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Lake County Independent, 8 Apr 1904, p. 7

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1-7%- *v th .Kpoe oe*tf <om a ton- q4ou fe.ppl aget Ofna usIot $gg4q ibci. Tits S e n s o & MY 0 41 hl!n h o m~ e , n ityw ltere iscelW-toliétigcc fIlerati Ce., Oeb v;OW Wr ulîl b be hebet1 15oàt*4 tu Viaumi xpsiionlR. oe bm-thi f e*uncelae oe àmmO 0 k la ie&.(4 Mfou d) t .Tou 8« o.-tIird zoroi urIi or thes ime moue> thlit otan>y Iat. nos-e, sticks ' ~T hie liekt te « ImfPo- 401 ullie sueItla> reglastfeeuma . I. 511- for sale by ail deal- Y ne la thie Ctu (aet lthe Hydie patentul lih- hie Lina Keepea l)eaigiu for Varut, %Vigoga and BUbuAies Wagena. AÏhrueur brtîrati or bin-aci dealer for st. Agente isantet. els i qnlr gooi profit. 19. Hliefi i'mu4us 10 Halaeti St.. Chlel. 11k We usaa Pia o'are for Cosatimptlon lu !rfene f0amy rtir auigii medicine. . b.E. Bei-itm, 442 P strict, Wasb- beu.glnD._C.. Ma>y2M. tout. Levin' '-glac ittier" 'traîglit Mie eigar. lie bWIleil pri-bc e cigartlathie deler ansi uhebWies quiity for the snobr. Ivia'i~ atai->, l'eorli. 111. Amceet van-bior ariteit beyta sltake elteauber, iaretya s un a thinns S fiaksp.arean seliolar. Fruit acide vii nu t min0 goodui dyed vwitb PUTNAM I AVELESS DYEII. -3~' ,e M &qeda oltem" to.by ?;rawthwatte ot-r fo aZr yce itit vtth tof tohe emloi aIDmzla (ininnnla i let ecln Il lbhesrrouading parta, := ." Mnn e efa*UtuLoal anti uap- putthie Il foreme. If yonsiadc!su ea rr uiou 1 e~ntaking Coèmpammd, and hanuoieod lb-a aunkeftaIras. sllew omplexion, ant goitessietnaetsteil eatftlioin& Coin- iunlltb"eni.im Milsi am atol- te ou ntiyawende1101l Medicine, wJlbnn-rc el to e life anti bemti la ta r uas. &2d. anti mycrum BaPGouD. 1032 Sadwichi St. WlrAdsor. Ont - so fwttattIf clu.a*.f mie ut gaaoag atdmasu oui, W - L1 Ortia or ifamto f the *vanlca cr tciîapban labcasvhieh ad>oin tho ovarics rie> resuit trou audilen 91 £oDn fte rnouthîy oa. fir li tatonet bth e omb. and*man! otbcxr enucce, Tha alightest idiceation of trouble w'1h thi eai-Ira, ludictei Iby doil]thi-obirepain .n lhc aide, s- compauicîl by het naîti ahotlnqpins. ehould etali your inst.antattaention. Il wIlt. not cure iteeif. anti a hoapitl aperi-tion. mi'th ail Ils lerrota, may "IynO> nit tiomr.rýeet $.2i V&3 SHOES M W. 1b DeUgi abime.hve by mtli excellent astyle, aasy-fllttnga aBaJ sipenion wearii eb larget smle dl amy uhoa& b in e thl *-thma cm nS inalue pale. laid E tsu*s5. in e te aa a uutiisce Cs tlo a aa $buts tL:EOi-, ia.i aM. Z la au postivoexes- for PU..ii .fhetnaLrjr al tut.d ýwtate but- tom et theohatot. 6oMY IWM 90 tb'at obtàlaad fron a soltany, Davsy aaf*ty amp linng over U fiPlptfrein doit. . lt e emaltamIn ln omte otber i3igirei for mael Miiteras to gather tu- eller lu mit unes for praLypr meat- lmwan~ d the k. buît il la, idlt ia tIitlae mis o.ly tance1i re a ape- eialapartntelatieti out lu a ooal- minsan a acheale. 1li te tprana. Lowndea, Mo, April 4.