0 lassel P. e au doje on -lttie, - hile titere areamBllotheil Who eau, ge along vîthout aa.y OPise>t ait?, as w1 rIter le th@ e <W Orlesas KÏ-Times-Democat. "Né* *IBOe la probim, o solution of Whieb mlgt prove of iast benett ta bnmalikind- Juam rensînded oetliait lImportanca 0f tbe subjeet by a case la wiebm11y at- tention vas reccutiy calieti le New Jer- sey. Albest Herpln<, of Trenton, bore le Frani'., a bauer. tieclares titat hoe bas net ewpt a vink for tee Yearî. enti bis statemeet. ocOrdiug ta te New York Heu ald'a correspondent.18 borne out lîY tbe l mY«ds Wona b ave lon: ims trealed lmi for lu- Boiil' rg c o1,:t:rdw "tOf lis cIge harpie says.: Il bave - ~béeentaio waa here thYa atetl- sep )É 1wouid cal undet'go thuat sroftivatiiie-et 1I have given uP lire; il, faet. l'ni sa ustita It thlt 1 tblitk no tala a banlt e mtter. 1tve ben rd of people Îgduilg insane thit wcre t Ioubleti wit i nsoania. nbt 1 Ie vii. 1 ait weii anti eat tbree nitai biL . SICIE1 n ay. ltnouiecm fron iis «at gsle- 99 fflsveoh itrat, lu 1n'A oa:a- tof ie'$ essentials, I. lt-el< mlIu-ukee, IWlS. a hîaout., -necessry ta hcaithfut exý "-A ~ ft fi o agi I ibnd my lon- ltent-e*?la il possible for mee t oilite *i sol e fouâ. I Ad adaChe., ta the runeonable andi average lige P&1010 th. h ck, dod fueqeut di-Y awiih,,ut saieep? These are large (Inca- wk" f grow sawm graky mî>'onhilautÉmia andi they ramiry lu mati wflys aaçýd bçùaragtsou'd whau .- ok vitealliue begIns ta dentl itth tt-m aue ftm dos#, blini aag oeuoeansot ape<Uatlteiy. ln the tiret place., oint-h ro4uraa la lois than tva euati hg nl dvilud juponite type und te-n .y hqalfw h vasator&" ...I Mr&.AL paprenieut orthelite ailt, 'rgons viarse arBm'scr. mn-îtal -palîitles are ot a liw oral-r. The ressonentf o imue> tuiiurxto-a whtioxe e-eltive PoVaera 'arce linat-ti. teen% t'uss silr t te îî(výi~- the nuait wliîoare vlibont the ttifoua ia Il ia to tie gves ta rh poclle color ta the tiilleg £COID iIe s.- ti«r.' otthix lite-persans wiio are luggiah A$ tA [nu t 1a u 1ial menîaîly aud îempranntaîiy. t#and «'x ""' > lijto'L' y.srIl . who teel ouîiy whe-n prir-keti anti- proti- catarnii Ofo ns t orftla exitl t hei- «M lamsu catatrItf utay ott'r arx:qtî detily te sharp exîge-ucias of the Wbat viii cure atarri. or ,thee i v itI aruggle for existence, tihe dumb, tiriv, " *' flhecurecolar-rh of the. Plvic rgeas. 1en cttie' outhlie vorld, unt uîeti *Peruna cures litem sas sînipiy biacuee1ýpmc;weea h'_mn n It eureq the catarrîî. e-l ieh hra h e If it )ave ratarrii write nt oui-.<taIwomte fotansensitire. melti. vhose Dr. tiartaot. givinga" ofulli eieth,-f iiiimuîda are a fragile unl respoe'se as jrour ctiue. andti e wii be pi4asedt ive tat- he tost deilcte of photugrnîuiers' Bon bis vltisile Atîr lte grilles. Ad'irejaqlac. lurttusu. îreaîîieat ort laie--a. vbo catchiandtiaiid. oand lave 7be. lartanan anittriumu. Coium,ua, . o tcimages as they tit lt variati md- 1nît-the mnuand %womee wha utnen- tally trae tha very lust of thé- nU- unîa td elisorl) tue-la ot 14e ara-es v.hidi playy upomiiîîtî--u I îdi-ex ttit>* to uonlt-sa stt1ian Iteriktita of ltt'duil. nnarespotaîlve andi npipte type. Napoleon rt'41ur-d Ibut ltte * a%,]et)ii but. as a grrt-at Anerlean who %van once -reuiitlet of Ilha tact re-mark- e-t. rail nêla are flot Napoieong.1 bitve kîiown itatîy oten. weil advan-edi lu ~~ vela". vho- tetuaiiy aie-pt le" t tan yotuger andi more vigorotis meu." COU1.ON'T LIFT TEN POUNDS. -1.'Ie0 Boitillea.Csp.15.