uut $.,but If th.e 1rtb yen idu. lu a ille mor Po- P@ tiiceue"=n Wfthe litlueac fa. 'yuoi à u ullehb.. becu dibuffted sc!ad iv, mev, ta 1.houerleae pople. thaiedn l ghem w. vsalté,a ver.et 700bt, geL i. d un. ean. m loret-, clim"s Ibrou i mita sna.tii. gecul verdfIon ait iCAe rUS-îA dI. lona tabit sd la hu é At ovr z 'o e teUm"la etam I Meu re a tet car tTb* Mrnn talatinapdet or t a i u.bl ag lene tbllarry uI oeandoC. linC. utiC.p Ueêasudproable c rete xet t*t mon Whohbd allghtid jut abeedcof me. The flrt n newae ecm diêeu hlat way doive thelck and vu. gclng on wtb qmi pd scides thet h bad ah-madyPpt aà'couple cf blîndred yard. boe.. nhliaief and the udt lnan. There. tbaught 1 topeaa lîuatlr-a man s-ho'm os huld ta cucceod le lite.' The. secondi§ i'M ia% walklug rather slos-cv. aud Impresard ie aesues-ho vculd de falrly Weil. perlio, lu Ibis venid, But the lat tcllow wsa.Just *davdllu1 g aientg lu. thi. mont aliflesa 'mcrt cf s-ny. I tory qiiickly setliinim dos-n for a ion fer. * "J ut thpn altother ides <n tup homie ta me. Ail brcc s-uc uhbead of tue" -4ecce. Pava en 1wety.Ie &.&die&. -I.D.lse 2tLtnrvb.,Co. s7 lîe 25 lAdice i round'tnptlàket'theUi St. Louis Exî,uciioi. tae Inldie-a in.~ariOfttii. flloîu litateO: jlili. Dole, lova. Nebrasa, Kausas sud-3liii- souri. sWho will seiîd In the largeat nuber oetraeine nrks rtlt rom il tels, cent. iE-ounce pîi-age etf htlane cold WserirItntir> tare-h. ThiIs mmua t reniyour ewn hainîe. anys-bpre la tthe above nîubI Xt.n141e. Tese trade nmur" gîuýt lie malied te ced rec-li-edly [lie lio-dilai,cc ltai-eh Co.. Omaa. t@l.. la-tîrp e lpt, . 1904 October and XovetitSr willl tiIl Lteb, Mocnilietaeviiit IlIe expomition. tRe- naeMher Vit D1i-linvee la the cnly * starci put ut) i; ce in fulIlhtîunudeta tbe parknige. Toi, mt onn-hird more e tanx-Ia for tif iani ,o.y than of nuy thcî blio. atol Ielinoce nover ticki ta the lt-ut,. The ticketx ta the expe- sfilon vilil ie act bI.>- glgtre»d nmail Sp . tnrei for lae IbY ail deai A Notre Daime Lady- 1 yl swîîd fie. vîth fullinlutrutcODI.. soute orttigs auie îrelitiinlfur il, eurie o r Iecorrbeca. Uiee-rution. Dis- platement. Faillug of the %Wonh). teantr or Painful Perinds. Tutuorv or Orna-f ls, Rot Flashes.Deoi.te ai(Y. Creeties; Feeling O-er tb, Spre, Paluin unthe. Rock and Il F.mieTroubles.. Il I'.diug address. To Ditiers of sufferiaex iltagi- t era .1 ils-hI .allu.1glecerul [lome Trestinut. If sou deide t lu inue t Win-ly ui-comt about 12 ecîîfA cweek te guraute à cure. Telli chhet puffure.- etflit. thistInlaail1I*ait. ilfIllte aboie lu- terets ou. fur proof .dd ret lir. M. Suuers. 1>,x 105. Notre Dantme. iu,. In AD., yn.. Lady Soppr-ltcve jeu frit alppers. yaug Mau? Nevw('lerk-Not tor nente Ie. Lady Stppr 1-leuiopardon. X,*w Clerk- sied ta ect fra 'quIte eftc. s-heu Is-atl a boy. Leowis 'lilngIe fllnder" aira iznt i elgar. No other brad of cigars jasne poulrr s-hithe. uinoker. lit- licre learned te rely %upu.