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Lake County Independent, 17 Feb 1905, p. 1

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d. Friday.,,Fobruary 17190..-8 P"u.s. s;oaY uIIésoIIo.b. STO~ Jiiet recelved. ac les'. and ,Boys' S8 Voric & Neiqie..1 WJ044ànd S$0.00. Our 8pirlna Stoci donsSho. leI.on ir^Y.and wAtt b. lni m aboütltwo w»ks. NowfltSumpender Meoktt.s. A few Overcoats soId at a discount. b àxEJouNTY NATIONAL. BAN K DEO'WAL - S S@A..Oo lm1u 1. than they ,nake. Uf pormlttod, we eau -to»Ih road to vemlla. Three per cent. Inter- p.ld on Certtlca of DepoIt. pevf10 u a I a" DL ITAYLOR ew ovi tuons & ràtog,&. *4 ho 10n.m. 2 o4 end 4 o- ffl « oadvay. opposte Park. LIs~hilnahsi. êbP ofmITILkfm i~nt!ST«P.M -~ .t 121$lhh Iunois UBORTYVILLE Good f la oerfhIEUE COIc fIects in Abétracts dhueof La dA 1an Acre met e jT ore have ben u no development s tu kne w l wf birhblat b Usd a score. 0f fari e omars between lbertyWe anud Rondout il It l M m eim that tend tl-ugsire co bai' ___ ince. True, tiie promnoters throngà!qh 7 thuir agent, Mr. John Bradley. anal hiea. m ami.tant, W. H. Wilmot, cotinus wroqg nsgotlations. andl Mt.Bradley i t at s h d dz- oral.rIt1iii.contracta e«Pire au' bars. ehfrts. tolore. but dhspitP tht. bardley a mmn PriCe yon nient' lher thos.n ho. lnalle optlonsd or busiess mon and Uàbety- lajat ville citisen, bas any confIdence lu tba qugntài desl. erty.1 T'le firet 01 tho wsak the options on 1h. "tW Ck Of Duhs, Efring and Potiner farie expireal, diq thesud tW sowners called atthêLaksCounty unpr s9tock National batik, vbich bela thorain l" he escvow, andl domandesal belr dellvry, Or 1501 wt i h rqussttheliasbnk promptly b colupleal. Thal sttles Il nofars e r llasss tirs. farmé ar e oncereasa, l e rsand pomaoere I&Mng to "mahe gaod" and Pr conssquently forfetlng 1h. option POl Mnonde. compa Abea tbe 1h Galloway and Morsa li=i IIII be gains ersfurnislasalthe compay, ite vlaaseattorneys didflot 'peua upos wil tsil thora iavorshly, pointing out emsentlal desiete sud heore liasseeau h. ixed o npcull aI bt st anor fltes days vili laea,. lAk hboub la emaInaIa in t" vbe " vgff -Ob" .1 JOliN L.TAYLO P, Prealdent BENJAMIN H. MILLER, VicePreidldent C. W. TAYLOR., We. exterd every' en- ourgement to the age «=«; to -the end that h., May prosper. Depoudt your e~ub*ewith Ibis Firet Na- Doue~ geeralbanïkini Deois oJJated and cour-, teou tratunt given to all. twill pay yga to bank at Ueimt ~ National. - -No oh.. option, w0facasne. e aun detormlno ba"o expirai, nor bas say land thsa vo leara of boen purebassa. la mu anlsavor go gsI aetlias tacts relatve 10 lias mih m property vialgI lb. Plagia tonapay ovm nasd qfo w"la b . basai osivaluenaof lb. propomal mtrprisee l IaDpLIaDmm vents Geowg A. Novat4 of Isbpeniu& MIL efia.t410 of Itou Ore and for lemr sse" inrmistatiilan -of miclalga. That porUtio f utor Nee'. repli bsarlng upon 1h. aubsct we pub"ls barVdtil, 1. Tbs KIeMmnine, upc. vhicb lagIeor le baitd ag k *tsalbusanss, lt.isuCida1 asdedons. 141. for e 0yes. Il W w>ouIa nombeo fysar ao, minmes lb. oigiasul-dovu, a ile von don.,=eadglacossd. Nuimerous diamond dril boringa vere made, ail provlng lb. lm*utkof ore. . 1have no it~ I the b bsInssmore than 10 have thea tuliknovu: I vaut 00 -s ta Ioe monsy hin our- dietrict. 