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Lake County Independent, 2 Dec 1904, p. 5

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- 9l.-bt14 aru .ulu» M u» w 9,1904 [A1OUT THE I 00i4,0 Dupg-lusetead ni opaning a pual ruent la L,"@ r>unty, as 'net wiek reported tisai aield tise Clilcago mPoetlag raternity lias gene <to Du- page cuti vitis tieir gamblisg <ueO' tauon, vis eretiaiarc 00W opeiatiuig. TIe roin e located near a liamet ~eeDBurnuavilî,' twenty'tisraamiles. frontChicagaoOn tise Santa Fa valromd. Tise location le on tisemanie liai tise pool room condurteil by Frank MWlioter, vis aisae burned four îeamago. Cotrri t e xpeta- tlane, ment Tenc la nt lu control o tisemtahiMismt, nit errantlIsah" ben reprted lie ould ie. Tise muais talked et poirooni trUt e lu ierge et James 0' L-any. sigreçiofiai v.ZionCîy-Tbe Young vomis of Sien City aile go tote eer- vlemi la tise talernasele untattededi thasir parent Do longer ana alloeîd te ait aiier>' tisiy plme.A mition ot me MW thes tage bise Len et ea"d for tisenmaild tiee tisait Attise end ofee ov -ima derncami. A dmllararrangement gatieri tise 70u18 mia is oeagrenp Luther liack in thse hall. Tise remon for tisle egrega- tioa à@ ot givea, ibut it woni prevent ail àUltig during aservice ver.. &DY e1 the ioïmu people of Zio80 me boîed. The e onig of skating in .i<arli tnuflti tDr. Doaaie'm teaiL It va cpued lat vomIs that mePejte pasmvoil ble made fer thie' boys and gik, but Dearcois ewmb at hle kew auo" or eder. Sid uda 8iSipt-Beitîve toe a'dimti et ambutom o srua vse h awo Muilc'li ambea vieck Bur ranger, Wiom" in& the Cime.. frit..01 Sur. 14 m :Mr. Shermaat tie tinoe1thtie noMt, «vmoeipthse ied o Vr. Nua.Me mi probabsy ever riellem *hst oeLDm* WMviadhle dm tuoaplace ofvwodor hm whiéb wmvès. bte thseekcailt thse bae uet herie. Elle Mt aras vas broka a" a" dhlomtisemivma amda ev ek" amuelma aa bod va mot luemW la amy vay. Thse t.' am>m4tisemi l lrk voua brsegist te 'thil e ity lire.Siherma. tie bu emved videv am b ler daiechildrei imehrd Cbeymmetisn arciig cm tra ie. r» frein Cisk&go. a&e..qaud hi lMr. llierumaiietr. ]mis.Cra Wiseadoa. lieurmaa leproitrted w Vitsgie ad tise pbymm'a m aeap pbmhce&eeve absouft lier econdtion. Heebet M. Shlermuan vas biirn l Llhm'iville townsip andlwaxmatihe 'toeiOt non 0uthte>'laie Win. ilerai. Ile wviabaout 36 yeam ofut g. AmielClveland Brophy-Ura. Au'Ia fleveiend Bropisi idce t thse hoeneoe ber son, (leorgu A. Ifrepli> .15'9 Fui- tan itreet Elgin, Tsurmday evennig. 8b. valiera at leiniugturd, Que., Aug. 1, 1821, mid va tise daugit.'r of TruanisClevelanidprolinenasea lad, oser mand citizen o e t e ist a Omt plain, and a dirait deeenanttoc Momie Clveland, via, earlinlathe Ocietys latoni enlgrated frmenig- Iaad mmd Ieated t Cmtaebry, Canaae Mmd viseanetise poner an- emten edthOe Clevc4'laA Ow 1; nited StMle, ineluding ticucral Môsie(1em tend, tnonde'r ,ofCleveland,t0., tormer Priedent Ce'velandl ani Beuben Clvelanud, wai,., an.,a Pioneer settier ofCt llaigo anduin u iearlîydaye vas conepicuoun à uliisinessi lite and prenfinent