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Lake County Independent, 11 Mar 1904, p. 9

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~~1 Consisting of Cuticura $oap. .to cleanse the skin of crust s -and scales, and soften the tbickened cutice; CUTI- CURA Ointment to an- stanlly allay itcbing, irrita- tion, and inflammation, and soothe and heal; andCUTI- CU'gA Pilla to cool and cleanse the blond and expel humor germs. A S INGLE SET. costing but ONE. DOLLAR, is often 'suffi- cient to cure the most tor- turing, disfiguring skin, scalp and blood humors, ec- zemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations, with loss of hair, from infancy to age, when ~Y the best physicians and ail other rernedies fail. i7 . 1. of*tt 4a01d. t)loseat. t&.:. mm;tt2. 1- o .l O.Lm t>1?C.ilaaba, Av. RUSSO-JAPAIESE WAR MAPS An officiad ruap btwiug the seat of boatîlîtiesofe i.Presont van.:Com- pacte, uîa te date, acrt.S'eul coil- paii for 15 couse.NSMYa MRD, Art Publi§bera, box U.3 Lancaterpa. Mss Nellile Holmes, treasurer of the Young Woman's Temperance Association of Buffalo, N. Y., strongly advises ail suf- fering wornen to rely, as she',didi, upon Lydia E..P'mkham's Vegetabl Compound. "Du"iaL n.pimggàu- Tour nieiin lla ludueci déal w0onIs medidhaa, sud by Mr the but 1 knov fie restr oM t JlthMutIý,b opUli g t e imyoin.d e au ugI n maWc1»aIn Eutya Ieaad W pGa.,ana. hberut ga i on.lf bthé lue et Ly mdia 4 flotak crea, tu Vegetable Condo.u on~~~~~~~ ples.surdaln i afiadf o to fEaa au article ofalLhtig me. Iamglt iattelovd eai vlcted .ym"i pel la» gond, anl~tila. bt ny gnorsl eaithal ate I hallve ine gantluleb e arng toubls "Wmurlsla othermelc *1ea ud 1 tsu LYrnIA E.ldb sar'e- w lilas Iy paCdo bmttenion u So f.l liingsd Savna, ia, ds etstmonal d e do value cf yda EPlIra'sVegetbl Comp ond.I fron. atue rienx: l alvaja 1gbve. meplsure0 se ued n artic e vmilueI bn u b m Ind met. I 1bave ernit md vemowadculat m d la olly. mours table troubnl. avahngbSof rqear suitt mnaud 1i peInwe. eà I UDMIN"m f he»jeauMuch &buter g courb. pt o Medo a idewt& ri, luaitmrattenti laroerlinanaou Beradvm l you " i elfgiben CO 0"pUnI bUe OrnM lb.trut.boa»etrentlaeed IaL besnvryul a Immee "vl louàl.tI lsai pever Riay Prose 028.00. -qraslep, .ent, bosi lveltigu 40 tbe, soge.A bycel titeregitiar ie 14tl8x48 in.-hla. like fnad tva boeauaoieute rea tons pea lY exidlY. $END TItIS NOT'ICE 10-DAY toe the John A. saer Seed Ce,. La Crusse, Wia., wllh 5c ,tîmps tor mail-. ing, andi gel tbeur big catalogue, fuifY daacnriteilg ibl greot Hmm trae. sin aime bundrods of tolsta d hotimaniti ut va- rietie. c lornasu ad Vegetabie tiecila (C. N. U.) URb.umaels.mKltinc eia. LafI lu qui-k eraer atter takiug 10 ia tablaI mmri. 25 itît fIe îr 25e. ponit- îtaîd. WISCONSIN lIII"t Co., lA CROSSIE. MIS. (C. N. 1. i - --- ;-- -g a ---77L a e f, eaal 74 ruWe 0rnè Free Waa« o w.pced Ind bis couibrY You d Nle. . matterhow Wie captiW you may have wmite tsÎ4 fo« pariculir. Fitee îtwenhy 'ce*~A l" you igtde)endêê In WondeâfulWahington