LIMUÇRTYVILLE, bel 'Y R 1Robet cOud lbs"aMd d*glfr,1 M ~tt Irilfiade fron Ch gvfiilelg uth-t"u m, danghter.ý ai., 'aa réeykf aromg peple &W iis. "I viiv0toris tst Caturfer la ~anho su vlcnl~ ft adit uir laoeta ligtio "dli t.~~4mchêss oitoy. wi x~wiDrck'a~ Pbillip Prfdy, Davis . he- -u lu '7 c i,% Wltb a . iis.erton Jorcs, June 29h, lu". mti ~5a matW. m'isbt6 extend Our incere thauks Sel dealra re rivug ven t otbeain" 15and al who assistelDe a foia riheir oes 1f durmg dihesekuesiasd death utf oui-' nty or t* "M>i"morheloved Son amd brothler. 1 AîL. la tland B i<V.I1 PIcul Îît Dw»nid Lk Rday The little Mignos Plagè aie 111witilî f b, i*Miie camp 161,.W .th,,emsies 41-I-A R. . Pariions 1 sàenjoyinig a two III denm.gitur Of Henry Myen, weeks' vacation. Ri y -,ldied lat friday a 70ai Funral ud isels oAntes le speîdfing s lew a Volland and Ir. daiys viaitJug a W. W. Clfrks. Suaay monmhtsrusdsd Charles Prons. qd fauily iited n Mm for newt ieu erlsd asu with R. M. PliinsSanday. hl- asit week. Wre the othîr r.Huahsn, of Waukegan, visited wassi iI or mhat masithie with hi. on Sam, a short *hile. Mn. Bu"ss eo Miss Dodge vuitî.d rt »a formier meilent of tiIs lu Deerfheld a short tile Thurliday. Wbo bas ,ecetly gduited Lincaîn pçttus -hi building a new boîuse ~ non eg, lm vtetiiig on the lot ho purchipmed of Albert th 0LHaeNu tot O toruan. CenuryPnblshug The C. 9. Topic for Suuday ivening lm "The World's (tain tlîrough, finivermal th Ps."Pialmis 46;911; lon, 2:-2-4. w ttesgtb of the bSliug Lesader, C. B. Clark. a wM thoier Weil kuo*n Tbei'ewill bc a grand Harvest Picnic rom' lnvr le te nrdkmvy il August 1 ., by Aciue Camp 17(, M. W. A. Wj Id . 41-1-d M Uhst~VllsDiutore Britally Tortursicd. ec A am e came in llgbt tutqt for peristent M aud unmervifnl torture- bas perhnps Mb" et Thon"novrer bhe neqnaledl. JoliGoloh ck, oft our frindsansd Columa, salit, .rites: "For 15 years t1> of drugthe eudurei insuffrahle pain troim Rhey' ei our bri.r sud matinal end nothlug relieved me though vauîecor. trlede orythlng knam'n. lcsmeacross il Ol5aà» itui4Ly. Eletrlc Biters "uit l's the geastme CI _______________ diine ou ortit for that troubie. A few £VKUETT. bott ies t complotely relieveitsad curedtm." Justa g for liver sud ai klduey troubles adgeeddeblity. 01 Lï&nKasedy te visttug wth Ouly 0e Mi vÎîongurate h y el t , t i*"r sumer cottfge Mike Luby bus moved into Clark'. L houge. týèîod if Chlmp visiteil lMr. James spent Wednesiday at Lnke e11161Ou Ttîur@diiy 0fles est>, AmaunuBras. wfll.give a îhinuîrevery S mal Mr, Stro B Wogt Saturday nigbt. niliiit mlth "Mn. .E'onnH. b. Couloan bms eturned from hiea visit te Wl.ouan. n, sud chilireu,01 'le Chabs Braluard madle a bîusiness trip ta Vi - br :ïm à lkeUrvardthe lors.upartof the week. M 1ula ce ick flot aitd et luies NMil am iguoS mth et Clhi- linhlmboi, bt me hpe am~aeviting with thisrpcutilli, Ms.. James MDonald has charge of the Yom Me Dwson iarber shop in the bameen-t ut Braiu- aad m storem Mose: Ml.. Claa Rancelland hrothenr d ofc Kako M mes ansd 'Milwaukee, are the glîe t ftheir suter, v sutd iathr.Mthes s.boe. ..M. Luby. vIsiaitm'lU th Carlan Mimes GracePrim of Chicago, ile ond- W uiea grand Iarvesti Pienle 'Dg a few weekm with lier grauîliar..lts, DimSmd Lakte, Monday M. and tMm-. J. Baumaî.