in tise Iae,uf raterniti. Assola Clavland vas iuarried t, WiIlan Brî,piy at Bonud Head, Camn ada, Joune 22, D>43, atnd sortly attan yard (1144) viti, ler lusbland male te Illinuois and loatwdin , Witt county, but laten remoed te Kaino >unty, living for a ti,,,inluAur,.ra, tisen in Elgin andîa -tr prmane.ntly locatini ona aad tace mil es 'tt flWin, lu a Mapton townusip,.vier>' tis lmail mneied tor mauy yeau'..of) the direct lanilY <of William and Ampiî Brepliy tisere neuaiîie tour sousiand tvo dafgitere-Cliarl,'c A. iir>,pli Hinelaklit.; Dîr. Truiman W. jfropli, Of Cis'Wrn d nai fe.rge A. >and Dr. lieuben C. linoplit <of Eli.; mn. Csarlem>T. fgeuet f Dtrit (ity, lion.. gtartilagli idien va theiso itisoa liff le Wet cliicisid Frieg mocilg. Tvo year oId <Iyton Tnepamler coin- plaîneil Tiurmiai at a eold., Net mura. lng a pliyecia aemmmoueid lic. tor e haarrived the chUid axplred otgnt pneuiuiela. It wv@ e nnamialfor Crner Taylor te liold lnlqueit, tboagi the lata dalueteil vere meumlove. Word reabai bat. rons Arizona, trmm Mmre Biard Dier, toe ec t diat ber condition le rapidiî greaiing venu and tiat it inle tared smise asot live tlirougis Clsnatna. Mie. Dyer vent wait nome menthe &go fr1er aIeati, t Seing ilmntverldiaf mie lisd coneumptioii. Sinus goîng tiera han condion grev vorme intead et bitter ad gai lanom, mid bam bien ton smonie fii,'coniaei te ber bed. Friday nigt lier a a noeexcite met lu tha devis toan dstrct visen tise police raided tvacap gaise Oat have bien goiisg on quleli for menthe It lemsai aud ama remat brouglt te thse station tirer prsonare. Tisa arnets war ai tolowe: F. i& Hanibirger, in baasient îudar thae @sinnconducteil by L B. Hanferd &So in nt 121 Soutli (lenee striaI, the baseament itli fie la,'k painteil windows. J. Henning, anreetedin lathe rear room of hTett'ukor ad Crawford buffet ou Norti as eis treet. F. Md. Hunt, camne place. Satur- day morning alilthe prisoners e icrneud twentî ire dallas adestsi n tise police>' court ton gnmbiuig. TIse ceunnil hll au nfoîiîrmai meeting Saturday arening t» talk ever tie malter etflholding a iclebration ever tise location et Oic Naval Trning statiou nlake Ceut. Tisaploans etiisel tise couneimen ln tiseir intrnai dimes- sien waethia: invite lare Ceugresmrnl Foe, Graeme iStewart ad otiare ai Wilas e naval oftlcere of Cicgo, lare a great meeting la the opera baume and liave speechs bei tizena. Crengremi- mmmai e.andl tern. Tii>'plan eug- gestei lanipiel the appointu>eit <ofa aummitte en arrangement te conset et aldermen ad cimene.It wv theaglit liat ta do noting delunite until a mas. meetminldSean bell and oeevacafle for Tharedey eveaing vhinis ai citimen are saikel teattend. Mr. A. & rame, a promlinent dragglt of limiter Springs, Kansai, maye: "Ciamberlain'@ tomachs and Liver 1Tabluta ae, la my <dgneat, tse lmt superior preparat . sotanything la nie taday ton contipatien. Tisai are ure le atioe nmid vitia netendursaitoDamuse' ate o n y~pe"'For maieb . B. GRNE HALL Mm. Taylor venu isenrtyvilie 1Tucida. 