wu- f e c LIr IERTYVILLI iNou~ ER. s S0~I.lED. T 1@WWS< 4V' Z 401101 lie. M osktt , S Hu4mlat lat rm.ay for a vieiL ~~ An ofim.d"n lova. of Clîlcgo, i.ited witb Meus..à"lA&id Rodge yere Wnuke 9oe.r Snday. gan viitoru os S.nday laat. of ayslake, vslted Tiei a1U l.Aîd Sociv met witli Mm. place vr sunday. C. R2. hama Wesneday. Btfor tae Mytl Workers Mm. F&R Andwmao entertalaed a Aet sanouneeenft .000. echoolmatS .UV"raday. reue*l. ate., 01 WancM a etaiug a lir. ant m .mOco.fliatdu e ve me witb er smter, Mm. .C. Leitilton visto«tu orsf tii. mel. Fod Rodge bh hm trom New York os a Org&&ai Chucgo, id .taying vlst tisbubrotiier. Juo. Hadge sud brotiiera, Jake and Martin for famlly. Orant Coudrey. of lrfeuîwood, in a buiepen inîttis . uclity report tii. tci lcI uusiy al thsiro asrm, oviug t *leV""e vnter. josVs.ey, Me Pajue.assistant la tii. ersâmer] veut tuEligin on business MâobdAý ofitLis . eek. Albed mns.. a former realdet i tuse tOVU. noow (AWoom n evit is brotbers. lo. éaid Juduon Arnmm m.e. Payne tuuluka be bwu more than hmsearoof01sicinec. trse.memiestuof hi. gamity Ibing il at present wnltsug. IL M.Smiish aceompanipd 1lu' bIde daugbter, ]dise Peuri made a bufem Is t* lthe i.cnuntysMat Iet Saturday. f. Hawkins who wbasben ataylag WM< UI Liriyvilll. itLive..durlug tise1 wMoir bas mturuad tus ber entamerq suumm n tais place xw Ijtre, eWorkers viii gve an totammkemt IMaY 1U laWooduest Rail,1 YlinbS, adsebin.ta Wil b. servad Kt eaud6!ou or tihe preurant. is Painai. e c okeiir, vas s ~ai aU inlaIvaibo. sweatiy.1 je la90 juare t0f âge tlen sku y ai amiaTe. Mr. CmlUdeulaia l meeve a enoui", Muet ci .51.1. r tise veek, rghi u u pjle grove. of old Vermont1 wl ého. Vui.l n iisvidit,. -We âU. uu naI Wnumisar rofdogs9 gmito ova taisipring, Ibut probiiy * ayi uaay of them ill disappear1 blIM l.hetax ammr tome. &round. IWO wonder vby onlee uople anroma-1 psuito yard teir poultryvwhieotiiers aiWpsaaslid tu inn ai large aid forage1 et tbeaghbore gardent dnr.ug tii. >UIi.lpùwai oy Iile sâlaanid mud 1 istabuSto previsiPeuple fronm going ta , 114 Isparty orentertalnuent vas ybw .v .der asmblas couditiona af XeM.rsd ruade ILprubably woukl b. Oe.alag op yard. anti buruiusg Lb. m l'ul ha popular *vocation novaid Ile -embutomarodce ,of nId slsoeu, ý-seu, 'dacayed vetable, ie., "ee$m.e theatiuopmere vltb tiai We »"icea good many msigaMid bave bma .bbui*id detaeed and in momimeatimme uarly detrojati. Dotise pme oasdeg tais miachie! inuw tbey a»efilable ta proserution for it? aitL¶OF OC HENPF>T. R«Wuutiaus au Lb. deuLits f Frank 111lm, Rdopted by the lvuuluoe Myntsr Workee Lodge No. loi. Wnusaxas, lu Hi.. ail wise providence Our Beavauly Fatber bas sean fit ta remove trou. cur midgt uur f.etomeid brother, Frank M. Wagnuer, tiierefore bit *sild, That v. expre.. out beant- iahtiurrcuvst hie nntimely departur ad *00mi te km. I whicb i t baibraugbt tu, ost ldge ii cmmunity and iii. la**~; va al"ndeoir. An ext.nd dur deep IYaiPaubY tnthLb leWaved -relativ« lu