tew~u w bo»iL eh Or up 1 heroots. 1ego gl tie gul'eoe Osilling lu a ciuèTn ii = gleemy rcunslelanea Irlintmiticit se agaat teemlI. 9 wtat' te Imalte' a??" nt el ci- "wmnIaI te gel aSuit uofclut$t" ouI t rtiat ttitat" ras te inmar. %Veil, wbt'thelii. euhly-iOeW teé 'ktam *?.- .- s.... 0.1db. S~ Ueahhedimlélssmtsê Jacobsi Pgess 95e. usd50 $ 500 OWoe ftSpwtlulura 5A" t 'nu SAMTARTWA.LLCOAI xlhesM;water. Ilmatitl sudnla w itea mialu misaimith OL mter irt inck sals rm. uaral&bd ca etbl s r MOlited. of b Srup L pgePin SYIIIP CO.. 364co W.Le--DOU( &3.fi &3 SHOM W. L oga excelenafaap emes.hllii. sn dI" super»r weeln ~lretcla of i-aa miosUe int $4 t 3-lb. oly adAtae Mlh . *'nte'", Lot fonama g 1un ouh atekl itent.If Iepenil Othea be nma-beli'm monter- lus unt lamebeter Iro0iW#h bse iPreren tte go o-Oant buya eiat et dtteluaioa alnibius" maîln -I. f 1., ncIt . the tins eamthoil ba &Uelse tillie by l a bou ali i ie atàry ut G. W. Gp r t0OntsutdSbal L epeia saI- meulforBitres. ltra rerl n. culA he.plsd gietlUp ludl.wl OnIglîa Dîssaaa.Bq briils e el eba ye pubnliatronlte seon bu byOfir. W.'tire idhoa ra lpcit li cur t men u ti theua-8ivProuttae. Tits lamiaI ad cva p , i w Mglàtirasbeipeca au a lie-bbasM ran=aerltnitngm cufiabo ut e y e ibi thele ryti n no ad A lenm ry il * fahuett mfrieonst aI tanctaes.h fThitieit ey§teypiai tm .1 wuaglu a s a lite i me ueMl gl oet be. nafam rYi e- and' Brigt'sueJ as aîzrug, heu mie.u Do altada iSp-l el m te."r -' -Alireîucy wthiat-ue Bc solh' liryba.p dîsase.1i>dd's Kliey Pi ae ct- fo the~ înuy its muaI modrtilo orno fo ibtisib whritmetameicai r PeOrctn'y caean lna hrtamieaWot. et Iteni statwxa AgtVolt ienll n Dddyour maý-I8 1vîlI oy daulirea ýt reîtler tlîort lueBigh t'% i) s estI o Ws Kneyer diare titnga Tainte muet e au eertdoladispte wa t. ità ernfiaOttSalre-rOW ba t* 25et ute a ortd tptcet L ouI. teouhexoIltin e it-e ladies as nda nuis lwi e wnaSl. Rn iaunus- h ai"th Pchmýh hr e Cam et nsti . e nli eul istum l it-lngeai t afona t itubiftru-Pile urta liPramss.a lu litVe abotiTe yaimaIis. T - truilTe Dnianse Sul hCO.iill lu su i-de [et&y it lciaceS adi e. gt.Louliis lu pm it io.te xosîton. il in pocach ft .tt 91)16 ex. <a ti nt:i) I. l Rwih uits.Iowag. V Kangel onrd teW :o Ouatri., wlo li ene muepthe lagutn , ui utîter ofîtid n marksucerat aleu- collItaairotl. Tha lî taeal hs p .ta mesi o in i te s n t om e.leti- rea s 96M* nte 5 8t*hâei f ttese.>'aillei ung ad* muet ue meuteamoue Ocoe lnd p.itm-witbth bs gtktb yG5' Go tudrait ît ttnpatieui-dR& - unS ! r t oî ikin î"e ite 0111 Ftrrcpt P .16 MOz-l uueydar. e &MLASth Tunektînîî . Yuigtn S-t Ca. 1.I tothi e r n -Tthetir ,ettry githe .. i 0'tNp ff011 aboile t IISNTC - -X glethlii et .îut nit'-arp. C - a tnI f a 'aikit g %fiuil.l er gr %îaî nti umeail ctnreta ( .. ,,a iaéaing-f AiftUSfle.aé. h, WiePet-kcondetion>-ou are a.ca t oiu t .