!jl Lake County,. lilinoiso FrkIoay. February 26.190O4.-10 Pages@ Si..50 a Vear in Adv4 -~ ~, - -p lb" - ail ~ ci thon, Omd - ~ tige ail Uts UsU~sfioe .agug~ tek appndis4 When Lovell's Label iesti. battisk mug.tbti6.e mus ai dwsebotiokf midUt. pacat Mmd bwi klmb t Se. ti"w ui d Mr$w-*LovsWDing ste» F. B.-I LOVBLL,' If... You vesto t tabte . Sou NymsPwculdbmd a delottha*WC, wEm a i. Weil. Mudthe style Md fit mcsaticiactoey,*e4tdeplsmwe la "mm gthesm -A FULL LME OF- Men's and Boys', Rubber Boi Mishawaka Bail Bandi Fuit £ Il CtSporti Waes Goodyear Wcoiiéni Boots ýCant Rlum,-Overalis and Jackets E. W. Parkhurst. bshams* nom* lLos~vu.. U TAI. )0.00 LAKE CQUNTYtNATION4AL BANK. ON£ DOLLAR WilI open a Savingu secount on which Interest will be paid at the rate of 8 per cent per aflim. Savings Department DI. 1. L'.YAYLOR. orm toveuTwa'oos a ràrwia'&. 0«ras:-? to 10 a. u. 2 to 4 and ô t>. 8 P.nM. - Résidence on Broadlway, oppopit.. Park. Lih.rtyvîlle. Illinois. DIR. EFLH.SMITF. DENT18T. OFFICE V EI loLAK~E 'tYTY fBAK iirup-m of012 fi.. u. iandrIt) Pp. ni. DYC-IL GAY OFFICE OVER ILOT*L, DEUG lO MRE.j iiouas-froni 1ito 8 and 6 ta 14 p. nm. Libertyville,fIlinois. DR. A. 1. NICHOLS ofChmago DENTAL OFFICE E«tLonBLoOit OV" mm&. AVI@' Samis aown:-e.desdyaof aarb week lt-cm 8. ,Mto 6-0P. M. t Lle miilé fhnou. DR. KFLO0,Ea YomN. *utencui oppoiste Lehinan Notel Bidg. (lurnee, Illinois. ]RENF4JHL DR ATTORNEY AT LAW. BLOCSngx«. TELEPUO'ÇE lin. Llbertyville, Illinois. P'AUL Suc ÇUJKf >'TÛfly AT LAW, VET RAT SURGEON. &«MetAr STATE Vma..MNUAx,. Your I ankinS? Nm mt duhowuni N nutukm, ewag NAlIONALBANK tsu o ~the mmu and -un woon.n.ke. Il I &G"M whw o.. MWMétbha ts. uhulehtbe NOMUU ffTIE PIOCEDINi. One St etPair Omeers Seeke te .0Olet the Other. 018? OP THREARGUMErNT. Fîinllh fjapers itin t qo, w.rramto -agaluaot oScrs at lpelt-ahiîmpower inî tihe. Lke Couuty gri'ultoal Socity by thomae tletpg Walldelyed îuntii Saturday Iamit. tatet; Attorney Hanne, ne w*i1 ha Mu britigs the aetiîun tliriugh bléoSes. Tb.laugtiuv litiitmtnt inilifs Brut pagmph rends.: Iatm rogeit Court o n Gibh. tîîîîty. Namb t«=,n A. D. 1904. To th Rohoraile Roliert W. lVight oeaof the Jîrdgos rof thi.etîli irrîmit Court. Your I4tltiaiter.. Lesi.. F ianna, Stat.'sAttorney of Lako lr)Utttvy. 1 llim ern.. loto Court tii-toanîd rît tii.e relationcf F. E. Mari. T. W. itrîpiiy.1 Crut Bacbt, J. 8. (lridh-, Johit.Au..tin. J. W.. Swmwbmuglî. L. . Ne-ville, Johnt Brade and J. c;. l'ri(>î. t. olean tot"o n iau- tntîtrpofîîta quot warran t , g il . J. cAter. tc. H. edad, .L nt -r. F . Cliur.-ill, Bock, W. F. Ciow anda J. At. M"aroti angthém t'. show uiy wwtiat right, warranat ahlndittliority tiiey naurp, latrnd. loto antd oxpe-tithe tir oi.ee tif Pmaadpt Fmst Viep. Preairitnt. Skoîndt Vice Ftreudent, Soreftr3-andI lietorm i. cf th Làake Colinty Agratlturai S0îutyt wb-lc ttirition mi r..