-Da'.idury Pille itrooght Stregth *am, W:tepaz CaItfý. D8,lWsud Atteta enati JIith ta the Sataer, oMaklog Aais1.ewS foi ho'a'itat ia tt.g.s ensd a #." estf ., aýde-rei -e . .t t,m lUlas Feet wt-i4e Tets Toasger. Toati ltMa ie naeifa tse .la te J. B. carton. ~dov at a . es.oese.trmer antiloun- as crn, stiM eatS'brman, of Dap- A MM OF fflS ryilY A »V rM . jpe. N. C..%anym: . -à 9 =ptulrl enr#e wîe;m 5.ua.îac- poutwaxou ntl. h ~ bust! ere.Tb1toua _ _~x wla y'n lo ven i be l an sit ptanof liteireîuedy laBorn o .nedogh- ~..a."~'L '"~ bar ant thty hae aie <1oued el t« t srtit-e ta ot . r a î aas " se\*er This froitt'qKidnytPoil.la aire atliberty jax gL &lit1 au wI oTriAL. a ngdrisancester- - Miihtiut a('o.. uutasi1.N. V. For lie BrwU 'SINOle, T Nex s YP»rnse _________4 " à*mr- pUSf of the<ii rlena itetaa i-it, o m.ni a- WW hors and ~the Dte asla e. on *eI'~6 O O ralttIf oituy-linRi tvl ytruibay .ut. ti%-tWlIaÏteth awine of cman sensieé do yu \veortit air u sfetroîls y bIug ffic Outi-fr tkstesl roule yo e aumlier A FREETRIAI.-Adter. pal er Be-i)orBuffal.N. Y. Fr sal rnedliiTeies.ifilartte. ewei <5Mtut~*u.ut0 0 b LitlveJbirn tbst voPati do l.Tey Pa-W ncoutlite ase trof . ca. ~~~ ~~~L I~~ktuess? o 2.Ntr ~te a. .~.t. t.t.,. . .aaisa. ~ t.ta,. A-m wsy. Don blat:tte i.wanlauTe FOR 8ALE7AT1AUUGAII h m. for tow inthe lDetinstimulnterg pnindiines fer c-ruaeebildrenofs ~ Mustche Foduct' ' ~ larme' b.S Cltie. f14 Halid tre arkers' F fI M Y,=UT la lui_' blu l ew ide i tere l epuld despaîr.he w le 1-e1.taas na.ittationilCha.u@uf -Carl. Mm B. . . 46 A-. 30-101 wen lieromes rartmta o FuSaior liet t.. F.5AM , ti -'t. D nasta ' FM WL-60AI t&F dmyi n w hlri tobey nIi W? purlng Ib4 payLt yack the great The jnpaitffl2b5ae 1%Ia!ny. 'The streggle le lb. central iteter ofthlie Japanesetawiii are kiaag mrippeti of guegso-Jalanese wvra s e tu abave 'their besvy Sglné.becoa-itat no tteluuî begun. Ocueral Kouroçsotkms nteti - 0<et enau pll thie lkadoe tiat the Japaee plcketu. vere pe-I-cIltes. These gons jau -hîa-cui brouglat clously active, espeçlally at LiaxîdLes- tu Port Arthur ant i naiiaud un 1bîl16, slen. Liandlansiau ia abOut tn-eny- vbt'n-a ub<'y keep up ai) uaa--asialtiire-. five milie sotbeait Of LltuYatg. On The great drsl»a0f lihi %Vair lalPort the main.rnd tute engvtingea&ng. I Atthur. Tbe-. gt. p rofiga<0nit 15 vas cai tela h Ie- kar lu Iinaiiîr'. t'eae The pls l1aitraigedrwiv. But ýtistiatsay lc taken n-tb a grai n a a-.4 of sa » . Thte wjr corrempoitdct,:t»., dp-~ ~ ________ palriltîget Itewm. are taiilimg une-lton R :CSOVWlA. sîritegical bypattheaes andi tItiioini AGiTOY #AA libtt.uutevery lîttie village l j uDTlC l IJPITONIE ~ "key."ruase" 1avelsss.