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Lake County Independent, 20 May 1904, p. 8

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* ToWN005 1 AND i[VANHOL- Miss Clara M,'C4,naty i jsistilig riends in Volo. Mms.H. 1.V'l. W ýim Ns iting r,,'nds in 11elvidere. John Orgard miade a tril) to WaIo- ga last Mondaiy. Cbarley Sith, tof Wankegan, is a viator hýe, over Suaday. Mr. Branerd s' ho laa l"ill foI!>r sona. time does flot iaprove ery rapidly. James Van 1kw, !. leao , .'p.'n t Sunday wth ýi>s1 arentsa in this plus. Workmn îwem ler.' Monday putting up the. new t.leplone for 'Adant Titu.. Miss Ananrda Iidorti. of C'hicago. i.' vi.itng witlîh.r pareutsthlere a ew daym. Mr. and M rs. Thomijs Boyrentertaiticd a parti of rends ro,, (hiaag. ,ver Sunday. Misa'Verne ttal.t,),k. of Lbertyville. viited a nuinbe.r o! day,. recertly wth Henry Grabbe'. am anily. Qua.ý h,,w naiv bines5 revettly lhave 701 1 iii!, riacd that 'ît aaî .,laI ween ', tua.. tînt.of the ' var,« Il Qui te imber of! ilk shu> .'m are bhngnî r iniilk to th, fat,r nos' aiidH.C.'layn.' amiles .broadly. Miffls Myrtle and Avis Payne hlave' reau.med thir séacloolp. the f ormeir aut Fremont enter, the latter at Coverdaile. FarmcrN are bras ng eonideIaralle trouble i aiing gOOal .e.'d 'oriland w..beax 'of field" alin ssll hava . tb e replantet!. À numbner f rota, thi.. plais. attend.'d the basket social gven by the. Swain achool lait Saturday evening. Tlsy report a vm ytlasaait tine. Gentlemen, w eIw you have a lot of old ppsm and other waste matinal would't tbe aswel tobhurmitinstead o dumping it into the sta'set to blow and Ocather al ove! town?, Anlomobilesamw p"ng through heme nasny evar day now and the air surruadjg te wothyagricultiirita whro t h 1rd eil-witb skittish hotnme alimootsulphuronta The Mytfr Workerw entertaintiment on Tbersw1ay eveuing o! lat w"-l pruvet! ma dsded aaesss ini ery way. The play gaves "Ime Danger Signal" wa.. wel ,wmdmd, ail takimg part in it doing re- uawkahrwcl. TIi.wsoos giren y Misses Daiy anpewami1 Ia Hidorta wem'e " gmoud indsed. We doeflot muy it ina a bomaig spri but w tbnk thne drainate talet of the young peupîle al tWa vidnity i a credit tu the plav A Staztilna Tout. To saie a M, Dr. T. 6. Meritt. (of No. Meoopany, Pa., mnade a startling tut noulting in a wond.trful cure. lb wit.m "a patient was attacked WUth iomt bemnorages, ecaused by u1cerat4 oIf tIi somach. 1 hait efémfeud Fàtrk Biterse excllent Mr &m amaeh and liver troubles so 1pÏM@u*M tIsu. lThe patieut gainet! tram tbe frtamnd!bau ot ba>! au at- 1", lan 14 montiu." Eletmte Bitters am iiOtty uartedjLd% ~tiO417OO Only50 cets at .I.Lovmi., lhbertywvie; UL&y5LAKz Puaàcr. WAUCONDA. fort Bareley lbas movet! onto the aveU farta. Parker, o ai!kaota, in speudiaig a J.. aya heme. H. . Mainan am n Sprigfieldam am deleate tis week. E. W. Brooks was a Wlpot!stoi-L