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Lake County Independent, 18 Nov 1904, p. 1

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- .5 ~ 1,7. Po r that Anuoyhag Hacking Cough la the lotoof . - Qulek- re ief lrcmughii4 colds, bronchitla, hoarse- ao and ail affiletlons of the throat and lungs. IT- 'OVFELL'S DIRLJG STORE H.adquartera for ibertymille, ii Ove-cot feadquartes Sharp Ua dCoot$ Duel Coafa$1.50 îo $200 Sweaters50e to 12.50 Montana Buck Chies and Mittens Hand Uned SL25 and $1,50 Caff Fcerd Mitte 50 to $LOO New lot of Mem aiter Caps just mek Block, Libçrtgve, IMumois AKE COUNTY NATÏIONAL BN CAPIAL - - S50000.00 8URPLIM AND PROFITS 7,000-00 DEPOSITS - .350.00000 A habtthatgrowa. The mmreit grows The «d«itege6 il the tiai that 3 pur cS entbrai kep piing uP. Star# to4dayI iw-ttoi4 to10.n ' l PL n., sud 6 hao8 P.aM. - ',Pisoid.55. Reitence 'Phono 2(03 Lpisrtrile. Illinols b~. L. TAYLOR, gu VER valugsea&vAylOR's. o,ha10 a. n. 2 ha 4 ant 6 ha hisse on Broadway, Oppoalte remit. Lisrtyvllle, IhlInola. D.A .NICHOLS -. of Ciscao DENTAL OFFICE M..l»ma £ ULCKVE era &DAMi' uvOsa w-Webdudys0of sacisweek trop 800 ae . t 6:00 p.in. Llbertyvilie. Iinol. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ~S SLOoe ?ELEE~ENO. 26. Ubrr llefliLeolu Ll B.ryval, Inos hrtytll, 12 nos r. L, 88.AY I,av 4', L' Dmmm a i First SNational1 Bànk Pre.. FRAawa PaOCort Vic-Pre«. H. 0. GAusSai Cealler i Uibertyvflle, Illinois Accounte of firme and indlviduals are sollo ited and wm l.be re- ceived upon the moet favorable terme cou. alitent wlth conserva- tive banking. ProtorBlock. Llb.ityvlll. - Illinois SÉE eoger Brohers.l CVANROX [LU 8~.Ad SiAa"le Cu"of > à Laiçe Coui 'MAL ON. fuk tw P m .After Optimei on 20b9 4«» Near Foliowing upon tise purchame of @Oo w0» acres of land west of LakteFrest by agenta for Ârmour the Chicago pecier, la anotmer anud evea more au- pendons deli, lnvolviug a tract of12000 acres went of tihe Armotir purcise0' and uer Rondout.- No one wbo knows 11yill give an lakllag of tise purpsme for whiclî ts band la halng procured. Agents, repreentltsg whom, thi'y will Dot divulge, have been endeavorng the jpant week ha securs options front tise following owners of large tracts of land ln tise vieiflty inentloned: Michael Car. roll, Mettisw Atitinson, laum Attridge, Sam,] Connell, Dan'l Morrison, Lan- eater Brou. andi J. B. Bradley. Con. aiderabie over $200 an acre han lassa offeetln sommesu, tbough up ta Tuesý- day no options had heen gien. Itileex- pected the a lnd deoireti will ail Ie under cintracit hy the lact oni ms week. Attornteys are bumy aep non' looking up titlce i, pinces werethmere fceeim. tdi Le moie question andi ail tii' preliminai'ies are bilng arrangeti. When if' became known that another 2004Vacres near tho >S0(5pur(-haceti by Ariiour nas b eing sought serions speu- lntiom wes rite, litseam suggested that posslbly tise big Chilcago packs-ru intenti. isig Iocatng brancis ectatilicsments or rm.moving morne of their î,lants ha Lake cauuty, wbilis idea naturalhy moeta with lîttle fayot. Howeverguift anilArstiour wit tIseir fIie estatex at fLake Forent would hardly contemplatp suelh a plan. Tt le more generelly believed tlsat thse C. M. &. St. P. raiiroadlui beblnd thîs luat deal. 1 twill Le reealW t hat oaly reeently a higli offIriaI o)f thtiiecol eîîmired 116 acres l.etw(-en Libertyrils and B,îndout and it wath ien stated andi hy a person wlio slîould kiow tiset a large andatstry wato 4- tii.at4cd eet oi l.iliertyvillp by tlie St. Paul road and tlha t iti Dot helkev,. it nias anY of that cianieny«q car ahope or fectories. Ife lbineod ha tise tiseorylt was a steel lndagtry, and of large proportions. Led atineslt 'la nitsrtLaeiç cuty -are Cestahîf bam4uIt ig<wtl over 80 acrp and 2000 more beingsAought at eveu isigher figures.