t1hMa tisir bour f sorruuv. Re.oid, That a ropy uft Lsuw, re@ouu tlonab.e pread the L. .ordn, a copy sautA tu e bereaved tamiiy and An the lAbeCouutY IN5sEIENK5ENT ton publica- tion. Thi.e et Pill sold For Youag ar Olti l)a&i'e Littie Lver PlI. "oIi iY WILL HÂCLEI. Lbertyville Dn4 Store and t a.AVOLURE PIARMA<-Y. WA UCO NDA. Wrn. Tuyste on o.the gain. Frak imonuuu>d in rpuirteul rs' lM. l.Fmunuifc, wus n Werslugau vistas rmmtIly. Mms. Jas. Murrrrn i îeriling n le'. daylunChicagoi C. L. Pratt rtk -ii r.i ln ,rtb DuiKota Tueuula *v Jouesl Ha. wr.ft to i ennitaririuît 11a0. Cs'ak, Mîics., for treuttirient. -lMr. and Mr%.Frank havie Jr, werp Wanguada u=fiers linturday andi liu.day.1 K Derrl movet intu t.. (iilh.t irousec wWÎ vaWUvacaet1, ir. r Iaîk'. Iuit VL. Cars lhxe iosîglit u.tiw J. COOMMMUyl arsu tir. Corsiweill aiii Ute &el. R.Rejuolt a plao.. »MUY Rate. pent a !ew day. ut licr olwu'aMm. HC. Payne, utof rui1 x VU bosa îm in j wth ueal Î Msahdy urnîng, Apil 25., ut eî', oýwthis place-tii.1. A. cale. *Um lAng ailvint.? isut wus à 4tu ha, bud 111Y a fev tiaja sut in. The. lassea à tiq h eLsM . .eber u, 17;e latermussiAi evisitai aritiih borue of bis un-'le, R iCoudrey. Mir. iloyt, Llbertvville, Apeut StÙrd"y 3at the 'home ut li in uiter, tMme.R. R. aDoolittke. Mie 1illilsoAynérler bain been quit. il] adnrlng tihe paot veek but ln gradually iaprovlng. Missi Heiea Dawsncame ont fronithei 1cety Saturdsy An spenid s tew wekorit fthe, hom ci C. A. Ailisaki. The prerailing color lu tii. wnrmi plaies qf rtOur lava. i. greeu. flnally rauch ta the 1delIgt 0f the. ovuereof lin.la wnu. Amoug thie ebicago viniton. of lut. va., C. H. Siiaran d danglter. Mm M> ILPopp. Willii. Knlgge.Witt Kuigg" and rOtIrm. Mise laienn. Latbrop wha ln attend- Ürg sebtiol at Ravensvood i.a ps'udiug a fw day. at basse wlthli er mother and brother. Mir. B. Broadli.ad and feiuîily. of Rouellaud. aam upending the. vek 1 t the. bonne of hie paretits, tMr. and Mmr Boadbeaa Mri. and Mm Win. Knigge Br.,tlare for tarir giiemutii presrent week Mir. and Mm Jui. Roder, smo Mr. Nrlauuu and fasily, ail 01 Cicgo. Arthur Burghoru, of Chieago; F. C. Crouhite. of IlaloitL i. Doolittie and J. B. Tiorna, of Wankqaa, Npent Suaday at theïr respective bonie.. B1ey. A. W. Depew vili 1111 the. pulpit st the Aurtb &nday. tir. Depew le a candidat. for tai. pastorate and It i. iiopad ail VU bu on hband tAbear bbu. Robt, Nikoly, of leithton,hbiad a number of improvernentsa ae arouad isi hom. tihe pont veai The von wae don. by aur euterprlisng coutracture, Memrm W. Portsonus and J. Kuigg. fWillie Ka uW wuo basm a i hoi ge aie Wasicoo.a for noineime ptit liai opetred a barber sbop lu tuem village. Hie hm Otltedup tie rooni lu a very taaâty nuanner and ln eqnipped vith Pvery facility fora llret claneeîiop. (live hlm a csaid b. cnvincad of bi. nbility, RhiMW$ D eptaTablet. gir e in. medun Oqla."nid pertnanently cure d.,9pia.indwgetion and ail .Antnac andbowl toubes. Somd by Wusa j àEI&atv, LIbertyvIlle