W'VILLE ïkuiii homs. tethe, Ill Mi d&£btr uth saee lto tbe low bilding tlft metug A"a *isol dmo 1*t e .Wlsmer wal 1 .. IL D Wu@,"ai mlii sud brother Louis ow thbirhoume lu ths btulent et the. militwrY ad Park wai bore afew 14* c AOVilla was the. Si w "lh5IDy, Stur. >h baulel a ear lond ol biler thl. week for B. C. leeke, princpal ohftthe »d il tt 'mre pleasatit 01 vnt'rfle wai ca- iam!d =l~!IUtvaek Sàei ie 0f1oA"vllle, 9wftlhlshoe relatras and Xouda ola0f thl wbo tecuarUwent ta g outry sud tho ad- Ire * "mgai mou wth 0 à1esl ait of Kr. Paul Mit 0f ths Volkablat apuD., wai afltei i n do Sougb.in e codlre IktudMr Wét Mr beaiet ta hn lbounLTht. modiciho iroM sud soon ured laietion Bart' Housj l hin e-niat w@dlui se la tii. world for ai trIoubl."25e 500 M ielal#MI icsis.. ik aillaiOn lira.PF Ar. Semal, of ndies 'twbe atuiday. e& W& Won Ohio lut Ab postiouthora. Sý tuir hve taken Oew baon ou a -W. oImker spet Sun ai oi tir. *sud lire G0 of i Daond A", ah f e L'ake .Bluff one ý',eMîm viste aht h lii. and lir H odsentertaine bd *tt sdaughter Pearl, Lf&G. Ufteîand Mra, Plamond lAke, were *bP apant Sauter Sue. ;î hor en ifnaliDooýtllli M v rli g S elsPbinyiau ruait banit. on elu lnnp sh bol eedriulatetb ~or "Loss"esudie Ba100 Sl bj AUCONDA. i'eê aChlago vlitor lai boi vwu a Chicago clt.i J= DuSand Loýi !ofhSgo a$pt udaà qm pn peut a Iea & leOaMM sia undi tg Is.Mudar. %ot wiauegan spet là th".villag * at Thuradaiic aie -caralemploi and daughtdro >r pâmreat hpro, - lira B. 01-bk4' e BJla Towm leI.reprtaiqultolk at r Mmut iV. 'u ra.m Sirismmasutetaiuda &cou",, , JO obsBatomas a bousinestrip te Ch se o d Ijet W OO liaW IliEoméuai udm0. Mitchell A aumbter floin bhm. *0k lu the. dance1 ah Long Grove Monday Melt William, Tevau, 0 ostlutn wlhh hie&rbsrs'ssmhwnlt 1 lira. Pauley apent Sudywth ber parent., tir, sud mlira. Baki A number 01 fisherauu n Md pbsauro aseker ara et presât sa hetisueutra& hotele. Mr. sud lira.Berry, oh Waukegs speut Suuida. wtu Gpra teet; and fauxlly. RobLlbbyhaitl eaitrat for building a new hars for Bd. Brockman ate replace the ont, burned raietiy. Tiie D"iamouLàkeaichool reU lea Pound sociala etrtalument ut tha church Frtday lght, M"y 5. mmr. H. C. Ot sud children, who have bain spending the. winter with ber paete, 1. sud Ulia. R lirtstt, bt Thuns&y for ber nsw home lu nOmmillle, mimaiuri. __ Au eatïtàum-ent wtWbeiieu lii M. S. iehurch Saturdar oesag May 13, 1 Pys arty eft telve ehulrepn tii. -.k Bluff Orpbae.Poal o benofltOf'Qrpbaalag. Tii. neit meeting of the. DiamutiLàke Comi Asocatnlc reluh al.with Mmra J. a. Ausiey, et Rockefeller, Thons d4yeMtysp. M. Au jaembsrsara ruat o b. prmut. ' Blle sud pragrame arn out for su sen tlrni b aur localniultes Iley. J. W. Ho su, et Lîbrtyvile lii 4. Prograni *0 omnlt 0f monologues,1 reclht iius*sd radingé.1 d Serviceai mue etah te churcbnmit p.m0. lécurse" ein rmai Mwai raendm au at d Iiuanlat ythie children of tiie ySunlay Shol EVBRETT. r .mJulla Carroll isvlstlnuChlag. Fred Maiu wai a WatkeganvWstor on Frauk Gibbons apet Sunda" wth D. M. G1Ibbos Jos. Toto, 01c hiago, speut Sunlay ritu is géréante aent s uada lu tihe country, Qut a nucer froni ler. atteuded the lance et Libertvifle on Moulai ulght. M Mm arKe. dNiiSri D= efWuss, vleted wlth John carolan sud taoumy Ou Su0adat.