aders.' k444* FAshof aU *lit Meikekreo white ilâ' 'ILLE, ILL 4< ~ttr' ~ LR-i* ~.<*t *5 Seth Thomnas- Waterbury «Itchen Clocke 'Fancy Clocks - Short Alarm Continuous Alarm musical (l*pds Volins. al pricis- Good Violin B!ows Mandoline Guitare Mouth Organe, etc. Good Strings Always on Hand Giencral Une of Jcwdry and Silvuwart DARBV I'OS*9 Llbertyvolle - - ihio il ~UUF UPWI1V PIINwUwUIw ..MA - - -un, mai We have a complete lune 'of Ladiesc' Gents" and Chiid ren's Rubbers We have a comfplete ln of - Men's Mackintoshes ani. Rubber Coats P. Tai DsEluT s gAM No....... im,... 16 g U . n -~~~ .....m % l.U. ............ U . 10~.r ............. . Den Prom OId Oot. 14 Uhastt',, Aritta chinao. * us.... ............. $:»%. .. omo. . ...........i. . U 16a. . PROU CHICAGO. WaNgSAYIL, a l.w O coot. 'Lv ea mogJZh Arnvi, Llbktyvlida. *lua... i:a ............... 8:38ap M lu l....4fPU........... L'UP.U. la i......S@M. s. ........... t. 141 ....afs............2:iIU - i...... tea l. ........... I:dp.U. -la...... 4:8p. .......... 7:18 . M. Pnom OHiL'AGO. ArulVe ut Old DOPOt. Leate chicugo Arrive Lbert"re. - 11.... CtLU ..........i:4 .m .... p la a i . .... .. ae4:0 .uM. lu .... 11:0p. MR. .. l.... im0a.M. eMoM ..........Sa . . lSms. aM- la....... . ...... . lumast . m ___________ - I Cb§kfl gU WUWEs1lRu ai Lboetives a le ad 41:04..aiu. . 'Ei:30 i. i.E a. 70.5 &a.n. a. 7:30 a. ini. atnd every five Enia. iiiid ev.'ry :30 ria- i tëA aii@te hour ltes îfitrtiiehouir a fadlcates the flit <ar On Sun4ay. 4;unneetionsli li lie iiieb'lit fliodgtt Ave., Lake Blff, wth noiLli and santli tIioîînd carion main inp of thiim railrond. Cam. lavlng Evanon On the -Yen hlOur until 10 p. ini., anîd NlVkanluçz on the loWi bout antil and, ineladiîig 10:50 P. ni., wil umakconiwctions at Lake Dii ff for liietyylUe. Tbf. Vompey n.srves ti. rigbt to vaqrdÉerlom iitiliut notice. Ticketai,-t alîlee and infOrlnetion inay b had ist F. Il. 1,oi-dt'e drug itari-, -LibertUvffle Roy Coltt anad faàli1ilvlivp niîîVid The new gainiel'allie nt Hweklyednig M-tore. 21.-1-d Freld Croker,îsieitp to Ber.nmt, III., fint wiwk. Mr. and MIr*. Thorn, of <ii.ng4îi. epet Sonday' witlî Mr. tand lIrm. E. ki »Muhiki-. Arthur BoIlàky and faimly, of Wauki' gan, vfited with C. tC. flnlkîey ttie rmt of theweek. mi"a Ethel Plunlie'r. of cilirago, vfit«d wth faisindu and relatives lwr.. hut Saturday an.! Sinday. Wlil Wellsehiie a good position in tii, bosistri departaient at Mareinl L'ieds wholgsable store fn Chiirag. mifllit incie Wbitwan, (f Oak Park., plf.tar of Mre. J. Il. Bobneon, visitai! at the parealnagp over Sunda>'. lIni. J. Bf. Swan, of Ptntkx. viiited wth lber parente.,lMr. an.! lrbe. G. A. Wright,Lb.eforet Of Lb. week. L. IB. Morne and! inelly ntterad e, faînerai of Irbe. Frais" aBangs. mt Fri- daf!lt Waudn. lMreBelote wae an oid iiieit of Lakp 'mnty. J. P. finerin ilm reing a Weill for 31etmv. MarOuniSa an.! Iartra>'on, tIi. lIn.beie.i tbf rleropertiffa oie Briinerd Cotat. M. E;eranlias ;nst rompletdd a erali fo Peter D lmngttfn1g %wnL.r it a The tiret zro iwralier tLiii.wiiitir anir iinla.v, I&vërla'r lîthlî,wismii Lb. n'ury daoppedto l8beiow. Tiien, fusil of two innitilot, tg) and! includiîîg ltelruary 20, thee.were J 12 day>'wiieit the. tlwiaernrnter ilroîped ll.