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Lake County Independent, 29 Jul 1904, p. 2

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w"»GmmmT5 di agSpoSiUbiIL. ."NWOOD WRICK. W;boxA*Mato tienaSIf Me RailNet tî xa ,wa qqt Nm eulil gaveSeem oc -4 rEighth braktemnufer oui>- sx 9W wwàN et known as,"head Sakeinaii' on esIL, Wrlih t tld tht corurs mn -10 htIcgO h. tongt oeres, loft ho Md eh u ns talli te pressai thet ic botobetveen tht Dreug n Senis>-t cncn Oktrain snd. s frelgih chtl IpWMe.t&I.L Wriuhtadmtttd thtif th' po hâd remalneti et ,tse itou sud oft18 WoWMN. 144 be eudat emeen thet k M . umhim xxcueumtrain,sgged i by ~bvuel the aen«t. "At cbkiage ný È"ota.Wrliht teshIfeil "Conducter ab 5I;q orderei me te tera asweiteis ant il ase tane-wthse omth-boond tract. We lk Mnte dstance anti then stoppie&1.ex m hact te pgotett Sy ead ettht trainn rktwa ihlea bu cumsnBDa. Ig tve th , eginethéis signal te stop sororal tintes, uil e pld neattention, sud I thought th Demde-tor Cooper eva. la the cab vitisfoi Iffereit train ondar. The train coutin- au Md iseillni p t Glenvooti. Tht redlu mi %vsti4ljed t Gltnvoed, btei v , mmdh.I eil net nnileratanEý iiste Sd, aralaereasnei that Coper bati bléet geM.o ofnsd vet bei te tise bulletinin sourd th.ace e t thte rder e ve.. Ir tris cmit ahi.. te fintd C6eper then and. of 0*" ad te isuow vhat to do."' VituessM, i@ottet héhiati left tise traieý te "isuow « iâù thseéntrsmes." aLU"*,gl eJtileV ée traie vus on the irace is ire > tra s tubMé we.S, einsruie. Wrigt sai it te ris 4mp"ible fer treluluen te do their bWW !*thj la lokin after- tht long ftwu ivai thoe. - fIVNG ORPUNNAN116 ei km t as e c(ibatatiseF r entP-li- - 5p tois t ttis mualI.tsOtnov 5 Aal th». ri Meer York. "W lSt. Louis 45 -37 Nfl ...50 32 Ereekriu ... .51 56 ...45 DéPislidelpbia. 21 0 c 1TIsé table elevei&ho** boy mttersaia ____ -luthe Anstk4esuLeague: W W. WL - W . si131Pisidlpihia. 43 88Ba] Lo.l u148t - 4 42 te Vet..478 Detrit .3340t qwgo ..44 8sa wlustou. -le6il1il ~~0ii lat0seAmeuican Auatioi t si 51 oindanapoula. 44 47M .51lSKamueCt.1S Ib oloSwhg la the standing of thé,e , hoei h*tem aLeegu: $..43sile>- CMI... 82 411 5 l a fatoeg elItiten luisicilh fer lis 11afl ite la- *àOý . i Ye. acomitelm hi Ifmafreoklma, hi sing tved hum.orbave là$- é cause t of ect -Rtevas Mm *eold sud vas vlknewn Iu thse IHÀwatd bonetgran, 19 years olt. 4mt 51usd atths, ilinota min. Northl Vitsmdtm. Wis.. by fallua. b.ttoen the »aIsft tibots and tht skilp. ia 4oati chvsld<at. liisoegh vorking us an ias miser w as tht linu. 91 COL 7~~ ~~ wutoii eli-knovfl lavioet e m]àv tn ailastacher ef thm Co!oesti Uauulatn*.Risbrother le a sahlieaira tioer oah[dota Springa.Colo. woffl UMftI Ulty.- A* $4thmsla sdilrslty voes cmmete- " UGoln1tsd States District Conrt at ~t*kby hie Kulciserbecler Steant- 1> éisIEZ M which wsiathe court te -0 Rlg U* ls ilter tise bases, damtages Ond btle. claimeti S>'acscore or more - »Ildailffaun a emsofthe Gnorailnie- ý mdionsiter. "eta sim-ady isauebhua > &W te W &mugamagregating more thau - Diosatchass-saCrsv Hfeld. The cr.aer' e-jythat Inuettgated - js llevooe& it., nilvay disater ne-1 bende a verdict holding the dispatchern ,im&-tht stire cew oethtie freiglt trainb a'sspouibie anti eenlg tht Chicagop mdd BssternIllinos fr ugatg nd cones mi venOrw iin lie meii. Tht accumed à mm ver taisnta tejal, except Bugineert Vox", w. vinlemisint.9 Rotua Admirai Taylor Dies. lier Admirai EL C. Taylor, vie ont-m aaifledtise iattlesiP Indignaeat San-1 ig*e, diati ah Sutdbury,,Ont. mainn e Hn Unanivueusi>- lect«LiL Tbomas Tsggart et In~diaaSas hotu wuesulmuay teleteti chairmatoftht lwocnsilc National Cemuitice. 