Drng Store aud ai 10AgeÂAbaE PBI.MACY. EVERETT. Mdise Ketlryn Nolan aPont WM.tietiuy Mimas Mary eand Ella havesrn are ejaying Lliiir epring vutatior. Idr.anid tirs,. Julsu ierulann îiuited fieudu in <llenview on Tuéuetiuy. MdissesMatia anti Asnie (Ar.iu. uof Cbicago, are viAiiug at Zlesuanes. The EverfLi echool lbell Arisor Day exorise.anti planteti an elsu trpe.ou lait Frlday. The lumber fuor the em-tion o! au elegant lions. anti bara la on the gronad recently purcbaaed frururitRiclard Kennedy tuy Chicago partie.. A Thoughtluf Man. Md. M. Austin, ni Wiuchentà.r, Iud.. mnev viat tu do lu Lb. bour (if ne.d. Hi. vifs bai se ncbninunsual caaeof st.omucb aid liver trouble, pbyalie combi utit b.lp ber. IH. ubougrt of and triai Dr. King'@ Nev Lule Pilisanad eb o t relief ai oieS and vaifllnally cne. Only 25 centsant F.S. I.oTzLL, Libeprtyvillu; Gaàvst.AarPRARXetCv. DIAMOND LAKE. Tl iarinuond Laie Cenietery . tenu. tirsu vililult i t. next meeting vitis Mm. Wm. iturise, <ru Tburetiay Mtuy 5, at 2 p. nir. MIii ruemr 5.liftal i topt pr.a.rit. Ilënîry Glai., turmn-.lyuof Diuasnosd Laike, aid Iatterly of Ivuabo.., bas paeat Lubic final rewarti. H. ant ini eged wifa bave for mauîy jean' sens sufferere aiti.astbmî.Maytine bt bave teen eutirply lbei1i,e ad vittu nôos,.,ta rare Iontit. tMr. 0<aIne.iii b. resnsis.ei b ailtiea '1<1.r rpmi.ln-ts of hianon4 La*e Who ku..w Ilin luisi earlier day. a s osguod éutisn, kSlnd nalglilKuo r>!.empeeted l'ly ,lId and youslg. H.evas gae.l'ons anti kirut lieartet.lglving libsrally tAn L ier u'îlxrt of orur ubureii ai log aisb vsu rable,. lie maxthe ivi,lllag'rlfiarkenrtiu fus ira gmt rany rears anti un. ut tbe fint lierrurur,., L is ël. boe.. lkses Houey and Tar i. a d4Wlglttul r.ncldy for uougba, colo., lgnppe croupu, wloi.rpng rongIs euonaat coesptiou. Mt.-Irom Lb. be.t iovr 1bouey udtarry dislatitons.It l laxative, Annie aid trengilian l1m.Sit Madit curm. ami ouhcure. bld b>' WsL Hiez Ltbel e s %' toe and ai «miv.. l--um Brookinsain qua$.4A wI * laieW.ian m IIwith brmtutl. o ç!, tuais lut -W"*, Chi..o& it. sNuidd a aMr towl abtek ta admsse.Ape à&S Mr. W-du"am.bau lises mtiagon ii mis. mm u ridley, 0f Chhsoj u .st t @ndaý, witli ber gauta besm mm. Tolly tua rletl W erdaaghtse, Mmre.Evemt mmo, titis wet. Mss. J. P. Riwttble Iabues va"q inI Witt. oryuiplela for .MMa". F. U. BaRman, tfou OM.Ola, ovaI i viniting [Li.sl.tr aid'hity bais Mm a. Maonnot assalta hie nn, EvretiVanasos a *I. Mir. Mlinong utertasaed àhmaiWsen and Erafet Oettlag, of (alage ,day. Mie .Ufliau Pandy ipeta berhvdar wlth ber axint ai Long Or. ta"s vs. Mir. and Mrs. Umubdemaieka5diblldmm vWsted rlatives at Itaurra satwday and Sonday. ffemchbrger Bru&. sbipped a car huai of stock lu Chicago miarkets l'riday, April 22. Miss Jeeaie aun(l Hanv Mlitchi.ll vilte tlsair aunt Mm .J. T. Mauon at Wau- kegai tua week. 1Mm EverPLL, of Hilghland Park, will qpek tu tii.. clildrenetat3p ni. Suiday at the W~Idsîsn Hall. M"r-.L.ipu. andl duwghter Lillilan. ol