1Walter Du" nla aquit.e Mek, île aifter, liMre. Havkins e lu re earemsg for hlm. è Ivitatione are out for tise Hawkins and Dewey vedding Wedaemay et this veek. eW>' unleretanl Albet Svmaois a >taken Jan. -Bek's pam ton tis e oînimg NMi.Badine isaving har tarmai ad Sloge repalred. Pat O'BHara eai ou the taminlatise eprlag. 1 Dont lad teattend OLW baer at Oie Garnie BailheOaa POs.(naefthtie pI Pol *wAtelme ili Se Ohe Laies om Jourali iooi. li re. Bej. Maubaiseao n Foeign M. miionary vunk at ti Grni e chl eBanda> Der- 4th. lb. lis ai la«mn ymai. experiema I ias1tn. con"mPtlooa isa hum=s weed flourishing best in weak lunes Like other weeds it's ..aisiy destroyed while young; %d ien old, sometimes in- pc;ssible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the wec'ds wilI disappear. The best lung fertiizer is SCott's Emulion. Sait p'r i. g<iod too, but it is very hard to digest. Trhe time to treat çonsump. tion is when you begin trying to hide it f rom youiseIll Others see it, you won't. I)on't wait until you can't dective yourself any longer. Begir i wth the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn*t rcalIy colîsumption so much the better; y ou will soon forget it and be better for the trcatmcnt. If it is consump- tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you wilI bc'gin in time and wiIl be rigidly regular in your treat- men-lt you will wifl. Scott's Ernulsion, fresh air, rc'-t ail you can, eat ail you i-an, that's the treatment and tltat'm, the best treatment. We viiel yen a lttie o! tise Enui' & io n ee. 3 COrr a -BOWN3,- 409 Pon St., N. Y. There 18 ino case on re- cord of a cold resulting iii Pneunionia, or other seri- ous lung trouble, after had been taken. It stops the cough and heals the Iungs and pre- vents serious resuits froni a cold. Do not take chances on a cold wearing away or experiment with some un- known preparation that costs you the satne as Foley's Honey and Tar. Reniember the name and get the genuine. A tu" buSi foe Tmnon"th 'Th. followlng leter trou A. .J. Nin- baum. of BatuaVille. lad., telle ita 0 story: "i *lm9weed for thrm. inthoi wth a mvere cold. A druggWmtprepamedla0 »mre mefciae, and a Zhyiclaa pr- scribed for me, yet 1 di Dot ImJrove; 1Itbeauled Féley'CRBo9P andT. aad eght dom cured me." Tht. mm-&2Sc. O$ 1-.0 Tii. Se Cent wimecontaine two a"d caoý-haM tinm me as e m oaui 8 and tii.$1.00 hott. aiait dm i ms ae much. ML II.Ut "SUU»IILU AuCtiOn salen. IL liaving deterinnd te quit tarnsing t and about te moita bawk te ('irage, i Win Mnl -,t pabl's.'au'tien on tisa prlme ile West of Wamneton gtafien ml ml eni t C ura>".on tise ni Plaak ruadI, on Tisnuday Der. H, 1904, comsunwing aet12 ni.elnp tiseé tofleving propent>: Il iead of cue caftte, 4 nav nilk easv, 3 ieavy epringere, 4 hauferm cenming in flic ailuter, liaypmare tl110, bay huome at 1300, tlew lainlir wagon 3l-i,,3-l-tira trucki vago».idlgl vagua. [jugge, 1 pleir, ploa, ploai, t>uf andl etuî>le; Daonltootb eciitivator. elsovel plowa ev, net dragi, met double lamas., n.,rn ahanler, moyen, Ibey rack, lborné'telke,C Crlad atene, If) elipping rani, 404lu