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Lake County Independent, 3 Feb 1905, p. 7

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Jiett ,fI. waalhe Vermoant ane à*# pmth la cohabe orar, 55lu III> kithl, i l -A S flesAcl, haeadsoldietas mod w < r rut fee tl> ne t" es Per e aaloiaccui f.sil. Ieto ntar In Bbo DllrGr i nt b grow mule.tAnd )-et bu sellA.VOI r t seae l a fuund AU A. 8Tslmr edoCatenua Cr0' ç., tht> tal msed ofreeai l a v r lt ItAralaoi, sIc osbbe ifaid litsof1 Liët. nc ë Mlfia ave%'Pnts o n lteae nts XoamIn er elpuet.. Thée cen arele u iid'titan, hcWe Md aoee.luthe U. S.<nîîy of iAgu ad înhlug i ,Ili.,plant- la Ilie bl ThngFrM h ut placre , ndlaoala lot a amcldam.-AJ. C.n orri Cblrn. tl Sc eW.f5ulyA.@aer y Nohie . La Cs, 1 wit the r Vent e the Doain ""mh ait Oad Oer 0ilm etJu<opb Th amdeorLie F. Mi nder eth soc ifeare oefl lo ie 1 aund- lbyud h- m y cb 4 a.eiperos achievemat. i> adI AAthia& Al-t aisg ton- takisa il n-Lar. & oonuittto w I tflet andI Attorney GOUM$sl Mod, vws Iro- duced ln Congres.. The bill provides for the abolition of the prsetlintaratate Commerce Coin- mision sud lura-creallon wth a menm- barmllp of sée-n.- Tbu'maabers -are te le appointad luy lthsPreaat. Itaise p0evldes for a Court of Commerce, Io whie lciaeppeais fraini thesdeclalons of ho ae isaeCommission are 10 lie ode Thscourt vill lha made up of five Circuit Court judges, wbo shall lie aulgnete,0theeCourt ef Commerce jby tha Chlef Justie of thai United State Buprema Court. The new Court of Conmerce vill have aIl the powers of a Circuit Court, sud any appeal wblcb may be tAlkeu fron t s decision m /->~ ueut ha 10 tht Supreme Court of the f Unted States. The Interstate Con- mrc. Commission là given power to fix a reasonabie rata on comPlalut 0f clLher shippar or raliroad. Tht de- -vP clalon may h. sppeaîed, If ai ail, ta _-~, tUe Court o! Commerce wIthîn thirty' Sdays. and If thea-Court of Commerce makres no decision lb. rata OxetI by the lnterstate Commision becomes opera- lîve of ils own forcet vîthin silt, dÉga fromrthctlime Il la gis-ca. Tht penalty fixed for violation, la $5,00 a day'fine. The Preosdent la autborized ta ap- point addltlunaî Clreuli Court judgea 10 dùIi vacancles ýaused by aslgalng judges 10 îLe Court otýComneree. _Zhe Interatate Commerce' Commission la _____________________________given autbority t0 modty or suspend tu> rate Il lias made, or reopenanay (,,l.. retired, lut Reg. inlute Mcn, ln a case at any lime. ne. W. aliatn .t* rte Il mid luit tht mesure ln sals- dforemenit of ,natiy of my frlend,l1 fc 0o l'resident Roosevelt and bis Ing yeur vmedles for coughs and advisers and the Presîdeut wil tai-or Ils enactmrnt. provîuled no wecnl spots ______________ le found ln Il. nsag or fatal defent 'Whtchwouîd tender Uic catira necInl. Perui ns a sîars been s à gret effectiv e or 10 leadto 1lils coademma- thearueaniîbttaullan ea.ot ulion hy teSupréeaCourt ou tht Tîme trongest klnd ut testimoniale rtc grouind Of unconshtutlonaliîy. unts re,--vedfromt offiers of iigiirank tcoun t< i.ragiuvruc o 'ruafrii NEW SENATOR WILL FIGHT. fce Oui> a smaillpet cent ut the".ca ea a LaFollette Bu YslHe Plia t e» Up rajve uel for publication for oraut of apn».Railirond Croiaade. Lai Mr.Iim.rioa . Dam.Bursid Pa(s Gov. Robert M. La Folîette's eleclion I p No. , Dcpsrtment of tLe lotantiucn as Untrd Sates Sentor vas raified b> tb ooe umpîct!