îRe uniforni higiluQualitY. lavis' Fcctory. Peoia. MI. The %Milky- Way col-crs about ut third oftheii, ky ant..1 tinuaabout haifthe1, stars. Ses recomrnd PIn'. Crra for ce- famptiou fer Asthme. It bas givra me reit-.L. Wood, Farmeraburg, Sp;&1901.. waeeeutuc cAwfyur - d. Of the Youg Womnîa's T"Fa WOm tg 1*, Mésdîm4dups on Lydi.LE.Pizn s-Vge Icta ueaiauLid -ocua-me oa, i 4D rtir the bet 1le M" M&ut1 'Il sri Wy a te ifl loc. A fannim i4t -u i4etrlong Irbnan tor Oretoàro. at the tatle cf Ofty doCalis, a nwnudi"0ud toa!dl- board. IedWna W aebitug and incudîng. At fthc end etthtrinph sald te lii. mnan:f - * tent sferd te poy yeunlthes-age uuOneyand t bave avif sethlug. At Ibie raté fou "l'm onu owsnmy tarin." 1 "rbM 111 biten te1ovel fer me." »id lb.e ther. "and y. eau igct yeun tare back agdt"-Suemm. pIntai Boma .Dobt. mîdduoi, . LY..July U.-48ferclb> -Tbat ftheuma ca e cn"dbas iiwnproved beybedodebt by )ia. Pitsey A.,Olas-men. s-cl k«fflu ber.- ntuaIMr@. Cia-s-ou ba- t boumatiam sud -bU IL bcd, ail ber ccquslntancom eured. DMda SI. bues- siIl. Xnový C1ss-eon telle the. .try et ber cure as vi s-aucelavllid ton inseet ove yetrs canici by liudammatery flbeumatlum. lsples two-tbl,-de oet h Urne. The. ta.yesr 1 «Milnebdeoas ach as c habyt coltido; thon I nlieîd c little bit cudi thon a maIsa.. Tben a yean a&go tic ge et mlu a ands a-"dtest. 1 suffcu-eduntld agoni sud lu AunaI, 1908.-s-houry buban id c celd 'nt ride-le lthegrave. "I only took ls-e boxes et Dodd's Kidney Plila» a-n utwo. s-eks 1 cou Id s-Il onuymlt end mmry owne s-d. I tdus my es-spoateedanad gathereti uy es-n gardn utlaat]l. I)odda Blid- uoy Pila erei me."' Rhc.umattem ls caused by unie acld lunth Lb hîc. Dcdd'a Kldeey Plis put the Klducys lu saape le teke cil the lrîr scdi cutlo e cbooci. TOUCH 0F, 4UMANITY. An Incidenttt aICeaIadicte Seom. W, à" oro«i'oa n sged lu rentlin a rtmeut bouse bats been scnlonly bamperci lu muiii- Iug lihe s-alls et Uic structure becaume of the he.vy limbuesof ae nwoft iapin troc. llulng te street. The contracte: anud thces-uner et the bouse iuggeated tintth. treca if eut dos-n. und s-uc gr.tiy.,srpnsed s-heu lthey icarued thiat tie mn objetci 1ta I. beca-aec a robin ws arimu a trood et yquug lu oeeof lic trt-cs. and the men sald tiey. nould giiudiy undergo tic as-k- %vatd positiont lu s-bIe-h they Iuhored aintil thc icood could laite (-are of tiemmle.. Thon tics- truld rec- oniniend tic ctIng dos-n of thc trcs. This' 0<-urreuce laeue ut e mrt hilch<renes hp nes- sud fheu te prove the essentiel gooducia oet mmcc na- ture, sud parlicularlyilta tunate resect for the sacredneas, etpaenîhooi, ho IL lu lhe inmau or tic animal world. Il takes a coualderablo dogrec of heart- tesasesa te htcrtet-e s-tb Lthe nestng uaud broodleg ef bîrds, t any rate ln tuas huma-ne nue and iquarter of the s-orld. Aud cornetimesaai tisla on- kera Incident ahowa. men arc vlillng ta iuit te ne litle Inconveciece r aier tbau dlstnrh s happy domntle union. Wheu 34r. Corlisa.the englue meuu- facturer, died a fev joars ugo. a eharmlng *tory s-as tbld et îm. Ho hadl occasion te bulld an extensive ad- ditIonAte bis vonka at Provideffl. an. alLer eutpioyug *cli 1h. neéessry me for