Yoti wM&, -e dd M -sud negh- l oma ad youwll ie e câarnu- By wriîig-. "; lySy'n vi) lestapattlr c" ofthe Iow--Cooiu Rates March 1ito April 30 on the LGreat Northern Raiway Adifem ny t cke miadale Crut NonhoruRaiway, or write clieci ta MAX BASS F. 1. WHITNEY' CoaaatltougmaiuAm a Dl Puor aCTIi Aet usolOtsrOe..bta atl PAUL A, NtstiuoTA IMMENBE TOBACC.9 PURCiIASE. for a Paucy Lot et T.tbaco. TIIF biggeat purchase or bigla grade te- bacco evrt-amade in the West by a cigr manufacturer wali made lest WednesdaY by Frank j». Lelvta. Peoria. lit., for hie ceietrated Single Ilinder rigar. A writ- ten guarantee wa give that the entira niiuiit as tu be faucy seected tobacmo Vois, ndoubt. moalles he Lewi4 faistory tha largest bolder in the United States Of lobaLco ro sfao igh il grading. eSUton athe Bwiu,. Neigtio-IIow did your dnughter'x tourrage w ah that foreign cont turn ontl 1frx.. rirkrîPw-H-er tant tetter froru Euroî,e sites le Ilihe lins tpent ait ber inoney, and site in taking in vashing; but tiien. 1 presunsatoile.i anîes ouly fur the nobility. ffeec. ha Weo .2ev One lluutred Dolaas ewavd for Mm u OafeaIcautariontlaI snol b.aeured by Rail.rCalacCure. F. J. CHENET & CO.. , it.Toedo. . W.. the tnuderalgsaad. have Içutswu - J. Cwe7s for lhe lait 1isya. and i eve hlm perfetly htonorable la ait buinsstcanuelous And linon. c"y & hie lu carri nui Zay Oabigato.midi by W"est & Tru. Wboteale Drueta Toledo. 0: NVaidlsg. Kinnan &ditiarvin, Woteaaile oDrug* gl.ts,'foledo, tIbIa. Hall's ýtlefh Cure I taken htemattY. astlla diretif tilon. te blood and faurons surfaces 0o the m,utem. Prie Pie. prr bufflea. Bld bi ail 1rugglil. Tatîmion)lalî ree. Hall. i"ally 11illN are the butl. Th. Wodderfal CruaiSeprofor. Doea lts vork jo tiirtY minutei ami Maes, lesaathon1 iper cent huiter fat. The price la ridliculouodalow, evacordint te aise, $275 10 *$6.(K)eaoeh. and hen -roll have Oue you would net part tuere- villa for fifly tintes il@ cost. JUST lIENI) THIS NOTICE witil5cs aouthîsfor postage 10 lIte John A. gainer Seed Co.. La CroseWls., sud gel Iliair big cataîlogue, fully deaerlbing Ibis remarkable Crearu Separator. and hundreda of other fotsanud tarin aeeda WilI Work WeIL Mmr,.Strougmiud (a fa>.' eurg heure) -1 prestunie yoiu are giad'that your hua- band bhabeeu uominated. Fair Guet-Indýad 1 am. I'. just 111e oid limes, belote va ver. married. "lu wbwlat vay?" "He keeva 1 have a vote, and h'. luit au devoted aet a lover." PtITNAM FADELESS DIES do flot «Mnluthe bande or spot lb. keýtie, ex- cept grenaud purpie. 1!he Way te Wealtb. *Spendthrlf t-I Ise.o olbleg heore me 'but povertf and! dtagrace. Frlend-low umucha have yen lef t? 