itiya. Sjurelo4 v. ... 9.45or an masa.iomder&rodes. 1li ........ @p, Ga iave"ithlng tijat, h. tend .,-. aib lafWuL lu vS, rey ooi- *-b ........ . Geneds. ile, 1.tient ...... ...... $ î U Thm.vorld wmm lt-vu iai ianfaoleb iine HmJoUneolmvd h t IDt dev"co 0fteitilitf-4ai q i rton qtl And lgard tod ait- Thon lu mne 'hui tb noexi> rtudlEisi.apeopl et ofnain» @nesO.- There tuo.mgii >p Mtlaea. ak Cunt-î-: tItli, Udsn Fiet V, tiet mal beleid Tien f HertiBadee, ClatI othe ata e mmis. viimbm in pi~aau~vser5vi~~n .14 man beltu bl) odami ou«mete tionP ~~th ettllubeftata tD %ri ou" te00 uns:cb' et uhien- 14W ~hlcob' cr t bet theilsiui ab ea more usadIentei i og ~Iergefl l atoi, truie and ken. Viedeu reaclfan- afgd pleri f~aIlpu-lduff ~virtue bottert tai virtua dem*. 1 I nc0 was c pseSdot SUIoYI5t8 iffl Of 1ev an- Invali whos halplammueammpkede Çtd-O A. Sup90,etvi e a me tewà,abalta loPte mid: Hw ue- vut9 A. ». mioi sul tBoaardhem mah a ite! wbartia Viti a- I lu- There bàn an »ýl tis athJusic tiental leddoant tale bwe." te le iz - jet y« 1.uw vht othri eveloie& ieréva ALUT L. RSlNDBE, Tin uucomplaîfling. citeettul self-cen-The b orthue Boardl etf upervsm'm. ta udeonUmtonfor thaeroft tIitoreil ton" ld luprad tmun riwtthgraiderta ede9 BUPULSVE 000188. aJttt-of e carmceaithoni are miir- ot dl redibj au i attnhi'. çcoin DOOII lIlY im- Od& -Tbm U 4-a amoral wveild. Tonlong1 ibm ~ <>* mmy dauit l.The. fault lieninlu îe plaine imtta tIarela IL temple mact- linit et jour Volon. til mpatilence et iM» » i gr libm fe earful vits e jui xpecltalbu. or the taltti of lo te yau7 Poi Im he mot cruel, vin- imeral eoncetOu.- Ont venrd 15 a lbe r Md yroen et &U de.ti'Obt- ipheraetfconstant progmiems a te tta edrff se lie taMmtinluMore tb.1otilnam.W@,- have IlietaiMrits, faim P j* eLaaàd -Kalithué B«acIflrs, and a bler l etaimatahaod vans dghXe abon. bei Itai. JIdeOSl m. m wmiunuhegenqillititan Couli' >rmul Mmboi5, meadmi. Wou-, hoessii -ea onsturij Sgb OUi ari h- ut, *lIaee et buma 01101110M .1, etgsonslgy devinaid that iba hi' IlY 1I fimatrk, lbiod bn baub. ltlutÉr tderinansd tea faitlldortt S*sKeofetaep Ï39 ai 0ts, CiailettIncrovuai. aid viceSvan- evafl em"q»den-t ne brcle -quiubod1If jeu do nt ilal am 5etIen ale amle, va aid sonrÏOv. wtbi 1itMay ha dent yen axpect rimiirmadt .SêWe ni W» dmiin- les mmeS. - br tint.tic the 004. luwdkte.ib1 y, a iiZudO < jýpWmalulasb.tgugbt, ybat Yeu Ç0o1- tr«, U5h1tM ie but ,i>A io . a ibommeaid jmislula thelviii but l swo « 0ryba. a"-t bên- gisim ouly a lUtile vil. 