" bet o a tatoitait IL h"thebet i-.ames tu the worid ïano y opinion 01 the. madn, sae cackindy Mr beaitb lzu- prove& =dt fn~1Z menth-ly with- eut un t MY usntruiepo-da Nlnn.gsce 28 tf Ave.,finnefapolis, Morete otW" gabout yotiw là". apehd adviee, wgte fro001 tltear. Piakbau. me wIVIo pesnla Amer"eammeu peak çb weroiportoec.ntutret- mL Sb h~a elo.d bftbhoumaudof womeq book té beàbê Miser addseu e l elok Miiomob SIOSI t un ut.iulut.. PSUSYRUP ce., aloneils HL Mustang Linimn cue CaaBsna 'uaa Min TER.TU Ne. S-IU0I a V7 01 tuou wta utb wUeuu ~lT 41- tlW e :47ejIeldit r r soiil> a e. a ptik c a-ktlh reportertise othf tOjhe P:t a-uê ecaiel' tint hickuyN Di cmn atibt beoteI au pot binal A Ilaf, n anuleuknow, Mnaét hait et trequetC' lgfIci har. i * uotacerlu a fur eltivemane eau< * Ifliee ala ne teg foratt-b et i b>'tint eabit tlntnvra tionef it o 4 reptr heet eupade.e ue Man eqetu I hvel dte -a ptkai 0aldelu aenwhosI ve noer eet, us>' enlajeut tien atlfictlbo el a pisotograpis takexn jenra %go. T14 la usanly ver>' difftcuit te aceotupli, boit-cie-, pautt la easy toi-tise crlmunal 4radienilly tg change his, appearauce. *r Il la posaible for a man to pose as a sailor, ntainer. a tough or a pasto wlarthln, amy, tweuty-foer heure. Many guise., sadt1 Iueyou tat thej t-en miter theoir appeurance te a remark- uti.e degit. *BluguuselW, lowover, ne motter- hew ccleve-ly get op, de not ntways cuteal a main's ldentity. Tisereuare, fer in- %tance, tihe colon aud (expression oethe eyes. l'h.>'connut possib>' be aiteri,4 and tisey have linon one orthtie moet ttequent aida- lu tleutltylng fugItivie. Another lIdentification mark. althongh not mn Infilliblene,, but* eue neyer- tbele.a b>'wst-bit-hLav e oit everal occasion. detKtc-d a criminal wlicn otier mentis falîrd me, art.Uit-bck- bonea. Like tise coter ofthtie ejea, tise>'canuot ho chanigeit. "Descriptiona na tethse welgbt and erruustcreocne t alwanet' man t-e- queut>' pt-eb h uit>', andt terefere unreIlatile asn.lts to e dcta'tar. "Tisln I. cpoial>' se wiîcs-i'thse man hai evs.ded tihe tetes-tivf'e for auj gi-eut Icugli et lime. for it i1, possuible ht- ruminai ma>' late lest à gret deulI et bis. welgbt and tcoruseucy. wbtle on tise otiser liant tise apureomnu ntaj have gaineti lu avoirdupoisansd bulk. Io auei cases, lsowever, t have lu ene or tu-e lnsta ute. outabhlietie IL. itentil> t ftiseuman I wau atter b'hi na «r&.,A. a a iehe .woist et-iminala bave odttj sliaped ear., andi no mntter bow elever>' tiej ua>' tignia. theinselvea tisey -an @@,Ide, iuceeeIn lScnefling thiîr tell-tale ni-mark. fronrt the. d.t.t-tii.viwo bas airenti>'madtie ii- cquainlnc. "Thse eyebrowu aise, afford anetsen menus cf pet-senal identilty bo-nu.. tbej ari-uarlably ' distinctive sud cianractetl.lc tue t rsined tete- ttvie-EltimoreHlIt China silk dresse. ua>' be quite, suc- çeafulij wsaiie. Itemeve mIl spot. wlllî hemni..Ticuh-asnlustniusaospsusu, i-lbghtweeu Ws dot: rusethbroegh net ruli the op Ou tIe di-cua. Wring s dm-y~~ ~~ a.psil. îP lu a sheet et- clenu o-d u lth , atsu-%heupirtiaily itq-. trou. ELEA-NOIl. PARIsE. Equestrian lieaatuica. Grimnes-o ou t-catI>'enjo>' rlding a trotings>heme? (l'rcut-Jh, it* net seohait. l'u on tic lisss bat-k onu>' lalfthtIe time. jou knost. iTbe other hait F'n resting nop in tisa air.