'Juat fltty dollars." "That'a pientï." "Pieuty '1, "A etnperfluity. Bny a poile-pet and abeora. Then go orer le London ,and lotarI a comie paver." CA e W* ".. ue V ù sqw1qo1Vp Catarrh Robs Women of liealth and Beauty ____diaPe-aru-na Màkes Women liealthy andBeautil optant telegramii a te and lownm fbrougboct te United Stalea Mima Amanda Joehnson, Faircllît, Wi., writem: and Canada indicate IbiSt Ila at -week *"I write tatell<yoes bey muclu Perunusboetef ba beau tb. ment brokt.. aia] irregular For a number of yesit 1 bad pain lu uy heaà arun lu gentirai trasie c'cdea mince thea yeav oyez, and 1 tbossgbtlitIssvabecausme oye. noodel beau. Rilroastoperatin mince.Jan. meut. mo 1 veutto10,San ocutimt and bat glaasee191 i ha beau dlippoltlng to bolh roadea teayemsud vore tI>en for momi time, but toit no anad aippara. - valever. ll act, 1 lt vorse thon before. andlai lite at rm belveen ('iiago and Mis- the conclusion tbat the trouble vas " lwltb eau ouri river pointa, wtili hlier pices but villu y lieatand that It umeat. ho catarrb. for cere la, bave stitttîtcal the mure- - 1dm toublre dfoubtI asait dtruna it. v 1a mout et raIn auj, agi an indirect affect, hstobe huh 1wudtylt éso bave locreomeil buulug thcrougbout the IbalI 1d moet),for lu a ahort lime I begau tu loupi etare wîter vhett rau i. 'it St. Paullun$our veeks my e"ea er. lu apteniit o«Math Minneapolisansd Dulutha alrbng wîe'a a hb Ith woarach lauproel d mi i hue eonuery renier» do net bnd tradté ai me- Z j.Z a oue. 1 vas glattlIo g« rit c tire , muleiptet.trouble aundaIr glate mdora. anau a goalmedia Priceahave advanreît $2 o tou fer]Pru.-iaAmnsJhmn -sao i pépemua frd r lroducta snt 75 l--ëooo bée 4 é.:..sueuso tente a ten for beoauar lig, ant Pllae- burg, cousequstethedi ltrut porchie of 100,000 toua. ThtIintîresa i.ma voported te bava optma. for 40,000 lona et bessemer esch. for April aud Itiy deliverlea. A letondis«aoîtlrn pig inter- uat bas sold lits ouput le May 1. Ad- vancea bave been ihowu by 01100 n sd &ugar, white declese arenotet lu i. h overmimulated eea«la, ini ro'isionsanmu lt Ohio ptroleum. There la lama cilt for nioues for mer- cantile purpem et abank. ata number et ef citiez, notably et New York ansd Rom' ton. Geuaral tInde la showinîg, rrtativety. mont activity aI Chicago. t'iti ,ltrg, New Orleans aud St. Louis. At llaltiruore il Mise Amends Johnson. la 20 per cent lostaia o ear ago, due.0 0 64 te $es 0 ----------------- le lutarfereuce by theetire. Cincinnati reportsm9duserabe gainî, smd Bostou radierJlama tradditse a ia , er ugo, bol Mine Flora Hauser, 1032 S. New witb hopefulneaa for'an cairi! iicreaoa. Yrsey a$eî. Indianapolisa, Ld, Amoug momne et the ltunerci-iouwaoas rltes: N île industriel liuas are sationary. tg*'i lk i et hA" >.e Iu tbe Canadien dominion tInde bais e Ww*-ne*evrauiWoma.u beau more active owlng la ait influx of 19 a vy >UDSUM ad~ country Loyers ati mpermat enters. ta*Ie 1 MW d Se R. 0. Dtu & Co.'$ nexhu a #g« lai vht. 7»«é CJtj. Weekiy Ileview of Tride fD M~ud mm leiCesa.0 B gya:*AnPeucouirsging de- upfh t1t mu ef -ILn~ vaopmeat of the yack liai been the'ra- Parlons wif*5 UiEY EftJgo newa nifetagreemnats ne ta wsgam for au- M ,Wa *ù-ttr Na W= ki aitier yeor eutevad haLo btcîeen ampiuy a y=*.dm h * t. ers and large forces ot vîrker, u ira gu lb.,'.auawbad euhe#W fruAi or .Aaae. ans iniluiliep. This gnatifylng conaum- alns A nid ,li motion tpaves te way for