'Goda great- becou tI~~~~bssivm b ,. «1m Ia- masmmatiaom toat lai avnlted- On.. ftensa- Thsy cant bh urdiai.sSd they are vitt Vffl,$«WIdtbllWorth valtlnug t. , tut y i' janags, bt Ton«amy »M mte .mal, uauue vu -ibt SI. m Iuif- e t« . vatti beoaeU.3U Mu-su at evw10S tuiila dmi uath moral te tala ithemdtât vlmw. anrs bm~oi.Du- y* TInsmk for imltu lu the vraiS di- dent*t It tgm»WatSiiIbS m tiaRw 1 TaYiw Ju tisaai mleluaijat Bu vms M 9008»0ooleaishuli le fat and Longtalt#. tran Eostafts 4e Ille tldi m IaOwu Wl thoe sd tb. auat ibut *uai maL I uibs ai vewm ivag b ave, - ~ .s.U08la me Mgava«t idunma veo avji4 ~ api4rls~ nJi veu l appoaf i frialà altut. aaê u bacsMa ceI, eàlcltbà Sais- l'0 b, e l n b tm &lhm& tiAs b.orld lu. eM viiifini a"lm tes tnt hhathUcuo u t ik lle. b.o go deinono th-*siidw.fila lgima. iaegitti0i ISA tha oyent Ma o the- t hq~o tuzooiW. AManet aït- donse Sprsece maipemomhat _ iiiKIS wolyid. (Iedl la l l" agu v ina ,sy, desb hfiSCet *Our wertabau its troubleg a4" tsars. o bc~~~s tmou lim" i,;% C.bat tbey heuthiils bonau6" su tflt-may lý Wit agpesolias blewemidU -A yOM Wtt'- tu 940» vI. ont Oppositon vèe a lu 1111s welay - va.tIfasif aeaiif» orro andmi sau0fr bteiisai patbi.mi IlBmiOlv. e «0oS plk~apa ma. ills b*t e d"aimhV ead.t ouda te tM . ý 1nb s ai priéea plamai b, DivineWb- viti nu Iaaiof A» FMethIm e d lanet 'sO gles9MY, cY *lie ontuf. id aIle tilail aIoV, M»er.baub ts = 41a0eosetwmuveu ael&ima. la s«Ml«rtsamaille iblaite j b acrai waters fremà a vep, ma" a bappy ilert lu posihile te 1a tpe vtelIssuta meiyhuma bl«telesha . iior poor. wkit TWU oi Mmenss. 4pauat er luferued. aufferint o erï,po ta bam e 'unha -1 do ve Sud ibe vorld taulij$ b urin nt a fiasialWiiAddse h le, but àhis aMma'm and mt Ulule m& t.eiblonir-ve Garsm. ved0rd t'a a oWjectloable. Wm 'aUml thb. bodllas t causamoneoi eté%It dm reland forg«it t enftored *i 'Unetan- 1»is mtuI 9. Wm verolt'aromo A" 1je tala buma et.1 1ev- -citds . hr.W eat e e I. lua eaal mpiant lIon - humc aan«pe b. * ugi-vasutaeieitabout nsm. uld MM lui _____________ tiaidaM Sse s. W. evmrlen bt vos tata . Nia*0 mout ftlu theibm ved and an I e 0" lut* ttUne rnii ptcaval viii - w lad jeylu tlrteing tiem mn ~7iextem e y4m.wa :7n,tbe ceai o e larufca Po lie piosforce rec.u for li e Or iii'ei o Whuee f« i eecIln.» City Lai us nt try te, do tha vori. but b]j phnodpUM a I -maneredta de for b. varld. Li t un m,apcit- or et mffaip, i> hbâte asprants clnag Gin erustten aid -ittuie oui- nu p4qqq nathetafre. BUnvas ln- Bme& D fow-n vih elmbem La ti hi tii ta reunavle lt latue,"atk haoui umbiil a elaa"m lte baPPlai tu) '10,a f.vminutes Vas bard ni tb.D wefana it .If, wuttaien eh k th I » ~ .imoummlu tb. M0114hov mach va cap put ltata b. vonld. ti 4g dtub-hel)inluflatingIs client if ve tilvate smilltliamae.and demp-*fi apdargoing a gemuaal pbylecal ex-au tus dtuples. wvaubalatmtovhub. 15*10e. aiclat euviethen oeth'e Atalgti lm faasiond te reei." as com- dent tbiI. vd etsnet omly goad. but il dai m, a.en a trot. b. r"athe very geai ne autothe roepa diatllUmmsAI- *- it etofbreath it . topped them. à VMISIOP 0VDIVINK BU??