-Ail are eaxiouely aweit. lng> eoasmimatipla of thse ig deel tisat wbo inlaeitof It and for sehat éurPose the tract Io fquireti may ha eerneti. Armour te larm. Relative t has 800 crea of land pur. ctiua fr . ~1a rmou -earlài Forest. and for wbat purpose- caused no mach ugpeculatlon, it eu b'.said Mtr. Armour proposes to conduit a furne andi unake a specialty of faiscy stock breed- -The Armour tract, as it bas already c 1 one tu ha known, eomprises eight isuntreti acres. The purchase prie eg- gruateorne hundret sut fifty tbougand dollars. If "os withceit sayitg tint al pote ile improveme-nts will Le madel, niat -igud aui ncittiing tise ereetka of wisat Wli ver" posslbly Le the finet remidence Mdt privats park ln this couaty and perisape la Illinois. Tishe will Le a rafie and shoot et the Vernn Bouse, HaIt Day, Tisanksgiving day. it le given Ly the Hverett (Onn Club. Cornel las. Taylor, of KendaJiville, lut., was uriously tineasat withî kldney and bledder trouble for 20 Years. He te8ede evqt'y. known renedy witisnut nîueh eitefit, antil lie uset Pineales. Thia new discover! cttred lm sut tr. Talor et vies ailpomensnsuffering fruitskidney or bletider trouble o gPt a bottle of plassauatonce. Soldby WILLHAC'KLttY, LhnyleDrug Stare, and ti et es- ILURES. Repubflen Cà" &aLakte C@ut7 Over 19W0la 1497g Probition Gain 8; tDq.aeratic MWEVLT I US fIS TUCE. Lakt e moda*zom Delegatea Aunde Dissm mii dMcllenry. aburihif fouSpeaker. FO R PRESIDENT 1904. Roosevel ....-. .......»........00635 Parkter .... ..* ............. ....1592 Swallew..... .... .......... - 172 FOR PRESIDENT 1900. MCIINLEY ......1...-............. 6130 BRYAN ....... .................... .... 2235 WOOLEY............................. 169 Theme figures tell tise iu>y oi republi. cals geins and dtmeacratïc loue luin ake county and show tbat tItis county Wa in the great land ililde alemng with the rest of tise country. Frontthe tabulatedlt ihimîl rturus ba- low mny Le mate som ns' rteresting de- ductionsç. It will h seen tim total vota weax 86V, ievded as folinwmî: Itepubli- ffl 6U4Ij, Deusocratie 1592, l'rohston 172, scattering 20M. Tii' relsublicets gain over four yeffl ugo is 1497, demo- cratlc Ion 43antprohibitlom gain 3. Thse second audt iird precintâ in lien- ton ndlimharte ompowsed oA Zi<îu City gave iloodeveit a total vote of!H37. This will give Dowe 85 ubelgatce lantthe net repullican eountrcmsnention ent make bilm an important lfn.t.,r incounty politimc nfie prolîtionita t ade ivery liglt gain, 3 vote@. However in Warren townmliii tIhe proibitbmtisté lollid more votes than tise démocrats. Democrate Leose Dlegattes. Lakte county democerat% eonfidentlly praîmbemieti their gain co' Pr 1900 woutd ha sufficient to give thent mî r'- delegteslIn future ce-natorlal conventionis than Mec- lenry aid lio)nène eut etirst contes. 4 platet their têeèrestiet vote wi t lm <ottern.4 TMien .