j"fo lan ia tpkerb ï, for pe i g, esta egac.. 11.19.70 scai annoant Ilefou>- royered us l0Jef9.and9)41 t lonuied lta t 0-luIt ha ldlrted taeIlieeordersa , ' olt IMamtrer for (bis urno t0 Mr. a*k W. <mIhber rePt11181 feloe 1di Mr. Oagglufor arbmolVistation et e'e q >41w*871 an sd ioetrSea Apeffutlat the coant>- Cie&k et-t ûh o tat aluit to the mate .Audit, '0< lii Io .Accoaila, Ail Out mmdl gcîe<~ylubîltteoj. L tEKMTRA\[D, obatanu, I1>13t1150y HUNTi.N<JTON, IAMINI NcDlONALD. Mored b>- Superiaitor ýoolley til 1411 reort lié. accepted sund adopted. Niincarilsd. 79»ii <oloug Péttiilon% iremre n ba t>- lielrk. (OwII: Stleteof rlhîibnqbl.eeCort>--s 'T'O th. Honotulile ('baîrluan ami Mci 11M Or theiti>Bari e!Suparvislorat th iii> Ceint>- of Lîike ad ltale Iitlnox: -.. our lttlloujer. James c'. Merchai lit the COUMit' Of LuttésoUnBltti Illinos. re'-pei-tlhIvli rint* that hI l9 lie ownet 0ff1te northil> c eet0 jet 1. and the gounîtta24 feet O!f(i, nlsc(h 44 fai of "l a lot 1, al la bloacI 39 In th original'Towa o! Lttle Fort flou' lDthe ('l>- or Wau1 litanMise 'CoUDtY -futLaIe: thnt hlaibs palU 1hi taxes on ntld parciefls<Iand fer li yeeir 10044. la mtotlg 10 the .gum 8210.38111Iantuit taxesou n «Idpa- (,l of landtîlçct nlioee meulloried for thé yeur 11143 lIlllttaithe A. ura 0 $18.45. und tblat, lbetaxes ou salUppi- el io! lund seuondI> ator e 'es-rlbed ferthti.e a 11>134(K. ilîouated ol (0 ai if $4,10>:tit t 1>1w llyIaprove- muent Ons stfil prupenli- lu 111>- Yenr'llmi atris anu-ohd aiue aloi-y frtrm>-haihlIa Of Prhî'hîll('IY lin vaille. andtliatafl i.roçmc11lrt' lu lIbm'é taumudcitîon now Ihîtt Il vliutntit thm>-, VonI ftltloner turtber* re)re*eats tta a tsiOf. $10.5-291 le exterideo ,4ganai- s.-b »hOft Bell Iarc-cia o< land for 1thé YeAr, 1 154a acrfrotuthe tai hookn of tié i>- aIr-oft Wotkegaii In tid C (otîltI ut L.ake.1the anie be- 1lug an ncrseae (<e-cth1e yesr 108:1 ou oh of o!itid lotas 0 $o 83t thait 111 lesescor eremn eîuY ,atsai eU mîsat pi-operti' furrlie yeac 19N as improt- ed. wben tit. a malter of. tact' aad proPert>-Is vac-unt I miithe exceiltîoe oftisalU friueuiliiUng allante 111cm>, mil., Tour petitiîîner theretoro axka (bel YOUr honora1111bl luai>wlhl ecolamend (bhe elusaidlnet10l'lm of thîe Uifferenace hetswecîi aNlit texsinpitil U hi'nlmfor rihte pr-sent yi-aî-. and the aonni O! tax PliqI14>tlhe-pelitioner for1the lait pieeedlig i'o-ir, wtiî sncb a pertent- algeof lîîurease added t11>-o as yoîîc hsonorabîle body> mu>- tuk just ual p30pec. Thai î,r"selIlcd bereulîh are tai reeittuahs 4owimg payaient or taxes 'oi -sali pieuhliten aboya- dei-- gmd ft(le >eurioa bore rcter,-ed (o. 1 JAME-<4'. MER'HAN'r. Supo-mytil u nningtoîî moreà 10 la>- lt.. Pétiltinii>nlt.. t:ible. Motion t-arriel. lialeof.o Ililinois. Loi'Ciat-e To tbph>B4tiol>ttleIluardit fitpervlik- * o<f lAike Ct' iity. Ilhnois: Tour pttitiluor. Pîaî* Hlimimolkd, or the Townu of wîttif-Oitda. lAike Courtl>, llînoit.. BiosmI cepecîfoî>- representa -ualoéyaur ihômiàtisi lady>- ihujtgh th Omner o! il loi stualedluIlth1e Vil- lage or <rnyslake, LaIte Couiy. 1111- noie. di"e-ctled as tolhowsl: ('ommeîthngAt -the soatbhurt eor- aler of the n ortlîeast quarter of the northu.stat islanr lauPertfou tblnty-tlve (35) ilu Townsihllî oty-Oive (45) 1Mai1, Range- te-l410) éantef ut h thîcU prin- ripai meridiaii.11-t'>- psouth four-(4> roda, Ihentie eat eghteen 418e 4roda, 111>-n i-e til f our (à4a t-tale. theitt-. uest elitteen il8ai rodet ta thé placet- ot i)egliilng; sud tlîa( raid propert.- lm vacant and luanmprou-- lai, Iliat ttiiîuesfocr(the yeaW 1"31 On nant l popenl>- as *170 Oat thmoogb an error ef 1he- assesur of the Town o! Avon. @Rît ptnperty was as-- iessed for 1the sean1904 s;lmproveil propert>-. thoat(hie» PulihacUvalue o! mid propet-ty ehoiddavdmp>eu *m40.00. Instead o!f11 Ai; îlnt the11>-taxe* on sallîlproperly Alînuld bave been U240. Installait f $10.1.4., %Ilcb i'our Tour pettion-r. tlieretore. muit te- speelfully a"its yoîîr bonorahle hoUdy ta refilit l otlr petîtioner $K4-0,. Il»- exceas Ilii taxeà coihecteol front you-a petitine-r Ibrotigh @nid. ifiatakte. 1 Baectfuily .ubltteil. 