~ mUiahtbhousea of the Wisconsin Legiala- aILt Veicrans Leglon. Cmouoel Green Cluy turc Wednesday before a great thrung aire Smithî Italmeut No. 17, V. V. 1.. lue of people. Unies% tbe Legilature en- eu-I partuput of the l'otomac, Miliitury tir- actealo lawa the reforrm advocatcd lu ce- de-r Loyal Llamna. Dtiarbment of vo- the Sîste Republican piattorna Gov. La ýes luminia Major »ii luaa Vetcran Vol- Follette wiii declîne the eleetion ta tht eeit- unerItor.wieSenate aud reinoaiu luWisconsin lu con- o! ,b«w. hane. loquaityur au o daueth<e baolle for regulation of rail- go the curaive qmagis ofr a.gla ronde, nid ail1 ÈutrrW taOUb"fts 8lI 4wii gf.4 T'le Govetuur's speech vas the muet e.Jk me. bi aayofyv iondà enti iés es eualinai c,.r deiivered lu the Wet. tu ome me sfanad eador»maeuyt It uic the iraI time ln thse listory of - -.-.---. -.the couny lait a in ca nditional se- Tlte ar57 ktvuleIofl. ceptcd au lectiou ta the United States Mies «eiJdr-I am tired and ick out lenate. Goy. La Follette salit: lb en ami Tolistol. sud aIlthie anIier wtit- "If! ilthte hegiininjg o! the sCaniou, crs of sories wltL morale. Haie you betore uuy legisiatiôn bas beeu enacîcal, anythiug nov? 1 açcepî wlîlîouî qualiication or expia- gr. Bookeiltr-Iîcre, modema la ane af nation thét- bor >ou have given me. I mia" the mont liopulat tiovels of tînt day- tenir il uuay iemd ho a misuudcrstanding rJuil strterd ini lIetweuîletb edtiori. b> the pc.iPle outhle blute; Ihal h May n -l hrauy mural ta tT' undermine thîcin confideuce ia tht fiuai àii "l'il guaranlein. tndem, Ihat YOn fuifiliîent of the issues made by them. <a vo't aud the leat suggestion of morale. "I'teanot heleve tiasIoreecau even nus front heflasing ta enid." parti> fail lu Performance of ont dutY. âes 1 cannaI ut preoeut sec vhat I Coutld do iep C*awbmgh asainicurd asitliovernor for the"e Issues, for their wtb IÀOCM, APPICATIONS. M <theY maot tuifilîaint ither in whoie or lu part, rem.-hthte t tf the dsome. Catarrh h.sabod ul ol e d qal el u mornuuttutin dmlss., andtuorder go cure î hchtcul u d 19livli u ipl. o imuetM*Inter" ireuadie. UnsII', (ria perlias more effectively, as.United ta Cre16taten gal Y. a d aruts directSonI<unei States Seuator. in co-opersliou vitli tht one w<ofetint sie:rr n h fr But commoig.ne 1mt. ttlie e- )-eas. sud Li a rcsiiar prOrrit"o. IlIo coim- eutoln ain p the ii <est touctes-nouua bw it t oligaionswiîicb rept open me. I - h otblouil punuiers. acting directiyIos'alieana Compellildta0lhe lu readinese ta meet nuecus surtacea..The ierfect cauabinaiio < ay unforseen issue vhieh msy deveiop. ry tten i rleh wittdit.sc as ,n- efr.. la cras Cme ora <. 