the. ondentebiug sud malklug othen arrangementa. he had Itie uroueti brok- en for tbe s-ork. Il s-as ln the spriug. anti IL ciaucci that belore thecmnc bai gene, fur thcy teuud ha-I- aIr et robua bai ucitod l lnaUes-hIic s-as te bu tkken dowu te mlike roem ton lhe building, und liat Uihe 0fi ha-i airecdy been laid. Mý. <'enlise cha-cci te Ùe ptaslng s-heu the dlaevei-ys-a-s mode. Il wsa- reported te blm. He linnurdlely ordered that s-erk aheuui h. stopped outhie addition, sud tint tie hindis tontld net be distunici unuil thcy bmd irongit offt hein bruo. lentîrnme ho palde ics-nes cù(aIIthe mien eb Ici bncfor tie construction ot tic building. Au It teck snoes.six wPclks for the robins te liitch their onig sud launcli tîom ou tic s-aiid. it ton ait Ito rcaponaIiiules, tliii et of humniuy -ou Lie great cuigneers liat cot'hlm acterai thousuud dalar .1L iennt. A motbcrI a motiter stili. Tic blist Uing aolve- --o rije vomnu or robin. RACE DONE? Net saDtit r I A man n-lue hougbt bis race wsa nit mae a food ffndthiat broughb. bum bts-k ta perfect heati. *'One jean ago Its-asunuabie ta pur- foi-ut sus-labor; lu tact, I wsaiho y tuy physicians that thley couii do netb- u turtier fer me. 1I sata irtg as-ny. for an attaee ef grlp bai lefI my alemacli se veat Il coulid ol digest uns- fod audetiet te keep me alite. -There I1s-asJus atsetlug as-ny. gros-ng thlinuer overs- day ced veeker, resus- belug anuffoti eut almpyesges 1 couli nt geL auynonurisiment from food. - -'Tlen uts- alaer got afler me. te try Grpe-Nuta tfoods-hidi bai don u nth good fer ber and sic luclli s-cruadei mie, andîi cthougi na etbem fooi bai dene me the lesât bit et good my stoîn- ach banuled thc Grape-Nuti trom lb, filst andi tua feod suplled the nuuiali- méat I ha-i ucoii. IlutLre. mentis 1 wsesace trong I medci rom AIba-nyte San Francisco ani uos- on my thre. mcalaetfGrape-Sut.sud res, every day I a-rn trong sud vigorcusansdido fie ten ouri verIt. 111 belie-thIe icot pftion lu dis venld couli do tac 1d, est tlires méat@ cf uothlug but Grape-Nta -a-si creum and coou ho ou tir fast agalu lu the flinhof ebéaet neti 1kme. 1 *"No.t euly am 1 lu perfect physîcal bealti agahu. but my bhiain Ltstrcngeî- and clenrer lia-n It ever s-as op te ic i dIe. 1 hope yen vîII srit, te tic namnes I seni s-ou about Grpe-lnhta, fer Is-a-u tha osec nis rIeudas-cl sund JuaL buthintafÏyear ago I s-a dy- Icg. but te day. allieugi I amn ever 55 yosrs of cge, meast peopleetlabo me ho h. le.a, tba-c40 and I teed juat a-m youug a 1 loek." Narne iven iiy PeihnrnCc. Batile Ci-eu. Miel). Thons '. a n. 'le ~ *W WeIWInan ka. en up thieamd et livc "ice tliay l = 1« qumeuet It 4enturi le .. a bs 1by;geverument actsonensd stmremns lui. Thom jaxa 2.40 enu«t.da eu the Ilosebud .aserv an&- M s4... 