- ;tby MmnsCamp176, M.W. A. 41.1-41 NotIce. l.aankJaums ore'n m'ind- HonesSleenmexcursion tickets on sale i boneherm an sd a largoe ver itiad lmd TuOda? of oeitmenti ta10 opMitkeYon'm bain ou Tuemday MildioU. Southu Dakota for ti.?. rougit trI6 t g;, s butII Do gu'at damagle god for sildaye..Al»o nany other pointae R~lf lu Dakota sud Mlamota aud Iowra for oe and si Dfflemab tm iwePlus tira dollars. Fe or t-ter Iforma- "17la nd xciingtionampl kt C. X. 4 B. P. ticket oeues. SDrs" titsy <W . A.i.5u15.Aint. on mlenSbde. Àlage *esl ' ore viseesl t.he is.LA , t HIgIIIOI. Frank Stanton bas a npw buggy. t YvIkbutthata a Pabrk sud y Mm. Kate Stagfer vlisdber mother thtisoter501.this week. I VieuxN§Uhtantt .Jay. John Couveras bas illveal Chicago Woel NIE anSUsy. bdandes. t.w nad M' et littie thîng Miesu MNemi lknson blas rutnued ta i Or *semedeDr. King's New'be. houle. IL isss pllechange weak- 04 mre.gtt, htimeuen iâta0 suer.11 C. Milen, of Plisaiat Prairie, Wis., m'as . latopels*powier. 1sy't s cller bore Tuesiay. ,"W iigo fu p ti hth. B. Gillart' la essiitlna hi. brother M aýbox. Bl by le.BLOvULL, Smith, wIth ie baylpg. cl etosasi*K P à Ac Mise AlieGrnaugr, 01 (jitlleg, Aw ______________ on frine itsre tbes fret of the week. LAKE ZURICH. LmeGilîbert, m'ha lWunable ta work, > Prk vilitel fiend ai alatn mas vilitllîg t Giuy.Hook's the frt lif rlruk isiist tieui t Platnsthe woek. Y' The Fart Hill Sunday sehbool m'es i. il u fuully, of Palatine, rrzdlaut Sunday. tirs Nina L.Iue Islenat Tuesday. <Ai bert ýmsflin leitd àas upedit. à-Brokfs, ol Waucond, transsactedl tendent, aisO Miss Belle Caine as ou la cier village sManday. org&ansd Mn.,Wârer Gilbert as Ia4 Mmlir.Wn. iesm taok a charlaten. UMiseunieSmithluçi2uýed p Ouano" dLakeT. d. Beot Wilknson a- wmrt and trffasuei'. ý-unday houîl begfins at igi 14 inW. Bnemhlug viietd 1('), o'là. veYon ecn Ster, Mm. I.ouie Kuisge at _.10e _.______ol Wicone &itoobale-Bill.. siWtqIMis.Henry lleip The It<ux 1 rçuI odpartinent saisi * hole ay ed t u rne out mauctioni se bills qulker, lis Va'Thurisy.botter sud as ehed as esm'hiere, anidla kbi gase betwem the Laite addition we pub laitftr#loi charge a iedâ Id"reCorners mas monhy natieof sale sud list 01f Folurty in the ala blore heing 24 tu 4. ppor, enhen bille. are p#_te by Us. ou Olensiad . Polar 'Hartlett, out eil*IPKR»SNT rsnsiu Oanplarmille ** ein plng lu oeeof Helfe m i8q ther palier la95Z epnty-it 00 sff ora couple 09 woks. s therefore tAhe st ,ueitu*topuadvertlu :,a" Mnri.. Bermas Heiter vI.iteuia al".Toi get rieuta. 1-14 tsrMiltai-, Nu.John Hlm lu a peptlwhsre -ehle hadl au -ROLLINS-. Mitr. C. Ilavis le ont for a few days. Mer bea grand Harvist Plagie Mm <> tte ook ientÀrtjiujog a k* et uini lAIte -k, Mouday, family frotte city. 0 j>4 WfAcme Camp 176, M. W. A. tksdHarEdnsme. 