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Lake County Independent, 11 Nov 1904, p. 1

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For that Anno'ylng Hacklng Congh1 theOrMof Qalok relief for oougbu. coids, bronciia, hoarm- -m and ail afflitions of tbe throat and lungg. IT OVELL'S.DRIJGSTORE' I4eadquarters for Sheep Uned CSas Ducli Coati; $150 to $2.00 Sweaters 50e fa $250o mntan Buck Claves and Miftte Hand Lined SUS25and $1,50 CaIf.Faced Mitts 50 to $100 ýew kgtof Menu Wnter Cnupste Ujbetgville, UMaoi tAKE COuNTryNATUiONALB'ANe, CAPITAL - -S50,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 5,000-00 DEPOSITS - - 330 000.00 Saving money la a habiwo A-habit thsta rme. Theie « àgrowm Te esiit pt md ait tifie that 3 peu cnt interet keep l g up. Stad to-ayl a>0W vin at. a kuia'15osd Oie phm-r) pidu('pon 21First DI i.iLL TAYLOR, at ofl¶cE ovEs Talcos a TAiLOI'n. ai oo05-? ta 10 . m. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 1 18 P. uM. .§mde 611u Broadway, oppoite Park. B n -. Lbrtyvîie, -11"8. -uai* j DL A. l- NICHOLS ai Chicago DENTAL OFFICE »vtzaLocgovEitnuSisIa hAvis s-wrost~. »9vs:-Wednm.sof<ieacii veek froua UD<t -. 800 . lit. ta (:00 P. M. LhiErtvu, Umiluls -. ATTORNEY AT LAW.' 13110moc. TrLKICIlON5 NO.26 i DR S'ILSMITH. DENTIST. ~'ortuci ovis TAXEr cUsnTY aNX. ta 12 a. n.. and 1 t 5SP. -DAILY. -DR. C.P. GALLOV'AY. LIbertY lemm aoV* LOVicvELs Digues-oni.. wV-,fffim 1to 83and 6to8 P. M. Libertyville, lilipola. I. I Dmal ç ' . kTAYLoD Fs.&N. PaocTRo H. G. GÂanuxaa Cashier trtyvillk, Illinois' Lecounte of Érma and Individuaig -are molilo lted and viii ho re- celved upýrn the -môut favorable Serina cout- %latent with conserva- tive banking. 'octor Block Libertyvlle Lake C LAKE IN I lLAND SLIDE. FM Slà s a lT. Dernocoea*slm*U S 0 Over Pour Gea19449. Tii. straigbht republea ticket la eleted sudwvIlle tier neye, vas a doult lu dcâ&t but th"ia*t vould h., the. retunnatae awsurpriae, even ta republi- emas. Wbie w bave flot tihe officia count et time oi golng ta prose the figures ereiti varY littie irom vbhat It wiii « show. The repuhuacan, and demoratie vote only la siiovu, LAKE COUNTY VOTE. Mlenton, 1I....**»..........650 4 Bouton,.... ** ......... 440 10 Newport... *'............. 189 49 Antloch ....*» ............ 394 45 Grarrnt............... ..... 12<) 56 Waugn,.... .............. 274 149 Warrk....................400 le Waukegan, 8 ........ ....024 1 Wukgan, 2...........741 12 Waukegan, 36.......... . 327 SI Waukega, 6--........ 87 1 Shiegdi, i....... .... 37...11 2la Sbields. 2 ...............100 30 Shieds, 3..8............. 14 34 Libertyville, 1I............208 44 Libertyvilie, 2. .....170 87 Fremont.................... 100 24 Wauconda ...............172 41 Cuba.;...................... 182 27 Ela........ . ................ lie 66 Vernon.............. 1** 60 114 West 0.erfield .......137 46 Deerfield,.................. 24F 566 Déerfleld, 2 .............. 206 90 DeerfieId, 3 ..............209 91 Total$.......... 685 1572 The. toW lvote îOf tiîî- cnty la almost 7K) largPr tlia, four yî-îos agi and the. flepubulean vote le 145) morp than four yars aga, vile the. deinîucntie vote shows a ialing off Oi #163. CýOngnum a F Os awon lathe.teutb distrit tb"the. lacilent majoritr UoWàpad in Lake county bis opponent faled tn mate tii. ebovlug il md lîee predhut.,d fe wuuid. Neit veek, vili bo publisiied a table abawing vote for the. candidates liy ARMOUR LAND» 800 Acres for 0187,60. _Big Dm ei Cee .Wit spend a lea illen ore. NEAIR LAKEPFOlRB'r. Tii. big land deali hwas iieiag oemcessliy negotttd the. latter part of iast veek and vas ciosed just ad thI.