vimita.r thetiret of thbe wk. Bryan ltowson, o! Kano"s, in viiting bis mon (Iailes ot fauiily in tlais îplace. Mr. Ituikl.'y, o! Lilertyvillt,, an>! i.avyer Watte,aof Elgi.i, w.'ts' ber.'lait 4vsek. Pro!. h. C. Kent amni fanaiî moîed bem lat wei't anal aa'aupy the Batng'a bouse. J. Giolding ant! C. L. Pratt attendet! s Mneting o! the Waucorata Mming CO., Mdonday. W. W. Welcb bas bught out J. C. Prion an>! will endeavor ta gir. ais a 8rat clame met market. Mr. an>! Mm. J. . (Guy, o! Chicago, upst Saturday and Suaday with Mr. an>! Mim M. W. Hughes. Mr. an>!d"r. Myron Frans'aco, J. A. Brand, A. (iranger, W. Clough an>! M. W. Bug"e were ira Waukegan Monday in the. interant aof the Cas. (Orange etate. Marriet!. lat week, Mane Helen Oranger tai Mr.Alirritt. Contgratulations are ira air.> Tua. ba3' gave an open air --. t lic heîhrae f Mr. andîalMm. M.', utitTum.,i!iy nitglît. k . , 1art, J. Ilail, J . . ri(,eM. C'art. A uuk, E. Sensair, C. <arlanit, 0.) Wata'r 1. Mi.Claii, Ueo. ttroaty anîd ,filaer-a lft Mouaay for Sotth Daota 'sher. '-iy liv.tatera nîîm'laiîats. Dil)(l, i thle honti t! oflier Imreits. Eattiaa'n .l,Illws,rl. only aauglter t,! Mr. ami>!Mrs Wiia ..îobrimtown Sie hait! leen rery sirk %%aitI lylmtheria and! it 'sas b.1mi., wu' 'sIît!rea'omcr lut 'sas aai.îeailv taikt ta, tlait batter latici. Ti fi'l tri ans ltllMondai. Muirn.mmI mî.t, 'do ti,t live.'longear tlani eiagl I.' Imie.t 'a il> a'iai 1onger, aitdt if etài, il-eetromui'mI mithtlýl wj'iai, h.iioaut'as. lIýn mtiîattaia, the î.umîy sale id nr.im.,mIIaimletlîuîg ta> do iii tw huy a luatlc W of l~iTmnîeLaxuativte 8,yriiî, thae evrtia lut'. l'r constita. taon an>!d ut tliv.. ultWan Idt!age (('tît in 25,,(k5'>, uaî> i 4»> I,,t ti-'y.(' Y. 1B. LIÀvki îî Liuett3viii. FORT HILL. àlita.'suait'Iatu-is;.ILart of.1 lat 'seek wtbhierîparet'.t. (aaial li rai.' t iiliI utit rîai mi i,[ i foudatmai o ai tît' i >uri Mmrs. E Hogaiîî rof AM.a,, km'4ria .t. C. L. Timmt,îa.o atît! kaily t1%'î À John li.ia'nusiaaiitag tit rnt (;itt fate, .abîis'mI Iraîta BuringunI, hua. Stamfrd Ira, siiî ia ' an l'e,>of tat hops 't tm ty tLi flmti, %--k ma lus. E. Staafm>t,hlai'teîi.m'lolt,,î Vhiia'aîaîd 'sail s'îw1th.- a' )ÀuI-airmt glowei'dale farta. MiseAvis Payne bas bcoveretfraîtt *$mn"selse n lAlsbng ber terin ,of imocIet Fot B& ANB O4ETOE! LiBERTYV ILLE, ILLINOis. MOTELSIANO NETAILEUS supputà. WC DELlVER TO AODACE94T TOWND. ROCKEFELLER4. Mr. A. Rein entertained hie; son and wife, o! Chiego. over Stida.y. oea. Lad>!, of Waueonda, in the gatsmst o! J. B. Ayniley and other relatives here. Miss Mary ut.hfield, of Libertyville. wmis a recnt vittator et the bonis of ber parents. The bhent way ta keep cash et boitte la t0 keep it in circulation amommng the lionte nierrhanta. Mr. aind'Mm. George Thiatadiar airt' entertainling frieadie fronmît the .itY the. preselnt week. Mesiar. E- (LPayne and