1 5epead M Witas- Bnit. coq. Peasdia. istueti a proclama- tien sding militat>' rele in the Cripple1 lDm* disltrict. Union minerts ehiteteil. #uning th Ctiscua' Alliance. Tise eigu et inrtieil e, ism est Cot-rado $00 saluce lune . RUmis an Auto fSae..aeBank. VitS $35.000n lu ot, C. P. Cole, pree- "Met of th. laccaster (Ohio) Bak, M&M & dt in aeauautomebile front Co- ibus te Lseester, erriviat tier. lu tbtes preitit tise book front clealng lsudoers in tht face ot a rua. Vih *.OseOvr pFile.. Rscuse h. fourni biti iouse fulot top~ whmue eretured front verk Tofel -- .MLiarik o! PJerbhy-ÇConn.. ihosted ih vite vitb s tisre-mrautdd wp. Jutige OCat gave MarchaSt tisemaximtuma ae- taseet wixmenthe laujaii.auul fne >of Ibum.Vueu te lemteuL Ails,- ou heMY@'figit Weueuday le Go Sala W sfeIllouestel. the ceter puote ta Saithbugs. ttneu ciminels. J4 ia tettoeius te m euetedvl ire e iplositIon vlti te arjet Mcftetang Wider saplattlus l tise proe. Prilat Th--saR Ct tr of tht comtmission bs adilremmed te Preeldent F.*wl b hllaliîf ettise 91nt- mies'a latter as8mga caersn .te so Paatlip in a yvpr atirceet te exposition eops, tht natiosat o n, q ailthe npetttvel or gveruimto. Stats,trritors anmd dis- ricta. Tht letter gasIn aPart: "isej'td tehe ne ofthe spoelilInfluence et f'ho cal press tht extensive Proportions a*6d iterwsins detaila et the tain do mot ap- parta e mcomissaion te hav eauee asde knovn ta the, general publac. in tise étent ornth I ie tanner calcitiautt u- bWe., tisà ltert aud tié t iheatteati nite varranted b>' tht sxtracediaily meF&ts ut tise greut educatiODa forte' erela tated. Tbe menificent tmoogil-, itn of tise fair hy'ýtist gen«Mr aovse- ment attattd national attention- Thm Ivitation ex#ended hi tise Pttahdtitt et th Unitedil States, uid-er athoriti et avr. teatthe nations of tise erth te, par- tcipatt In tise expositien. muppieimentstd by tisecoqrdial co-peration et eur dill- mete aud censular representttivtî broasilSeured the test extensive fer- eisu participation, tuer acordtd ta snY k. nndeiting. hfeued tiiereto tel lhe exemplee oftise hatieusi goveintit. tise States. ts.-riiories cnd dependeucies et te Unitedi States joined Luthie exPOmi- ion litb unparaiieled generopitY sud en- thusiant. Tise groupe of palatin!bhuld- iga oe.ted hy tise foer ggerumekita. and her the Statem and miner suhdivisionks of our country. tegetiser witis the exhislts bjetshied lunthse exibiition palaces Pro- lided by the coeaur. beau tht mmPiet evtimnret tieir tarneat desire te meke ht exposition a prounucceil succesm Tise buldtinhs are compicted.-tht exhibita are istsUed und tiseexpositiou bsabeen la protites for cubmitatialîi ihree-betntis tg 10 ânlled qpddTise faltis cf th* mamnageettut the tmeritaetithe exposi- ion bîas beau justi6iedb>' tise approvIlil lvk4ment qt4al, ~-y~ n l Ji.the gates, -butthédlfi attenâance is1be tir aseort ef vhat hasould be front mny point et uiev.* P LAlN8HVGB. DUPOT lits Caeting 82,500,000 Degit b>- Ci- cago inéati Cemnys., TisaIlinuois Tunnel Comnpany. a Chi- engo cemrpoatIOM, bas parchaseil for $2.- 5W,.000 a 'site et Taylor street and thle tuver for a $4.000,000 depot. througi islceh the .idertreund touel sygteur cli eosnect vith every raliroad entering Chuicago, Thse transaction. Égide ft mn elig cf great importance au tu; finuncial onsâderation. mai*%s tht. hegin'aiflg 9 oue cf tise moet advanced ullities eti attemptadin l Chicago. Tise station.. et wchs 1.00.000s ote b. apeut thisisar. wmli ho tise rmeeilg point for practictilli il thé Immense volume of frtight viic *t*dmi Chicago detIued for tise devu- lova dittrict Tisite ls counected vitI tise Terminal Tranifton Raitroad. an.d tisra"hthat vîtis the luit lhues, and lh- hiserfer.accém ,teavenrond enterinâ the cli>'. vhlcismaes tient at Tailoi mireet sud thetrer thera viii b. aami'> Sib emnetion vlth 85 par cent of tis sullrcada terminal telîltiesOfethie Unit- 44 statis. Within ten der tise, cone Poury viiinamuesttie0se ioto f àsilb Biar terni'inail for-c"a roadà. froin vsl ceai rilibe dellvereil ibrontis thse ud trund systnta le hmmiesl isdltrict The