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Lake County Independent, 29 Apr 1904, p. 1

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LNDPENDENT, Wibertyville, Lake County. Illinois. Friday. April 29. 1904.-S Pages. $1.50 a Year in Advance. IONs. V.u~,I*e~ Puiuqer ~ Y. I jnaman m Iibe 1h smu wal bm t» COW go mmd Itvo Taistopp ymi UnPoMmd Q.efbmnd the Sousmm 1evuS 1m& 0 uV the boss. Md Lwa Ima. thm a W e MW »d e >Y 5neve EaaIIy Appiled ____ Qylckly Drd --Fm "SLe aSY- r. B. LOVLI. Libertgi4It4,'hIL CApiTiAL. $5,,0-.00.' LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK. ONE DOLLAR WilI open a Savlugs account on which iuterest wiII be îîai<1 at- the rate of 8 per cent per aintnui. Savlnts D.partment - DIL J. L. TAYLOR. OflWU OVES VMOUS & TAYLO'ii. mC*ot.:7 ta 14) a. m. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta M fP. M. Reaidence on Braadway, oppoMte Park. LibertyvIlie, Ilinois. DR. EL H. SMITFL DENTIOT. OFFICE OVES LARE O<XTV SbAN. nrna-S to 12 a. mn. andi 1 ta 5 p. m. l)AIiA. LIhertyv-ille, Illinois. DR, C. R. GALLOVAY. OFFICEiEiI l.VELLR uUG iros. Utu-from 1 ta i3 andi 6 ta 8 p. m. Libertyville, Illinois. DR FRBDERICK FL NMArTiN * UIWUS-4to0 a.m., 1 ta 8 1). m., andt 6 ta M P. ni. 0&1e.'Phone 5.5. Rsdae'hn 1711 lbelrt.yville, Illinois DR, XA. J. MLS. *DENTAL OFFICE "~e~Wednedu.ofaieachwe Immn 8:0O aMi. toa6.00 P. M. Libertyville, flluola. DBNJl. H. MILEZ ~. ATTORNEY AT LAW. m 06O.P. WJTIUFIDL. VETflINAEt hURGEON. Your BUnking? Ne pba.v howemali No malle how larg TH1E fIRST NAllÔAL BANK wm Iglwit wefuat. woa. - Thismessge aplileto the m am d e wome n ail. J. L Tay%:. Pne.l fmwh PW V. m IL 0. G.âW.'Cu"i moRid ou U.mtoua Charge. Geta noneaeOoi OIU y Judgre Jou.f.. Shat.weii of Wauakegau. A PITIABLE CASE. Juiu.tke Georg P. glhat«eel, îof Wauk.'- gan, face, a ebaMgi.ofiattenîpt.'d rnp. prferrpd b>' the .mother aif aurt..-î year aid Gertrude Mlier. The ise wattracte Ifa Jittie attention fld i n Wîkî'gn intmnseindignation. For sanie trne Slatiam..ils îllîelias hePn the hangoiit for sîverai wîîmeti oI questionable cliirstter andthte lttie girl Gertrude Miller. Try an lie wîîii dSmtesd- Atttorne>' Hanua cîauld for a long turne meunre no svld.'eeulxon wiiuh tta prosoeute ShataRPli aitiiongli tkw inn actiOns were tlî.. "talk af tii.. ton." FinaIiy ie determineïti ti. thuig niust @top. The i. Bis gelwuîs arreted far sssaulilng a entmpealan andt aken to the couaty'jail ppndiig lier liearing. Iu a note ta one ofithe ..prasners and itltp"riptfd b>' ihërifi Ptweill he taI! af lir relation, mmthli$liat.îwell lu a lîragadoclway. Tltsi'girl meelueti utte-rl>' ikeoaNlgibhi.. Wli.'n cl.ilpîsa-ihfr .ludge Jones lier .tirywa. toi 4 b> Chile îîf Police Grady>, andulwoîa'i ilat di tW print. Thon th if. mltier î'xplained iliat îîntil recentl>' Gertrudle wa a good girl, but bail been Wlestmnv aîand t utam asbc wRa a bard working wîsmen anti absent fram homain mnh of the tnnte Ph@e cald Dot retraluthe girl. 8h.. wieheti ber cormlttedtutathe Cathollc Hou,.. af the Oood lubepherd in Cbicaga. Judge Jones interrogated Gortrude. Sh.. admîtteti olien gausg ta) Sliatiîweli'a file, fthat lie bamlU"'-diMproper Ian. gasteta ber, andi wPnt an t4)taîl liow on one. omntion she lied tayeti rver night in lii. oMeie. The Stateîî Attorney' qutwtioneti