-tiit-ît ttimhe P mi iflité a înrt erefi fuliy ~5is tlte~nîrt fîVrl t-r o .tiiil-the Wadlivatamnî thte Court willlt order thé mume ta l*i iidnu(Iduepror-eîi"À th»oeaime.0 leAts cP. hfAst>A, stato.. Attorneyv. Then folliv- in longçthylyigiplrase,- gokgy the nformation thnt Cater. Cbmrpll l] uItii,». e-lftiIwithti tm d havé. for two inîînthmIt. -t poaoti Il *unlawfnllv l-id ndlî ..tan d dii étui hold and e.xi--ut-. a itiout nny warrant oîr right alaà.ecthe respective ofice..o tiie daînagi- and peqadica oS the Raid ppo.andi againiit the piocétud dignity of the noté» A muctal of gripvai ofcthe pAtitiotiers. and whk-h wîll havi- ta hé anowered hy delandautA in heii. i-fiait cohlitutéé thi. greater part of paper.. fileil, and Ïi. teproduced.astamrt i-s on whtgraunda t'je ptitioném re i-.ta niake tuait-figlit. Aft.r amartimîg the. relatora were eiocted ait the nt annuai îteeting. fi. ppi-er conftinsa: r ý 1 - 1 iled the Court i. hrby futthér il a- udcoupselo ~fft Zrît, fo lis~ ~iii the io un had Insrsusmt toi a fait P111T>Ose twihèaau u FOXLakte and si b . . C u t-c h ili, th é t i e n W e te n f é rt- i rn d m fi r o n t. W a u k p wa t o «, fo r n l e-tng ota le plae.at lFo Lake-. tsann hal thé vilflgefaiIjberty- ttKnoij ito b.lîttt ie fe ant i a-tutited vinla, 'Dn l.emhér 2. Illt>itanudwhiclt *by tieti- mmucrtaiît3, thanteutrounds notice f mailmeeting n'as publiehi-r i l ithéitp nniedintu- polî-3yof thé Wnike. alcf thp paperéaifgonoral erircilafio priltid dpublisiied in tii.. nid colîmty gn'n- rt" Like anîd Western Italway for more titeu on.. a-aik previons ta oîli iConîltîyils ttc-ibutildng thi ill e to meeting; tiat in pursnanceetof aiili-i.j a FaxL.tk.- tieih;lm iitmmaiatp- futur. a large numhir tif pi-tsons. to>-it: 2i0 Onîttil4.r iii lxaie toi ai" juiptly plan. peisons apapmbleil at ttiitme and lte r.- obxliz1;ý-opnXan Woe@il andl ellièle pil ta tie i.. e-tryhtgtr igîii-nttmpn-mi of .id aoc w.ety the .dollar nhi-ci-seate rn ronid iiriWil.gan tu FOX Lake tIseuxtote hecme uiemtk.râtfhet-eof. oii- n alitîtetet linl iiglt-of-way. Tii.- dollar n'a..retelveil iymai oertatai-I 801th it ti Wukegîtn n'ont,.diit(-.)n aud tii.. nid mnotuere naium,- n- ec migltet-..tias tnenuiei.of titi- air] eoiitj ntili witi ,xi Euk t-iîat via Libet- for thée..nguihg year, amîîcîg wNhîth viii -antd thirtti-ýv ee-ana opprîrtunity p rsnpyi Ltnid ýdollar anti iî-onig for gooti invemtmnont méaméra f ni saieti- were ail Of tiie.--lié attitudei-tf tihi-W. F. L, à W. Steve hamteti r..iafanr Tisat ut id meeting W. E. Miller-. te asconcemra iîîîiiiu> faGretystko tii thén pre.ident of the.. auid gestwl.tvvear,.ans tisa ai-.. l ito ldolii-their pyeaiieil tii-t-iat anr] the salît O. L. etîntt-r-t witl h i t vtt i.. nat yet knowt Chsurchill the..titen mlt-îtrv tif .id If tii..