teidy opera- m'& fin M P ez -" lion, aoflplantsand epportunely prefaces dha opening of the iwamon. when lu- creaaed nurubar, of men are eruptoyasi in faclory and outdoov lalior. Hufdret OWome it ord by Pe-r... Wiîh leaa aeverity lu the veather lt.eeof*...giogai r distribution of commoditici va, mode easier. but deliieri«am at.yct retordet n R. HAILTMAN hi. probably doueMia ir.tsu . anad generat compsinl a(i-entitlezsacore- 5...emore thon amm oilier physicien Ms lr asr lî> of car,. RIlail tradeutadelnmre ad-' toward popiflarlalug a mieneof t~ pSS~p***SSlpCp*ppgpp$* escape frontdiaefacial deformitias, much vateaini volume, mitder lcmparaltaresa, am aery aee, tivaesi noie, offensive Mauy àa girl bai fogailetlbar fadesi bafausse Iittlunmorne hav'iug hlctttdmonlaill ut creat!ng a breslh. dry. crackad lips. due te dia bomuly, many a matron bi tengtienasi uystem. baller demand fer 1h. ieaîiiog linaetofrsvaging affecta eif caUrra. tbe lavesetflber emelY appearanco by IPernacmts ulkly sa" beti apring apîtaret tut bessieho-id neati. H. baisruade e orelc ctarrit a ltsf- uDengt ietrii. ou lb. Infime tucous if Outaide bumers appenradin lularger long study. Hlm remedy. populsriy Peveus produeosa leSu mutons mem- liulg lb. dlfferosil organaecf l nombar, lu the jebblug district and deal- kuown as Perues. . l témont (foeumbrane.thé ibmbas.oftfacial amnnttry Thun Itl viicora etarth vi legitsoiatmcd more acttvily in mot ef remety for catir in luexistence.. ont a perfect conmpexioni. oultet. the elapie good». Transactions lun à m Probty diahre imnet a mie or vummu. The vamen baveflot beau alov la dis- If yon le net detive proffpt ,ilk su cllfaxg rosebad boy or girl, vithin the bounda of di. roier Ibat saeaurme'of Poraea viiido teoery vomnils rot .u *1i matcritilit.s. sadcltigrece United Stales that bafDot herrt! fP.- mone loward remorlng, yautbltibeauty wvil et aI e e *0Dr. ]Heyl e lorgar aggregata, mnd vere taadY lu roua. By fer dia largest majenity harsetana aIlbthdevies knov te science., fau alet et cfour Ou linens, toolvear ahil funitître. Cotton eet Permus. . White it la tram Ihat Peau.. cuees-Il %0#pi ol ive1 yjeu F"-a gods vre lian more frely for lte la- The multitude of people tbal bave trh vborevercts lot It la Savi-vczoi levier, but city purelamea -ereconilesi bae cured ef ebroule calsrrb by uslng hi. for everj» eus le ue 0Pe asalAidrma Dr. Hatm4 te present raqairarueuts. Groeery saplea Paruns cao eevorer kneo. prereettve ui meýt e uxt M VabuR» wul and catuesi gonds iiere mnnably se- mes ura for Couumpton la the boi tIre. and targe qtînliliea eofirtsgis, paieant eisiee ibave ,ver tounsi toc eoug anad oil, vera placait fer prompt fera-art- sud colda->!r,. Oscar Trlpp, Big ol. log ta wetern pointa. Jobberm are nove :pl_ M atch 20. 1901.