-oie retarna froin lm. mtlimr two coîsîtties andmiwileb htow-,l as prilîr-1 tionate decrease tisere.0 Tise denioreratîn vote wap: lt)oi5.'2, MffenrylilIS,LakellB72. Thlswillmake titi ratio of delegates: Lakte 16, Mc- Henvy 18, B~eouWB. It formerly wap: Lakte 22, McHenry 20) ad Boone 7. .as i t nowv stands Late demorata have exatki )tios aute aumber of dele gates as Meclenry andi Poome combined, juW which means Laite ma elfiser dictate4 future nominations for nlnorty repre. entative or bold conventions lu deati-1 loc indefinitely.1 -1 etn-ttmfftpf'it'speaker,', Alreedy lautdidntec for thes peakeMilti of thea ilinois Houwe ut Represeitativem are coming fo thi- foire. Among thote mentioned are E. 1). Shurtieff, re-cectet represatatîve for the tiird time fromm tiis district, Wilfred Arnoldi,,of Gales- iîurg, W. E. Trautnmmîmi. of lIet St Louis andi Cis&es Cherry, of Kendall county. There are sait to lu .mttler amPiratîts wlio will comae out later. Mir. Sburtleff, w lx)is e well knwn bereabout& rmeu-s at Marengo, andi isal.yr.by Irm"ion. He wns borts at 'Genou. Ili., in, i863î,Wae4 etiucated lu Oberliin College, antiwa admitted ha, the.Minios bar in 18h03, but previouiy practicet Inlu Suth Dakt&. la 11000 lie waà firet eleet h o the boueseand was re-electeti two years ago. He lu a cap)able andi experiencetl legllator wlto lias uiae a good record lu tise pait and is well quW.ified for tIi. position for whiliie imelementiotted. Elgin Butter Marktet. Buîttter was iuotm-dtrux on thte Elgin Board of Trade>. lmîmdta.yai 25 cenits. Salas of the 'wek (;-2,400 pomînda. Butter @&rme pet ilns4t year was 22 cents. le. Friday, Novembevr 18. 1904.-S Pages.- BY MCTRIC subwey ai Lake Bluff Aimont Comploeatend Qustck coemectiin l sigisi. HUREXINO TO COMPLETION Officiais ni thse Chicago il Milwau kee Electri road announce their intention of operating a f reight service hetween Rockefeller aînd Norths Chicago>, beglnning January 1. Tisswill give the large factorie« loeated at the former piae connectioni with the. Wisconsin Cesserai and afford competition lu fregtbuine, for wbieh tlîcy have no long wisised. Work on the extension from isLlbertyville 1<s Rockefeller te bing rushe] and there in little doutit but it uil he. compieteid by thte first of the year. O>f course at saine time the freight service lo inaugurated passenger cars wili alo h run fromn Rockiefeller, whieb will be. ,the western terminal iumtead of LilseftyvI6le. (>ver at Lakte bluff work ha* so fer progrecced on thte culaway that by ieenîber 1ith k t ilil e put into urne and cars f romn Libertyville will then peau uniler the North*teoterm tracite toa station un the min lino, antd whiem.l a be*.n built witluir the lant few days, wlsîre passengers <an transfer ha ither 8auth or north bound cars. Thon too a hall bourtsehedule will Le maintained on thie Libertyvilk. brath which will do away wîth long waits for cars -on tbe mainline. This will bemnucisappreclated by patrons of theroal golug'froin àirtyvillo as In severff weetber it lu de.lidcdly disagreeablé. belng delayed est Laik.. Bluff with aught but in unlieated wmiting rouso for smlelter. IWAUK EOAN I I% Doings At lthe Cooly sut of Interest tb Ou Readens si sentai i Mayor Peu", annoines thathli will c.1rtly erect a fine new building on thse mito at prvent occupied by hie nid drug store, in which lie and bis father have 'dote bimui-ns ae1855. Peter lfcGrain, for elghteen yéerl a Cihicago policeman, was strucks by a Northwestern train boem Monday and bust his leIt log. lie May Le fatally In- .iured. He was about to take a train for Chcago and wag @truck hi anotiser while eroeing the tracits. He was ons the Central detail croseing sqnad. Aý Lborne andi buffy hireti, frpm- Me ri .tvoy's livery at Itaipe Thursdey