41.1-d 1 Wuk endHvisiton Tuesdu<v. lItaiSmith bal a flnmnst mwagoîn al souis yru iado Be'îThe Lesie. Aid Saîity met with Mms. sudTa coteas heC. Doolttleum l<ookout Wü b.i- ema eaot lugthnd les Notre; ~eles0tlpsat Uo i-aL cf CI 1 w~mhIlà 'Pli A Chi QUENTINS CORNERS. Wmn. Krueger ba@ a fine nem sony. Hennesu Junker and m'lfe gae sa ta thsuin relatives nd itnendulast8unday. SJ. F. Gainermoved ig hIe 3erGrave week. Mr, RWaeldt, of Raveusiwoo, waii etlhng on oIt fnit-nis bentabaute this "~1e copions rais Monitay made farmoe hubegsuta hpy aM i dtas reat Ob. rural route inom Pruairie Viem' sud t»ý« rahI Bwrqlsgcsurnleb ne SD. Elg anasbayaga lubalar mell put ia o 2:nls ,ol je»oqtyfss. - Weate Brai. ame doms ltawoek., AIl the Buudey mphol pieute (loo. Heletgeleltr Il 1entertalais shecbolas witb hi. tmalklng machine. (barge bas MasSin heertl aa pecic LUoN-ls T11 =m'*dsc1= 18 hput up In a oov*ap- sibla tube, m'ith noô"l, no it may lie - pliet m'ere mm ns uedd.Stops the ai iwutV aansd cures.-Soit by Wur. ll4*u.UI Llbeetyvle<Drog Store suit oaàrimÂvLAuPii.Âci., 1 D15ÎÂ QNP LAKC- Â. ocilAw bensfitof the tor oft <e l1Waond Lakte church m'iRbe beld eui twAw lam'aahioa't tltI'@ blinisFr!d. d 17Jly2%. lescresul)d cake wIi 2002rvedj. AIF are cordially iavited. Rs This Tkbsbuah. loirlt'0 aIU Tru T4e chiot causesoft'a dbsoilred di- paition are irap14 sud Iregular .eating, ---proler u iton of tbe fdm14, oveî losing the stooiacb, the usé ,, ttoomuet liquitdem'itb assse, violeat exermuse iui sdlately aftar eating, or a cold maIlai ln the shimaeh ait bowels. the lattei ls a very consinoln es, stand y-îienoin W'ho hes heciolh111r#msny of the abovi ces î ill b. plensethi learuthathRe- *o* * e s s a s *~ s. o a w q 'Sp ho ~aspent. a1tomday. fý :1Il~LuaKa@la vlni g elatiO ku £%îqo tbhti wiek. 1 Cash Maison speutundgy sud Mondat' tit ied ln'lu41m Icai c'Oka K rrle amslstlng Mii. Bnr S rodrr a tom' weekm. udm. try, of B (3qltb.< îè w iitp hl daugliter, mn. X jobs Schmoéder and.(CaréqI GridieY, Of lip, s en t B o d ay rat tb eir b o rns. M(r ud Mn.F anesd daughw rarvlla, of Deslaines, spent Suudai re. Ms. -Frank Sexaner and litti. daughter iiif spnd a few weeks with Mnr. Wm. Mr. and Mm. Ducharme,' of AlpeoiI4. fch.. wère gueste at the village Ina elitly.1 tirg. Wiukleînaii. of Cliefuga, la tho ,<est of bit. snd Mis@. Sprague for a1 aw weeks. 1 1 . .1 . Mii. Gertride Weldner entert4ilned the ises Raudail. ot Cilîlcago, dUlng th* isi week. -rOuer Stahi Ioii spnding bels vacatiOfI vith bis grand-parents, M.r. sudUri., Mmi lSaphl and ber friend, Mmi abella, et Boston, bave gune on a ailiiig trip. on Manday. £uly I1li t ') P. M. Mr. hlIey's barns woliî struck hby llgbtnin g id totajjyiuestroyed. Mir. Jueger, who lias been spending the ast fpw weeki; at the ,Oakwiod istoc~k arrn, lias repndti.Wi Joîlahlias returned from Neqw ynIt, wliere lie lbas lbeen taking a couire nstore windo-w decoratinx. Frank spxauër of Kanlialee, Mr. iýemnn anîd Mr. lUradlit mpent Sunday 'id Monday nt Will Schuler's.