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Lake County Independent, 5 May 1905, p. 1

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noie. Fridayi May 5. I90.-8 .ga r.Try t. F. L.21e Micaints Il puire. STOR 4 PAT. hofh tNUey.CASH STORE YquIka ~S", 17 18, 19, 20 1M '.AI Voalp@fts.$S2,50 Mu' l.msoc to $2.00. bc"u& Nb&,on for2se, Mss. hua atsiLathoe, BOX Caif.VbbmK&. ork Suas. iras 51.25 t. $4.0. Full lino of Men's and Boys.fartcy Ngligee $S$w*»o Work Shirtsi E u Schanck BloCk vile, hhmoas CA PTITAL sS».000.0 .sIlmLus £ANDP"OVTs i*O«@lO0 ô£ pýoiTs --400AN000 by ha'vinag a avingea aeount. It matteril not ho*' jon look it It. wo pay 3 per cenit. interit on mavlngà. O SéePu loor Hoaa:l toU2am 1itol3and 7 to Uàbertuyiie. Illinoise M LJ. ..TAYLOR. mau:-7 to10 a m.2 t,4and 6ta, 8 P. uM. lbwd&ne.ae on Broàdway, oppoaite Park. Lhh.rtyville, IlinIois. DR. J. NIMMLS r of f3icago. SDE TAL OFFICE *oum-w.rdnmedays of mCh w'i.k fros 8004 aa. to 0:00P. an. Lbertyll..Illinos. DENTIST. oPVIc QOVEIÀAKE ouIITT BAU. DAÎLY.top . Lbertyville, Illinois. bR R. GALOVAY. orc vIoVECLL'5 Ubave SOU. mouse-froi 1to à and 4O ta8Sl. ýUbertyvl., Illinois. muoite U. M Dt VM i cIt RDIN. 1pracom .Ifmited tà - FYE, RA, NO&E ANà TRROAT. ýHourp 2 to 4p. ni. tJrFoeE: oom 8U4BTZWAXT SBUILDiING,Ç U B2*'Y VILLE JOIIN L.,TAYOR, ' Prosident B3ENJAMIN H. MILLER, Vice-Pregident ' C. W. TAYLOR, Caishier. ~leen*inrage «mmmli aeeounts ad al ways give them re.p.ctful 1'tte;ntion. t)ops a général "ban king ~us'nSs.. ,]> I mtite s olicitécd ati d cour- tei 'tretm -éit given to -il>' 1. wji puy yori to ba mk àt ëU.. ONU MAX NILLEUD. The orl hteri" Mots aw"lcbvieited " t.section lut Ftiday wu une 0f tihe most sevrem storme of Dite nature ln pu and considersble damage wau Waukegau reoeied ber full abat,, two butea sriklug in, town and o uaiM, a freuiy-tiine year old workomna tithe wire mille by the. Dameo0f George Drencet was killedl,Re buil]returneil ta hie ,boardrnw bouse on nantht (ie4ffl street '*ad won ln theactof1 comnblug hie baiu *bua bevy" boit @truck near by. It in thougbt that b. was holding ti.he uIt of theiectric lgitwbeu the. boit struck ad'tbis followlng the. w're ,ntered bie bady causlog ble dthth. The. otiier boit struck the. building in wilch lea itateil thme cigar @tore of Fred Pondt andl consieabie damage ta stock resulteil. la tiiecutat Lak. Bluff ,earth wa. vashei dowri upon the. truck makingIit neces- mary for tiie cars to take tbenorth truck going in botit diretions. At the. mub- -wajr-sudqr lihe, Northweetern hbiiarA4- Slwer proveil inadequate toncarry ou lthe à-uod4f waters audior a time. tii. areon Ethe. lhsiýtyvlll. division couid Dot mak. canectione. 41t on spot Sn the. cnt the b.d of tb. road w», wasibed out but a large gang of moen wre put ut work ad. befare tnorninç Lad the. traek in shape. At Rocketeller a barn beluging ta .. a. Omaititt. wi @truck mand burnei t the. grounil. Henry Kubiauak, the. rural carrier, wiio rent.id the. barn ani kept bis hure in it, waaslsigb1y sttianiti. Tier. were four horees in the.building at the. tii.. and lulckily these togetiier witii a quantty of etoreil macnin.ry wer. rescueil. Threen milSe mut WanSonda the barn on the. Jaums rray fartu was blown- oviîr ad eigiit cattl. killeil. Tii. artal oupied by Frank Borsier and ut tii tinie of tii. storu. lMm. Borsier ad-a hired man were in tii. barn milking. As lth. stora, lucressei @itestarteil for lime bousm sudon tihe way s mtruck by a exlur plime ai bMd 4a" a 40P 8" ln lte barn sud eoparesSe .ssderable dlfficîulty ine xtricating bim-esif ram