13,M ApVietlonabave em uiê '1* test la emlagl and *0 fl bo lutbi. uost fertile fon ne Sm* Do4 eta. mat et cftii 1SIo JUtr. tt h4w 0f stilsnthat Ui.,M-h' a gcldauandfat l.it li proï gdfrfr aeiet body ef lan vili tt 0"91!en enir okfront thc la- tl&aie*tb# wbvhte mcn. lvtf rpOMs a490 ônoateel con.lted cf en. bone"; ditmoumetheago the. tov A A xiC1<K B oum. bai B00 luhabitants; to-dey kit lea clU et tenta and rouet, ooden barding hou.., am han about 6.000 citizen.g. a Faut maJorty of whom ae translonts and wiliileave aetocu a" tihe drawlug la eompleted. It in the very newest of tb* bDoR lov, of the, West, and. b- aid. contaliug ail the. erdiuary "treaki" 0f itz cam. of tavbe, boaata a number vhièé art sfrlctly Dcv and original., But tbera vii enub.a nether tes-n la r*9ii.l lai hie. aecrding tet. spcn- Aftm- *a &#l.lit somms. aMt"mdle iuolat@Vc-*drand êomméegielit ccl bd hquelle! by Lb.gavel. 1h. Miu~lDemocratit- sgat.oueacno uaacmegiy nlutet Joeepb W. I7db. CralIt Mstnu et %t. Louia. tor Gev- cer ced4adbpted a plalforu s-hicb' premds". £ vlgroua. îînilutlag cineade cgalust ioteptou and boodle le isulri lu the avut et Democistie supicuicy et tbe poIWs. ut as the day vas break- lut TIIradey the, Convention adJouiuedi outil 10 o'<Iok asud "ne otftthe mt tur- bulent osees goàaefaIMisounri Dcmocratic cowentl"ea cedt Josap ibulnate Polk wva. bore ln Itcs-avll, en..Oct. 28. l»0. H fitiierlI.JOMe Ilctry B. P7db cf Bros-nvlle mdilbs itiotiior la a deond- ant et th. IUste atnîiy er Vîrginia. Mr. Folk Io à graduai. of Vanderblt CUl- verulty et, 'Nahville, Tenu.. s-ber. b. fielebed hllfterary und legai educatiom He praeedias- lun Brus-uvili. fer two Yearm ct Lbn eu e Mtf. Leui inI 192 Mr. Folk beceme geueraliy kuevu te the itimens of St. Louis througb tho prend,- ucut part h. teck linté ettianicnt ot the great strcet car amribe et 1ffl. As Circéit Attociey cf St. Louie M.. Polk etneeesafnlg pneaerufed a number ef bribe taket a lu Sobraacies oethLe municipal asemby. MRL M AYBtlICI< 18 FREL AjacrirmaWaiuan Who erfflSVie- tela Ima .l n glela Prise.. lire. Floecelas-brick vas fracd Wednemdey afler aeriig ifteeu yem ln au Pnglai prison for thc merder et ber htthacd. lMra. Maylriek làtonua ticket- of-leave igoder the ternise 01s-blé, if rigliiy *nforaed. te would bé obige te remain la Zenglandi aud report hersait a: pcrlodlcali htervalu te thc autbonlti*4 Hos-aver. lu vIes- of ber promise to go te Amrcaand aras- tiere. a tablcgramn kaya. thc govenment han sitbdravn the go ber vsy sudi citooe ber os-n patiia ao soeu as le*arrives lu New- Ycrk. fer s-un hpfft ait, milsaili tter a- short stay lu Pmxesrc. here ah@. la et préenct. -1 WÂITNlioaFOTHE DRING. more, la demllned tu become the couter uf lnustry; orthde osetuni country. This tes-n i.n a-ueded SIEme. sendJust uow containa neubni butthe tepesofthUi Bagie ripe tan»ly. Butl uat asusoon os the mcxrv. leaeoien" ifor actuel selli'e et. filme s-Ml syng up 1ke, a mualroore. Airene .ri9o u Itinetncaha-va beeu pionesied c telaphone "Iytem., local and long distane, buaeo rieri; Porl- able heu.., art et Bometeianii reetot ho mev« e thé me.rs-towes- t àsemeint'm notice, sud a anzimbar of boumeslutiIs lesas-tiibe Plâceetac shecisandi roilci ever the prairie le et. Unie sheu Lhe tina comnes. Asn tagle hlt plant Lt ploimod, the power te b.ebtclsM fvem a dami vcr lue Winies-Cruel.s-bléc lies-s