'or tiisre4yo:I1say, ln scceptig. your "0"11 tee. izl Comisson. hatif there should ap- Y. . J. CHIE'i a (x.. Pmals.. Tolido. O6 peur' aay confjçting obligatlion which 'li Uit!7 boit. lsa reth aonl ie b.impossible for me le meet as is Unted States Stuabar, altiîuugb electca. mil Psylog Whistler. ta tht position. I staalî agir yauu t e- lii1- Sometmes vo vieiteel a dealer wh'O code the honor frorn me anda place il nîpoti od. ovedhlmm uney, and Whistler would anothen ma -t your chouce-." tsgt receve a Check. Once the check aias "ot cali Invite. me to participate w. nul Laîudcd la hlm lu vbiiat lehouîgii ln the work vhichilu todong immedialely a auîlflcintly dlgnillcd niannen, and lie vuilithp problei wbicb Prosideut saliti 10tic dealer: riais la carlc Roosevelt courageously Las pteauied ilpon a eesCougress for soluton. for~ Of you. You pucli Ibis checkr loward "I appreciate thaI you have the nosam ea tume and youi do nul realize wlipl a seune o! obligation tu the peuple otfIVis ,O- privilege it la lu be aIle oband filcousin avhich 1 bave, I realise that if Ie- la the master. You. shoulti offer Il on you lauiout helievefitaI b coulal botter ase. a rich i od Englilli salivenruand lià a serve tine people*s innerests as United li- lgly way"- Once a deaIen borrowod States Seator titan ns Goyeruor you a gorgeougly emtioss.at4iavi't sali-et avuld nul have tauken this action ta-day."1 dr>fo Goy. La Follette wus hem lu Pritm- tie fo Lte oc-i lqti, anjd iybin the- master rose,'Wis. Jonc 14, 183~5, and vus grad- nrrlved for gbis cbeck-bc vas very uatcd tront, thetUniversity of Wisconsin puactual-presented l on the sala-or, la 1879. Tht oeil year Le vms admitted wltli a caretully vorded auj elogmut tg the bar, and troua then unuil 1884 vas L2,- ltige speech that ho Ladl aken soainedistrict attorney et Dane couaty. Elected pDinu tarehearse. The onauter was ta Congres, lna 1887lLtremaiaed a mecm- plenoed. "This," salit lic. "'I., as It ber uatii 1891. and as a member of the ahoniti be."-Meupe&s "Whistler ne 1 wiis anal menus committee loouk sprorni- Knew Hlm." ucat part in framiug thne McKinley tariff bill. tn 1901 ho vus electenl Goi-emnar o! bis $taie on thne Iepublecla ticket A WOMAN8a MISERY. aud rc-eleted l year afler a fight against the mnachine. Gov. La Follette Ml. John Laitune, o! l1i Paîtersun is leader ufthîe reforua forces. Avenue, Paterion, N. J.. slys: "I was troubled for about ulue years, aud LABOR CHURCH FOR CHICAGO. wLul I sur- fcred no mnie Paýtor, Pulpit and, Chir Muet HaOve viii et A -Unin abi Ssmap. know. 1 uscd A uniow labe lînu-cîn. nith a -nun - about t-ver Itsr. nunion serlvu antI uulianu Sunday kuiowui. rt-me- Ciool Rupcrinteuîdenl, i'i,)rop"lkdniby the b ady niailu FI'at.Juuîlltors' Union of Chicago. -ssyiaa sald 10 - ho disacli~ froua that City-. A comiittee ls s- gondl for kid- PrePar!ag lu report On the feasaliliily et - * ey couin- the îîtopoitloa. wlich aiso provides fur e.plailut. but a union choir sud the pulpit lu hocnunion <5 witlinut dec- mode. - nliviug par -17iie popooition., was nmadeat a arecent marient. te0- meeting ta . ikag y Jolin Higgiusuu, Ylie!. Oftn présidecnt o! Local Nuo. lori of lire Fiat W hou a' îth îe huile the bock ache Jaulia .