tirtruil..kintil>, drnwing tramI ber the w hale horrible star>'. As the. motber wept (ertrude refreti ber husd and naskd dratically of Judge Joi.a "What are you golng ta do ta hlm who lethe eau,. a al tii,," 'Your que$" ion ight anti prorer" nalithe lade. "Wl>' shouldn't snmetdiing lie dons wt h hlm'1Icannot lad word, strongffouigli taexpreesm.vkeeing upan thun matter. A maan guility ofthei. thlngs brouglut forth lu thin evitience Ifla Moirthy the nanke of huinan being. Selie«tm Il* btnte lieatst% --16 tue>' woold îlot b.. guihi>' of timeeame- lai thiaga. H.. 'ilulti nat li talerateti lathit or an>' conimunit-and 1 hope thet something will be don.. to hlm.* 5SAIRWELI. HEU. < N $1.000)îa'sw.. TndaJ' aiternaun Justice g htaeii Waa arrestei Iy>' ffluer Tyreli on a charge of atteinpteti rap... Mm,. Margaret Miller.1 motherat (W.rI rude mignaing thepont plaint. De was talieîi tefor.. JustIceMunrie where l'A waiv4'e al,ination anti was bounti over ta thé grandt jury ln bonds 0i $1,000. State. Attamn' iianne wil pronSut. shatawelvigoroal>' andl li@s Ii attituîde i. applautipetsiyl val Wîitke- gin.t Just betor.. Slatamells arreaft PAr. Ida Richinantionoufaithe .wamen who ham bang about lii, affice for a long tiesvine arresteti anti alter b.ing due!d wan châtie!nt] ai o the ciy. The charge againtlier waté disordei>' roniuî-t. Furuher, Sliatswell, lubondmen have bath withuraanfnthisi bond and lie in Iunelle ta set-un- ather signerg.. Jndge Jones coîîîmitted iihe littl.. girlv tu tihe.Boanse ofthe tiaad lleplierd lu Chilcago 8As Mluesteil b>'lier uiather. EXAINATIONS FOR CARRIERS. Agi Muet Go to Woukegau. ometsi Notice Expectei Delly. ROUTES SOON TO START. Il in a.ith,îritiveiy iinderstoid tliet the. exeminatioîts ifor the pomitionfs of Remi ai Mli trrier. m ii 1 beelul lu Wanksgan May'itlu. Al appliceuts ifor tises, pIositions îahoulti get apîîliîation hlanks et one from their postînaster. The applicatlan idanos uetsube mutreti train tie office frainahiclî thei romte the aîrpleant wiles toaep- pi>' for starts friu.u. that in, a per8on wishiug ta appi>' for a route ruiining out af ibeihrty ville siiouiti getIli» blanks elt thre Libertym'ille offie, If the route musi out of (rayshake bu' sboidupt tui lanksq et the. Orayslele offc, et,.. Wbis the. btlnk muet b. e cureti et OMi diffamt pont offie. il le. tbougbt ail aitii. exaias atioas willlhibllidet Omeiii stine ai th.examinatnns in 04 W*carre taCY tlui. ow -mid ftliagikèt tii. Mil lii Ieu*suwlJy ces above mentioneti. Thom who taok exaiinatiaus anme tus e fauwien It was elpattedtota st omoin f thearoutes liaed1&telýy wilI he tsquire.d go ho reexaa.lasd. "Indication, aiU poat te an carl>' ftartlngof the severti new maités, ti nuaate go commemm masoIl et" Orounci la Wat Biît W(,rk Pro- irreame Denpiti 1I' favorable Condition. More Tennis IlARtN@ GOIN<; 1;1>. Twenty dvî' teaumoat. rrgîlgrîîîling Mtîj i nw <nfl.. tràek i.i mr'...î fCon. ittruiction at the Lilii ti l.Trîîtting Assoî-iatiî.' grouatis, ni, l n h ie i. ,il lei.o trx wt ta .îork %\illilr,tnfîrt for maril tr IK.ast y..t the r ik jîrîîgntsen raplîli>'. A gang ofi, in t engeti digging diclwmta dmaiir tiri landî anti wlîerîtilheir ta* id r, liai utMile iiîiiiltV aili b..etcurî i ina- lleiing thei.track. Ioff,.s of the asajtînassert tbut ifn nnae lo ieslureii tIitrain n0, il. i.