lrengi lue aile cf ltcetes-n. Alto- gether, IL in expectci dia-t vîtia Ivo ws-clu, athle les-ela epeuudi t viii bave et lacet 2»Q0 population. WIi haulthe bul-barly snd crevdc, 1.nati same frec torei I*esmea uigbt anid ay as auy place u Intse un- terce maie np et fifty s-ilkuevu 1Weat- cru meofe anvms, diere Jaluiect noth- log fer luIs formidable torace ndû. Ouly eue killing hmlkes place for monthe. sud "hiws-ais-le Pcecma u Agt sbat andiediyenng idi Bagi s- hile Uic hlter s-asresiatnu errent. CROPS FAV&iEýo BY wE-ATIIER emperlaeft of mmau ftaPricIpalCe- reele sheow a Decruos.. Foiievlug inthe ue asry cf thc s-eather bureau vcekly trop report: Bail of lthe "ki Mountains te tem- peralure turing Lhe s-eek ws-ca t<ily tavorable. but la the Padifie cocut Statea and ener ltcheeu portiona o etUi î- dls sud ucrtheru plateau districts il s-as tLuaesably cool îth f ronle on the ISth La Wcehignn sd Oren. Teeum9cli rai. hinicret tam ork te ccentral golf districts, and lu, parts cf the Ohio valey ced Mîidle Atlantic Statems- li. neor tmain la beglunla u eb. e ot le nortbern lNew- EngIand1, pertions oethle Carolines, ever the grotter part cf Texas aed ln sontiemu Colorado. Dreuglit bas beau relleveut lu lue uotth'Pacifir coast ditilice, but nontinu«e-lihlnresaad severlty Lu the, soaécmea plateau rcgiou. Cern liat cxcoptieuclly favorable veather aud ma-de rapit grés-h. InuiLb Missouri vaitey ant parts et the upper Ohio Valley sud Middle Atlantic States corn lias. bos-emer, suffered soutes-at from Jackofet ivatiou. aut lu Texs-c he ltscplant l. bains lnjurei 4y drongit. Botters-sa-thon for harveitinus-wheat prevatiet thon lants-cek. sud thîs s-clu mat. geuerally satisfanlory progmest, ai- dhoieng atîli deiayed by emolture lu parti et. auandi the 0hio vaut-y. Ra-rvesh- log la practicallj complelcdIin Missouri atd Nebraska, and le s-cil. attauot In ltse Ohio valies- andthLb.nortieru part cf lue mitdle Atlantic States. As a s-hoie both early sud icte sprlng vicat have aivaucet atInfactoily, hle stfavon- chic reporta bcing recivoti tnemnorttera Minnesota. s-bore the trop on les-lauda la thin and iate. Soute reportsetf lunry bu tnst ara recelveifrtramNebraska, sad tui parte ot Scnth'Dakota Uic ontico* 'la somssabales.@faverable tisa pmevlonsl iutlcateid. Mc.Y Lu- themolt machin. The siot machinc lua4New TerIt eut at oney Isilalecoluintoiey for île es-nais. One nman s-lecoutrois thé aow Machie pivilefges c AtMon otbe Conty Leleat tacets nakei a profit et moto dica- 000a vesI afica the cuit et ton- tesions. attendent* and maintena-nt*khm basa deducletk Re bac moeluait $M' 00 ilveeted la the plant Uic machIns. cnetig ugays-Iter ana25 te $80 osé. Thon sarumbets-een 800 sud 400 styles of alot machines. Tii. al fethle, erperi- eneei la-venter la io -proyldeas machine et sollicient attraction te cia the cap- par fin lths pochai vithent yteldlug Ekreat se la di voua!efthe alot mm, chine aet-Coneyls" It le grotter lu Nes- Tank CIty. Que amusement uabrlor oeVc as building tbat .commandé s m.tel.ef 01,0* say... It àle uotiuiatm ih55 "qlnmhivacf9e mbllup uhiscc Mrs. lisybriek, s-ho s-asMies Fier- eue, Eliza-betha Chandier. a member cf a vel-'knoev udtiptosernita fautly oet e- bile Ais, s mat-t-ed Juiy 21. 