1 FR1ANK HAM.MONI>.p lteeooniended 1»- H. C. EDWARDS.t matetio! Illinois.,Akre Couny-ase.: 1 * dward P. DeUg>-, belng lit dol>-1 awararn déposes sud msjflibt 1e was 'lii assommor oethfe Town of Avon for th*e yenr 1>113. thit hoeaed Iot" lut GMaysakp lit Wo.356, bsloalging tu '#rauk Hnumniond aseu lmprou'ed lot whbInh lu anerror. and AboulUi ho se- ýeeaaclis auhîaprnved. Amlant for- ~ter >eates tiat (bhe equaliscd valuer of< tid lot ashotuh have 11>en 940.0a Jlstend of $18D.0,. Surlier aailaent waye(h not. IDDWARD il. DOIIe. ,Iohaeribed snd eora b hbefore nte ,"in =Pd day o! Aptil, A. D. 19O4. n. H. C. EDWA11DS, Sut. Sapervîsor Lame>-moyeU (bat the 'b§t*r jue rf<rred -to the Boord o! ~ 0< ~* + «<th. lapereheAnMdmoa, Cblaman e Ylogir Cmnteeo ae hrS Cominmttsm ]Poel, ubmttcd 1the fol swouX bIeg lbave toi 9 , t Uat th" :Boa cd 0< Supervîsor, juneTeni havé exanslued sii ils 8preaentêd Jonc 14,. A. D. ION0. th beferiewtmpd tOceumed Itb<> pa- Otaleft lnol. LAIte COunty-ae.: es meut-Of thea MlOu'trig ami liat 1the'14. (baîrmau and Gentlemen of 1the nu vlark hbéodl"~ dtg iluoit oraafor Haof < Spelnr: t the evert]a U utute t he everah Tour Commttbe en Poor would beg t lamant~ ~ow*tb.envie to report t(bat 01e> have ecalot- le h ine~tAiaout. mcd ai] l CI8IIDpresentedtieore thcM, Ma, = at. bsupthaî for lu.- su .......... ..2r, adrëecomo« thê11e paymeut of lth- 411108fbl.Ul!tioufortheEduts- fillowIlig.and thatthle clerk liedret. r twleb I lap ttully sub Pd ed oIassueor4ers for 111e several W IIltted. în<l)n tu te 1e seral elalmants.te-1- M.J.aBECbalrmaîi "if:1 DAVIID ADAME, Narneand fotnbt,1*.Aott A. 10. WOOLLET. F$.TW V A'E18 Sslîervlsor Huutabîilveltj t Lar , 4C..,drygooa . $4.0 tire rqffl be.aet4bIl.nd a.pteo. el, weld.............410." Cn.Rding. edal ................1.35 Motion carred. uIns Wslharg, grweetem s............ 71.00 BuPervwr Admmý alrmnan' of 'F1 W Table, gretres............ 21.77 Soerlsr ilm . I§y, humortal ............ 31.004 (,'0tnoMee onC 1 ounty arin -Andibî, W. t'. P.Mai" rrels90 E. . fmilg, aboya . ...... ..1.0 Isubmitted the tollowlntg report: È. P, nid » etom1....... . 50ja Board of Supevmts nineTr. Uvins unj. 1008 t é 8 lulx r& very coroner 6.00 Jua1>A ~190. BuIîoek jtro., cai............. ..1409> State of IlIla, imIa e enbl-an.: M. . gz 81111& Co.. grocérlea....... .81 bit. Chai-ulan and Gentilemgn o!f1the 8- Lyrgr rie................8(9) P. Bale.taw.1cena ..........8300 Board o! supervlmots: J. R. Oleasen. <ed ti150 Yonr Commilîlce on Coonuty 3 arîn E. >Mead, cou] sud ferd.......'i0 V'. llotintlaIa. ieîcl..............85 Audtlng Clma wuod beg léave te A. KraPes aodttea pole...........0 repor that they> have exaaneils 1111 Wua. Brtw», mnt ta pont...........à,-40 Hoffau aBrou.., pocellea.......54.49 eim, ispresented<t bSore tirera, andil4. W. Evans, grocer$los............ 24.45> 4 remmend the payment et the folle%,- G. B. Warren, geoerla,..... - ....... 47,N) 4 lng sd iatti. rkho lretd 1 ltiIe& C.. grocerlea ...........32.50 i Issue orders for 01e severial monlîle G. R.- olji be 2.10Ir to t1e àeverfith laîmants, to-wit: WTrtsl e Ca.. crlaI anîd sod.. 8225 7 JC.Mehast 4AlBru., gondets irn . à1 MansaI u ht nuI . Bîdisîer 4& Co.. gouda u ontmr... 3à.8t 2 IL. B.iger, hardware . 887_.41 $741 <.carge Birman. gonds ta Ir .....a0 1 i lIait lPester. ahoea gand J. K. Bowmr.cash adraî,cfor alours. 75 Iis~Ihu........... 22,40. 22.40 laig ..................20. Wi.eats . .. -m38.00 :34.410 A. W. Utrkfield, oe extîng. 2ri.m> 271.9)> 1.0W4.213 Dtoyen ait weeI. Isbe---...46#0 <týi5 ] TOWN <OF DEERFIIIiA>. 1 il . - ,- rc k7useecadie.147.00 14707, lti,,ttîow 4A Jlpp. gouda lu1),.,r . $27.8M.6 P'eter leyer btter . ....11.058 0>51 k. BPedahL rut . . ........ S> . . 1 Oerred, ..oi ..1.4IJI7 1747 Mmu. Ailla, Weets, ent.............4 ma B- ei- Bras., elottlus .. 96)1l4 .00b<a5.ii'libehaumt ......t...25,.04 ;0 -111a lu. de .n , 0bîJh Widleo.041 .... .........10.(» M.4 B.Colhy i4l, en. mdae. 45.61 :14.61 A.hV. Wldte . m-at............2..4 1'reeiuatéPower & SuppkliA. Re Nrt»w.r. rorýerlea...._22S4 Vo.e>ceucrrent..1.56 15:'~A laer an.wdsd t,-ofl..... 61.38 B . LoreIlTqw,73di. 963 FritsPhSns&.. arts-.Ie............ 31.79 Sst 4Devns, indue. 