&< u t el! nfu(e lita i e H ihunîl-M'daarnjo. ettedanab Fl.ami esae ai 01555w-cas iee Cbusait -1 vi. o tit ite ithi7. re pan t and ei a alogyue(C.lita s.) uiathmnd'etL conYd ite aLoisare Il "t tes ent', il t n'ughtll ie ittUStfi ittîcit.1- HaihjS iiiMtltLu e werhamuai e mm ginri cn 'HreSett." a.Muna li e t dou aelttoy th SOM 1 iteand sabempclvteYdris Ite hiIOti.lberto III ra e O ptboni e uratal s luilsla fnayichteyll o I. tao mi de. coinal nidi. esblasCNI y it fia 75.11 il umn tlis boI AUtIle mineaka aam nuYoiag Lad-What le te Pries LIIN' I.ti bicycle coi-luis? ~~- Deaiîan-Tiita nnulta bicycle corlum grcl, . .8amiss l m asuit ut uasitat'y nudeseir Teotiate andI BillionBeglrsOral Om The two, grailet fuli Plants9 1- lutIt oua god for 14 1te" b,î andil i5e.tl ter 80' lo@ff oua paretUr e, oner es lim e 0douaVice 1i~. ielilag iieml0Ib.pis. op a P-tffld paeacre. tU? lND lo1.14NTAMPS TOTE] a oL.A. Baler en eai Co.. La Or9m MýWla.. sud reeeiva Inrmtura tien .lmeiaad.loIs 0utaltutu di <amp! artsfee <otu te Seuti s ept hi 'Icribe 0a5 A0uat0lp A cyclone, the wruI for years, via 1151 te oosgintg distuicts ut Chietgo about 79--'<ell Tharsa aigMet, Mu- ing tires porma. tataliy injuriaM» olh4ç e,i detgsuiag bunditeda ef tiow- mandmedi lars' Worlt ot proprti. W les"M tera dora IA aIl dlrsc- Êoame tap~any of te outl,"it tc.ra rtsilà darmtuee Ihoututhse algitl. a" Chiaigo hersait mac pnacti- clistoff toiuiltelagraphie Coun- resta et cela gai lxtlnislgtlaing, pbsei ove, te satire norltaru portion! ofc. lem i 4" Insu, ee seif tisai l bea mrurai taen as sudieli a il deucndet g i o e10 ort treci h - .u'b~'.The rain athil e 0te simsh argNulve ols, ud mioughtta,- mot au muaisdamagé as th. iel. The um w»mr t saolerlous lunlte Calumst reulun te terne of Hll-a Hrber, Iammod *"i REst Chicago ufriu The met rellibis information lu ha obtali froua Indiana Hanrbor as thit twealp-telr boumuesbal been reei, tro mm i lle sui ttean #sai hurt. Reports' rots UAi Chicago tbld ut four buildijagabelng damaugeil, inciullng a et-hool boume mal Toi'. opera ho-m, tisa latter a three-cotP structura, te Irg- est lunlbthema. - No lims re. but aI Eail Cilue. . Tb* pia t I he tru ras s meleoro- legicai freuit.Il leseibeil s ride curve @round the cip. saltendîsa troua Wanka- gen,' CrpataiLae edoter Pointa on tae orti t aroawaithUtaorlb aide sud, lubig lantae restera enhurba ut River-, aida, Maproul, Lyonc. hlrose Part. La Grange. Hawthorne, CilyeanmailBermyn atni Utenseeaplua out 10Morgan Park. Daphin Park. Wet Pullemaun cliii fartiter outL tu Hammouil cul tae adjacent Indiana tee-na. la th. brief @paraetfittaan minutee theto <rnade, riticit lefI acareely a mark lu Chicago, meikail dealnaiellon ou-.te tras la lilspatitmep. TrolayIhas e re I emept dowmty tsewnulensutreal ccar trieie unoctel au eompîeteip tet heurs elapuai hatora the limage coli. te ta- pairsi. Rie lIgLI pilaa re tied up andithoneainla ofstoesanit bomes rere planrd la dartness. InaWashing- Ion Kelghts anamiMorgant Purktetn bousez ree er. owndursone roma mac hurt. adthe trucksmofthlitaRock Isand Rail- a rod rare bloctudel by tulai talegnapht pesefer mile. ' Thea mîmoal fnrp of tea tenu amss fai at Thonutun. miterea seburcit