- nEPItNnENT vent talires, as noted, la nov a tact, und it developes tbat J. Ogdeu Anmour the. nci Chicago packer in the.mniiWhoîacquires the. tract, soln- tinr over 800 acres, payiug for sanie $137.500. M. Armour vili build a msg- niflct ihoume, lay ont -the gr-ounds ta the. het adanatage, construct drivs and valiks, and create un. ai thec fineSt estates la the. vicinitt>'01iChicago. While J. Ogde-îiArmour. r.pr,.sented b: Agent (frifitLi, figures as the sole pur. ciiased intheii deul, Louis F. Sw-it, Arthmr IMeeker. and a numie'r af otiien weli knovu n o in-lathe. packing homFe buuiwia aiýid tagie intereted in it, lu ail eiglt fanuas bave been purciased and th.e ut Ilîit oi tih. tract tauches the. dividiug fine of Lake Fuet, the. western boundan>' being fully tiir.. milesa distant. Tii. soutbhuait la ou a lia, vitb the. soutl limite ai Lake Foret and thie uortbhaumt le two and aue-balf tiles The. Chicago, Milvaukee & St. Paul ralIroad ruae tbrînîghî tii.enten of the. tract, and a depot vii li e erected fora..e of the rmidents. Roade vîlilibe ut eut and vest and north and sauth, and tIeôlder af eacb pièce ai pgopert>' viii bave is ova stables, gandens, sud plauregratinde, vitb spedvays for autos and othen equapages. Tii. farmere, ygho bave eald their fanas at primos ranging froua $20,000 ta 080,000 eseti, have beu gven notice ta vacate as soon as possibe, and vark on the. pian vill hé tarted aimoat luaiedi- ately. Acquires Another Tract. monay vus announeed another Pseof ailand b>' Mr. Amulaur lu the manie diatrie . amtantlbg ta 500 acres. lut urebase laelu4 e i.farma aif rp. Ln a *&,, Pl.rost and tii. ïe Brevlng Co-e"A .y_'_The priçs isied froua $116tuM 5 per acre. 'I'~ Pmautà,S mted ta -. V1, E MOOÈ ANI) TBROAT.- eR P CSF G t Of*t rw a'Iluroo Y. November.Il. 1904.-S PagesL ÀAWCIIT FARMe Pine New Mom esud Adjolug * pnid~~f uru. ORIGIN A EmysTERY. Suoday alterne»s Or. started la tbe loit of E. N..iit'. bain hic-lîsets just ta the. rear ai bis rsWS dneandl leiore the. damies ver. umder noutroi the. structure, witb geyerai omaller buildings wos ini ruina. 1fr. Heebt la tbe-,lh taluaconlat Whio ovus geveraibusidrsd acres ioi land sautb of Lubertyvîlle and upon uiXhicb ho bas expended it la ssthnited over $200,000 la irnprovsmret.-TIWb a bari bund was a beautifui building eonýtalnlug living. mrnemaaboyeaand w hoieb.hia other langer once on bis farta. tue vwas bis private stable sd finieli--il lu elabar- &te style. It coot ln tiie nîighb.oniood oi $6,000 ta bud.. ,A large vooden tank uionînted on a steel taver and vblcb snPî,lied water for for .e»ttie huasat distant Parts ai tbe lard~ wvaiausobutned and ilvasnlie- cause there vée no conîî.-ctioas irai» the. tank ta fesd the fImmediate prenîlsea that the 30,000 galonse stured ver. Un- avalling. The. local Ore deîartrnent was on iîand but a burating bous- at a cnitical marnent did ach ta deptroy the. efic- tiieàess aitbir fi gliters. A largebickeaboutealul a îîw barn lie- aides the. large ba and water tank ver. destroyed. Nelgiibors wlio gatiier- ed ver. »blé ta, remoire a greater part ai cdlîtentm ai the. buildings and aill live stock. (Grain, hay ad olyli. implemente ese .cuismed. laeuraiitis lcarlied la the. Hoime Inourance Compa.îny of New York, piacDed tiirough Attuurni-y Mc0juf- on tiie local agent. 2'bere as $40)00 nu thei.,uaru, *500 on tii. cmvbarn. $.10 on thei. cekea bousm, as wl4Ilam some- thing on the. vater tank. What caus.d the. ire lm a mîystery. Ten miantes belore emoke wam seen issuing irorn roni ai the.bàM Diribilers (if the ianjily ha& hen la tih. building and at. that time noticed notbing wrong. No itltriine-onvleac . mexperienceed at the l.lgfarna becae iid destructionu oi the, large vater tank wigiî fed pli" sta ail )uiyiug haras, sud wate-r lins ta b.e bauled for the. big bord bi cattie and other stock.