- tb bhulaid: 1 luaM..flOu t. «5'i eL a»i bora.,vlaat aI.. bave i gt id ithe angel et lie lord aptes""i Io ta et a ilener utob n-ta fuDmaetfSdmet et b. Wlat liemser quarled te surgeon muet et a bushe. aid ha leolai.SMaih m9a .we ela, tbe.bush Iurned vlth S6e, and Vky mj' marriagelilcens. Tht& tienbuste vas flot cOnsuiad-Z'Odtu et1 «mue lu to.- vas te repl. 111, 2. sld" t'a stgeMon et u ini aof ail ive lbarn troutb. beau- tajeesg'raimu. I tluemtft tju vaut- «Ma ito cum iat Gadi ul Ld tie bua i>elcem. The lcense bu- yeu vierever yujeu ad mii viiite VI m la dxwimtaim te yena divine dtrtj-When 811 btmagu rb mtai"va mute fer a moment van resdy Qed. fou"d Mes.avuj 0 [ Ieu sMi- "id ratIer neyer mat- t'mre lau b.rlodlj coutry et ldlam- tma - làiaexaculuation sgaîn." Maies ýe m@dmn-imant te have blddenu ______________ way train Gai. forb. record myie ti a nov»wlem t'a bta te urfn- Japaa, aamI au. tber $ide et b. oufatanofetHoeai. tà- . *àb. uisl m bland.emllu xeus ti-. _ h meme tha ted tg uioual ba . Yeue T, ww ot-burry tb. Pisulofet b.-AI- hlm L17. fote rejr aramgullssdth ref- ' hem ea tegrottand mailgnsltbln t >61 *hol. uqhvea. W» ty e 9 > a- y tuntil uMe bis revelutten ora b" e duty. i h~ - at-h- -ema M. or torey jsai?Tho 4tS>W raul! fan eoie po*Mlet t 14C4 ". >10 ai a'Porteai fpeop tip.0 -fore Nas o vel a UIupw#jili-i euhr 50 off *e tiffl et=ue ci iu Il ise lat ie uhi pO. Vlis*r Snov 80 jearu M&i laé ghb* #çW a Ied thai ho aat medub DsMWGOi tei, it bite,. a". selie Mi.é lepilomnit othe îeuder la tbe 0 F iil 'b It. Bu e «muaea i1Sb< Ul i' boutte,01evryuoalouas Pi G bas up thlus.t.* etlmoi a vine dute. De net th"e. ha db-coi Mid I eu«mnre»PI for MurjtII mentIs &Bd ao& iMiarAt the eut Dsimpleeeutyet =uiiyldre, for Ahl e daw tih" vii umwratue forth Y Fo batgbt mmaiÏ40esieligIte revstatian emi y- plusmt duti te 1mund man. Je4 ýpI%' in ttala1 vision et divine 41d'itj me moatl i bdMiMg.ti . dia uneso e tàe. "Tii,-bush burmud i wam net eeisuad." And "eunt&W - ii- 1yinle wu ii lIâe."it ta d cesa-Ah, te e lionWtai temChaulu uà ts &mD&la ai tb. mutations e timUne rlamone thlug whist clamSa, am éi. tbai latb. giadtalupr«'Omet a i Bey fisil and tagte an a mur a &arst tfraonbtai -vhtela dIvin.. ihe hmv iuuneetal li»a himmelt dg v*ta nIe vbem unitewtadvi'b. Etermai But Ha sEt mm:"CertAlu 1 I ul ha I bm..e" Titis la t'e puosut dm7 0f h. Wlatvmn mse yen ar coudof* tit or pva*rrfause lu tb. vcrldé i Mib n eumunt lamv% . lttout- la àihov aIl la tume and eieaity, ami il] tla the gramious praisacofetGod; aw se mev 1ev tue mbun-tnia)ide le' ti smuli tos a actumrj and boty Smarial in ebangailt t beImam 1 Au se blut for oui ceapaulea, n v« la vei lene , va mhari bs aSoi>emitlo . em' mr -ai bu hlt'mrnts igist amn h« uvrj moment etorne~ journer the mi n b.e menitwg va MWg qoi aur a0 adavttte lod e asumor l O > gadav md W b. derit VW «oenf th' we m i yS a rt e u r jo u r e tus lo . 