-3 lUnin.lie unuj John ilenat of bas.boean su badilhtat lb brouglittears tLe Sont id,, tleJanuitors*U'nion ivere av> 10 ni tye. Thepainat lies vs p iit Cd ounitlee lu estabhili4a nîidu Intensetttuai t as compelled tu give ciurCîn. if they toundîlit possible Iu do I up us>'housebold. dulies antI lie douta. no. 1Higinson, nlu pouing teIliieiu There varu beadaclies, dizzineses ad ,aîd - -blond tueing -ta uy rbead la Cause "*Mne bnlwurirs eÇrude.unionism 'te- blëeadlug eI the unos. The uni o< > day are ptirly conîmeciai anal social. Doan'a Kldue Pille hanefitad a 1.1la Witlionut*rpligictio-frternity we are *eak. Smucb that 1 conttnpued tht trcatmanet. Let n oa nl.e1tp0udLnn u t TIu mtiulng pin-luîLe aail o my pnit-witllin-our realu."-* - I Thse veekly rtOil t-w C1ago trade, p )uhilset Bank et-ages. ,alîhougi o? simli- or aggrogale tian those duuinig théi preedlang weoks. presleteul bcitgéaf comariative gain recerclaI tluitinintli. Auotlior grntifylng fentture la fouiidlnl tLe cmuutui orltly. tLe nnnilnr ut failtrog nd ujtotal Iiablittes 1ninag sunalier thuan a >ear silo andt lonw- est <witb 0;eeeeptIon wliblmiîîl ain, l iiuarter. Thiese fa.nlors enuuau.'n01 tidence tu tho business oullook. .ic exiet-ed. sea-cre coit aîndîi ioîw sirootainutterem lI ias.the ianhiu- tiout of icumunodltles and co u.1)îai.lits one fnequetneuof delayecd seilve-nie'- andit dulbic-uty Ini marketing grailn. hbut Wetern iralnoantis thua frtn -xlallut lilîie (at-laue ili' 1oarauîago. .%Iaiiiiri-ur- lng linst uaide, suteaàtti>lrogreca iii lhe oubpiut, anduileuiw dernnilit Itiilaliiîg brtiachaes îuroî 1de.uuucb aanrk uni- fu- tureetn'Oitpiatioin. I mpiVe<aietlt 11an14 couîtinu4m-,i i Il- orders for i-anvay <iaeýlinnliqýY ai c- vaune, eleilu- iînt[)rase pluiui. Bai l.s aujd<arasaiyen gnin cotitr'a-utarin l si lar1ge <eunt. l-tîruîao uranattin i lias lne,tî aangnîn-ntb( oulhi ni-ilan-,i iifflis uf uîelti-r-a.but t liire isna np- lanlminie nu-nilittinou t n alIln fair tiiiinîagu-. nuinly for î,aia lit the thili-l a1urtnu-. Noanooia blalittl nd a-or dlîrs :ai ahfiurlturî' milliersn ruluaati-t- 1,-r î.xl>enrit rnue. ' - ltniinine d-an lings ai-i-netin-tlinlt t-ry inin iai tai-o ite- t-elhtna nel-hît-.Il .11 .207.M11) fi-a-h. ;, laig gatioï-ir taos 'u of liU in- -n-kaa un rt-ar aguu. Newai olnstruiit aihlais lu vola-e th le .-uiintupltii 't iii cl iig tIautertiiha i i gi-at liii t it n-a aild prîtes are titttbenîng.llutantas et gi-llrI ii 1antinnlne tnuor ltue miarkets n wh i tteiued bhy n-aily Loy- ers. Nenaiiatile nolIIclnna iilitah coînur-nta. ltuanub o! Trajeu-- iinnlm baaveb-ouiof faira-lunie. Btik cî-inînugs$, t7b a nar 12.4 t Per ectil oieth ll oruil of a ir ago. Failhînereupouted lilt gistitl laitlier t lt-fonur. aga lllnt 1tlirtY- one t- chn -tk atutI tîacy-ei'uat i yoar ago. Ne oL port of tii,, noitr"sgen- as jillois-: Iuaî-lnI-t , ai-.-atlîer lias ratai i,u'i is- tinbuivo tranie. rinay brai tii.- ai « sFûne foiinaof Iîrodtîttoithrnoigiiuu a n-tae îa. Thae remuIt la cania irnu-g- uiaM.ty iu the reporte frontn cifferent sectionis. "lieNorutlvett semais relu- tlv(iay th- lit-t reports lu adiue-a that shiraîg buinesiius Io un exeemna ort2aiyoar suça, andl il lm 1o lie natrd thul the Nortit nest ,aoa-s nat ltpraîeaient over reent rallier.deîîressÎt'cl ,-inditiouîs. 