1.19:10 .30asE. Lludattmauonds ta pour .... 8.. IOa2, <'bas.11, ila e idu...00 1:1>0 - 1 taie........... ." : If . n. Eerhd bu $2.735 il. C. W. Meyer ca....4.7 1 Nrluanek Bro., hardwar. e. 2.06 V34184. B. lbheîmail. KIear......23 Max Kohuer. dry geda... « 18.aM P44.> Ilr. oell. iine - .........13.101 Wi. E. Brooks, ploW A ..imm.4) 35.0 .. Tayluror. uedica l seraI......7.00,1 Warren M. Beath,. se ..64.44 9".,.KintIluas Merc-,r bumiler 4,lanîber. 11.99 3 JJ. b.Taylor, ineil ai-' Sîîîîrh 4à Davisgsoteait s.r 11.701 Paenace..............2itial; 2<.38- Tmlgp A44Taylor. aidie ...2W.37 2W-437 $49014 Il <.A. Appley. andty,. .. 2.7? 1272 TOWN OF ANTI(>('I. 3 4. A ppiyw udy 400 47.00 F.Jil. Aine., uwnaslen sî'14.ce ...928.m 15 E W iJ ackuadyW.M crl ithg 32 l2 ýES-iader. argery .......... rg4.0 Ir, W est, Outillais . Ma .1.W . W-Warriîter. nursery ...........1.ý00 $2614.12 i92,641 nzaita Il. Uwais. drugs.............1.40 T Tour ommttce on Poor Fan *0.8 AutltiOg bhaexamined 1the pa>- roll TOWN OF FREMO,'T. eft 1e .emPloYed ofthe 1. centy Pana l: lRns..,rci e.............145 ru . a .Y. r n.,...............1e44 I ud Ilmi the IMme correct ami thjat L.I. Taylor, modîral acrIes....12.00 2 t(hr o-bm Ile. ahave 2h1 been Puidtfoc $330 l the atrr endIug bMarc!> 31, 11104, TOWN (OF BENTON m'i W@ hae aie exaljWdthe ppe le . i. tcil.-rct . ..... ...... 3.00 v>n We av alo zaulud 11 exen>-Fielding H. Wlhite. cash and srîca, 25.00 Fe hlif Of C. A. Apple>-. Supeclintendenit. ZI,,u lIty ttl,r,grocerîcla.........8@(u5 sud fin()th lb>usne correct and thut s-I t11>-e la a credît toelMr. Alîplë>v of TOW.N OF WA12OX)A Goldig So,.gnod. tr pour. 842...00o tl. $I272 .-orge 4'l. RIlirts. inetîcîtue...2.25 AIl o! wlîleb la repectfnily eubmît- tirtIL. Wllis. tcdî,-ai servira,... 34.0 DA'.ID ADAM -III liaiat. TO)! FWN AtIty. $7Î2 .M. J. (»IIBS, B Aher 4 Dxon. 0odat» o l.$5494 J. K. BOWEI1. 8 TOW<1 Iti'(JAý nv SUI)"VIOr I;rhsnà mved teac-recnl.f .... »..............9Ç5-0 ade Suprrao lîahnimoyU n ccpt F .100TOWN O 4F AVON. .4.010 and adopt Cris report. lit. Jon PaImae...............$45 X 3itoocrrc.lac. John Palimer ,............00 SUIerI*O Ednrd%. haimun Dr. Johi"Palmner ............ _ :.tsî lour SupreIsr dwndn Caî o o tlc-tcd for reaun tbat they tretc Spo'ial Bridge Commttee on KelloggaBuor ordered hy Sapenifor brIdAp, te wbom was refont-eUfle>-00111- Total *moirtallowed._... 3.0v i . ta ainolCation eoflMr. Atkîimon. .nb>ntted AIl4f whlmh lanîvpertnlly suhailtted. tir fôlownXýJAME14 ANIIMIION. Chaîraisu. To tîte foIowina~ NI HUNTIN TON. RIt f îlols, Lako couutty-ça.ý: Il. C. EWALIDB. l'o tire Honorable Board of Stîpervîs.- Superilot Woolley moyeU liat Uîe ors of LaIte 'ounat>. llînolu: rePlort bee nceplted îand adopred.. ri Tour commîifte. c oîtlng (if I. <C. 3otlou catrli. j,. C. l'dwardâ IIiI Dueý1-Id Adams. Jr., te SuPene-isot Meyer. ('haimman of Coin.I- tO a-hom WaiIrefeorecd tue (-mMq M(-IJa tte n09111QlîlFaPrin.loub fite Dtelne Of Mc. Atkian o 0<ie Tows-noftBen-_ toiloing Invente"-yaîéalreport: -tonl on, for $30.435 for plari n îd npertlila- Wa>îkcgiiîi, Ili., lune 15, 104. tien iojs.drau-n and !nrIiihed tjor the Kî'l- 31. ('baînmau ndmi tleamei orftheb A logg bridge lu l11ë 00*» of Belîtoîî, Board of Supîerv-isera: mitt ,vould repecefuilly report tnte youc Tour couilu> Parai Committéej îonorîlle hoUdy that- w>-recounend waiul41 bg envé tae 1 ubimit 0the <0110w- baüt imtU petitâtan ho-rjected. 1 .Ing liî-ntor.y of!rti>-Couat>- Fatî: 11. 1v. ED)WABDSe, (iBOVF.tE4. S DtAVID) ADAMM. 1>1te es ........... ........... . ai 0 f thc 145) 145(off">-..................... 18001a Itulereit-on Huntlngton movei lt toit@. (ator........................b a o th rPort ie actapIed sud ad,,pted. S ae." s'ap......... 1. 375 > Motoncarîc. 2do . it. ................... 7.00 M Motion ear.ed, hal. 5lit.g.lit..................8 8upervitior Lame>-. Chairnin f! , (b1am.înp ...................... 1.00) w>- 2 btels. suait....... ............. 2,5t0 a l 'otumîltes- oî Erroacous Aecmnt.i biîi pnck ..................... 