-dri ot lunilt a' ryaa A i sieiety nited an thesli-t-itari- tof raid di ayletH meeting; that ti..nlmeigMt etno t- , tt -1n>c i calleil t rier hy tiie.siaid prerili-ut and front thé ftUiitîtil tht-v farfeit tithe P-ttrir pt-aceede ilet ireglilai- foi-ai toa t he it-igi>ingeroiît-mvt t ilt thé city.: répor-ta of thi.. Slerieafrer wiîi-ianitt .%ià oteAifgeë ntemn' me.eting proc..epptli- a tiet offier.. for Owigttt- trturyntI-nîne thé ensutiîîg y..ar; tint mauid W. E. M illit- mat-hit titi-qtuestitnîtf ai ing tiis thé président tiien appointe(] toiler.. f0 largo iimir.taient îult.- irprésenit iondi- assist thé sa-n-r#tai-y, in takiîîg thé nqid tions in . adolicut.- tne tu consider. vota; tiat fnid] votel-stn-e y ballot Capital in aiwaya t-1at t ions. but thi- Ital sud théermainesof pe r huupaie] tielimeule îIiuf-.- as afot-eail seile mnare ehtih..iaotit-.* Pristerél aid iýd porî.ana n'.re allawed l3ecai.1.se oi immensatttnutt of capital te vote. Tint aefrtenlthe,. Persoaaréqîmired-int(] the .-ît«inty 'tint Mr. préssent deslrinoc -tr i beon- niembest a Fotumoni ohul t oxLke ,oted, the.. nid poil,,. n'on- ttyeIt- aid Fot. odl r ttt s txLh pré..ideht. W. E. Miller- rh-da-e tbad iîr ti"i hurilyly ivifalîtitis enter- and thé raid ..e-retniyandti eR-r..prime mwill mntî.-ralizi-. îiaumgh if ivoulil li pracéeleilta cauint mid rot..: tintnaller a gi-antdthing fort%*eukegumî îand tht nid vote hal luien rouiitii.-he rid trioypntae fi hnd lsecretnt-y O. E. Chutrci-l unnaiin-pd the -rtîy e.f-tl fsoll vote as beiiig 225 rotes for the e n-Itors -______ afon-aaid for tii.. aid offir-es ciîimed ta tDt o ovnin ha belldi y tii-m ennd 25 vote, for fie ToStD eFrCo eni . part". above Piaimnet] as non' u..irping Il. D. Wymn. iheiirtîtan oi tic Lake and holdinhefa-ofic(e..atoreitail. That alter fie résultaif nid vato had iO-nt)- repuhlican eotîîiiittée Wédne..day beau annonncýde sti..mid W. E. Millet-rtied il ail foi- a ia--.titug offt- o xecu- dé-Jarél theé nid telatcrs luly eléctéil to tive onhiittee- ifftt t odyfot-f-aturda3 thé ofh fice ansaur] andt ui-ed ai-et- thé afterncon titis àv- t the .Wnrihuni chair san prff.iding officer, fa F. E. Mua-a thés nwly eleeteil prenidont af teeeautel Hotl. Waulrgan. &_itysd cne offluhe relatare aiare.ail Beéld.. îîamtiug tetdate flot- holding sund tt théreupon fthe sid t). E.the cinty tot~tîît a pînet- nl lue ehnrciiultuned cover thé citait- us aletitt.n t the catllt, tie,*tîîi-ithe secretam-y of! nid aari..ty ta J. S. (inidiu-y the newiy lecteil îiertntryof thé aeniti rani-eut on itili ici scciety and ana ai tii..reltore nfou-i-.uid; li4itislib-ty-llii-aenki . m inte and tint the.reullô. saidliieu.IV elpeté iel-d whiiie trukegaîî tras n-cirpi-m(lsoute ofiers pracetrleil ftu fté transaction 0 ntonao! levb intEpti snch nen' hisine....asn,'as bt-cight