tih. wrek. The. entire building wu» biomen uit. la tii. Village of yWauconda a section af1 tii. pstlmola iofte residnc01 Henry Maintan waabluwa away, but litti. hem Mvîtd Wane.gaa, Nortthicago mt Lake Poees<Wokk. linseudei. RIoRBe WAUB DRUMANDE». Idonday marnhng 150 cearpeuteme l WaQkegan ad Norti hicago reumunsil go io work bernas. tb.1a demai for au inceaseof 10 eute an boum bail hem r.. faseil by the contracture. Forty entsa u hour cas 1rb.ewage pai ui$ ta May 1- The cantractore agreoil ta pay45 but lb. union would not conider tii. pro- poeition, demanding "50 cent. or noti. ingY 1Nether coulil lb. caientere len tb lb. contractors Proposition ta arbitrale lhe matter. in consequeSace75,000 in Isprove. mente le tw u p l heIbmIo cit"s. Plumbers Ase Demanil Rasé. Waukffau sud Lakce Format plumbore recies$4.00 per day. Tb.ey demmanil 04.50 ail falunes on part of contractas plunibere ta granI lte inerem'eeeullei in twelve.raeurefuming ta work Monilmy. It in expecteil an adjuelmeal of dulgi 'tic..sno fer as lb. pIe bere am e oU- cerneil wililb. reaeedcithi aa or two. Nol su dt lb. earP@uters, wbOa d.t.rmîlad nehierto "give ln' or sU mt te arbieration. Their demadf «150 cent. or nothinig" mans a igi. Will Strike fipreail. in Waukegau 41 le said tiat ln etent a prolQagetaruggie .men ciii ie tbeinselves ut the. opportoualy ' ol'gune Llleryville sud 0rlyl5 rarpestere. 1%bai b c..attmapteil oq previoni ocegeotsbut clhbaut ufI carpenlers sdcnratr a b4, coîalu&idtiglaie rydo caning ofau!0lbte ead agsul openia *4p école 0945 Omesan AI i,[ f.ormm .aie.saidi t' bave I -P"f e t it. Daag., Livou QR.LYON &'SONS,- WAUKEOAN' ___________LEADIERS OF LOW PRICES Hosiery knd Uadcrwear Specialists A [4k-lialint, you know, ion. who excele, on@ wbo le a Hlte.diffrent, butter i a particular lino ttanthe. averagé. W. are specialists in Hoelery ad Underwear and our bis new spring lino la far ABOVE the -AVERAEDIFFERENT from OT1IERS- In Style, Fit. Quantity, Quelity anil Lowltes of Price. i ~izes -o k ll eop romi te sm g , *to theLaet "Cr1ne le. best fo .Devo. & CWosi. L eguaranteed bertyville. - 31.50 a lis ""M Ishe~ ~T ~UU' o.ker's,«*§ Oewi Oes- fie c~ ~- ?N stbwanemn S eDtea. stIi k $ Eb Marll Wo - ua Ows 0«» by Fox Leu"8to 'sS n r o lid g ra few ideys ugo. Au Rloht.of.wsy. 472 oh 'd tw liC -W N NCLXVXX COUP.. tity of nuile&Fuil =bryle amibet. f Vu b. bect of lime Nortbwst.rn or,î la bu M. vtbr wtb OVlElfilIsLia en iWwo Comnpauy us île newt Ch,5IU Cb ho& Prncipals--PrinclpO exté 1 on e aled, laalng te tracintdw y115m of tihe North oiseu. ýrrosthe.pubieicroainarthe. own e d n n séboot. ch iidey laut anoosacilfLino of Warren&M a a boirs dletanace weet tianIo s, mted a pose l o f IWmabega bascoule tu igiit. The. Chicago 9.b ndé nli@ resignatio cInwntlnbcmsteemnmayi ta té» ,d *ct on Munday. Ti.bCIO 5 aS ici5 i.cmaiT _________________ board etmi app<inted aus basasc- feai! tbtthe iFox Lakoe declrlc wool cud L 140ifflrieme, a Youugng uait endI te in, sud forestali tiemr, at wha far sieerllers tu malse t neconary for Ibe eletrie ta, SIIghWresrat eekeflierOn ~ troeat wlit tbe..for a crassingilmet g day atsom.tbremwork cars brokre one gol nienupon - .w uoun, Irmitii. Igan ua..l inicontrucliri. placedltheir tracke wb.re li us *worir an tlb elecîrie and rarn loto a tihe Foi.Tale.peopi. wlebed to builil. stresamderd* whuiwu@ on thecurve :The-W.tde hma now made a cauer Furniture and Uncertaintr neàr RoetobWakethSttne. Soyary men were s. lte derripik but jumrpeil miew - lmkei oesay-ý l i.ta dicap.. ijury. Botte, the te NortbiWetrn toasak tinnfre iOr~viI casadedek el ire îirown tututii. crasing sud turne the. atate ao f aie diteh by the Impact but bave since about.cumplsteiy. On Mouday Mang borne ituitid$00thi! track'. Wynn of the. Fox Lake mail. alran New Soa*t ha Lakese-The lor fmetnei ti orls b w lnl___________________ Martuls & Ciaen.re;liquor dealer@, et mnawt h ezlwoonln Foi .