% tirev up breamîvaike eot:aîe of'. O VetaItia u. inaa.aaknvlai- Lind nmlu niltteeaun i- niiai <aSkbiLO, af: r ai ia:tie withs gan the bombo)rtltitt. Tey Lad euot 1 t,.i oJepauce e isti taken te pa-e ah tihe-point -bere -.::tliZ (criser), sunk .ia 14,.ilaa Kouropaltkln's report tuddeily breakis aiglit ivntlhKafmnrýi. sî1taeron. off. TItey probabiy have tci..n lt 'rlo'ALVI athe iiîtitove positioun by abilima. ticee thaey W( r, cia aiPl'rt Afthar Airi 13, Aeinrai atlacking m-th tsvo divlsielLa. îlikaro-ff and 100 pt-1erlsitimg. The Russlani suftereti mare naval I ZAînE1î'lCU <batlie-laiîi>. essere'y reterres 3î:i?'g the veck. On Satur- dnirai W in siliii 2t ittis10.bAdn dayntseX vrivsseau lua aberbar ,killeil; vetel oju' ai Tiui;iohu and ut skhalien Island. About 4 dc'c!--tk dimantieti. ,1 Ie the aflernooti the Japanege cruiser B0-yAlitI raie .,-arteilaunk neol- Tsushima bore lln;trthtilt- brr. IuaIiy,ek Thie Novik vas coling ont. The Tau- '.AIIIAG (cruser). blava ce- iy te Rue- sima vas eoretunit-.)keep branditlde Siau$ t Chemupo Fa-la, te.te prevaisl en ta lhe Ituselan siip, go %%ru tade- lis caphum by the J.ac-ane. lIter the tull effect of the tiret voley. JA'NDCHUR (getabau. Ji.itmatled at Had It beeu bava on lia rean sel ide itlaagbsl lFee. 10 tu i)revent capturé by the, Japansee giss vulti bote been masketi. The YENESEI. stuitby aiae t Daliy figbting lustet i fîrtym-fl%,e minutes. Pcb. Il. wheu te Nov 1k rreti. A Ituattan SIVOU'rCH (gashoat). a.-iate-d at Nev- shahl bit the watt-r. ri-ocîetedt. anti ciwaeg Ans. 1 te i rt-aiit lis falltig struîck te Jap cruiser otan ils cool mb itote bands aofliai-Jaipamexe. buînker, training ts plates. It bagaKOIIIETZ (guabost). lils cup t aIChe- FTsEsttAj.N AND ANTESIIAN FOI.Th4. CAPTU1RJAB e T» JAI'ANES2. Etiat-han fort. captatreal ly tihe .lalue-ue. ihaonc of ths prtttciuiati efeumitie Worki cirtbve.-t of Port Arthsur. It: sui-naiants a bili 43 feetlai ti eazit. amti ti about tu-o tiles tramnt alulacallt'd the- tsi-as ity. lete ut te iiiitiern shore et West Pttrt. T<hie nae eiy <a prlae-lpel a.çeipet by Resmlni. Atiter fort tliat tae upeese cipturet in scalie-tiAntiailmîti, andl tnud8 abot a tmle nîtofu Etteeshun. Tise btter ta eottidered taebu-te key te Po.rt Arht.lui tihe var 1504 Etse%-han vas captureti by -the brig'ade- of Ge n. i.vWh inl', i liiug at Potrt Aithur. ta ieak. anti nt 5:;Y)> the chips18PuuIKle apart- TIse.uaxt mormlng the cruiser Citlte silati Up la the bArbOn anti roundi the Novlk agrauntIliseti aval-. Tte Citloe leiisureir tbrév a few sheia Ituîhobe Muscovte chip. the-i bomnbardesi the lovn e bitid. aoeiflea- ed avay. Tlsereai vork listi areatiY bee damety lte Tsushsima. SSakb#1ien ýlà- At tel tes dthly- e:ýrtb oc Tezo. <lie nortberfflut t Jpe- ne Mfent. -Tbe .lspaee formarîr owamed anti ace-pleti the soulterispo- tion uofi',kbalien. but vere induteeti or conîpelie t 10reisqtteuIit by Russan some tblrty ye-ars ega. T'rIlandtt 1h barren anti tit-oila. ,beuta