hefaréenta niifmtiPuhu hifi the mieetin.g. alter wiii tiey aumrhetl; Park, titnt rit)-. ivili li offii. that the nidl i. J. Cuter, t). E. Cthurc-hi, Jamtes Manm. L. B. Huîuby. %V. F. (1W lon'ntFrmrDed and J. A. Mlasaiten'en-pre..ent ut the~ Po îtci u-mrDu mail meeting andl pnrticipittfed tiein. ffatureoy litt- hie littiîtut -agiliIittt Tisat on thé, sainaday ai muid meeting Laike Ctarîpe biot-iineofaithe..p-oit- ail subséquent tieetoalnftr the ail] eaetn the nul t0. E. Churchill agi-i--ilment fa-rieaiftîtiltisection, dii fotit and pt-amised tii- raid J. 8. G(idley thât effecta oi paralysie. ii--il 78 yearm. hé would tut-ti veu- andl relivét-ita hit Dcaséd wn'a hli-lily réapectet iitleî, ail books and palirpemîhilahging ta the bal] lit-r-ilover 80 y-nt. eonthé fituth.. sald affie of aécntary and ta the raid lieciety, ntthin n day or tn'o, us »soatas ctt-ied,,hb i-h -rondccmmisianit-for- b, culd a-rte up tihe iminutes of the Ela townshîip anr] t lt-îîling citizen. smd eleetmon; aund tîtut linhéieqîui-it ta thé Surviving aire oui.-()«ii John; whi,4i naid electiom ail tf t he relatant aforeenil are vdlý, netefrntn h acceptel tiheoffice, ta wluic-li fey we.-.mrinaidltisotftftn te h electeil and la<imeil ta halfi...gaime and hé ettitipil thereto. In it883ulMi-. Miie t el tht-e.- cldren .Tint suboequent tu the said .1ertien and hii fit-t wifi-,iuam n malignunt thé nid H. J. Catet-, B. C. Edn'ard' ia, eadinI9 ilam i or F I..Carr 0 E. Chut-chili, James munu, ttsaniitfit Wlam h..au- L: B: Hanbly,Met-mati Brgh, IV. F. Clan' teen-year-Qlin eauart a violent deti end 4. A. Mason nalurped anid cluimei b4ig gareti hy a btull.' te iold the offlicesas above cluimeil ta hosAt the luneral Wt-inéslay n large beldi hy tient respectlvély andti tok olwdterWot h ~smco! thé pt-cpirty sud aosebaf it-téega ol>e lti. am efair Lait. OuuCuty Agrkcutura lult reting plaire in Long Groe ceas- boqlsy* Mmd .mlawO* p,étédd terW. meý jrj 4' il ce. o ad gn >r ne TEMRC WAUKEIAN EXPLOSION Partiy, Wrecita Muge Sugar Reflues-y SiClilaTbree and Fi I1LOW8 DISAeTER. Les&aà kffaitMUMt Tii..lait Thurslay mat-nuu g laesti- matel at a hall million dallar. i-variai by insnrt-c. The MWatner plant canamastgaifive luuilti- ings. tihe. uoith au.. hiug a @sven stor strtietuire rAIeIl thé retinerty. Jiat soutis olthtit i lt-y pon4er tarcibuld* lu wihIthe i-xplosion. occuréti. flaus thig f is the'et îtaih buililixg-.. nIc n'as n-ced by the- tiré n'all& betwn'a-n To thie î.ortiî andl iast are thé cooper »hap andt tIi unpbuse. Thé plant i» inde- 'pendent of thei-c-alldtrust. TIii. utoductstif tii- pant incude 1~ i-ose,. g rapo amgar. et-n sirnps...e stai-chea. corn it oait cake, carisn eail and gluitt el. t han a capailty of 211.10 binsiols a day, andl nas one of the la rfflt a ite kint irii thé country. It han] a prt-- vate watei-. aystem and fin- départméett ot ite nuwn, witi suppiy, pipes St-cmLaits Mihigan andi a capaiitjy of Nf100000 gaillon, ilnily.