1, ama a"Mhlr vîith me, vas sent Minssa tillticlan for uaayansd ltà*m l.a usnm. Tht.old Klomaj Itivouhh tan-csnm. A nin W orth = seordng u ls. paver 10 samn, adlon. motmma&dollar. F Ile a confidence gamne oflthe rnkeot kinal.Suite are ebon la be comnacoal aaah"lmass o! 1h. prlneipels by PsO .Plu PlglraidilommOo t las ioman ovnss nalle.ba"la sdus in SIX mt is. e xpscWW Io oelIstock on lit orgnlpayn.i la Ibsis - cscion tl. huugpEDDN-P belleves il only fait 10 statelit sW bave hb a in htsivls vitu a manasi tonof the iailIL & et. P. ralltcad anal via bas basaon the Kionana proParty vho telle ls ho knows liaIt4hA mraad compffuy bas on several mcamelons Invmstgateal 1h.eIn. vlhaè vlew tu, inlerestlng capital initIs opsrn.i ton, sn u a lvays coualdelil th splendid propotW.. Wbile not himnas versoal i n -ainpropoeltions ho le CoI liasopinlgtlb.Kléônsa t. he Plaigleir. peoples daim Il ton bu. Epl.ylIng 10 BaIlor Novtt'. arralgai. muat ci lias Plgier Iran & Stuslcas. pkny vbiei vlm publlebod a l luI vk'a1 Ihlansrauanar W. P. Dickinson, for tb. OmpM any utiorieal lb. oliowiing 10 h. publlshoiz FIsgisr Ompany's Asply. "A~~~ ~~ cooà1.uvper eli lIa 'Iran Or'msd pubâllebsi astIubpmnlag by on. Georga A. Novatt, efitor ba b ent nltus, giving ormS oeic 1n o! lie bughnueoss.aeleFr ma la il o Nabm. sare pot vwui1 log ta bellev, 04h iasprmt tise liaI Ui. wWtdmie RevIl'rft tb le pub% 0 la lm, bomw WI va g gapIsth"anro ovai. 16ta ol.looiinl thes stanalard by, 'alcIa p.=Mm are- judwInefi- bgslaùsmattse r M by,.41. anteurs o1 * MOOOa ir - , latemMau . ow .ia M, Oveý aI ià> ae nult Vies Preadent Dickiaaaa'* defèene of la1e Compay anal île honorable ien- lices oni$ serve tb bring lfort& aamritera- tiM of provious charges. in emphatie isaguagte fron Editor NovaIt. It yl h. nte.d tliaI unies. Iron Ors cau back np pl sntats 1e he é&Itor end 'be ebargeal vth anal eaeily provon guilty of tubai. Hecsrtainly hure-lie bridgesh.. binal biinl bis reply ta Mtr. Dichinson as vhbe .msys in elîber louas or tir. Flaglsvcmusand hlm tu theapeuitentiary. Iron Ore Rateratoa. ÀAeonarsmo n of t.he tm bers o!flta. S*rIrn teel onaSm ,wlthh e Tho mitor of Iron Ore lea. ,knovu la t"t aaug region analsiSacircles 08 tia*nialStautes îbale lager. we aon »ot *a, u ipersonsi attractions or fslhWa. , Ws are uaolvméing tihe pub. lieand brick. Fiaglar. me - hon@eof th. a ssl fallova alîve, andl a great suc CM eomsrotslly, soclaly &Walthor- iu. W dont kuow aayhhuug about bs.Ws va peddlang 1"kla a mlii. *ka*aning It ta bolal ily .mUâotoutas ,bàbrdsbesseaer ors wbeni prare. iow Dâingvas knovii vo voulit tiPRPMt sme commnision 10tsttour manlly orsIdu look for Os trapvwe were nielU for suckers. ThoPlgier Iron & Sts.& omn . throgh itagent, 1Mr. W. P lMkinn, sgabyhaveIkuowu1fr. g..uela long lima knv hlm ta, h.sean oset, uunl "as, villa years o! experblotansdmucZ kàO*IsdÀ* ia mstallnrgy, ndhua w, Moha~ sW euigiaaora stand btter lia àwlIb men wbo havg naoney 10 inLvUauYuining ssmi lu 1h. Lakes- 8 iovl - distriet crboaard cf tir. Wh#W6 ame acquatal -v-ltit Ilthe pmO!a"et gentlemen followtgIbspo bseloei i our aunulr, buit Ufheb in' on - *0 lisI' Noa mling t a uthi satireregion e-rer heard oa ha.W$ecau osae bovevt, that Irou Ore t. golting a Ilins on blit, anal will ha"*a amuthiug1 Interasgng tu0 0er soon. "d i unsaie ld liat 1h. compauy alliaIrely mlely au' OSlis Iareport, bul sads édiligeut luquirise, luother1 BeycanaI olart tiiexcume1 hey li were decelvoal hlas.mn1 rIbl1a report to tasm.. Ptbh t1h* OIaeiMed at th.rg