site et tht trelisi terminal lW -nth' nertis %ide et, Taylor miteetett thtvs adt et the river. sud bas 40test 0 tiver frentage. sHJO'S HEAT TO TUB VItal' Fer the tirai tintaime 18ft Baltimo.d ase beu eiltupon te ship vbes c te West ÀAproxittti 10=00 buà len et J4o. 2 SeButiie rad tvieh bat h ho" fetrtlred te millets ai tf eWetai linlatichlitle a sd that'a large Pa' f-tisee «rilwestern vhaat- le lisicou dition. ovlnt te uihfsverabieyetsEr andi tentalicimilliets, go os-tientacoteetOtil culera for fteur, bave boe compelitdti qut pme cuthereviset outil tise bot grncset the vesteru cersai baite c o rive frunsilîsir evu section. Orderi1f enuthen vism a sve cime hotu recoivi ut Baltimtore front Nev YoendnSPt.o syivabasPointa. Reetipta et mente rismithie ceaen dcnet compare faver* blj' vus former îisers. Up. te dats 41l 015 biamisisbave heen receive. e LLu yrhe tl otalaeelpits up te Joli 10 wva 12,3 boiuahets. Tise markset fer No. leuthéru red la Baltimore vus finieah rent. 2ABRiti.NATION KNog]KED DOwl siasuIes-et"te ironi i mtise Mut m"alu Mt. Caerde Neiea.wvite atteodlns tbesi mual tain st Guthasie, Ky.. bas Setsu te ber ei tii. late segrand éMst mlis aîketi up te a yeung man ami John: Wtjilae-d clappai a cigaret front hie meu. Me vaunetiboiserie repeaititeselt.but mise- ii itnet ken tiswhe veltain kuecising tise ciaret front Wililants toutS, visereuponk kacieti -ber dowi. Mira. licbalc Free. Mmn. Florence Maybricis. the Amerite ,romnsentencedta tedeatis lun189 llngianti ou conviction et tise merder iser Bugilaibonboan& .andi later sent, prtaisa oua temocted »agnence, bas bla given har f redton oasticket of lec' anti isam quitthe couvent visera misei beau Sept alueeineg removed tro prison tant, Janumni. sinising et Britishs Steamer. Thtemikins cf tise Britishs steai 1<nigist Commander is>'tht Rucclasde off lapseu brings thse United @taisclos te tise van in tht fer Eat thoan t i tirsn"e lSafghtiisg began. -Tise pneua lus opinion la Washington la thatt Antericnmislàppsrs et the cargo an look ta Rusaia for damass. Germen sudBs-tRabs mL.dmeltid Russiau crelsers lit the Red Oea ms tise steamer Scandia et the Mam Amoniosa fleet andti io Britîish ahi Tise oevcet ftise Scsudia saj' aieb ne centralisitou board anti have as the Germa* government te prohlt Routei. Gorman offciais andtihie Ph as wroth ocurth e action. Cise Sits-ise Baceses Geners-at A sympatbetic strike basnhiten cal lu the Chsicage pacinhg bouses. 1usd' mene ot the ahlietaitéls. Tht pio effort et tise leammtrsfalleti cutili aides have enonneeti that nesotiati are et aunceti 1. Fermer Détroit Hayon tae. William Q. Tlienpson. s .prentt, politîcîcu et Detroit. la dted au the ni et Seing kuecisetidevu hi ya hbicle secrochen on April 12 tat. Mr-. Tom mou vas ivice MayonretflDetroit sud1 t.nîî a stitte sonator.- Stus Ou nsvw. rThe stock -jands stiie vas esaime elghtiaouesalter alcee sement1 hua signa. Cent*"le. excitammeti sharMe.09tbail faitS saielthisa ýbnon the dfp"Myel "0ac AID TOA"ons MM 2th7~~% th of July. 1, bel 1 ifopiti t4juIt~r~eLU1B M t 4b*OweSo0 mein udet UGoal ei a t m I g a.u*t. K«we, w b et tge ita PIA63 for dti fihiila PM*ls I of a oauuet bot, *p t gtltid ,Uope »MM tallegi!tetbu,1S3II e dlanma"d philanthropie <dtes f is ld luburp4aft&the lap outP)0tu,"d foulât titat ett. Tb*Opop nstI ition $01 tegall"uy %~for 4 day the el S~- %to las inoli natiti Anbeikac, oudgqw e leuuteof i t »eck witb au s4nIttea e b"opIté1l. Tohe osptila 5te o it sow bi Ian" u ieluiIiilta the tretuet" 1010 t It 40 and Mcuncleouafotius msud ientfl Sll>0vblilnt j4auese armi vs.mOiA- reeMb el fâto, the.cnn. undérljltiitbe 10 n«x Zpthisi p-nss.threatenlagLUA*,, liscrene làa tiseprevalene etcsrAw. UM- yîflg. bat 1a bIe price Wl. palil fer tisttc raid at.the meesting show that dit- the intoiIitiou leu ths e Mr 1870 thr ra U des w t ss ardt trinen leuOkQw b iron cancer là:ibe a.combl PUIOann, 44r'i a e wk. 1Tie ltuq"ILA or ""aepet tbs larget. ASouth Of Oriat 1896. but'tw.tî-gt jMos mher qort Ibst tiitpt oh tise d*atha frt cancrsi tthot ife.Tolithl. 