12.00 'M ;ubmitte the folo1iIgrport: hterT.................... ;7.20 tîbîittd iefoloin rpot: 1 uai a hi-e .....................400) jol: Board Of Supervisons. lune Terni. 1 isat- îof aapoiI ........ .....2.50 lune 15,A. D. StMu4. dit 0EV DYGOOPS. ditti of Illinois. Lake- Cout-aa.: dt ,suit.menaudeweat..... 0.00, woinen's nadersear -...> Ur. Ciartisn and (Gentlemenî of the 2 d4m. aie'a <trrhirta ... ..........1>11 Board o'0tpr Io .1 dos. tn'q jacket, ...............00 Bo Suevsn:1 dom. mina potils...... 1800 Tour eoamltaee te wbom waste '- 1 dos. iea. ores............8 .00 l-t rrdthe.petitiort ef Iltigza Banson, 3 do. me.sa bats ................. .00 !ag. 2 dus. mena cottron earks...........200Att tacob (loldlIamli. Andrew Laraoià,* 1 dits. 'wonis etto0 b,-i.....1.00 n ou 4dbater anid W. H. Andcmauu.ai patta*uleit', aboc................. 1200 Waîi 4 pae. wmets tta~~..............» Ho .'ould ho-g eave 1e suhmlt the folow- S u5 ,vegt......:........... 1.0 rg report on lbe maltera hefore (t1,-to. courel s t............ .........10.00 ,et. 3 8 "ae aaiiden;.......... ......50 W>- recommeud a refond as folio 0 e2 n > aufaet-r-...............:.... ii~ 7.3State tax and $111.5 couatt> * 330 imet.ad piliioraie@ .....0.(N) me .0 mattresea ......................15100 ra t the malter of Elisa Hausion; si; 130 yda. ahceting...............:: 108>sr ,enta Stite tax and $114 couflity lax, -304 ide. duekitta.................. 15.00> Mi M) ydà. caie germai, bhie ..........3,0 oJaeob (Jodamllh: $228 5&rate(iX 148>i . toinîg .................0t)ndi ud *3.ffl count>- tai, te Andrew Lutr- 40>bcipreada................* *2.00 appi( 2 pale bob a ic.luh.................. 15.01) ou; $2.08 Blate tat xand $2.8 ouaI>- 1 tasir h1t hotu.................25.00) su îî t l' (aurad Sehafer. We woul 4 Ualdenmâles..... ............... 1.00 ('omu 'urthr reemmendthst he pryeri1hondielfed cuiter .. ý...............00n rnterreotmoul h~ 11e rae 1 fow rtr.................1.00iitie If the petllion of W. IL. A4nderson bal1>-YI i oiy anud rapl.............. 124>0 toit rante. 15q;ctoru .................. .0 B 10 graiotiela l<......................7. .5a0 Ail~~ ofwiI-h1 epctul-sts double bran-_. ....2000 2 single arei.................. 1.0 Mr.4 MILESB T. LAMET. Chaimnlut, I urindOtOee.................... 2.04)B> 1 cota &barrer.................. .2.00) FIELDING H. IVIL.HITE. 2 wa:Zn jsrka ................... 2.00 TOI .IAMBBM MDONALD). Ird n seedet ...... 1 ........... '2.9x) terri ..SuervserAndrsonmovd tretthe4 hwbe omws...................00 Me Sapeylisr Aderin myeU hatlic 41lCE1.LANEOUS. @port he aceeted and adopted. Ayala 1 lbat twater hetlnagplent... ..,3(10.00-hls. id o vte ein calodtomlAi ane gazoline tank ................2110 Iefor rai nevot beng alld fr te sine2 watînginmacliti. ...........".9.00 as% ad*pted b>- the followlng vote.' oiltanek..... ..................1.00 We Those voting 11>e are- Sapertiora 3 eltea wrnngem..............00for ot8 wasl aillîera..............::: 130 ,tei Luderion, hlo*er, ('10w. Gibhbs, (ra- 1 W au tb..........31 o 21ce tb................... 7.15 fr 411rMeer QuuluStphna.TI- @tîursos........ 75.00 ln IA amReubéjgr, Amy, eDnal 8 al gavecoc........... ...5.00 kller 11e er. -re 10a Cmmtec 0p. Tlb. 4 caseraller,................14.00l -Hi th C4 'n8 li ln t., lu ttc te ai lm Ai ho I fa wi lit ]l ý.mntteç o! puncbaslinc Dry Powder %W )"àcUlli1Lbecly i'Ire Extinguiaher Cîl k<loutny lai-m )e lefI wlth fie "(o nltT Partin Committce.1 entaled.An ~ mc owi-moveU tint Doc ]nu Roa 1ealoueol $150O,û> port]M Z M rr .4ndemnnioved liaI L Zç 'Ir b re Mqt N7% #» per Potm . si4 -th4 4ate j li ý ý%c ý-Apr1 04. isAui r . creain osa. ..c.es...........au.. 1 pai r .S obdugs - - .... i palmerplaus'a aie..... 1 e air stoit.e... ......... Il taonî age O.............. 2el 0wgL b tea....... 1 oi si'f l @cois... ........... 1 pati laotabmle........... 15J fstocm oida........... 1>0In ilownt................. 1 lit caut ll ..ist ............. 1'20J. c opa ini muOe............ 1lai e knlrc udrk . 50 eltw ue a. ,.............. 80 Ir o ta b le . . " ' * . ...s 15 waster î,tchs............. N)> regetalt ...d - . ....... . ... 100 largem r a« .. -.. .... ..... 