îw zro. Thiifs lquite uiirv-caelfor Lih-rty- ville. Win. bhr> ailtixperii'nved opticilin. wilniaki- hi-adqiart.'rs $aitundaye of week at Wll Hnaokle's dnig store. where lie- aulIl e'preparer! Liifit glamees La rorere'vt diie-tsfth i Li-e -. ir.Eller.v coine. ligiil>' reciîiniende.-t. îiviîtg prartkcrl Ifor scerai v"rî4iileînîiîîg ILlet im inti-d tient thei-replîiiitll prfin«i#eon bu thmi1'tik a-il lm-f iu'adi.d h> deincanta in Lieai iti-n-tertf a certain canidi(ate. Tiere are nifgltyfew <lento. cratii inLihertyvulip wiao wll <bicei. Sria tnaiimwitbut lionar lu ef Lier pni'ty. H.Iiei rrgardeii 'ith i iimit etnd contemipt i-i-rn h>'Lître l'wluntginitli. mane. tf hie williiigiieie u týi t.liý i-i mu nanhoodt. Prof. t .J. <liîvi'r <f te griîltunal expea-Ini-t <sttion <f Lhe.University- if Illinois. anirl bugenerSmithî, of Chicagom. addreaapd a iniatim e tsgoifaimiers t Lhe Townt Hall Tuii'eîiy afternooî, lMr. Govî'r oit"Fe.! f<r thiieItiiri Canab" amil Ma. iitlî onîî"Tii. Cîidigo Miiký lIntiet." A g"itil> nuier o f furmiers turne.! rnt an.! Lin' îtalkm" uoe-ver>' jnotruptive andîliitýettng.' Tbe Wokega& Sus im laving a fit lie- eau.. Le ic .ly e-otnilimi. vnsidering gtv. b* ta the C. & Ni. eleetrii- roa.! perpetual framiiaê iglits in r-turn for roliCesions wici a great tniny ctizenbe an.! cornie of thé. councilîîî.îî vonsider adequaté. Fowler annotnral Satiirdny tient Preef- dent Front fail ing in au attemnpt ta bib. tenita b.lieforLie perpettai f raneihf, sought ta boy the S'imand! plant. Editar -Fawlerbae am ch morltaie exn.ted iles..oi the Siu'@inituenn-than Lie piopt!eat large. -t Tihe Waî. La>rck Comipany' succeeds theW. T. Entan ManufaeLnrfng Companyv. #F. Laycoc, wih twenty year' fexpea. Ienrineniniie uiing#. ascontrol of Lb. aid concin. Tièe imhifnemeiopand iiooîaihopuanaed outxlghtsas WeilIne pet- tqe and oote emtfaltu Lie buslnem. Eý*&devote ifinasifexclusively. La muiature 0f Kriebeamn gin" la. yaii ao atype.animiltueaeng agood dho4a'* fr lé apmidet Ita ýoely a aie4. %W of lnieuixtàlbwmLy-lv-ý ibniLty Um. vM b ade.!'ho lhcpuantlotte of -ahnow bufldfat*_q .lîîiîi xon. utr hrlli..las inove.! rinto tii. f)ail Le farni. marla la.-aOLproving Si litil after il. &favn' etliiîgh 'etll.if.tiîtlsfîîre tiie pie Mbit. ifdril! yan?'Ée.t. f îlîimvillage, ans! Mir. Peter Lundi, iii 'ljtî a.lre ta 1,. miarripd WedneadY. Nii rni-h 23 At Lhem . p. ehScft'li tiîriiiy lorning the. tapir' wili lebu ueî.tt.dH1l. Inili' evenfing "st4iangi-lrîitiic ltp.mtiilo'r the dan.-.-St, Patriek'a niglît, %Man<'la17, nla ,ii-tvvili. Tow~n Hlall giymn hb>thL aie <ii i y(bii. It is lonffloirietbf. we-ik. N.l a candli- dinte l wpen anioig 1!.4141d the iioysm tnifl..tiie gin.!han.! and lir r.