-îv track witliin a ft'w weks anitli- r rire aîixion, ta) get k coMplte. Cantraîtar Chaail,i, wrn lîinlain noa' bing biltand for nuhi ta furteen car landà% oi iuîber i;t,--riî tnthe grni will have tbisla it il tiiwork done betuire the track if-iI. . i r n at li thelaast ai iiàsweek i]ir.. structuret4 wiii lie fra,îîed. The inr P î i 3ers are dînilsled antid d rîrît .lrp"iiug nI." tciii!th,-e itot i'rkn b.jlî îr at 1leesi un MIl le b.. ti;li., rrg 'ixloti are îa)m irneedt. W4lile ati rst a @teni grandiil (audau iaontu'iijlated wtia Clipa. t if of ,00 peatîle it in not lîrîiil.aa tcli larger an. wil lie pet Iliii rritiir)dately, andl whiîb miiinot hase un *sîial in the Weo. i'th tiraitlIna tiiijtîlw ilireelotr met in Chicaglo Thumdiîy andlin a few daym their deterinIiiîîin iilIlibe annaumniei. Ail of tho ,,îîî)ntruitlaon work about the grount- titilstii the euhtantiaiity qt.,pr,,i m inte under way. and nîasI» w iig spared ta place the new te '0 heti..front rank. Contractor C n~Ii,. a nian of practically expq sinithie horm. businemsuatiwho vi.iteui and lied mach ta do wîtb of taheiii ourse. in the grand circuit darem tihe.Liberty. ville tra4-k wlU ~aî m îiitliing lu A.mer ai WÂNT $U~ DAIA4iES. Two Oraysiak4- 1$. Mtais1 Attorame suy , atn suit Affainst Waauhfen Ci ty. CLAIM ILLEGALADNÈE5'. 4lifk4cirsTyron nul Erickoon îîl tlî lia Ukeîn poîli-e i, cIna>' bave gaten tltiet 'ito m iii eu, itrouble, if tihe cdaiim ofaWalter l,ak andi Georg Jamîes, îoî Grayîuliîk, f<d favor ini the opinion oif tlîe clurt-. Thi.. fflerîs in iîerrnarrmited De.,a anti JaniuîîWedneelivai leskt week, charging tlîeîîî mri, atteunpuîuîg ta "ýpeint flic. toîru reil , r iuotheýr w unI that thî.y Wi're rntolcated aînd disarderît-. The' niai ,ers lotiget in tu.. cit>' lacknp anti Tluir-lay amorning tineti $3 anti Conte caei. Fritiav Beek antiJ nii mes tatainet Orviî anti Etice uand m rîr-m teti theriiti, start suit againii th.-ii t>' for the mu oI #2000(x) for iliegal air -St.,The>' îulsrt there was nô gaad r. rton for hldiîlng thein in hall orer nîglu and tiîlut teY were sham..tul.vtreît' iJ. Dady Muet l'av 0",000. The stete suprei..court hast meek rentiered a decielon iuî1the famnous Lake county suit ai Conilit vs. Robert lied>' quetaiaing the dtecimuiiiîroaithe appî'llaue court which lad attruiei -the. deciî,ion iii the Lake count>' erurit eourt but lut the. lutigment olfli in a l. Nr. lied>'refuseti to î.aýthe $8,04y) anî carriet i t to thi.errîr. me court -iiiîl bas lad it undmr -iiirtiou for îuaîne time. This bas beert hl, harsiet fatîght tiamage suit ever tiIi n Lake ciiunty anti hecausee ortii ý-ripreme iiiiîrt's tiecision it la now tliirr<ht thiat a mettie- ment will et lest lie rr:1i1.> A number ai yeiir'. ugoPMr. tXiîdit, dickereti tra farta r-01irMr. Dati>'anti nmadie econtreet ifîr ru. sale. TIi..(leu] was close! anti Mr.l mlireusedti iipuy wbat Caudit terrir.iirýis em omtîiaioiir sevr'ral thousaîid li M.r. tiiuiit recarîletihie laut ii Tlhen Mr. lîid v lkt n cuit ltiiin i.,tii reniiiî tire Cloud on tit..anil. local ir n t court helil thînt t1l 'r traê.t wîts lui)t raliid, thîis avarîir \Ir, Daub ?Nir. Cîintiltapp.eled otir , * ppeliitp %. r't and it heu!tInt il e. i riît ea r1.