--itoouTran.eript. s-SeOheul ChUilm-u Ana SlckIy. Notber on>". S-m.t 'o-ders ter Chitinm aa,,d rNoetir Gry. a carie1. ta cule-.'nte,. 55e Va.14inBrea su, W'ea»in 24. 8edmmCo. ËRIPto. ¶?z r't- U. mua%l oi the e Bi a ty fOMS.. "'Ma inage." said shc, "in a lotterj, WhlcL the Court devises!' "Triuc," said lie. "anti eue lu wbieh 1Weinen get ail tihe prite«." doue>' rerundedti tr encis package of PUTNAM IADELESS DYDS If unat- factor>'. BwOden sent tltree-quartera et 4,00(),- QOilisonuboxe. et matise imtulit ni thi. ceunI-j lait jear. To have mont denct-nus. toel>y, broya t1ghe fer breakfast, mlx nir colt water wltii Eau.Auauuma fautons PaucakeavSaur Ali greeana aeilIL. iPregahtitanti uobiltj fersnlb.ebest ilIum- et louges-ulj. ma bnP de aoney. Negla. M &d lc.ait VI&JO OR M Mo-y st»d ub or ontl=1wep i-e wuthtkedeaa das'. elbo in ig le tottertug oet. -Z>*S boni baisvertigo." "bVu,» ezeltedi>' explalmed I b. tiih- eor. "Se bain't tot fer 1' go 'law1, 'a j« d*t.lfl'lmi up te dde ceai ard.ou lg1~ avmuo"..-Blttmere Amati- »w<àJe4 N. Y, Net>. t.-ij- d4auW'.ý" eMcitid Doddu Kinej .111eia*.aua4nii-qan>'for dIs- ;Zoha Ut tu OKldw"' udnildndred rom- = acs.aIlf. Duuaway, W. D., cf 11offa Kidney PlIll erured me of DMbetee *fier everrjhib lu;ete ad ft].- ad a" 1 won gi-eu mop to die. I bnve Mato poqecnbed lient lu in>'reguans ~nU9fer ever>' fri cf Kidua> ~Jo~Sandi bave neyer aa jet kucwu tbMtaft." -J»L _LimaM i. -D_,St John. 14 preucribed Detid'a Kitin.>'PliII thé file 1.daugitar cf Mr. uni Mi-. MeUgude cf Ibis place, wise suferai, hm Z pîlePte ie .followlug fleur- ladnakrancita w.r, mir'a e-meuu; -[ lav- 1Lelani Wllttamuen, Mi. D., Yctkt- tu"., hik., myej:- ."Dçqdd's Kldney Ptlla ore the. be-t niedllue I knew et for uIt forma cf Hudne>' .Dlueane. 1 beileve inlusuang thi rna>laIretleven sud cures my> patet li=etr ethilcal or not, sud I 'aluaj pi-est-i-b.IT)otis'u Kldncy Pille a an ruteatifyt> tnt tie>' lvarablj aor.omptîie napermanenit uni perfect cure cf ail Kltinej Compints." Thii. iaAwfqL "'Wly do yen alwayi write lu jour ohîrc leeer'akeit tihe fi-ealunch eti- toi-. ..Pe-ana.," auaweredti h. Joke carpen- ter., 9thîa swiiere nsy fununjboue la le. cintei." Donsoi..C"aat oeNe nd ~ leni aplmnîlua aile>' esuot cntha potoncu t Lie ei-Timee.ei u y t cre enaeu. natit=1ai' enatltit- =10=i9reMet. 15cm nest aifiby an lu- ÉlMeMcdition of lita asus Ialsk eta buftah" ubeTiS. Wiem thA. ibe A. lUSaMe euhavea rebiiug iWood or itaterte e u.! mgusdWhoute leA. atiMiýedDeatum 1 . lImar-a"aniUnie. îh* matie, nnbh oae ul sud luitutte rostercgoIfSetanormes CODQM. buan. LutinWW hoi.datrajai toreer; aIneOunesoua09 ts, an@mciii db)' ataccls. wkw 4cotAhult gbut seutlanisait tioo ci tie MUnronsud.. Om, viD Is. 0. H atr Volarnfse .0 Doulh le uiet bj NasCalai-rhQue.. bendtui tsi-ulai, ftis. y. J. CHENET fi 0., Toiedo, 0. Sot b>' DeuggstsT".me halls Famill Pilla are the bult. BROUQHT H-ER TO TERMS. GilSWhio Psemig » e Hi SBiter Ch-anu"iler Vint. "I undeistuui jeu te se> thsat jeu reJeet me," liect-nid. 