- Mi.î. arst Miii. S. E. Knedler and fam!IY ttended the Children'à DAY exereises et <c et liut churcb at LongG(race. Thjere will lie a grn:nd Harvest Pienic yen at Dimîond Lakte, Monday ungust 15,b)y Aie Cauip-17<l, M. W. Ar. 4111- Prof. <ireo, Wlho lias ien vistifing at [o"ver's (trove riccently afflhsted wit'h îe exereisffl hore and at Long Orove 8unday. The animal Stinday sehool pienies 01 te Prairie Vlew Union Stinday echeta will ho beld iii Krueger!s woode moruing and afterno<în of Tlîunsd&Y, JulY 21. Mr. and Miy. Dan Rit,.enthialer, Mr. and Mi. Marion Knsedler Ethel Knedler, Wallace LackheSd, and Wllio and Hamry Mitcheif nttended the SundaY Sceelo Lonvention at Rockiefeller Sund %y. Born, te Mr~. and Mr. Iouglas Marshatll, 1037 Early ýAvenue, Edge- water, Chicaga, an eight and onebal f pound baby boy, July 10. (Jrandebll4 f Mr. and bMrs. (leorWge riduey, iof Praire View. ChambOfiAlàU àColla. Choiorai and Dlarrhosa Remmdy. . This remedy ls certain to ho need"d ln alîost every home before the, stimmer ini over. It eau aiways lie depended upon evon in the muet severe and-dangeraus r4s. It i. especilily valuable for iin"mer disordes i chiidren. It le teat ta tie and paever talis te givo rmtrelief. Why flot huy itinom'? rtr îîiay savo lite. For sale hy Fr B. aOVFLL. Llhertyville. CUBA John Laing cailed on olul frirnuls lie Saturday anil Sndayl Mr. Gale lias bean entertaining a ~nWheoif friends froni t1we lty the Paiît week .Mr., and Mn.. James Murray, ot fî.Bienry, spantbtunday with the fnii mothdr, Mo. 1D. MufrrY... fiDu bot- fîrget te attend the soc-ial given. on thie Catholie churcli lawn at wancauda,,Hatunda. vî.véiîg, .tulv 23. The long looked for rain camee nt lest acwcoaied hy hall ahines which h ii coisideralîle daiîîagv tlîrtougn t.lîs vieinity. Mr. and Mn.. Jiilin Welclî, of Wauk~- mu, are sjiendiiig a tcw ilacY4 witlî lativeg anîd friends hure and lit Wauconds. Pineules la the nanîcof anew dincoverY puit uiin a new way; a ce-rtain cure for alI kid îiey and bliader trubles, rbeuma- damu, lumbago, etc. Yeu are requested te eati St olîr store sud ]et us show You pineules, delved troum the pins. Sold by AILL RA1KLýEY, Libertyville Drug Store and at OvLÂKm PeÂAcY. Tv j-fTI THUDSJR-4f the 0Ie sof and -as mang more. as possile, corne to our' citg on thé above- date, - to join with. us i!n malklng this tî iggest evnt te ciiesi history. Ail Bsnesfouse.5 wiJ be ClOséd for the. day, add1the entire dagj devoted tg recreatioà, sports, tZ and goodg=fellowshipe SBase -Baiýl, Athle tic Sports, Races, Dancing, Music, and -the Famous' Pike with - ailthýe Side Shows, Cane Racks, Snakr. Cliarmers, -Etc., SPECIAI RATES ON ALI ROADS FOR THIS DAY Corne For ýThe Day. Bug, gour lunch on the grounds. Expect to have -a good ime, for gou w on't 6e. dissapointed. VOLO. WARRENTON CROVE. WIII Rosing eutertalned friends tram Mmr. E. J. Carrolli eutertaing ber Chicago lest Sunday. n'otlîer. tir.. Alfred Niekols el Chengo 18i vsit- tire. J. J. Klly js entétnlning ber anth Baris mllbry iter, n fMiy. .Cs- MsZ.I SîrunmanWnkg Mmr. Jamna Kirm'an @pont lest week iger Mnn. vîiton i'ecetly. Honr-y Theile, of Gtonhun, Ind., m'as a Mn aud Mno.. d. Kelly sud family are guëRt at John ltosiu*g's lent Thunsgda>' and Friday.