11 - m . bt * dr vitti 0igis *Mlai , avinus. ttmi.tisn botter b h."m sem bWng torh tdlvim dpata me madi irtlt ntl bMient ottibrulug iO Mt and a m ie s aMWsv t hia mi, star ot hehem. IL - th s v~I1auihoialamvem r - Ie - - 11 il là e 6 t 0 0 vma ras"mtacol tmg. ce un meunc e- muai 1.9 dvice te - ubte. "Be cars- tkm ilch ti Mîb. geaibut c vilçb jeu penson- - aldo amgnrnes ing Pmt nf. tou jmurtellai eau - Nxu inmu gissIait divoce dgmiuittt lf. TW»'Ub aatedis, i mca b v lucta lu»OSm 4 Vbmuail !Vllletlua. vist b.divorce 0f a nulS ue istolrie tIt'trom ê' geai lite. ?uiticalbykocrlaj a.dspte a Pamrty plais- rai and t'en refuses ta abia el re )J. Thmla wviluei for dfe= ul )fophiinupg en iaofm ebchu7t- But ve betdeab. ama-vbo coq,- rseu abat la luutl it' vhat tb hiauntgal mund vital la cooduci simd banale- Froély tabt*d heapisq, li My$: "maa Proviin byj-u hti* for IL gaad M." Therela nouhllu vhiel me tatorably ipluea a mas oule the vale eft n. iglon 111. s"pl% atrnlabed geaI- Dmm Brave ieeds 0et Iaremslulabattle., trIme mljti8g of profoai phiempluei, beauMWfl tien. 0All lteauluzl, se- lace, Mute. ut Invetionand dbscev- O=ay biooa teab. lurovince et a fr but aa 4ili i*wtha Opprestig Um1ms-ever gmpiemsem Il. js aide1 faillila wrti a lot et f m in& There lu 110ameraunaut vithetut Ime- vice. maie Omn are b.e met diagerous oues. Love i la te at poear tiat le-vols up. Patiaunce lae-nie patpi.e t erambil joji. LagImIt" Scammot te iplace *ti lova.- Uight l inath ly protection agmafsi darknuMa Hic nuOt haeavurtu vIe Wini net serve. Buuulg b. I edgetn vîlilnet bal- 1 -a eeanntsfor litti. tit alvaja [ A at a n eçeetmr aiteîl -ustice et w1 Fatihé 0 brlU lôtis 1 -IL Iqnimou7 fuma,,1 ne was the s et gfd KiCng Ans. -(X a motba we x»1,v nethîfiagIxuIber Ur, gbal ,ÂS -iSL Jo*mpbd at t0* bis ie outhue *"»-,« amer et iba wo walkea ka the wair. ef GO& ore »at$lo lias rfflieiV5d pat ý ocupid tWiboueter, i4- cu and hoef aabud But U lm hi.tb«ru . emibit 0100 0* bis otat* *xe i.i*w yi Ub, ojâU lbancien# tbi...init egleal alliance ý»màM~ atuai wg"loat ofas a oda. A"i AIin dmi asaui. w«a trdowi ibv m êoti éldolaffw. .3esaupbat aL-290 a mat- sa et hm..zzu -T.horarn, 011.ih)lÎ eghw elt*al,. As a issuq et tille rIly marriaga amy wa ,eAu. la ter y«W inleJudal. .Morevm, Juhama- it Joined Ahi' la a campis*l for th» seary et ty l~RamothGU«ld, »14 lIuma. frem ithe SrLUn Mi- ah- brai Zf. sOMOld the dlsAUt.o»h out- n.,ei0 fi'e tala.prophets #SBW PImgiI aj ncouragemenat Md 6sette- ariez neti ltThle, eXbaltnced a terrible deftm) hab h.1u11 ilalig nd jehomiplIat bar- ascaplmgwltsk blm lIta. As Jeltemâpbat returued te tiie capital Rmu thé prepbet. mettslm wlh a.,1, accutedl bl- <of hdlllU8 lewlclfii tbns- taling ildea agaluit1 ,Q& l In a uim nt Sftii oPhd wsa wramg ter Jtho@&plalt tue lP ill4K Md tWti'turevlof tidolatrusMW hah.