& heJet iurlcbaaed a 38 font nMar the. point o! jonction of tiie IWO peemagr s4 riiglt seamner whb ru ails, for tlhe purcbane of a tifty foot -baue-amêhe-ox ver-ibis sumes Au mgine aOtwenty îioniPuiser WSSj laid tra.k-oacrose tie-îropomed Mort iiO hoieqr 4W el 5< t tiiepresent thon le western cioseing. by Ibis couphb.turas haeur QW WsMld at Fox Lake,. Tie lituatonabout completelyad W. beg lea" téa eu or atteation to a few o! tii. uc*é wiDi lis rbaot mat in tii.servicuen annsteail of ltavlag a croeing on the ttlm la ,W55 will hav, aaspmed of onm why Masurys Huiouse Painta sitouli reemîve your cou*i twlve M*4hSldloîr. public bigiiway nasdose thi.e eatamailnd about t pantyoar bouse. Citizen* Wastferanchise-Tii. reeid.uts h.obbu laid teis tîacks on private riglit-of Fret A bail contury's experiene bas proven thitir great duala of MKue vn at Lake Forest waY.- question or dispute. Thour bigit quality 1in a generaliy *MI bave bmol.«atuiating a petition n"king From tlti.s iîdden and unexpérted pro talifrelo an.clerooa.i.orca tiatth* * outincil recunaider the moirement on the part of*tii, Waîîkegan it. în ausil ne osrysPan tots ereforrou rae Ino maî P malter -«. giving the. Chicaff & mand Fox Lake peuple it appears ltat a i.buepoitlMn by @ tii ereof otiiy e ntk*g xilwnuW .4Iétrifc a iranebline for a btaepoiigb h xolneo tom 4ouble t ub.troughi the City. îî le western extension e contemplated in the. Secondl Maury's Paints are guaratoM Pure Linsei 011 paint fMlrolybiWinbthaI City tbattliey nCar future, wilcbtact cas rumoreri a nu water, benzine. aIikali or olter delelerlous inedientw, miS esu an îxceptionaliy gouilffisatontite mgo chen il wag stated cepnIi iita b xes fîeieiatit' double l'.Ir 12a nd bolIlty a ttt be m cui boueel irog Thîrd It clii ot coetyen more to Pantwitb Maery's Paint.i Ion tbey cecyea weill tllac the. rond ta McHeu'y, and Woodatock cithin a feror goouim, the. cost per galion may hoe more, but Utne griai.r toj tUIt in et <ThteTi people are couple 0f17«"r. pacty aof Masry'e Painte wW more titan equalise thie diffeti dai s ii tithi action talicn by Tb. action on the. part of Sup't Wynn Fut îot ssui aapxpo an sI asl th ouncilâ>olding upltb. olitinance tôtaa uht ppypu entu tdmt sud imget.tuin - u i aeies cas a very ereditaitie on. and it appears whiigtîc bthei longent possible periail. Whyhegot Froist te Sud Alaskan Rod-A. C.ia oli .bst.6sto h ib painting tbree or four tium sIn teii rne time Ibat Oi prool, Pujt-tf lte Iuiiicgo & for a cmrosln. Masury's woaldi ait? Milwa" e ctrie tauroad C ompany Fifth Nasury'm Paint le iptelr-Éver mo Muci twtrth"a bepi leave IrFýM im ~we.lc for -IFl,~d'L W thetinisterats of te rIGjiiT andS on. If you doubt thbl pieuse givo us a Chance te Aiaeîté ilwa, o! cbieh b.ho reasan milOur proofs bearing on tuie malter., lampés ba Aigu ir. Fros le bauid. apliaton - it.*sein"" Day,'s ok tnl otbfiass of Aakss iet e »" of Caok'si Inist, north tu falilmknl, lin the. Tanana River, a dietasemof 463,miles. 