'Illi e aoltl weit-r. iomiaiver. bas ar- centînateil theî' (ulliani ait the- Soth, gruwnlg oitut f lovur ucîtol lui-tes. and brouglil bus.inet-suandiaIcollections down 10 a l1web euhina înunipated withL the cxcecdlugly prosînernaus conditions ruling a yenîr izu'truu li hnetîme. Tlie Eastern spaoîîioarl Iita fvi- hLe c-ief -fore o!fItest<uruîî iti iutrrupted rail- vs> antd streol (:irul intaîlnad teluceal arrivais of iuounutrfti)roluce. ni( -eauseîI a *partial -suut-liiIoiu et (-Onu nilning aîui shlîiu)iig. 'Tilm a sei-isoi- aîble vlaitiîllou hoaaea'r. nînd hLas bot-n rallet f ront uuu#ay Bushiess faalln<nîuaini the lFuîtel States for the ' as-et -nuing Jali. 24 naMbor 228. 19niS %4Ml l- otlsi a-c-tk-. 242 liathue lit- ian-k Listabycar. 130 ln l!fXlb. 303 lan102aîiul 23X lnlu 1111.lInn Calnda fnllîrî-s for tnt t -ek ituuîlur torty-tliroe.auî ainluici al îthirty sP'a'u-jlîsê ast-Lnîuil iglitet-ti iia tiaiset-k ai caîr Chlt-ago--CaIll. caunlinîn 1 pr.imte. $31.00 tu $5.7.5; Iîoga. .aliiliiig gtîuhea $4.00 tu $4.80; sh<eia. Main ta choie, $3.IK lu 05.0; nat. un. 1.7I.talu$1.19 coarn. Na,. 2, 4le hou-4it-. aîts, standard 20c. ta »0e: rye.- Nu,. 2. 73v tii. 7k~; bsy timothy, $8.50 ta $1.00; pruuniruc . 00)ts $11.50; buotte-r. 4<huaiv,,nrn-.inc'ry. 27eltu 29e; eggg, fratsb. 22c to 26e; potataies, 261e to 35ec. St. Lois---Caltle. $4-50 tu$5.910; linagu $4.00 lu $4.80; atii-ela. $4.00 tu $5..50o vkeat. No. 2. $1.12 nua,91.14- corr. Na. 2. 40etu 43e: oits. N..2.;' ta 3le; r>- No. 2, 7be tu 72c. -DIetroit-t'intihe. $3.50 tîu $4.05; hou%,. 04.00 to $5.55; s*lliin!P. $2.50 ta $4.25; -vheat, IÇo. 2. $1.20 tai $1.22: corn, Nu. 3 ytllow. 45e tu 47ù: ru:tl. Nno. 3 whiite, 82e ta 34e ry e. N<u. 2. 81 ctalu&9c. Mllvatiket-Wnnait, '%u. 2 nanthp-ru. $1.10 bu $1,14; cornl. N,..:1. 4le lu 4:c; oats. No. 2 -hite. c',tan 2c; irye, Ço. I. 19ec taifate; hninlevu. 2, Jlc ta 52c; paork, mes.,$12.77. roietIo--Whîleat 'Nao. 2 initil.0110d $1.18; corn, -Nto. 2 nuit-uS. 44e tu 45c, oats, Na. 2 tuiîOul.'10c hntu e rye. No. 2, Sic la 2e; chutt e -ffi. pruIne. $7.57. Buîfal-('tti~. intit- nhiuîping ilceis., S4,00 ta $5.50; liai'. faair taucînoice, $4.00 ta $5.20;' alneup. finir tnW îtuc $ 3.00 to- 0510 ntîuna. fI tniir huucîi-<-.$450 io $7.75. New Yaik--Cattle. ta. ,lu $,70; bos. 4.00 ta $5.00;, ainep.eh,.0300ta $5.75; viienî, Na. 2-,re-ab. 1.10 ta $1.21; corn,. No. 2, Ic tauNMn-; ouSte, naîuai- white, 37e lu 38c; hnutter, ri-amer', :4e to 27c; eggs. n-elenn. 27e tu 30C. iadanhiu-Catttc. nai ipng, 0$1.00 lu $5.75; iWg.cinoice ulgunt. $4.100 lu $4.75; ilieep,.,èoniîlîon io yurinne. -$230 lu $4.75, *Ltat, Xo..2. $1.18 to $1.20; cota, No. 2 white, 42e 10 44c; onts. No. 2 white, 30le ta ile. :,Clacianati--CattJp, 04.00 la 05.00; hogg .$4.00 ta $4.95; sheep. $2.00 ta P.00. viaal. No. 2. 01.18 ta $1.20; eov, No. 2 mnld 44c lu 401c; os, No. Iý"P*a ;,9i2c ta M1e. tyt, No. 2 gk0-le 861,fIleltsmatsial lsîl. an uiàâtrwii~ nl.iw fwtiutWhouté lasIt tllip 50011dm aie nimlbt b. ï ro a1 uage ber tresses. It was tIse practice for Scmndinaviau maldeuslot wear their hâtir flowlag loosely, while. the mitrons wore, It- bound about the lisadtsad gemali> covered with nmre fuoax0ofcap:bhonete b.numarrIefi wo- man wam lniaglnied as awakenlng ai the judgmeîît day.with more untidy locsiahn lier wedded 9iaters and more th need of a glass.