101 art qalltîu fâip.ee...... 101 11n1iroasud................. 50 soit mites.................. 0 tromu bletsatc ....e 14 waîbe iauasta r 14 lswn tawledi................ itr Itts ee De"..,....... i tet raur................ 10 ts ronts,................. 2 st aroesrv(cl I 4 ar pelle hloka . .... 9 >îand boe lanktera ., J boy rgca....... ............ h WOrd rta.......»............ l arli uers a le ndiits ul... t..... Plt l all.............. I n h r#.................... 1 lilas.... .................. abhos s...................... -s 2làt i-.ac-.Ida.................. 7 -ca ....................... i -fair....................... àyalIi-casa.......hal.......... 2 ýA e ......................... ec..................-.. trck waaoua...... 1 prhit:wagona......... 1Iwo.seted buggyi .............. sueie ............ ........ 1hby tale@.................. 1sett Iran harrowa.:.............. walilîg plow............... sulky plaw ......... ....... dise low............. ulky cuîljit .... luowem....... .............. )rii brvester ........ sel bl.der .... .... 1bai- tedde ............. 1 ton planter----------.... potat0 dlge----- P« tslo plangte----------. stsuad mts........ 0119 Iu. fnota lu hIe ...... z bu. polatoes .................. St.1.8 of bey................. ca rda ut Wood ........ Toal,........... ............s <-lor lou 114 25 acre, cars 7 acre. ptatae. arragardien. -" NUIER 0F INUATES f*4' FAI lia-saie...................... [ilfl-la..................... ilisie-aune................ -... *iae-lausue ................ Ail of whîcb la repocttolly si H. C. W. MEYEB. THO«. . GiAHA>I W. F. C01.W Suîpervlsor Bowrer MIoved (ha mentor- and report 11e acceeptec dopîed., Motion csrred. Superviserr!Meyer aiabmlttted thi Boar-d of Supccvlsoift Joue Teq Joue 15, 1> îleë o!ft1111", Loke (101311- 0 he Honorable (iirmaik ami 1 of- $uperylsor: Tour Committe- on Coant>-1 ould respetuily recomuiend . . Apple - h emîiloyed as 8 tendent ofr0the 'ount- arm foi il emlng noa. eônmauclng shèbr 1., 1064. aI the same 0camp, )n aa beïretotore allowed. li et which lm renaeçltul*y H. C. W. METUR. THON. E. GRAHAMI W. F. CLOW. Supervîsor Huntlngton moyeU ereommeudation lie aceepted apted. Motion cgrried. [o-eU b>- Superviuor Gtaham dô now adjouru util to-moi n. at (ou o'cloe'k. NlotIon est-t-ed a# Boa rd ilooo] Irnd. FOURTH lIlY. Waakiegan, Ill..,Jua 16, 19( oard met pursatit t adje St with Chaînai> Stopisua pr r.Meaihens preacot: BlIpervi ltron, Miiaisg, foNer, Clow, ulas, 011111, Graham, Hlîii wenherger, Lame>-, MeDofald,1 Meyer, Quentin. ltnymoud, St, 4embers absent: Superivor ad-1. lanutea of ptcceditlg meetingi 1upon motibn o! Supervisor M, >rove& ' ipervlmor Raymond, (Ulalrmati mmilttee on Judges oft eIeion, mi@ th1e fobbowing report: ýSrd o! Soper-Isori, Jane Tort June 161, A. D. 1904 ,t of lillnois, 1.ake- County-adý . haîrman and 4Gentlemen o! MoaM iof Supene-lants: mi-r Committee 10 wbom was rd Appsontmentiq for Judges ltion woahd 11>g 1>ave toa ul following. report ofth11e mal, tre thetu: ce tecommend (he uppoîntueni followlui; stot oJdges of eleci th1e saverai precliu'te and <mit Lake Coont>-, and Ihat tbe .ev( if neo. A. Tttî-del- Johnil. 1.0 Wadkagan, District 1. Tiernang IlBoard of Supervisora4jl, . Trm. .I Ban lOdere Et.; Judgee-<'haàs. June 10, -A. D). lm0. ELO) CraPO. M. P. Miller, Nick iteardon. Stitit ofllînois la24k COUDsg- 440 W&Ukffln D1itrct 2, Murray's Mr'. (7halrn andsx) entiemmet0th1e 240 liBarn. MadIson Kt; judgpe-L-ee M- Buard of, Supçervsors: ... -0 Donongit, D. T. Webb, J. li. 1ady. Your Oomittee on Clairm on ond 10.00 Wankegan, i, Otrci 3, Crooker', lWg leave to report that they bore Px- - .,00 Bouse, Geneee Kt.; Judges-J. K. aming akil daims preanted before 15.00 .. Bower, Oeol. W. Sellat. C. G. Ingrahtain. tliemt, ndt reconîîend the payaient of 6.40 Waukegan, District 4. Perrin Hall, 1the foilowlng, and thut the clerk be g.)0 Frankln St.; Judge.-Davld Adanis. dlrèctedt leenoeaf n e B .... IMM . ER Woolley, Tlmotby Speliman. erail amounieta 10thé e veral clalmants, 25.00) ,».w Waukegan, District , ,Englue- Iiouge, fto-uit: ... 100OD 9 Utîca St.; JUdgea.