- La*tliaqe Va#"~ra. conaunptiou, hW t est bmpe vmeh. Il but Dr. KIug Nw Dlseovery fer Cou. iS*pk, 1 a1 _épa4~t hlmn dutcfh .grave. ne wgret 00psla oaWbtely rue, eg4 .ved Myilu luBiamisaI hae usS 1for o~er10 jean, Mdl cnwidor 1h a flarvel. eetrsu d Iuag .cur." Shritahy Momfacure fr Co i, or*eTbrovte or olda ,sure preventive cf Puamonla. Gua ts1Scsd 41.00 botbei ah F. le.I LovuLLlo dreg stor'e. Trial bottie e frai. PRAIRIE VIEW. - Mr.indMllira nW. Bçuaowere esîlers bora Monday. Lées Spli bai Joinel his father sud lilas AMa Loomta spet Santer with JUUD0 #ImmuasMWipa ecarfooed of stok te aioag.Wels. » Wlo- k"aht. AIo et. penga few i w.ek with lNa. RHenry gblr ale MdKWeai GWmcao épgent lut waik it libitter lira. G.M. Wedusr. UMaronKmdhllrt e e n ue o Fred lersabbergsranul ea tut. 1, Bsrsabstr O lrne, a*e snplyuBd. b. Bmeokmnsu aa'lMilucber for heuewbas liaslse amw faica cgo bas bsm le viting Mlira. Il .Wmlneitt.wek. a. ra. Chanli e rabbW entorhslud be hon enI, lins. Amen of Rokufeller Mou- lmt.AmeU la cenehrtisr @pout the. eater holidays wtiS ber stor Mmr. F etwaiad. 1h. sud lira. Bohe'Welud sud chIl er ;t aiter with Mr. sud 1hm H.i 'aiM,.sud lim. Henry luglebreciat oie .thoe rud. parente of a ltth cou borm T Maer umeetg wlbe ld t the home i1 [r.aMd Mmr. Jense Wauss. Sday eveing. lira. E.H., imaon enterfalwue i vi FlorecSesaof Wbeellng Tuaisysud Wedailay. a Mmispli and damabter, Cassi"Mt aturday aldfiuaday wth Cap ip la et liulwsukeo. lilas Joa l& eikelm la spuding a !àkdpwltbMbr'pmret., N. 9 ma lkerahomn. r liM,.anud lira. RsHom B114"um" entae. y- t=el iar sons sud daugliter sud fulsosMondsy. of lils Berthe Holte who bai bae etay- e. lug retli ber v f r M. aHal hua retamdlbn. ea as,. A. J.'Bai sel"fainiy expeci te t m'oe into par the ti.houai ai Mis De s Cough Madilu Wbe o o iy a coui smauA eblidran ion -wau Y"u cm plans Impilci0 vaut one that sut où .uras. You vaut on. tlonsbybarrai..Yom in puant ta teke. Cough Bemedy meets al dis. Thera t. nothlng eougbsansd coldi lucidem 'For mae y F. B. LovaLi wille Fratl15vmtllg( tht. waik. Mr. and lire.Matlasé opent Suadai ah J. Vogv lilas Anus Millier acre Convets agent udai lmireiuts, of DanPs, bon daughter.lira.Jolhn lirm.BunComasuaud Sundey vtii lra. Jemae iasaSarahi Foi sMd Ronad Lâàs, reOVoloc 1 Misai Franw Boiu were MEHnry Scara X BcceuSmith, of Km"a Moueds lu Voloansd vi vaik. lits.Auna Compton, Buiter wltbhor amte Kirresu. Misa Kittie DoweIl vie Lak oit l.remont lait "nulay. MIesurLa.mnTan "rves of aIClilago, ap .