Theling. vi4niIMn.. t...u<îsulsand daughter Ada Tliurdny. ier. tMr. S. inidt, o ut og limoe., wili speak inu teriiasSuaday eveniig nt M 1). nm. ln thi.Woodisen Hall. Rer. Mr.Koteuprebed aeryiuterest- iug lareveli seruiositu a large tmin gregaotianat Suuday nigbt. Rev. Koten'e farvseil e.rson vue largely attended Sunday ovealn. Mr. Rujuq, front Ubifaole b is sunisor. Mir. and^ Mm. J. Ricard. olebmated Lhir blrtbdaye Sunday witis a famiil reunion. Their cludran venu ail prenat but tàeireuet son. Mms. S. L. Tripp, of Lbetyville; Mm. W. L...Bittebungu. of (ileuview and A. EC. Itiebard, viii, Ul fanili..were t4e.. Mm .J. Richardâ was une of the. iret white ebldmn ,bort, lu Lai. County. Tii. rard party given lai veat by Lii. Royal Relghsiire vas a dded .uNmm T71e prim e re won by Chas. Agnbt aid Nelda Meer. vble liat meb-i berger and Mm. Anguêi Bolet carread off Lb. consolation pela... Everjo.. enjoyed tiienselve. aid Il vas dedided that anotiier crn paty vil bu givui April 310 lu Stanley Fot'. Hall at Hall Day. Everyone in cordlally lnvited. There will le a Sunday nbool rally. Ma lintLb.Woodeu Hal. Neigbbor- iug Snday senooli% and Lb. general public are cordially invited, tise ot- caaîou being auuiveri.ary of our Suiay sebool. Speakere at Lbe a1traoon oeasioa wilIluhe: 1ev. lyas., 1:15; fiev. Quayle. 1:30; Bev. Iobluson, '2«); Mm. Vail, 41)0; Rev. Pfaiqtiebl, 4:30. Speaker. at tb. eveuif smon arm: Bey, lyas, 7:30>; 11ev. Scbmidt, 5.00; Bey. Altmanu,8:30 About Suoase. linUCOM in lie la largely a mater of good hIseLu. If jon neyer have aiy ache or pains, un ify ou neyer geL Liai tired feeling jon vîl noct b. lntere.ted la rsdiig this item. Bt, Il ynliii "ont of sorts," *'bne" aid at imie., &JI1 petered ont" v. winb An advisa yon iliat our drunint hmba emd tisa ageir! for thi e of auseduie tisai bu neter beau inovu n lau An eston' the. eoeiy, visuand vigov vicA b.. lougptés euoei mml u Mn A d ouai. IL in knovu asnRatio TouleLaxative gyrnp a pleast liqui seedienea i on. tatortnly cures - Iloaess. indWigon, Ai isadmaes ad'ail diomeacaad dliuetly or lndbe*tly> custpatio. Try lt bu e an'not bflup ta.themark." fIC, ScMad 01.00 bot"es ld by P. R. LovaL Ubertyvilip. John Richarduos. ~on th iseuli Iit. Misa@lClarnmeCUf£oty la vleting Irienda in Ivaibo. Boarn, ta tir. aid Mm. AbertillIer, a daught.r Snday eveiag. Mie. tua Leutan, ci Elgia; Jobn Worts and wvléeAid WiII Mon@onierj au> vil., ut Cissgo ataum tise fanerai of themr mother, Mirs. Warte. Mro. Theo. Wangs died aitlier baoas suuday slteninon of p»uanoia, aitishe Nie of eveuty yjasai8e wua agond aid klad nelguior, a lovlag vif. sais mother. slmr hae. b4suiiad aim eiglt nhluren ta moulu ber tina. 