-Westmlnster Review. SPREADING THsE NÉW8 BnOAD- CAST. Thot Deddts. Kldnîy Pilla Csured Bis Di&bOtes-After Leug terl,. Mr. G- Centiors Foand a Permaanene Re- lief in th. Great A.uerican Kiduey seuad.. Port Hunron. Mlch., Jan. jotb.-(Spc. cilai)-TortUred wit.b Diabotes and liladdor Diseuse froni whlch lhecoulil RPappdnnti> gel no relief. 'tr. (;. Clcg- horn.a brickltyer, living na iq1 futtler SI,. this elty. bits found à compiete and permanent ,nre'ln Dodja Kldney Pilla and lu bis gratide hie la spreadiug the newst broadeast. "Dodds Klduej Pllas made a man of nlie. lîir. ('leghorisays. -Ilvwai;a suf. forer front lilabetem and Bladdcr Di.- faite. 1 waasj liadit 1oould do no work anrd the pal inwa s ometblng terrIble. 1 enuld fot gel allything tu help me tili i tried Ibod.i'4 Kdney Pilla. Tht-y lhelped nie rîglit front the first and D1ui n cnipleteiy cured. 1 have recommeuded Dodd'a Ridney Pills tu ail MY friands n'd lue> have tound' Ibeni ail that l.4 lalmed for tiien." Dodd's Kidney P111ll4 cure aIl Kidnoy lila fromt Baçkacbc b toright's Diatasa. They neyer fai te cure Rbcunmstlsm. Speai 400 Languae"@. Alfredo Troniletti of Bologua enjoys an International- reputloti as thic worlds greaîost lîngulat. He speaks 4W 1dîfferent languagea and dalècta and tae tlli adding te bis knowledge of strange -longues. Ever sine-haiewas 14 years of age lie bas beau master- Iug the varions lanuages of the world, and lho Intendsasbortly ta cone 1 Amerîca lu conaplete hls knowiedge of the dialects of the Indiasaof the Ilockles. Bo naîned heesube 50 acmesproeuced on heavily, that ils proceoda Inut a lavaI> home. &ae Saîzer's catlI . Yielded in lad. 157 ha., Ohio 100 bu. Tenu. 108 hu., and in MicL. 220 b r ersr. You eaui beat tians record in i WJ1AT tDo Tou TINt or TEllE TMUILM3 120 bu. Beardles. Bans> per acre. 310 bu. Saîzersa New National Osîs erA. 80 bu. Balmer Speltzansd Maeam reniWhab 1,000 bu. P'edigree Potatoes pet acre. 14 tons of rich Billion Dollar Oumas. 60,000 Ibe Victoria Rape for chep-per À. 100,000 Ibm. Teosinte, the todder wondai,. 5à,000 Ibn. Saliera Superior Yodder Corn -rich, juncy fodder, par A. Now sncb yielda you oahave lan190, if you viii plant my mete. in stampu b John A. Balmer Sud Ce, IA Creme Wis., and receive thei aet cata- Iog anlota of famaneedsanpe 4Cïr 1. Cool1 Uics tops Olmur. By bis rare liresonce of mind, John Danohue, engineer et the Bellavut mine, near Scranton, Pa.. averted what right have bien adîater. wlth con- iderable Joas of lite. receutJy. .The Ibrotîle lever oftheic ngine broke as ho vas boisting a ioaded cage. maklug it impossIble tu stop the englue. Instend of letting the cage rush up to the top or thb. werlue ,reversed liuaengine under'fuli pres- sure, sud thus kept bis 1nachInaý set- sawlng untîl the main valves coulfi ha closed. Engîneer Donohne's cool -wit not only saved tbe shaft from destruction. but.certaluly saved the mon worklag oui the bottona froua death or Injury. Hoelias necelved the beatty tlaanks neot ouly of bis employers. but alto of the workers In the Beilevue mine, wbo al vote hlm tl e lea cool-beaded and counageoug mau. MR. HAYO[I'S, IEWS GITES Ris OPINION 0Fr TuE lEST TEEÂTKENT POIL PAZALYSI AU Otie R.uu.dis Paila The premonltory syniptons of psxiy- sifeare--rembling of the bande; auddea toa of power linrmes