MWiII Kuigec attendet! the convention field ait Itameetas wood Tupodsay. Mr. and Mrs. C. Golding, of Viaua'onda. were viè§itors et the borne o!fFraank Thomas on Sunday laàt. The sale 010G. E. Harden's Mondaiy 'sasi largely attended and a&x4aardîug te) reports everything soIt!well. Chias. Lindeinan, of Chaicago. aIment Wednei4t!amt ltokefcller hsîking altter thii.nterestm of ias propý.rty. tiniTuieam vMm. J. Il. ('ronkliît sltarted for t3reealey, Co o.. tm it fier dangliter and Mini.astr. and iffa F. B. 81ýatdl. S4 h x cîpe te) m~lie ablimt ..everal weekii. Ail of the. reéortà stuti of toAwn cxjî'a t ta do a big busiinessûàtii'a'.inlg suilîîîer. Lýait sesian tlaey hait! a greater nu.nls'r of g u titan Cicr lacore, altl)muglî tIi.' misoni watt a'old. MriÇWalt Kraraierîand m'hildremî a4). Mm'. John Roder returnedt! ttîeir ho,îîas in Chuemigo Tueoday alterne few day.' vist st the bonts o! tIaci.- 1sreiimuMr. and Ms. Wmai.Knigge. Mm., W. L Rmeh and i.on, Donmald aveia. rsturned front Waiupaca, Wl.'.. w!aere tbey visitet! the paast week. Tliey wema accompânied by a lîrother o! Mm. llich who visitet! at'tiit-ir home Siatit ird~aand Suniday. TlaAJiwaltli andt!fragran- a nd i atr'mgtli Pineule-a nm i iaaver 'y liai îm nt raew way. A cure faorfItriglat's.mî.'am' calci, rlwaeitisimin, Iiiideagt? jun,1 .very fairini(ef urmiai-* vli'.tn n aelice. Sa I hy ii a.HàAiF' .ti lhsrts s iii. I >rig LAKE ZURICH. Mm. LA. Fiîkaisalàitaagm îume Manda3. Born taiMr. and! 'ais f'ia:k. ', ltz. a baby boy. John M'yer (A.!Himfla'.V, 'sas a v,sitamr hem ouer snrimay. Kl. iL.Prelmi amt teidtatý, tI,,sni. t t Waaikegara Tuest!ay. Frank (jieske of ltarrinigtmaîî. 'sa,,l. on business Mondny. Henry Brandirag bas reita'l tIi" Ncien property muit ta hi.. saloon. Louis (eary of Higliwooa, l, sa il sis tor heme Sun>!ay ant! Mmndaiy. John Hot!gs o! Rockefeller. waeiama pleasant callea' heme lat Frit!ay. Arthur Kirwan and! Wm. Lampîtere of Waucon>!a, weme callers heme Suut!ay. Otto Frank vent to Chicago Monday vhere ha yull risit relatives a few days. Mms. Henry Hillitan an>! twaî clihlr'î let lat veet for Qn el tendýdit it %,sitila relatives in Miaaaîbata. Erai!l Frank,. hoto)aatnttrptîime;ýr aaany ara.! Sssitza'rlanaal a caalii itlîîa ar,. etairiiet!hame ac ait 'ilum sa Frank Mayr andamiGetrga '/iatmer ,of laa)ng G(ltasooitt a lasure trip t', Chi- .mgo Saturday, rturuing Saniay. Iied t! fter home hem Tlaaimaay niglit. May 12,1 Mm. liastav Fi'al.'r. it the age, ai!52 years, aft'r aloirg lînesj. . 