s uppoatet ta coelalnuiniersaof nat teonsider- Alavalut? f.faî whsitg le the- star alle vîli proablyî take Sakballen tîack s&gale. Ou Tucatiay. the bnht:ca'.ii'p Setsa4- topol. alreauiy t-rlpple-d by 'logto lu tIie previat iight. slruek ai îne lePort Arlteur wataers. Its fort- part tieil wltb vatar anti ils base bêiame auli- mergeti. It vas tovesi to lthe biner bai-bar. A mainih ego elîci an avent vouiti bava been get datte as a fear- fui Basesina n-lamity, but lte Russisu fleet Jiso5 batily dcmarailzed anti crlp- pied sirendy tisaI a littie stiditonai <lamage tloeg not scem exe-iting De-s. on the day atthie Se-vastopol tfis- fortune. tva ituesien destroyers. «a-k- cliatening nroud. otrurk mins. Suse munk lmmnetliaitely. The altbe- svti hiffculty vue lovedtibaek ta Port. Geacrai Sloessel answsered inalt ha vauld ntinsttrreeder. Three daya inter thie .japanaoe began viat tbeY Itopati voul be limefinaI asS81nit On Port Ar- <bahr. All tirough Stinurdiay, hinida>-, andi Monder they threw lbelr soitifera as <bey vouldti troiv trou opilinter$ ot canislersataItha steep rock aides af tise fort cappet i hlls. But lb. Nippollese effort vas taln. Port Arthur atlli stooti. TIien the olîset sînekenati. Even the Japanese couiti not persevere Iu thait emiltary operation. Tbey are reckles sellIers. vhen lDai Nippon Be&nzol" la sci-esmeThe 'rit rsl law ai nature la allereti ith the-em. Tbey loW the In- etInct ot seif-preservtton. But igaleut Stoasei, fat.,lieavy. profane Sitffssel, via v..rs ont many harss vIthblbs nil day iding. they could nfot pretail. The Japanese. liovever, wrere mot abeointeir defeateti. ' TJpon lte ced erep ofttie l<vaegtung penlugula. tihe bronu finebas preasedti hc gray fine turtiter southu-ard, anti both are tmoie contracteti '<ha Japalleée lbsee se, eureti a footing on tlItavuer uine of forts At petyqisl -5anti Elseehan. To the north lbcy baud Paliscbvang; ta the east. Tatkumhan. From, these poni- flouis teyt-un _polir in.o convarglng rira on thie etistenu defenses. Tite phtrase ."Port Artnur" no longer unea ais lIse ton-n Oftbtat namne vhiCh Iforcitrr exlateti. Thon tavts lias beau wipeti ont. The bouses are leveleti. the streela uproaleti. <ha docks anti 'a-ba-see are torumleig, the harbor 18 file wîut îi etrlplictori- unlien slips. tebatiks are, claseti. Port Arthur nov Ineaus <the CAin «: his sur- mloptteld vitI ey ,V»4«iethe forts h4» gbeee =*0 »r 4 M fbê elr» rapltre-d. llO(ATYiI (crusiser). baldly ilamsgeilby rumtcg agroalcil t Vladivoatok Mey 10; repartetl ou Msay 22 ta hauve- bren ilown np, but la kuovalbto teladry dock. ASKOLD (cruise-rt.i astiy damagea le igItI of Aug. 10 duekeil ai iIagltai for repaira. 1P.O88ItA'(eiuiser),IM. hay damegeti in ' flgbtpof Ang. 14; as tVldvsik GROMOBOI lcrui-eii. affred seta-relï lathbe baIlle of Atug. 14; l Is tuti- ivoutok. IESIIELNI (aestroyer), forribiy taken tram Cactat Aug. Il by tisa Japanexe. GltOZO'VOI toi-pi-ýlasbout), nov.