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Lake County Independent, 26 May 1905, p. 1

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M INDEP'ENDE -NO. 34. «Id -Of I §st Gradms ftnnlms sbeet fer floons. Trg k.IL v &Ce's. tead, .d ZImc Palets gorute MtWJRALO.-I!or tiuitiugwalls9 Beit R ffudts. ýL OVELiL' S DRtIJG S TC, AT 20th CENTURY CAE YomSgMenéSeul,. 17., YàmEn. o$7,50. RgcMMlhI*@ AUl Vool Pa S3.SO. Miwa Hais from SOc to1 Boys'Cau.Nby Ones ot 25c. - Mes ,Shoeu. Patent Lether. Box CdLVi=i'ClS ok Shoes Item $L2s fo $4,0. l'UN Ili,èof Mew'. MW Sunt, Woek Shirts ai EW. PARKHURST LAKE CouNTrY NAIo NAL BANK CAPITAL - S .O.0 SURPLU ADPOIS 10.000.00 DE 0II- - 400.000.00 IS Il NOT RLSOMABLE toamasume hthat n bauk le more willing to enelet its rumt4)bmtiiniriit thon" n ho k k#-W Ilo hank accunt? Tii. mors dealings plu have a 11h fi a ha , tIl i.,îJter aeuaiuted you get wlth lie offl.ere, aa.1 the îîî'îr. twilling they ar! ta awtomàodat., you, if deserving.. ....... DI. PREDfflCK FL MArTI Offre 2ad i"ior Kaber hok. o Milwaukee Avenue. 'Boums: I1 ti 12 a. unri 1t' 3 anud 7 lu, Liluert.yvili.', Illinoise DR» J. L T1AYLOR. OFIC-Ficavit TIlèi<i5& TA 1i.oIt's. aouem-7 ta 10 a. mi. 2 ta 4 biid 6 ta 8 P. in. Reidene ontit lr.ii'iwity, apleu'ii.' l'art. Lier l lilliu. DR.-A. J. NICHOLS. DENTAL (>FFICF .c'ri.zue uLOCicOVFR Si'vm'i DAVIS' s?.iiIÇ ara:- Wedriedaye of eascIi veek tram a0) . lu. ta 6:041 P. Mi. lietyville. Illiuois. DR. E.]FL SMITH. DENTLST. OFFIE VoER LAKtE vOUmcrY ANX. 110UM-8 ta 12 a. un. sud 1 ta 5 P. a. DA 1 LY. Iiberty-vilîe, Illinois. -DR. C. 'P. GALLOWAY, 011MFIiCK OvEH LOVLL:. * UCU i TaSE. * -ous-frani 1 ta *1 and 6Otho 8 p. m. LhbertyvvieeIllinois. 'PAUL MAC~GUFR?. ATT'ORNEY AT LAW. Uborlyville, nIlliois. PHO-NE sa. DRL . O.P.UTTERRELD. =ELAKE COIJNTY, CT IN LAKE CO. 1 jacaé Bel"lba Free Lave se-Cemmuaiti VieIted by Inde- pendent lman. Devoe Upon the. ban: ai Wooster lake in Oyant tawn'ship, thls county, ou a higli tluff ovçrlooking the waters' below, ier. in belng ereted a large dwelllug house. Bore in the. quietneffl'af thi. forent a littk e ompany le at work laying s *9b foundations of thelr future houje. rives Homs far tram th iilghway aud away tram noisy pathu -ifthte w orid's lii.,, lu the. solitude uifthei., ak foreet, the habita- tion of thi'e uliar meet, the., 8pirit Friuit soeietjr, le belag reared. * Lov.rs af nature aud peuple via lire ftieir taith, tiiey arise , iti, tie sun lu the. morng and caili gops ta lis alotted tnak living lu a modest viioleàsome manner and heing close Io nature iin Jfh*$ ail tliings. .Believe lu Work. luduetrv i; e nf rthtiret lave aoftthe wiciety and] tie llrst rule of tha arder is JIthiit. "'W" ail work t*ogth.-r," sald Ja- cob i, ihart, the leader of tbue odd rom- munlty, in au interview witlian I.,iovEN. heare tii., dnddandu ed iare of the blemeingo. No one, receives pay for 514 STORE flis serylce but works for good of ail." From ea$ly dawu until sunoet they clontinue at their work, eadeh lu a M.iior. fat. snpeirit and s) whul., part are build- . g20ing the dwelllug others are.plowinit sud Women Work with Men. 3mtS. $2,50 Living tiietanudatlons for their dwelling are brawny muen lu klîati trouspro