vasW'» an1 e6o % qnanlly of orA mwaning irom perceent auin aâtal.rou, hhey1 follotna lteauImm ibis veré aly true, fia gegsaulng almost $00 90o4. la.1 véqUmngj hsy lien plooeiWvIllag 4ting of thierpietgp»ctqlulnz A tbw nw er. riglt. Wo i hê~mtle hprom e lb * ÏONI tuai Put mo0t gy and we hua propete.T »y muade alîg and leel th&s hy have gain flo ua hentan ~rundings sid a large lquauiti iontb lUns of û "d af tous of kt dh.emmare laij lues whlch gi, sciditional larl ithin the hues sionp are carra b t the editor vo do coste hi 0 andl develop tl apleymenî 10 itisecti.ton01ai mett'. étaten imine andl Il have no fouad bem aalicous Sinjure our bu@ amunity. Tin I bis eontrovare by of your kin a là Syi bw. ItS r muebto Iroi Ore. W ae b,. bsns.It Coas, usnothins. 141044t~ rlght. Xou colHhéitèb ns vthsany ach rotton boat. But il wMD omb thasel somehIang vimo bul t. hese. bis rsPlagier crowd iety %: oitl. Thoew ,g ~ ~ ~~h wbTysou1h oagtabmt osn f itbe oumaare partigr ih tbsir monsy tUamngh mirepsssnatation. Tbsy am bing li s ud decelvsd. Tht. mattes, snaethng, analilt. int vo dencune. 4B outil lIant vI li la h sSch anucuagsous mécrirwil l a&Mo sisal. Tbsy aient a&saJs people te, place monely wltia. Tla8"ste Whvou thytake momsyby M ncbIguence un n.afor ltae Finger posayasar e mieondy truig jur tisa e b"Nu ofbs outtl,l. dolng 11. Ws ame doing fi openly and fairljr, and "illng tii poopis vhy. We are tryn r thec popie agalsti th.rnfraud. If tht. t. njurlng the usie of thbceucon we vsarea lad of 11. It deserves lobso lujursd. We are doing it plalnly @Ô al ea readit% and it's right, andl every man famillar vîtblias property and Who.bais. mmathlespropWc tus. knovs w. are right. Flaier mary catch msuckee er, vhe loIà ioasn known, but h. cannaI oeil a sar lu " r eigion. iw W. caution the people of othor sections ire ltlhi-sKloman mine presetatloM 1h. aTe PlagerlIron& steel Company is a lynx 'bis one utterly vithout support i act, and jr. vs sk ail nswspapers ama jouran l ont tereated ln the protection of th. public thle fro ncb hrobbing a ehes tu denounce md It, using the' name of Iron Ore as their .lY authority. We yl h. responsible. bis the èis re ap- mie Ive ot let th. .a ne, te is dly id »Wr of the Oakwood Stock Farnu suis Viev. If lho vers '10h. $>*Iq h.easure et bis stîesa" teOtffl hbis coeon with the omteiprase voula hardfy inspire mms in il.Ont barsiluLake r w vill believe hbut thal Editor 'e stading vii "onpane very "lY vli t r. Dkihisa', analthe P have aniele 10agae," anal we aèqeainWted witb, Mr. Noelet at Baste. Su.d«y Mi» Tr ta«e.e Serdr i aJdge., PLAINTIPP's WIN VICTORY. ln the -fous case af 1h. Waukegau- Washington Xilning anal Saelting Com- panY, of particular intereet bers hocame ma"r Lake county people have stock iu the Comnpany. and vlalcb vas board i Spokane, Washngton, Jualga Poindexter on February 4th rendered bis decision. The plaintif!, lu 1h. suit are S. H. Bradbury. Ira Woraford, A. El. Hawkins, Mir. Chas, Wankegau; Mr. Frank, Ci, cago; J. C. lnulng, Wanksha, Wl..; John Spencer, Wauconda. The defendants are-' Arthur andl Alfrd al rpe, Chares, Posn tMr. logaIt, Catiforaila, The learneal Julge Inhiebisdeclsion decree: Tho defondant aining Company la enjoaned fromt settiing the -Clalme, of the individual ofsadants. They are enJolned fromt aaaertiag their dlaims or taking st ops 'tg Coflect until the furthar orle, 'of lt.e<êoirt. Ail of tI booliAanal