- eis itriHi in evidiî'lnt wepk.' Mi-m., iikn Pennhniatii-t Iiri-îeîrinizfa inov.' iii'iLweek luin tl-r ii-w hte. on Lake strei-. C. A. Bi-t Imm liii itol the- iouis cii 10 O'Cipi'i (à. K. Hiiilard, wbo ln nti miisu in a liompitai in Aurore fortti. huist iv. w-ik, witiî an aLLai-k of peauiioinia. lte visiti<tul biis. piinrsittean.! aL mlrlt iviceii'r T ~itiiay nînrffng ouit îiinplaiitt i mati'.t attornte>' Hann. liai. cînwn. i Raniiii, waariesti..!for einliiting a sit tiiini'liine ifabif. phIe.-.. -iseias.'viii q'nuiîe liefrire theé neitgrindul r. Holward Meaman, i'.itî huit bleen e.rlonuly siel rwith îîtlieiolia in re- porteil innnlî letter. Fi'.I Towner. <f Diarnonîl Lake, is 'ack Iith thi.emntne diptemé.. IliI condition it mail to le critiral. soinsmmen have a peîi.lttfr "roMt- ing tlîeir enenia.tllNîigh et nt, wnepaper. but river a filiciffins sgnatiîri. We eîîg- gp.att "Judasn an *approlininte "fi lde plume foîr aiihi. hOme îtli.r in aas appro. Atiiey îinitifn las btý erna'k witb wlîat it wam fîýnvl %vobîli! provP apport- dii'itik .Fuirtunatt-Li-prrompt treatiejit avérteil an attîiîk of LiaI troublle nnd Mir. Lfm.uthit wil lieë ont aiiin ia a fi-w olui treinviti-iltii attend n Eîinortli IA-Igue- cocu.! nt the .M. E. parenîtage Friday- iglt, Mîîrii 18. <Gante wii .- frit li-nie nor ilt ertir'.'d l anlicgnli re- IL is rîft.'-n-sid a'i-rvere winter in mîore h,îîithy t>' taan oli-hone. list%4rtitin- 1>' lian not pniven lt lie tecaitie tiii .ipcar. Siekn~ hsluisheem epidemfîg aid niitt l auinusimnlylaigit e w.qilltig#, of dtathai. A fi-a'aif te îarîy frienda <of Misse i- dri-.!VanNi-t <ýi-ititlly curpriserlier liait Saturda airgit. Ganes of piît and! line-ii er. iiie. tfteiAwhuiî rrfrr-eii. ntttlt4 weri- isrvciL A aoat ire>njo ihi- tiîîitë i nîrfed. Viffagi- ilveution isje lie thir'n1Tii-sdn>' in Apimml l tii. I tli. Tivn election s tit- tirefT 'ri4 >' iin AirilLie itin. Toiwn prmtariffwillin lelviiiMirehli ianir, titi village rauveustis priiiably Uis îmonliî. .Th" rouai>' roaveitiin fa Mairi - t 'i.ti 1rhanfe Mare-it 25. .. Aerding ta n-p'li-ýte front ltiiontt it Johîln Brarîli-> of tti tplace- waxîsil<fia dîm>s agti'rrdlrla île his iri-d aîrtîî tif n Wapu r-mîitliitteoihl thLie fîî iiffl!.' t <tWa>'an.! no Liai-- r te ifi u eilîîîi1::i sire,. lmippu btaiii- Wiankegaii L4 iii a turitiilt. Liî'tieii largei.'.' the (ii ilvi Smt, over Prie-tt Frrist'w fratiehiia- iropoii<ii lMien ale raid au.! rlîîîi-i"'gt-and tii. î'îîîîîîî'l wili git togîthi-r ouîîterm and e! il nl le- for tIi. èftys.g<îîîî. 'Vie>'are pr-litont grand stiand play i vî-r att Llltt.'.' vt. MisBonitir- Wtîhi-y, of Chicago, '.riiIl ie heard in a hpiano iitLal il( Lihwrfivilie. enrl>' tbf. spring. Mise Walle>%- itas lt-eu SPîing salon engigî.ttente wîitt nike.! succ es. oriitg h uni musei Iionomirî. 