-4Irs.E C. lgarty. of Ilis lamae ea- -EPar years 1 was lit ery bcd Iieeltb. EvsYMipving I %vould'uet w 1)w tia1t 1 wunuisible f0 domn u n work. I smicuet to be worase intheiin rlthan, any oiar tlie ofthte. >eur. à vas V«7' iseak and imrble and bad Mattch pale ln my barck anti had. I aaw Dodd's ildney Plla advertlcd lift aspriug anti begtn treatunent of tbem andth ~ey ibave certaily doisaMemore goodthaifn anytltlag I have oser naad. "I un. ail rght lat sprlng nad f elf beller than I bave for os'er ten yeai-a. ISm Ifltfy y715 c f age andiamu itrang- ci- to-day lstin Ibave beau for uîany ycara andi I gIve Dotid Kldney Plil -redt for thewoidttiul lmProvcemelît.' The stâtement of listtHarly 1la ouly one of Il trnl many ishere Dotid'a Kiti- uîay pilla have pros'en lisemialves ta be lhe,' riy begt sprin u mdiclue. Tbey are unsurpesaed as a toule and are the. oly Medicne ose In b touanisiâOf fisnililes. tiait to Misert. willa of i-h mnof t reminti ui. Ifrbla ur graveas, e'd itcal content, lu dytéa Ire shouldIe asse belolîîd us Nt one single bflaunîj. e' cut 10,000 Plata for la,- Thtis 4e a remarkatile aller tii, John A. q.izr ijetiCo., La (CuIsse.Wi.. makes. 'b'ey vil] undi yoo their big lîAnt m'id uued catlalogtie. toetiier wîtil enougli aed L.e fine. sol¶d Cnhuiges. t.000 dellclaoi .Cari-uta. 2,01) llsnî-iiug, uutty Celery. M(100 ,'ch. litiery Lcttiice, 1.1(m0 aplendid iîd oie. 10W10rare. ltmiiclois ltiidlrlî. .0110gioriouiay lrillinîît Fli-er, Thîis pi-cnt affer Ilasnde 'sil 00fr ta lu- dn-e >on to lry titeir ssancrnted aeda- for s, hen voit onice Ilant thietu-3îîU w gi-av iso otlacra. And ibrevdin yon sm III i-ttira tus im tii.a f ayo eil ow diem 206-,apiango îley *111l add ta #"e aboie a a kïc i"fthe tamous ..iii ('ailosr. I' .U., Lunvsisk. Perhapum Smithnaksi-l notice lDi. Sizîgiton bai býeen caling nt the houme af iit Youngi vridow aIint .vaiy day fui- a eeak Fhe mutliepretty Éick. Brr,-noicli-Not lcL: -Ily pretty. We '60, ()ua llndreadDollars livad toi a of cae et i nai--la l macnatb. oui-id b) y. J. tli'iVACo.. ro., Totl. O0 W. lhe undecaimest have bava F.J. Ctuwey frtheOu. là 15 . Md bell«e. hlni erfaetl binmmle L a u .ii îaiiiiisa"8 1.and lilatm =linue &0 «m ou M~ ay eiiif]eemisdiby %Va#r &Tiax. WbaliuiieDruggtia. Toled. Il. W^unirce. Kiax.s& U Mvi3. Wbosà%Ws la)Uken taTermayioeO. îltrmetlyapon tleblonded ml n s aiso n L.iyii.Prialu.71e. par botti. hlti bY atl ila rlly PillanaIeb bit. A Youag%ollaborLao. i li. Barrie l ld oid f0b.ndehltd to s lititilboy for one rimuelsappiautict mine in hils plty of 'Littia Mai-y.- The piîn els saati-actlly wltlîthe ie'c'e of gitiftony. andl thia la tie' il-at lime In tlioa'nîtbor'aliterai-y career ttiat bie iauifot ralileâ 9aliy upou li1i OwB t.î let. li- has a fav'orte i'nmpanilan andi friand. litie Tommly Dais. Olie day Mri. P.n.rle broiîght tic boy soin. iiwect.and takeil. ai he presenitd thots: "If 1Igiari- yatttb"e eandi tolt yosr. Ir ynale Ste bn.you ivoald Inl-c ck lii the niorninut. syhal mosîli ousany?" "l' ut sy l'd lie ick tlu riliui NI. gai-ibe wo te dcilght-d th te nitsîer. listing, RNsfil tîl. s.«i-infleoll3 lscî-it<nor a glîttonoîî u îîqtîtte. oiet u isâtuaIfor îîy îîc'w 1ilay."' iie- aiil ltii- pboty. *nitd e îparît au- fuir. 3 ou liiti I i-i-va e c i-iî'. 