'i-oui-suderatanuting la correct,",ilia repied. 'altlsougb aonewiat bluet. i feeI tu7aI 1 cananetmarc>' jeu"1 Obe teek na tep toi-Vas-tandi geuti> tout-led bis tni-m. A tour wan is uher- eje-, 'inseosorty,'" ahc. anit Soething lunlier volcemadeie hua stamaglten ni>. He hai net auked for aynsPatij.. H lle ased it no soideul>' tisntl i an as If nm.etaid. power liai takeu possession ecfbhln. He teit mad irgbtItbuieg*L "You neein't b,' h. repUiei. 'Wbyj abOlnti on b.? If iye etentaitheIL algiteut notiontetient l'aigoes; telump cff tise dot-k or inaMtY lite, tizlm ii ni once. Tier. are. Itan assure jeu, VOn.. tisingu th"n bin; a bacieler. ln the' ft-ut plat-e, tisaie ai-enoeCnet-- usons bille fi ýai. Tien atitan '-an go anticoceseis ho plenue, witsoui lt. or blutrauco. Intad cf being bound tiowu teeuenemanu, sub4et toteber wblie, or itile faut-iez, ho la fi-oc for- ail He t-a ruera b i, ciset-llihetamu- btions wilhotîinterruption. Wlien Lo I. It-k ho tau procure paoper cre wîthout bolug nursetl iy an amateurs. Ho does't lbave te attent intlnet- parties, or auj otiser LIi etofpartie., If li esen't waut te. Bla lime la hia ewn. Ho ee a moke or net, wtiout question, anti ho la absolutelj fi-ou te Purcue bisil Is leala. Tiere tars worft thingu titan boisa; single. 1 Vas willng te i-un tLe t-iait. Vti yen, but don'I asympathisie witii ue. 1 ahali get aleng ati rîglit, thauk jon, I_. l5k. tnQyoîLcward bie. ls ,a. sudt- tien movement et teteri-mnatiee, anti hl eut lier banda plendingl>'. J ."Now jeu muet uta-r me!" aise nild. -mani-Iset. 8LVRE The i ebust Plis-lqe rCa stand ]dore Caftée Thau a Weak 0". Aon jet;vIrginina gays: listing a natet-ali> rebust cantitution fai- steve tise ai-orage, anid net havIng a necivees temperatenst, nu>' sstena wau aile te retntaIthe lina apon l by the. uneetftoffe. tfor sene yeat-u, but finali> the atnais beganu le teiL1 ".For ten jeai-. I have licou employai an lelegi-apis eperater-anti &jpewnitet- b>' n ral-ont lu thii. ectlon, anti entIl two jean, ago 1Ibai used reffee cou. tinunti>'froi-e itimo I waa elgit yours oit, ucari>' 20 yenss,- "Tise work et "oPerating tie tole- grapis key lea ngi-cal tsaie upon tic nervea, aud afler lie tiny'a ios-k vw Gyci! I weelti foui nerveua, Irri-table, rait tewn, andt lward the lait sufer- et gi-amI»' fi-e, tuomnis anti ecursi- gia. A. 1 neyer indulged.Inlu ItoXleat- lu; lîquors, dmugior teint-ce Ie auj form I cane te tic courlunion tisat oN.. andt ea wcre raning th. grad- ual bs'eak-dowu et mu>'nervous ajutena, aud taaving rend au -afficle lu the'Mmi-' Ical Magazine onu the espoaltlen et cefee ant ieIl toxle effett upon ii. Ijatein, Ivafu>' convintedthti .oifee-wathe cauna.etfmjtrouble. "'Secin; Postum, spoken cf *ap net tavîn; an>'ot these teli-ortint effett t tcff.. 1 deridedto itgva up tise atlai lant anti give Peateu a trial. The re- Buit wa sgrieghly aurprI-ling. ,Aller tidntent>'net-ses hometue ei-ul>' trong; 1 t-ando a&l us>'wonk at helis teegrnpb bey andi typewrlter Vîth ftas ieter easue tlianever 'ietoe-. . My wulgit batalinereai 85 pouda, lu rueal