8h. liao sl iiii Liritrng liîer-stîii',-è prepa-ator>' to i- uieudr ltb i, Fannie Biooî<iitliii,î.u.r A >'outig ciipv'alîgite.! frîîîîau altea-noan fSt.Il'itiltrain Wedrtieda>', inrqufrethr ie w#tx ta home of nvaret nlini ster aud prnu'--lilt i eLtiil p"enage- wiere- Dr. Itobinilon "tii-n te knrot" înaking .ii'îli. .Hunkiius, rî Roins ian.! Miii 'Zelial Vfrginia bvedterbîaefder, <f Cca ",an andl Gainesa o itILanuiilinci at .He'IýiY$ drng store. .1 22-2-1) Rltébfe's Uniquin Btertmnere. the iourtii an.! mt on Lue . ffarlyville enter- talamet cours, pri)ve & 'proiduction up ta the standariiof pieédng eventa. àlLe»hîlo goidenin wie 8a#ieueing no "du). fIL nipe.! Lie -OMax wiex after blisWmIi<Dr. Smithbno" the platforin :»lcUOoodep ! ta dick of carda ~*&a a, b.a rbbit et- - 1 The apprbeing eonnty eonvention, town8hip and vfllag e letions indure ctrinmunficationii slgned "A Citien" "A' VîiLêr" and "Fair Pay." In postacripte to the. editor follow the nenni frt.qnta t) publiait and flot s4n naine of twriter, it bel ng taken for grantedl that inammueh am w.. are awarp of tiie authar'ii naine that in Kufilent. lkwene the etar of ti paper favori. the caNfdidaev of one or the. other1 nspirntei n a political camnpaign in Do' rffnin i î l allow thede colusana to hio- aimed. by nîdîlnifthi ea»e aile.!ta vilify soinIe ni' tiiy diolike and! who iafipenu to difer witi une. -Wé, want to eay tiip Fair Play'- " n lette r l; lihelone. ne *el] au cowardly. Tiie persan you ettaek iin a gentleman, taa inueli <of a one t) taop ntheii rnethodim you are. gui t' of. To the uthlers, w. viii not 1ublsh insjnuating communjînations ln tlîii or any aLLer campaigri ci-i-t over signa- titre of thte writere. ln jumtii(' ti ourKei-f. w. no not Liaif- le-van,' wé nant Lo lie 4<-ent aîîd pnii-rvi- oui si-f respect. Tlionee aeking thie 'favor v(un do nieither and înîrtivi- piLe ini the <irtY work indi,-iifed. Einîoit. 'i chvien pie tiail slI hiegiven b>' thei Ladies' Aid of the. Presbyterian ilînreli i tii. clirci parlars Frîla>' i'veiing (ta-nigt.1 suppirse mre..! ram 7to M. The following proçrain' wfil 4 *rndered at,1:11). Adailsman Ineluding elîpper 25> renta. t baile. Oroeetra........... Nle Mrs. Fann Y týale. Mn a. anhe ibail. Oliv urs t.l.vel » & iri. 0. iX. Durslii. N ie. Fannt tjuayle 3 Girl. hrna........... ePnlroce Violin olIao-OlIve Wonsm. 4 PIano 8S0o.............a. Un l.MeBOrna 'Gertruzde Laycock. S Dnm.t ...........Th Wlnd and the Barpn Mie. Niyra Johnson. UMNia hbl Olark. iatadn unj<patnoeoq Douibauta i in on sAlo.eStda. 2Girl igiatette ..A i<rM the. uta FIonea lamn anG in,' .9 Ladies L'horot&DltMtrb ot sufr eamtu N ocIal olo,..... weet Signetle 'S RendMaiathe Oaa. a solo .......... l n s Old pairyland Nrm. B.^Skalà Ng.t*esPaman EDWI&M.LANG Highland, Park, Ili. Toi. 901 P. 0. Box 448 For St.oam and Mlot Water Sewrag. Plants lnstall.d Old Plants Remà4.Ied Water'Worke SuAt Thosa ut m'y en;- U4 I - flouse Gleaning fioods... filtier at the villae ela'iauaor a ipeacat ewtlosipr.vioue ta i t. wu# again b. cubinitte.! the propoiion ai, a bond issue for cans truction ni n water workgqncptmtn, ad there i.ble f-doiubt, iL wiil carry.1 .However, fi-aiiris"Poltie"wilIle pin- jecte.! iota Lhe. matter an.! again defeat it, mati>' avon holding n spéci al élection rather thari valng an iL at tirnw of regu- lar village elegotdt. Saine membena of the. village board! have valunteere.! Liait serviceas a Jule ad lerks for a e%«Wa elerti<mn andl doabtiome all would, adl Lime no ezpm. uaa a!be htue..jQ geL- tUng an expression of the people. ' IL iinving boen maertaine.! that nalbond luen.tan Slegal> laaçeompliaiiedwitiiout mabmttiug iLt t a -vote, otherx favor prareedfng, wthont tint fammaslty, a.4 tiough a maorty et Lthe village trust.'e favor getting euch an expreeeioe. 