-1 The Figbt la MeMeury. Wiiodmtoc!k. MI., Felu. 20-Tiirtem n t oi th. eveanteen townsuhips in McenrS connt y holil primat-les toay~. Witis thé exceptionoanea ci.ten'nhlp, Oneu- ivoal, nith elgt délégatés thé régulai reîîublican aorganisation nwon, sud tit delegatea, numhéting 197i wHIi go uninatructéil tu thé, caraty couventIon wrltkh wiîlIlie eld next Welneaday. Tii.-oigaisaatlah la naid ta hé ftiendty tri Lowdeln, but thé dlegatian will pro.labiy goa otahfe tate convenition uninmtructeil. Lnst Saturday tii-eu township- Clienunkr, Richmondi andl Hebron--iélI primnaries andilwént u nsntructati for gort.-'.Thé.. tiréetonmhip@ t-..îremeltt .ixty.i.igbf detegate. Tiiere n'as a conalierull figît in Wacdstoek, the connty seat. Thé Deiten fot-ce.. lad itslaf-d on a pt-lmai-y undét- the Aist-llnhballot @system ni steati cf thé caucus systentIn1hvagué heé efcr a nunhet- ai years, and the- reguar répulîlican Or-ganisation consenteil to the reqitet. Tihe vote n'as thé liéau'ii-t in the hiefary ai the..township amd n'as am 'lowden----------------------............402 Vatea------------------------..............236 llnmlin .................--------...-*-......10 Shermn.................. ...... 1.......... Woadstor-k ha thlrty-ai.vén telgats fie lat-gi-t delegatitun of amsy tcwn ithfe î-ouî ty. Fallure tu Wed Reaute lis Suit. itecatse lier lave iras un'réquiteil and mibeune, Rahi llegi-, theémin shé itlievel e wouir] ois hé hi-r husbauti miaupa-t $1 -0 îvtîich aie gave hlm te heip furiih ra tint. Mim LoIn I. Smith, nintiéeu years aol, aif Attiori.hagaen a suit agalnst Har-y L. WýlW, a clérk ut 1616 Wabaah at-inue, Chirago, for $201n Justice Cavériy'm court Frlday aftet-naon. 0Mime Smith, hér-moth-, a n'idon', rer. Méliso Smnith, sud ber, doter n'nt Mto Cicao end *trdffamd udinént * réetAsusi amVoila. iCoice Meats.... j Ve cau serve vou with tite choicest ami our prie« are the lo*iuu posai with g-Wgooda jTelephonle No. 54.è.. * wllm brig us to yourdoor with a boud la ia Bret clas gocrm àosa Ca»aFruts of ail kacs. Otbes. Im Va vaust your business sud a trial vil m hemeto please. éeeutp the nidolilo-M g.Matlyeto the daînâge 01 thé *ïaid hnator.. anid the Iquslnesa oftlw Mid lil ttke Couat'y atgiejulturi acl .v îîîtdi4 gainst the. intereats of thé .uwi-rs t erein and agnit th~e -eandi îlignity of thf, pp>opl..aftba teof1lllinois! Tliit subsequeni to i ho maidl]ection ani during aald tteo m iithm1aspasmed the raid ir pondante have li t varaui timr li ejd maétng.. tirîîferratd dit-e-tors ai tha ss>Lruw Countyr Agri- cultut-al Soci.ety OEil tint t eid lespon. =et,,a a rta& lteiftig inid1hthe vilg UfLbertyvill. on fnuary 2ard pretending tu "r, au tt. (Afieraandl detrsfté .'or ecxi-*tN-arrangail fur the allouai fair loi sali] socety to ho bteli in Augus$ aM tk4pteiifber of tQ. priméent year, and41 £ranfled for premirnasq ta lie given at nié fair- and fdr purses to i.. given for testsa ofrjr-.