mas miasis' a edand mini persous wmnjued hi B tîlihg uIr ituhilig The Germen Lutiterna Churce vmis littel froua île fouudaliuitl Mo ii u blomu te places. taeroof hing -toua off sud tae structure ruineil. -.A t ona crowdad i rlbmen, mis biewn dora anditilin ramartatia that ne oui raili.Severmi rare injurail. or a ven. A lousse ram hierS froua ils roua- 3dations ami anter wm uitrîil inte à e stone quinn sund detnoisbed. e As tan norlt ai Crytal Lake the tom i Otftae miel raislrong anout to n n'ut mani buildings, demolet mor trontise"_carry srup outbiuhlgi it roFort âc na caIlle rare tilie l o -te Bryat tock terronur Crps Lts bp tebats lepuua uBda t rild. ______ :0 ýN'hiat te addition te lite total nuiter titis year ia vcry liard te rnjecti.ra. for te renon thal betwen %1M91and.!1900. sa tac as te eleelhuut feturus show. there waa practiçftllY no gain l inte number <if eleitors. Front 1876 teIi SSUtera wWas ai gaiu of 0.000; frotu 1890 1te184.at gain. ot 1,00,000; f rot, 1884 telm188.a gai o '1300.000; fe 88ta112 gnin of 50,00. and front 1892 te 18M81 a gain ot .00.009. Belweu3184-6 sud 1&-)0 te popuar vote fer presidential etera increase.) (15 Per cent, or frut 8,400.000tu013.1)00000 Appareitti! ewiua l lte thfact titat a1 vent multitude .of votera tid neut go t10 thé polis ut @il inla 10.the total popu- jar vote luntat year waa only 40,000 grenIer thiî -il was lu 1896; and, If uap- thina- likefa fulvote la polleil tell-ui titere chenl b. as enormOun sudupra- cedeutedi lcreasa u inte total vola, lu the elghtt yeara ended with November,I 1896, titis vote lncreaaae 2.400,000asd, as the populatiooteecountry bas beau tpadhly expandiiu* ince I186,te total vrote this yenn shonlil show a ter grealen I Il la noue ton esrly for polilleal lead- ers n umagera tograsp the tact that -iaI votera"î are ikely te costifluleÏ more important facter ln tLe approachint eampaigu taon @ven before aud, as a cou- sequeucp. tat they are likey lu proïe a grnIer ukuewn quati thon hem s@var beau thsec"» bitbeatta. Flvdell butît of te grant polilical Parties Will neei te de a al amenai of misalonari nio-f titeY hopIe for vitor InluNuremu- br.-New York Commercial. W. H. Tltompmou lbas delined ta ha a candidate for thte Democrtic nomina- lion for Goveruor o Nebraska. 1 Thte New jersey Repulllesu $titscon- tvetiouwilhl b. beld et Trenton ou May k10. sud wll elect delegates te lb. ne- hiouai conventiont. Tite Coneetcut Republîcan etles cntrali coznnlea lbas Ise a ai erhfo th. Stite convention'10 meet )n New Haven May 10 snd Il. FograbSi' men boita thlie Repubilean convenltibn ln the. FourtL Congrèselouél District convention ln Obi*oad sudumnt ed candidates ut thein owu. * The Wisconsli RepubilicauState cou- msilIe decdd dtae 18>11ne aconvention at Modistes. proliiblY May 17.,or le, t# eltnationaJleate1sansd nominale à tite ticket. *(>aiwnangans0of te North Et*- kola Repablican central comlittee bas onnooneedthti tse dote ef the tate Seuheino"inutconvention ae IL Duit Cm.' NW Yf.WeWt lIeiew et Trad# Littl1e