napoftai, 12 lin teic ,'irr w ea es t. 4 dos ch'snens, etac'Itof fine faiwb,' a> utaek oetfine upal bay, 10 iomda oet ai cornu foder, tonki . lioveaie ad othar artIcleton, numseros ., nl>ct>-ti,)i. Iteglilartefni. HitaulAS>'Dui.c.4a. Pt'op f IL B. E'sER, Aw:tioneer.a J. N%. trgaan.i ahi> ill i tue,'te South Dakota vin, 10loe a'i et auttionit hieizopoenal property on Tliure.Ieî. lin .on tii>'Dean tarceini Ivanlea. ise Fllun n ldoneannd nac'ieelus toit, late forn publi'intion tis m eeik. Admiilet>ix' Bale. Notke lu a hygIvea tiat onr l<tur- day, 5ha 240. dey of<,te,num'enenat, ha tve.ui tfiaibouis et 10 o'eIîs'k in lie fore. noua mul à in tIié'alttanoon et maid day,à et tise laie reidene et Joîline ig, .1>' cuma..l inte ojaiof rtwhrfyville,1 meant t fLake>'and sitatp 'feI hîoi.l, the1 para"ni ropertf oit!a deceleut. pi'- fie gt artieiles raervail fon tic'1 idoie cn@itigof 22 cis,,lcedairy cv.psnreand il ikce, I twoyaar- ai BI. ul.i tve-var-Id Mue.1 oser cmil, 41. chuice Shrop#hlire siseup,1 tirWm-oaroicot, 1 foun.ear'eld colt, I pair black liae.. vwgt 3("J il, ic sack viti llnder, about 20) toms tan,' iaInl liera, abont 12 lunm ef millet, naetnavm la isar,. I Walter A. Wood grain blilden, oe-liait interent la l>erig n rn binder, 1, Ds.rln nover nean lura, 1 hay cake nerlî neai, I ratter, 1 ern Planter. 1 uky plov, 2 vaiJking ploe 2 id. lng cultivatere, I1valIting rutivi-ý ten. 1 4.Iaeistit wagon,.1 imalnovtie vaguailkwwtmltjgeia, 1 etIitiege I= , moogi I1raaeder, I tir.v-ý-ma- lie omi rm, ="cafter vitis pover sel joeck, 1HoK* Ilamey i iod.', Iliai fork tel'ale udpulhe. 8W)aobi<p aguilk csai 1 00-lb seal, 2 *Pte veau inlies., 1 double drIvlng barco, 2 hay raIna. 1 waed rack, 1 famaing xli, 1 erni uislaier, 1 gravai box, I1gnintenaw, i "elugin>ler, 84 <cdiv ps",ta. Idir.,n kettie 15 bua mielpcates. t.,rkm,opl sud ioed alotisut artickl. iîlle oold âat publi'c'ale lu atondanowa vtis an ordere!tie lcount.v .'ort tilf Akt-'out 12 nentmiupon notes ait ixludma approv.d leurlîle. IRom A. BocI, Adilniatrotrla W. B. Applié. Aucioer. 1 amaipaylng $0>par to,i or î.lditoIu ilivered aetCraya,le. impIelfn bile, lut., nubm iennad .'tory cil tf*ug. Ciitpâli! hare, <J, Mnnu. OiaMia&k*. tg çaaou fiepoami et mpidiV. StripeCaee AttractO Attentin. LYNN 0038 TO PRISON-, Fridey thse Cam of1 Pattriek Lynuleadeir of consfîliacy to defraud theÎe l alA ait Woukegaa hrougli mtsing et pay ralsi ama ehed. 1400 ailtldrew 'hl« pdea of net gilty on tise advricof ti attornieys and moIetltma a pli.s of guilty tbrowîug hiîie.'tun tise iterrî 01 tise court vits a î1>lefr lenieney Oint won dramatle and thilling. Juil1. >oiitelly gave tise main ai ndert'rnilnatè nentenre la tlrq penit..itiary and tiser,' ho Irlturday moriilig Peter IlYî>nng a f'aukegana boy amlm npllcauted in the, pay roi# etufflngî'barg,'i a roarranged belte aJialge l)oniilli lu tiié'Ciiuit Court ad &ail e tii, cuutiagainet lîlo wre nolle prommed ,'xe.'pt one'. (O tue indlctainii lie ,'nter,'d a pIes of Silati aldawuagiv.'u tlirty ilaym in tiie county l i,l le will@p'nve,,îit.Tuet lm an ,'xtreiiiely lurtlinat4' oit&'oine 'for tie yoîiug tellow and l t ih made" tisu nay for hlm toe ýtln alieus'v penalty iccauce lie aineprn>'ticàlly tor,'>'inlt' Other Cases. wcre four truc 1,ilis fr Iarep.uy. ain giveu an iuleteriiînt,' c,'iten.re t4> tie ,cunit>'utiary, aIl of fheis>' ieltii,'ts exeét one00>'ing1,iislitd. Lawrence <)'Ntii, tise Et. Shieridanu soldier. waneMoulay tried for n,,htary and( eai>ip>d meflrinten t.tihe îiut>'tiary .