'lb faneraI wai beld frmn, b.Velu cailiowi ebulrcli, Tuenday aioring, Api..Bath, ut tic1enr, olelais. Ie. Mary KaPPle, tsulte niC. Huion, died et ber home lingli luit Fritiay etbur au illuesaoutonly'a vesiai Lb. age of sissn jeam ,thle disus being jenltanitl ii. v was a greai sunt-rer aid reaiillatise mi laaee Lbiii wold for tis e rantifai laid beload. f4b vlabeti Jmansoul>! conas.a!tait. lier andi wai naauy ta go whr. ber tath«r uand mother vere vaitlng te velu- br. »W e asfovet] by ailber t-) mouurn isir be.. Fun"ral asbel>! i lu lin lait 1Mnday slterwoo ai ýtise NIl. F.,-ib urclu. C.O(. RaiSai>!dagter Rixe, frusmu be.attendaitue foei. ,Tisa iealtb and f agraicesuaI sru«gU 'Mf the great pin. fore.tiam e0adffla Pineule-a nev île. p Us nevway A ne forB . dais -wf matcuI I. a I e e Au t id LÀ Rear iii supts ,Pm*ilW.qok. Weil uf thi e teaeboç. 6Wbiw.daugiter of lit a&!M ss .jWal"aoe Sbit m 03-mm by ev. H.tu4akbt 4k. htand Mr. A. Wk«e" r a e.seri Weli li» on twi Boiay eeniuig, April 24, Austin SdiaaiWA Vs.pW-satky anrrled by a nwas igo i fWfriends. iL belugIse 111h blrtidby. Ib. evesiag wvas aanl pingpMmil sd pn)rugmeve ecKhre. At hi hula ileln1aele.and MissReglua Wa.gner,alter wbieb -a grand supper vas uMI V!.Alter esîpper dancIng vas ardM &s M inlutise wee niaI boum of thé. monugai&l dparted vhablug Austin aany moue bap>py irtiidays. Tou eaot eure Pile. by extpruai *m. <oaMaitzaiîluinPut up lu a eol1~.b tubse Nvitlî nouai., and le ajibd arboe r iost ier.ded. MaiZafi thp e ti. xaa ..tliee, ceool.and cures. rDing Stor, sae Jsse.K us i Nk-k Pott . in ' , <ltiir un lueinee. lait Frlla.v. (I. Sturm I eae.,xting Ernesut Vues wiîh bi@s prlag vonk. H. IJrde. a W cr i .-uuirug <loiseat his bonne th* a vîc. Quite a nuIrrin tlhla vi.iuity are vitlnt. cf gripp nt premnt. Mm. LSap ad(Cura éiLer, of Prairie Vlev, ver, callere lie' Sturday. Fred Piller, ot Pari Riidgv. visiteul viii Lilas, Bt.unpie n f.v days lant week. Mr. Smitth, 0f Huit Day, lzaled hiay for Stevs Keller la...î we.i Tlumdday sud Fridayv. M. Umbdant>uk and îamily vited wiii relative. andfierndm i la Laaven Sanday. Tb@ Long GCmve (r..aunéry Assoiation v.11 hou isa annuiel Meeting Monday nioralug, May 2. Piaas.la cntains ail tha aitinepi ad boing properties outhei jl. Thinl no more, lxii or abraixo suin th"ai PIexalve vill not crem. For buriand et. and ais auDlY aie. Pin""al inatii. lest ..lve in tii.world. Sold bj <su.. ACXKLwY Liberyville Deug Stoi" aid at OKAisi uu PsUIMuCTc. Ernia ljnbtientuS*and Eddie Tonne hava en rolled uas beginuerw. Rip, zils, rip-. sp, rab! S-hultz eu.boul. Sehultu uh), bhllisrabh! Ha! 9 ld joui g't vour tisaciere Ltag, faun? Oui mnttor 'làe.srn tothink andi t'hlin We n<u lune. tvent.V.tunee Pupile eiiroflaed. Tb large nmber of littie fl» aboya proapu.tu of a iOaa future. Rutylu Oies îuud Wfflle ierle are doiug exelleut work foi bhomi. indj. Willle Khepper has#îommeneed horne etudy lu aritbmotic. Are taonnoct othera vho vonld lii. tu do thea sanie? Thse pupils have bais naing aspaclal etedy:oftiserrayiall ustlgprU*mMpaly its habits, structure, Umo i lving and ite grevt eay tlain lugepacularty arlapted tu fts u.eds. IL ,nay apluar tusbe a eerj insigniicaut aubjeet, but it becasue. quit. interffutiug viien tnlly developed. Bu'. Rouey ansi Ter yul provient or euhpseunonla. Il vi# atterly de.Lroj tise perms.of ii.dismée. k se mai eoly efflela'ot i'.evnry tfo e Iioaniation, itoms a iii exhs.d lgeongh aid ex u00 inliioneaigui. it ëOld byWrlLIL4CLEv, 4briy- l)rng ltas. ad Mai OtAXS WARRENTON IGROVE. 