- . it f nsr. J.;lSheridan. MlesBessuile Clougli. of Wauiîinda, Neues. J. Lonsmna aniIas Sckhh iepr visitedhler cousnU jeaHî.en Raymionid wem Chîcago viitonsq on S unduy. a few days lest wuek. - lerman ILoseian and lady fniend Mm. A. Tufillen aand daugliter Anna, 1sf tfor Mînnusota Tnesay whlere they visited fiends in titis loeality on Sunday. mill visit relatives tr a few meekm. I Mm.. J. Sm'ithî and famlly, tf Cli The Ladies' Aid Saciety m'îll have a eago, are viiting mithlîitn n other, bazasi- and i. cream i a1islJîly 20, Mm. M. Dugai. aftenoon and eveninfl on A. J1. Ray- mond's awn. A large tent will i e hi Tuegdty lest Missesi Mayhelle u erecteit for the etertslnuÀnt ofthte Lillie heurt entertsliied euverni Y...9 people. Evorybîîdy melcaiue.. fieuds at sa1icie. Theu youig lieople., TIene wililwlu a graiatlisrvept IPienie aln given et lianiîînd .jaIe, Monday ilrport a plessant tinie. Augut 15., hy Au-ne Camp 176, M. W. A. __ 41-1-d Bafeuuard.the Chlldren. We are agents foi- thetamouslittLeliver NItwithuutaiding ail thiat le duuue by pil reeently diseovered by the venerahle boanîs of health sud cliaritatily ineined 01 Dr. Dauele fChicW Pensons wbo bave persane, the death rate aunang souail useit limie'a pîUî wllbiave noeother, T ho y cbldrenin l vei-y igh duriug the bot Cure 0onetpat". Soit by W1LL BMWR- weather uof the snînor monthe ln the tan Llhertyvillê Drug Store and at large cities. There la nat probsbly oe, ODATSL1K5 iumJI* case ot bowel coéîplaina ahundrett' ______________ howven, hat oud ntet ocureitby the. LAKE . tiuîety use ot Chamberlain'@sColle, Choiera RUST FMX sC-nd- Diarrhîoea kennedy. For @W@aI Mns. Walter Shultls le 4till very miek. F. hB. LoviLL, Lbeityville. Ernest }fookii nom'bars in neanly a Fort 111 Miss PAL.ATIN E. Miss Ailes Gianger m'uqas Fr il inLamise lngelking mpent Sunday vitar eoently. wlth fieuids in Palatine. 1 Mnm. Frank (aliger and u.liliren men. Mm.terglu.r entertained ber daugitter, Dgiton visItons recently. Mrs. SbelI, of Pittsluig, Pa., aven the 1Mn. Bokpliiaîisud faîîîily vlited be.r tourdi. itaugbten, Mrn. Carl Soranan, hst wseIt. jTheMuesNin si t .Matti.NBnnack Floyd Culver mas serioumly Injureit ly mere calling on old frlends iiPalatine belng bit mitb a base hall 4tlî ofreently. July. Dr. Alleman -lied fuor hile guest Dr. Eugene Galiger apd Leroy Kinsela' bucisaun ut Bush Meiical collQge, over m'ere Chicagou visiuiithe iist of ti@ the Fourdi. 