Ille Lake. OowtY. Friday. Atgu#t 19. 1904-S Pageis.: $1 .50 a ?ear iinAdi Yon pay $100 a gallon for it anid we CU ". omuithngIuet as .fffteeM for à euts a gailon. Try It on jour ate L-OVELL'S -OR UJG.STORE- b»« OOÏOah«, for you IO wesr, l100k for th trade-mark on th@, fit, Co motand drablly fineut leathr tht a be US' ord. euyt" y f y@u wantt Igood uhos. ffyour deaer osasàot aupplyyàVu. writs to the Schanck Block i an,, I~ibertgvik, hflnois LAKE c sr ATOAL.BNI SURPLUS AND PROFITS 5,000-00 DEPOSITS - - 330,000.00 F:p DYMONO, PRÉmîeeCNT 0. A. WRIGHT, V PaE8uDEusTt DIRECTORS Da. aàu M.(ls.ei-AY Jus (Lue. (I I-sF[cui F. Il. Iei N 1 Dt FR!DERICK 1-L MAIN mot'n-8tol10a. m.,I1Lu i3 P. n.. and -Iltu M P. M. Office 'Pîîne 55. %Ildpnce 'Plioise 2t13 leietllI llnos DL JL..TAYLOR, '*-., soriw:-7 tLu10 2 tLu 4 tnu f. ti oeidnîa ntrondway, oppiosite FParkn, Lbertyville, Illinois. DR, A. ;.NICHOLS uit Clieàigmu D)ENTAL OFFICE B-rxe aîcitVElt uITsei a DA VIS' STORE moues:-.Weuluieteiayut ot esab eek tromn 8:0i0iua. i. L6 Op. . Llry ilîlinnl. DENT. HFL MILLER. A'TIINIINY At LAW. sETi LOc. ÈF.LEésioYF . 26, -- Librtyville,Ililinois. DR, EILH.SMITH. 4 l)ENTISm' tFIC ItF iii'iLAKE illiNTV BANK. gouno-ii Lu12 a. n. andti 1)i l. ni. DAII.Y. -LIiertyvile ,Illinois. DI C. R, GALLOWAY. gotm-troîui 1 Lu a andti 4 t 1). i. Lilusntyvllle, Illiaois, ATT'ORNEY AT LAW. - Llsetyvitie, Illiinois. pceoxz 88. Go(~ C.1 F. Wmîciir National- Bank J. L. TAriÂiuu lri-ii. PhASE Piruii-iia Viu-u-Pru-s. 11. (i. (lAnuNcul Ceebier Libertyville,tIlinois- Accounts of firms, and iîîdiliua> ~are tioiic ited, andi wiII be -1 ceived 1upon tlW îMost f~a.ahlp tannaen. sistent Wffit Proctor E Libertyv.1 lie - 00 TO New ?Im«tm OP*". W» A niait CLA« REBOUT. Ilosdu.y algit .M avi nia Park vs oîangd th ia anmr.d elégant tiwtpatvoJ" cueuple4. alan1i. Ring ant tlieU,flt oo>npany Maf l crueanng diet front PowerstlatIo aCbleagu for the open- iug nights.» Itaviala Parlt wl7h iUn varled ab,. tractions lepreset* anuaOU4" ot iiundreds of tioftofudollar, by the Chiengc'u Miwake sletrw realroiLd. andl afford* tu the people oft Lake eouty a higIý itùareuort imperior tua nytblng 1Tic. large Dnsw tiuatre ineatuotiel cf Iueauty and conveuI.nce anti only tii. l1x-st i-urnpaialswil lie ingaged. Ail the. s.'ats am on.,on. mmin-ntor aud no arranged thero in littip preference la 1-wotiun. An elalioratp 1k. protee'tion gysten e oinprlug ciiemlu.a appakatns a. s-t-l as watei' mnains tki ail ,sctiof u the, building and prondunesil tbe munt (tÀullyleto! In'any tiîeatre lu or alomt Ubuu-ago ha. been installes] t an eîîurmnunâ ejpenme. The auditourimbasý a fflitinigeal)iitty îof 1020-. IU tut eut-ct mnnot hentoa describi, l, t inuq lie Pfln witii ailltis rieli f tmimbingo ta bi, appniiatë-d. A grnnd juil-. rgan i -u Maiy lue orwratet uumd mtual or by' talented ip..riornîers as lei.dl.sieed, in eapahie oft pýo$uiley tllling.,tlie greatv rouin sith fiL useludy. Just te) tisesuulut fthe' tlîatre*is the- cAsino witb !tu lounging ruolmns low buutiifor gentemnin and l(aie, aned'farg bail rooiu aluove, 4(>xlliO.Heu- teau la purphaseti invitiiig drinksm and the soan tountain is elegamuce lf. Nolt a drup ut ýiotoxue-antoi e .unlul nywliere, on thie I-ndm. Th.