13of a lii f:î'iii o -sciypîrfarlriîoun-c gi y- Trhe l itfhc' nutiîor rofc<iîrmPc' l orded iuçu-uîî is«ion. îîîîha ýutiril t Osai tii-a s ap i11141 d<l I-îgned sar ri'îled. Thue LcidonluO ese-cutsp'i-wlirI telas thil t chai-y m îistlat i'Mr. RBeirebita Mi-pttlohfilyai-ard ta listaigain. 'nie pIcla c xliamely tottuhar, undtilibt- lif Taimmty lia fitaI a muSsfa n unil foitii--amt unicl fortune, ie Il ramai-k- ErAPTY NOVI. flov On, Womecm Quit Meiine. **Wite a coffeo uFuei- uy sionuaci ti-oubieti me taur yi-ca.' says a lady et Columbus, Obilo. -andil1Ibcd ta lihO niedicine ailtue lima. I bcd viîat 1 fliongit vas tbheliest atornarla meuilrin 1 coulti get, boid 10 ke,îgetlng lt tilleI ailthtitme at 40 e mita a bottle. 1 ti ti ot o m'tiintetli-a-noe of > troubla mas, but iruat duiappetialang freinday to a ls uffeing anudltaklug nîctivinenli e tInie. -About aix mntbaluge I qufit tes anti coffeeandutibegan dri-îkilfg Pl'ai. anti 1 have nat had mut>presciption fillei atirce. irbicl i ha pi-at aurprIse to me, ton if provestfiat coffeeam'aa lia cause etfmil my lronie. mltbaugh I neyer suspeclet It. ..When my truandgasak rue base 1 tt.el sîne 1 has-e ieen tokltip Postuln I ay,'Te tell ttr utb I dant I eel ut ail anly that I1p-I bf i-ty andt cmt evci-ylbing i wmnt andti atof0<It anti lb ileven hart$Isme. anti1Iam nhappy uand well anti contentaI al] the flue.' Ilceulti nof pet w> faml> ta drink Pastuin for a wmileUntill1 mixat l -la a littia calta. anti kepb on rcilacing tie aniaunt et coffe 'An1l I pltif411 Vainal. Nous tl]PY R ahi Ike il anti thiey luever baIn ltut)lu hka cotte. 1We al] know Ilînt Poo;tini8a nsin- shlue munn. 1 lind l tbu-ps oue great- ay. tor wue do luof bave 10 hbink cof acnhes anti pusinanI the lIme anticcon ls ur gi îitmdsfor oflaci-titgp." Naflue r ve by Pastuai Co. a,. eCreý -ITbe oeawuho ibas o bolier wlhh caf- - ree aches anti poins la badly boni- Litppcdinlu ahrae for faine andi for- t une. -PFoalumteI.àawondcntul robail d- aLit. ee«g 8, xo ym. us*ia of rite.Inter-nationtal Merantile Àgcncy throucglout the. Uili S tàis anti Cau- adn report a e-hfck te rte exceptionnliY gondi general trade lethie Sothwest due te sscI aestleer, an Inîprovieunt lu lth. central Weat fcliowing murt e aaonable conliioas, but coeadistiîrlicce lhi e- tni-tiaus.toils iewflobenbr t roubles sind ln the, comfietinq reporta of Uic condi- tion of the. mlnler-sowo ivîent. A depu'esahug Influence la iliosn by thei trike of Iowa noit culi ini-sr anti dis' sensiona lji Pcmaylv.-nla, in addition ta bttera... ofthe . trngglc betwrecn itrlk- ers auj the mîiitis In Couoraduand the. prospecet for amother tic-rip of the X'ew Yori-('ty budi"g laduiitry. Ativicesifrtonthe Southweqt are taât wlutAr siheat has Improvead. syi t ond rai. lu tIhe central 1wegt the llasîl in reneally veil i-Mtcî. lbut thie on liii grartid. Westencautera amy tdcentu la acrcer than for fi-arx. Reporits aie nuerons ut thec pour -onditian af cîib- bail corn. The oulaok for ratton millm for tha nerf six moulu i nat regarîleil priîin- iieg bl New' Engiaîîd outhîîri-tiex, but irolcu miiie