'ii.' ais bora in abs city 'lwalit.Sîm'ian Gerrrmny, and eaanlctt!is î'aatatry ait>, blimdinlanaî 23 y.'arm aga). Tliams'ivem iu [À%ke Zurich for the pîast six ye.arai. weare Mr. liedler t.andaied ai rmat imarket. MIte was a tlaad wutîtan and bat! a laT crais o!f riends. ((lac lave.. ba h at tamourra ber dati. You cannot cure pilesl by external application. MataZan in put up in a coDapsumble tube vith uozule, and i.. applie! hars mont uaelet!. ManZan @top the ai, othe@, cools ana>!cures. Sol>! by WtLIAZELibertyville Drug Store and! at0aAyoLàKE PuàAcy. DECHPîeLU Hart Clark ertertainemi a frini fraîn Chicagoi Suxndaiy. Miss (ieraiema Slia'riiaaai ýnt'ta î attt tI. ,',uîîîaîaiin sa'nrvi-a'Sunditat. Mr. atnd!Mm. Maiamn,iufIal Iua ,1snt S'uiada', withi Mr. and Mm. C. IB. I'iau.ton. )dm. ft)rg.'nwaanandti u'iiinm sii 's tha ler lura'îte. i aga.ex lak ast i NMrn A. I a d iîalIii.' lita la. ,Iiaiglite-r ebinta'rm' Sunayi it'tm,î 1e Ifeekituger ollletaittl. Mn. iii,i Mrs. I!awks andl daiglita'rj Idla,mf A rli>t>,ui Ha'gbjt, aisitas i wth IL M. t ait alidmIli.,îîySURdH!aa 'ilr..s. Aigrit-.'lKitasht andi mat i.iteil ailtsi aiaatis.M.- aiadMrs. Kriiesit at 'ast Mr. Kruasîu al.-uîat (Saia- day le. 11wi'C. E' ta)it i ,mnir ur ray 'r nima'eing Simmay cm t'mîag as ' fmise ad Tr'aa Arviaiit,ns >.fatt, 20: 20- 2x.IPr.I '..J I aas a il> mu»ai tht'tim'iî Ou Inn di . m,'tttt, lin >'ial'3 C'imuaga, 1liAanai ffl," i . C1. Att>' ltl.'naumt 'aill ls- li'i' I't1 rntait(! tue>! l'ridam's of pemia aaoth. 'it,' servai is- aathe l'raa,vt.a'raîitu eiarli 'sa'm aeli atta'raiK.l liatp Satl,lmitli. It sn lgai raîet saliéilay evettt,Ail are iitas. a,] ta'alsesaesltl, rso rnitig 1W.sIlw a.y anal I'rr'sill oa'.titar tul' I t miii i tteriy l.'.taý,, ti.v gmrinateuf t4,dli a'It asntaar tle îslv mtcleam in aev-ry f,,rau (if litaî iltiuiattîaatatoat, tastýies i utIi.' cihaUstasu gliîîîtsand! Iuilda up the. inascalar taselies. Cures ai cugli, croup, whtiovip- aig cougb mn>! eljlu ol>!s laone right. Tr 't. SoIt!by WelL HÀtLZV, Lberty- vlv rua tore eand at Uu.uAvs z psÂnmeÂT. LWnter Lips, Of Wbselmg wua a omI bon supd"y.î. MiWaCa" Sapb vas bomes Som wneool over Sunday. Little Clarence Busch waa on the. alck list'a few days retly. Mr@. Tully Sr., la spending a fevwseks with relatives in Chieago. Carroll Orldley, o! Clalago, @Peut Bunday wiitiith Grldley famlisa. Charles Sturnm shlpped a caiload of stock ta Chicago markets Mayr 16. 1 Mr. and Mis. Wm. Bock are reiclng9 lu the. birth of a ltte son born May 16. Miss Jefsie Mitchell bus beau teaehing1 the Dianîond Lake wihool the lait few1 weeks.i JailiC. Schrolet!r <'aldailanrafriendaitnd relatives i tlîissiiitY Saturviny and Snnday. Frant Tully amnd J. S. Gridley attendet! the. corgr.misoîia! conveition at Cliicago May 17. The 11jiionain Central rniliroatt ctI am'e5ar. îsy rliai ringtlie tal verts. atmd!bridgeas. Mms. lcrs'hberger liasl hait! ber hoaie liantlsouiely repali'rsl insiale anal wil have it paiiitedt. Choir practine wi!llie. beldi at the hoainu ail Itou lreliare pie.'...for CIildrenti lay. NIrm..Douglais Mairshll.I, o! <'la'tgo, vsiîta'ml itlî lier parent... Mr. aand Mrs. G. (ifll'. i>s laYs lit 'sL. MmnI.