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Lake County Independent, 24 Nov 1905, p. 7

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LAK2 OOUNTY IqD1£PENDENT, WH<n ôùiali TaIk Aboutt ùm god thuigs t» be ba" at thm don r ou may est amedth*ey knov vwhat' th"yar anmkilngamuti. Mni..JoSueva .Ugbted with Our880 0090es, 1010 aU uer ulghbonrS uit, 20 nov custfmiers for bat purticular br%üd; Mu. Smilih wu oquent ln hon pr&Ws of Canned gooda, aclared she nover hati vegetableo that uted no muoh 1k frosh.. The fruit 'wth àe orchard f1svor and other Items of the olmo Brand TaIk vwlth us about your neit or- den, vs always pleas. J. ELU TI l&GOS RTY VILLE MARKET and GROCERVI IL& IL a ail al Why Not-euy of a home-merchant when he an give you the closest marginB. Beaides ýut- ting our profits way down, wé keep any in repair for one year. watch purchased gt our store in repair You Can Buy Cheaper watches, peïrbaps, but you cannot bbuyy better ones. Our wakhes are made to 6.6 WEAR. for ME N, BOYS, YOUTIIS Du* Contefroun $1 op MW& .Rubber lIOrmed cous from S140 up Nus bleep smoo Com &Moue$3.50uop. ZÀ$ab 45c ,Su*W rSppUYU MW cats ium u'foe ls am gens. A Com plete Line of Justrceem-utpne t aarc lghý t kl.e be u ever aubows*in srtpslle CorneinaIloetge Smith &Davis, Libertyvifle, [il. WY, NV~BR2,10 tLocidl Items of loterest to UibbpgiU Readers 9 Picked Up liere amd There Mr. and lira. Pond aoflChicago spent! Edgar Welle whà ha. been ill the lent Snnday wttb M. B. Colby and ýfamiiy. 1 everal day. t4reatened ',ith pneumonie, Mra. John Croker returned the lattur iM eomewbat lmproved., part ol Iut vuek train a viit with The.Brt of a oenluof dauces, ta b. relatives st st Paul. given every two wooke durmug the. Thon wviib. dalle- baté, bonnet's. -inter ooeui<slgturday nigbt, Dec. 2 at closks. b.ddingf, etc. forj sae ut thé H otel ,Edwards, iteM Day. Mertel M.sthodotbmBt'Doc.7. furnshu the mualc. Morses tabled fr.. Jeus Hyatt te vorkîng wltb the Ail invited. surveyhiig gang of the. Chicago & A mail pouch throwii froin a moving lilwaukeesctrie. mail train a few morninga ago came in The. duter factory is working nigiit'. close and '.ndden contact with the pt of nov outil nijie o'ciock and le unabi. to;JBen Simons' stomuch ani for a moment catch up vlth It. orders. the. twO oneinl close MOf lovingembrace. Horae Rikly l buldig anew Ben.ays that lie wa'. perfoetiy sber but Morus Blkle labuidinga 0 'cie tiiet the sack wae very fuil. hause attii., ruai of the Jochheim bakery fur theiunofa tbat cocern. Secretary Morse ianotifying members Ed Plto lanowworingforSchnck'of the Lake County Agiculturai Socety Er .d Pelt ng thenov wo r ng f r o va ek that the. annua l m eting <of the organiza - Ba . urlgthe s u o m m era heg o t e tion le ita eb e d s t the t uvu hall, teai wih ti. cn'.tUctOf angof ii.Lbertyvillu on Wednesday, D)ec. 6 at 2 electnie road. P. iM., for the purpose af rlecting officers. Dck Mliahan vas ln towu on. daY The mimbership rol contaume tus year this week making arrangements for bis some 175 naines. ratura ber. nuit spring