- umn-- Mnassive ricin... tmis' in the (ainiu, the draperkes. traiture. ëe. dptying description.ý SA grent etaiumn. s) ialleul, ninl reitynanîphitiientre ln aé,ther im- i-uveiîeiit and troîn i-umturtabis seat@ thousaudo May '('lu-w Immse)ai, font ba Il o.r atlie-tiecconteste. An electrie air M ip adorneil witb uver 500 efetrié. liglits vhinmnuotin eumea lueautiful effect. 0 A eWetrie tîuuntain etine "rng nom- P"letmandkilwisSuslê.ssI44 A private water s-urka imstein,-tuer utystpni wltiî sptie tank«,. and eéetri, ilght mysteni are parWfth ie equipuient. .11l builidinge are lheateil tliry)tghfpnt IuY Tuesday nght a thepatre party overg fty Lihbert.yville pleule vîsîted tie newv reourt lu a body and w.itnmned 'Viv l'apa4.' Thsy rturned deiglîtéd a tiix sbut the ftre- runear-ot mana mch parties tî bue organimeilhy , n'idente utf tli.. euîîitry dist rnets evab Àt. sthse eletric rond! le xtënded weitward the pupulerity (ut Bavin.a Park will gruw. OJur peuple desire 4us- a resort, une Ut itlhigb iclam. lu every way, where liquor im nfot toiurated in aiy tfuri and thé -Attraetions nf a Mls noue may heeitatetii applrove. Pair Drawu Near. fi t s nw only il, matr of dnys until tIse Lak-e Couiity lFair wiIIl e in ful swing. ,ltthe ugmnunds ns-n.aiee lu- ployeti gttiiîg ail iin readniems4 and tlhe track î4 imt ,11ii itm usual Fair titîiýo shape, wlîi; Il e always tihe lest possibule. The. direto rs feel that ini eeuuring two lady seronauts Lu) give a ligh wiru. ex. bibitiuii befuin-the grand stand eaclh dny au wéii as a lallonl u m eiuionand para- chute..dro-p, tlig-y haVO aui ittraxtion alune Worth te Liapeu ut admission ti The eerane, realilfilling ilely ani a mplendid uuc-ltl1 rugrauî le aa.iircil. Not ai IittlC it.Cfl<ftnteiitnfithe biaen.a l contens. Tluu, î-niiuttee eliasarratnge.]a selîudule ofthtnr-u, gaines lstweeu four teains, twu tb) play Wi-.lffluay, twu Thtirday aid tit- twq. winuers Friday, sncb gaine for a purs.- of $25i, divided 6(5 and 35 per cnt. Tiare are euw titres entrieil andl nssuonu unanuther oune is re- ceveti iots wiii lue drawn for dates. Ail ufth tbelubs su far eutered bave agreeIt u play their regniar teauns, wbicb wl tend tu de awa>y wîtlîa lot out Wranging abount tuntîg play ers and inake the g:17s leore iintormtiiig to Lake coiinty pe~i.The si.-iiel of gainps will ai- pear in nuxt wffks issue. At Ravînla Park. i cùsevý atlrtay afterniO)flte In nesbaffl g. $8Va h. &l pa. ei-t Miu ua, ênupletn y the i upen&l s-itli a gaine-lietw-esa the H-igh- --landi Park Bruindna teairîl eunîpuused 01euto.cligo tars. it wil be a great gaine. W. Gligiai a-t i lIeture fiiithei. nmev ti1an ~nesuîi lieit tofiDavid Swn ieKinuk-igartî-n. S Ate1ieu-inl rate of 35 route the rpund ll,s aePg.ik, tuver tise elettri-nmail. Choiera Infantnem. e~ r lii dseas iialostits terrur-elee FInuIduriuin'e i le, ulera adDrhe :tsueuy Capini)ito enm'uii nus. Tise 'unîfurl I> Uccu"i ilch attends thue sou this remetiy lu ail Isivel. eouplaiits lan ciidren bas made Wit avorate ivier. aver Il value lias besoi n c. For asby . .B. LovMLL. LberIils Cliaou robbed raliroaticm drunken co Justis y" D an, aged a uîipr, o âu bi iand. 14 am, sUnci bit ksàk ail the fil 4ieeto. Tb.mi la Lituurtyillkl C. N. Dur*n ci la no u qIiait 4TYs4 oiýll lIkidap ni will l> jiOi înlan wa le granîd jury iij ,esQiiulan notieSi Ibe iî,înky ove?.id t op l»Alind the'old tb.