- la ibis Jqdgment Jebomaphsl e-' lascaid, for ha taok thi etef asoi- ýlit tale, a dmai of religion te scrit eblte. The. bsgUhtY sud hamdstmng re- nt I. But Jeblismphat wsvld the ter medicine, mau.ha knaw. it vwu D>4 for hL ICi. ur bunssmmtefIllAt iwlcked. netu e elp them. They lea maki es cmtnaMwz te Pull u hemét* ut ont oft ils ore. Fev thin *tae ma d tita temme good mm them toin0 el-1l-daaia. lehu 414 Dot forgpt to su in tudy trd as vii as a harah one. Ik@ TOr- liai. ho mev. --Iu tihe werst m«m thmra , mthln geo d inlutihemrt 1haie- kng bmd." Indlscriminat demunclatiif mIsl se saoretiujule and datmnt& a"t. if h. had made a fto1 et hMlamt 7hlM allon wltli Ahmbh. h l~ails mmeved ithe,"graves,.or *"Aehrh." rian Ot licutleuues. troua the Ld md of hlm peruaalPiety there wam De *mluoamphat thencetortL tared ai Omq; lua »Iseet, he aiimttfldtrous. Q1ta17 eatmisl«etei wlh f00481 weMr.. fa ouai bettmrocutos Scmais@lgaet 1'evmugsllmmar froh- Mt thm lnUd lhewent that bW might brli eg peepp b.d heoidolnis Iresud » thm 4oai et t5,lr tmthmrm 1Wie"weut Re 414 met d«mpts ail-b mi. Tiieré lasue mubsiliate irmogaiU Srvie.\o natter bmw lut"ibmthe lu wu w rite for du. vorit et ihm charh. me matter how, muy werkèté 80me fth lun- au Oer muqtcmm. 'Ibm Ualduty n'eu .di' ren peutmal mppIl4latonf tbeaft sId im&i Why, net? fhabpbit wual ktmg. hi kinga cm sud nmegreatmt tank thum hmtou gmm béck tu GO& Ami Jmaphatlit eàna neonti-etlit @jus . Trem beareba." that la fat' metl nentit, -tg. ta 1111 country eorUaplu »mii,"tut la tstima n<UMtbth oelot #».d lu the pewoz et ed te madi"Oi ils tmery one" timat belléeth (Rom .16). There la n.eute »laful. se meu e ecd. that h canetl Mns. T" AdmiinLum5Blow te usil.. justice la teeoftft;W a pmrosiensuhins capie @mmicupldlaiue h*JWige. Je- memphat thoroughll eelerm" tlImaJudk clai #smtem uf the emauti. Cearis werf emtalllmeii lu ail the .Imadigtxis. AIA larusaîmitherti va&msasureutatribunal te whlch doubtlm e cal-- tahe mlovai couts wvceappuaelait c.elmed ol appointe Latites> prîsmis lad hadm01 the eliasor groupa g ainli*m laItdai if hmd iuuldictiea v«i»'respecit.U mcie imatietil mafters. "»udgmautofith, suit. .u]MdvpelteIL, ie5êa>rder Mm auià*tl. 'hlo a"i biSai." nd lI0 applcat Leet al et". 4" ale ai s.Io 5te asoizeCam "1mwv Ji ema sumaimtatutmm as1110118 Itunts"At i b laiet Ihm-cle asim olsWumAsaUl; at them bu «i the court demllng vlib cLVii ad cmin 1mai cases. Zebedlmh4 »àian tkha-mul iatq oSet fte. eurt ver.]LÀ Vitra. The counel of jelemaphat te th Judges la full et vlieiOP. H6,11d." ln bmiteansd carelean 4mciIpas vas w"enJel md. Tley vere to e 11la ibmthe"tam ot G".as Mes rempeueblle befo' Il tribnnL., They var.te le Impartial.g# les justice t thél.PO«ai u«dtha vmAlte well, as te the r M Vridu o ert.AM nits Gai. tbmY wenig al nac ms.blé "gtfte." bribes., lodmg- aaumevitli judial delions la britrv. Ouaeoft t thlmi u lhAumpqieau ae ypril ai muprems iiaihibt 1mthe mials1 eutrptibWty etof là,*c06«t& And wl avrrla public o0bé 14la iDPlusd 1 lu action by a bribe- dervai ithe macr i»oft&Il gaed cis«im B.W. nasapa Dlas1104. -Thate 1% mulap$t4l feibi e- pileoïlinthe, .tSOahl)e brova aism a Chicigo aïititi "A»,a&mule. liallm thi e eut et».87«ya glaid tkmor, Weat A iaapt Iehada Ib M sne oleg. *«-OaIY 18tIt ,et lbIn,- butt l Ula t I e1a»meht9 vaje have b mýi"a.