ýý ou tht prop..rty. TIen Condit xst iieu $ t20,000 daniagî.s in the. circuit cou rt . ir.ady appeu lei ta tieeppeilate couirt, it wae sent lruîk for trialandilit las lustinitilitigation ever slaeîingon trial tn0e ierit eîitrt tIre. dffrnt tinîcu. Ne*e Postage Stempa. Poatsaetrs have "sl jofficiaI nattIMUon that a ne t serin of postage ett.la tbe ie nsuei A prit 21 b>' tIc SOV meuIt commeioatlve ai thi. ýavà dsMoahtiaus and f6.' W b. ~Ij~br leMai 1. Tiioaie cent FL .E SEEP "LAKE VILLA. SEE UT IN OUR SHOW WUND( Five %lutn» Placte.ànd 01.1 Lissa ber ahede Barn. Loua la Over S25,000. S'rAR'r8IN ISALOON. -- A iliqistroim s trp.' hliniîg ito arigin in Chm.Fetiriiiagi*s ualan vimited Lake Villa Modlaliy niglit, lurning ta the rgraund i tri ai t4i.priîiilul bu..ine.i pblaie. aibo leirîgsan uabandoneti landtier -'lied uffll or late yearmiaM n staliele. 1).. Mugîîr«. stale building wai; Ibadi> cînei rîan nl>' avet ailter a liard tiglt, anîd a rsdn near the burueil îuîilifig etarteil iierrni rn andti wns a oten pult ont. . .. fowling .uferm the nil <t scerp lom, i, ls toandîîîiilt«krepreeenting over $118i>aild] îlt îiîig as ave<l. B1-n gShraniîîis liîînbewr 81101, <Ixtîrpn 1anti buildiing aîuLm %%>ipl lout Ilv liii fame.. J. J. Mcaî,î, alîon lî,ated in 1I. gugatr's building aiea carne wihin flath of the dame«. Another maloon, Chaa. Faîrman's, and wber.. the dre starieti, wliich ln llkewlse loeated in 1111eofiMr Sugars buildingm, lia, l,irned tII tle graund. Truniai's iiat iijaîket lu H. Patter'. building im a a onîiîlî'të nîiî, ithing being saveti. Saule large mlîedm fîîrinerly u.îe tii huusc iiim ber btntfailate occupieti am a stable. burned turiauiy and ini a few manienta Irain time îof starting acre lbut a onolderiiig iîeap. A stf wind wa*lbiowingand al effarte ta sta>' the spreadlng dames w..re unavailing. The. lire simply burned t ilef olut. Camning am it do... juet ag the summer seniion i. afiening anti wben ail la ativity in tiI' popular r..sort the dlamage l5e ven greatî-r anti bîaineme men eflecteti say the tire coî,id nîti have a.e'urred et Iltiore iniopportun-- tune for the in CARRIERS~' iIUTSCIITÂILED. Rural Route Mien L.oe Oppor- tunht>' to Adi tu Their Menster Incomem. DORS NOT SERM RIOHT. An egreenient was reactietiManda>' b> tihe confèreea having charge of the.. postal appropriation 1bill eantainiug a pro- visioan r.-ating ta ilhe privileges <il ,iarryitig mercluundiis anti newmpapers huIt en]amed liv rural fre.. teliver>' carrier.TIie senate o uler.... rëeedeti frir iiiilîir positionianti accepte th ie hjou,.- praposition. The. agreement, af ,îîr.îe. will b.. ratillî'd h>' bath bouss andi wlien t lieurn..,a lue wil preveut tlie rarrieril ala ling tiewspapom rs eiting as agente fuir busineslion»s,, buit thoy,> mat- carry merclandise 4~t tîte reslueit of patrons living along their routes. This provision as fi will iii- pinceti Ilponthefic tatute Iioaks. iias **(n andîl ater July 1. I19<14, letter c-arrier. of tlie rural irpe.deliver>' service @hiall reeume a saler>' udt exuseding $720 per annutu anti no ither oir further alloaence or .,alar>' shah îie matie ta sai carrierm. "')u anti afttr saitidate smai arrierm sluall it ilit business iir receive iîrderm fi any kitiilfar an>' perwin, firiii or ,lorporat ii anti shall iat (iiring their liaurs iif erîîla3'ment carry any mrer- hantise ifor lire. "That seul carrier.sn