sud bîqle shirts whila, by thair 120. sidas amre iwumen ofthei.,seet, 'laîl ii bloiomerts and loua., waiste., "W. wark logether becausge il le a pleasre," soaid 11e, leader. "The girlsi coimplete thein dutios viti and couic out boesfor the 10v il gfivesthem ta lilp the vunt along." And no an the. moun 18Y the sholen lhe geu tIen meuber" of the cony mix the. morlar and lit th.'enimaller stouetq into the .raevlce. Have no Leader. Whétn angkedabc"nat"i.division of laibon sud the. future »sas for ontwaad growth Blibiart sald. "We have no leader, villa one excelle lu a lino ai wark we follow hum. We vont for lave- 1 atarted the.coiau.y and lIterlooktutame to carry out the plan%. Whenu -nother unuderelande a job PielJfr tia 1, we Ioflow i. Yan sme1ibat !asu aven there, hoUssd tu oa layenin ChIcago but tiring of cuttine auiie. aeu's 'arn. merdiai hhroate he gave op hil@former fle. and caine lu lite vîlliun ine av& tiret nature meant man ta live., Is Not Religion. "Shrictiy speakinit thsim uta arelig- ion," Ibi contlnbued. 'W., came here iw caus e ' ienie diesatleted vi t th frivolities sud faddiâsao! viat. people raIl religion. W.' liv., Ibis vsY because w, luove tai live lu tuis manner. We bave nu use for the iiymu-8iuging and prayer- minng churthes viiere preaching le ail sud prattire lei nauglut. We do not preach, w., practice. We do what w., thin k la rigiit sud iarm n)une aud itlal 'nu one's buséiness iavw.,e carry out aur pano. The.fearelcml irreliius religion of the sa-called religions ai th worid have. driven un mua the intermttent enthusiianm of tie periodical 'revivais la. tu a ltile vorld aM ourovu viere ve prao" an sd nothing mure, If one Mea- bsn sees another trtnogregbslng what h. cangiders the lav ai righl he tellehini iu a kindly aner ltat ho coneidoeshlm lu ,'nror aud thus sncb vatLhiienover thie allier. Not Ambfious. "W.' are uîît ambitions," nsid llilluart. "We égeat grovîlu ouly ini a low unanner, v., dg) not for" our bvlle! upon auy mian, va do ual mail aur puiiblcae tiiin ta anyrune Pxcept on reqîuiet. lu fwl ve' have lu the lest ev întuue re- fumed adniiss'ou luta aur soclat.v ta uuanuy wuo liave sougit ta anter but wlu,î ve tliougt vere uuftted. "We owu a fartmof uinr'ty aeres vwill n froutage onuthue lake aud r.'ît 143 m!rres nuore. W.'are ati utile exileand will iv. near ta nature lu ail tluinuge. Our huomes ili contalu lwety-eigit fomenud viii le conposged of cmenit iiîiko fon whichî ve hie.obtained the. patent rigiit andl vili mate our- selves. No Bau on Tobacco sud Liquors. "Wb'Vat IoSoyur stanud lu regard ho tobacc ansd liquors?" Th' exetioî vanput talie leader. "An ttat," he said vith a cmlie., " we beliève that tm parfnceiluthe use ai tobacco banen au., sud a littie beer Io vithout doulî holatluful. -Of course intemp.ran'e- would nîjltotlerated for a moument." .Do Not Hold Enmnity. Showing lie kindlinewansd forgivlng dioposltiono of ýtiPe penfile a littIe loci- denut uay be, given whlcb iappeued toi the eoîony' the. other night. David Slaudtord, one ot the memiers af lie society, avala ta flnd s manu standing lu lie roon viere ie van sleeping sud surpnlsed on &"M'ig hlm thare demandai l11s hueines, e'.nUp<aithue muani botai ont of the doar udni saIpeared mb lte darkness of tiie nught. A akenînghils a'quikearrifor mlasinq Valgahies rvepi.tie fattthat a castly 'watb b ui.idA ten aud et once a Pin"petglu rmsia1t fhéiMinu.la DR- VM, P. SGHIDING. ernetice linilted to EYE, EAR, NOSE ANI) TIIIIOAT. Ilours 2 to 4 p. ni.. OFFiE: V. oomuî$04 STE.WART llt'lLi)IO, 92 State Str*t, Cicagf. Th Fuit INdoil LU BERTYVI LLE JOHN L. TAYLOR, PreL4ident BENJJAIMIN .1. MILLER, * . Viee-Premident C. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. W.' extend .,v.ry .'îiouragnemont to the. wage e.'ru.'r; tii tii.' nd that he nay lir(iAperi-lepmîit your .'arîiinKge'Aith tibe-Eheit National. J)oes a general nanking I)eposits solicited anîd cour- teous tri)atznent~ given, to ail. -It wiI111puy you to ban k at tliri Firi3t'Nattional. attempt t) enter W'uukegan. At the preseut a very j rarîti.al mystem l'a là une among tii'farm.eré ni the eoainty," the. uortb'wêmt.'ru part heiiig eilppmcall.v fortunai. lu this syi.ti which eon. recta wlth faritiirm' luewslut noutherti 41.110 in WbotIce. NAVAL' STATION*' Actuel Work tu Commence june 9. Expect te Spend BVENTUALLY BE WAIt BASE Oovernment eugiineersire preliaring ta expeud #2410,100O Imm.diately upou the. Do, naval ýtraJînlng station mite, two miles north af Lakre Bluff. Within threa yearm it le expected tiipt Congresviliihave authorieed appropria,- tions for the furtiier improvement of what in kuowu as tiie "Pettubona Creek'e trart, amouuting ta) S2,O0. It le fairly weil understood anîong Dîavy aittiori lies and friendo of Congyeos- inu George S. Fane tlat Pettilion. Crack and lUta.twering bluffeslin tu epaedlly become tie largeait lnland naval station aud training sehool on tuis cýontinent-ti.,.innaix)lim ai the.'W.'st, lu a certain sens.. The engineere have aln.'ady stak<'d ont the. 172 aes ot land ou Peltiloe Creet, donated by pruinent Chirego business men ta the.'govaru nient ilu "ai,- sideratlon of 1the naval station*s heiug lo,'ated thar,-. Tii . lI.,to the land van trausf.,ried Vriday of lest wee.k ta th. Chicago commutte.,, tihe propenty re.q ceiviùi a nonilbal valuation of $MQ,010 aud the actual conslderation being but one dollar, s 1.5oA VrAR IN Ilooker's Varnishes Patton's 'Sun Proof Pi Japalac, Lead, Oils and Broshes W. M. HEATH furniture and IJndertaking Libertyvie Wxhlv Tha X4in DbPlntin Wauconda Sent te Opéri-(>n Seturday ,ooeurred tbeilst*oai ofilivre uf tlii Wb onaboa,,* Uew i'ans'runluthe local tng **Id which will open fer baelnsù cula.. 1 and will, it ln understood, blie ooiated with the. Palatine bat pa nudpr the rup1 vision of UMv. Oqoge tok, e ho ha heen active la slatlpgtlh.' insmtitution and il yl et au- ir. The 'officers elocted ame as followsr: l'r."id.'nt. E. W. 9Wra<kr"Y. Pro.,'- fi. T. Fulîler; Canhler, (jea. Stoter;fI)ir,'eîý,rm, L. C. Price, A. L. Pries,, Rry <iuIding, Wm. Hoeut, E. W. Brooks ai>. Il. T. Fuller. Governor Veot"BlIs-Salîîrdgav aitér- noon 'Senator Tlfaa ainunedtu Gounty Clark Hemdeetliî iii- iwatter's bill tor lotsate .prowýi ,fings (if the local and state ba4rdS af tatation .r'eviewvan Frldayvewd ly(iuvernor lienfen. The reason iveiî wam that it wu@ unottitElta Nr. Iléedee stated thai the illh âriiît l4 r"iuîtrt)- duted at a session two yes i ire nl amended foran. <overrior lwis'uen lian also vetoed the bill tenh.roplriations for Camp Lncoln and tier.' le likely to ho, no state milîtia iaiîî.n tiare nDoit year. Flagers Do More Dckerng-'.Iî'noeir] 14> howorkingln thelntî'r'-t itii.'