9week. Miss Mihdired Hieksu bad for ber guenti 0 Mr. sud Mrs. Charles Wison, of Zends, the Founth Dtr. anîd Mns. iermnan, of Wî.., madte s lying visît ta dhs old hiomue Champaign. recently. IHlenry Ableinan, NiieBetlîa fatter- (tracesud Florene Oslger snd <live'inan sud fienits froîn Chcago are caiip, Suraauîon were the gueste of1tue NMien 1ing ai Mc}Ieiry. Wllkinsau Sunday. .., W. iam..rejoicsd hi say that Nis *Tbere m'lll te-Munday seil1 t the Winnie ltswyen la reoverlng trom ber Fort Hl chiuuÏ-IÏheveny Suiiday eCin-iii te severe illnesu. n'encing at l1>:30 a.m.-_ tirs. Meyers ntartained lier grand. Plneenlve acte lik a paulties. TIeen iiialîdren, Cari suit Margnett <libaçk, ne mre, bail or abrasion ut the skln. ut Irving Park rently. 0Pluesave m'ilh nutenre. Plueisalve érsm's Mm.. Pinney lias for ber guet a couail, ithe <are out of s bùureltaithy sud h"aiMn. Smith of Ellieville, luit. They bave V vrthout Ieaving a sean. SoIt by WuIL Dot io linorty-ieven yeamu. IMtc BMLY lotville Dru Storeait MUr& Richmond andtal at.QsêsLAit PRARALiT.lof t for tlîsir cottage lu Meatitma a r lu Mchigan, Thursitay, July 7. 4 Mn. J. A. Clow, a lange "oalr iluWe are ver y glaitut se. M. Hitumi'e 1merchsidl et AuIs 10.1 qnder date oîd anit rellabis clenk 'Mr. HenryLang- , t 0 1 arc it 10, Il008 w ntes I hav e houa l g in i b is o îdplam e A t t h a t a n,. r bandllng Be-Go sàdH"rt' HoRahnd tr.Eltuhai agie llto b Ilomblounîl about ane year amidhve im.rrlngtn end Sautury mlbe i- founi thete u hi oouetseller». i Y reint, M.m n.. M. Mnu ilîank d have given tlîe bet of satisfaction ta the 1 tM. Mi.H ud&kl traite. 1 bave nutliait one complaint rslati ne. i suit bave 1usd xany spesk tilgbly ofbotlî M. and Mns.. lenry Mundbank on- * eparationx. I useke-oTouitlaitii'O ertaiuled tdiu-dauglutern and familles * Ayrup and Hîrts' Rerebaupi un'y om'n tram Chien"a andArlnghin Higlîts, k. EaalJ uiratnannot, malte .a ever unda.y k mimaIt. i buying harts' Houey and Hlenry Muadbank bshesn l d Horehaund as it ile a airtucin cure, for pdrehi;ed Richard Lýytle's pa:ea»d r, C o h t s og e q m m . C r u p nu a l h r 5 t a m i 1 1 b . o u n i t a t l o n i e t a b e t i r, uyr pg in ke ba es. B -G f u l c Laxa t e e i. n. -fu tur* , 1 Il r lithe istcureli texstnce . &MmmeaStrolier'n p ~a,~ck t1W baeWy 10 liMs. B' 2-6& _qiîa.,hîeh ~s-omsso~Mu SEATO AT L) UR NE~W PATENT FLOUR 18 attracting considerable attention. Severalmillers have called to sée o01r miii, and others have sent for samples of our flour. Bread baked from our flour wlll retain its moist- ure longer- than that baked from aby other patent' flour. Millers are. inqusitive to know how we cau. make a fidur that will bake so largeZ and opoingy a lbat of bread. This of course, je a secret of ours acquired through years of study - and experimentation.. Watch this space for O future ads. A series of articles will appear ex. -plaining what constitutes a petfect flour,. and how near millers bave succeede.l in, making a perfect flour.. Give our flour a trial and yon -will want no other. The prie of our patent flour is $1.20 pet sack of 50O ponuds. Every i. mck guarankeed Knedkr Brctherse PRAIRIE VIEW IsLLINOIS: 9r WON M ~c--ici