igaht Is eplpis ste wVl i1 wd -1au.urw muia aia Wtereaap," ~t>3 Ntanm o., Es" F, el .12 i. .Duc & CoL Cs sseeklj review of - t-ade sts: -- War, Us-. anti lî',toi wem-e the adi-ers. fa«rteOfet ite seek jet, thec <ontita>' alcond .tfio sh-iet',îr -i-rklly Wel, anti hîka.ulmuisrars, ngott nysp- tO- t 10.l a lai-g'- dogi-ee lime celbii-uLoe JWoaUltweat. tiij, tiilt, iah, uaitapa cf the eplteoona ha'iilldbieen iaseouinteai, and ltae dtiagti oai, ofahet ltonfigru- tIou Wa fac tes ery large>' by îLe atim- nIaisIl Wo lgie ta, tiais> industrie.,noa blj utrutcturât ccr-I n tstrlug Bli- tuerali terasillac greet aetlit in uhli linltUg Isadâlesf,-sille lange alocLu ot gondsm&M bc hri-,-lauM an d oidsl.filUet bj jouèasund ittnsfaclnim" elaswhere. Dujera ara as-mi-iiag ilu1t111a City la large îsmmeea-i-eas t tI e-Insm- f tic -on- &Y, "danti uan. ta ngooti teuteuitfor mit leadint Satapie lises wîils notable urgut-j for uscstbtueîet Cottonsgoctis. The ]&ar oal'trsrtiareughont tiecoun- t-j la aimait devoirî ef triem*i l -OUa Or leuiàg tram'ogra rslafosthe weather, aut til tis faccolits fo- tL. umali leqe ef 1.7 1»r rtcet lu raiiwaj esi-elugi darut- Jaruuary. Actuluinta tstaiit-cutittainl tLe t-ou anti Mtet-I iaarltastry, butt tisere ia more Ceaidet-islIlle future. andthtie extensIve ula&rtisie )f laittts bj lthe tend- b; ,produceSaaairzs.tnttfot-elge ma- kets wili b. s-irata-m-aa omuie ggre.sts-eIy tian et-af before. $irirfial stes'I pros- pect. Lavte gi-cari>' rcalaraîeit uiseofe the Battimore fl:r, acil.,ira ce'rtain tisaI au eneruiens tolanae ll ie bcreqisire tte t-estore the Mncit ulilngst. Aa te pif' trout, ne Improrn aîr tis sa-ca. >luoi- isetala lbave dca ýolte-alirregtlrslyi, but liard' ceo a inlugsaaaal asmalild. Now Euglailsorip are sîll fullj orcueesiou -aiwan' t, i anti fait sai- pIeu. Tratin l rubicer ga'eds la les, at- Il la'neDotmi-aii.airg that irrpeislnniij eppean. lu tie a'atttan gonds m;ti'ket, lu view cf tise violentdesliie of- tlacet-aw materiel. Frwaa'i aaasiuress lA complets- ]j temerallset, Iau>ci-.natrîralîy beuitat- lugt leaice Ordars on-n at-aket tîtat vs- nies $5 a baie t iiagle day.- PailIe.. lie ek lu the United Atales are 2,28, aginst 24f; iaîsî nosk. 302 lIshe pi-ecetilu;a-ck andt30> the correspond- lu;ý week loft yjear. Fl'nirex InCantada number twcnlj-avc. naiin-at twset>nine laut week, twetty-ciglrt the liarteeating week anti tws-aty l ia.theclarremposding week lait jear. Tier edi ofwas le i j 4 OC ineenW,'3rlgesera. ps-ale y the set-e svweath- er. eud. nthhougli re'îge.stion îîssy Bot @u- tirely dîsappear coneîd'.tlonx are lin- pros-ing. Rail1roîd rmanagers have fouet efferisîgu lu langer volume for tLe interier andi a wldat forwardinz oetfata rp-t nets, neceaatatisi:g actire mensures teai-e- mos-c lmPedimuent,3 letreile. TIse con. sumnpî!li e eeoii.Proeeeldwitls- out dimlnutistluandt retail traite remain- ad -trong Il*.wea ring appui-el and bouse- Lold needs.,'Rend selessucu îurued lu Ilierai ordPea the eaple ines, sud witb lanrger Bamberg er visitits; bayera lu the market thse Iblugtrde adivancedisantia- faclorlly. deilinga brlug mnlnly lu thé. textile