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Lake County Independent, 23 Dec 1904, p. 1

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73 % L.,ibertyvllle, Lake Ou etf etérnevu ,à b"" for those seeking pretty I ovolties. rlch littie oddliles Mt book*l a hd elegant tollet articles. N es agnd. Souveitiboè of Cigars The Iatest and neatest in Leather., ilbid and Alumlnum presents. VELULS ýDRIJG STORE Ieadquartrs for Sohool Supplies... Ville, wII. overcoat l1cdquarters Sheep Lned Coatsï Duck Cots SL5O to $200 Sweate"50c to S$2,50 Montena Buck Glov n ad Mtem Hud Li*edSL25 and SL5O' Camf Faced Mitta 50 b 5$LO0 New lot of Mens Vanter Camp ceR . ~O ýW. PARKHURST Kf.-OUN-rY NATrIONrAL BANK cAerrAL - -S50.000.00 OURPLUS AND PROFITS 7.000-00 D<POSIS - - 350,000.00 hugPlace ,u you beean stomied to tbink that a bank la a very bnsy plae, and j jour bumiDns i fmai proportions would not be acceptable to itr 1, e are buy, but nover too bus>' ta give courteous attention ta an>' em"j be dispoued to do businesa with nis. Indeed, the buoier we are, $pwe are., Cail and me. how nie)>' we'Il treat ytu. laOs.M, to 8 P.m, md Ma 55. Reidence'Phanu 268R -Llluutyvile Illinois M . j;L.TAYLOR., Il dVIt TWIOs *&TAYLOR 5'. r t 10 s. m. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta on Broam'a>', opposite Park. WiryilIllinoin. )L A .NICHOLS Of Chicaglo ItETAL OFFICE &*ovxz a a & AuVWI'iOix 0Podnadff of each wsek froua 4S n'. ta 8:00 P. u. Liuhas"ie. Ifl4om. M, - FL NMI' ý%"QNE AT LAW. ~. 'IULSP5ONEN. 26, e C5S LUSD couxft DAI. '12a. m. and 1 ta 5Sp. m.. Z. GALLOAY 1 fs aS-aid 6. t9 8 p. m oetyvolle Iminois. ~MAC QUPII *m T AT LW. silOetIe, Iinole. ,A ram 8&, ~BLD, First National Bank J. L. TAYLoRt Pre. P'sÂsK Puocroin Vice-Prea. H. 0. GAunaRaEi Caaien Libertyville, Illi nois Accounts of firme and1 IndIviduals are soliea Ited and 'will be re- ceived upon the Mot favorable' terme con-'n sistent with conserva-k tive banking. Proctor Bl3ock Libertyvlle - Illinois DR VU P. SCIRING. Practice lmited ta PYE, EAR, NOSE AND THIIOAT. v Orri<'t: Boom 804 l3Txm'Âa'Buitniau IDMESNT. Wr«.gtleie Coacluelouu 4WANT TO BE id aOWN."t The contiuuutlon. in lait week's 1I-ENxDzNIifront OiwarReimu, dabr> Inspce for thé Chicago Healtb Dprtneut baucauuod sa ruait " lof eo.ment and upeculatlon arong dairy- men tbrougout the count>', partlcularl>' uucb onesusas arm feding malt. Mai>' have' calledat the INUPENDENT office tba weuk, and all are of one mind, tbat the Heuth Departasent la untirul>' wrong la condemalng the proper feedng of malt. The>' ausrt that a campaigua .galns3t ucb farmers ai feed malt Lupropurl>' la the remeai> rather than te Ipose a bardebip upou tIi. man>' because. of ignorance or ecarekesneua ait I I er of thrue of the lest dairis in the cont', llk froli whlch lu always at a prernîam, and who 4ed nmalt a conaîdurable of thu tîme, exprees tbem- sa nlves ai waing to bu "obown." Mr Relsu' bare mternent without anj uubstaitlaton doua fot ln an>' wa apPeal to them, while their experiencu Ià aitoguther contrar>'. Another, 1r. E.,P (iridie>', now of Chicago, but uni witbin a few weeks condncting a 40( acre farua at Prairie View maendath communication bulow, and wbich ié expressive of vlews of farmura, »aiwe art able ta learn them. Gridleys Lutter. Enri.