- lsad sud th-e- eoîll alnd luMis clok lias *orked ors. F. (roker and Ulis nX,.*.igoflI and VolneyW. .1E-i eudîlenly ln higuyet IL was-aone ot tihe liet knoiM Cli-ag luwyems He iskowe te-tîter outheIi illu~idn Iit* w s asiuiateti wItlithse " À. r Che nk, andaàftkir Mr. Clark', deMbe . e,teul pnudent ,ot the (îcetenugîu iîd Nortb liuiore, ty. l l u. iihi t1s-r Unttd~ ilttes r wfdl Guarauty upay.tii i-IatsSilica eofiDany. the i. Wuuukegaeand Northui glaire iiip!iyant iltii enemég:, g î0 u tend Milwauke Ele-etle - aiivay eilu,.îl sa reputel tOlaijetl iiilii. Ileïlui urvived by t- ,bituluu-î, Alberti vulne.y Fuiter, vf4p;ru-îlqtuof the Koiî tli ore- Ga. *iiy, uand Mi'.. Wialtoe, L. Pigbtepfogtryn ulîr. 'l tii. rmal route @yu"Si wulul met lruvei a goûti ti mprimbnla,4at-ius jueom-1 Pledgti u uhow à&t)diut u uudy listiie prujet proved éa' *- I eJtud i al1 expectatiums, bat ob tliît the experi-1 Mentali stage ba. I0I tegu lui-un passtet . aul tis e syteni 4uîîliM îulas a1 permaient featim C a stilll goveru-1 ùsent. lurng tbe »je y-an îmore tîani ne- 4 u- - ràJ5>uim-e hav en mstatuimeted utf w »ku" -uunty geccureti twfut-fflet t ad4t-.ilt. Prubabiy ne? lirais-bot tw .otai systeai bas beAu watciied wi4r-ater carte dur- ivg twlu tst tew ;ymth"linobastbe gnusing truee iiverv the,' reriI digtriets. it li»nsnut unly corne b- bu a -uttled harthti. lttal eys- ent, Lutelne out ti. most iiiirtaiit bt"etmî- of uttient eu-nvboe anduhelptni ln Enaliy wayelunu.\tedigg tIeind u- e15,*s of izier citi»niuliip'la tiu.- rminii -AnohherDvowe luit The ut elt ternim uthtei. in-it(Counrt bkl tirte>h~ a,-ir~miu0 iail kimîui01u marital unlialupiuuueu, tfrontdewertîuaî to crnelty, ns at. lu-e-t e<hensce havi- lee.a mtarti-tisu far nOOWWmi ý41dW -dmi-emY vas itieint of <>ttenlu:rg.rvsOemir-r Mên . iiler, attorey. The. Offenlargeslive oitn .ivarm os-nedilby George Simes in Gtruimtt tonsipî, nàMuîll llare. Tiseuvite, ituta, w a adivuce frntniJuuepli Of.-iit--rg,Cranti aIlý--g- e xtrrme cnuilty agiimg otber tlinugs. ,Nsr. 4Unlri-r - trai tbut w- slip akut thet ai ilintion lie -mleei- retitiniiig liiiui u-<li a sale thll e, i. raid Lu bave tiiru-îtiedotten. In addition,;rusle ,u-r'i fl fr a uuup. separailon, aliiiomiy suob ton lier gaupport aetd the OMidi.u the î-îtlre -enstady of thIi. boylii Ph. 1llotiparties are atill resîdente t i ;rgat townslîiîî. Triple Weddlng ir atLawui. MiuCaroline ltuuilisr'. of la.une daughW»r(. P. A. l'.luiml .Pn-.-iuiut uif tic- tiîn tv-<. , vis oné-Ouithtei particiliaJitsa u u l auustiieveit it Wiieatou, Ill., Tueeihiý'- le beîng a triple- weddn on thse Irumi of prof. Il. A. FW-.ber la thecit.v nuuliuoe Tie cunating liiI'i Lies ers ius-ni- maminer or otiier wlateil. The -tw-i lergymen wve ltit-r ad mne Lui uth uotrating partie-s. aMdtise imvitu-i gueataconisetut e - iitheLiii iuiit.