1 John ticCinu vlwited bis parents huit Miss Margit rderain wnsa Wwu kigas visitosr onTe.day. matlsev Adtnuo biaihseen worklng for B. i[Cusun i.njAnv working for Jas. fit larunîoru-d ttire. Lainbmit bue renteilieër fat.sudidln maya 10t Ubsrtyvf lp. Sllatie ftisjuatism Csred. ,1 bave leeu saWeci tueiatie ibuaa- tim ur mrw, uaE. IR. Waiuiso, o! 3Ili" ur tinlova. "Idy JO"nt Vmw M tlfanti mm. B aApain an> dfuefdori. M bai onld cra vb.ah*tnightsaiduap. IsdCbbt' l'.Pai Ii. and ha" bonss tborongiily ersa.Bave bot b"d a pain or sels.fron Lb. ltrouble laoraaay sposuie. 1It inu omirya mnat voeder. fi lWiliet." FIormsisby F. B. LovUL, Rd. (Jrahani vietted I Cbfago rretlj. Henry litoft.-n a a Lae Villa csnller maturday. lieu. John Mtratton vinlteilierulaughter hem' r.cently. Pe«"ral C'bî.ag peuple ayant Sunduay ai Water Wlite'a. R. illiluet visie>!frionda et RFut Fax Li. Tutmdoi. Le. Olierto!fG.UeLaie, liai bren vorkfng for W. HI~.r lie. litebeil6$6»wdalàafuneoff " >!la a ~ b4usl Fraunk tIaliger wa ntransirn Crusg vwstor seturday. Carl Soran*on and fnnily vielteul Eait Foi Laie f riends 14lunday. Scbooleouienceel oun Aprillm1tl1. tl Mis ell.1e Caine am instrurtur. Mm. Frank- CalAgessand dauglt-rs vleltad ber parents aven Suuday. lir. Walter Atvell andi daugliter Nelie ver. Grayelake viaitars Tbnrsday. William Sim», of McHenry, vimited viii Mm. William Nelson and lamily Snnday. Thse tarmere are bImy rying la get their s.ediug doue wbeni.ver Lhe weathen permt.. Uri. AI lisuenreturued An McHlenry Slsnday,eveang atersapeadlng ua roupie of veelta witb ber grsuidmothor. Mmr. Bertha shreder aM« mime@ and mou viitsd ber grandmotler, Mrs. Wnu. Nelaon also ber mdater Dora at tbfi plae 8unday. seientlto announçe thiat Brlght'os diesams, diahete, rystitimand every fon, of klduey and urinary trouble am. well am* n.unatbMa, luni lmagoand sualia alectiound do no& and omtafleigttlanthie gree inelueuit.The. iery air la an Wijtbeuingandtnvigorating breatb frointthe. pie.. PInule. bring b"QltoA your bomi. and are a neyer falllng cure for ail tii.aboya5 tocble. -Subi by WmL Rsoe;:cv, UàbertyvulI. Ding Store Rom DL&"E. A. M. Wbite bas moved to Chirago). Mm .Lnby in vlslting lier parenta lu MIilwaukee. Mm. James wment t4) Lak-eFournt Wednesdfty. MAlx Tweed, of ingleeil.., ep.mt W44dnom- day Iu Round Lake. -pe ovre -ièlaCarlond of flne boresfroniChrago tua week. .Mr, and Mrs. Batimann bte. returned boni a, visit with reintiven at Foret Amaiin'u dan.. next Seturday nigla promime. Anb. largeIy attended and eveurthiug wyul bu doue to xAve thome wbo attend àgood ime. Thi. uewly arganimed Round Lake lbase benl ti a d ti irafet practice gain. lust gunday and ebowed gret enthnslam. Mont of thle memilera naver aaw a bae bail betore, but what tliey lacit in »elonce they Mate np lu Drve.. Tii. "blue" moet otten reauit front Indigouton, wbich in bronght on by eoipation or a torpid!llver. Taie Amer aMd atbedtii - WwUi er Bil dl.order of tii. utomacb and lver aid tet19Jiebges ii as Fôr al*.. eu 1 60c6. a ieIetCM. B go»Ilb Davis, E. W.