-l lt salidlfait-, .uid appo)tintei Oeiiiiitte.-rof Varions kiîidr îr4Mdtook nste, o purrihase thora pbruiperty for thé maiiiLak- Couti Acrirulturni flc', adapattelaptin~ an ra e niii bY lîîi- t1w fnds;ofmail the V pîîreham..of otcdur îîr(.îîrrt.- and in muiîd office..and havf- po.--rion of the prap.,-y of-saMd awit-ty iliot tho fair groîndr onedlbt agid îeu. -tyvandlthat tht- id V £. ,~rbl now plretends and AimeW fo taa lî pr.-rof Raid wwoiî-tv ntîd t-ifum .... tai-r .tii thi- fraid J. S. (iriîlleky thé boo ks. mpapot andl proîiorty inIlli. eeasioî -loîîgiîig to tiie. raid me-ty anid thnt MîI îf-iiaid trempnîlentm ,liy uriolî,. otlîîr net@, fireteneos and dOingmarei.- uturping, intrudtin imitoa nd expî,uring the office.. of theMrid Mx iot! claiîîî,-l to toIl.-Id iîy thpin as afoal aIt ti -liî a othe ilamagoand Pre'udicié o!f t1- ppcplp of thi. State of 111=uais itîtt agnitimt tii. ponce -andl dignlty ejtt ,mmw. And tint upon p banfiiîg if thé. Court lin,].. thoi..lett@ te b.. rîtatîtiailv a» ahov- atatoil. fiat It wii ouît, .néh ai tii. îliOe rotipondeftlmfront th.- offIve.. 00 .ýaln tîid . lehéIil lt- tiei ii îîtpack tif thi-n. Paulmîl &nîGffIn andlfi.. IL Ilillor. of LiliertYvi1IA, are gatlorlt.-m for the P'liîtorg. Palieofr.. vr- -oîtiupon 1..fvndînnt.. Wodnmal:it.v nd tieir aui tiiiew-r. Tiis tl h.- Ion'. ani thei. .atdouiîtem )éaird] le-for.. ilge [)ili~t eî.lor MaryNui tpt ot-.omtrt. -MKiIÂ ER INTERTD. Local Company Said te, b. Pormtug to Nxtend Fox < Laku ]oad. NOTHING DRVINITE YET. c Tii. Wnîla-ga U lis thép follow. tCiStBî blqss e mI~ h tiroeryý tProp. 1Ait,î-xplosion distinu-tly frît lu Lui-rty. -viiile and gurrudlng fawnoand as fatr FWest an Lohg Gravi. ocîtt-ted in Wagke.. 1ga. Wedt.eeday evehitig about 6:3o, mn rtte dr-y starch powtier hause înf the Wurrner Sugalr BaSting Company. Tht-es bodies have bei-n recova-reil nt tuitethe ltt»gPitDFT î gii Pi ta pou.. <Thurtiday hoon) amni a raportpr lias jmtut rttn-ed ft-dm si-en.. ai dintétr with infornmation fiat d..bris ibo mehrmave wltii ixpet-tatian aiftrling nilmie. A dl ut-n innuret have lhppu removfl.nus ai thëm ili.inlielieveil fatatiy. 11 Folloving the explosion tiaini.. aiot atcywvirdiw ei-.tnabl- nîditat.