-I'iag- fer pieople wbo lestt wliit.'r 'iwised .f- siderable commntut et nrt ittie nion- ey lu tbefr operatloiis aieiit Ilondout were lu the vieinity of itarrîugton -the other day looklng et an .id tai'tory buildinig wbh h y claîngi'-d wa>. jurit what they wanted f«tli--ir.oieern. An yet the owntrs oft tii.Barriiivton lîrop- erty wieih le ituatsd on thf. E .1. & E. bave lomed no usai wjti h hemen ln question and htie thouglit tiîat if the.y ttaireup the new ie th.'ir î.î.rationn whk'h>for noms time ha'" i.".'iivan' qluiet about Rondout wili i.dropîpei eatiraI)'. Kang Yu Wei ln Zion-'.i WetV.'iday Kang Yu Wei, prewodenî t tw orld's Chines., Beon' noelety iîlwl Wo lq making a tour ei Amfrn.ica, .'islted Zion City arrivlng la ziari hy way of the Northwooternansd in a jîrivate car. Mr. Wei vas ague4'. rtlîe F'lt A pastie and came ta Ziai, on a irpedcal invit.ation extended to hit iii i.Zon's leader who wos anxiou" o t> ilîpe His Exellency wU av.'an.tnerican town. At the. staion liw was i et by Dowle himSei, six iiuiired guards, the Zion bad and Dowies flii retinue of1 offlclal. It Ww deni-d l'y Kang Yui We's ChInas. sBretarv tlîat a ChinaeZion la being planlità. Looks Jike Bluff-As tat.'d nome, urne 480 a ie héIxDUCIPtNN -rthe ,proposer] extension of the. Lao sS rflt L th rongb the south-western pattai Lake Oounty ne rotxa he notiing more tian a un put op by ù ipating roado lu an effort ta lisad off tire' m'yelectri, lin., whuçhla enterini thlat territory. Al wo* appmmn to lave beeîî droplweil ~M *ýMtte r seeni tg bave ullad a u&tML4otLTitat nogresa mount oi mom 'w"as Iput mb lb.theîîatt.'r gives furhiier .'vid,.n.'thet thsi. Na fact sud the. gen'rti opinion in tint notbing wlll lio doue tu further tire' plans oft tiiextensjin., Wadeworth M an Ad1judged I nsaiue--4 n Tu.sda.y mornilig Frnk Feul, ai Wad.Worth was iduîdged butane aînd Ôrderdseutta the Elgin innan.'asyluiii. Foîl; who ban lie.'ri sick for Pone tiîîîe in a Chicago hepiiti ansd thougli still ina sina mcondition, has don.siauli tota trril7 hieneigl.lbars and ha., on arrverai acnsoiotlir.'ataned tcogniîijt suicide sas eli ns ta make threats aganst thune vi. 'eîuglit tu a cri, lu fInzuuLesBelienl :î. years old and has, a wile and chid &p.enudant upon hie supportu court lie made a llea foi' hie rebs but tiire jury declded that h.' ueodlsd nstraiut lb ie thnught that bis eni ecau lie effeiîr.l. Pecular'Coincidence-Il in a strauge coincidence tiat L ii.ighbor 'of E. E Matait, who rsecn tiy iad a Iln, eav die lu ti. atoinach oi which wuasfinuod A numiier of sharp poinlad atn"s,bail a vainable caw die undetaffImla, cicuin. utancss. The animai -wllch belonged ta Jameis Collation o a rrn rp dead as thougbsrt 4 xainad tion showed t¶hat te ie sata lo1g flniilig nail the ofa whlch had bmkeit thrçngii g of the stomaeh aud enterei . t le said to ha quit., connm md foreign articles ln tire astia, canbut seriaus'resultes ver.. éln Ceom io tii@strangfeappetite. M. W. A. Pienie