=, aidaetvol. miasosE"aleWato Raymond reere Grayalai dar atarnoon. Maue.ake Wortz M Sueday ah Vola. Arthur J. Frost, ai Sauter with i. parents Jack Frast aiftht.placo. liMrs. Agues Monto4om e et Chicago, ame-speudIn reltives et Vlo anul i .lir. end lia.George ý Mmr. EB.elardaou,, upmut uolay wlitb Valo àInho a oitio i e b thora relli h susrvie i 14. lir. A. G. Bchva4ruaa dffa ahLountm"iud CI MW ..OttaLJIpu H4do P&abe a i lieparete, Mr. and XMu A.GL . Sebirermsu tri lu Cilcago We.dnesle. BRe. On"aitei aattend Oflo Miii ree -JobislWi a lises Loulas Biai Dr. liartin of LUbenhi lir. W. E.Uai 1? c~toer lMma saou, 1New Mexico for dread dkwm saseuei se t c"» c ad ovo"od4 Ml Hal euboSi IILOct1,1807. Efirl eu un ai confidonce. You 'n ret o. qta Chambrîs'e ot ta cblbd. LL Llbertyvills. tChicaga rlatives son sud duughter imabIy Dell Il laughonagntd et thre as 0 LEliBn, peI aiEgiapent mited lira L. V. gt Saturdmr sud ~IgAprl l ay.entfr et* N J' e"&buoinm ti,. e mleatrip tu ses . Ited witiirelatives iu mais..Wm . ithuis Md Otto Frank "AIIIPIu.d4 FukitaI wlth Chao. gîp ud fauy as PalsMimsSpnday. witb tbelr parente haro over Tlylaisbellewlll ring bats lnthe MmueWaller anidsu rDrthm, laf M" lat iêetg w R. , p a1 ArisaitDetn=s'ad fam f lDundee, vîmétrd wtM r. and lir. H. Brandlag on ue luiai et. t IiLake Zurich Jr. bais ball testa Islasel ti. Drnlntops Bsrrington 'Th T.aurtayore for tii. uew electrie rosI, %m orklug bstweon hesud« Quutin 4ru.. Lot the. goal work go ou. About twelve of our jong 101ke attandel the. dance atLong Grave Mouday nIgfit. AU report s fln. t"e. OnTadyti.he l hwny commis- sliir fes onrllip= tonl of the rosidisud bridamsoftteiiulghborhood. .Wm. Blokua iwll build su addition tô hieboumaInuthé neer future. Re also Intonds puttlug op s new dancing, hall neit taA. F~rbe~II~attamtand gloven railet 5.11Fruuk's Pjlace. He haradies Spsnldlng Bran', g os, the hast on th. Aire. danoS Winl h.giveuiabot a week from feit Suturday lu the. u.w harn belug oeocted by Rermnu Relier. Everybody laçltod. , Berman "Rilputtinga b faddition onuhise"ryen. ,Thore wUrestable mous for about 80 iiorme. PFredat la dolnx the carpenter wonk. Phlllp Young ham bougbt out the. hohol businesof Wm. Lohmau sud wl o as tro int cinshotai. 1i will ha - uirb ans lstar May lot, tu ail .,m snda I. feco !ong li.. oung 1h le inaderstool vil coudonus la I pltibugissa heutwoor.M . a.W. Lohmsun wliImot o bsrngton. W. wiah the .ue* laudiord sucme. ,tut and Otto Mils Lily Cohen ai Chicago s a. guesu' ,pmut Esater wltliOfithie Misses Bickuasothii week. lils Deborah Cooper in speningliter ýo and Hlen vacation lunIPalatine vlth lier niotler. %lke cailera 84uin. W.. Alçnlm und brother of Lake Zurich are vîîitlng relatives in Palatine. W. A. Roing and Dr. Starck hai ehaugel lie office ta tle Lound Lake, spent ronmi over tihe Dr. Bameir ding store. . - r. sud lir@. Namsentertained trIa- ,fChicago, eet tires froua Chicago Esatigr Sunday sud e, ir. and lira.Mondai. The -Palatine Court ai Honer enter- îry anul son Ray, tuane ah cincli sitar the meeting Stur- lg a waek vith lai utght. raucouda. The Miai Lylla Blekuase sud Lily RichardIson andl Cohen clied ou friands in Arlington oh Round Leke, Roigiite Budai. o relatives. Abert Munuhanikbai ehaugod is ,bW Vola ]est plae of reideuce andl will lieat home ta ae Wbm' &sie buhi@ lafriands ah the Doenge plaluthe an»tans botal future. ped work ou thé We are mare than lc. ho say mims ireli, conequently CaaKolr huteAetasria ices utîl Sunday oClau Krngor wboon esat a srg irai aud ia recoyvernug ber fariner