Here $WIO14 th yoli eau lu marner poWsIa~ WV*tches.. e cmwt attetion It " ow deileate or rý.nt7yjou May bive. 1$ tD bu r.çarod or NUi 404-MIMM that the, ne li timioot ukiliful' 20 YEA RS' BXPEMINCE NmnI-We handie the popular McKilnley shflet Mîîaic. ANDREW IIUSS SOM~ ft mrDw ftUn.. Libertyville m. - Illinois -for- 2p.ckags Anbor Oats ........>.............................. .1 *cama pes.......................................... .............15 2 " Cgin.........1........................... 1.............I .2 h-b esme Beur Krat ......................................1 2 éww ale mme..... e ....................................4 ....... ... .......... . . . ... 1 1 ekaemlt 4 . ....................2â S-w ~.............. ............... M 2 b . . ... . ........ e.............el........ 1 2 lb @Whs u effl ...........................13 2 lbo.t.......*L. ................... ............1 2ete laasMageuu. .... . ......................1 2 paehauit ua mti................ . ...................O.0 Spouadu Smoing Tobwccoý...........................5........ 8 2cnI L.. . ........................... 1 ........ .. ......................... .... .15 la1pemade ..e................. ...... z «5 pot" andaJaeTee. ......... . ............................... 1.00 7 poen nim .... ....<l......... ...U. ................. 1.00 Water Baker* Choolate, ....... ..e....................14 Walter liaker'a Coco,............................................. .18 PtuCra................................. ....................z0 ........................t............................ ..1 * paanRîls .................. ......... . .............. a S p~g...........ctat.... . ....................... .23 .0iil CsrStareh ............................. .28 douclotb.îpias . .. ....:.............i11 Parlor Matehos. 12 llox, ..i ....... ....................... .10 1 Pouind ea Dr. P1ric'e Bsig Pider ............. -. ...35 1 poiand caui tiud BlePiier. .e...................1 Wlwmsind bmm rtaeh .... ... ................... .10 The Place teoSuy Tea end -C offée w&Çlila " at the bonme of hWff hic j dauter, Mm. 1 gradpumta, Mr. and Mm ILN W. Park- lir. Mes»«i le op bis wu bout. irtàa ejt lever. Her "cea a ba trip ta Feusa$vania. "*al ÔW, thfflh ahle inDot danger-. psgon in hauded 10 yout 0011YAyII814 laWrecovery Il a mmrd. # jÀ ýi ty goo4 tiltng ta Rej F 'Brui min in la avlng lb. Hhrby M4, W tAbior pittlfg yonr nar l>JlJl< aqnrd b3by In, <ugo. en,aneaalrnte are to @i~bs wi eaov tpam' .b to stop for a litti. thiol opealagaa. seon about Maredi.,1.%éu e ~ .Other day a men wen saloon laho wondueta t in und.rgtood om1 Ibuilding In Chicag( iri é pmeby Goff. Boehm. o» ured tirenty nm -Prof. Icltcbrn, of Chiceago, nnder tO ' e Ulocma aiking the. publ Swboin lia local mandolin club la 10 y i;hnng .V.'ry one af th lu& ,plans te glu'ean entertalament eai " $W Union churtli the night of Mare d 1& 1w qiçw Yag r; atil reeently con soldes Llbortyvlile talent, geveral d-ou n e o>f the local -St. Pau, as iafom Cicago wji l prticîpate. uiWi rMêthe i.upper floueof aithf EvteWided aotlm uit ligne. oli" Mk,,01-r tihe hardware sýOre Dr. Chas. Oalloway, ira faut week 1Mad iI"I.tal up-to'»date bo*lil W-a to tla.Pre.byterlaiaui. mIt' 8U"ý ool and billard tables., Mr (M«p Oncg>.lat hb. aigit hoeopraed upon TY <iotlb tion s to have a Ingu C"a for àapoerdcti, paiusedtbroukg heMa huoe.