-r TlY4 mArcb li]1)i-ylites Fimler andu Premidet Charle ..Blanchardi,uot Wiietoçtmulii-ge, livsed dos-n a iitiî inloilled by a eiiiu 'i ergmen eiuil-i l y ts-.nty-toun ut tii-- youuuger couinms, wbile tMi"s (larait Mnnèhard, iluia euuin, played the w-llgman-el. The .t inainnugof<thtietsningaNs that oftàissCarriliie tobitunian(] amui ii Blanchand Fl-iii-m; tillowlng vas tiiat -outi Bia elln Keiilyanti Hunau-e A. Jobuoawlîie Ii lind wae mies l-,itii Tihe crel %Vy as prturuii-d bi Prtisr FiWheur, titlie 1t tis-uifuthei, conrctigparties îîîd ha va-.neietuul byPo.o lamiluulî uneie Ltiiuu- '1'be rided ail seuuru- sîMilar glus-î1l il Whîite 0..nie Teachera' Ann.ulaiInstitue. The. Lakne CuiuitY Tmaeisîîm-yàlituîe -mcxvn tt-thé WaÎnkeanliugb I*Ihool Bn 'ilding ouni 3indny, Augîlet 22 at 10 a. in. «mniiuconitinuiiin semiîili Ilnu day..d(ioud linstrutom h avte luii eerdanti an uxu-ie tpri'uiWl ta offel. Tiurl i ii' i.e i-Ilooui offeiisda, n~ liru'torm, Tiuni- undm Traunrers are eaniestiyreqUceti Lt le- prest. Tii. uextu exaînmiation for raôcevs< ortitig,-atî.s vii ue lielil .-.GÂIeU offlty supt. WAY _WEST? WIll lctulo ReaidGo Te Lake lletio» bv W&y'ée W.vcouda? ltecntly it wama tated In the LNix- PEINDENT tat Pîusldent Frot end tfin sliginteurm ex pected s-iLlin a few dam to 90o unir tuèe pu>)poud route t tUne extension ouit i e eitrki e"n. frun -twurtyvilipeto Wanoda witm a vlew tic deu- n.ntheinoistenuble teritory tu pu-ne-tratx! 'imi.tris-as matie ln an automobîile aud it ln sail lîymomnsofthte, party that Mnr. Front wax not an well pleamms] witii the Wahrionda route as aniipateil lie womld lie, lu tai-t upon thar returmi the tasubility ut a route- Lu the. lake rexitin lu a direct ,mrtliwu-torly lin. froui ihertyville wnsunuder .nth nia tie diue msion. ' Tise day the party wenL Lu Wamu-uîda a rain *tortunbindered theirijrogrom ansd tise large automiobie, wlich le prooplid iîy aI 60 borne power Pienle uîd make ittie progrese on Lth.e lippery déay ronds, ant it vas nec-uuary to employ a farmner Lu dras tise rmhine- util gravi-I roaie verv reaclisi, wblth inay bave s.erveusl damalpen the ardsr (ifthte. jituinoters. lun any event thse lung discuused proposition,.ot extending the lino tu Waucontia vas nit ettiedianti bas nut besu Lu date. Practical enginelrm s a.willlis mnuofu atfainiu vio have t-cboiderethte matter etiee rumnng a lin toi Wauconda and tuiuu a branu'h nurtbenly Lu Fox Laike, s-bu-h iu timne s-lulie ecunne-ctet i wth thse rondul L buildl vets-riy Lu ox zLake troni wuàmkgàti. Tbuu> eeeiiis the monit urne tii-ai s-ny for tse extension andth te muanagemuenit baun idur consîderatioiî et thi i Lai juet tin route. -Prom Lubrtyville- Lu Wanconda andti hen nurtheriy Lu Fox Lailte inot sucb a great distaace in éxcems oitramn Liberty- ville direct Lu Fox Lakne. andl the formier route cuver, a terrltory certain Lu atiord lucrative ret nns, uact euffltently lu excemm ot the latter to warrant the etra milage. Ilemideu te a.etvantage uf an ultimata loup biy conietlon wlth the Waukega U ln.eLtithelaken. Attrecta Larï" Crowd.. RECEIPTB WBIR $6000. 