fubrica. footlrair and ething. BIgLer cest etaecttcu gooda luduceil traer bejininn lu lésaline., anuitbetter bojin; e1 toepsatlclpatea a probiable ativauce lu prie"s owlu tote war la the. Eat. Thei. dhtlu of etwaesablde fair te rompare. farcrblj wlth tisaI cf a year a&un, Wh rtl.nmquireuscnts beiug greater on tbhe=siu population andi tii. prespetoul étinetftlhe agricultue]a IntercltsrôougwIllë West. Mercan- tile ellcctton, geMaaraUjcoasien. littie eomptaint. De*elpments, multlplj la faver, et -an emu4y revIval lu varicnt manufacture, and Inlu ew construction involvipg the uni. ch suLraw suterial.. Grain aLlument,, 2,402,148 bualiels,,tn- cinde 1138,407btsahela of corn, sud ara 37 Peri cent over tl#e volume of a yean ago. Cash dealings a lftoMtatuffs lu- creuset vitL tlhe eutbncak of liestititie. lui tIseYiar Eîat, the. largest sales oci-ur- ring lu corn, poli anti ri. Thle 3Maj wleat option rose a t017 cents.,anti losed tatiYtrnng at 1%4 cents loiver. Re-t ceipt. omptrret witis tîose of a yeni-f mgo, tncrened as follows: Corn, 4 per1 cent: Lutter., Il;,aleep, f15; larley. 20; t-je. 29; eheese, $4. fipumi- 70; lard, 180, anti.woel, 300. Dacreaae arc, Wlseat. 7 We cent; Legs, 17;4 jeued aet, 020; cet- île, 2C. andi oata S cengessuN MCçýI"USuffered witti4Catari --Read Mis Endorsement «% Pe-ro-na.' COlWGRf'SWMA1 lÈKIS0N. 0F 0H10. Hon. David Meekinon la weti knôwti, not oùly la bis& owu State1 but throughont America. He begnu hi. polItiral career by aervlng tour coneiive terrens u Mayor cf the town ln which he lives. turing which turne Le became wldely knowu lis the tonudter of the Meekinon Bank- ot Napoleon. Ohio. He was elerete the b Fifty-fitth Congre.. by a verj large majorlty. and la tiesakawledged leader of, hie Party in hie aection of the state. onîj one flaw mari-et the otherwia. complete sucrens of Ibis rnain; statemmn. Catarri wtth itnt lulonsena apochmdtenaclon, g-asp was, b uly aun- queret fee. For tblrty jentu h erwagted&unîucceetul wartare agalust titis peiaenait eeu.At lant, Perua came te tth. remcue, and ho lictaitei-the followlng latter te, Dr. Hartmnau aa the remîlt: 1"br@havnd saeral hw o rls. e-n. aad IteM grea*lyhetu thermbfons ay OsIFarh il ta e b feig enoeg de oe" MW <a I se 1 a ashotU-u0 h"1I V1N a d ft>able 1M udkwo WdhmW Iflt'yearst aandig . -DavidAfeeklsoa, ex-Mei.be of Commee. T jlE seaaen et catchiug elti la upon un. 'Th. cougla andi the aneeze and nasal twang ore te be heard ou eeriy hond. The oengin eoft-hri ntectarrh. the. mont commn andi dreakdtul ef dia- euses, la a celd. Th!@ in the waj the chronle citai-rh geuerallj begina. A Persou catches colt, ohhL ngao longer than unuel. The colIgd ealy tarts lu tih. heat andi tii-mat. Then tollow aeuaitiveneu oaetti air Paaugea whlch incline cee to catch cci 1ven aUy. At lent the. persan baa a ceit all th. wbile peemnlgly, more or leua disciharge trami the noee. bawklng, apttns. traquent leurlngo e t itrcent, neetrila atoppeti op, fail feeling la the. Leat andi aore, lullamedt troat. The beet lIme te treat catarris la ai the verj beginulu;. A bettie of Peruna prep- erly, uset neyer talle alecure a comupon cohlthua pneventlng.cbreulceatarnb. White mauy peope bave been cureti et èbmoule calarnis bj a alligle bole ef Pàu ,jt a ule, Whoeu tihe tatari-i hecomg etborou»ghlj ixed, moueathsa eue, bottU.la neceaarj te complets' a cure *. Pernna ucur.d cae nuer- ahle of cataryli of lweuty jean' st4nde lu%.