< mUSe lia! reeaâtion, and or"ulnlcy, Mmd linDow rapidly ,,. ho wt* .qlp Ilelal oratoly. B eao wltbln aleiwek. an "&'owling i,,l,y of regulation About thlrtg Lertyville 118h Svhol dptl M epumt'îî' Ilim 4laat.'are pupllsunJoYud a delightiul îleigbride and paclobo anud vii lerit, ailI the faeili e party Frlday evealng, gongto the. home tid*liil uapa..fn ie of Miise tella WIleoi West of town. fnoce mb *ek is t,, ib.- st agide cxin Afte janeà h bee ind4Md .rol for ladieq, am thi- the sport llads boantiful lunch vag iitved. iiiStelle iiL 1* vuid eîatioxaiote gane Wwsvoted a royal entertalner by ai. î aearq i i ent p atronf aaet Tus f lia Oq~c1alutatrnen Oak#e lit a plng s- . r.No arinka ChOicago Md iiMlwaukee FlSleRait11of aMy * ir~jll t>- smlntl road for the monthzf January: grois -hWlg, _024,826,, and increaue Of MINEÇIl *8,fI8; operatlng sîpener 514,6521,an * lure.ofai Pj4; cMt, $W, 17#,-an le. l*iCeter AaoaoniI ceue0f 51,0*7. .mest iSSu M.1r. . J. WeLb on VÀduel > , . egoling. of Wauconda, isretdayalronMri .CarPet rag. t Of Ch-a. Kaiser;one of the bc iW* nom banlilugnd about MatCh lut vilii lb.W.C.T. 'l)mîlaectatthereadlajg open dental Pakuitbereln. Mr. Golding roiTabliay, Fel. 21{Ail welcome. wltb b hlfe,-villive in roouuaijçwnng Tr. ohs u- rg iei office. He li a son of Henry GOMldng. Ilemiuiiuth l. alies .tid Society enter- aMdifor Bornai lime bai practfcd in talnniit-6t Ma M-. 1. churnli, Frldey Waucouda. *veng, Feb. 24., Frîday naornng at the aid homneîtead Obîît' easlt othe ivlllageaged John Limb.rry pisi away. Mfr. lmberry wae one of Ediard Y. Hulliard waî born inu the old setlers of the eouty and veil Stanird, 7ermont. Jan. !), 18:11 and kaomu. -He biSbien oick io-a ypr.did et t" hme of 1lis sol,; in Liherty- adbis destia rmted hum "bld fage" h. ville, Pcb. 16 belng u is ieigity-fiîîb Jear. Two gong Mr. Uu#blards î 1lrati nioved ta John H.-mnd Dennuls fi, a daugbter, fIlinois vlan h. 'îî». set-en years aIS, Mie- Robert Burns, of Nortia CliiCagu, eMd aetled ai Bang - Lake, aow knowu mdlii.widow@urvve. Tbeiaaendw'~a lcca . & .r cafipleiiing lbe heid iroa Kt-. Mary'. Convînt MondayConue di àetady at t lie-Waneonda ichoul nioraing. and hurili rasin uWaukegan. ha entered Rash If d il-i foleehagot Batorday, Feb. 18, little Miii Gertrude a1857. Braditifod iîaietiuieon Moirer. ,ntmrtajned ber ,ehnt freda1sr i me5. Onîy. w ,-n for eie oai il lelng the occaion of ber $welftb koînt4. biaisw- foriensave. pti birlhday. PluYilg 9-Mrnes eite . î<jewa. t» -e uîged inbchoo eee h- guela cli lie fr wimrea mla t ta,*$eCivil var lnu hi hali ugucloat a la bmpting arrmi.. ThervS sm crc at. ie vhar bI out- iq esamof e dey.u ei ~a~iel, liossse aay eturs of1h. ay. la SePtenaher, 187f0 he was SalleS lu Thansue18tOaa&a pueral opinion marriage ta uýMn. Mrlon W. Rameau, ,tbat saveulOI t0f M a asoptioiaed by adtotlecmnt ere bora fire childreu: promoters te o l l addeiea ii. f f ibsrtyvUe, M..Frankt The 1 ,iicpmat<v£,iT luinpouspsaioa ai nu, Porteusanid 0. E. Hulibard, af *iormatian to warrant snchbOhele, Iertyville and IL.Le of<'at ikegan, nmon ta proclein it unlikely. Ngthim«1 rirvling hi,,. han transpireS a in thedeal. Soin. Op. ,k vas a greut comfort ta hi,,, ta have thoua bave expireS and lu Ivo or thré.. l@. wîîe and (ehiIdreu ua ienhi,,diring Cases hum .beau, îith consent aofeo bfl he ineewhic-h continued for fit-e yeari of the land, nenewed., Tiie asote iam îftb inreasing severlty until lentE balay pparing ta closu p severail m& Dember it was notice e al ue tillag and ne wé stated itlibmthebellet a porliSumore repidiy. Ili@i piafering ended lant of thea]d nd ' las purchaied, îaerhagiu îeek Thureday and ie hbas gane ta oevret hundred acres. There la nolblng receive the re-ward oi a caascieutioug delluite w,, cn ay la the matten lis .Christian niai,. He -bore hbies ufferings icet. vîth gre'at l.rtitude and vas sumtaiaed STex Colertar Porteoui eayi there la by the. r.'litjy af hie faitb ta the. lait mue> Ienîit llnding among property hourwim bslii.'. For thirty.ii,,e >ears lierE owners uho Coume toapy thale rtaxes, had valu-il ly fitb and wa' aet the more la thînkq thalle lnprerious yet.i.tirne oaisici ,ath a membe.r if thée Ail delan 1th taxe@s bu high *Md fany Libertyvill,. MethodIsit cb'nrtb. complaluniofthe in.-qîalitv aof lhe ,ir.HIulîbard waq an fdistri,îustitan. asaeuetà, Coîinpering that of one Althaugi, not active lu politIes le wu$ a placet oi prperty ylth anotiier to prove sltudeno ial lilîblit questions. Hie lami Malt' contention. rorinatance on, mm 'Wi h. fet by bis mpai> flide througb. baving unr bis hu»bold goode i pe Ot Laite and Nlll" coonties. The ihin, 18 s. luch tarsanal t* Pms1onaiaservi-. were bb1 at Wcoada ta,-* Mondai mnorniag, his.PastorBave H. F. anclthr Who lia meineiuand cardu 8 a wle, oai Lbrtyuote" g stock lIai valuof ai mciilaiMarly tiq*flltig greser llin te tret entoMdM&nlalTlejîeaith and ireqne)( and stren th greaer healb.Ontmenîond m tie igat 1luu'farns are cc as ein property. Invesigatlq iio n f t-Y ortheJ leue. n-w disco'*erv put up ilaa Comploitât.*eibih their uneilon able- nmmyAii. o i ia,,BloaS c nemi», but "tIckket'" ktnp Mrt. PorteoueIand Bld lr di.-4pam. Beckache, Lum-a lu-ot vater, eeiing ta concluS. I"t Ibego andl .v.ry fbrin of Bheumnatign white. la may aot la ta blame; yet la IPiniunles id tlic.iyitern ai impuritiesm muet take tMa roalting-it garni lii jSli by MWILI.HLU, Lihentyville and% I i ,1,i Dr 1t,, & mw to fit e0. mie t the 'e, lg r. 3m ad D'. er on iii la de er ka as e. if rI O)Ppe"lnllim ROPaatady Prui ..nt.4 Shtaü Avaî-'- Anythtmg. OHOULII ACT NOW. w 1It daily beoaiii more apparent thi 0if L.ubertyvllla h 10Profit becaumeofithi r uieraI adventialug It le 'rscellg (and bj tno effort ofi ts. own) there muetl i >caaocerted- effort on lthe part of lita. mintereted lu ber meifanmd growl Il ela mmperative that Ont' business mmng Etogetlar and for au a or#gAm1ztioný through the committees of ihicla nay 5M takea Up matters, af publie import partieularly "eah asiniterestiaisl dustries, w m mci upism.ed by advmab«i of location, thippins faceilitiea, iplid and uiL'l«its*d mater supply ssd eaey acces. tocbiaWo, ameattratmd tla *otrs af $hoianaller tnanufacturiug industrimu lu Cbilao are looklng about for locaton. ontte and yet ont diataat fr rate lboiti. these are lnvarimbly suotanalalconcerna. smployiug fraim tea ta 100men and'lu varions lin.. of tract.. Oea gloveed mitten factory, another a graecalojase have la te. lait 1ew weeku beien viiingLuhertyvlfle. The. Ont employa nom over 125 girls- and woaten wbo eam a apiece work fromt $1.25 ta #1.250 pet' day, bouai a du or no skilied meebaulc dnmvnlarga, salaries, aud the ofie florce.'TheO gremn.