20 tile.o! thiis Commieieoaavs etfNewport end rosd le now In opération andilm werren Fatil to Affreon bc otat hv a e u a expiectail tu buiid 70 tu 100 miles ttx. Qoemmion off movisg tuaif cotra m .ctahnge let andi pMo yeat mil tite-balance ansquickly an ta ftemi a hno ute possie. This wliitesthetiretisîail st Rond.ak er*hta Ameilan railrail luconuect tiie Posedist lcl a. tagt oi cuestI wit tintm ueior, the naturai SUpBRtVIsore TO J>Eci )B. ail ajong;Uthe towcufine neaI h oth end»s resaurees 01 wiicb t.rritory are very o! the. prapoil new rond the toisn greM.FotWngo tu Alaska line rond le in use. un Jly.A eontrovrmy of long standing b.- Ceunterfeits Vir Coupons-Joe1liRose, Iceen tii. commlesionere cof thr. town- The board of upervieors han ligures a peilleer iu Zion 'City, lias bean ar- lpm '0f Newporl ail Warren itasfor the bridge wbtî-h itlii cnet frm roels by thse Zion authoritien citargeill 1[ 1ainl dii counterfoitlng lb. Whlit Dore se.mingiy reacb.d a locus ail it '0 .3 3 lu ,560 nutllenclding ap, I81 couipons whitilpean slêgaltender eat hboitbî liaItlb. upervisaru cilii b.proacli.. ail filse and la only awalîing 0 lb. Zionto)res. IlletinelaimpdliaI t aikeilta act as mediators blb.thmalter, for te exlaet location tu lie setti . - e plant Ronguem]ba SeedIn la mkiag very Ata ijimeignîna ytC o trig prtos iipd- elever imitatioîns of tiiere coapos andi etigrcetymelb i"!foe t rioératins. If i.aoang pe d the se oraveral montie s miseil consid- corâtitssoti.T5o1btb l ownship@ the mlee5cuaauiayarng lereile mnsey on thsam seling thesa atquestion of movlng thb. mmd, wcieicnlmalter thme'eupéîiors ci b. ciosea of repalrlaigÀ1 adiecount aîîd otb«itOililse ng hem comanuly spokies o<f naslb. tpau lne by a jusitem a iliihieur the. case, thug off on tise unaupecing_ Zionites. ooýd aniS le mntaineil by bIth tuwe thel ,question wi liel given a final MaChin gb Tii.s coupons &are put up la bookledeuoe ad everywiiere la Zion are useil for bot cbicb reaiy lea50- rode norh of thedciin aroney and bu a couple . o Wankegan in. Intth. township of Neswport, tu theIi. ii olil bridge whiclî bai long been. en, stores it han lî e e icetom tau tuke ti-act lin. Camg e n ani eiiteil in a lie known aisUthe Winterewbridte liali.en out tiiem i thout questipa. Tbe tact lIaI ptth arrean ommtiesioners anscer of une fer si-verai ylesandI wililmba torn iight prloeu. mah cupeeu . tii. me aof ve l.hnne n. do wie wli pobaby brng aiagyes, andl tb. Newport e o. dw. cbageofoger agluttle mn.Agit Tii Nwportcamimlopersclalm tiet . le litabt li Imm e meomplice hbey-wouid nol b. justifisdIn Samoviug lte TfI aeVteDa * otiers ay b b it m thl oma nthbrWbt.,fwsycoublbav, ta.., *um oofit appraacbng,» ciles inaller. H a.inw blita hbela btlb VirjaiS and tSmla stU i e-made, aun ho purebasir. lte choieroad gradad and Ralpb Fof aag. iTampi confession ilu chicti lters are s netebridge Witeh atnktua.of noes- deacrhlng ig5U aemlitaxi impiscateil. nsity bav, ta b. built, laimiag thal "asa esa bIlet ' agotmilbai diseuse, wieicb bas rbe i fdm Cicaeul a A<h& . would laIte 10,000> yards of emîti tu">mai0faui ltereetilulge I bail trI Wb.n lb. body te eleareil for action, by nk b iiao, nn ifrn otr uImvrliel Dr. King'@ New lâle PPille, yon can tel it The. Warren men dlainesa iaIai îey tila, bul got no bpnefit, until I itegan2 by thte bloomnbiiilh on the heel; the are payiag for bal! lte maltainance of ta unec Blectrlc Bitters- S0 coarft bujgbluessOf lb. eygè; iii. rme.. 0ftlb.romd 'wu*iivaîîhî >l celer effect, tiraIit in ilmyas 1Itfet lime 0mb ahI muy.ebavelbabuyanèytu ikPie a new mane,andl loday 1 amn cureil01 f lime ~ ~ lcè 1nal r i..A .B arasae bto.bi tb. roaibho nWarenai ipule.'l Garramlted at Fl il8 naIsSait., 25 det. ISe ta b. built titis eoemlng aummgr tor, Pbarmoey, OrmysiAke; prie. 50c. N<WSor mle -r- ý ý .-ý IL!

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