ý-L. M. Ekstrand. Nasmn an d fer what. Aiouat. Total. *.15.0Il P. Brand, Atidrew Oluien. J. t1.Tay lerouadres... .$ 2.12 $ 2.12 40.(X> Walîer I.I)raw. 1 canket. 24.01) 20.00 12.00 Waukegan, IttricI I6, sellat Heine, aimons S abla te, haut t en Distrct 68, N1orth (Chicago; Jtudge- lirgcoroner# laiT. 4.00 4.000 4.2 FankWilia,,S. lalioîj, ~ ~ Johnu (lidna, cina. wor .9. Da 9.1>0 4. Z Frnk illams S. athine C,%V.Auna Bots ord, use of 5-M N'dfer. typewriter frotte Mar. 1 3.0 llîlld, Ilerfc 1 Cly all Lk a Jne 1 ..............7.30 7.50 2.00 Forest; Jndge*-Janlet4 Anderson, %Vl- .. . t f mital 4.00 llam Atterldge, WIilant 1. gteelW dethand Tbrba.0.8 913.86 .00 Slileldis, District 2. Village Hall, l'nul A. fiait, atengrapb o.ù Jk B uf;Jdgea-J. W. Brldgi.ui rA.port ofIndnest ... -.i 1200» lake luff.luit 1, A LRogers. ferinfluorme- 6.00 James Bfod, Ânrew Gunhî. tîosuit correctilit de- 3.D Shields, Distrct 3, Village Hall. Ton et ivauke. 1-400 orti Chicago; Judgea--O. 1). (lota, s, A*o' . tc 2Z2(0 25.00 1>00 W. t. Anderson, Thot;. V1. Muy. Coriadjoll..e.... d.r 8.7s a 87.70 1.110 liberty-llle. District 1, Town tHall. A My er>. Jstktea4 ;: .8o> 380 c .0),Liberlyville, Judge6-W. E. Mille>r, A- n. J bte, battai of _&OD ~John pbIilja........... 20.00 0i 3.00 A. J. Austin. D. Crliith. J. V. Foley. medical et. 2.0 ller»,tyville. District 2. Sehanck tendance a Iai l..... 4.30 34.10 North horbue Flectrlc Co.. 3.00 Itulldlng, Ilbertyrllle: Judgm Gi (. eecrc lbt feoliîland Schanek, J. A. Bradley, W. E. Achen. Court Hou»e........... 90.95 111.8il .952.00North Shbore Electrie (Co.. 87.0) 11renont, Woodnan Haill. ivaioe: 1gb; anîd power..... .07 q07 45-S0 Jdg&--H. C. W. Mieyer. (',art Hortier. North Shore Electrie Co-. 930 lght and power . '... 1.13 5.13 0&500 Frank Doîpl. North Shore Elec-trîr1Co.' . 3".'iO.00 Wauvonda. Englune Houa,'. NWaiuior.- tfr puttinginla lxture. 170.00 c ort fHause......7.00 7.00 201) da. Judgeu.-A. J. Rlaymond, E. A. ELelu J. Griffa, se.rve'let 7300 <lofidng, P. . Cary, a. depaty sheruf for 60PC 37.50 ( ,Iay ulig arig ; tn. a oi reat t o t3.T 500 CbJmyBidig arnlj; welter-................28300 Xj 2eS0 Judges-MÙlles T. Lame>-.Fred Kirsch- ingals Br"... ivery (bill.. l12.30 12.5u 11t 000 er. G4.HermerdîJnger. AL Iraeig t ier. , t (11.00 i. Town Hall, Lake* ZurIch; meetIng of Cohnsty Bd.. 010 3.0 Ibo 10.00Jndge-Deiaon HuntîW. 0.H.Brown, posh ballon 1000 Jde IeloiHnigu. I. and lbnet ail ...1..10 1.30 lm 1(.oû Prehm, EmI.l Lrnk arsen & Courai.t, t 1 lie 12,00 Vernon, Town Hall. H aIt Day G a met................. 20.0n 20.0 6.00 m e. N. Powell. ta %und. 0 i 2:84.utge-oeio: Quentin,, ..Ni. Weldiîer. services ................ 29.00 b 21.00 ha PredStanliff. ten. N. Powell. ronVeYfng. 35-WPre Stactife.prisoners.............00 211D 3.00 6a> West Deerfield, TownHal er eoN.Pel.cvyug- 20.00 field; Judgs-M. Horeaberger. C. W. nsane and suadry sm 7300Ice. . l1m10 137.10 1un.i0Petitsa,John Caroînu. * >-,.N.ielflw 10.00 Deerfleld. District 1, Prlor's 0411ee- prlsouers.............04l.150 soi.,0 .1800 Iugce-JmeaMcDnad, MPrIr.2 buras... . 400 40.00 Iude".e00 B Oi.î-W.' llg1y Ipair bonts 2.1b4 2.5>0 p 30).00 bard, Jaibes H. Dnffy. Ama. Arthnioîeter Co.. '.1(m)1 IBaranahestand... . 00 5.40 S Deeriffeld, 1}itriet 2, City- 11111. Le. mrliaough, ta stemmn 87.0 lgîwod. udea-M.J.(iblat> lttlog ............... 71.857 71.85 128.00 iglW. Chas. AtM J (lliiU.sensaMasoa. office wark W.Tul4er. Cas.Codon. tuePirak aggla... 3.06 3(U00 MI 000 leerflid, DiitrIct 3. City- Fîre Of. R. J. Manou. l>-pewrlter lie7 HgladPrk00 eý-A oc,.supplia, tar Frank Gag. lie.HlblndPak Jdgu-A.B ak gl.................. 1.2-0 1.50 Bo >.4874>0o Ilenian Dengel, J. J. Brandi H. tC. liornlng. dietlua tful m uI ..................2.7.20 2.0 Ail of wbIch lm. rcapectnl oîowatiaean Ile Ca.. 4 touasfer iiîltte(1. cent ...................7.0 310 A. J RAYOND, Cham. E. Daulels, niedical n.J AYO id .................... 2. 00 2.00 AU BM. ~i. J. GIBBS. J. K. Bower. transporta. ~ 112 ...17 1toit ta pourt.... IXî 1.8 A ::I Supervîsor Woolley uioved fliat the 2.K. Bower. 4 burlI.. &XOD 60.0) f0l 9 report lie accepted and adopted. Jas 91.75 61.75Joathe ....17 Motion carrled. (bu iipo 'ao. o2 dMuervisor Miller, (baîrnian of C:oin- phobne rentai sud tollx.. 