05those o e .elpnol nîimh.red 4.28.Copàrt se orig anli t15 our mile. spart aU4 ur.. with the tume etpopulios.ilt Umt'cogataft sklrmiabiflM tu kept twp, vas round 'fiait l abmiiquet th» 6Oh l" *hreinforcemetlt bilh popuaIen 40of tht e cltlu 1870 tlt eGelca (>u lu aid te harse boers watt. ver. 354 deaths fron tcauns.. vhlle In log tefur te cllsmbrked at Tlukow 1M08thse comber, baài nensssilto t004 Ié rtcio t48am clas cancer deths la ssch million. The Dow ndr héprtetIn f akae ctUla hospital lela itcded te b. nationa l i Os.jeu Thduenotef0095 vi »maid U V~' ihe its charâcter. audlite denrts ii b. open , AS n u h lbtn sdteae- 'Poe 'f.ut.y la weblig at opmwt to patients front auj' Part of the cousi- nM&. eOrti frointNewcttvmflt. vI thte passage ot varabip ithoui iée Dar- ttî. mlj or mayflot be triistwortbi, are donetion. Tbia historia $trait, oncé kuevu DRAWON 'sU te tise effoot that on the 2Mot eecrl Asethse Helespot. la fortry v. mlle longt r HAW NO? TC)D<> J ON AN, KOka co.tluued l iiifrontal smolvement. and varias lan vidtis front 1.«00yards ta Workimg Balance of TrsSry Drosse altohetis araed bY beavy- rata tirobmiles sud connecta thse Black SeS ta About 6854.,000., chocina. vîtlstb. e oacfrMarmora. Thse pas- Altbongh the gorétint balance «et tise White Genberai Oku basl remeln s age et Buaian artbipe fruit the treuri ban dropped te about 1$3.000.- el *Utbkio, menading the. Rue- eh me in drOnud etlt fti 000. andi there basbeeD lan nuvttt.n isa lght andl ready to toîow Il awîtt- o rocatessu aonsted res i tIo.- .leu, tiat it banal:Dt drop blow.$50.UW* y0f0 t,. prol oc twad theT eadanet he trel' Iolaedwton t 00(Il t la the Intention o et rtr of fhaoli alhcstWtdth ieDraeisl arnl otldvt athae Treasnry Shaw te bals no draft for Iorl.Galleral Kuroki has been ex- iaty-seàeuKrupp guna on on. idle sud tbe prosent on the goverumntutfunde DOW tMelIl'Active et the other end of tise tcrty-five ou the etber. It sa ciao pro- with tha nationial hanlts. Thse. deposliq. long Ruaan Une. On the 1911, the terted etýthimestarows vîtis eavy. cshie. sament.te $305.000.000 Te make s coii day aftel Genberni Keller fell bocksand mines. Thse Unltçd States la nt iupon the banka et this tinte merely te frott Mitien pas. <jeneral Kuroki tok a parti te tise treaty&etovecting varsbipe brins thm voultlnp balance op te a st*nd ftlm Offenivel' end net Ont te capture le tise D ardaneUeaé. rid set bî precedent. a Washington cor- K n'h h ie,Ïotwe trespondentmala.mlgit creat nt-Kto ouira Chiei«e.-nAtlest ý THE THKATË*A 0F WAR. eIn visoliy unwarranted b tise si=a.of tii paeand efît of Anpting.Afr atien. Thse avaliable cash balance of ile twO &sgV- fitilig the' aube"Wséit tt. w.t -,e uleélleas et 8t Atàla Ftreisfury. riich Includes thé- uoeî on driven bock sud the Japanee occu- Mapeiela Movnbi the MégP. deposit Wt baks.a. 120000 pied Klaotuug. Titypu t their lo"s st The ItsptldIct" thtie diauftil pas1- This làaci really avellable t auj' tinte. flftyr-teur kilied and 3Mi vounded Said tiesa i e opjloeing arica.s caimed Thte deficit of $18.000.000 fer the firat - e nineteen diys gcf lI>'la explaiitdbh ite m l tact that mini mpgproprltitntm made ailt theseisat session of Congres hcame lin-11 meditely tuaitable And versdrava.e *This drain upont the tressery in nov oser. P e.and If the tmen d Internat revenue j là eceipts Incn..ase us thel are ezpected hote rtes il do tise deicit Wit disappear. miS t CATS DOOtIciD TO IDEATE. % d r.f ,f 1Btinit of Two Victime b>- SImd Fille i ýr Prompte tise E4It. a Arouaed he ite ing et a vomie- of .s, r.60 yearesud'a bo of 10 hi a ntad eat, A y thse town conseil cf Fetonj.Dtl., bansl- e h- mord an ediet ihat ai rate in -the ceint- YS à muniti heil b. killeil. sud- ibat &sldogea il shah b. ntuasld. aman' Arringten 0f ic A Felton has always taken a fanc te rats, îF La sud bcd gatisereil atvO>tetlI of tb: G .