there ira runuinur on a fual huie nt oradera. Firtlicr salowuds oa f c'tton mlii et Pliîladelpiiia ai- reporteti. Eîatern aluoe manuifacturer-a incouve lu- tances are net arderinlg as fi-i-îly as a jeuraga1<. Clicago andi NetsYoTkti-k xoarîlera anuI reporte frein i.siitiag lc i-a iîe bgn ta point te ice priiaiîc-t for- ln Increaos iîîg volume oa! brima.qin rîtapie mer- c'iîindige andl retîil trate hlaifiea the bet il ia long ulule la l'itahrîirg the Mnrcii business lanci-ch and ir-titi ithe lestlain ix motha. î,ith the teiidi'acy Io larger oupqit ansd santie ails aceinl Splpatisa acttsify ia tocks lbaito-t cdl on thi e st rufoîliîs te li.aoiu- tien of tih. Noithecita îles iritîi li-igar. Conjweuablas point-nita a probable ruievaicf ahi prijel n laokiug ta fur- tuai- comnianitv of intr-est ju tlie rail- ronidsiariti. esiieniilly in tlîe tranuilti- iientaiifiel. Maufe't cuiiî.uietioriîut tUniont Iacific au a lurge caheilathie ioxut aatatual bagiu tor- a flouod outru- niois. IMouey lion rlet sari- i-a. railroad trnine inisreioited rairi'i- -r-. cheer- fnl conditloutseiiat la the -al aifcdc. the copper nmarket h actiîcaiid iinlirneunt 55 repaied ini the j-m fi-aile. n tIi 'oine doutita profeaîIl. liais ver.'ýtsflifhe hti- tenaîlca of tie United Sutfris teal lire- tai-sildisideetiri-e The latter seul be4 ixed on'T'ucaday naiti. Canadien wylexalc merrlîaiîfianti matifctureri reliait wooel gfiîn-in la ai-- iy ail linson- triai riill'oail hase pot- ton fraee ftheI car ciiogetion handicap. Demanti for i-onad soteel la better thau fer snme fime. Ç'amI companias are plaa- ning te lui-rama. thir attpnta. Iequeits toi- sprlnàg audianmuer gaudi are note- sortiiy andi batik cleariinga are me-raus ing. Vent VainetfEggi a"tiPonlta'i. Lest yeur the ponit-y and eaggipr'o- duceti and *sten lu the Unitedl States vaeevorth more tlîan ml Uic gold ad silseriuincdin bthe voriti turing the. bains ycar. iFrcepr for the jear 1000, lte cgg product of the ountrY bas ex- eced cinlevaine that f ifrlucombincti gold and ailver a1iîput for every year since 1850. vhich tlleos In thi.e etir. botuanna peniod of ou! itory. Tat. miditic poltry puoditct, alse excc.islu i vai-je the wheat irap of 28 t thc muet fruit fui Stafes anti territortea. Reduccd ta ranci-ite ternis,In 180 9the. egit record oet tua rnintry liaix ,i) 000000 doxen. Ther. arc 30 dasn en a crate. anti 400crafe«t ta ccar, sut n train Itcrasfihflamt ta acromuniodaie tlhe frumnsprtstian of a Il tieme cratea moulul i-cdifronti Chicago to W'ahingto. Ia distance utf8MS moi.s, ad tieuu tlere woulti renianti ereral iara of ezIra to &pare. la 190 I owas prodiirrelo fit0. 000 dasen ail Ohi. 01.0).OWJ. haviap a salue af user $10,(100(M>ftri- ci Miltet. Or course, tira incubaioar bas oîîidcrs- bi. ta do mii îiuiltriy jiestiniftiir. blit ircubsiom da ofnilas eps .lu a ingla ycar the vaillue offlie egz.aîî jardmît i-ty of the cuontry lias been as ilîih as $2t&i. 000.0 Jo.__b Chicago--Catte, common t0 prie, $8.00 te $5.30; hoga, ihippins grades. $&~00 10 8$&50; iheep, fuir ta chulce, $2.75 to $450; viieat. Na. 2 i-.d. 9à3e 0$1.02; ewn, No. 2,.54e ta SMe; oaf., uansiadt, 89e ta -4c; rye. Na. 2. Mtu a71c: boy. tinaofhy, $8.541 te $13.50; prairie. $6.00 te $11.00; butter, chaire creamery. 