- it Situngliai. Ma e le- lanîled. V-NUBHITEINY itlaaroyeti. eei- abore lu Pigeoi- iii l i b. 14. STERUCI'rS4'11 1i-yi.rt-porte-i] stnk off Port Aalaiir Marcit 10 jSKORI lde-ara>cra. loia o p by n mine MarhI(si 11 STRASHINI (destraoyer),.snek ein ale-gt cour of Port Arthaar April 13, 'ruo tai-pédio onte eîunk off Wei-l-lai-W'e attet' baIlle-etfAug' 1« Gunhoat suk by asmile. near Pori-f Ar- titlr Ad. 18, IIATSL*U (battle-shilst. sunk by n mica near Daluy May 15. YOSMINO (citttneert. utak by be-lez ram- mailhy te- crata-el- itsuga off IPort Arthur May 15. MIYA1'.A (cruisera. aîtik by a mine ln Kerr- Bay hIe> 15. KAINION (gîithaiait. tnk by aumn lu Talie-ew«n BItay JlaI G. Fite transporte suzil. ly te Yladivoitok raiders. Sixîcen.vesavis sm t arilons timeaý vit te object ai! 'boltlilsk uîî" Il'rt Arthtur war Ncsslu inlet. The repart lt curnenI lu Toki tIsat Cen. Kureki bas sc.,iandeu -t thse rail- ruati Soult of N11a-,it. Be-fugees tratu l'aTt Ai-thusai- nita hae reaceti t2lteftto ra.îart tIt Gem. Stocuaei nov bas onîl3. e 'ffective menî. Gen. Sakiarof a iaaýrtx te St. PrIe-ns- lui-gtisaitishe t,ýaaai tien lasse- t a Linoysng are eatiiaaafed at 1.5W0 meit. The Rusajia«s a-e foi-cd l to aano Anahansitan. àitsiiiig s uttITegea-. outr- deteases oet Iloatiatter four durs ot dosperale ghting. 1 Jâsn.add'eseI a nota ta tise povver" informingtem thatules. Ruasnaforth- u-th dlsartce-t ber ssmrbps In Shanghtai Japami vouiti-tue fircedt tatake ste-ls lai proteet ber Interesa a FerenchL eials%. feains ltai Japan'a vîctarovrl- tj-iaa onld giveliter ia dangeërounspredaaiiauie Ile b. ta nt, urge that Prune-etirent Brltain atnd thte Unitedi States jois lo it vrt ILt. Gén. Kttropatkiîa reptorte tInt tise- .atî- anseshavtîe ti1lîîia-d otilu tiiatiia une or lise principaal etensaor0fL.aîa- yang, andmai ttzilîîaitzy, sebicis lies le-- tiseen lýiandiim(.iiiiinaaî'lAnplmg- The. Japtnete-are- titsvle ptîsaesgiai of ail the aiter iletciiseo andi satiettf the- inne-n ice- tf fiaita. atPart Arthuer. (Siti tise cielti t.elthetti forts on Gaailets 1ail1. onte Tî'rir.'l'au -anti <ouîLiaaî- Ttshei nmtottnitt reatiait l in seeusiaait af the tîtialutt. ThIe Japase e- bi)iaaly ere isithiti otue mdie.et Port Aithu ity ' l] ti t-rt ld- las lte position nt tb.a-tagau vtb Iber maitn body. '<secbranchàesn lise d«en e ise liec ttadie, act'dieg ta Obafua reporsti.uant tro futai setak att the canter fts hubase abàudaeé, u-th Mbabib of ýtli. . Ue biWn W< iuatrnted by R,07 Iil~5 "a unesa idàeee Ketiler. . tbousjkbe W aî a schpiar and mai et letters. ie wauted ta keow If sIte en- joyeti painting! A, brigbt boy, Whbo n'as a ptipil ln one -t theearllest In- stitutions tor the blind, soya lnny Crosby la ber "Lite i4tory," vas Vent- iy boreti by the fo6l.-4 questions ask- e1 byviattors whorà lie bad to escort about the sebool. -The elimaX,,was venî'hed when he. took them ta the àiýî.iîg hall. "Deor me!" exclltoet n wotideriag. dame. olow do ycqt blind, folks ever mannage tao ea tIt.' way tu your moutha' -Weil, înn'ttm." tL'1)ïle th ie boy. so!