- Il le the beat, tnet IL. only inter- iutence. But'preveutien fer botter thon cure. Everj person aubject ta catecllg colt ahoult take Peruna et once aethlie Ilight- est artuPtotu of cold or aore tltroat nt tht. ssen eofthîe jenr ad eutts sprevent whnt la aimanut certain tueneuî-l chroujc entai-rh. L.egal Plemaatrleu. "Iq the piouer gelug te plead lagn- ttY n as s.defense?" amked the. court atenourrapher. *Iudging frein his aetectlou of an et- torney," repltie ti. lwjer, who b.d tliledta tegelt te case, 'I l ounît aajbche wae-, Chleege--C-.itle, cusmeon te prime, $300 te $5.10; bugs., ahipplat; grade., $400 le $540; siieep, faim- te t-boit-e. $2.25 le $440. whefat. No. 2 i-.d, 94e le $1.00; crin, No. 2, 491e lu 50c; esa, tandard, 4kc te 44c; i-ye, No. 2 62e te 64e; ha>', lîmoti>', $850 te $1250; prairie, $6.00 te $1100; butter. cheoiect-camer>', 22->ete 25C.esegu.reah, 27e te 32c; potatees,£Pefalai aa.Ti Hnc- SOc tett0t- ~paenca tib Dgen. ite-Pilt., Trntlanspol-a---Cnltle, uhipiDins,$3.00 tac .11'1 Montague. Maus $5-00; Legs, c"019oioehtt, $40(K te $520"; ll'ster'MUlburn Co., Buffale, N. Y.: ahe, cotuton te plote, $2.50 te n375; Geente-I heartil>' wl b os wLat, No. 2. 99c le $1.01: ern, No. 2 Vie are sfferlng frein bat-ncise anti white, 4Ue te '45c, eatn, No. 2 wt-ite, distarieti atlieuefthtie kineja woulti 40è t> 42e. -t-j Doau'a Kitine>' PilliL As Vas the St. Louis-Catle, 3$LW te$5.50; Legs, t-nie Viti me, tise>'VIII b. more than $«tate3.2; heep, 33.00 te $4.,65; sut-piled wi tiste reauits. I bai beau wh.at, No. 2. $1.00 te $101; cotn, No. -9, Isoubleti ton jears wîtis ,y apine. 1 44e te 45c; ohts, Ne. 2Z 43e te 45ce;i-je, cccii net lie eoes-e aide. Spinal tNo. 2, W1e te à7c. crampa enudtoliew, anti weitiaceu Cineuînai-Cgttle, J4.00) te $4.75; net expiain the agon>' whlt-h 1 Veehi hegi, 34.00 te $U35; slneep, $2.10 te endsure. Whll lb... t rampaeIculti $4.10; wlîent, Ne. 2,.'97e te 98ëc; corn, net spenk or neye, but b>' uakîn; a No. 2 mural, 450 te, 47c: ea, No. 2 grent offert uftthlie ci-blai left minet, 41c te 42c; i-je, No. 2, 6tilt 68e. tme t couli bogiu te speck eut nos'. a Detrot-Unti,, $8.50 te $4.50; hegsanlatim el nu>'1wbo e t e wae r $4110 te $440; aieep,, 3.50 te $425, nilieIa -u e vnby si-ent, No. 2, $100 te 31.02; corsa. No. 3,- the teck batheti for noetinte. My' 43e ta 44c; oetsa. Ne8Bwhte, 42c te 4k; net-vos Ves-.ln s terrible state. 1 ry.No. 2, 06c, tae ît. Vonîti -aler ait n i Inîght tlian go i-jet te bd. tii-ndin; lhe cramnpset tise 31lwstkee-Wttaat, No. 2 nertern, terrîile isatkacseo.