- busy on gencrai ilipmeautu of ruerclan-- dira, niait current cuilealîlees continue gond. Groin ihiprueut.., 2.230,022 bumîtel.. are 7 par cept undar lia, cf a yaar ogo. Reccipt, f b nrrod u-telIncremed tate' lwonortiottm indicittiug . - ta PAgie o tha recant sfici d pnlîeu. Speculati.n lu the forotresIflotI ls tlibyaney and dacliem in u îotatiou w-are ruode vitbeut nomWo a astîutîtilrrea,..Thea verage feulý back teotaa ltrhtly lîoer lavaI thon tîre yacks cru. lcëreilit.. o! tire tIok, 415,- -t 1439) baud, comaîîre isith 28,OtiO a yeur tI Failitre. ln the <i ige ipit nomn- ber,23. ausainst 2 b1,- lire.'ioui a-aek andli 23 n ear ago.ar. iuc4 ~'1 jt ~A antaaaa~ amstlllaaavmgIe ___ T wll Samala na osceai, Mc (tcg- t tep rurmuen leprime,- - - *3.00leta$. 04) hgs.abtpplug gradea.- $4,0t4ta$ZÎ.0;shep fir tleioce $25 h18 u .'OSlà *fi SfO. to$4.6; k> N,.2rosi, 92c tu 98e ..m m .. N0 core o.'1 491el i5r: oisstautdwe s 40e "41:*e.N.2 2e Io 74c;n F w- ru ohy $,K50 ta traiarte, OI$6,00fm11I $1030; buter reammery, 1022c ta 83e I gk2.o poto.W Inainolý 't 1,.mhpping $300 taî,on5 $51;*g3 QlieL lihI $400 tau$5.44 wihile, 43e ta 44v; oii, No. 2 4le 1 le 43c. St1. Louis--Cattlc. -S 15010 $ZÎ.50: liiig-ile $4.00 la $555; liî,î. $3.00to tu$4.615; l %viti, No. 2. 194v i,,t9c. cosrnt.Ni,. 2, msite skg ~os#ai fus. 4&e te 44e; Onti. N. 2, 40e tuo 4h; rye, sm i;U No. 2, N5tale57f.PuPvil t û-k Cinciiiîaati--Ctittic. $4.010 tri $475; CeU YUP0., UalegU hngs. $4.40ita$5 n.abep. $2.00 lu et.50; wtaat. N,. 2, $10(Y-eIo*1.03; cor.n 5 .L *No. 2 ruixad. 4.5c .t-, cl; uni,. N.2 V Ls U U. iî W o 0lu"S UlAiTU miixait, 43e tao44e: - i i. No. 2. 79,e ta 140e. 9~ &1 Detroit -- Cartio, 1$:..--0ta$4.75; hoge. à 9.ttH. De'WM th1 $4.00 f0a$X5.35; Iluiei.$*-2.50 ta *4.25: W.eshae1. rE wbient, No. 2, $1.4î1 ta *.0Y2; eorn. No. 3 eceln at* yalcv,45elit41:: ot'u. o. 3 wlile, 53e .a.tlg . r tu M4e; rya, No. , Sîl'kta lec. ipno veia Miiwankee-Wlivat. No. 2 atortliern. 95e ltu 98ùcrm. Nuo. 3. 43e te 44c; nt,, No. 2 witil, 4- l u 43c;ýrme. No. 1, 75c letoi-t; bariey. Not. 2, 113etu l64c; peck tuas, $14.00. 'rotnd>-Wheat.",'Nuo. 2 malied, 9Se te 99c,; rom. No. 2 rnixed, 40e tb 47c; !atg, No. 2 migrai, 43o ta 44e; rye. No. 2, d lié o T76c: cover si-i-ilprima. $7.45. New Yor-(CattlIý. *$50 10 $5.31; linoge, 4.00 1u $5.40: shaap, $ 3.00 te $5.00 viient. No. 2 n-t, i1AOtu *1.t12; corsa. No. 2, .-Wo5 6vi ;IX ats. No. 2 awhite, 5ke tu Mce;butter. criaIller), 22c tla 24c; eggs, wselrn, 14ilsui 20C. litffato--Caltl<,ehive ahîppi og iteeri. $4.50 10 $5.25; mugi.. fair le primea. $4.(M) tu $5.05-,atîeep. fair iii choIe, $3.25 tît $4.75; Inruba. tonîtinu tu cholce. $475 ta $6.50. Newof bi iinon Plate. -Dr, Illnual Mondolir voelectailthie OrmI prasîdant etflita rehiobliheofPanamat. Chiot of Police Kiely bai Isaned an or- iet torstop ail biads ut gaaabliug in tit. nov eeoifieri' of the Fi»u Cai y ave, t (Imibaudole, pa, v4l"hba loiomeorlimon antly lM**et~ka by trs. 77- ga langeaI sale et Say abo.é la tbe Tbey anjumAlsagc am thoao IbAt cmii Fm~ 84 ta 85 -the ceimJ dlffemoamla the prlas Look for ameéan41 arc n bottent. cegaa ¶~5' 'n om FOR MILUOfl Mustang Liniment a la a paelivc cure for PIlez. ~ Pi d..EOaaS aisu __ __ _ __ __ _ __ 1 ; A Râli ý -

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