1881. la Et. Jamea' Cburcb. Picadiliy, te Jamea Maybrick et Liverpooi. - Sbcwsmtien 18% yeara oi. Rer buebeut wsmover 40 ycare etfsa. lu thc .prlng of 1899 Mr. Majirini beratnetli t dla a tes- day. hbe du. FI[» brottera chinici lire-.licybricb s-li the murder eftme huabaud by adinluls. -t. /~' /4' tcrnug, poion.Site s-as lerst condemued te deati but te sentence s-as sfters-srd commtei ho imprlsoomeut for lite. Eyer ainseber contutteut streuuous efforts have i... madie toi ber icleie by mauy promiunl people s-ha bave net bOîlcyci the »ouanguiity.- WILA. WANT 5Ji,000M N. BlInr. Nov Buiop.d lu Robntdins . er BanneS lNslnlnL Il viii be gond .si"te lthe tmbutera et lie building I.de. theougitout the Eastern Statestue1 aneenuce. thnt BaltI- inara ha, atlaitst ncb Itsgait lu lie velu t reiiabiltatlon, WiUi the advînt efth Lenes Major, sho ila abusinessa ma-a. lulugs beus te jnmp, sud cycu Uic utuci-criticised Ihurnoti District Commis- siounhec takoun a elrt and la rapidly buinyl u Inte property Decars-fotheli $10.000.000 sîreet ant dock impu-ove- monta provided ri the cburniotdistrict ordînaure.- Xvery architiect ent builden lu tite City . s- ehl as a nunnben of prouinent contractera froni uot fbsn. are s-ork- lu Éilt and uay te mccltih. demanda mtade upeu them, ami the s-okin la ouy beu. Buildings ihave begun te arie 1lu ail paret ite ditriet s-iped eut bs- Uie big lire of Februcmy, and the, demani fer skiliid laber etf evernitanacter so dally lucrenalumu. Witliln a moti tiiere vîli h. a leituluate dernand fer more -tbcp 0,00nuen In, tb. building tredes -loue. te sas- nothîns of street paylore and lk. artisans.- Beeldes tbe demandaetftthe burneti district there ln au cumnous amount of building ging ou andi projeeted for the roaldene portions et. the city and thé sininni.. Building peumita lasuëi dur- linz the lent thiity dojo show tint plans -to mmorsnuu700 tiletureo are alreadj, qre5red and lue materlel ordcred. Aila la*bor questions have beau satisfartoriiya isettiati.nocfar as the building Iradesaran eouc.iu.d. sud the s-cge. viii Improvesas the demud fer rmcv. mon cames. Ato- gther tihe outoqk lamémut promniaing sud Lh. conditions are lîchi. te reutain preaos- fui, unie.n a hordaetf non-umIon men de- ' *moeud uponu tc city anti aliempt te work1 under Uie cadi. If tioy do then.sil b. trouble anaIl oug the.fine. Iteom Vas un l4«ai. -Fln viped eut a biuck et manufactur-t tmg-bildng lultasn, al. The lues-- tggrets #=.500. T"c 5-yecr-oit chilti etBryant C<'mmcia s-a instantly kilod near ftrout. 0. T.,1 by fcllUg underneclu the viceli et c IMM t-sâcier.