- euînly, *cnch of Us Aitchea one endi ot à string ta bis toi.gue atnd the otiter ln tbe ieg or his chair. Iiy toiiowtng tbuit le matnges týk Preveut the rictu- aie i<.t-,:ig the:r Way.* Ke,.tuce iiy Ma sDnty. Jamboree. Ky.. Ang. 29.--(Spectal.) -Atfter suffering for yenrs wlth vain ln tue bvk îMr. J. Ml. <oleman, a weil- koowtî citizen of titaplac. bas tount] a eouiitiate cure ln Dadda I<lidney Pilla. Knowing how generai ibhis, disesse Il ail over t:ie touptry, 31r. ('olexne feels hit lgbis duty, tua mokabis experi«ý enc »bic for the beaeflt of other snfferea i. 111 wnirt to racomincutiDodd's Kiti- ncy Pilla to everyhodY Who lhas Pain la the back," M1r. Coleman Baye. "I suiterèd for Yeaswlth my bnck. 1 nsed Dodd'a Kidney Pli]s andi 1bave Dot feit a pain glace. Ny lîttie girl.I too. compiaineti of ber liack and sIte ued about hait n box of Doddas Kiti- uey Pillaeand ahe la sounti andi weli." 1Backacbe la Kidney Ache. IDodd's Kldney Pille are naen,'e cure for ail ,Kldney Aches. inciudlng Rbewnntazfl. 1>1<1 He MeusIc? "Weil, Unele Hiram." »nid the chair- man ef the rural agrkulturai society, *-1 suppose we eau depenil on you tor an ex- hihat at aur couety fair this yer'I" 1 reckon yew hie," replied the old tej',er. I italn't got much ln th' way iy cattiS ner hqeue. but yew ýkm put me uieown fer tht' btggeat bas in thie yer eouuty. by gras&" Vreego Twoty-Ove Laaiém. The Dellancee Starei. Ca. wviiigive e~ ladies a roUtnd trip ticket ta the~ St Louis Exposition, ta lire ladies Ln eacb et the fullowing States:_11iii- nota, lowa. Nebraska, Kansas andi Mis- Banni. who viii send si the large-et number of trade marks cut tram e tont- cent. i&aunce package ef Datiance colO viner .launtiry stnrpb. Titis menus from yaur owe bomnenywbere ln thte tbove nitmed States. These trade marks muet Le mnnileti ta andi recelved hiy tbe DIfflaue Starch Ca.. Omaha, Neb., before Sept. 1. M94. Oetober andi Norcm ber vii.l. bete si montba ta risitithe exposition. Rie- meriier. tbut Deliauice 5lnthe only starcb put up .16 oz. <a full ponai)te the package. Ton Cet one-tîtîrt more earch for the sme înoney than ofnuy utbs-kind. and Deflance acter sticks t lIran. The ticket* ta tits expo- sillon viii be sent by regism'ned mail Sept > Starch for sale hy aIl deni- A Cartous Prayer. la the State ai Oýlo <liera reaided a family cousleag W. an aid mans by the naome ot Beaver ah i s tltree sans. ail of vbon vers bard "pets,"Who bad ottea langlietita score lbe advlce and entreaties et a -pions thougb very éccentrk minlster Who resided. le tbe same tove. It bappeneti on.etofthie baya wan bitten by n rattlesnakenud ivas expectedto.bdle. vben thie minis- te Was sept for tu great baste. On bis Laftl he ý<n;md the young man, very- peniteet' andi anxioui'to lie proyed. with. Thte minleter. calling on dfia femily, kneeied down and prayed Iin tbie Wise. "Oh, Lord, ve tba nk thee- for rattlle- eakes; we thank thee beeuse n rat- ticsnaks* han bitten Jim. We prnyltbee mend a ra ttieseake ta bite John; &endi ene to bite Bil; nd. oh. Lord. aend tbe bi ggest klnti of a rattlesnnke ta bite the aid man. for nothing but rat- tlesuakien