çiEPENiiENrT: If the. views of Oscar [lius of tie Cic!ago lleai th l>epartrnént are correct it la eWar> the dut>' of ever>' dairymac te fued other teed thtantmalt. lleckoned lu ceb thite won Id Iean noufli item of laoa te the. dairymen of this locality this meason, but the healtb of. a comn mnuit>' muni; receive the tiret conaidera. tion. Mir. Relus stateu the object oS bie article ln te convince the dairynmnthai bis work in juat and 1 tpke it for graîted that ail intereted are open tu couvi tion. Therufore 1 woluld aik 1fr., Relu through the coîuna of the INnaemmoin tu go more inta detail and givu analyste aid statistieca ta sabétantiate i. statamente. The Chicugo Keatb Depart hmtba 1surel> tested mlk prodnced froua varlou feed'. and a tabalated statamient of reenîta would bu oS interne totana dair>'meu. Comparluons of mîlLu frot lndividuai dainies witb the Chicago s'landard could then bu made, thua eatiafYlng an tu reanita, a&U concerued. [et 1Mr. Reis aiatail us bow thie mortulit>' am.ým; infàae in Nëew York aid Lonuville compare with the moratlit>' lu Chicago, Mil waukee, Minneapolis and other large ci ties . Give the gentîmn m pace for ail of bis reasons aid invite hlm tat subataitiate the "ame with tact@ and' figures. Wbat mtedical anthorit>' eau Mr. Ruine qnote toa ubstantiate bis statement that "malt" milk lin with dîfficuit>' digested b>' infante! Suirely he doua not refer to the infant@ and cbildren of the dair>' tarin. Ensilage bainlaenceonsidered a superlor fued for dair>' vawA for two decades at leaut. We know that ensilage le ver>' acid but reenîts from feeding it ane reported ta bu univeral> good. in mi&k prouced fIom this tend aloo injurions we would ite ta know? Malt not. properl>' cared for wl b@on spol but this in a m&-asune le true ai other feedu. Mouidy corn or corn fodder or ha>' or graui containing nouonus weuda would likely uot bu good feud for a dair>' cow, still yon would not bu jnstfied in barring nîiik produced front tiiome feeds if in praper conditian. -if it can bu diean>' sbown that "ýmalt", mllk le injurions, general>' apeaklng, public opinion alone wonld wltbout doubt cause tbe fueding of nmait ta daim>' cows ta bu stopped; on the other baud if. milk prodnced front malt proper>' cared for and proprel>' fed la wbolouome ail the laws that conld bu paased would not stop ita production. I arn iuformed that malt le Sud ta daîr>' cowa in varions contries of Edrope and lu England but 'that tact doue uot prove that malt la a wboleome feu1. Froua personal observation I have tbougbt that maÛlet]edluconnection with fodder corn and ha>' produeed a, talitk rich ln butter fat and ai good keuping qualit>' and that butter produéed front ach milk wae of blgh fiavor aid of excellent keuping qualit>'. .sclentmei reaearch cati of course pet nearer the facte than mure observation lu a narrow-field. Let lu bear frai» crnâeaury managers, dalr>'men and 'eapucally the. M. D'a on this @abject.. B.P. GOmBL, Revolotion Imminent. 1 A aurO aigu Of APProaching revoit aid serions trouble in your, snm lq4 cer- veusness, luplemmsu aor atonacbup $eu. Electric Bittura wll qulJy dis member the troubluuomne c~Ue. Il neyer faits ta toauthe. etomach, rgulata the, Kidueya aind Bosa estimulatu thb. LIvur' ainddclarl uwthblqo. In"dgo" a, Friday. Decembr,23. 1904.