- lis Mernory of Seisry M. Coburn. - At Mlau Cmcek Ceiaetery, near Il ias- daie, Mi., a handeonîs moniunent lui the menîory ai tii. lut. Henry . Gibîîru vason nveiled Saturday afternkan liy Rer. Father i)oruî.y ni St. Uabripl's par. lobi, Chicago, Wlho alan d.livered ail ail- dire. Anciibisliop Quigley vas prese*nt ut the. expeoiss. Tii. monument, w hicli vas erectMd by the w indai., .delinp -Palm.. Cohara, lea a ave granite Per destal, upoan vi-h i. mounted a hast (ifi feormer attoruey. Mr. Cobum vasufarmeiy chuirman ni the. Lake county du-mocrutic, cammitte and lived at Lake Forest. Eàlin Butter Maséket. Butter advanced 2e onathe Elgin Board ut Trade Monday, and la quoted liin ut 28c, Binckley îffered twenty-flve tube and Oregon forty tulis. but iailed ta s11 ta, Woiverton ut 25c- A carload oi Junea vas offered at 25P, but only 22e 9was bld. Output for district during wcek vasl 66,000 Ilis. Pitiptno Bride la Accuser. Ford Sheridan in aroused over the. prospect ai a Filipinlo wsdding court martiaianch as the Bunbanks case, vbichs erpated a ilnsation reoetày at Fort tLeaveavarth. The accused officen lm fJapt. David B. Mujiliken, Twentyaeventli lufaintry, wbo rmutrîed rtentiv irons the' philippines. Coupled with the charge that liho -te is vife, whonî, rit le eaid, lie imarried lu thiiilandem, le the accusation tîjat lie duplicated luim pay aieouni& SFew duitails oi tie.ecas are known ut 3tbe Met. Tiiree laye aiteerlbe wam as- lgaed ta the. fort, Capt. Mulliken vas grffnted a tiiirty day furlaugii, vhlch ex- pires on Nov. 15,lie is now lu tiie east. Tis. court martial %viliidit ut the. fort. Mulliken. it ie decleted, married a native woman wilinluthe PilifPilines and loft. ber there iviien ordered to the. statss Tii. case is tcertain ta attract ewldespread intenest, ils severai officers b ave been called upan ta face identical charges. r1F. BAIRSTOW r MANU FACTUIRIER0r 'Maé,bIe and Granite Monumeni s qeCemetcry. Work of Eyry - Desçrlption Cor, espondence bolited WAUKIEOAN NEW*M"E Buidinlit Cour of Cou- atructionà IHad Become a IIEADY BYJANUARY. Tus week Piccavation for the. bise.. ment and Waliq of a tva eitory brick qtructure 24xMS foet bhs been ln progrese and which la ti.heginnlanig of a e borne fur tihe Lake County l1DEPE?(tiEt4T. The. site loi on Milwaukee avenue ln Ublertyviile, adjoining and nnirth of the. 1new Proctor block. The. building in being put UP firPt with a view tauammdating tihe increasng business of the . INOEIESI)ET. On the. first floor wililibe a plate glass; front and witii go many windows i aoag nortb sride *it aieu wlll practicaily ta lie 0f glane. la the. rear are more windnvq, and ail paruitions viiili e -nigla- .This viii afford thi eet possibule ligbt ta lie abtained, which in sucli a desirable feiturp ln a printing establishmnent, Entranceff are ou eigtiîer cornér ni the. building. one bping a vestibule and ifrant wiic a tairway aiea leais tii secand Iloar. The second fluor viii bê eitiier finished off as a Inore, hall or la fiats. wiich lias nat been deflnltely >deterinined. The buildinîg willli e heated througbout with steant and lavataries and cinsetit in- stall-d. A liaselnent extenda under but 40 fret of tihe lu-iding o,an ta allow amople room for the. lievy machiuerY at rear 01 tiret flour, viiere cérnent founda. tions will support engluett. preses, et.. lu ournewquarters it vîli heiuoffsibieta add new and modern înaiin.ury fil wbicb we are ini need, and wlîich we have heme- tofore been unable ta do because ni lack, ai rooni, and the. fact avuere i t ft 1building we nov occupy refuse ta allow rmare maclîiuery oln second floor ai tîjeir estructure. The building wiiili e rcady for occtupÉmcy January 1 and whed it cornes movlng wek it ln not unlikely we vii li e corn- 1pelled ta ltisone issue or the iiaier. Notice (if titistet vii i.