>y thei>' îiqet i,'.il>le smiave and, a,, luilge ilnnali iaid al ter I raeing lii,, m e ,ec,îped fro ein >ît,'ure ,tt ec'auce li tli.uglit lim n ln,.'nt Ibut se,'aum, th, rîband of dc'mth bIa,1r,'moei'l tihe rm- plaining aitxseii wlai prevute.l il>. laa being ,'zeculito ttihe latter., (4'N,'jl en tise min carged i its Iaving coterei tise stere of i hl a,'ioni at Higlîwood aind stolon a f,'w ,rackerw. Later L.aeïonl ias @hot anîd kii.ddl.y a t ri,'îd sehîl,' iua fight andIlium tisere a A nou comuplainiisg vitneagainet t>'NeiI Thse fanions insuranop cam o et i, Wenters Ceai and Dock Company ot Waukegmis City agaitiet thse ineurance raampanien te rMe'Vr liayment eofnîoney due for lire at tise ceai dock in 19>02, le mtticil ne a rfflult of a decimion made' Tnmday jnorning t, Juilge Donnely. The, Juilge gave judgiment for thse detendaut la tiese 'iegaiaet tise Trader» bnsuranacCmpany aieh wax the,'finit ot tie'eame ,n tise doek,'t. TIi'. dec ig'i,,nane tiat th is 'ml <'onpany lad norcausea tion lu <te csuite, tlat it was D ot enltitied te ifliarance fromj tise aboyae ompa.îy ihi îneas furtiser tisat tis,'i le no Catme etfnaction uguhhiet tise itiser cempanies inter'ited iu tise maRn,'nianner aé tise Tinsiarms Company. Stripe Case la Up. Thse trial of Harry Stripe on stIr,', chsarge@ of eniberslameut lu c,,utitoîî v"s tisefanion» Eacter Sunday moine, ceutrovermy, wum tantei Tuecdmy atter- D0on alter varions, delayxaluihlia'.e, extendeil over a couple oft yenr. Amit- ing Attorney Hainna ln thé 'pn»mtin of tis m aie lm>Acitaut $t,.tesAttorney Bieu Smiths ot Cook oiity. Attorney <'oon for Mr. Stripc m,,v.'d tlat tiie mditment 1bc' ,uasi>lbedbt the, idice e>rruled it. Mr. Ceeu then ruoveil tint tise court jnatrna't thse state te îar<'pan,' a bill1 ot particulani eettiusg forth the C'hargneupon waiilitien,îdant a',uid bave te d*fed 1>ur,,olf Mr. Smoith, argu4 x trongly agaînet the 'r.'.î>i.'t t,, lave a 1bill ot da>'aratioeiW Relaîiî,îg that Mr. stnipe liai alaî 'e k't tise books trou, inspection o et iidir>',txrs >,i worked under grent, disn>ivitutag"an îd that it sb>,îld net tl>ereorp hlave','to, ikI uni, a bill1. Thie juilga uaiainewd tIai unden tiie eir-uusetaneee tis e d'enaul 1 aoildlhav'e tise rigbt te kn.,w ailat ln le eisarge1 witii. and. fofl,,airgtic 1 satRmeiit frein Mr. Ceeu toat lie ' n giren perrrimei»n fer tie statë trilook ai tise iseeki hal isy Mr. Stni s>. lie ln 1etructeal tise mt>te te lave thill 111r,'uî. ,y W'dreeday Doo, 1 'rîvieuc to tic' ltripe <'e.a anutie .