-Yor1 otwàce, ibth e q« W" t are0 1 mpasied by laO-UItt orth' shed" dankmr, . «altur t hLmela me a t umëouos. ,Whio]ILS., vo-iM, .letpi Mm Loleb.aMe 1d »-È19 1'al 0ahIW*aira bis deithli»P»lhaiy MA& ibe ussent tual - pmwgieaây tfums thc timb he ame etm. Ai i00'"pome umOW tid ha' vaswueut et thé eass and thea Dd e m# 9etef ei&noua uts Laves lvini, ramoa dJolaing Iml-Io'1W oae Ina spallie bled At llniori. 1Mr. iuandr- lucarne- bhmlak. dlmtrm ah nind sud phlnialldlqunîled fer werli et gitj kaj lIs H l*Mdi lu4sBondy It1 laad onongea uhorlthtat Jehn C. acetaer hasn gesed' i cotainem etait éAu> asty i vda- riand anid luth'. matou et Olîn Bande TbIm-cnferntae Mr. Bebeter bmllav-a,-soAlibbeed lun Ilaiupolls +ni ORA F I811i, TRUT- i'raiutnt ileemevei bas g4reid uhe Depariment et Juathea. îhroubghAttornmy Gaei lMoody. te aivmmea theot trhuit assondue talaair etIbe United litas- sui>remm Court. lu eider thmt h imal ha tried mrly La the Octobat tera. Tii. Premldeat has aineadj raclvai the reportse oftht.. speclal asgss oftheb Dipartiaent ofConumnrca mdai or, who a ive been IuveWgmtluig the bet trust for uhe lait thtres moitus. Theue reporte. hIlmuimerted. show couclumlvell thai thé trumttlis absolîtelj diregardlng tge injonctIon smned -by Judge Groic- lt lnasametai thuaireportasetftii. gev- ernmeat'm thne pecllivanteis of du. beet trust show: 1 'That the be et trust lImtabl nuder the Iav fer eautampi et eanrt lus dînre- gardiîg the tInuetten grmnted by Juds. Grosseni>. .- 2. Thnt the beef trust la au Illegal qobilmatl etlug la vestial t lu- ter at the ilbIee trust le argamlned ami eaitofled iya holdInÉ campeny. nîmîlar ta tue, Noiilue uSecunttiem Compay. 1mev. as tha National IParking Dom- Pmmy. capitalisei at $ODOilEtl, iD air- gàastusiumdertheîlaethvaaN1ew Jersy. - & lmaiThot "wtesttriai abwmll« ebr n- tram iwils ueret --ouasibasf, sud mi ft*A ixe U.s eprle. te ha pàh fer blae on *ue boat. PAlR ATTLM4DAN#I1 RONI Adaumiaa Lent Assis ta Se Moane liai iO5 0.m Dmpte tuerMin o e suirtapari ehOf lait weel- sud tha ezeiWulya.varup 8vwamuer that tlloed i ktbheatteuids% >1at tue vortd's tain for tha lest emo durs vas aor. Ibm .a hait-PulllIoit, per tJoue. Irer. vas nt *A Igumul ïdur te brimlg rm lmuau a i> m resaIt, a Si- Loula dispatth smaYslaqplte n.utltatenj to the verîd'à fuir, imagew Iral lng are tike recordaiadmisioens ter: tisa eel: Jiliy11, 74.50; Juli12. 8 WiAi; Jnhy 13. 87 .165; Juli' 14 82.j94; 'a Juta 15. 7of,85; li'le.,9L=5 .Total, R- m cpltultln: April, eus, day. ti.. . 