acconaIs of the Company agalaut which suit la brotaglt romain withia lthe Jurlsdictlo of the court untîl the case la finelly sottlod andl the plalaiffesalit bava ample opportualty for the. oiamination of them. Theladividetal dofandant, are cet»- mandeal 10 fils thell- accfaunts agaiaaal 1he company. ahowiaig what monaf B they have recalvoal front the company. for what- purposo, thoîr service ln detail. the amount of stock that thsy hold, .incesthéb. bgling cf the. orsanization. The Company le coin. mondoal tg file in the court a satemsnt cf the account of IR. H. stalpt. The time for 1h.,. things a swlthln forty deys. Wlthin slxty day. sither party in th* case may apply for fatth4r relief fromt the court. . Plaintifs lIn the suit f4eltbey bave won a victory. They had asked the court for au injonction restraining the officsrg front elilng the properly ori dispocl inxo tInluany vay,sas vel an ta order acoanplete accauntlgg anal to orale, a rieiver for the mling' xroperty. While the receiver was refuseal the tiret Ivo requeglo were granteal. Jualg Poindexter explaîns bis reason Co rsfuing ta appoint a receiver in 1h. course of his opinioaa, which fOIJovS. Ilt appe that tht. ComlpanIy vas oransl luthe latter part oi 1898 fort. p Los o!developing aining dlaimts iprreens county. The an. divldual defendaaits lu the case ver. the promaters and organisera of the compa. Th.y retaineal a large ma- jority of b. capital stock, ýi00,000 ont 01 6W0,000 @haron. Tbey appinte<L themeelves Iruteesandl lB4lecteG thora. selves trustes, ai subsequent - timee, ' andl continued 10ulanag ehcopn durlug acosdabeprinfth tIme that ibis actIon relate, ta, Th. five trustees vers aJIl auapkyed 10 work for the comnpay în olhsr Cap.- citiS on salary. TIay i ied theiar owu salarie, incidentally fixed 1h.. larger .tan anybody else doing 1h. marne klnd of -work recelves, aliowed tina selvefi 10 takte trsquasnt vacations la 1h. ceast, on payauringameofat f1h. tIme. "The records of 1h. Board of' Trustes. show that thg orders for certain onus of lb. trustees. 10 take tliee tripe vere moved sud secondoa by the very partie to takte liastrips. I 1do uol se. what agond oulal resuit 101th. plaintivseluib tis Caseor 10 the Company r ora'ybody concerned lu il by 1h.c appointanent of a receiver. "It wotld Imanedately render the stock of 1h. Company unsaleable sud depreciate it,1t maites no alifesence viether tiers le actual. traud or noti, tii. law lunns tbremove parties oasèaa« hte postion of trustere frn the 7iliaton ý01 .' b* W thorbea. ,2 _ Aadnht.l "e" alntbu Ilookef's Inter ,,looker's ElastlM c F1oor V liooker's Eastlc CoshV Are flot excelled for flnjsli durability. I have eold them fift.een yeara, and have Moen. n ing botter... .. .. ... UNI VER Cail and examine my hinoof STOVES..RANGES id' ACCESSORIES. Get My Fgr4*I»f"ý U.BERTY VILLE 1................& 75c. sise'....." * ...... Sft. SOc). aise ............89C. Boyer.,Bros., hotore"htPay ae o Bmk LAWYER Waukegan Hlghèst market.prloe pad for ail kinds of RAW PURS- -DV- Chas Stempel Long Grove, Ili. TàIk is Cheap Let us instali a telephone gI -an expetise to you ali ul of pto[*>r. tion to benelit RdC6oviTuI.. Ëveryom eis Patina thm in., Busines rate@, 6%c par de Madd p., uitodence rate@ 5e..pr day Mud up For th4 Waukegsg Mas workJi 1418 price e Cogatrct TOILET Hoadatu kklà-, - -

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