-8S Wmuh.gau ChamOlaMeuiere Lesving tbe 7014- Pastor Tucksa'a fmue Law@. lIE O BU MAY IPREAI). tbrouÉhout the ouat>' are watcblug with luturuot tbe onteonhe cuf the applica- tion of good old bine lawo b>' Pastor Tuaker of the Christian cburch la Wau- gan. A wuek ugo Eunu!ay B'v. Tueker ln a sermon te hie people atrongl>' de- nounced theatres, car&l and danting. He ernphatical>' auerteid membera of the chnrrh could flo*t; eànobtuntl>' partiel- patu in an>' of thene go called pieauvre@, and usurted thu>' nat give tbem up. Tbure waa no minclng oS word4and ho muiant what lbu ald. Ne detlarud rrlng unewere ata bu teverel>' dhsciplined. Monda? fallowing tii. sermon witb. dra*lo from the cbureb were man>' and more have simNceevered'their connection witb the ecdeaaia" buy. The itie of the charch lu tbreatened. 11ev.,Tucker la firua and will flot recudu one bit- fromiu poaition. Other minIature are awaiting witb anxiet>' the outcomu. If bue ncueudu tbe lines will bu drawn more claeel>' in uver>' -churcb ln the cit>' of Weektgan, and thu card Party, the. dance sud tbe theatre wll die out. It lig'tated that of late the cburcbes have suverel>M' b hu omaputi. of the Banda>' theater. Tiaure have been mm>'bock alidingo among the faithifal. Ont in the countyItlun mb the marn. A gruat reforu la brewlng and the de. lent of Waukegan'a piueky pastor will onl>' dela>' It, whuie bu vintar>' woeld mua iimmediate faling la Mine of other paster. 11ev. Tucker and nome 0f his eIders ame making a erleuof visitauto the secudlag tuemburs. Their interview et one homo iu typical of tbem ail. Bath i"i.Ouied up lu buttie arm>', aacordlug toaa Waukegai palier, The usaibur and hi@ wllu wouid ndt reçae from, tbofr stand whflu the Pastoral coumlttee majd tbat lie would nettlbu premîttoul t wltbdrs.w from thu cburcb, that sncb a courue wu impossible, that the cbureh muat wlth-' draw front theu namber. "You maYp)Ut t as Jon eeit, "repied thue member, "But tho fact le, we are out of the church and lntend te remuin out. t'on may take it au, 'ou sues ât."1 The man in question happqned ta bu onu of the cliurcb member who won a prise aet a recint @ocial entertalnment -h"~ by & lodg-uigd lie wu- eharged bii the paitor and the committee oS buîng a çambLur for thut reamon. "I am flot a zambler, that doua not consist of gambling," replied the man in question, ta wbicb the committee salda bhat it wu mat ai bad to play for a prizs ataget intoa againe of carde for mono>'. '"We have conenlted two attorneys and the>'ttllus that that in gambliug,"l eupondud the committee. ' "Gambilng consiste or a coutiat for none>', wbere mone>' la put up and the player takes a chance of ioulug it," in- si.eted .the man who wgs u g inter-c viewed. The committee peralted bowever, my>- lng that tii.mnas a gambler sud ho înultud bu inot, liatin ewoul4 ai- waym continue playlug -for prises if be saw fi and hopointed to thefact tbatiU playing carda for a prise le gambllng then the W. T. C. V., Oratorical conteste held tbrougbont the cont>' are alo gambling, tbat the W. C. U. le violating the iaw juat as mucb ai he ludolng.' Another mumbur in reported -to have said tha"-bout six oS the congregàtion now no sensationall>' embroiled would "stick te the minister" aid liaI nome oS the othera would ata>' b> the church and figbt the bIne iaws to aïmve it. In otiier words, there la yet ta connu a crowning tuseuIluwbich 1ev. Tncker wili tbrow the alleged evîl cutmi or in whlcb the evil customu will tbrow