1L t itn tated t L iaiwth an imuei. of $70(g) andl mati.>'on ian.! tb. systain ean lie conîpleLe.!, rady foîr cmnnctioue wftiî street mains wiiuoh are %o b. laid b>' speriai nimer-sont upan pétition of prop erty owner.r démiriîîg thé. improt'.- Tiihle îiN IîiP ifeves iat a bond amun. wiii ne-et witi bearty endonsemnînt oftt lie voter., for titi purpome inidientilT- The' lresent hoa rd hlas ina.!, a tart tanard thtii. iled. end, iin tint a wel ia le'ei driiied and abîmndani.e tof nater fna neuremî. iL waniii meeni that tiie jiîeiient snmmer flauli!se tiie punng station an.! tower an.! tank r'ompi.ted wl ii mainîs lid at leant tiiroîîgiitihe bumineas meter tif.towm. Tik-refa no gonod reamoic tor initie-r tiila>', an.! man>' wlîy immédiate and! enrge.ti!. etiori iriouild e takén. Let theiPeploepyL. Puliefv setillimet aeeurpdly lai-ors tihe rposition ha re. multes i liahw. TMC nlet 'hlep villagle boni-.! se. ta it tiie wil of the peapleelis exet-ut-d. %Nonian whin . ot enhia.. iaetir*il>' in tavor aofLlis poliey s hould fie lctcd fne trust. tua empring. Siie tihe above wa. wntten tie bonar. mpnliers *e nmeeting iield Wedneaday nigiat. vote.! not La ta6ke an>' action pro-. viclîng for a shiecial lection, exprefimg tiieiimlvea una ueirauft of leavfng the matti'r to tIi. next iboard. Thf. efet ualy d4aye nimattere until àMa>, and! wlijle the ninority on the board Wra thi. dM-a>' f.unnecemary and f. certai nI> uxaperating, Liere f. nothlng ta do but1 ban ta wil ai Lie major Ly. Sa far s. Lb. présent board ia concerne.! n furtA, action tan Le expet..! looking ta the continuation ai wark and plansalmready begrnu for n wt.r wark» systein. iilfty Work.- think about yo uth~ nittef what pualm Wall: Paper Carpets, Mattings 011 Clths Lace Curtains Curtain (ioods Bcd. Spreads. PilIow Tubing W. bave thém &HI at pdces that nre rlgbt Yours for Business, M.L iLIBERTYVILLE 129 Zephyr Olngrhams Morceriz.uGiGnghan'is .Madras, Mercerlzed Sateens Percalis, Picretines, India Linons Wooi ChaillesDress and Trimmnipg "ici And a fullino of Wooil Dress Goods In notie of the gret madrance Pri m sWC oeili ai deme go*&i at ou lait umO.'S 1iJ urea. whfh meani 15 té 25 per cet blw1 uiual price. HAVE iust received a fl and complete Ue- of Suupho SWn &8m i l owitbout d=ub the lâtest Mm nW1 S.npl.a ver hown in Lbuy'lie. AUl the vary ..' Md bde.Youe Inspectia.of.thmia gode will b. appneciW FRe-D CROKER, Thé Prid ravel 18 EXpmnsive;, TaIk is Cheape Stay at home; lot puir vole@ ~ traveling for yon. You wil be lni constant tOi4ob *#0 entiÎ4 county and the cOw* 6 wlth one of our telephones. Buslness Rates, Cft. per day WbdMu. Rosidenue Raes. 50 per d sOndU4q COINTRMCT DbEPR R ubber $,,ote RMbber ..Cas, Ruibber eC Ms No* l is eiole to1 cleanicg g"od. No vaut. wheber st la 1 . ilg» 1 aw rr'g',ýu