str.ngtbà. ~R. Wa are glad tu reelcome back ho àiè t.vilting a-fere Palatine tii, aIl sttlera, lin: anti Mr. U'jagga. Jobuathun Wilson. Thaî havae ur las ralturnel hil aleceù eI mk ul àïîort riit ritul-home lhem lu thefuture. ru R. Fishen. The Musons viii deaicate thefr nere ausactoid busins. temple liera Baturlai eveniug Apnlil2Q. A banquet relUl be bll for tue members, thain ladies and msuy vlsttlgbrethamun. llig9 cofeence lu A peclal train vilIl et h 1:15 p. rit. op 1ontEauer un-for Chcago. Fm~. Serlous tonaoh Trouble Cured. am on 4slck lst, I1vas troublel -itl i adIstra in lumi rvlla bolug In at- toaeja, sont tomnach anul voinug spollianad eah4ruthfully my tuat Cham- y. hrain', Stomaeh andl Lver Tablets; of 811m.r, lied enrel ue.-Mr%. Ir. V. Williams, Laiuge burg, Mich. o' aIaby P. B. LOVELL.- Raellvent ta LJtR r ber bhansd vian cMr.n. Cburel m seviare bol lunthei, lssa lt berolnie.The Iluing hall Dov reble 'the eharch la «M~joiId Dot undergalng repaira. We bal lots ai Mud iowersa nul âne alning and au excellent gwoe nl.o*. sermon hi le. Bola r onthe, Raster 46 M Ormagal- celbratIon. î fh ho mouna Me *Arthur 18paord vith hie . wie and 1Ialt 10mtheir. byah7 <aesff ta the al Spafford vug niaNO 1 honi, lait week to malkn a furetreil rioit vsr, oulabolore etarting for CalIfornia. MÉIK lira. Wr.Mitcellsud son ofiWauke- bur istior, sud gi ere bore TusIay vLiting ritli liai liv ehLake bon jrther Arthur nd lber mothan, lira stt Nolr.n.1.if ailda Spafford. 8h. rehurnel home reoPark. the iretotihie eaik. 8ts L.a br Auna Smith la st Elgin rithiBlu lter, ronIl fyara lira. Wnr. Stedmanwreli inlupor Isshook ber ta bot "heat. agit ber up ta John Ra,o0 f Waukegau, cllul on et51 àbe al tvasonne o a ni b is 1 euhliore Mondai. th emt one. linBe vas the. mail. carrier hb or to fitapi >net. fora 5 lhjae - Crt ets sahIco__s i DON'T !AIL TO TRI#Ttf» W' YOU INTfND BUYING a,, Wore AT ICOST - PRIC Terme Oaah. Deerfield lios 3uné 2 lils -Helen Mayer ouCt iugovîitel with llas RassIVant 8u270yv lire. E. R. William entertained'at 'a birthday party Friday siternoon. Tiie Anity Club wlîl repent thelr pro- gramme Oaturdayitiglat Apt 29 ah .Rubon Oreas of Lotign rv visitIl wlth 5ev. Deckinger amily Sunlay4 li. nsd Mr@. R. M. Pansns a»4 laugliter of Chicago visited frieudii. here Mis Lylah Quse ui Chiag<îwas lu toren ans deyy at week. __ - Mrr. exiliMrs, C. B. Enston Viited lu Hael Day navi4r ays luit wteck.' Ms ily Carolun .-openel hobe Dress§.maklng und Mllnery ahop htur. The Misit Lur ansd Vrgînia Parsons (ih Dai plaine visitel with lilas$&ldie Galloresy Milsweek. The C. L. topic for Suuday nlght t. "FPrayerfor Ilisions and liltelonanL-s, Johin 17: 18-21 Acte 13: 1-8. W. F Cowelileaoder. lma AguasMierho)ff of Hligland Park visie ien od. in DeerflpldNuday. The followlng afficers were eit.cted at the village elettion held Tueslay Alillag Prouldent. John C. Ender. Village Clrk, T. L. Knask. Trustes., Phuilp Rammel, Gleorge Rachaubacli and C. W. Pettis. Cheatocd U.ath. Kldnaî trouble olten ends lutali.v. but, by chooing thae iglt medicîne, E. H. Folfe of o Grave, Iowa cletel deatb. He ay:"Twa