hlm. Woodm.a CloreaDlucarged. Head lCern Hawes of the Modem Wood- men of Amor"c bai jut notifiait 225 lerks ai the local camps of tunir damlssaj un the grounde oi incomputency aid bon notified. the camps that their clerks baye buen lusifilent and negilgeut and aise that new mua bu elected in theln places. This ordur lu the resnît of investigation of. the mainer in wbieb the elerks bave beau attending te business, and l wIlcause a sensation lu a good mai>' campe. To the Publia. Weknow of ai greaterservicu that bhia newpaper .ea rendurlie a n>'readers thai ta lt thieniknow ai a ruai!>' mon- terions article aid wbure the ame nia> bo precured. For this maison w, wlab tu have ever>' readur perue tho followlng necent ltter to the manufacturera roua Doter Mabone>', a general marchat aI Quhgle>', 11 ; eu ays: "Pioemousd me b>' uupres - odosun 'ofSBe-Go. I1 dfi~ eh excellent usdlclnand halve ta kmop Il f tu ock." R80-6 Tonlc Lavti'. OrOÏ le nia quiflllag curforCSotipe. tiaQ SekUpd.uiie Elilousue tomeL& i~~ Ta1 êi L55 PfcUW COMING. bClalaued chat d'Spirit PruitP? Leader Wii Locute HIil Menvea lier. RIVAL TO DOWIB. Chicagpapers havemuch ta e>oftbe, probable location 0f Jacob Bilbait and bis followers ln the Spirit Fruit Socity, bkJ.iiScunty. Different Papern locate this to bu second MIon in différent place.1 O0- su>'.Wintbrop ttarbor, near Dowie'o town and another thinkm at Long L-ake. À dlupatch f romUaLsbon, Obto tella 01 Blelbart's plans thua: "Jacob Bieibart, head of the Spirit Fruit nocut>', the alleged frue love cou- munit>'lOcated near hema, left for Chicago tbiea aiMrnoon, and from theru 90Ms tu the nuw home wbich tbe soclut>' rucuntlY yucbaed in Lake caunt>', llinois, fort>' miles northweat 01 Chicago." Arrlved in Chicago Bieîhart immedi- ami>'Y weut to bis Lake A venne eatabliub- ment lu Engewood. .With hlbm were "«Bleamed' Belle Norrio, Kate Waters, David Standford sud Ralpb Outbruatb. At the @me tîmu came newa that Builbart'm wla, now in Kansai, hadl oued bin for divorce and alidion>', cbarg. ing bu had abandoued ber and two chlldren and for jears had not contrL. bluted tu their support. lirs. Bellbart auked for a court ordur 10 riettajn ber buiband irom dluposing oSfhie permonal property valned at 87.000. This action wai takun in anticipation of Blelbart's plan ta -eutablleb a large "spirit fruit" farm in Lake conit>' and forty-five miles northwsst of Chicago. Wednesday of thîs wuek BUlliart expectud to inveut hie mono> la propertY ta bu sold st auction near the mite of the projected faim. Au ta the.location of the site a ChIcago papur laid: "Beilbart will. figbt Dowle In the lat. tors ,own territary'Laku count>'. Lk- bon "larma" whichbu basben the bead- quartera for the. disciples of "Spirit Fruit" bai buen demrted and a fari forty-live mile« froua (Chicago fleur Long Lake 11 Leu cunt>', purcbasud. Beil- hart will forua a colon>' thore. ln the comlng year lbu expecte tu couvert thonsr aids of persona to bie bulisi."1 Frýom anotur source of Information -n rPorter leamnuthe piuam a e locate the "*Heeavun! et WintI.rop Bar,' bor a iewvmiles nortb of $ion (City and that ai bullevers have bu ,en ordered tô migrate ta, that point. 