at Blot-Plans for the Modern oodnian plcnlc, taoi e held at iloit, Junîa1, are annoanted. The e omninitte., in charge han arranged for nom., excellent e'itertaiumenta. A featureai th.' day wil ha a baltion ascension aud î.aracliuite drop, Tva baneeall gaunes, oru.' botveen- Beloît and Freeport, ofi t)eii.' W lnstnate Leigile and tire' otiier ietwepu Beloit olage nd Chiango univermitv. viii ndd tu tire lay's sport. Lih.'rai1 Viw irlhave tîeii baing up ifor the' drills. or thre ioret.'r terrinstir r. irnewilll luO giv.'uraliginit as follovi>.: $100, $75, #50, $85. and * 25. Tii-) eîs'akere of the. day will'bî, l.adCauîisffl Talbot of Lincoln. Neb., aînd Hoan. Charles&E Wh.lan, outAMadisoni. Wis. To Compote With Farmiera' Lin-Tii, Chicago Telephone i.omrpauyý is plan. ning a caunter more ta foneRtâfl the growing service of ttre Farmner@' Tel.,- phoîne compan)' whieh bas been jor th#~ fant ev years raî,idiy expauding and periéetlng ins sanie.,. At the pisent time the îuuunyutgnsaea. work lu thee oiîîty mur v.'yr's office camplêt. iug lbne prnt' naInd rkîng plans for eovernig thei.'(iuity n herever tlire <8 oecure nifficientserviee ta warrant the ,installationi oi appllances. t le said the ulove on the part if tiie, Chicago ci- spny le a iece of achinery end maustlx y. The Mollue le no slmply am luires but little attentIon. TI ile care tg takten lu thi eehetic sanie keruclalin enci blill Wl lv, ln their aetion lià lêum enoceurs lu nom Ma"e 4i many 'buaheîn lmescoi hé m noconstrucet liai la m b1he motion ai 1h.eba"', vi >m Ira,,). font or slow. Ag on ýr.d lit, a plow 'haro »4g Iamn now blm new plant aýnti equippeti to de of repalring o Machines andti a ments. Qnck se right prices. ?darvled n»Bn 4 -single am, eltiier are 'tront Dillîounesn or Cc sale and reaisonal do Jsi to hbey a t Laxative LSjrup, Constipation, and. i ild lu 25c, i5Oe a B. loiVELL. LYON'S Big, Basement Salesoown le a mimity popylar place for people who want Bargains in TINWARE, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. HOUSE FURNISI- ING GOODS AND SMALL HARDWARE, G. R. LIVONS & SON, Leaders ôf Low PricesWAUICEGAN, iLL. The Big (leneral Mert'handime Store. FRIDAY, MAY 26. 1905-8 PAGES Grisai Thinge Planed. 5i II IIX II lis . mieaawile, a general ouline -f wliat the gavernmout ,n.ans ta do thie mummer ian beenobtalnei thmnugh inter., Casted eitir.eus ot Late Bluff sud.Nîirtlt M r Chicagn and officIaIs ofithe Nortlîwest,'ry or Railway. wboeInfluence vas e,\- teusively lent tuoseeuring the tak., Illuf .eorn planter is a r. ry dehkcate pý land at but nominal üosI. Captain Albert -Romofaithe ,Navy [w- Right or il vilI get aoît (;f order eanily partmnent, an experienced enginaar. iîîily mnade that it stavs riglit and rei wiii arrive at Late Bluff b)-7une 1, sud are so accurately gauged that. if a liti Taire format possession of tiie property ilu .,acrn, the ,largest per cent. ai lhem tha namne of thie gaveru ment. Major thuge inguing an even stand. Harringlon ai the enginsering depant- ment reached Waak.gau lant week and The. plate driving do"e are su poiti will iinmedlately have tiie property tauluise drupping a bllI whicti suotteu fenced lu. A taw lomthbill i lu Pery rov menusE