viii ever bring the Beaver famiiy lu repentance!" A Ma'sac-iiusetta fariner soy:M cattie viii toliow me until 1 lente the lot sud ou the vny. Up to the bare- yard, la the evenitîg stop andi rail for n iock of boyr." sm$bson Boyselthera le notbing nt ilI remuankable lu that. Hie went ttua barard le tbe country one day lait week. vbere b. bod not the siigbteah ne-qualetanee witb the cattie, and sn aid bull not oniy toilovetihltii Mhab iaft the lot. bujl took the gale olr thxe Llnges anti faced vwith l bm tathe bous - le the most fanilllir manner poseltale. smllbson Rnys ha basno doubt that the aid faiiow voulti have caileti for sometbing If b-bc at valtati s littI wbiie. but ha dldn't waut tu keep the folks waitieg diener, s0 ha bang ,ne tau or bi% coat sud a plece of bis pente on the buli's borne anti vent Into the bouse. LEARNING TIIINGO, . W. Axe Aill ise Apprentie* Cluse. Whe nasimple change of diet brtigs back lheaith anti happîneues lb abry le briefly hoiti. A lady of Springflelti. Ill., Boys: "Afttai belng etiliclei fat years vl<b narvousnee sud bcnrt trou hie.'h recelveti a sbock four yesrs aga. that leftt*me la sucb o condition tisait my lite vas deepsiroetf. I couti gel Do relief trote doctors nar from titI numberlesa heart anti nerve medîclues 1 irial hecouse1 i dnd't keos ltaI tise eoffee vas daily puttius me back mura thue lte dactors couiti put mee abesti. --plnliy ai tise reqismet o atrîcat h left off eoffce sud begin te use of Potum, anti against my convictions 1 grntiualiy Improtati lu benithititl for <ha paît six or eightI mantt b ave iteen ntIr6ly tree ttpui eerteuneéss aud those terrible siekleg. weakanleg apelia of beart trouble. "MXy troubles sl camle tramlteeue &< coffae, vhicIt h tai tii-unitfreim cblldbod, anti yet tbey disappesi-ct vben t quit coffee anti took up the use of Postum.'" Rame gItan by Potum Co.. Itattie Creelk; MicI. Muer people marvé itaIthe affecta cf ieavlng off coffee atîd drlnkiegt~ Postant, but <ers le nethlng tuai-val- onsi about lt--ony commen sle.. Coffee Is a destrey4s-Posltu lnaa rebluider. '<bats ltse r.sam' . Look tu aeh P4. for ls e amons mis. bwi. "<.imai te W.hile" ...........ue- 2Y Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the late Gei Roger Hanson, C. S. A., wants every woi to'know, of the wonders accomp1ishc LydiaE Pffnkham'a V',tb~ op L daE ika' qtbeC~Oumn et ese <ha tu euha atéss xrm ul Mtbam n voulitle a ybe u<amann= Zlu**4-is l ta b.d. but bote..I blM uaI<v b <. t q tableCosnouud I0nta fnl <hbuory tm emIy lag,~ ~ m bss gea. do mor30M kam c beau -ble taie bafouSe I»1tiU-el t- u u" t fl Ile* «astoe haeith. 1< fi jleeti: ala >cSta mld vc m wc Ihsa$x 'fours MIi &ROus<'AIU@m, 19 latb tLoas AoMYwha ma"0 S» 1l.4 i .%W"e*Momd. N190iku hetaehflma eio ~f~&:»wu bo» tbat om ior it voed fe wora i L ne BoSLI tK1~,Tm. Dolet Calornia -an 1 Rate eut in ti August 15 to September 10, Ri& m Callrtula IJmiu Or 00 oi tahqt"w Eu Hustsyma"l -~BChâsd Caueaf 1Admés skGen.ral Passen ger C Atelulson. Topeka & Santa Fe RJklay O 14 0£ 8 l»» 1 q