'Bulbartua following lu. estimated ver- iousl>' at froua a feiw hundred te mai>' litouands., -e see»m te have- pleut>' o tunancial backang and tbeabiléty tàdraw Into hi. mociet>' usa>' people of muais. Bellbart maiatains a moeêt remarka6le o0mmunitY, teachea fIras love and othor etartilng face. The Sollowinj item from our Long Lake correspon eut appuara undur that bead lu another colunin and -esub- etantiaten the thear>' Blelbait le ta locate in the lite region of western Lake eonnt>': l'Jacob Beilhart leader of the Spirit F'ruit gociet>' wai bure Tueeday. Mr.1 leilhart-la Malang preparationu tu Move onta the Dalsiel fanm whlchbhe purchasul recentl»." Au" ueben nud Wl,. Di a Wltitlua Wek. Tuesda>' monihg at,*t Wr..oGrove occurraul thedeath ef Peter ,Ienseu Iut a week ater the death of hb iswle. ni% funeral la ta o eheld to.ulav andS that of bis wlfe wuaibeld Frida>' of lait w.ek. Roativuu tbougbt il Litting that thu>' shouifibe buried on themm ey of tbe week ai the>' baul dled just a wuuk apart. Thelr romains rut aide b>' side lu Oak. wood cenieter>', Waukfgan.' Mmr. Jeusen wai 82 yeuars of aile. Mr. Junsen wui 79. Mm. Lon Nelson, their daugte, survives thein. The deathe were net qulte a week spart te tihe hour ai Mra. Jonson ulleu at 12 o'clock nndnlght *bile bier bushab6d 'dled ut four p. m., still tbe colncidunc wua qulte remarlable. Rootor 01f Ut. Lukels. Auhbhani Ont., Apral 186 1908-:1 think ltinl ont>Y rht t at I -,ould tsi! zrU *batawn Wruil oect Chaniher a 1in' Cou . %ody bas praduceul. The dey before Rester 1 wau no dis- tresdl tha cold tha 1dldaiot think ta bu able te taku ai>' dutinqe e et. day, ai MY' voic wua amost choked.b t S cub. The saine deil recelveiau Order fëoZmjon1for abottie of >'our Caugb ru r.1 tOnce procured a =aile bettle aid took about tfire. de.01fthe. modicino. Ta ni>'great ne- la b aid cOud had camploel dim"=euoand I1m'usabl tape= tbree timui on lester Day. 1 know that thie rapiul sud Welmieblure wu dues to your Oough Roniudy. 1 made thin leuti. mania- itwbhout solcatloa belng tbaikfui tu have fonuscb a bod.Sunt Temed>'. Ropeetvgl>' yaurs. 1E. A. LàicosovvM.A, Rectar of St. Lukea thurch. ThIq ep d -la for sale b>' F. B. LoVsLL, LibertyVillle. ÂuCtgp Sale Bille. The inJWMrans"- job diiprtmeat tamis ont &nction sale billas quiclu, hutter àad omliua elsewhere, and in addition we - putll fieu 0f charge a »Otlootmu"sed liat of propera>' la the. Whow bilae %» prilnlodb>' ns 51.50 a Yar tri Adi The Most acceptable SMftfor ë6, aPProachlng Holidays le sooeethtg at once useful and beaittiful. fuu'nture rk "It» There Is nothing else quite so Appropriatae Our Holiday lino muet b. seen to b.' appreclateMi. Corne in and talk furnlture. We can, pIeaBfr vou. wu M. 4ET Furnitui. atd UnaeFtaking 7-:7 Calt andexamlnmy-lineof H le STOVES. RANGES and T ACCESSORIES. MYe MyFigures. Bef oreV Dealw E n liai " ,andi Faim1 LI BERTrYVILLE SRANK FORýK£iSa (QnisomU. à. Eubow*g Sabot Und.rtakur & B*ubaln.r me& Msd WhK Nm COwrINS AND CA$KCTS IN mnt EwuEEUune am0*I Sun WIIECLINOl, ILLINOIS M, LAWYEB 218 mkWUsliatStet 2761gu Higet auket price pald for an Eknds of RAWFU RS C'has SSteipel Lon«GOrove, MI. Nov. 0 te urM Miarry's ýLUNCII .COUNTERI - IL Wauloego,, nday Eveniq, t W. JE. NANI "t An. ldeall.Éj ln the Arkg&j A CMS4y Ch" Saobé Su Mon4ay De MemJIe a. I &RcSI5 OW 7 TO po-wtn h Libertyville.. M.' Whn you need a pl iin always bus to buy the hbest., Dad'eU Lttis Liv. Pill are thé but. Tï thmu. Tii. lvayoet uir own. old bz

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