or legs, frequently aftectiag one wholemîde of tho body; stag. gering; partial or entire iuabîlity 10 use thé fingers distortion of thetfeaburas, sometimes su aucoulrollable quiveriag oftIhe chin; ouvert palis; diffibculty lu speech. Frequently the firet waraiug lan a vague feelinugof headache, vertigo and muscular veakneis. Iu a recent interview 1fr. W. J. L Hayden aaid: « I truly thi'uk that Dr. Williamn' Pmnk Puil are a great nmedi- ciue for they corail me whea physlclans .aud other remedies bad falled te give me thb ffilihtest relief. Too close at- teiitiouü to business brought on an attsck of ucrvousuîesa which flually developtd int par-alysia. There wtt. liane wheu il wu, im0possibe for me tb maya any bands or to get. up frona a chair. At other times 1 h4d partial controI cfian> limhs, but1Iwava fraid ta go ftrom 1he houme for fear 1 mlght auddonly bce- com.e holpîta and have ta b. carried home. *Wbile 1 vus la this misérable- cont- ditlI asatricken Wllh analarlalfever aud conalutd tu b.d for four anonthe. 1 bad the.hbut physicien., bat while th.y reliaed my faver, trtIs.btin t did not tutirtly drive the m*laria rouh.;y symîtan, and they did aot hbelpC my pet- Alysia la thé leemi, "wmvs vll nlgh laespatring when a friond penarsuad me to try Dr. Wlilms' Pinuk Pilla When I b.d finlah.d one box conld set reaulti that encoura t m My condition kept steedlly lnpt-ovlng, anidvhen 1 had taken seven bo« I wua ourud of paraysiesud, the una-ria va%- completely driven ont ef my uytem. For Ivo Yomrsnov I have enJoyed the butof health =udhae attad.td to bus- iaau vithout ai ntemrptiom."-d - t. Haydeua home là as No. ma Weat 191k .UeetNew York. Dr_ Wifwlhss ptnkPu»bave earm dm7siflu mm et pb1»I5,al ooooe 1%V-~b atma sm1n au dad" àia - i Neo aller tfeaMediuine la thaevosil hum reOeived u auquatlflati ndoseaneut. No other meilelu huamuwlu a reord of ou«. cf teis'»b boita of giaetl riondasaà hma.ýt Lydia E. Plnkham'a Veetab. C.aMPOU Tt vin naUraI> oure the. worst forma of IFanal. CMosuiýUd Troubles, hnfmmantiobi sd tlloeration. Falling sud DiIS Wonb, s"d oousequent Op" siWta";n. Msd'l oulr7f5 Change of Li"s. Il bam eured amore casesofBesekache sud Léuoorrîcm t Om ** sdy the vorld h.. ever kaovu. It laalnost ntalllble l. Ag dissolves sudepela tunucrs foni Ohe ilt@elmnlasu aly -11 tc V.usbuatie, W or eb> 7uio l- ng ld bu "Servonus Prostratica, it utlylldtotWomb-troublas.,eutoig pa, Wghml saty reaved sud peruast&y eur.d b>' lsuse adrl lvorates the femnale as<ten, a*à&la se bannIe.ms val.. itqulekly roanovesst Berla-*mva eeltner xtes.êii tmare nsd Ilsut-bo.b.-lsft-m»t"*malnu,.ElaUIu sud htadace& Tht. e sea"= idltlmcf etPaab. W eh rauginsnt of the tUIruawiuh tht. n.we dA aaslsus. h sud Beekarlat, of aluer Bmm. h. Vegababie Cèmpoued màà~ g ThIst omea vina refuse to aitpt sayOhing aIW thousaud t1nea, for h.>' Cet vinat Oh.>' vm.