22e tu 24c; cgpa, fred. 13e tu l16e; potatoekk 95c ta $1.06. Indianapolis-Cattic, aIipping. $3.00 te $1d.30: hega. chai-e ligt, $4.00 10 8.35.) ahecp. eoiamon to prima, $250 lu 83.73; wheat. No. 2, $1.00 ta 81.03; corn, No. 2 white, 17c lu 49c; oats, No. 2 wite, 42c, tu48c. St- Leis-CaLtthe, *4.50 to $5.50; hep., $400 lu 85.45; aicep. $3.00 lu 85.25; ,%beat, No. 2.,1>9e ta $1.00; Carm. No2, 48e to 40e; 001. No. 2, 4le ta 42c; iye, Ne. 2. 67e ta i- Cincnnati--Cattle. $4.00 te 84165; iogs, 44.00 tn$1-.30; uhe.p, 82.00 fo $4M2; micat, No. 2, 81.08 te 81.00>; corn, No. 2 muiet, 48c to 49c; oa, No. 2 ualrad, 42e lo, 43c; i-pC, No. 2, 77c le 78e. D>etroit--Cattha. *$30 ta *47b; hogu, *LOO ho *$.3; aheep. $0-50 te 84.50; ,ahbat, No. 2. 81.00 10 $1.02; corn. No. 3 3ellov, 49c ta 5Ce; ata, No. 3 wmite, 43c tu M5e; rye, -No. 2, 74c te 7Me. Milwake-Whoat. No. 2 narthei-n. M8e te 99s; corn, No. 8, 49r ta 51c; ont%, No. 2 vila,41-c ta 43e; rrye, No. 1. 73e te 74e; bailey, No. 2, 6&e tu 4e; Toedo--What .Ne 2 mîxeti, $l.00 lu $1.0W; corn, Ne. 2 mixiti, 49lta bic; cala. No, 2 mireti, 42e te 44c; iy., Ne. Il, 72e to 73c; clori-soee. prime, $6.45. Bntfalo--Cattie. choies ahippag teers, $430 lte $&.i5; bots. tair 10 prime, 84.00 to $5,0: îheep, tair la choice, $3.25 tua $5,25; Iambe, common lu choice. $4.73 10 $5.M0 -New York-Catte, *3.50 to *3.50; bugs. $1&00 to $585; aiaep, $300 lu $5.00; micat, No. 2 ret, $1.03 te $1.04; coi-n. No. 2, 54e bu S55c; mta, No. 2 white. 47e te 4%e; butter, creamnery, =oe ta 23c; egga, western,17c te lbe. 1leprésintallves et aix telepiione coin- panlesogmu tltg ank lnas .alendins trous pulepbb te Taeas mat t a i- diamtpells aa esalua1» emablb a vaun- ,r10,0- - -- W 1 Mtany Women During the Spring Months Suffer From Ex Lassitude, Loss of Appetite'aaid Nervougnes What They Need Is ~Peruna, the Great'Torl The. execution et bac d*Englîlen teck place la Parla, Tneay yard ottd Marine barraces et W'uashington ve astatihli. Russie lount! an inîpeaisl dicl ai- lowlag land oocnre le gi-îîît freedom 10 theu tenante, liaI th* selfs uaight roia nioney ta puy tieidetute. A <remi change vas taking place la men's diss. treadees thbîng thîe place cf braeche*enad lfmîugalsebinga AI tta requeat et tise Amei-icAnu ip0 lutcr Napoleon BoUfflirte saut a mmi- fer ta Tripoli requeadiltfhie bey In lii- eateat. h. oiglereandami lAvathfflurigalse Philadelphie. Cangres pag.eot a bll for the i.dvision ef LonIiaaa teirey Into flic outhoei district of Orlesn» sd the noi-Uicrn dis- bnciet f Louisian. The Goversuor et Cuba protilbited Frenuch privateers trou rirrying Amen'- con producta loto a"y part of the a llatt Gen. Dessaaines, Gor- ouif ilsyti, admltted massacraetof hites ontat Island., 5eent-rru Yem sAge. The. joa-ney frein Netv %Ynri-btaBos- ton wos madein latvantiii- h.urs by oage. W'orklnen on ti. Penunsi hiaa canal a-ho @truck fer higiier ssîigemanîl com- mil-ad actaaof violence cari' aptai-cil h orlei-a and taeleaders