b >- hlirs. W. A. Bishop was recoveredl fron a. local livery Sundey, the woman having failed tuW return it. Police along tihe laite shore are looking fortise woman, who ha@ done tisaame tiing prevloualy, it ins aid. The lîverynsîn chage ores stdalittg. Following the sweepng' victory of the republîcans lant week, thse politicanu are already getting busy talksing of who are to ha possibilities for tise Walsn mayoralty next sprinif. While the T.Ime je stili far away, the question lis- halng agtteti mors than us"a for tis time of year.. Amogtiserepublcans wione nameo have hem _mentioneti are W.- H. l>odge, William S. Bullock, AId. Bidînger, Alderman John Morrow 8 E. Wooley, Fred Buckt and former i.fayor Finer. .The firat miltmarlbal ever bseld! ln Nov.e anwlll take ,plece Tssd n tit dateéBttry 0 I dedicate ite new arory on Sprinir, street near Madison. Tho local f rieducof Gov. Vates are nus ~ery effortta s. rure hi@ prononce. vr. la no question but what Adi. tIen. &cott, Commander of the whole Nationapuard lantiss8tate ifP Illinois will Le preseat; Major Yeager, momsandiug tise rtillery Battalion and oi einl staff, Col.,tihad andi many o"f ltr e Chimgo officers have aino signifleti thpir intentionl of tahclng pt fIn thse event. Invitations wlll be mut ftiste officers nf the regular army at Fort Sheridan and it la posulbletisat tisey too will ha bers. SI.50 A ~ar Furitreis Rmot end se is thie Price Cali and examine my lino of HEATM jSTOVES. RANOE aund STOVE ACCBS0RIIE8. GOet iMy Figures More You Bý Deaer n > and Far LIBERTYV14.LE 15 sapue.ue g-".- % TALI. LIBERTYVILLE. DR. VluP. SCRMMN. Practce imited to EYE, BAR, NOSE ANI) TRROAT. 92 State Street, Chiego. LAK<E COU14TY OFFICIAL VOTE. ELECTION 1904 Herewith The INDEPENDIENT presents tha offciai returna by precîncts showing vota cest ln Laka Oounty et the Presi- dential Election November 8, 1004. Votes cast for Rspubliçan, Oumocratlc and Prohtbitlon candidates only ara shown. Under caption "Scattering" ai given the votes for other party nominuhs whr. any were cat. .Out th. table out and pré- serve for reference. Il'routent Oovernor Oongresn Seucte 10.presental ,~ i BouLon 515<. L'euton Sud. 1etioctne........... AVOU ........ Warren ............ Waukegau, ird ... Wasuiegau, 404... Waukean, tet... Waukeg,.t . Stilds, lu ..... Shields, etd...... Shietlds, 351.. Libertyvitte, i t.». Llberyvttte, sait.. cubae.............. ]ab ................ Veru ... ... WaskDerftelu ...... Deerfiti. <et . I9 127 ni CO 7 au e 1 ni4 279 90lte ai4 a di 8 t172s 51 0 "IlU 101 19 In i A 9at i i la i- s i ce 7es A a, 5 e01 3 ut à 14 1 24 a16 0 2 *0 1 9 2 n ie? 21 ) 29> 19t Wfil i 15 269 112 60279 17 404 I 1 e m401 1ti 6'0 mq 21 l a" t n soi i l 0a<tii1468 i tii 1'a àpz 1Ile<t r asta". a 7lai se i i n 45 aO10 21ltS0 1- 2518 1'lt 5 ai l e Ic 14-) 28 24 .18 12, 1 0i P 1160 ne' i lm 1a taelà.. asg t, st imu aie s 791i ~ w~sI ie 1 ir. Oenit 9 Atty Coroeer lu 948 3luta 186i,48 24 8t5 Iu15iau4 t 2.645 i,6 i nine s n a cle 07 2 1 19 22 lasi a il. 20 12 tri 14 ne 1.l 27 t6, 541 M8 84a i u ts asm 34ti N i Il i 8 &a tu 9,24 il lit 114s 02 40 ,a ai :-10, -.1i n ns ta n itii10 gAt i aia se e sla 1 41 lina f5 72 4 t làs14i 2 la u la51 'ty 1 001lu ai0tssl Pl 204 -!% l la & l S tS 5tS A 31 soi, '-7 e xi '~ as. 5 e 8 t' s 5 le n 4 te I lu e 4 O -t - 4 N s Iiarryl's LUNCII COUt- Libertyvilbe, 1LU 'Hghest mailkel RAW]1 . 1 ýepre»ntat loi il[ 9-9 -1 Sle'r>o:àt,. Y«r Fî 1-

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