àis)iAt . MialairrwilaaiendtiretI. m>m't .',, mscaks mith lier dauglter, Mr@. E. A. Trilîîpmt larringtora, Kalis. mIi.,..EioattaiLfrentz, 's'io ha.'beeIl sîstîluaig tI>.' lait two weettm with ber r,'itivs ' î'..hai..returate.! tatChicaigo. 6c;ît'g.'Staiaii,, lîiaba'en serilaisly il s, ithI)i jt.'tltm,,aia ital ,'aangî.tiaaraof1 (it»r. st)i.'mam I'.imi aîîerti)r . oakyer's1 -ar'. ,'untii- ah,,m ai s 4ildintire '14oodrnai&t hall lit lqi a tm. andaadrealiug serviveil. at 730 p. ii.. c,~ SlinilaîY. Ev.'ryaara is WPli'îataeý The Sunaitmlv iiier traans. have legin rintiig ini]Ml liarrivebeia"cfront Chicaigo lit 9:2--bt. iii.anît!will leim'e hem f,,r Ci,aug,î .it 7:20 p.ri, 'Fl,.',,,ufn,,'t,<s , . li t,l ms h1,i1 %%îr 1t,1u > îgr.t t'. ha',înr ',ltIc eaMI, o l- lit, ,,, C i ta "l who.lt Nl, '1dn lit ii',l,;s.vit.io oim%'-r sudiial,a'1illyliei. "amtiiletaIi.l ini thatir lour iill. lir,-'taa,ibi km'ml (n. iii ttiliiiew pruitîs..s Ihur liai,.-1,cti mmil tillia'.t the higli.'st eil.atatimttaam f tliî' lamis.'sîif.' aina!baker. A salai a.'(o! theIi, lîr hits Isd'rin eamai net! and ,Ita'tilit l'thtuîîhuslalmî imatî ai.'s, Th 'lamut'.Ti' u.iltdo! test 'sil! lie gi scia ina th. maxt tissue ()f the 'INDEPtiENDmEN'. îles .'.. Haaaatyînd Tar i.' a deliglitf.ml :raiui, wîamai aag.pi'uînmîtia an.rd m'nonumption. Ma. fNtaii th. 'b. ,lover honey ait!trry distillations. It ilà mldly laxative. tanic ait!strengjthen- ing. Children like t an>! it curese Besft coaigh cure. Sol>! by Wmm.m. HMXIEY Libetville Drug Store at! at OmÀY&- .AKE 'SAR54ACY. A PTA KI SIC. I lai, c H lais s mm ta-l frtna'ii1'nt Lake Fol i K.Al is, ai,', (ils li 1m i'. il fim 'la. s Ub ms'. Mis s usia' Rauli1 pm la Isiîiug I tv, a ss-'e.'k eatimit at lme. Nie. au,! Nrs !j,'mrg. Ssnl', visited rcitm i liatiga liuittslua. lliît a.' loir ' bn is sltcaly mamivry. Me. api Mrs. Friank Weiiit! ara'thie hlappy,3 purantie s> a loutin'rg t.ay laiay. Fri.' iialley andîî,lyma>frienal visditet! thte Mr. iUMis.ont visite>! wttbfriands in Greyslake racs'ntly. Mma.Van Rom lias for lier guei ilîls U'siklibertitt, Mmr. Dean, of Ivanhoi.. " aAIma 105e hllt for lier gueNss over *uirday lie-r tw,, 'ousii. ront Mm. Cbars lainon was a very pIeaancaller an friemdsidnluPalatine Friday; "alsM. lB'ehiit.., ai!Highland Grove. Mis Harmoiiing u'tirncd frotalber six montha' vinit 'sith lit'rwist'r in Califitaa, Frlday, May 1:1. 5hf,' ilprta. a v.ry intarsstng tirai,. Miss Poîlmata wai vary liaiiy surprise>! y an -iiiiany a! lir ssthtial- mates reantly, lit! lie lit miei. of lier iter, Mms P. H. Mati,.'