putifn jaîl. Stelahenona "Rocket" tlie lit-st maod- cru locomotive, van Iral-chu. o u a i-ega- lai acheullt thfe i-ate otf i-ian tventy- fise Into irty-five miles un lii. Pi-unent mai-cIants uof New YTaik agi-ced to apeut a tev minuîtesa asery dal at the cofiee bouie" 10 fiýe trangarpaa chance to trausact biaiiýesa sytI.le"s trouble. SMaatfactaraes of bedtickiniz. japonnei are andti ops bagn[ou i -ctiopera- ticns et W'heiinog, W. Vu. Tii. "arcade." Jast crofîhalteu ut Provi- dence. R. t., vas sait!t. ble tlîe moat cuîîtly anti clapant bulildinfuo!ita iud lu thc United ti Ss.. Tlîe extensive sait virer ponda ot Key Weat mare examinct i mliiacviev ut aming tlîem for lhe manafacture out îait. Achille Murot, maon f the lata King of Naples. was a candidats for a sent lu tae Fioriala Leglaabe. Fifty Years Apm. Ailvices troin Hestgkong announ-et the deffft of the Chiane impeimi armi by rebeis. Englanti apenedth ie Crimean vur b tierlaribg hoatilities sgslni t Banae Tiie Duia ts fPai-ma as staibbett Turin by aeu »tafovl assassin. Tic $paniah. authoriil ren-ia.ired f&e bnp Black Warion le Capt. Buiiocb an ha& payiug $6.000 tiadar praDteit. The Euugllsh Bultic leef sailet thî-oaph Wiaga solumîto eKiel. fliavery mas aboliahai la the. republic of Venezuea. The Emperofo!France annotnccd that Rassia liedi plsced herseif lin the attitude uf decia ring van agaînst Franc. The. Orange Freef. vaswonforming I.wty Yeors Age. Gen. U. 8. Gi-at. thi ev commanider la chier orftflic Uilted litoes aauy, stai-teti for the front mih bis staff. A bill va. lîtp-uuîi'd IcheHousi et W'uaaiingtou foi-thie econstruc-tion uf a xip canl frointhflicMsasissippi rivtecl Lake Michigan. A lFnrenchi sesi- hi-t vam reliai-ted aI the. norith of the lUio Grande ruer, lare- p.iary to inakîig a deuuuctriîthuo agnilst ttîe Ulife]States. Congreasmari ON% eo Lvejoy of fIlinois dilauBi-ooklyn. N. Y. Scretary ut the \avX Wellea tvar tisai«t for negro sc'aniéîi te loin tlue Unitedl Bruates navy, becu"ietotheUic arcity ut wuhite sallour. A billaairnpiinlg *2,000 for a Unitd Stater. aaiy mut atCairn. 111., se-ai Itroduce in lathe Rouai at Wauh- ington. Frankr Blair and Gi-c. McClurg, luntte HaoseetofRepregeiititivuea t Wshing- t on. crenltied i'iteîiiint by denotlaclug cachiother as liarm-anîd iceuntîcla. Civil War exitein E dgar mii Cohes cosintiesn, Illinole. a bondy of ammd Cîîn- fedeaae îymplatiOcf'ibelag cacamîîati înear Charlestonî. su ii Union soldiers whmii they hai tn r ibsonc-î.. Usirty Yenre Aqa. Tic Frenuchi Pîimenf decldeil la de- termine b> vote suhthar thîît coauntry shouli bcea repiîbhic or a monarciiy in tefututre. The. Braut nerefuife commerce blllpais- ed the Houg. nt Wîlsn the iriesul b.ing termeit a '*grnîîîgr" tilmph. John G. Wlilî ti, li en. Bauka sud Chai-ies FraniaeAnlîîiîîwoveau mîu the. -aneidates voteuln n tsmecti dClarlm F. Sunertar s hUntedi«tes Scualor fi'eoMaaachiusef fi Nçv Yo-k ~businuess mm" haltia marna mectlug il Cooper'riua le dîcuea the natinal financeà, 'W illisaCullea Bry- ant praaldlng atid Eilarm Atkinson of Bdnton dsl'aring a speech againat Ben A boots man starfeit