu-snony uhlcb se, tahbdat-hviait front memurmbls Incmt et ber gruvncp itemis usdtlng. but WU l.e Penn ineu nuuhlug eItL Indeed iWlll Penn acê'md Bauah Ade tns. On tbe day 0f tietirtsstvha - winter b.obhd savon hbs ied a sarip puai anti sent It ail alêne doun a thttoié hâl pati ttabhuait, blb.thebocks .etli&aWt thin legs. iii. est dava s issr ci beavilà, tu a 5eM isisu brevr bniacind'bIne spots ou be anis. tw yard. - lHo placiiotibit- s.versllr bilir h. toal nexi hert- a tihe ap.llg Chas anal lii te trip bar ivi.t @ho iols oir :slalatth 1 l bliosils ai Cetéab, "rab A41011» onatlmuaIn adore. Ai et. Vagentimes day-dieu aise' aisi_ beard MW trous t ccet girlca.beut ý b.d somillai t~le sis.., ..1 tsclly lover" Valintins, Moille ii- vin'$ taISe,-faire bar a eoelà a v5si lt J>1 *pend a» ai. fel, e. a"miserai> Mot 07 atonl by escsore t1h51MM te o rd'%i = nnoe it amine the iubet là aud astars eta I~,bemitul Pik est 1 u 5'. ý tbat occuphed àYtic enior et sav"rlgi* t uids ni, avupaef ývaieatiaisa- vas &artIuhite swaragouu onù bhe »k~s 99t Iis gat-asêsu asti thblIfiI elie uthh fat, Btuffy took»ug 11h. 'Ouilla baandishln febaillais darce and ltliqe vers aisê elsgantly aicaoieutilover a . BarahbAgeiaf solvUb dadMtil. "ýOh. ulcha" $*0 vhispmtd. "Trhata Il;Ibare the one.s. ntgte buy l ft--b.vilpsridla Bau-asme -"«fer W. ."1 va "ýOh!' Sarah Adinelas ocil «Y n fots. U'll "Ils M Cesa. Psasieal Bandiersruet-- day." enttnued Uliila. "Wly tdo'% yen ms-it sta valealla. frBernebo9*3- ~ "i1 ' know but l-ultlI'vant to,"sJau- u ffursd 1Ba0a1*11yul mideniyr tn 'VI. As aho tsiet hm t he ulb utletwfflt'Oua Sairih Adeini mati. a'rasolv&'bic uiuiu imeai Wuuîs Penn flués thtPinkait i ien lin. It ahctnud iposaatbiy buy Il. Aid mcé.al vêetedia h-tobhua iutbout bit dame ser at-es ber but"elson st ]EIt ttie da4Y -bitera Cupid1 eiMas, eà,-0 hoom ite faidt t ima uiiigi Publd ie tlevea 0 tBSai obloc wu n tbsa Bat-hAdls olai actai on et 10 ebol aeIWlilri "teilo Wllui.ardl esondfeBt-ah *Jut." iBah lt-led bot teans mId- '1'eyusk eal nien n ene, Whlan.t v-lrkeepîns an uecul toi other baya tbal lia ailahtquel sil sp mab"dmal avot-o h .mut of valkins Vil> a 5h-L. 7sor tovegWUIilsrl tceibsiislevai Bau-iAmhb M ila tint. houcee tahloz4 ,lunbu pitylsa ber Icuehi e- lais ' .Test* uuomlha 4» oure&- Fui'lbdranea. hou»àm avebu Wordor misa mmutgs>s adsaiole sarwluis'seul >m eauly ra aoked .blg puai. misseale Mt - mtmnllas - Pai tas Sfathot Baettu i - I lo hremkfast @chdni. i avoitieti elt wenl etraight use» vrai IbI saitalru" MidS 'hi%« 1 vaukt le viatu 5'Ne MWi gatovemiteu 're Ob m "Oht, m 1il . . Bat-tiiAfflias ltmi a &SISt thaeaiwy utai et ""i'Is.test" insul gav su t-iI e 7yu, 1~ île Pen, an'ho a"* Il an' 866 sent 1te, m tut-astibis bat* ho SU ea" eqetou$Wuy uf Witii"lbe-U- 'sPmia sin' te, icea tontreeul, M:,av »"bu vhceP ail"nm ar b.-- àd$c Bt-ai'Adula oidava*.*«c va a item' tat, round bey. bu~dm up te Nu bal bell hMe tf hialiaua .ea MMe t-ne tait.inhaah.emt'be coucigt hlm If ahbal" wntelt. ne m mi fte hlm ln astonlimmeat-aid Ai ceea Ibai day Witlat-i KIichMl Ii aot Ont bis lunch, bol recel Soya ,te lin. deuW anti bought th* plai aille valeuilu lit adaltudIesito laMse Barsh Matdo.» liuoferd. maiis 'Mar flecriabea mai iblburina much t-si Ionie. i. bai- am«IYse 4roPeS I le tb. pooioce uini Vas tu th. bock pmrt et 4aitiiurw a" m riitt muai' uhen lainai atié ooÀ*bei Urn.SsdstaS1rllsa-biuaet 1 , 1 Ft A, Lâ 'Cc