>. Mm .Laura Ka,,of l)iaintînd lAiie, visita>! wlth fritiiiiPlatlie Morday, maklug a trip tt,, imaigo ina the niean- trne. 8h..in l%ay,,saa walouie guet. Mr. Hsidimgicluis rent,'i. ii.. lakery tia Mr@. M. Kelloggi , ftrystal Lakte. Sh.' wul open lier ld e rs t t the pul. ic'r3 soon and! sers' tiieisvtlib lamaitmi,, cakes saud &Il kînîs ofl tigam jiir n l that tie.. aruaa ilct Sclitiste anrioîtim'.utniat lîrigts aiseans, iloias. "3 .titis andta>!r forts' of kidnltia" at irlmlur3' e,,,l well as rlt.,mi,îti,îmi, luiumu(magoltamel sitiilir alfectiomis do in, a iail -iiyiiit -aisat ii tii-' great p*mefor'st .'rh.' v'ry air i.. latiemi with tii euiu iuuluivigoratltlg lre'attm Iront the plates. Ili'it,',le.s ring lî,'alt h ta, yaîur bomnd rad i î neyer failliig lira' for ail theai, v.' t roublesa. 5t1>1 ly W>LL HArxt.s. l,lm'rtVVilli' lrag Sta)r.' and at (aA F S,.laitAaiA"',. 0.110k Arrest. J. A. (lailldir., , i V-'111-11. MI.til- aa twiS eina tîme li't'ilfrmt .îsnril is o! piles causimig 24 tut,,,,. Allie 'I.,. tatrs an>! ail r'uimim' ilvd. iî,k., Armicasalve Ii.kl.v irr.'t'mltIirtii' iniaination an.d ,uh'l îuîî I t ar i.8. LOVELLI,l.l't i',Cm5lSI PisAnua an, Fairb3anks Morne EL Co. PffiobIc GOSOhot F[ oS 5 ta 32 Horse Power To opeate Threshers.Sbreddera, Gr4ndern The best lune of Engines oeanufacured. For prim. cali on out agent A&PADDOCK ,Tdlephone 106 Round Lake. - II If. BAIIkSTOW MA14UFACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monument s formaer',. sstair at Lakte Zurich Sunday C m tr oko vr Miss Amtella &'boenerberger spent a few day.. with ber ister, Mms. Frank Weiand nrently. Miffl Emma &liley visite>! ler sMâter, Mm., Charles Klepper, fak!lie Zurich, a few weeks rsaertly. Alert Stabî an>! Miss Reg"n Wagner visitet! reatives at Fremnmt Certar Satairdaiy andt Suraday. Jfoathu Gldeiiwil laetmarrieal ta Mimes Bfarbiarta Link, May 24, at the Mt. Mary'.. e Bîr'l,!uffalo (irave. by 1Bey. l(oyer. Whooolng Couah. "I (lri e pring o! 1901 nay child ren bail ah.î,mtiiig congh,"taasMma. 1). W. (Jappas aiof tîts Ae. "t1tisetiCharmaerlaî's Couiflt'tttaîy witla (haeaio.tatin!aatary rflùfý.1tuit this the. hat remet!y 1 have es'ir Seer for wlioapirag cougb." Tui remaed y kaep the ca.agt loose, lemsns tii, sevrity an>! frequeniiy o! the cotigh' iîîg ilelîn an>! aountermctu any teradency toaar>! piiumonia. Foîr sale hly F. B. LaoEmLL, LitertyVille. ROLLINS. FaY Ilii miiltota eIemlit Stimiln> ai thii i .Miss Mi ty Ha.,oi. i -y dii Pr. tIjaifie iis aiattetîdanea'. larry Hike7 anadalrieaial.Mr. K~atz, weute loiliju.s isitairsSanday. lriikit 1mio airetaiffri) tits ,Iia s afa..'r titg liuii a wS, Wma. l.miîîiaa, 's'lihm bas ul M ia k tIie immt aepk, is abule ta, ha armmund. Fret! Miller wal lean wua] talme charge ao! our cwaaetery far this oeasaso. Il .Etwartls i..a deflegt M)t Si.ringhied. lle sls'mt ainda.y at ore hut retairnet! un>!ay eveiing. Miss Matiae Ealwarals l,t Wtnesdsy, May 1M !î,r an eitenid.txtur tliraugb the 's'est. lita' it»Itiids t viait Cheynne, nitaILike 'ity andil Iaaraer. Thi' AvonGarai'.ettery AhIdSoiety wilI liic.t wltha Mro. lta.se tarwood at ber home in ra ty#ate on June 2, Thuriay a! ternoon. We woai>liab gla>! ta bave a large attusadman a vshats a quilît u lis. Vimttouualvajrs v.Icome. Description Correspondence Solicited 126 Gene!