~ bouse, vhlcie l ated batue Evanston ad (hbisao employa 40 men ami la a very substantiel enterru. an establi4ed retal >-and' ubolesala businesa lu Chbcag. SThe m rebut tlWi-f a dosen t0u wla the witer's attention bai bien cmiMi the pasi yer. 1 t l iant enlIdeathaî IU a concer sa rePuiabl Mmd dealrabl. it vil!loca wliahont ludumen«te on encouragemt from a commulty. Wideamake tome-- and cdli.. realizth[@isand ane gotlia 'la inustris amnd resultant benefita. tlaoftenonly necs.mary tu .acorap, wrIlle again nome inducemente,. sot neesssrlly flnauca,. muet lie offted. 'nee vater for a perlaSofijean, ex- emption irona taxes or morn e ueh ai' rangement la 0f ten possibleandmufficient -And 'hat la la6rtyville Solug? Not a olitary Wtli lThon la ual eveu a committee Co mut Intereisedpartiesi tataï aeven Ma groud nd i ouvineu beru of LlertyvlWs mdvantages. 2Nos apen o twaneur ommuulcalona "king liforiaatonte. Il la lime &Ul tus wax chingeS. Tlare ljuat one Ihlug 10do and thal la tu- im e busines mea'u organisation. 1t moit ha wuoll mihiint polîii, nuu4 rnoe lu4mlutisi a-ay .b frnaom riith poilical imn, if t in Co b. aces.fnly conducted. Now, Mr. BuusessMin, don't vead ail , îlen anS lay Il aside mii Maherernark 'uat la tru., but It la ual tor me ta iart the beaI roiliug." Taik- Il aven with your business nelglýbor. AgItit me niattten and let ail get tagmber ia i. vers near future. Then canbho ,couipliabed irithin lb. n.zt year that loceh wiI reut laa iaterial incrëais Math profita of every buinss ian anS chance lb. vmlWe of rami eatate la Âherl.yvillei.lIfhic more ale . Who vil] volunteer? Taxent Taxent 1 arn prepared la receivi taxes forj bertyvilie tainmhlp. Ofilce: director arn Firet.National Ilenk, Libertyvle reêningi at home,"'.dorat iM. E hureii on Sehool atreet. 21-2 J. J 1'orots, Cietr Do Not Forge t the Day.ý Mtis@ Emmert, à.. expert optieian, vili iàe her regular aonthly visi t ta Lii:-. yviiie.,Fridny, Mareh 3. 8h. '.111hle t te Newcastle Hotli, giving free ex. mination ai eyes. Cail and bave a talk iti ber; ber priSa-n ad methodi viii laieyou. Na an.urgeai tabuy. rýl s AlRIVINO NMew W New, iLu. New G Newv 'Net PRICES NEVER X We vil take orden m o and Lade UM uitaISI etes anid Rabffcta. 1% mont wili benmade t Step in and look atour s 'IBERTYVIU4LE *.LINEN 1 pieeff of Unblea(-hed and Blêaeladfia Towellng, 25 P.r"cent. bel thelun pri-.. This toweling li; 16 ir llrrîîly and elR@ely woye,- bettai' lii tliti,qnaity vou goeraýly buy for, le Our pries on tht. lot (ti.hs le*ebpdle l LibervIle - ~eîo Ihig1a Frs I ~î,FI[ n lPa uce i Mtmil But, where Pare Candy la eoncerned, la First in the Hearts of thé PEOPLE OF. LIS IRTIPVO For one' week, beginning Thurl'day night, Feb. 124, arule»499 Malaàwps (ijipit at 30c. per potiad, ver.l35e. lip Caraiip'iî at 29C. per panaS, ype liS. Nougatm at 30c. per poîluil, wvin.5~e. Sanonkraît Caady ai 35c. pier patîmi, iii. 4(w. ,Chacolnte Foan t a 20c. per pouad, vu 21w. Maple Bn onS at 40c. per paund, vere SOt'. -range Creatis at 309. pen paîad, wene 35. * qanliuet~sii Mori'aSw~'Im * Mors.~s Gul< Maneî Pas lione'iBlai ree and keep our place lu mlud and give, u» a CRU WLen yoti t7 - -ý r yý ., 1 lýý .