yearz ago 1 bal kldney Trouble which eauaed" me great raI, suffénlng sud niaty, but 1 took Eloctrie Bitter., rehicl effetad a ena-. plete cure. 1 have aIse found them of gret henefit lungoeral debilityanud nerve trouble. sud kaip tii.. caosutly on baud, >lnco asei finI they have no equsVI.". B. LaLLdruggiat, giraran- tees tbem aht 50e. Beni.y Uchoppe la ou the slck lust. Glbert lchaddle le ut home un a shbort vacation. lir. Wittle sl lwls recoring f rom a oevere illues. Born, ta Mr. sud lira. H. icknas.. a laughtonrocetly. jrMm. Torgîer ententaine i rlatives r. ilîrauke. recently. 1~ In, the Jtrwélry Store of A. H-uai, PREMONT CENTER.: Gea. M. Trat iniaie a business trip ta ChicaglIait Fri.lay. John Wagner was s Chicago viftitor a fev dais lait; week. l)on't, farget thé <an,'.at I vanho,. Fr!. day dvening April 28t. SMat Adam@ofai (urnee wss n Fremtnn calter one day lait veek. Peter Kinaley aI Wauconda vas a Fremant caller lent Su ndsv. lir. C. P. Thouan d son Clair, lu. tend etartîng for South Dakota May 1. lin. and Mlim. Ileidel ion are Pntertain. ing friends und relatives ira. Clîlcugo. lilas Nellie Traut and MIRs Licrie Ahart ai Cliie-uga aent Baturday and ttunday witb tht.ir parent@ baie. Quito a number from lie atténded the dunce ut Round Lake lait Mondai eveing and ail report a flue time.. Mms. El. Bayes nIdlire. Merton Joues left lait yack for Antiga,Wis. rehere tliey inteul huospend a, iew w2eks witîî their aister Mms. Auna King. ROUND LAM PhIl FIar.y nov aceupies the. roamma avenraaîgong Bras. store. the Lenten dance given by Aman Bros. Mundsy was largely uttended und a goal tisa. was baI hy ail. Ray Coulson las relieving thé niglt aperutor ut 1Libertyville. The i.Mses Helen Raymond und Maud Walton, aI Vobo, pyere liera the fore fpuý of-the'reiui lBen Raing @pent Suuduy t bis home iu Vola. liisNeIllia Smith, of Chicago, spent Eaiter rltb lira. Joe Amaun. Misa Ltie Hueker ila pending the week et Lake Villa. El Bravn made a business trip.tu, .ihartyville Tuesluy.. GAGE'S LAKE. Frank Rarleeke and Nd Pratt, ai Chilcago, spent sevenul laysaut Steve Druos. Um Verne Moore ..apont Sunday ut home. lira. James and Mra. Les opput Te- lai with friands hure. Tib@ Ladies' Ail Society wvill meet with li, ra."unk Clark Thumday, May 4 ah one o'elock.- Election of afficera vilI tae place. Ail membars reqireted ta ha proaent. ________ WARRENTON GROVE. Mr.indsud i..Josephi Libal were Chi. cago visitorsenouFilay. Mmr. Jamffl Calleban Aud famlîy agent Bondai with Mr. and lire. J. Sheridain. Misa MMinnle Buranît was a Waîrkegan viitai an Mauiday. 1Mis Il& Merriman antertainel prom- pay aven Suuday. lilthInli Equal ta Chamberlain'@ 00ll0. Chb'ta and DIsrrhcea Libertyville t thttht i Don't contract for you seed oàtta until you get our prices and me our seed. . SEEDS Of AILL 'KINDS. rertilizer, Poultru !oods end Suppliée. EMMONS-MERCER LUJMBER CO. WALL complote stock of -Wall paper We have. eyer shown. About 6000 roi!., 7r) different. styles comprieing lIi- grains, Tapesteries, Gilts, Silvero, Glimmers and metal' colur. effects. -~Prices from as -- id ~t t tt tt tt tt please