ýee St. WAUKEGAN CahOve wyt. Usors -of 4 LION 0CFÇ We are to i c c marc Uiberai than'me' .'r ii ' f0 u-sc:', of Lin o'tffe>'. Not onty I,ion-Hcad., ., j.t from thZ paek-19es, ILe""mtsI.: .ioc for C.c vuluablc premlunt»w bave alwny.. gsr:. cuîr cuatoaners, bt In Addiio n to the gurFrmsPr th. sante LionHcads yl entitle youto ta e t- iii eou.Grand Pria. Ceatat, v " mû.e tome o! aur patrons rich men asud womea. Vutavat ...ay .tmac sdnr>.There yul é ____TWO CREAT ECNTESTS The first contes vlîl be ona LaeJulv 4th ttendnnco;?t the Stt. , xte Wrl),I'PFair; thc second rolatu stD 20 Vote Fur Pregiderît fa bLcuist -ov. 8, 19U. %*2 . os L. ) o ia '> jI i eutet! an cý h Ai tbess contmnu, rmakng' $40,oOO.Qo ou thte tiwo, and, lu mako t stfflmorei m inîra 'z addition bto ai amount, vs vili tv' Orand First Prize of $5 08O c (iiâW,.ndtusyor simnshaetus Pive Lion-Heads ~i~Printed blanki t» vote on found ln .'. every.Uon Coffoe Pack. age. The. 2 cent stamp ~, ~, covers the expens.'of - ~ .~is~< our acknowledgment to you that your es- i tiniate iL recorded. FýESlDENTlAL VOTE CCE'TEST It s! the ~it,'.ut,l ls lttsVote nst(,Ir P5.'sdest <v0ts .1 r r ,. .c,,.! sd, eta .-tic n iImm. s .iar l"tSa? t .i.eNetiîialt' mii, sai et P"- .r th. iSinJIOS r'.. 100.00 250 Frse 101 ' .. ...... . - 2 logtai.. ...... - 1100 Priam- E(0 ...t. O .. , 1 i . .00 ..." S2139 PEIZEZ, TC'ýAL. i8.î.. '. .r.TtL 20,000.00 FY279-P ej--42 79 D1sirbut@d 'ta thé Pulic-agproisgtx it stwbich va shaDm N§s 85, o Cirocora'îI rký(sai part iolars le L I UPCF-rt c-c-iiýi.itî- a gztni ýd*1tt.f .O. ) ~COMPLETE DETAILEU P!,k-7 ULE L-- VERY PACKAGE 0F iwosLI9N mC eFFEE WOON SPICE CO., (CONTFàP.7 DCL!'T) T1L0, OHIN w Foîr Il. F". Iltaiing, itroprietor of the new Libertyville Tea aîdi Coffee Co., who ha vioit- inkr all tlîap lurrotlnd. in gtowia ias wall .18 Icas, Collees, Spices and Bakin-g Powder, andl jiît.t ai iit c 'l va i.e Try rny 'world heater" CO.F-EE 18C COFFEE It Ii iMy Specialty. 'Twill Save You DO0L LAR S. The INDEPENDENT and the week ly INTER OCEAN bath ane year for $1.85. CALEOUN No. 14315 will niake the season at isc gtand at sanie terms as last year. Caihouri bas sired ru high priced carrnage and road hanses anîd wlîich have a( for higher priees, thau any horst> ever owîîed ln La coulfty. lie 1a also the> mire of Esther W. 2:14t; Frant 2:191; Sen. Mitchiell, p, 2:-191; Caizeil 2:12f, and xnany otI good ones. Calhounnla the sire of Mr. George Wrig] carriage team for which hehasrefustd $1,000. For furtl Information cjIl on or addrese C. A.,APPLEY, Libertyvil supt. LuAke Couuty Poor 1Arm. , 'i. il u Imported Percheron Stallion VELO Registered No. (24655> 44784 VELO i a coal blac with large stal . eft hind:foot wbite we-igbing 1925 Ibs. Foalet! May 10, 1899# bred by, Mons "ucs. departinent of Sarthe. France. He