4î.20 45.20 mn îNnt~uitte.o PîutngaîbflîîgdUiefo .Il Tyler, tlklng eare ubult- mtte.on rintngsubmttedthefoi- .trjames (Gille"n. John AI lowlng report:, Authro analoi Ca». 6 BraIebe*rgr............ mon MOI)0 Board of Superviaors, June Ternu. »en Lluxberry, cuot. Wei N.June 14, 1904. tees.................. 3. 735 l Coully-a.: A. L. Heade. taà ,aad State of Illina, Lakt e Cuty irrk fes. Insne Pa-C .1 the Mr. CIairmani and Gentlemen of thIe tliîts .................1. 1,0 &50outil 8 nd Bar o uprvsre'W. P. BIateroud...1310 18.10 !il nd Bard f Suerviom:,John Neisse, te expeoaeA Your Commttpecon Prlnting sn<i14ta- or arvest of Jus, manaki 13111) 13.80mit North Shore Oas Ce., sai tlonery Cdaims would beg leAve tlu nd an 0. msuiz .. .00 D 0&400 e fol- report that they bavae eamined ail Chao. Furaiture -e te bal. os Icthr eoeL ... &.00 5.00 claims prepented before tbem and ta.!- W. H. Dow. stand la Cîr. N'tu. ommend the payaient ofth11e tollîiw. cuit Cleika *esnad, ~~~~~ lu.moratl e hr ~ ~ , edrepare,.........19.05 1.05 ý90. Ig. nd iai: te cerkliedircte taW. H. 11.1v.ta rewlrlng -a.: fitae eorders for 0the neveraI amouns i onul IDI ....1.181" Bo:rd10111 aveai laninta t-wt: Windows and reuîl-a.27.." ?.2 1>81 Naines and for what. Amount. Total. JOhu adesn 1a a Fa in arringlon ltevlew,..printW. lait. aO. and ta.... 30.50 8.1> un ........... .. .... .00 o W. H. Dow. 33wlndow 1 0Cô that DsllySon. pi'tlng 33..10 3350 A5creena .................8.75 6.75>U uper- Th Inepedentp .10blbn .O. Wlmr aîn Drdpthnttais .........15L.40 W*V.. n Bdge.. hardware. , 7.20 7.30 1 r1.0 Brlie ý%lng Selp- ~ llk.~24.00 '40 1.ll Loa 0.ea,75101Ad ýpis-W.X.Wnd îlspttes..a. > .f 3&.00 m1081."&deadd4 aa,7>. 9 ena tminaond & steph'end Co. . IMead. % ha. gaina seed V1 , .J5 que upîa.. .............. 40.00 4000 B. .. Flogg, letterins dor T WaaUlesn 'iln <. f Co. Tressurer .8.09) 8.00 sî- pliens...................0.0f 9.00 omAna. C. Jahacke, repaing And Ponsoby ilJeeîsain. laiti cenent waIk at Court boonk.....................44 , i liuse ....,............71.83 71.85> o Mlon i rntinx & Pal,. Ca - Thoma. Tieruan. movla, Ca. r 111. Reports .............. 7.15la 7.11> Toca. mate te ruaIter 4'llhsn&Ca splîa 2. 7 5 1.75 reinli.................. 25.00 .25.00 14 PF. Pett&îC..h ples& .. . l 3.11 olnr&J. Id. Cornell Co., p t e bna................... ta netaille cases, Trent.. nu .F. petiîîe (o. rera vanît ...........107.00 130.00 51 1 il ............1p0 .0 B. J. Moiona, typeeriting. 8.L>0 3.50 Fra t'p.1etb a. Hl il,&Bauggnuisîlaand blauka..........1.38 150 liittlig.............. 9.50 9.1>0 1peti Gea 1 Brsrd44Co._<0. B. éltephil1, cel. wark Mi that books ................... 1041> n10.0 and mtnt ae .......... 3.00 3.90 1mw Ge. 1. arurdk C.,W. E. MillIeraoni. work a books...................04).()sud00H& llW ee...(u....35 300 ic lIen. 1).Barnard & (0., 11 4.Vi Mement01 bI ck ad (1 ................... 1-0 16.00 work .sudinîleage ...3.9>0 55 0ea. D. Darmant & Co., M. Ilarenherger, coi. 4(K .0 nhg bîaka ................... ..I 5 L-.-.2, work sud ulleage . .4.0 Gazette lPub .., bankn.. 31.75: '31j", G. B. Stepheus, coin. work M snd atenteag...........3.80) 3.80 Eu "-4 "634.30 Joh(111*Ciiet. for arreat iu AUo bc 8ll$etul u and retara of borne ui 04.~~b ALo hhI.esctul u thieves .............. M mo 200.00 I41 lurul- îutteil. Cty et Waukegau,4 water ronti Mar. 10. l9eu resid- W. B. MILbLER. ta lune 11, aa...33.37 337 e Isors THoe E. GR3AHAM,. Lanyon imi; Bn, Bad snp. file et Juol and court .EBEQEN'N lUne ............... 