la the New Toi-b stbck i*aret on cilmore fluaI $23.00, 0100 wul be sîlIdcîl ta the nationasl r- rency. andti lat fti- fiop hanking bllI stoalt b. paset b.s Congr-es. The. British gori-meol propoue t f the Unitedl Stmeuftaesbllah ipecl 1"trucks" for yr-elchciosslng the At lantie. Tire Cariai-i-lui-N a- nder Pedro Abso- lu me-e defectedi I-n pauiao govr-ineat treopa if Sauta tîhra Ywe.ty Yeamn Ago. The Cincinaiî(Ohihol mil mas eformeit iiy a mola af 10,0ffl pcopieleLauneffort In lynch William Bi-nîci-.an mleged mns- Jeter, whia cafiici. France vasni-eptidplanning te de- ln4nd *3OîOOO0O indcumll fumaiChbina. MlI Clicago mlîlslers 9tbieoa, In r ilrect. Pittabni-g. Pa., Snperntendept Juanior Society of Metiiodlat Protestent Cilurci aidti idng Soprano outhet choir, wviles: 'Worda cannot dticcibe my thaukfuinsai te you for Peruna. 1 vua s unferar frowm steie exctarnh for )-ara anti vas in a vcry mmcii run-down condition, I vos extrameiy nervousansd hati the montlfoallluers ove! aothing. f vas timad mdcualael. "My physicen adviuued me te louve Ibis climate. but as it waa net convemlent to do nat titlime, I ob ithe. adylce of a friand tu as. a btte of Peigna, 1 ob If fmlhfuiiy anti mha the Are-elbottia vas gone 1 fit no muait better tiiat I bongbt six ma-e andl tnok theni falthtul- Iy. affer wvilh I looket i 1k. a nsw voman. "I gainait in ficah. my appef le retura- et and&Hmilny oit ipuptom sbad i daap- p emrd 1am more thon thackobtfa Persîua"-Misa Bertha M. Rush. 1 AM TIRED. !verybedy Is Tlred - Sprlni Weather Dms It-fvsryOne Sheuald Be CasVous. l)epu'esslonof the nmenons 8711cm et the ner lctp, ,henry menna- niar aliipetite. aud aumetîrmeT lo"s or aleep. Perî'na nicets every! indication aind prove. itseif tu b. pPrfectly ad«,,,edto. ail their va-ted pecuiiaritlea. Peruna lu- vigoratcm the aytepi. rejîrcenatea lihe feelinga, Istoras the. normai appetiteanmd rialmees rniar aleep. Tliat tlred feeling wliicii le the natural reaujt of tiie depreaaing effect of warni weathur immedistely after tiie invigarat- ig Mdol f winter. quletiy diaappears e hn Peruna la toiten. 'Thousauda are daily t.atifyiilg to Its pricceaas bemefit. ia. H. Kaasatt. 1300 W l3th street. D)e"i Moine«, la.. writem: "I amn happy te give wy endrimeet for yoar vaicable nsediciiie. Periuta. a i conalder it a vai- naible unadicine ta take wiem tiie ayâtem ln ruiî dowsn fromnverwork. About two >enrga ugo 1faittht 1 Imnuat take a long reat os I1lind bect unabie tu work for over a niantiiand caîtld not reidul My ,streliigti. 1 coul Tinot aiel' at niglît and was in a ici-y uervaup. ligli tfilîz. conîdition. 1 decidcd ui trs aâlii P t-îîja wokiid do tu build Tap niy Ktrengtli. and arn pleased to ay a3tli1Ibeau tu improve rery ahortly. aiid Inile". thon tira nonilia I vas able ta take up iny work, and feit better thion I have for yents. 