-P oi fteeii nul... andi for nailîaîîr théeNipEni- n'as limuiegi-d wlth ihquirip.. by tcl..phioné frn riiu rrolthtiing towna ae..king inatuire ai explosion and tire- îand whplot lated. It w'astas if n h..avy bat-ian beaelap-i wiiti grpat fore-., niti-is rattled andi buildings trenubli.l.it Waukegan thé encussioti %vasnt.tifisiaking ththh eti-i city, hrPnkitig %indows audri] l u ..a buet-k away front the- rfi1 fr.v ricclîpauts. n'aet* hron'n to thé floot. Atworiling ta ulupt. Anibrosi- the P xpla. ston . was, the..nsuIt rof apantaneoust r-omblus.tion in najîtarcîr marhine in ohé conrtio f thie powder honne. Tîte ,tielin.. was ma&firai t and unI atsted oI-to lrgeiuteiacingwlîéals hetwrepn whilitii. tatcl nas gronilto pon'der. The fat-ce of the explaosiot.n'as z tfficient t6>iwti. t-carof ltrnmthé building and ta erumbl.. thé walls lnto fragments. As it chauied onLv on.. man was tieur thé m-wihiîii-nt the..timfe-Jacoli Spins- wiiome bdy %vas rfeoverad . rom te ruins. He was probaitykitled instatitly. AM .DîptiemuutRuluhe» . Théeftire depurtinent ai Waukagan wn'a reisforeéd tatér hyapparat.u um niMtt CbiKeago, Zion City, nd thiret- depart. nient of the Ameriean Steel andl Wlre toitpas), wn'ha plant ln outé-haif mile sonti af thé . Wat-ner facfory. Thé explosion actîurr-i.dnthé northwent corne- cfthé buitdingthuatocil betweéi tihe néw .even-.at-ry ait-p plant and tii. talt starci building. Thé latter bulld- ug -'a» toWaly destrcyad wlts ita eontenta. Thé efforta of théfiran erae direte& te avlag the, huidkqs, Qtit *dmud thé tabl- hSm. 0unà and in the course cf tht-.. bourg theétire appoureil ta hé undpr controt. 1 It's Thi',Way.... Ruralfr.u lif" cf mmail vil ho estWW Lawe Coùafy la tht near fu*t*r. Y..u «0 w* & crdeVCW 19etvair door eoe CAODAILY JNTELC» a7 covNy INDF!NDNT vinicoat lom. 4.7U: DIOsIdýel" ve vWin afre t. *val metalpln both paper ont u an sd P«14l thom n uad"*anc Bend 'Steel Mail 8 ABSOL.UTELY FRBE£ Appesys by the Pouoanste GeMec Dossay b. bai at aur ofice vhs.Tm ouwb kn U rr-p*-a-ra-ll-e-d Off:j $ad 4-0 for a fev unonti. ouly F. H. JUST. Edito Watcli.. For H. P., Henning, projuretor of the new Llbrtyville' Tea and Coffe. Coi.,who-is tisit- lng al tii. uurrouud- ing towns as well as celing on Libertyville reeldenla, eelling the very beet Tùts, -Colites, Spice's and Baking- Powder, and just a little_ cheaper------ Try my tworid beatert COFFEE 18cCOFFEE It la my Specialty. 'IwW Save You ,-No. 21, Ubmrtyv c Highest market prieS ail kinds ôf RAW FUI Chas. Steii SLong Grove. 1 DSe- 18 tcFb. M26d COAL, Lumber, La DoomsWIndo Grain. SÂ ee Ph&- Some Paint Prices PtasPreumiusa.Hmu Palotsau i itie.per gal..ý# PUbis .SWiety PWu raad Zinc, per lb suL* lyPm*. Lbuai0&Il~t gai......... Phhi's lac. Plpt Sgai .................... Pftis::emF=da pe a............. Pithi'.Vaam al.peurt......... ,......... Pithia',»4«y Paint petquart..................... Hawd gm................ Elesiwaitahe vaal" .pStgai ................ C o ob -eh at isb.p etg a'. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . Wood file1r ai ...981 Tuq ep, pet'gal..... ......... 0' &th ae ýPaine wwraated tbe l*8 veybestlnLthe m«ixet 41*jylI~IpI F. N. MILLER. Libertyville- - i I:l" .AmLeA