à »VA mes- l us enmeo, la te b br-býCmew kwVlé 1q~31e~ecqsf"Mleur or corpe. Trederick Kent Loisale. ws- bo bdy bac beon rouind ilufllgbary Bey, 15 moiles meut!ieast et Plymnouth, Hnglsnd. s-as en route te Abyainla Whenho diaappesred. lRe ws-sa spamenger on tiie Kaiser Wliheini IL. and van mie- cds-bon tb. beat niet.d lircaicuou lteéuljit of Jlue 19 [iat. Nert day s-heu paseugrs linuded Bet i11Y- . .0fle. metehwont accu. Wltb Loo- mis.s-ho wn brother ot Asaeutant Ose. rctary of Stete Loornîs. s-n William H. Elli. a colorcd man. Loomia iWon cerrying te EMperor Meueik; à coin- merclul troaty juil concinded bets-enf the Uuited States and Abyenaua.(lt has been alleigcd thnt Blla pocaisa a pecullar Influence ovor Mcueluk. and tint ho lias a désiirs te becoeo uler of Abyssinia. He la repotOd te bave tqld frienda lu New- York bafore ho isailed vithiLoomula that héexepectcd witiu Ivo yeuaste havec cotrol of $150,000,000 and of tie nicheat country lu Arricn. James H. Pesbody. Governor cf Col- crado, bias been leading the atrenuoua lire alnee nt Augliat sheu te Rate began te bu ctirrcd by the minera' atrik- tint lbue alîîce reaulted lu ma-ny denthc, rioML ceourt controveraieg anid- enlincs-00-va--', riqua degrees. Gov- enor Peabody la a native o etrornt and. fa 51 ycai'a cit. He va. educated lu -i the publicecol Aa .cÂoY and ni s yeun mnwosn aanoe ttb.. lets. For n lime Gaveruor Peabody woniiet as a dry goodseclerk lu Beu- ton. later golng te olorado. Ho aet-, tlcd lu Canyon City. hie preet houme. autg cngsged lu mercantile bualia. Fortune fave)red hlm, asud lu 1885 ho bocame a bauker. Governon Pea-budy la mared uud liai a famUly. ProfeasserGoldwlu Smih,. sho ta- vers a borne mile parîlament for Ire land, la s ceiohratcd buatoriati and en- saylat s-oa, liter- -~ ~- ~ ar$ tanme la sorld- wide. He a ot at Reudlug,, En#- -land. Ang. 28, 1823 and swsa educated et BEuonaud Ox- ford& ciulug twe vantons Prix.Il 1847 hes-as ce lied tte cEngîliibar. pr,* . 0. ITI. Re swairetins pro- feer etfumcdcrn hiatory at Oxford for elgit ycara, and. later Woau beuevary professer of BEg- Ilsmband ensittutlenal hlmtory at tLor- fel. Professer Smltbh a un dvocate ef reclprocity bets-ee thé Uuited States and Canada. and durnig the civil s-ar s-as au activ-e champion of the North. TLk4 Domine« of the PreIbltistha for Prealdeut la Bilas C. Bs-show, et Pennsylvania. ~Swallos- la -oee e the ablulng lights of the ctempérance cause. HinLtpa hie Wlth jear sud for muore thon a geueration hbas heetu eugaged lu booing lProhibi- tien. He' madie n phenonieuni r tit for Trenaurc.r ot Peuuaylvnnla ut eue tiue, iecelviig. about »000tle. i. - . Thon ho rau for Ggvetliorn sd dId ucarly as s-cIl, tbrcîtteuIu1the ltpuh- licau ticket Four* yeraleebc sougbt the nomination whlchbahsc os- becu given hlm. but John G. WOOllWY w-ai tce aucceiful afrpirant. .Mr. Swallow tg a Methodiat Dalulater and éditer. ofthe Penamylvanlu Methoduatz. Tien Riggs Thomas. s-lic antrte tuhtthe tise ot anthracite cea- ilke the s-earlug et diirmomlm. le a luxury thIn muit ho pale for. was chcien preai- dent of Uic Lebîgit Valley Boad lu De cnober, 11<2. Pic- vlanîiy lhoe badi been chaîrinuoe lte dinceters of Uic Brio Une and als hsd beèu lirut'tIc président oethUi Obicago sud 'Brie - Ralis-ay. He ws-- liu for acterai yeare manager oetheJi. levela-nd, Celimbua, Cincinuati anud Indianapolis lRond, snd