- ti lg Ue. Ont bocant e mad. sud fiev t >r mistrema. bitint ber la thébuleo se mvreîy l.titat lu a chot whiter 11mb vu&sweol- s len te twvlclits normal mané. arrii - Vincnt. a boy agtd 10 iesr4, vas aime bq a-bitten hi the antecest la the baud. Thte Éta bondl ot tht felut vas exsinsd hy on- P e persansd pl-monued te have raita la ego - tbe verst fort. e 01 'et spreme TtAliserrtties Genttal la- A g«erai irn in nInurgeraeratou I lies beau ordereil hy thse Saprents Telout.«esmw be Knights cf the MaccaLbeh 't'thbe Warad .e Policîe hreafter viii b. furnlmbed Base mnembers et rates rangint fron 85 Censei ifor sAch $.000, at tht, age ef 18 yearsA lt' te$275 ai hetisoastoe 30D. 1). Altson d. ot Flnn. lifilllis, as tlacted pont upreqas i ,v SOWING TE TUATB F WA. g vacomndr sud D). P. MarketfPort a] as Mur2e..lilsuprentcommander. Ç.- tri B.LGard ot Sprtngfleld. III.. ias elettd that.qf thte alIOns t a nice ibiher by the. nrhwrd moetaent or tho -P 'n. supreme masnter etoara, an& J. P. Dow- figure.1 No detoa ngelousms reporta of Japaiiee tovard Mukden.. Langtsa er. uer or Chicago vaa titcted a nttnber thightbg have beeu recelvetd. Pu.e vier. enelerai <CousîtKeller, la ir of the board ef trusteso. There are rmuea et St. Petersburg lu a treng poition. la polutcd ont, as te r ta n vlEN mx coppuBHIKAD. that General Kuroki bas turntd the la Kalîou. whtrt nieer. flgtinu tok or--Rasnima ttBan ansd captureaiLLino- place. Aong a lice txteudilng practi- r-t Fermer'* Plev H10Orst r-h.Hestrang. Tht ramors are.hardil' credil- caliy front Lis-Tangtot Ta Pas. la le- 'cd »rng Store in a M m Ete. bit. Ânotiier *tory la that Gerber'ai cnted ah preseut tnte Basinanloft t s- George Gretar. su Annandale. 1, ~Kurokl ham reacistd a point only n fev fBankwj>ich th i apante eare repertoid br femr. nearl dial as t ho revnt of àmile. oast cf a station ou tht raiirond te have broken. N o. ot hby Ta- nchebits. Whitelit Bn epioint theNotlruehw P Bc sd cutter homame cloggtd wth veeda bewéen Liaciaut and Muisden. That tuer, tisat thel' bave îet crossed the es and Geregar tyleil te pnll:tIsent eout. A la donhîful. But II; ia certain titet ha Talta. River. and until the test la ne- as soli coppetui Sn ake vhich isad beua bas mtcired mauch botter strategfle linos compliahbet it eau haidLy he %nid tisai .2 en u tv tO wva utise vemds aud viri flor bis advance in the. direction et the liuide. la menacad. 4 turnl trnîne- 69 lm'on tise hond.,the fangseieint bhurllralroati. (eneral ltenntuitimpeaiment, vlth thte bject cf trikint lie-wG Inte baill cfhlm thumis. Gregar leaped. Ceesacit army lies te hie nots and yang fiett nortil. la probabli viat I on éit of tht pIeU hernte ced lu lire otetbut he prohbl béOi tilnoUgisthe Mkado'# cominaniltra lteud. Y tE. mlaueard.ti.v-te dsle tnp te andto tair are ef Il SI-Chine Pas. wiich bac heen occu-t &tas tors. itre hfiisai e vhiais a Tise Rur$it, Itsmia. sudOreniobel or pied ti.hàJapoaiset trce ef 6,0(Âmnf. th mmela e attrlla th ~the Vladlveaho. aquadron-tis e Sgin- vltiartIlliery. l1 Indirateil lu tht sil 1 &a actr wiiie B'i-flBnie& rappsrently béu beau toc badly inl- Klatuug. vheucé tise Basina vers UP.Wilson Barret. au setOt voit knou ujuedhoe tai t maafetek laitse It 5I1Xti5 drife, aiente h ovu. Wlth tbe exep- nMd ou bots aideset cfthe Atlaticensd lu theiot port lastt ksuadi lulid thetienlo cfittleailanctet fKurolirs nlght9 ,« tpoes da lecrtIn aa oae i tishue Itakisoft orryti* their adrerisrea. -lng,ed ita progrees te the Chi River, : t aacflibtd. by tbePIs e &qicam, but h. vWas Wtis great cotubpt for Admlirai Kas- tht poaitionsetrtise opposi saruabe 1 ed operateil en for cnrsud tise geterai rabattra, who Iems te b. fatedinet te romain rtiativeiî uneitang .Hesvj sibelletent