1 talc. it 00w twiee a year and find that it keepa me in pertert healtit." %ma. I<astt woa for over teu yeara The manager of a plant turnishing ladies' wer an d employiuig handreds of ifamen. Thai, buvonsWuta There are thonnasude of them every- where. A frw bottles of Poti would do tiîem untold benefit. Ai n tonlc and nerve ini igorator It bon no equai. It builda nupthe nervea. It ulves afrength to thie circulation annd nt once retorec the. appetite outil digestion. Nq feula wom a eould be wltiout Pernes. mmSuIA~RVUPY8I Ras Rumbsh uiai VA 4100omb ON1S-B NAaSst. 010-- mmg Rshee. Ome mm lIMS w oufa. Alter a Course Sf N'lfrua. a :a:î bo :1:0:1:1 ::u s :: el 0ta: mi:::a:ta if yon do »« rocim 311911aa 011s 1 mhe U» et Poeaa, vrk Mt m o 0#6D*' li oftaag fymooý Md lm vIMbu pgoui d mllimgowoli Ad*W rs Ir*amlbl. WWI*of.1ille. A. B. Whelr of Geneva. N. Y., bas rteently ins'entad a munie asalitint hase, wIîich la capable of dtribuflafg muicilto auy couaidermble distance. Alrc'ady twî'afy famîilles are beng ain- tertalneti by i nightly concert» a huat- dred talles nway. andi alnt tbe game tiîne. évery nota renching the ear dia-- tîni-tis«'. 'T'ere la about sxty tuet of aridnai-y ruitnr tubing. onea end belng ýttaeetapd ta the diapliragai ot a phono- grapit îmachne and the otiier end tu the franuiîîtter of tîhe telppphoua. Mr-. %K'teier hoa anceedied iniigettîig the Round Itîto the troflaîitter ofthle tel.' phrone In sueb nairar tbat the bai-ah efipet othe a'other end.,of the irire i18 euh-relyelimiuated.I Tlo eure an acb- lîîg baik. The pnb. of rliipunietliui. T b e tiie-dout feelIngrt. Yeu nmust rei-h the apot-get at thecm use. 'tii the kldnaya.- Dotitn'a Kiditey Pilla are for tia * klidneys. baci. attne con- tracter, living nt- 2i(W- Clestunuttreet. Erie. Ps.. aayi: - "i-îr two a î'-1 ibad kldîey trouble aj,.àÏ * nîa andî tlîei-e as sncb ia uevera pHill Ibronnb nîy lainsandutimnte be t 1W. corild îîet staolîor traigbte u p wth- ont gsi-at liain, lind difilulty ini getlng aii,îîît and vas tuibie to rest at nigbf aisirsln uthe' iiirninti iet and worp ~ bt otît. The kLAdhey seeretiaîîs were lrreg' ular anuld dpoiîted e bees'y aedlmeut. U. Do<tors trected me for niiennallaun, I but fclied ta belp me. I1 of aIl conti- o e * dence inivedîclue ati bean ta fiel as If' lite sscie net worth living. Doen'i KItlney 1Pia. oiraser, reliaveti me no quic'kiy endl ao tborougbly tlaat I glad- ly matie' a itatenient t tat Iffect for pubîlcatilaîî Tislawu& tu1898,ant a Um diii lng tbe six years wbieh bava elapa-1"Id khi, fbq Mt 1 base never knowsn Doatia Kldney rel o f #p Pilla te faîl. They cureti my vite A p;no of n aes'are case of backache ln tic e ame fiorougli uaner" A i"REZ TRIAL of fhila giest bld. ney medicine wblch cured Mr. Bien- any part of the. Unitedi States. Ad- drei- osaPter-Milbrîrn Co. Buffalo. N. Y. For mie hy mIl droggiafa. price.50 centa per box. Naa'vow Escape. Duiiingtoa (a wouid-be noveliîî-l've Hand Paltmo Just fii@lbed a nev novai. Criticua. If S it W t yan have a litile @pare time- l'Il show Sh rt a. yuîr thle pu'oofs. ~jau~Wj Critl-îrs--Oi. never nind about the ilUitiie5Q proof, oaidmn;R.l'Il take y7cr»word yas4I.ii.5..e for It. iSSi The mandollu ia contructeti npen the.b7IOU(IT ceO., h saine princîple ai the. violin, i MuioLAM - Wl Ce uASTs aiIA Dem& thoW AO!N 'Ét8 g-&-

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