7015 7(15 AIt gltin, Suîpervienr Quentin moved liat tlhe P . l. LOVU. idrugsu.....i11-30 11.31) «,, Jjjjj-rport * ateptfý,daud adpahd. cli . Ersas, 1 banal o f 3111 rpotli accte iu aopet. soldier ..... ..........35.00) 33.00 tepli- Motion currieti. . Toi $3.574.43 %Z,574.43 We 9. Supccvlaor Huîitlngton iuoved that %,Il of Wh[lit lurepectfuilly But- WU. 11k- tilie Cout>- lerk lie dlreeted ta IssueIlieU. We a warrant endier hie baud ani 'eaIt HORENBERGBR, mm j read dlréeeite1the Sherif eof Co.ok Coulît>' H. c. iv. MIYE% ar Mes. ieyc'r iîimandlng hlm t toitae the amunt GEO. QUENTI'N. Mr of tax together wltlî the comand mi uperv'isoe Gibbs1,moeed tbat 1the re- Cern the per-Mary no! elharges that Inia>Reacrue froin11elir- or>t lie aecepted and adopteol. Wni. suit- santal propprty of Mrm. M. Van Bmll Motion carriei. Lea1 inoîis for $0.18; A. R. Re-lI for $1-10; Supervîsfor Fldwards, Chaîrsuan ofi Mary Porter latter>- Co. for $133.28; Johît 'nmmittee en Fees and SalatrIes, e00j> Aise 04 1.ehiiannî for $5.20. and John Hâgc iiitted thp following report. DallaÀ lort$349, a. provIdeil b> Sec. 1<0 ot Board of Supervlsors, Jlne Terni. M.1 tho ('hapter 19.,Bevlsed Statutes. Joe16.,1I04. Barbh Motion carrled. $4tite tif Illinois, Lake County--ma.: Barbai Me.. r(e- Supervisor Lînîey nînved tIlat the Mi. lWrman and Gentlemen o!fthe LonIa is of clerk lie directed ta Isue a warrîîut Boartd o! Superisers: Smm à îniit tuiier big lad andi amildirected TYour Commutte. on See. and Sel- mms. tter. tth(1e Sberiff of Kante Count> co~i- aune. Would beg lente to sobfilt the Asd»' îîîandlng hbmina tmake 0the amnunt of foilk>wtng report oun1t1e mattera befuro e er. It ot tix together Witb 0the conta and theut. Mmp.L rtion bîarges thot mai' accrue front theiper-, That tlie Board of Ievitev liut-lMe rjetg motitl propertY ot Chas. Rulsberg fOr lowet].four dollars per day for their Mis. .. fa> . h.20 a rol %db- ec 160ut 'lip- rvfe.Mm toltowlug reporta: Board o! sapervlsora; Your comniterta-1o0lm tar-ed the.petItion. of ! rm lier for , tdrain uhep limmo. place of Sulieca on the eaau&- Dianmod te, wounbeg subulit tii. followig repeoftý maltera Isefore im: W* boy* 1usd malipecotion d dmaI -, ta have a majortIor dm tic 1 j Ofth l Twnaiij% ot Liber*yvIhia, Cou>-, IlIltOla W. woild hgfr~oa th@e Pryer ait 11111MPetIloha be uPOn 1the sald LChrJ . T'atdle pi loto 111e connel>-T*0àae, f8 tee of lve huntiek 4OAurs Ail of whleh: la respoenfuill$ TIIOKE. 0GEA&tA3t 0h01 -W. E. inrlamE SOperyleor Wootley pm«e c rapt and atlapt the. repo". Motion carrIbed. Board o!fSBa.prvlsora, iq» Joue X , .Be $tâte ofIllinois, Lake. Mr. Chaîrruan and GOm ss, Board of Supervisor: Tout comxilte, 10 wh6m 'er-ieU (ho petition o! ,V. lé, FiaIt Day. Town of ve 'i ; heg henea ubmît lie tZeflu,4 sort on th1e altera betote t We haire exarélned tbew t land liere m 10have. a hoe lalvotera o! the1e Twm,g lion anU we would- tbre<re menU 11150 tie prayer of0m be granteil apon itte payme# t caus le Of l80e iumdred ÇSOS lo ntp 1the Oounty Trossuhl'. Ail Of wich la rempetttfl$ 1 UItted. THOK aE GRAH*,OI.4h* W. B, MiLLR. $upSi-viso 01111 se »"Ab"0 port ho aceepted ami adopted, 'Motion catrred. Board of Supervise, >jule T ime ilgo, A. 1E;a Rtle of llllHu, Ite OW0.4 Mr-. Chaîrman and qendoImgi'# Board o! Supervaors: - 1 Tour committee te vina w> erd the. matter of tbe p lcmm.toJooflpb Aam",4 Uàmtaokcep a drmm *.p*e 81., wouhd bes le ave1 i~ ellowing report eosthli al eea We have emmsined t»c petlUoe ented amind nd1 il ïtla majority or ltehegajvoe*_ *wa of Avec, but 1Oua ,uld repeolly 8aPostt Id pe"tito.bock te lbe Ominitatiofl. Ail. of wbicb laea, ted. THO@. M. GEM W. . miLim~ ,motion- carrted. r>-et or tii. petîter b I bunI> TretaorY ~ m pereloot bardst ov tami ona l>- lai b. aIt Halnmond ai reqne&tett tItion. Motion carried. '1apes-viaor tla.>- iuodlaI. Sk bé dl vectea to lune oeSap« nt o! ï1 Ilale llowed et hua mes go! the Beard, %otion ostrio. - SperviertRaymoud moved 10flà note ion Iv neun e Report et Aid glvam f1<> Ilw Te pftemted, to-vil: bae.ua............ Fitzgerald-------------.... aPrie------------ Y a u k e g an - J . K. * f l a i re r , * * J. lcthîond--------------- J. Waeîk .............. rWagaer ..............» 11 lule- .............. Pondt ...... ........... Tmore n............. astrohe........ leé Browna ............... Kamne ................ BAgu......:........... sthke .......... ........... Carizoni......... ........... ira Crteu-------- ses Steio................. Canule .................. [M tad~........ ne.......... ...: ew seri tk.......... ................... Wigtner.............. Wlarmn ................ 4ioom i.,.............. casneil.............. 1 -