uhio = Ieos atisat the mat- Montethosnt tisiiashei bOlilh'rt-ina lu tise Tatcheltiao.HSi-Cefg dim- b« "yi hal progrumsd tue e fr Wvise*th@throutiiItht Tsugaru atrait. visîcisdl-.trlct appareittlj' bave' *ntpd dthe op>ention Wvaspotefraid. vides tise Isande 0f1 Y- nsd Nippon. operatiena eof Oiu'a ailNodaus ait..er N« tu ion osPanât andl vent ont on tise cpen Pacific. ferces. Lttle neya cornes front port 1 Pb ortetguse mllr viteIras Tison they titrei te the Southi and Arthur. but It la prtaumed that Wild0 e& tbqngit te have porisi ou ontise Bnttisis have been lgistoi at differ, eitint*MiratitOyama ia. tlhtenlng hlm lnes1 in cil alp Creedmoot,. vblah vwuburn.d off the east ceast et JaponU. Tieyse hunmbout I F t offfibhmlunt Wou, asbtoiigit te PhhicililWore lte&eu frosa a point veat of ; te pilisane board tisesctionner Marvel tru Toisoham&ansd vue thon iesillutVas-Nova ta Hi-jet. ,ai Lansesuille, Cos. Captais Colemanute- South. - Ma. japants. have hotu vithdrevu as hts r e thâiri-woilkes off Sue- Thera are mn surmises as te tise ftoustisspoitiens near Talabekiao te ro sibtýrvrtiiietie 2Ol-intentions ef the aqiladroit. It mcl' ha re-enf«ace Keroki. visetule blleved te necocis. ,have turuied tht Banks et Keler&r army. os Its vsî to Potruttiste deaftroî viat Tbis-t>- Tisueas»&>Çaon t. sptgt miepre tmy i A Cisneme mercisalt. vise vas amont Tise ti'iistOrder lauted by tise rail tn s D~p~.~u~ h e lut ef thse toreituers te maise bla mer River, Mimen.. ttile ooeuiiieepîns aU. headlne for the tautrai portcfrSison vu ftrointPort Arthsur, srnived InVie- Sent 9WU operrîvawava froit thé mlis in lu Frenchs Chinai or hé on tise rondi te -tetia. B. C.. sud describes tise plight et ler prolost antuasrouctick et 12%/ pet -tht Red SSlste ta ise the plèce, Of tisa tbse ubiabitauts et tht btsleged city. Tht gaki cent lu wgv ass shbeome effe&"udvolunteer ftiet. Autti0r conjeture htriceope levy on 911 store.Ilehaan d rail- tisa reapene. vas as geutral as tise labr that it.la oekag eut for Ainericau nirelîor 0ftise varahips are seavorthj'. leaIndoes ail 'e"à- ve"sela hound for Yokohantat vitis up- Great Eritaina billfor -damages àut craigni senstis Dakota h s&unc" i ples fer tho apI&ne arme. Tt. via-.&geant Ruent& for dtmurrate and- othtr Tise srmotei4 croiser South Daksota, a divostois aquédro erUtlalua thoa, u idemnltlue onueted vit ilise anet, L. ellter ilp etfthelCalilfornie, vs. sunel- luis e ide et lt.e.Ispaae. "it bsmdeteutim n sd aholli et British hip. dud d e NuNYseisc Thrody. hela thesmEsis, vW probab1h be verj mmd i aI un Pcaclae Thrsda. Tiee hot sndled Îy utt aIBIand - an- bie '..lrea(dy t la reugly ie.tima±ed mie- criert vas christmei l Is. Geste 1lctiglle.0000 alinth Derakoa. PtretGe.Rerl - N rutwormltinevu bas corne front Thn pntaee et a large ausiier es sort Arthur.for evei a tis*.'-The Japanse troaict% At the bond cf tise t te Di ros-i" ILI& Slt. j"esesn~e enaL-a" 1h libecomianlu olf it LlsotiÎi Mam ine gunheata la ke caWitb s cnri en hJade..orhi l dljoi t for thi ielig uasua. on-aub 05" la helald e liete that sud &aiPraecutor, CharlasStImm WAS jet lb.ntes' worl takW« iov ir tey Ou.plan W ttie u cvent. Kue- auime ma Wtts magu SsapHé a. -, - Rweptotai ecied tck yardsl, predietia by its tisiertel ctiti e gcy ani le Iedlng e*W ait griateansd ueot;exte"v* 1 40 et seieiulati i dlt >itiuoi)» Ualiy -banve -awl4 bâJ ,»gtktoolt7, uiiowvé ry ittli chatlge ti4, l is<y, Whoui* th .-djtoos #ront thot3 previeudislu t*} la Itinilers end Qa~és ttheglas4- Àcu.'i rad-e lII illo tn-ual situat04 dlhtbdSqtr-W*t auém 1111611a 4tuét tue aOsaeii Of tbe peut. oh tor. tht gale. aisdlm - fisoistiseTise outînoo, fur failesud wîîjte boi gsletsguiare mile of builking,>yards itemstla bottcr leoitir- se eittien. iîel5JlS £t il eclei Président WuiltaaG.t1ten for a longivwail.te('titefrlidg Itardt et lise Chtesp PýOdMttiou ef ment theuoleta.tedlalutise lbeglin"hi aber, setius fer tilt joint colmmltte.lbits reduredtheit"Éeitinstes et lofes Lb 1tbo allio edenis tis te requenet floa te a bJiEiiussele of villtt * etrlliag utebea eiareil ailth*e wbetat for the touIr Staites mont alffet. tel. One mellnl>lt trade icurutel hb iaiurel a liull iblielpoints te n to- tl 1éi lofIetlle cenatof Jl0.tltieÀ>O ' bli &quitîîîfin ekuai)I uiairpluis of etienr>'i4t.