witii hie ,string Anuhrofra odaldrwg of horss for eanly trafiig. d inpror of tii rit.ol-" îdo! th ain Austin Schnaebele, of thim splaceenrolied ...rt roni h ight wîll baydf ti t ii ep ia'.t Monday fur a cotnpiete course witl, tank on the Wolridge prohictt. The. the Waukegan Busineëss oiiegre. H. wii' laucîîk irt i. beng hauil'l :îwuy andl go tu, and f rom Wauk-gau daily on tiei. nnvi),o)lrty ownr - .. taikng electrie. îinti-o i.ttn* itn tt Wooiridge Bromm. have a contraet foraua ,àkp . lii on iota wie)i , irating or tiioncaud vashing inwlîin~e for a -Northti~Iig Chieago firn tand v.ili oi ouncOnmeinLt. 1'tnm.v.nornîng ut tim1fioiofthe tuning thein ont a t thinewiii a tff. ja,, ealîsl .a'JlîtiinNt,,tîseNnifi, 1uo tuwIi. Jr. and IlijssMargaret Fi .îeri.-î.- wcr.* lu searcii of land. He hvî'it Motalia 'rb4.ý y.îutgispi ar %\4,îî kiown La' anduotier western titatet retnruntg bY l.rMise Fairgrieve havi'c î',r tiie pnet bis Cauaidianl provinces. fa.ti.rv while Mr. Note-t. tii îî ans ha, Chas. Braotly yeerday opetied up a rHis.d in thua loca)iity bit for soumctet iigh clasa buffet at 131 :Outit Geneset. tltimee-n ,mployed am inixler at rot Street Waokegao fHe wtli continue ta tht. Macaroni fa-tory. MJr. aîndi1rs.. hol run bis Lbertyvilie place as weii, divid. Nnnsên wIli live in tihe Etîglherry ani ing li@ attention betveen the. two. leott*igCdtu, Cap awurdfs by the gentiemenie l)riv. Wednesday morsinir ut eigbt o'ciock un log Club, ai (.icago. have heen nmade, John Lynch, of Lib.rtyviile, and Mi@s It and ta Salon (irattan. John Rl. Thonîl», Mary Carroll. of Warmtptou (irove, were s »on's browu staliion, goeo the cup for, united la marriage lu Waukeègan by th faasteuet trotted doring 1905, and Futiier Gavin ut the church of the lmn- 1 vhleb va. lu 2:13-%. maculate Coneption * 1few,' imd kt. Wý . Millher, of the. Waoconda Leader, 'frienda and relatives oftthe young coupla Lil aet Monday night in towo. He had vitue'iIig the. esreiny. Mr. and tirs tr latended retoruing tu, Wuuconda but a Lync ilcmllreinl Liberty vlile viiere_ rig vhich b. expected tu muet biuait the groom le amocaetd vitb bis b rotiie Eockèieller filî,d ta materialize and hecin a thriviflg undertaking and lvery s tiierefore didn't get back to thau metro- business. Tiie bride Si àgraduate ai the. polis Waukegan bihiiscbl &ad a young lady Tuesday -tegruocu' tra. Sprnt; sud ai attaiIiie ., WygepgratoIatelt Louis Iteuffus, of Lbertyville, were A Waukegau uPper ýha'. the foîiovîng Ou united in niarriage t the borne ai Ber. ta eSay vhich reflecte rerÈ seriously «Pou.M G. B. Bauman, patar oi the. Germaunthe cliîvalvous instinct@oai the, Men 0i L Reformed chorch, of Waekegan. Mr.,,Lbèrtyvilla: "-Mue. Win. Fulton. met S Ruefles la a. traîner uit the Trotting vlth a hua .accident Suay evenlng lie Associstion truck in thi.ernploy of wviii le iiting ber autlt id Iàbetyville. J. W. Swanobrougb. Mr@. Spring hue On thi.eldvaik a aumberef mo e voie h for saine time been runuing a boarding gathenadgod as tbey - xade.no effort to dÊ hues near the. truck. Mirsud tira. mots, Mmr. Fulton