1stimncr feolueult# -4nthe. tP" Lakne regiîîiîfoumîb a nlià- diversion Satnrtiay i tie "cuîliiimntifin lhorme inus- amuil u'iuitry ftir," 1liliaitii. stocek tri ut iiDr. Trumian W. Bropby, ienr I uglemide. Stick fariners tliraugb. out thîe reun attendeti in large nuimber, di]inigarding the fort that it in wasaa whii-tu, ite taktng a keb intereet iu the exhibition ut ins hoer ssud cattie. Thîe laneticiarios ut the tair were tise Fox Luke Longregatloinal church and tIhe Fuox Lake Yanlit -eiub-ineaibers ofthtie latter lsing vweli repreaented lu the. attendane. The, receipts ver. plot)- incîumding $50 secureti by Mrs. Oliver so-iitt lu the raffle of a pet tait once uwîied tly lin. Bropby, and nov the. pruperty ot Thomnas Otarin, the. prias. winuer. Siat. vert. pruvideti 14v tie speutators .m two itis ofthLis Brcphy speed way, a shiort dimaîic frtr the. farmioume. Ou oune skie ote v- b-ox.iuue@s, dîl rated witii iuîîting and on the otiier tii "gallery" u-uîrmiuiltig oftaier ouîf*bnèbe,. Tise Foix LaIe libras. band uu-upled a. postion jue luelt t t te dis oxes, anti playeti iirgetleaily during intermission li tlivu prug'ain. The prugrans-ns varie-ilanti adapte.] tii suit the. tastes ut every tais. fitbegan with au exhitbitioun ut attlî-, luge, chickenui, pige, doîcks, mbeep and tîirkeyo gros-n iutlme Fux Lake region anîd conicladecilw16h au aWazd ut prize. in riuing anîd driving contesta. lu the. womreus saddle hers. la"e Mrs. william htaypole, wife ofthtie Chicagoî aldermnan, woun the tinet priu, obtaining a thirti prize in the, vomen's driving horges laim, sitl a uingle buggy. Mdrs. W, FI. O. Logan vas Ot Ithotselattr c-ssi and Mn.. W. H. Lytord second. . lu the decurateti p<uy phaotuin event Meim eli(urtnuulu. Lytord reeeiviul - Ot honoîre wtiî MinssElanette Soililti*eeioiid aînd Mlii..tliierta tirophy tlîirîl. A riait driving cotet t<r s-ulumu¶M" an "Pfextra ?un er h ti. îrogram. Mn.. Oliver Soiitt was in-uiteil wtii drivimug the -greatest numiar cil nails Iu titi. nîluuteu.. The deulion (iuthtée jutiges a-' tu the nelative mentitm liehr donj- .stitors s-as sitlilield. oniitheu fariiilouue lawn w-ui l-uoar undl "taicy wrk" liuuti eamid a dane-Ing lilattuurâu. Nat(-m osbuu4e 1îirVii+'W@K given - iy Chicaguani uMit.iliig the Kummeur liiuttages neaniuy. Miamlin ile u-rtaluiy a sx-ile for ilesi- Truiees- i iscutery IN lut miii lua 0a ii- suIe étube, viti nostle, suîiL) it Mlu Plieti s-icoe mut needeil. Stupetiepi at GRnLK PAMIX For Sale by', Furnltt*re and Unlertaking It le an eiqtabllàhedl fact that a GASOLEN f STOVE in aùiy kftcheu le a bletiing thes w - daysIt No, to be doubiy bleesed you ebould bue a ittove with a reputation.(Our GASOLENE STrOVIE, la undoubtedly the best etove on the market, 'i as 1 haver uold thélur for yem 1 knoi bg a Waktng about. Prices range fro0m $2.75 to $20 Caill nqand use them. If wiU b. to, jouit vantage. We repair àiyland &Rl klnds of o« Liberty vitie,l Sam, mer 'ô e a We recoived thie week Our aneua> 13hlpemeiit of -8ummer I1.rm Jrnlshiag Goodo, (and they are the bandsoment we have ever had) on.- suisting of FIy Nets, Horse Covers, Lap DuoW and a n ew lino of Mesh Nets., 90 .. .. ... ....... 75 - M M 1 60 The oetbruated W aga.r Nît.perie .... Horse Furnishlng coods Libertyville, - Ilino Don't'ou Neu'ý SurÉry- orB For the Fair?- We have, a -few we wilJ close0 Corne in and talk.,It. Qyfr.-, LIb~