net citang la tnaile conditions IV notaifor té,t w~s eri. Otus me 8 Modla did moqieàmetiipropefli and titcaemw d siurtlpreepoeulaeai lis *tait, but sube.qstlts che eater 3b" tpruiveti aldli eilook brlStlenqd. Sprlng trade le espeudlinti, sitiougis8t hacte-ard le coma giet nsd mer IsWa cotutroveasiea hav *e dei uheb.nmber' et uempK!!si.depia iti aieiabl# a- orous If emploiera nul mage carneTsà cuul ailint dilesomeee. luqtiieu, for etatai nlmatrigi, are nul of propor- tien lu uer pettmi*. awihîtprobablr la due lu the faut abt thera la mach ne- sueiîoit u pt pie Oeont. Rsiliry esafhlin Ibrea reeseofut Mincit are only IA -Per (cent s$Muller tIosu a 3 er ago, amd tarin excesa etfaiy pre- eedii u ai. Agricuturail Iplemeul matenR re bum, menchimut pipa la in goil demenil. cul miehinerial«eS ilii ta timulatei hi ILe begfiuiug out e-t n theltaPana-1 ma canal sud otites big inilrlakiugu1 about to, ha tares.i.lhiîor îîetais ai- vaucedIn luramponce le Ludou. lte ries eonuumption. Quiet conditiona contiu ith ile markte xcept for uinte lunges sales by Chicago pactera 0f tîclui- owlnldewet firu pricese. sud ail on-luiis ot tereiga dry biles ara prumPtit takeî. New- Eng- laIdmaaîîfictiinem otf fautai rt ripiain ufthîe peîlmity of ue- bUiî,îaieu. hbts Lorders sufflîieuttoluiutna nr atlltY unti lh itale et nexl mîtîlu Pailurea titis -week utintîteal 2-" la tLe Unîteil Saes.agailîal '214 let Yper. ad12 it CanaIa;t-onttîred tilit 261a peur mgo. hluain" ef ileeda more Ch!aio aenbrendttît. totht lu pro- 'duton au.) ditribtlln. Waathar condition* undîý,tînîî utaà. athst- lng (-bauge. lnladig aiîlrr ativilp lu the mauaunug bruacieý. nd.ittil m traIe, ras placeilouo tae'lhînaau1soins11 ime ai.1. aleua luthe ltter mare ln- creasel. te bayiag eulerinît loto qulle c vriely ut issu, a tît hueiteaisî 8ldeninas ippe*rIug l i -unng appirer. tooutear, turalture and litusseiolilne- t cusitien. . 1 - wel! attendeil. Pale..retuai u a(0911tY ~a& à yar ago, *pet tI l inand for ses- sonable wares hs» nut bren nffectail aad- vernely. The Jobhluglepartments bave ,howu e-ei muningel netivity. Transa- actions tmade à geoil t îowiug in milli- nery. silks sud inaa's f trt'iinlig!. A @at- islnctory aggre&ate ni ... ..litaiielin l icot adsud e h a bt alnoi caps. rarpets and groceriea. lleqttirenlltt Of couin- tr> merehintiwere pnjît.jîrd very cra- flly, anilDonU -dhp. iintu overatock a-as noteil.1 Siîlpmeuts of- ganerni nierelîindie, ha- cone iîcavy. and fo.sl-ttîffa arrinelin lib- eat quantitiela. Freitht tralfle bas. te- suniail normal "holue. lbut eonPIIIntU roattinue of dhignlUtyi in .btniliug prompt ilroad ileliveri%.dutetutai»lY t lu ..brt- age of caras ud motivePowe'r. Mier- eautills collections genenally were fainly gond., Grain iitiprunt..2.s . O00 huabns. lire 18 fier re-tailluer the illime aaeek lait ;asr. Cas desangs. ibath ina tour anil train. e -U nu s lte.) arie, 1tt prirea. compare) a'.it l at week'8 cl-- lng. ailvauëeeI-ii wbel 2% cents andi lu corn 1% tcuil I)aln lp1roiiions renchîni a fuir t..gnegte. lad aenne. 