(l,I t>l imseis. Th~ 1t unil- fures bta he le'd tita lioge veine- of the diaccur.:iylig senfiitia os f the i'iubly at more inuîîetalt iilier lu thise iteî.lxîg îîttJtud v of tri-he PAIS > River ct1rtitivi ' hîwaîlitrîuttt ofet 12a utr t-ent ii tel ;îg. ,. : . la l- t-cu e ietii-r- lît Tl&!%t i-.'r; ui:l ky AIitnli l:rfihtiNew î- h-:giîîd annta:ettie hiiur-Iu»hi it iiit eti .. freon tth- wpt niait iluthwo-si. 't n.a * tt-e ci-yr> e-uitrim e ré i - ati it'5 - disterbii ni-t teai].-. L::î-re luis»e -ilittlie aua tlity lttes a i-ciy Iiiîptil ie,,.uou thteî'rop situatloi. A week or titenil i:a-iretngw.%titr -thîngs. cnii ier-i-rlni te itre .!llhiig t.- mien mmen except ftue testattterm . er<luethat on acr--ieiîîefJ iI n. leve.tht plants. Preadelt it lardt'a -fi:- itttI.i5lu. 11nuit- <ufthea ut '1 tetion came itmedlutelyij'*oalfruit- uta-ise.ti hIcaïgo bicslhait a nt ei. ot lat ferene t îti pfflentativ« orf lflikêt-i ut. iiet-iPitn.*,î-u ith & us parking fins. This con' - iit lthi. émina-i. dry KEEis i..lil-iils rrence vn as e t ithe veque.t of anud .wo-ulelisfirîiltiitiî5t. Iuîterier Eltaldent Golden Of tist'parkns-boude- mer<cIînîuie lihave ahiciruiaors- llili5-- lsnttral. *iseo -îtiabeen nefuatil per- u&t-ga Ioorder i-nta mforui? e utiii. mission to stiie tuntîl ene tore et- Wih lite lîruapu-t of vu-rale ci-r.il tortaj lite etonete secuare peace. ieropu undcuti cetir'anI lirg,.. titl %Vhen tilacçînfea-emee faea e bug terop the Southîvest leitcuieuriiig li) ix- icxuli, the Inhor leadrrelia a hr- canait coulet Iof it peied lElii-hili.-ct led meeting tu (joIten's orne@. andtI t etftUnitpart ot theutanEitr3. tuitI was dacide tu te aIlieut ail tise men frein 4t. Louis)lave lind il leIiur traite, lli nt verk. - bloiuted on a boa-ne. thfilài aiYc:r aR9e. J.Iî,Iii-i re tli*- ne ef tht huttiser, rode tbrougb tise ied wltli-crturnîî, eliei ichte> ti e x- antis and iscîîed thteu. ce-illthoe-futrect-elit lair se:imtîlt. Witi thse generai r-aIt for strille the»e Ont- uhnhlant ftn1the Pii.lnanîld tfi- îen.pepiaedtea atep out et once: a hetterut- ilty ef goii.TVais u no C- ,Fg.ineers-------------letictaei i Ilu -lti,îa id l ,4r-. ~, mn ......................... 411i1.)& Co ZZ st.iP-e. ...................2..._lit____t._____ Vae ret-iimiris---------------m X or viekl>- ru-s-hq-of eUligo laiat.Î,-r.de. mn>.: . T-euniuil lia kciise eipra........... quuu;-kgnre------------------------- 10 tent brouclies of IîIEi,îit-s-. lntEvastit-i 'iuluan erab-pers ...............----7 tensifit-talusaine r-lt-ut I.>' ab.k-()il- taI ruo.......................-i. M travereles. the- latterlieiiig iniily hurt. CIct-rical worie................... UM fui ta the packîlua td lirex.toîî-k Indus- jar votte. letes md rienere- triesmand forciig enaeu, lia-ies siunb 'miue.-----------------»ietise publie.litelleftfrein tall.ie lurntuat- isi...npîîr .... ... ........ M Liv' ~ ~ ....... alr sd3rW------- JS bauonpogtppitanuidthsetMitis ut tht clv rmonanmud 011-rw........... 0 anti rl udchechpro .....-----sOWiemloyed swelleil alirthi.inMill- lecutre ituemnet.--------------.,iS0pearsal ie tstalut tiltSthteioiest om s on labo era-------------- --::::: tevard Iiîtove irit. r oui nd mCiel TOti---------------------......... leveliatpnntu îdIcut e mar-~.iIoîln.lu In ide tht yards. h ishtia tise blg cre ae l pro dluctin itindlui-gai fr ie ofu gaie. vhilh yens ept tîistil' clseil. versera, wiile ittt-r t.irilit t .. -i-lu un armay et privaite tIeectIvotd et- lut tise iuanaitîc-fer geuet-tl ineit-nt.laute -Ploieti h.ithe Pacistus.propared tÔ r- mt a-bealtfi.