~ai~taglatisJohn Boy- .4à*Rtteiie, fil. paillai matreet eè*lo. Thmr la big momn. apleIle this year. ~ia1~tsu-uaut of the teacier a# .lhlcsA cAi WOOD. 'hTu'. i. notli lg ii. doint ig aw ltiie Sa"v. m3»st Mid plie.. lion 0DIlle2 ROLLINeS Mise Mande Edwards la vlitlng frleuM Deari .Wîbuin@o îeSne.i~ 110 idbuma. B. Boovar raIWetion, nid frienda ai' Rlollins lait week. lir, aniM re d SheIdon ar.rejoleinglf over a ftbe baby boy. The. sny finonde of Mm. Ada MaeLonbhman er. gripved to hear of bar dasti lu Chicago. Thé famslly bave our .luoere .yalpathy. Nothieig Equal te Chamberlan* Colla.Choiera and Dsîrrho. R.eedy -for Dowal Com-. pIlin n isre., -Wa have nueed Cbnuiberluin*o Colle Choler ansd l>laérbom tl..mc<y il u ur fauily foryeniaaye Mn.. J. fi. CU)oke, tn alilofounr ehildreiî. Wé lnvp uned otiier nn..iinuefir the mpianu . iirlelse ltut nover f,îusd aiiytluine u m ltutil Cbaulherain'oi. If youu mil une IL as directed iL yl ilîvlays cure.' Foir mal@ by F. RI Lvem, ..Lihertyvill,.. EAST FOX LAKE Monday. Mm. leidla F1 Ard.. ut ofIloin... waà lien' Satuirdny. damd Alnnnig @WBIlonu1Po s et 115 for th. e auca, ahi mai BuIkley Block On Januai'y 1il'utesi-a tirAt clam Bira.e Foundry Bolier- Maker, flachinlst and Stieam Fitter Tolepluona128 Wasiugau num-41 gt une aiýyItbusanlgtiir-dayr. . aving nsy aop and utS.'. et uke- gai, lit., vlth good rim melnsi .uetio wlt.b our city tbrouglu Lise ChWicgo à )Ailvaukeeekectrie ro)ad,eÀtre lenviug lien' pvery twent.y miuta., I Metlthat I au.l in a&fait poaltion ta satiotfactonly fuusdle aiy job of repalrlng on boilere or any odwrkn lumy lin.eiluat you may se. fit An put into my banda. 1 guarantea all miy worm An be firat cia.., aid prlces reasonable. 1 ubali aieo te gladti rfur-r niels eetmmatea for Ltherususructisss andt ensetUon ut tank.,senioke ettis, lurecchi ingoa, l i m iror clurntity. W o R iëIhinlg proprletoi et the new IàbertyvRIe Té& and cotfe, Co., Who in viiit. lng aIl the, aurround. ing towna ai *11 BU rallig on Libertyville reuldents, selllng the very beet Teus, Coffres, SOUcS and Bai ng Powder, and just a littie cheaper Try my "lworld beater" COFFEE icCOFFEE It la My Speclalty. 'Twii Sae: You DOLLA>RS. FtNANCIAL' 1AI WI ÈIlV DfSLL CI Libertyville, III. &W vda r l dfàgI Vhd oww q>oM Stueco, Suit. Doma odom on inm- Cosm md C4b or UWd ~Grain&. Lbertyvolll. -Illinois 4 and 6'flt.. Nwé d"f pUO"taý*Wuem endi 1 àm q.4 Pb@ Stee and, Gaowlime Engines 1 am U hihg a Vlad ANI iwith 8à1fée whoel mmd 40 &Ws staii tower for $40.00 it don a aithai amy mliion the market viB " do. md ruw* mWied ia every way. lisa. ved beaier ut the price Li*bertgville Ileatiog & Plunibing Coý A. L ITCHPIiLD, Prep. (421) 4b1 » i.ý