3i cents Pulld rlhs1 r ente. i',rk ea "frêlily ofre. d lelift 7 ciUaperr-ltel. -IotaltitIlofhn' 210.,8l.. ocre 81 par eeut'oven Il-( sunie veek hutmet er. (hiengo0 Cafti . .comunti ptim t te, 3.41)otc $.(.hogs. ahipîîitg gr.îde<, $4.00 lta . . hi-.flair tu.. iite.$2>75 t0 $4.")0; wuit-tt. \o. 2 ed, 4 l, ii$lJ.>2 c-orn, o .5 r.~-iit.itiii. 42e to 45e: t-i t. No. . 1 -lt7î:lt> timtnîtly, $8.50 tui $1,U); jprairie. $itu i $11.00; buttel. i I,.î ceni(uîry. 22c' ta 24c; eggs. tnt-ti. 13C MIt 16c;tî-. mec toe Me. Iidutliai-C.ittle. 8 ahIii;.P00 te e1125; bugs. itl ight. $4-00 Ili*.0 shiep, romutoit Ili Primie, $2-50 tii $t.75; *hegtt 'Ça. 2. $1.l0101.2:clitî i. --2 whilte. 14e tu 46,-; oni, No. 2 îlîle ta 4&c. -St. Iua-tata *.0 0$5. Il); htig. 84.0D)LMI 'o $40 : atîep. $3.00 tut$4.75; wheat. Nu. 2. 119, te $LOI;:cîtrtt. No. 2. 43e 10 45c: otirît-..No. 2, 40, tii 41-; rye, No. 2, ddtTc ti'l'. Ciuiàp!uiti--4t:Iltle. 34.00 to-$5-00; bougs. $4.()(ti, .-I7b,; seeti. %2.(-M) t $4.2z.. wlieat. Ni. 2, *1.03tu $10o5:con, qo.' nied. 4(;(- te 47c: tintl No. 2 mixati, 40e lu 41Il; rYe. NO. L.,77etu 17Se- D5troitt-l2ltillt. 3-W.1t0l $4.753; iogs, S&4.00 w$5.:Z. t.heep. $2.54) il)$-125; whent, No. 2. t10c.-te081.02: cmun. Nu -3 ysllow. 46e it.". S; Ett, No. a w lite, 43e teo44,:; rei .No. 2 . 74e ta75e. ý,XUw«kae-e~t,. No. 2 iîorttîeru, Mec to 31.00.i- (rI, No. 3, 47l-il,-14:; Oals. ,ço.1, while, 42r te 43t4-: rye. Ni. I 7ie qe 72e; I.îtney, No. 2, 1)3e tu 14Le; pork. messn. $13.25, Tii1do~Vtiltî.No. 2 ntixet is )e te $1.1:coru. Ni- 2 Mi:sd, 4ck tu 4e omist. No. :,ittixe-i. 42e te043c; rye, No. 'Z 71C tt 72c-; ituter 5554. prime. $6.50. ~ufflo.t ~tttirwchoeshnipîiiîg steitsg $à» 0te 35,41: itigu, fuirto,0 jir~t. 34 1 vain ommll untokie. $1Z75 1 Naw York-(altie, 3.130 r..$40 flots. F4.00 ta $5.70; aheep. $3-1) t( $5.00; wheat.Ni.. 2 reil, $1.0I to $1.07 co . .2. TSi-.tai 5W; 05o.nt%, ltt 4& e 1047c; bottter. cneamery. 22c tu 1 sagawestertî . lete 18r, TiIs gu i ht. Jaoi toliîd ua. îo servei lthe Tetnd IlhID isarit i l uii5tess tnum 188 t.l 1i. dieidu li ii home iuToledo ns tit. r#lt nt an nieident c'autionis limttittrange ratIein pot tions Of $ottil akota are said tii i. wor.s thontilice 110, There hlinalie, t Cen laurgo perecutageutf Ioa. - &A lOpiniont by tle. KatnasCity Cour '«'Ae .asderlarto deals l "utr goa ts Bo rd of 'heie te be gaunblîîl *IWtiIhe menauiing 0 lte'- ste :Sbo, am as u -iltailfmel. Coli turf w b .h sr e, g; fh oa »*eUmcmç"weaValley Very aRugit IrpIlavessi. Ab lteseating tenure of Western opie*& ta ils clima. Those who jvc« maode a tudy et Il speat Llghly «' lit Thes Canniin Govanument Aoutisam sening otiau Atlas, andi at tse came Urne giî-lng a-aluable lu- tonaieMa concertting ratlwsp rates, #e. Ill tse e it-- t.