>of minor ,'aM% weaire daioed (if, four (j wli,'i "."r, divoerre î>r<irei41u4c Big I'rlcie for Laid. Tlhe' Eîruuîr Country ,.Iul),>, Il igla>î Park lias eec>ir an aoption <of pur'l.aa ou tise If iret, tarin trom, tuîgb 'T. Bli'l TJne fatan ,>tainm 25 erffl aunl ti prk*Wele e »$000 ra Ierate>, $«)o> ler acre. (01 flic pnrc'iase itsui. $.004 le int,,lm po' j iald laiand tise bai names lu twenty >'earm. learlig 5 s>èr eýI ,luatermt.Tise perchai'>luva>lv,'s an ex 1 emîitir>' oft $1 5,0(40 for aîs ie'Wul TiiheIladvai,' Ini>v>1in isth isecte fo ,a naVal train>iig .hol neur Lae It lUtI ,eolereif t, tse national govers>i<ft ,y i aînler eW f;hiaoanele# 120,(#)(), ü et0 whuic,'h$1441004>le tu le p..id tor a l'i Wauki'gan and $40.4400l'Pr atIttV-ai'r 1tracýt ovw*4 b7W. IL M>firîly f, i etreit. TIse lasd le on bots 041-c 1pettitbite VisaI, a mlle and a hllI nort2 Mesole ~>m i iNg. WnSnm. I'remlleic rthaugnan Ià witr j 8 Grldwl) 0 i,'rinmese or îîw , me-14 Vemnea twp vieil 44)I4 00 J W O'Neill & st tote O'Neill & BihhartI luti 6 7eStel1> Andersmitoneut> ot lot 8401 Lake Fereet ........... W il O'Yehll & este o >lll & itibliar lotis 8ad n ýî lot 9i 1>1k 1 Auîdermwîm ubmke rcsit w<l................. Durand lot 101 Lalo' Forsit stexept part of ne rt>r) wd... 2-5110 IA C E Waehlurn &' wl ta A A McMjIll> lot lu Village oft orayelae wd,.............. 25.... > Hienry Bolâtein & wf te> CIaiiitopltr Hoistein flot 101 bk2&lot7blk 83Iadd & Georgni adîl Wauk..ganwd.. 1 »)0(î0 Mira Baskieffltlctu C li Plid,'î'n lot 15 addition te 15w a4d Wauokegan wd....-22001 000 i'rderiek Italin &Stoe snry Bruckiiann lotei 7and MH 1>k 1 fiprague assis as plare of land adjîining inu ci' lit Vernon twiî dd.............I 1.1,10o49 t, N Ihernire' S wftut, J il Zinisixer lot Il1,1 hk 1< Exiîsour ed Highiland Park wd ............ .......... ..... <17 ( liarriscen Joliwm &Stwftu Johnlii veiîiing 121 arme in mje. 1 Easst Aîtioc'lîTa'1. wi .... 7)141 0 L, J1tlein & wlto tubes,î, Voiiiiing lot 14 P'owell & ilutrillne gui) Waeukegan a, 34M0 (0 E EHooake t) J Li. tddiig Ita 1H 110 22 aie( part loti 2>and 23 1>k 2 Wintr.,p Hlarbor wd................ 25404>00> Mary IBaker & lins te) E E. Harrkcalot IN Caniion> stMil, onIM l»rdan lRond i7-(ef '/1,ei................ .......25 p 0( J 1 b t>ddiug &.t alxteE E Baîndem y> a.re'ii in».' 1( Ii,'u(,,u twi aimeo loie 13l and 14 Cannoss %iit, ose Sieridan road si <il Zion i wI177>0 400 Josepline> M Fisk S& lins t>, W H &tFE A 10.11 part se 14 MW e»Mec 3 Grant Twi, aid.1M, (>4 Citiiwnm Amcuiation <of Village ot Lake Bluff incorporat>'d te proete welar,,etc, .of maid Village..................rilt, Marsou ierhist>u L B Glin, lot iii Village <01 Autioeh i.' 135 (K) H M Outliet tu, I 1. TIenai 47 ar'nelu ca%si- 1~'~27 and me % spe '2H Warre'n twp..... 1104) sus> E A iFlood & waitto I E Thomans gi es. ix,' >lait ileuv il. ».... ... .... ............. 1>444 0 Sainî,el Poe- '& ail tu> .l,là . S.priug Bluff wd ................. I1>(K) Sarahs A .Ii>giis &lms ti(i E 6 i luber lo.t m ,1k 14) Exiior sile t>, lHighland Park mel....... ................ »44 (0 F P <randon ,s& ait tu , .l1, Rtogersilot 12 1>k 9, Wamll' Lurn ipriiîxe wd, ......... .1»14)<u C T Hpyd«.'ek.r te) <'îritiîu, T ile.ydek,.r 1011 fl,4>'5 in> 5,'. 