woo. abliged ta @tep P RuesSua le! t immediately ater the ta the ground. The. embaukinut vas dî oersmonyfor a trip ta Sheboyguu sud unusually hlgh sud a64ai.sout eh. fell tl othor nontiionu points., and prained ber %lu i veryhall. w The. Catiiollc buteur vhlch vwili bc Whou sb. uMWved bhum. *@ah @. eluaa hld Nov. 28 and 29 endins vith a serions0 condition 'haviag wnmbced L dance on Tbankaglvlng night, tb. 80tb, beréeif pretty badly." di bld fuielobs the grutslet glisn by Jadge Joues, nif,Ç'iukegan vas ào0' thb.W l'ehureh. AU articiles -tg>lbu die. ULesrtyili. Saturday tllng an friends al posed ofaivii .haffied lotaInlter thon landimlng the poitcalpuis ofLlhoet. 'w 'Wednesday. Tii. fuli lady'@ suit la ta b. iilan. Tiie judge hj a candidato for raffsd off, on " sdaey and ticket. arethe repubhîcan nomination ta mccSid 1 nov oui anM balai sold on It. Tbiaisuaitf. Elvin Grifflu, out for aheiff, Pl dune.Mo. baak Dig ihG ahOuld bas of loto basn spending coakiderabis L dmu ase Ouod er<wtijud propbttlof blé time la UberVpge.. OadUt uam bslng muAs ta malle it en affair that Simpeon vho bas the Sehool Supenluten. t wilb.ha mgbçred long by homlle vho 4»W tu nA a"nAE. JHsdscke.OUi W atwad. for County Judge, have" isauinc.llng (3 Wi. range Farevell, of Lale o o» pretty regulanly ou their Lib.rtyvlllsup. t la WWbq bis fameIns thotougubrsd portsns-in fut the campalgu for couutya s4d8otJim Wasson ut leTboînpson oSes la varaing up.,À NI 1 a Furi South of taltO. Tis hWhui'Tii. .lectnlcplant .t Libm"tvilis laies-Ji bMbo ute ge5t5greuot carià1fa hQoei log put lotosahape and by the. latter part aod bavenw action "fouir ta the boack- of thh5 ves Winilie tarted, it bain« the. »#& U r.'Frvel hua authanlsed Supai- plan ai tii. oversof theplant, th.North ltato lu M rayofitheThoupSon faim SiiorsElectrlc eornpaaj', titntii. ta stand *h bouse, ihet fariers ay ou1nusseh uvening doring the portion bave tb. pelvilege of breeding tli.lr af the nlghtwbeneveryoiiebot babrs andd même. ta a great tboroaghbred ust a li Wuukegau la using llghtesud thS e 4ligure viSit thir raech. An ad lu an- belliout the. main pliant tut ual cty. ' other coain d.scntb.s tue huée anM The carrent viien not Suppliait by lb. furnisiies pantlaar. lcasl plant wiii b. broogiit tram W&O- Dantan 0. Covi vin appeared ut lb. kegan tins giving a current al lb.he iai Union chureh lat Tburaday nigt as su as t promunt. Tii. plant vîlI t lb. impgrwao ai o uai Joues, thi.eceutnie saine lime lie reudy for use uit suylime sud far lained evungeliet. gave an aveu- hhat anythbiug appens to the. feèd vires log ai mouS sicellent euertaimeut. froin Wukegan. Joues versatile, vit and inimitable The WVauk.gan Gazette of Monday faut patiioeiva4vodenfully brougbt out by ha'. the Lbertyviiie Crystlu, Springs tb. Speaker and bis sharp thruste white' rte ps Lake 'untly'a only geyser polated sud peuetrating coulA not givnsd le rigbit lu caiit thle cpnlng by the. offense. YWh e i.evening wvasditictlyInae.lviipynynvhh'uo Joutes lb. Crovi crupt loto the lecture a yst sein the spriug ta, make il a viil. littas penhage, sud part. of thlectureu The water -pour@aoit fthe pipe tion Oeett"st cme lu for their @bures0of ing like a giguntie srtery. À white jet attention. "If&aCliitian Sientiat flle aif atur la Ibrov uio thlb.air fify six bIta the laits b. doesn'l bave ta, rov," feet wt vlhiery otiier b..