-. lul tecoun- t'y. À4 baubeenaldti .the cilmate le pelint, Tit e htonîtoft tits part of Canada teabluiît 1.81k) eet abova the tee, about luice Ihut of lte aver- ags for 34imueoltn. It Ita nvery dia- ble ailtitude. The counîtry bas a ver>' aqualee u eimate. aking lthe seasona brougia. The rîintera are lîrigit. eil t itMmM mWare plesnt>tatiarru. -R. V, StupirI.djraetor ef the. in teorologi- est servie fer Canada, sa,,y ~Jhe ausa Teaurcautftté eluttite or ltanadiein nortîtaeat terrîtunica irea sclear, hraciug nlluialiltere dur- ung lthe greaier part efthlie yoar, ail a mediium rainfal ad sîtoirfel. The mens tetnpetal'ure tonJuly ut WiVnul- pegl la 66, anti Prise Allient (2. Thte formert lempsratttrslauitigier ttan at anp p.art ut guglani, and titi'latter la vary slii3fluliotaIt oundinlt inn parti ofthlitssoutitentountnles." At Prise Alitentlte average dally maxlitum lu July la76andllthe mini- mmm 48. Owle u Isbgithdaây tam- penature mlth mueh aunablue, ltse cropae eame la miliirlty qlcklp. Molatune la ample lu lte OSakte- wan muhley, betilg about 18 incites au- nually. itleisnotable ltat about'<15b par cent of te meistura tllail urlng lte crop montits. Titua. Western Can- ada gels as mucit uoisture e-len Il la neaddan sd mthsemerel heurs more eunsitine dnlly titnn land furîher soutit gau dtiriug lte.grumîisg season. il la Det dîfictilt 10 unileratanil wiy cropa mature quickly aud ypldtouuthtiihly. ýWinter culdsqtîlekly. see-lng is douo d urlng Aprîl sud comeêtintes lu aret.. rmasl omem lu Augit. about lte 111e. cylehs, blizzardi, duel and &andi alertaare unkuown. SAFE D'ET RUL.E: zat lte Sinmal Ainut of raola s- mential lu Praerva itealtlt. R(ow asiei une determîne. ieit, hum inuchit t <ltaloca? Tee mueit mYalenp bas beau titown abouit thia aubjeel. Let pour sengatious decid. Il MI bu tapt lu min ltaI lte entira lune- thon ut digestioun snd assimitionl 10 caied. on ilteont contgellns empanne- Inn or concurrence. Il ahoulti ha au- tireipnt and sudnkntueru.aya lte Century. except hp the feeling ut bien- aIne wiit aceotupanlesansd f9ilows ils normai aeeompliinen. Saet atyl bail. Il Implies a sensation of fi]- nasa ln ltae region otflte stomtu e nd ltat notsltaIt taomuet fond bas been taten. Theaexact correSaOunes le a hçaltltp animal. hatreeuthlt- petilp and lte amount Ot toodl reQuired la extnaordluarp. Aus 4,nais, ltaemea, nisaietiten very ulorly, ahould ootu betorê tte appetile stireip mallufied, becansa lutie lime lu neqtalred ton ltae ouliying orgaus sud tisas« tafeel ltae effeels out te tood ltat bacbaa digeateti. If ton 111115 bas sen auikea ile laeasy suuugb lu matle Il tPai lte naat imeal. sud lte appetite wmli la euly lte hblter andllte fouI mura gratefui. No une mas aven aurrp for itavhing voluntarly antan t itue11e. raIlesamil- ions emery day repent havlng eatee 1tee ýmucit. It bau beau mai ltaI lite egrit lasson humoptty tiigit theit 1t-onid mas tih: Titat wrtns pbpal' clans Lsd beau lul taehabit eU givînt9 1the ilatieul kloit aest dose ha ruel stand, lhey have beaed W te seseliant temr purpese e-as better aubsermel by glvlng hlm te atalleat doie liat wtotîttiproduce theilcaîntreeffer.t. And mu lilelaaviit food. IDistend t ofeating. a iouit p.