- given if it liq neîefflnrY w0 to do. e' COU4TYJ Improvements Stoppedý-Lake Bluff, it la said, in liard caugi4 b>' theirecsnt Illinois Suprelîle Cour? injonction re- straiaiug tii. -ity«eo! Wina.etka.-iront the collection ni a special assesarnent for a cle ic îprovenuent tint vas put lu witbout a petition lieing ohtaiaed froua the praperty avuerseon adjoin- ing places. Lake Bluff bas block ater block ai macadam that vas put dova vitiioutthîe petitians nov dem&nded, and it la entirel>' possible that the. pav. ing vauld neyer gone ln bad a peti- tion lieeu necesear>' ut th imtre. Work an. the improvemeut vas stop- poid Suturda>' not ta lie resnuued untîl there in a definit, îîutlook for the cit>'. There le a generai opinion tlîat the. injonction isued .gainst the. nontii shiore tavu does not and viii not af- fect places@viier. the. impravemeut work vas lu progreus beons tthe de- ciion vas r.ndered. -Hov vortby of depeudence tus la n not nov lie stated. Diamond Medal Contat-A fair sis.à cravd gr.eted tii. diamoud medal cou- tetants ut the. firit Baptist cburcb la Highland Park Saitunda>. igit. Al oi the young ladies vhîo ver. ont al- ter'the grand ujudal bal pmviously von four minor trolîhies and on tuls o noutiey esbav. tiiemseives vel vortby the. honore bestowed upon tiir. Tii. contestante for the. grand tropiiy *ve r . Mabel Courson, Mes Helen Selle and Adella Bnstlun froua Wàukegaa, Miss Belle Brever froua (irayslake and Miss Lulu tGibert f rom Gags' Lake. Superintend Mn@. Louis.Biepard vas la charge ai *tiie content, wlîieb vas the irst ever heid lu Higliand Park Ater al hud kteen beurd the. iudg.a etired ta ulii.ste and choose the one vin la their opin- ion vas tiie best speaker. Tii. ci. settled upon Mn,. Mabel Courson, viîa dispiayed a ver>' vorthy talent, her mannen heing simîple, unaffected, anîd yet of the. propen str.agtii. Tii.-otiier youag ladies aiea disqpiayed a ver>' lrtty talent, and their tara for the big trapli l undouhtedly coniing lu short order. Prom One Who Kniows. TIie fllownlasaieent froni J. IL. Ileled, Ph. Gf., and manager oif the Fecu nîîîicni I>nîg stor., Lincoîln, Ill., viili e îf intensit ta meadere la thsin oeiity. He s.s 1n have kaav and sîîid Harti on>'adHoreiiîund for iseverai yeanii and believe it ta lie oas ai tiheet coug's pruparations on the. market. 1 t la ver>' pleaat ta take, vithont an>'oi the. iauseatiag effects couamon ta onms, and has many frienda viierever t in useut," As a cougii medicine for chldrea Harts' Hon.>' and Ilarehoundj - sunquestlana- ably the. best that cmu b. aecured. It lng Cougii. 250.O, a 100 botdu i, yP. B. LovïL, Lbrrlwl. i $j.0 ayear ln Furniture is R*ght and so is the Pice cFurniture and«WnM. EATHkn Un ivers Stovesl Cali and examine my line of HEATINC -STOVES, RANGES and TV ACCESSORIES. Get M; y FiguresBefore You and Farm. Implemenl LIBERTYVILLE-- -LIDE RTYVILLE. SCHIWARTZ TTIEATRE Waukegan, Ill. vnxonz1LD-. BOWLING &OIIE SUNDAY November 13. 1904. WiIton, Lackeye "The Pit"1 Wednesday, Nov. 16 "6On th e Swane River" PRICES.- 71S, 50, 35. ad 25cet The.Schwartz Theatem enape. ment h b asaged with the CI &M9 Eltc P..to runaealà.« -tWâl IealngLak Blff et 12 p. eMWh thear ges nope tmlot *prive home u odsn irry's LUNCH Ci Libertyville. 10 Llbertyvill*, Dr. Dad--t:e'sUwLvr Ptl coU' V'«rRing vl ",OreL Mud at OauÎ50toib Vol, RflCk Block lUi nL :116 -W =ýmmm.=

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