held teane position on.the içb- mcnd andi Dauvile snd eorgla Pa- olfc. Mr. Thoma, s-ho la sa-id te ho & very rich mae, is a power lu raiis-ay meotter% lu thte Bu-t iahome .la W 'New-Yorkt City, ater whon 1 wag r dem%,andkaid a 4 or 0"cdC&Cia td ne aimxffets t.at n. laitearly I suppiy I. Pb-MamaCent" 1 On.ec»Aien sbr fouud pernent na boutea la IlisI Il cin ceftlOC barmlesm naiasiale . sq Lrng Uc dor . aousaadu otwa evoumm ans 45< It j baoe tgkkw Di% Nae9ea afflkta, amo au~ ci 604* k i*MJ PwIt. If I~maa. -e e.~ i MELON GOWlme V4 B~ 0110OM Msd Monm et M ou no Raiseti Thoma lu" e ai cvenusi, viea la"» &oêU J. B. Thobui, n. rI7 < 0115. berns as te Boutd et AuriCUtuY.. Legs 1hcs loui-S "Jye Ihalvidillte acyl lys le U ml Okla-hoima viiionlrcnkUotky, Fod aMe -o UOWV o* a preducor OZ lue melene.Thé. dt*14. m maudy loanm landa ôt the ~tas? ý' -I duo. vaternieend cut ouflloe poitecllen. apct e- I I F. J. Wcylueutltof Lln"luCesnty, p- ')-. mU>owk*;iii cmof et mm . mos cte eu-st'otfr. J)al< awet4. melon$ la the .tafiilty. aya ual the teuilitions lu ils Ceuuly ae a»« INcé- Gab-' * blI'e ta the omosfui uowlag teta thLe.. èkoés owp ade etes..Evoïlla 1901. s-boa lthéslm. '0, W non s-a-a nuuully dry, l s-Sa PiOhýs ctops 1h11 ccnhogros-i ticM-e- u atatetOlss. 1 eesr lie cmopapciiac et prit et trOu Atws $01 te $45 par-acre. Aut acre of canta.- Sanieà loupes sieuld pro.. tron 5001 ,000 melons. Tii. veat Ysr lthe tai- -a recclvei troua 1 te 8 mi..cnub nB fer tie melon%. Only't- lienbet anti earlîcat melonmisare profitable torn sip- plu«. Tii. Oklahoma - ccc>iIf on tic ma-i-bhy thlcentfJoue o e litIor Jnly,, viii h.e onsiderahlY abeai e01 the Arkansaisud Missouri creP. M,. Weymuothba-hs feunt luashipplug fiat . Oklahoma- melons bL'rgfrom W >cents te $1 acecnt, mare than Lie market Pruve lu sIt.eLoc. Motsg, n"-1understanti yonnb.asa JIYM bece qulle mlck. l- -te-st evex? - Ncs-popi,-I'm afrai net. -Mhlaalt ta ail algbt. but s-e bavent uamed hIle Ags*wi no Tier n tdAch. e, lb W? t ever ma 1 1 lley rs À. lien,» e-Uie c pas-uer fer lt f7 et. i"«cetiglit on New ehoees fei Easy. corne corns, Sun- An aggrega-tiori of lems. suoulek. Hot sud as-estim Pel. At bfr te al Drugnita erS te tors.20e Smpî nye mont tEKU Adias= 0= S.OlaIcexhibition of Ibis hi Le Bay. N. Tr. à Aa t rMemocy. ApeACUiIS "The Widos- Blake, tbcy ia-, la enuge&i No, not s-bat yo'd eaU youug. - Los- raflrod nra Tu s-bout? Wby, te eid-s-iat'-ie- Unîtcd States point na-mean? lares ivou by CAIa5. 'Tsas lumL upon my tongue! tasm"-Ans-us orase If yon von't apeak 10 me! Tii. only thing l'm aur. about 1.e-lt began vîti G. iteb: agett "Not Gray-uo. no; cor Oreu. corq .- Geer; eV !tot Gýadatouo--wait a bit. s Gleueatet? Ne. G-siurnous! Yeu, ~ Oh -Sirnos! Tuatta la L" --century. Al~ . Bhe-What I i tetomtuapplied toe n vIote igna auctier peraoua a nre te a ehoek? He-Filva or ten ycars unaaly. 1 be- L 1 A atcaTuL- LÀghtiy-.Uy Iandlady cvldeut.1y b.- loups to a boardins bouse@ combine. slmaou-Why de yen tiiink sn? lgbtly-She ieeae'*t attempt te mnpply 4 the vanrta of tiie atocr. SASTJRIA M