-opie 'unfortnatly pdo. au mlleli tas Ilie> mtn. lthey' altuli et ltae 1nttitlieit nntitîtllit -u it! tcp lthent laiuu hielatth. Happy Wuiuan. Wouldu'lsy reutitiie itsp- Af tan peurs ut tackacha suif erng, ~f \~i~ "II Day a of mis- Agnes -MiIer, of Chicaa to Young women about dangers o; Men.strual Period - h-w to-avoid pain' suif erin g and remove the cause by -ù Lydia E PinhAm'o s Vegetale 7 .q u To TotittoWoxxx: -1 oanrd for ix .t*. d7 ihea<ut pr!oda), au much sethatldedd 1Y.oal wurIim n t reor four etIeseplL T dti this w ua due 108foainfa ucno d to neflt t~ p » d.B by reusted and nglected coldi. ~io1gik aoly re&aiasd hem danerom ti-a>e ïas b titis 0115 Umurà suffrlng woud b. iarsd thé=. forlea luha,»Vegotable COMPOjutbat m-xl w" blpe meauy. Withln Uxué .fto takie 14 1I togled ainarked haproemm la rp e1u the8 tdme of my nuit monthly perl. .b p . .b . . .uIU ably. 1 kept up lue truilmen. m an xd e. numth Ier add.d I*pOURI Om inweiht., 0 yco "-m hitppy.m-Mas.A.MrIUM.zam 95 Otie Me.,0Sii 25etpasne u &-Md ýimsh bunaf » htuai -~1a APkar'V.u eusGru BMA IrAUmm munnum SAMt lui bouiÉdem Pa tet VON k B0rn~~ I Tite diasas of urinary tronhies crs wby any reatieri siteuldsuiffelu te face of evidence Mau*or 3 like Ibis: 1. Nira. AlMîra A. .leek@n,- Of Eat AVUV Front treet. Traverse Ciy, Mîit., VI~pI seys: "For ttventy years I sever knew what il wns ta bave good heaith. Ev-' .ery physicien consuled mid I1lîad E IM limer trouble. but their mndeicnes diII me no gool. Just before 1 began nins a Peins Klduey PillaeI1iras almoat par- alyze. 1 could hardly stand on My 0L test beenuste ofthlie aumbueus and at of eireulalloit. Had a blne iteent Iruzt . _im Into my ktdneya the pain couiti not have heen more Intens My aîeep wasuIfe dîsturited by visions of dilaorteil fig am tires. Thte kldney secretions were au- "noyingly Irregular aud I wau- torturmi W*MK witit titandi alwuym bloated. 1 usaIed neveu boxes ut Donna Kldney Pille. Thte bloating subwldati uni[ Iwelgbed U-L ea bundreti poudi leus. eould isleep i àF1-mû ilIe a ehiid and ras relieved of thte wiimiatyul pain andllthe lrregltla ity o et ite tdney I A » action. My eîreulîllon la good sud 1_-9=. feel baller Ln eveny way." A FREE TRIIAL oft liis greal bld. uey médicina mmicl. ured Mm aJck- non 'viii ha tailed ou application te aux ýpt oftheisaUnitediSttu. Ad- drnasFoalen-Mlb= Co.. Bullalo, . X. Y.. For slie ity *Il drugglsls, pries 50 clatsPcf box.- GoîiT Mma et) Diae OI Gloouay Man-Who la the toi ho e-rote "I Would Net Dia lu lipina- ne?" w= 1=11ts NVite-Foot! n a i Glhnotny Siaî-Yes. Opringitua la &Tn bat tlie.@,eaont10die. Escap 1h. aprin. ittîse ceuiîtg. pu.boom. SEI Vo Tour FesI Ache gailiga? àw.d:Inn shake lmb pour hoes A laena Foot Esa J,4 LLJ apoteder fartbîe Ict. Il malieiltlgbt or ne a hôa en clam. Cura Cora, Bon- v loua wltsi. Htntsud ButaiiUel.A *Il ruinag nd ssiShue Store%%25. Sautis t snt . Aidren. Alleu S. 01"" stcai 15 Ro7, 9.T._______ ala Young Me" Ottes luastharelebmalu in n a in gt h e ub rts et m o UM u . 5 VOl Cats aad Bruises n Il ba ti f-- 1-F -ý t- -h i-1 1 1 il -1 . tr= -3