- I consutai plyija-i 94e te 95c; cern, No, 3, '44e te 45e;-qataý, clana, but got oui>' a l1111e relief fer the No. 2 white, 43ceta 44c; t-je, Ne. 1. Ç7c tintO teing. Seelng joui- aisertiie- te 09e; barîey, No. 2, 62e te 6&:e pot-k, meut, su>' mottier, us-ga seme ta-jr mena, $14.50. -Dnan'rn ine>' Pille. Attem- cal e 0 TôIeo-Wliest, Nc. 2 mihea, 95e te box 1 n'a. better, uni have ever aince 97c, cern,. Ne. 2 tuixeti.451e le 461e; onts,. ieen on tic gain. I, bave ne bat-abutle Ne. 2 mixesi, 43e te 44e; rye. Ne. 2, 59e anti neot-tmps non', anti I fouil ike a ta <2e; cdorer seet, prime, $6.75. non' person. blY nervese.mbtter andi Bufal--.Cnttliebie sulppie; steen., I kuon' mu>'blot I.apuror. Word@.et-an- f4fl0 lao$5.30; hle. f ais- te prime.,34-00 net express mu>'thanks le jeu ter Vlial te- j&.16; sheep, tairt teacoite,33.25 te Donna Kidne>'Pi lias', dous efr tue. $L75; Iab, commeýtatechoice., 34.l teluà -Y work au proteualonal, aura. I Uo~g~- nve -a sc. te -eccnteui tiena 241wTcnkCa & .50 tea J*ami tiey d* ine aa" icigo t iaII boS- 00te P~*.p,3300 w t-i d<o se pohu» tea$a M.. a.uedeker., Canete : Gll , , 1.r tes: "I aaw tatour catarr-b nadi. P isawas dei ¶otheta no mSh tha i tiongit *-'44 des$#44 Weald t y t ant a.. what t weuld do fer me. My ena. la au elt oue jandi I have none ofth tii mute becanie I hayve bad 'the diatm 40 loug tt Lad nome of the tion.et the wicla Z body,-tera nue Vis .and. liroat amti ototid. 1 b.d 0 0 .4'.4* a good appetité, but tt*di nourlai -Y syXm I1 id il dw% tronm 140 te about 175inonda lu walim 1 nowted l tat 1 amI Wall et 411 My trem- bl.s,"-Mraà- a.uedekear.1 $endi fer fr-a.book ou catarmi.atltmI, "Wliter Catanli," bj Dr.%Huu4. If jeu dé o nt erlve, prompt AMi t: tactorj reaulta trou th% met fpeto. write at one te Dr. Hl au mà iii full aÉtatententt ejur ecre, ,suD ew hpleasedta te iree u hia valitable ad. Addreaa Dr. Hartican. rreldut or The Hartman Saultarlutu, Columibu.,O Retai. Dr" Wbcu thaei-u retait ti-tggltst done ametlcin et. o et ita ake thte beat et lIn A tiouble suetaoln etfver>' te mai-. s-lagon is-ongisIHon. Level Coke, non' lob Yesa cî, Into tlisa sqili 140 jean - atter tic birtis et bii grndfatber TIsM~ VaWilliam Coke. Waho gave bisDntie tute lblyt-eck bar, Vag bei-n lun175 anti bet-ama liret arl et Leeter H marnieIc a I<"ppel lu 1822, betng 618 jeenot, andi leftItii-eousns. Onuetf tien, tic pi-esent carl, neV S1 jenrs et f eleteame te ILtler net Hcu. LevaI - wlien i. was 71 yeare ld.- Ssiad Ce., La Ci-oe.Wl.. aka." Thy ic>' wtli meu th irsbig plant ani aeed erallegue, togetiier wtieueugi .ueet », 4,000 âine, seli abg ,00dtcosCasrot.lae Z'blanhlug, cutI>' Celer7r 2, rich, hutteryI->mtuce, __ 1,000 rare tuet-ous a Rtil.i., 1,000 glot4nIY bi-liant 'len'era. This great effet- lu mata lu enter te lu- tut-e jeu te tmp' thelr Vnanted o«ieet-I for wben von one plant tlie u o ii grow tice ties. *ant AY.L FOR BUT 16e PCB5ÂA?1B proviting jeu viii return thii.notice, atnti Yeuots III sendthtent 20e lu postage, lb.>' wili att te the ahove a pakage t t6 tannons Berliner Cauliflc Pe.(Cx. . ThesTe Vhiaee Vmpenci.. Leempet-or ef ChIna la cocusanu> ,a,, asipposerd.te poeeuesavet'>' it. knlowl- etige, jet asa n antes-oft attho leMi seteleet ng ameettaulcian, -Pýom srUeutt a>'.hohiataken u a IgkU- gent intareut l ln «ghi6& Oi « Da moat alagulas- habitu la tinhe le bei la hIe afleruom al nýbîb melmul and MIL