798; Mmy. tu-nty-slzinjdurs1.00191; a luie. twety-ix daim. 2.134. ;Joi I uMxea daim, l.ZUK Tbt AM tss Jadg. P ak er dieu-m li e aob. n Pb>- xi taçiaphmus Ot Ramm euetiOt- smns Heuri' G. Devis baseacceptaiý in-da. Pauler'm Iv t t ion t e viit hlm etm W Noopus. N. T.m a u Sheruhani, the can lai, of em i VI te 1* s$1.o00 a lievei ,ataai S $70 ' la.f Parer la 1New Tel. Grever Cleveland viii tale ltre uta i in Nemw Torkmalae ter Juig i arrh laulul tha approachlmg elà*suitai.accrd- Stà au port n a Eauo.15 Tsusm&mi eoosi tu 1NewvYrTaro g lqunate luduu. b.e St*Se cvil ses-iem esamlmlui la l réatai 2m000 ciler- - vie. neulton. taele mguapt émms, O J.W.Bbeeek, eAimaet haI te R- e to a mmr a"iti» taifplaami Mas13 * .àgkborÎ aidM o ieilaitet Jaige lisout vlslld Bas.aut 02mau,- <tthlilecaudidato. Cthl. Bl aMt ud al Mcamuateeat-n11à>matluamg The emnidujm rmlsuofesvl Z f bed or t h Ui Ol h . kov Tl aiclt a raviti mmd NIE Sep G poclatatr aid athéer-mmbsus pomiert Gomau et'marri&"sai seat a - l tte heb Maryland m1gtd.sylnî' "' o cis f Jad-s Poie te smi b4i ttou i glvu ,flm-v tsa th*d ,-toriy guet*os"a"utib., Aba m,âta bar*.,lIWU&*0 mwm@ iloaw atmiI 55oW - Pumab- - ib dumhulpimd hib m tmmlve csp. ea 8mtaidw»'preasc ahumom atheciv yul a-e C«Mt ilalache b. lutta flelamttel. - letam la'alm «apm ùieet onapse wv»spua~ ila lmnburg. ý Présdent Jaen m a" pertu arrivai r. togaml u ps"'ai alarg go omith h c . of p e é v ii i u LeI' , the vergaet froimallioui. oWIlmae tii. id aiadcdloummaiatx et funurbom I tioliaSeuat diuaee»cnSaI50 "va T tum a ed *Ibm u amu M laelen[i. la uwed m -Faiob lc amyv a 7 Balogn & 1 Ttqu hnentsmê rmtliàro oa A3. mu tg a avra vs eçn.d utenmi bte10.M00FuencitrMPa. cn ernia-n t ha baemvms egen AburIoin a"Di Tam*lte 4êmga.f M ne od jttmu o~m.tmeâAr Mt ib me Oul ugImeaisa i. Vtoace Cd*famrihe tirsegale Bus aldon ma . ainai ai Imb mi ta$ omêmesla ibistmassNu ftteardi"» ,alitmmla, à§& âm l Gte& CàDm . dW&ge cut- emr m m en e abmnte*lb. Cern- îeria.]xd Ci. hle1i u mgr oeb. a"stfe 6ail dii. ftbG. coâtuwnaboemmfelm. et Nb- n, ,tst. 1 «,àss ia. atam odrtlut em gI.a (ldu,-"W i atuae- mabagln.B C. mad ubl un-Mn mett amis t Lut Tlenia in Augita. dy a puejrme p«a Kra. 1A« amafdnl an Instie i mm of thgar, ma" mb. uethi- insu eTmuiraa lIt$Uk No arl wrist te Isowg mplu ai euac idioe umaaa.uasihoiSdtIella New Tihui. uésmù r m sma-Itelun Mu.TlS adpmouuib Vue Yohi A1111a.-lu-thb e. . Mn0. i »W%'e d tbmon l*Uveti Pix"ma tlxd m htb roul-heassutsa KImimuun, A. quien t'aveui on, ioItu 1evra Toe sunage.m*t ".dib@i - Ywm b W b re n 'u amoi=G. laU(;Iba op1ublmm4 ewmgapum i LL, D. tevali Olvm«»& a" imm«A luidymiS vtoue ism e a j selsPr "dNaae-umm at am un euh' mutis4~ v la uille lutui s m.pi., Yess' Kîsa. Noms- pipant. i t: TALK ~Fomyoup - Vu ondeus ami asmai mimia mima - pa - Cmii peu mtauym O.alawsW ibai.haiigornm Uiw-~iu~mu - -aIl n Ils msg-tumu - mi saa-q miaumnsusid .-v- . Cam Beaty iv u d a» ferremaad bLé p. but de ym go" geM by Y. B. LVDl» hbjMstyvâlli. M a a nglveuimuaiai- M vaduhislapqpi. FOR-Z;Z Big Ilesds Post«sm &NN. tflT* OU t t)bW k.. Job , WQflrk I