î, the action saidliCrovl, "jie msrely îhinkstbat lier. heing mhiithe Mmsuai.uste l ue n r0a in Do vater tber, sud lter. iu't and YliiovsonPark. ThI e iM 1_çp ilion b. liply Safflta asue.ou the frat lar a fudo f itva o b u"f.* Wb* brosse l i g*l&es" Crovileau man 0f1 thes f ite groumi baq aa tvetyf vs uhoogbholieuppeausbut a tuii.. m i pemdutO "a calai eenot boy. MWosp"silsabout'.teu motitho B tanktvhlch vall G tei *t UêvsIl imon the isl edcntiu&UsydeliOder geteprogerty ofaI. ~Oem* .and lectratmd om*M prchin wha te waur illb. ocm plialieAon asW usa no pp»sb*he isa I aa voi ranA a. Ohloago rade we . un H Subd&Y.'"Ms wue IbrmWeuy scrsartaW ie aluttaitl maob*Z MIqnm for Joues, wbom hb ov peuaUusI1 0% M Gb. wman ottis iOPWM ~ lboo- v*Me m,% bnP aomd i tis aiti pre. pwiSuae.AuIkausISliIq»ro1i ea sent iw iiW oma tm ae estum h y Gb»HMe aGon il Mbu Mo~ .fa - mvmeg~hi~ aius, a TRAINER ANOTIIERO Pet L"Verne? Ot LtbyI lep Uss. Mrne.. akeBAv Upon K.aed of Wahiv Nygretlalu ov Over Dog. is Now A FUGITIVIE. atm. dest J.m and Orv jusi Spr LaN fart a a ofb Dp2 awl the gaW pet wet le it Men's Felt Boots Meu's Hats and Caps Men'o Shirts and Tiese I&en's; Fleeced Und.orwea Boy@' Suite. Men'a Shoos New Stiitinga Cours Tennis Petticoats. Ladies' Wrappers Ladies Tennis Gowu FOR MEN Ladies' Silk Lined Gloves Stuffed Pin Cushion Forms Infants' Wool Leggins Childreu's Underwear di th de t'u th, TE LIBEI Bumpe" the macot of the Marqh bie Bt the Trottng AsociatiOD track nue very nsar bqlug the cause Of the îtb 01 Waily Nygroe. trainer for W. Swansbrough, lut Fridayinol'iig. id la now the cause of bisemaster, rville LaVerne, being a fugitive front tics. iscause Nygrene unoeremoiiiauiiy !ed Bumps froin tie front etepe ni the ring boarding bouse near the track ere both men took their measi aVerse became angrY. At, the break- attable words foilowed and tii. men ,ized." low@ever. struck by both %rties viien auddeuly the otben boarders bw Nygrene ataggar as :bougb dazed til blood flowed down hie face. "Pat," LaVerue le faîniiiariy knoovu bolted om the. bouse aud that le the last seen ýygrene wa'. found te be badlY out about thle head and abharnebe maker'a -l on the fluor neanby proved te b. iweaponu oed ini the attack. A deep ehb from the weapon barely eccaped aetrating tihe man's eYe. Hie wounds @ru cared for by Dr. GallIway and h. recoverlng. A warrant was sworn out for aVenesâ arreet but hie bad made good i escal . Thongb Uthepolice teiephoned 3Chicago and ail l" pointe. they av.been unable tuo Sud bitu. tMen at àe track atated that LaVerue came Lnniqg to the. harn viiere the Marsh rese arusabltd at breakfast turne d ordered a boy te iiitcb UP ut ance (drive hum to Bockeeller. The lboy i as was ordered but since that turne o trate of tii. fugiti ve ba been