-a rei eveyvbae. Refe&Usai ub.itutti.a-- CUTICURA OINTMENT The Worhd@a Orasnteut Skia Casae &"- Bwetent BuuBi.t - Pselrit - Culiuua Olutuient la beyond ques- tIon the mont auccesstul curative for torturîng. dltIalguring humora of tht skia "ad scalp, iuciudlng lbo0f bainu ai-or compounduid, lu proot f vhlchb s single aaqiutlng vlih l, precaded b>' a hot bath vitb Cutîcura Soap. andi foliowed lu the severer cases b>' s dose of Culicuara Resolvent PuIs, ta ofben aulilcîtt to afford Immedlate relief la the mont I stessing forma of! Itcinaig burnlng sud scaîy honuore, permit test - sud aleep, and point 10 a*sptS>'cme vhan ail tIse folle. ItlaI.aslaly no lu Uic Iroatmuent maf u chlldren, iPedMl>'sootlhng sud heallaug Uie montilsatressag caus. tueopiag lla aaerbà. "Some .men preacb." snid Sydiney' Smith. "as if tbty.tllought sin lath be takren ont of a man as Elys vas takea out dl Adami, b> esotlng him ltt a prefound alunihar." Su £1twýy- rat. thoughb not Southo, piesc> Ing ona day at Whitehi, obaerytê F-1119 Charles JI. sud saveral of bis attendants soleep. Stooping dovu4 Le cried out toe o c lb.deliuquent%. "My lord.,I1sa sorrtlu Inter. pt you. but tf you snote no loud you yl vake tb. khng." Hie majesty thereupon avake, and. Iauiugt.o lis uelghbor, remarkeil vilh his accustomtd god nature. "Thia manumuetnsib. made à hlahop. Ileminti me on Uic next vs- cancy. 'Latimer speaks of s vouluM vhu suffered ttom Insoumis, and wvl> ail soporillcs ibaving faileti, vas *taxe* to Uic oburch of St. Thomas af Acre%.- vhere she fouI at once tutu s refrosin. ing auambet.-Londan Mail.- Mes SpelauM Ain. The hait kuowsi healtI sud pleasura Mrsot on the contineat. Biesant throu4. Service anti loy excursioatsvaIm Mouaitala Route. the sherteml and qeia est Une la abute point. Paur dal> tra111M tram St. Louis. - Descriptive and ilnas- trated pamphlets on app>lcston o E -i Firasvorlh. D. P. A., 111 Adams street. Chicago, Ili. l . . Examinlng Physîclan (foran' nurance- Compay)-t'm ufraifi va ca't lake yau. air. You are tua greet a riat. Applilant (renlgnedy)-Well, pathauu. I arn. Tht fact la, thal whea I gel sick 1 neyer iend for a docior. I just lay arotnnuntil t gel veil. Examining Phyiian-EL? Um-we'i lake you., fteThan Spaulkune. Spanklng dosnot cureehîlltren ef tic mine difficulies. If lb difi Ibere wonld am hée fev ebildren that vould do il. T-hst.rmm lM s consitntional cause for tiIs. Mte. R M. Sommets, Box 420, Notre Dams, lind..> 0 viils.aud her hometealment utas"Y another. She sti no mont>. Wrlte ber lmaS to-day If yaut chilalten trouble yon la ibis va>. Don't blame thte hild. T%@. ebauuces aue l can't helu> it. b« lame Chatles J. Glidjen- o! Englanal, vho drove a anolon car scrons the Are e-W cIe. la Day on bis vay la tbc Antipodes.,..-.t snd vi11 endeavor lu drive inte h.nt southearil point yet iached by a mobor car. Nortbera W isconsin effera the filest opportunlbles for fata- M.sM ara setlierS andl manufactutrera. Mape " sud illstrated hookleta lesued b>' tIse U Wisconsin Central Ry. gilug ainable Information eau ha obtalued tret b>' IT wtlting W. H. Kîllen. LandI & Indus- tral Commlaslonet. or-Jas. C. Pond,. G. -P. A.. Wi. Cen. lb>'. Miiwauke%.~ Wlm, __ _ __ Rub grenie on tht sesme of a.v tin. vare. keep lu à varus place -for a dey, sud tht article vIi letrusa the Is eans. TO CUBE cA OLD 1IN0ONU DAT T*its'.saaive beoo uiius. Tsbb.AIl dnirte ,e5land the Mosn"vIf isile bh 0 tar B> la ignatvure.lasons.am*bot-9@ yul hblé b«t pss.ug lb b 19eî~0 'y 01

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