was nired by anc of thie greateut sites in Fance Besigue (19602), by lIrilliant 111 11116 (2919). by Fetîclon 2682 (38> by Brîlliant 1271 (75 5), by Brilliant 18 9 9 7 56). by Coco Il ý714>. by Vieux Chablin (713), by Coco (712), by Mignon (715). by jeanle- Blanc (739>. Dam Rigoletie (41821) by Boule d'Or (19129) by Grevin 6846 (6892>. by Lagrange 3065 (1334). by Brillant 1271 (755). by Brilliant 1899 (756). by Coco Il1(714). by Vieux Cbauln (713), by Coco (712), by Mignon (715), by lean,1eB1anc (739). VELO swilI nuike ith' e asormof 1904 at the far 3il messouth o! Liber. tyvll, t ii' nu!,raîîîiî~ l! 2i t, rîur'.Maras at a d itance pentured at reasanable te'rnis. TheTii.'Tariughlar."l Rmaîning Staijijota I>R 14' A R IîR vill aIs.. takthkei seasaîuiat tim ftrmîat fi)for the m easoiia lianson Stock Farm, E. J. Pintter, MnaÈr, PERCHERON E AR DE N 23804 ARDENT is a dark grey veigbit May 15, 1899. Bred and owned by J. (1.t 1>3 trd,iut I17901. lw LY i'uAgloni 131 (4;') ie . la>'illitit 12l711755l. lie Iy Br Il(7 11,1>, lit' 3 Vi'uix-lutiltu >7131>, lit' (71-5j, lie lby lu I' 1tî 739j. den,ît 36147 <:117>. s' >î3 Ilmlant 1271 (75- lielb , 1 1,î Il 71 1), >lw ',,sl' .l Nigaiui (717î).>.' , .,,tb 1'Ilmia :1> 21l Dtt,. ' Fatumia1 1997 (765). , l'u lia' (y lmlîliba'it i 760ii> 1 , ' l Jv i.lit 45 1 lat)' vlu. ,'ix-Chaîuil i î> >5 lw . lGas,, 71 :1>! H)a,o, S Nism u î u1J7u073)>. hit Cko', 712) la.' by Mua<mi 715>1, w .' v 1.î 4tIlii, .Verniota' 1(7072>. 1>3 t.ama by (lieni, Ie'longmng ta. M. tîoullaiy ARDIENT isilI ntake tliei.'aat mml of 190 Mondays at 0 wnr'ua Fartn; Tust!ay at Il merville; Thumdaaysi at Sywi!t's Farîîî, Lak leyle, Sorth Chicago. TEIIMS-$l.5 40 to ARDENT'S a'oltf3luia,.'wm,îat1w BluIl U Laite Caunty Fair. ait $10.00.)ta mnaure. J. H. BRADLE RONDOUT, STALLION T, J R. ngr 1800 poua. FO&kd J. l rndey of Rondout. 1145 (1>187>, h.' by Glilbert 5154 Brilliant 1411) (77M), hiliv Coco lîy Coa'o (712), lae IhyÜigno'n Maetigîiit' 1043:7 J, hl bConti. Iw) km' ,>' rilllitrit 1Iiltl(7156>, 71:1), h.'-lmy lsi j 2>.lie. Iy no Ol0> 4>. la.' 1,3l'hi] ilam'rt (4684), 17-d30), le.t' ly Favoari I (711), 12 1, leh.'ly 3Mîgiiaa (7 15 j,, lie by îla'I-r. 1 21'3 177à), lw ' u', B11 1,, Vîm'nix4'ha..lifi >7I:>. lie lby l'i. ia-",i739). l malaatgîî ta, Ni. Isirtalais, lae 1) Vii fall.,î,a: Sattrdml atnd, D>ecrlld; Wedta.'s<lays ait Ser. ae Forest; l"iiaym art 4. iart- .bai the 'Iwstt toyc'îrs >t <Je ti.kc thp 1 ,' ('ia t M'y fterm W, Own er. :15IT.y arn hd eapa Vmat M"Tiqblg~soa cut f rom Lion Coftee Package-; and a 2 cent stamp Ciîlth3!: ou (in addlition to tiieg ular f rec i)rci-tiiums) to one vote in WORLD'S L AM l DWrï'$T F ., _. , .t A' tt,' t 1 TIrat Prise ", 1 ieOond prise io 2 PIles £5001,)Il.) 8a Prison 200 Ce s 10 Pris.-- IC),)) . !00 -w0 "ai- Ml' eaj .ýl- SI." r A , ILL.

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