found. t escuepectud by sorne that b. la lu ýiiog ut scame friend' borne vaiting for e trouble ta blov over. Both Nygrene and LaVurnu iiad borne ,od reputation'.aie. c omlug tO .bertyville aud both bail kept Out Of rouble heforu. Bumpýe. brindie bot alled eause of ail the. trouble remainé w unconcerned as ever. X ANNOIJNCEMNTS X "A Prayer for a Ciiurch" will b. the gubjet of the. morning service at the .etiiodl3tchnrch Nov. 26. Tii.Epworth eague bolds a Thankegiving cervice 5nday evening at 6:15 foll9wied bYtii' auaI eveiiing service. - A union Thanksgiving servie wll b.e held ut thie Metbodi.t-chutth on Tbtirs- jay at 1O:eo. Ail citizen@. are urged to preerv e i.religous signifcance ai te day. Tiie munie yul be4 furnflbed by fe union of leoth chairs and 11ev. QuayIs wiii preaeii. There yul b. a sub.dltrlct EPvOr& .ague rall- ut Northi cbicgoa Satu>, day Nov. 25. Aiternoon s-MsOnU &tir, d-cock. At 7:80 Dr. Dan à. Brt'i.ltb asistat editor of tihe Epworei* He.uld will speak. Mise Margaret Wertaund UmsGracm Moulding third snd fourth district vi-s pesidont. uli speak et thu Ep-Orh .sgue serviesneit Sunday negt. Tii. tapie for addreus iiy the pastor of b.e Preabyturnn ciinrci nuit Sunder orm iii "Tin I,-r umaut of Chbonhe of tii. Unitd States ta Cauge the Basie of Union froam. 'Oqr Lord âud lavior' hoe'Oui Divine Lord sud Savior" At nigit the. tapie viilho "ii. o0n& man."~ AU an îninvtsd Mies Blancii Chapaenbha. hn riat- ' ing the. pont veek at the. Wels' haie. Contractor IHealy va. lu tavu a 1ev daye ugo te make arrangeaient. for the comemencement ai the wark on the. water mains. Accor4ing to hie agies- ment h. muet have a mile o! pipe laid by the flrst of the. year and h. Boys b. vii do il. fHe promises to have the. business district upoJied by Christmtas turne and states that the cold weatber will not interferu wlth the. job as h. willputsa steain digger ut work that canOu t be stopped. Several thousande of pounde 0f valves, connections and lie PIoge have already arrived and are nov ou the. town lot vaiting te beu ued. At present the. Company le being delayed by lit inability ta get fron pipe, otberwlse the. work would now b.nder way. Ton tan apply Manlan jis, niRht viiere the. pain la. Il la Put 11P lu collapsubie tubes vltii DO"alettach mient for introduci»g it. liauZan stageS pwain ietautly @ad Mr"e al kinda of liild, bhedlng, itebluf sMd protrudlaf .plieso bd b7. W'1!" gLuvy Nature m»&d s * #àu Ll 6tieEa l '-se nov &a d mthe ql b oala chou, the livoea glve " 1ê*il g» IO M fr s om f&Mdm. sa". P su y*A&Bu am ola"nt in saut lat fuaction. i.buoÊ mehu oG ins n SEASONAI3LE BARGAI .hsyalo mi c& 2pi ........ ...... ..... .... gl -t p o- . .. . .. . .. . .. . 35e benv vomi mltw..... ......... THE PAIR SFRieD CROKER b for a111Uttar At your IMMpuI 030. A. Wezenv, VlePres P Cuit LAKE CO. NATIONAL CAPITAL $50 oý SURPLUS ýooe sno . Ths tlm to open a bankauout lto4el. i 760o toinorsesst. Trrftye-olsavy pefor»0Ud~* Phoos 29 i 1-L ýLAINDRÈW -Iluss r » Duby LUUTyvau x x UIMIS Duck Coa

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