e>'carry mer. chenitietfor lire for anti upon requsst of patrons rositiing upon thelr respective ratutes mhenever the saine shahl not luterfere with thie proper tilsbarge of their atfieial duties anti under mach regulatiaru, as the postrnaster enerel May lr'cie Wlîen yoair,îfiect anti reeliget tlit eech carrier bas ta keep two hormes anti lit-e an the mneeger saler>' ai $720 par yeer tlîe curtailing tif their privilegesl in sncb a wej' as to preeînde their mekiug an IIuane.t penny occassionall>' antintathes sarnie tune favrrpfatrons eang their routes, fscein harîili>'juat anti fair. Commissions uow earned froin pnb- lishers oi pepers are an important itemi witb the carrier. enti w..eau mes fa goal reasilufuir taking train tlîem tlîis mejnus iof revenue. Grant 20 Yeur Franchise. TIio. pecilul rnimrîitte'ofiiSapsîrv leur. i.t îmî'ek lîianle l i repaxrt reative tii grîîttiug af franchime ta the..Chliagi Teleputue Cîmlpauy anîîl beitîr. the Boiardl idîoîîrntiîinatter a-as viteti tirlat. Those tavoring the coiminitteesm nriri Vîre: ireiiam, H untingtan, l-iiretiberger, Miller, Meyer, Quentin, Stepiiens, Willlîte. Agàinst adaptlng repart: Adeins, Etiwanlc, tuus, Laitue>, Woolle.' The franchise pasmstif;s a twuui>'y yar tlanket fraenchilse iovering ail oi thie laite shiore towniqinclnding-We.t I).erdield ain! the tA gui, oftuba, tirant anti Antiochi. liiretumu fîr tîe neasure, the county la ta have fit-e atiditional 'phones in the court bouse; roant>' officIèesme>' talk snywhere on coanty-busines e i.>'wlm lnclutitig an>' tal Hues that ina>' le lnostellrulheveaiter; e ic iiveru i suifs uifttoiir liIi ir11l", friaiti IIr pulié k'phio1muii. îîulî iy lîîsilue o<f chaLrge; addil.lanai to the six irse planes in tim. cauiu bildilaif others nia>' h 9us1ca 5 p« et aIrsdua#o. A heautiful "easy" rocker in Sp)aîri'.hni Skin. the body. They're ail the go and -,-t \rywhere for- $18.00. To introduce them we it a price for a shlort time offly of. . ..... 15-00 Jiist corne lu anti examîine-'t- You want one; so does youî- wife WBa LibertyvilIq M. ,,,HEATH Furniture and Undiertaking e - llinoia Pltt.sburg Perfect Fence, thre lit t ice of theni ail, for sale in M. =Z Libertyville, Ilinois jW..k ..,.esses For*Sprinqg Me lia ve a goîuul rsirilil I yi liantî, or by Ieaving yolîr oîîlr n'rti w raii make to order for eariydiey ativ kixî<i you desfire. farmers! It's tirne tio> îreprltehfur S1ut; tg wtrk. Order now. CHAS. KAISER Horse Furnishing GoodsI 6Libertyville, - Illinois TELEPHONE 61 F. D. SCHIIMDT Picture Frames Window and Door Screens Rubber Tire Repair- ing a Specialty Ail Kinds of Wagon Work a nu: b:- chi el: LibertüviIe 111. BOYER SEEDS m j:Ti-otlyClover, Millet, -Hungar!an, Reci Top.à Blue Grass ANa ALL aINS aOr Field & Lawn Grass So îscca corn and O4' k-s. Ss.I iat k,.obis Prk«Ioap - CHIARLES STEMffl4,> Atrrs.JrLotit You can buy Barbed Wlre Poluitry N, 1 ii ~- -,- --1n !1 1* - Vi .cap-r of -No. 30, h 4 rTh 2Oth Century Cash Store b buuctIs of the Iolbwla m F. Mager Bot end S eCo. Edwards-Staawood Shoe Co*. M. 1). Wds CO. LAdln Mmd bWsn Mmd 1*1w SR%,mi I aiceut.aMd hneulm.bueinamui.éUm hd I ~MWâ. sle*W"am w mdiGsk s. mir. row L W. PARIIIJRST .Ioust AT là RACE TRÀCK.1 C, IL IL ti d a d VI 0 0,1 01 in 1 . 1 - .. .

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