2,4 Newaport taî, a I ..........1 os) Jolui , Bisl,,,î, & ail t. <'lritan T ll.'yd.>k.'r lot 1 telle 3 I',w,'ls ad te %Vais k.'gau ai ..... ............. .704 >l() J F lpoa'>'lI af tu, CT'r tu Walgia ........... ......1iu E iJ 11,',-kt.r &'.sf (,,4 lT lo.l'..rts 110 h& i .k 17 M.Kase2ul î..lI W491î. k,.gîI o. .......... .......... ...1 0 I l,'4,îi'(k>r lut 22 and 1 a' % 01 1,,t ':; Hic 2 (C.,,k.'slt a Wal,,'a'> id................. 1E.llI',f4kr, waltu, C T * ivl.a'ler uniiviel,'d 3Yeof19 y rude w &tindjràining telle lm> 9,Kttym 2,,Iiil l Waîik.gass r 1 ,......-........... .1...< i F. J llIy.I*.kcr & ail te C 'T Heylitké'u ,îndivl>dJ 1I. 211,1k ir ;Tifrlny'i 3rl adI Waliîkgan .................... I<> J Pow'>aell &, wt t,, C T lmIl.ydexo'e. r ifiii v,1',l34, 4:46 ma,'resilune %/ 's e Me 29 Waîikcgait t>'. w ai...1111500 F1) Ww.kcs& te) , F P Cris- y doul>t 1 10k 141Iliord1'41n 1- La,' llm>iCsf .................. 10 (e l tt ,, J1 le Munrray lottrliiVIige i.! Lllî.rtyvill>' d ... ............ 700 (A0 or (e,rgî, b 'underwo.l(et c 1, art tell,(14i; l lgtilan.l lPark a Inter 4 lois.................. Ouylimt)ui., Jsnas.A ireier i W Il <' s'i % 34hot 94 ihIt1 .lneAi,,l,'ro>nt,>t'O1J W ('.lIlot'. f1 7 S b1>k 1 linlel Itcnd t,, Elita Mi'Einsy lot« 5 blk III4Orginal W(us Magry Farnier to Jolis, NwIr lt ia l, ng"o! Lake V<ila T1 Il >urt & vi te Mary kuguet oiswele fo Anina Marter main. ne megt aboya wql................ ............ 0(9) V RSayl#-r * wl tu Adamn (irovgorzewsk loRt III1bk 57î) Souts Waukegan wd.......12(g) 00 PAneUae E scliurtzelngor te David ldler lot In villageP eft rite wd .................. MO 09).> RIS Bootnd ra, tree, 1 sufiered for four monO>. viii gliemma iervousflMdemi"m lmeai 1 W àa fission0 feeing in MI domachvblehimoaiaàeame iu rvi, mIsudli MI appetit <ucildeoftles aMd feIt that I mud Wa sped relief ta r -inu bwmth. 1a-inghuard iae Cardu praimed by ene! tof q ins, 1Ivmut for a latte and vu Wealny very pluaivwith tda Noeusl. Withia thlrae daymla %pçette retume ne d aimy et:= Woubied me ne mare I c"ni iguaI my food vitisaut difficaIy en tihe novouiineae rauelh liauise& i.Nature parerm ber fuactioni vitisout difilcultu Md I ails nce mure a hiappy &W< iell vornan. OLM EJOSEPU, hucAu$" yllar SolfiCu* GAGES LAKE. M r>.. 4ddie i aIi'>- nstourne'<l t'Chica-îgo unuday. 11.'liy t lu,,nd i en>t Thi.îkmsci v ,g wilti trieuds ai ivaîsi,,a'. Mi'... >dip, Masi,'oaOMu' i '<-g. sent vweral <aye ut ho, i 1<. Mn. andl Mms.Fiet Wrigli telrliss> li,'nds troi>n t'Iir-ago ov,'n Tîîaiiksgi nio4. Mnr..11Benjamino ?,armIl.wili ..j,'int litihe ,-ls.sr,-lis S>iiaiy iuorî,iisa, .e-Ch<'ina." Mn. .IJannmi.e(]ni,1 lttgliter Mattia' mls'lt l-ridiîv wil i nd'.t it liis'Oy- ville. Mr. (Ge'orgec liawkirim an-] Mua l>Doris lhca'v aw-u'e iiarrid "i litîesii, ' ut tic' fri,'>î.s le'r, ROLLINS- M. o.11il. ' I. i rls a a 1ii îs.