Wil be War bsie. The heel of the Iloline planter shtue la Lu the @Vent ai liii country'e ever u.Tecristrwbckih parting tnlendship wltb Oveat itain it nd i.cm slrv atwt wilb he h undoubted lnlad fightiug 1h afcriiratx'ly lu check, viiethr the. tpr ba,., ti the. United Statun shîpo of var. ersiave soitenter aéel Lsae's, te nipei This eomea more slgnilfcànt vien il ta ecour. le understaod. that both scretary or.tiie NayMorton and President Poosevplilm n a I ahw mî vindimeuwaig the question withzthe t, 1U1 uhIII Ic 'ofW luiU commission which chose the. site, dld not "' "" V .Wh tale lnto onsideration no maih lhe tact tIet the.,land vas necui w itbanteo. if ual esmîler. Ciicago'a drainage canai H a 3 as 1k her tanc livetdIn ton a h* ciannel. exteuding ta Mt. Louise .11 tiem afinaig direct river c'ounec tiong m-ith thie gulf anîd the u.,w Panama au tn.Teitro lihn nt Canal, nhubard voode. To Spend Millions.- Muci of the-uatural foreet surrouud- witli the $10,00l0,000 vilci Vilcago ing Pettihone Creek ja tu, h. retained; la bas valta expeud upun the aanitary tact, the order lîasgonq out tsIt just as dilelu and lthe propoeed or estimatad îav treert an posi sitaIl b eut The. pilano af havlng tie governmeah <'ou- archit.ectu r.' im ta IeaMouif wlth thie tinuo' tb. ahlp chanel work from Joliet t.,,u d tIi.' wai'êered Valley of tu Mt. Louis, nom.,$O0OII00of ex. tihe rre.k Il i 300feet ahave the. peuse 1le already autiined, sud eda but surin... o!Ldth.,m u th le parade sud faorble runeioual action tu, start &'IlgrouîlbW thouIiiedged là it ta work. fon everyle hY bimenselavus sud When thesaundertakings are c o- cavenel-walkte. T% .pi ana contemplat., pleted il viii lie possible for the g<overn- layinI& out lnedatelyat lenast Ieuit) ment ta malulain a eonsiderable naval mil if is fu,lIg'aki.. eutablishment mldvav haîveen Milwau- The irnit lt'u,libeput &round lia tee sud Chicago, viiose men and eilII nalt rau rmachi soutiaru and cih.amue ani i.. una enaa oeoe waters far quickerîbhan fruniNew Yor, an sd irolu. - il1,great vafleand Thuecan bedoune,too,witiboutronIflirt'lng orîiaiiientnil poste, al haaring the. viti present treatv agreetuents uilhins* * uoftii.' iuvy. Eîîgland as ta the maiutaînsue<of varingn vetesels lu inte vaters aiftthe greant akt'..- What Witt Be Naine? £K TAN Wiipt viilb. ils naine? K 1AN La Bluff, Noti Chicago and W'aujkpc gan are agitated oe tequastîonandl LAWYER muao lhe Secretary oaithe Navy. Local 213 Wasngton street seutimuent lavais retaiuiug tue oh] naine, Petthbone, whleh nov relates o.te i. WaiikoMa creet, but fu many eas t Iis sounds 'Phone 27 1 11 coamonplace. Othar uameewvici hava been sruggeeted aud are more or h-s _______________ favored are: Paint Dewey Paai Jones Statioun Coustitution Point Poiut Fa.,igît NEWSPAPERS jim#. IL J. M..e Porter Station Olymiipia MAGAZINES Ju "lefl Oregon Rill Bay Harboar PERIODICALS Lbetuiî,II High Grade Buildings. -i Tiiegoverunient bildings to hle ' td CIGARS sud 'li are la b of a puunnad uer - TOBBACO Protino Block. finished nature. Ture fouendaatn(4ilous ill bc eunk ielan oth bt grade o 1tae ORDERS for CUT FLOWERS stane,. The superstructures vili be brick

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