%ý tve au>' attacs. Traîn - hekaini bon- ve so W i to f N , it atila itii u dneda eo t t ik -breflktrl ara-lurd ad tves pe le i cn df wi o f fu hliril i l a i vert unloadeil ta tht jeet-ing et the ibeataîiit- ndistffl-sii,-l rovil. tise policé pruttili l ippaea- Coutry buylag fr faiu dciii a-a-.ee- ing« th e thro wlet f m intile , th ugs bî lta s eaithy etivîtue-. li cmii stoues vert isuniet in u s ers tun a ,wft&u me<tloiîs comitailntig giod or- tev caste.d rs In dr y- gouda, -lothliig ailtfot- A b o u t s e n e ot t i s e p l a n t a s t oI c i a i o n e a M e s r a a l ci t t u x r e e t isall buet-a tua- tala.,giving thelese sen gin-ntetatî-noe places tise app- nm e et fo ttfed saiet an t hgaina lu t i g a la- ail bto nd- towes. -fer inrgcn tonnae ii lut-1Piiutrketlllg Strîke la Resee of ftrepducta. Wiiiter a- ht.-It ]lar- Tise Stock Tnt-de atnîke vas deeluneti veetig lIe cav-r. miore tttoleî on ngnin Chiraego 1nitiai itiornin. dia-ertetite otist- îiit;rlmiti-aitlu maus titan 38 hbours otten a peste cgr..- wîîîcii tht iloie -x- euit for >neet.lImd beto algued. Ou tht*citante mpiedi a-ttaua l .grlOiiliiii-ittii. llir thu5t thse perlier.; vono distrimititn8 cantile collections gutt-aiiiy werfae t- aliut certain pensons-"tithe, ret-mn- afactory and ifever de-fetuliaot-ourreti. ployment precies the union oMeJcai- or* - Graln eislpmellts. 2,410,55> buaistia4, ilered tisai imen to quit-vers, sud thé are a&-' per cenlt uat)er attit n Yeft situation ea hie yards vas on as hall cg. ît-uuint i é*m s tmrouzer le doi. as oser. aud graIn. Compireul vitIîthe Clos- C ontusion, txcltem eai Ilnti charg " e u e n % e aes 0f an*r-% w er a- d e boa t tsattenailtise ew Walk-oOt lnuge uit- oie1il. dov sicta The nio ebrge disrimlistio onbushel. lu eatal hait ae-t andti u rm tilt part of tise piekere lu tainghuais eetglitil et n (-eul. Live stick ate- ie trikers Tise entploj'Oi eerteti etiu it-a-olai-el>' cua-talieti owig te that only, delay. te lie expettd lu et-, tise lrdle et batellera, allt ita-rli"eras--n forts te remai normal penationé. vas Iregilia-. eloslîîg 251 cts iaghe- for ut tal. it vas tuilent, hiover, tisai chaice be-t-ies. :) cenîts loirer for htnvy lise ceetendint fores ver. failiser barsandi W4>cents loîver for tsiep. spart thon at any tinte dulng is te Or- l'-lires mepuateul li teCticaigo <us Igiual atrike. Tise strike vasI relléveti triet anten 28. îtgiiint 44 lat ve&i laoiler pacring ceter»alo. nd 22 a yena- mgo. Stnike leaders deolareil that unleas _________ the eunpioytra ciangeibl iattitude ah occ, &Il the allil tisies uorinen woulil vals out anditiata scomUPlets 8 c~itrY>5-~d~ stoppage et vont at tsepacingttPieuta weullentue. Wbtn ttht men reporteil foa- vouSle n body eai'lu lntht morning tise>' wtt-______ met bj' te aunoucoemeat tisail Cicage-Cttlt. cimlitte piues weuld bha impossible et preett tts 88.00 ta *oo;hog, uiipier lien, hurla more tisu hait thse fores. Thse $4.00 te $5.50; taliceli. fala- te eholce,, Wl wea-iers met this gnnuielteits- te $5.00); vîegt, No. 2 rel. 9Ne to lc lonl7. uotwlthtantdIuii thé clause lu curn, Ne. 2, 47e 'te 4. aueto. litai 1tise agretment vhlcb gave tht paciers 38e ta 11e; r>e, Ne. 2, 72e te 174c; 45 daim In visicis te stippli vea-is for ail himothi, $8-50 te $14.-M pmraa- $Q» tht strikers. Tise atrlker. asd: 'Tea $11.50; botter, cheire eresnttr'. Ide muet taise us ail hacis ou none cf ns 17; us f ems.13 te15&.et Wîin go te vot.11 Mun e tbm lll g t vrsbo- st. Loiîlc-Cattlt. 84.5Ote 85. w-, Manyet tem dd gote wrt h1ý «00 tea-$8.110: heep, 0.00 Itg.,î tuer but s lîttît inter tise !aildrs ap viseat, No. 2, 80e te 90; cfnl peus& an u iseotelillitif samrne 49e te 50e; out%.,'No. 2. 3ie te 3e. il*_ et oftht men Whise et turutiLaalliadNe. 2. Me e tIS68.

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