- gii Nl. rim aMir.'Wrkiu t i r kif 1-',- day leILoo1' rsrmapa iWTaukctore NirsHood'he audorrll adHOO1Dki'S1 1.ali NA l'ieMLut Aini cape C*d craebers@eapur qurt ~Ful Cneani Newi Yrk Chteee, <r lb .11 Wi*eoasiu Cneans li<k (lissai, perljM1 Oncole MSeedl alIne,pin pkg ....,.......I MolanClimInce Ment, per pkg -.-... m. Pomtuln Carmai, par pkg:...:.::...... quakr Une, 3p 1glx n r.......... ' biaun <>1Whaat, jwr i'pg .............,4 Walterlfaker's tiilîo.late,%ibeaka, Il F.nry tOregoni Plioele la.......A Salta Cl l'rnu, n îiefliuln, per l Caroliua Heini Iti>,', par 11l.-.............i %%hot@ Jupn <ic,pfrcul-).................. Dry iu, aalee. wr II......................... New Mas-y Beauxs,lper 1Il...................~.».A i'et Fo'ille ,2 jkge fr ......................j Co1<> ef ltseSa (iol'là ......;................. Cold "g (ln'îî,le..u.ly op.......1: 10"uî. la. ,sl. CIa n on ....... isa IomiaCbls»'mul'a lar, s'r il.........I3 11) 'etsa,, (,f.> îrl o,................ 31 14) xs l'ni, Jav arC,>t...'n..... -............ V lt,,strchItMîai i .l, t(of>. wr I... Dr.rî tisiia'rt1ral S,*ia.pi..... -à Mmnnîiilîî (iis.'i s'r l ,er....... Catn., irîlitti.'.er b ..............4 Hinesa intol'i.-kles, jw'r bIl) . .....1 me$a-et<l,î'Jaias. îe r Iill............... 1.1rtu Tlaîl iiîs,,lrni................... iDgou'le ,diue is ,,ii ..... ..... .... _....1 SwSt ieie FI e, pr kg............. 2hwClo Il, ,ali u>->> ( loir ot ..... M-, oSt hring lerI, is..............., 1lb c n e l aut l monhî ................ .... 1 Doi b ',, Tosa'ls.i ...... ..... ... iii, ,raliakFiglae,.e P............ . i-lil, 'anSrnîaiî,errIbF,at............... ...... -Il l, -î in epeiid>C r..............u.r.. ....... 2-1 il ian is ie,'> Pnaa,,i .......... - .2-1 lbinuRilmCarIka............................ 2-Iltal ellaWhit axnlne..................... 2 -lb ran Tl(ia teule'r.i...- ............. >-l euI la ,-rîEri' tu s. 'i.......... ..... .2l - a Soratîilry, et ......... E. E. ELLSWOR1 Libertyvîlle. Illinols PEOPLES' COLUMI d« mu (he bhwM04d mmm>dle me omees». Rat*. eàtoie i, me Pu, m Worda co"t(t>mgà "Imm.. F AfR .luh. T> t I adcreml <I'.,e or J. 1Y. i>ovLX. lit W.21001 0 O ItltiST. Lig>ît rc-Tai, tinuuce H.'n 0, R1i' Pitlor r <' ricdicaet UI F oif aIAIE <-1 lIENt-1t'n S !l' Biimr l t'îa r.. illS. l. I 8a-1-ditu ortei.l Iqi.is 1tilliinfe. 9- a"her Stinm l,,,witilonDO m1 12 is.r mobt 0' . . L cuaaetu PAUJ.L nec U (tWIi4 0t Adj sicatloli Mot -ublc 5.f, a.9,h.*bY.iv ii 1. j q8 &d F l'it,iu ne.ic" 1' 4u'r,'y ah .-n t>.nt >1. P-->or Lelsit(,le'm*dil li tnil,,shm i,u'n>Y JO î,,il (bsity. aon thi I" ,-t hon,.n. Or janu-.Y ln n-, ilil h n di,-">e.t->>'i r'- -t15. aneu taid. Contfur di.di'.'hI. eat, Nirs. 11 . mm7 .d ( j r Bu ~Fe, ilding Mat, Vi'e buiiiîig leason iii here, aîîd we are 1reparttd to fîîrxish you with, everytlîiîîg nîcessary ini this lhue.. Let us figure with you if you are goiimg to build. t will certaiîily pay you to (Io so. ed Departmie Our Feed Department ili comIplettf in evéiy detail, and your inîspectionî of our lUne iu desired. Our uew Feed Miiilià running every day,and will grind any and ail liîds of feed MMNSïMEe-R 'LUMR ibe tIl'sgs * il. 1 --- - 1 -!

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