To &H latent.s and pur- law reine lu Kinkald wuaus.the Sgypuc ern 1inouas, and Itlà1 -It would go bw with a t#o parts attis is rE nO'gisve, a good account ci falioers ai tise regioxi «tipbeff ;Qtheir rifles and *"'t&re standing rai t "a ive isattie toanaysu Ï&Týet.r And there lea. 4ýuation. éj9 h* weekattç¶rci tile boys. ý-ibLýsey could flot baye bad Io %tauid seek their Uives, lu mmsbere of familles thai p51 agiles spart anti isadu sm have cone ta their deatb ifie tisati isirystlYing ta theo o, iad the cirournetances ai ut-~ Inurder. ho4 god people et the tom.~ «ki now là. an answer ta the vitisoter or flot tiser. le a t. large visa la seeing thse Ittitecblldren or visether the 1 tva Utie anes. tat have mournlng ta, their respective ér* tise resuit ar accident. a dlllgent iuvetigation la b.. elD "94 are being clasel) 1 Tiwl1list auds every one ai tWulrlwmesansd dayligbt Suds 4$ saretully vatchefi by tissu Worthern., sued seven, anc ktroa Cutts, agefi fine, vbooE *e u4W) three mles apart, met Md niqsteriaua deatis itir , »otis ver. klfed by visai te, le tise bruat af a keesi e49 ltsart, Aud yet bath, tel ili;Pente ver. near and nc fUI eaturs ait tse deatis ol la tiAt just before saci bM ,5 V5a reot orai A otgum a Mid4 tisus stis asl 1> olved. Clasely toi. ris these uns the. lads ded. buat it doesanat ltlier Isumstise boye baliunes. Botis bai baýZ 'hve'beeu made IMtb0O17 isshm oU ad. mléflks. afud bin gun wvItl a isUlfe gdkle h hl acAm . is ée aIa othse parut. a ilde ln the dis- s *OW bue ih atrsd for lit- hws ehioeame .thad of tùts boy .ai atplay ln an i a t &short distance tram zX çIII ý - Woras SU5~ d th saursape. ' noa,.... ........... ' 0î in dragwteast ý4~ws t _then fb - ...........:: 4'f0 banni no woyards wa of i 555Msdlg BottH. a, .... otla tia, e. iç ge ls ot v a;;* )dvu ............S5el..... 355 Co lag........... . aenelboln oo.Sir elbthe «MéCo- M.Xf*%t ila. W 40 clalbrp wa s test sud rs a -h u - e tabs C S. ..............7If i "'am~,i av hrtmyei.".....v Mre...... .1....5 W O Slà bise bRed vaslan a ut ltb vmisis4& TEt.Ceal m17i5%crdfco Dl......... .. ........ In In fhsmew Infnsboho la ad besu UOO5I-'rsub..............SIÇ leemoloue.o Si blti" . toaslaulrd n1Cmo pGodser.-4 6& a Wogb t ver d . lop e n t my e b t ÂîN-Wea l'a tD................. OU& efbrt tua, i * the uand range s ud 8i: Ma .... ..... .. .. a 1 tisaitise afl iM i fo lboIiftd untl Ey. 4Decmber .....6»Q om% ne ay.................49-» hrisnc 'Mamig, à.ave hrt myCor I; ,li al'..d.............443W 61 Jast n. Cse. aia. ui "Atmntet I.s e oid ae ayi bee's REG - . ..... .... ....... 7 U4 alaj ro A teta 11[14e7n'tme, i GRAIN-Whsat. flecember.. 1 ?%2 b th ne s "'r t f te tklraelngezmand Corn,.'May ..........1% 4 No.a, 2 Wte........1QI% tht meustat twisl owebete nl u a ST. L IS....-ý: k, » theepyer re suafoldinthlubfr o CTLle tera.32 7 MILeAUKEE ofothe»."-Pl itlad bosla ele e xas Steera..a . e.......275O , get ~ ~ ~ ~ a ......kCr..... ...75"2 _________ uCrMay............ 0 44%9 A Sens, . ni -C..i' HNattndrd.........4 UOà fA. r tepris all, the idsl ng , tr R e av.>............... 67 se tk n *Oatz, o.Ws t ......... 481 81%î TIL c4't ic j Ijo heals the Iungs and vents serious results'frc a côld. Do flot take chances DID YOU BUY IIOMESTAKE1 PORTLAND, CAMP BIRD or UJNITED VERD! STOCKS When they were firstoffered to the public? IF NOT, and you desire to avait 'yourtwelf of a similar opportunity NOW, write for inîformîa. tion or eaul ou us. linly 50.000 eharre nt 5 cents lier phare, îpar vaine-. 1 t %wot't lis long. This -5 cent mtoek im the' biggmt valu.. we e.v..r ..w. With a large, rich lîroîierty ilos.' to two raîlroaile. ii sl..îidid corgauization. rtrong direct orate, t'a pamble. undi exprise.l oflepy-. an.] the.. ..npany's affaire handled on a trkctly i,în.jn.'ee 4baeje 1tii' ianot.i for lomm e t -link arp eliminated. We claim the richest aimnerail property ia the. canip. and alto foiur wat.'r powers. W1e have tihe finest town mite. and theonly iunpollutm] wate-r supîîly. 'Buy no stocksl witlîout inv..tigatioî. lnv.etigEate us! Thie le tihe.-The' Investor's C,.." lornied lit trained inlut...' re. Oîly -),(M)O > sîm t.> aiy one persan St 5 oeat@ per sbare. Joasuit yoîîr own intereeSts by aetingr quiek. Tuunl now la 156 foe.'. Workiag day and nig4t expept Sundavs. Wateh us grow 1 Send foreireular just out l'efree. Coniparp.our TWU MONTHS OLI> mipen.v wîth any TWI) YEAR OL) ln the d. trirt. Square Deal Mining &Development Go. ULBERTYVILLE, ILL PRISCO, COL Main Eastern Office ROCKFORD, ILL. rq a. cold wearing away experiment with somel known preparationt costs you the sa7mct, Foiey'. Honey and: n Remember the namce get the genuine. À% &Mn. "di fa Tise Tis falwng lie os£.1 batiu of »M svll. ad.&iEsI 0b % IaNoatfotrs * Oin old. A rghj scrlbed for u s li 1 th iso tts aVSb~ sud .1gb.dom Wcre ie Tisesise-tic. 8ah. P.». Tise 50 coût is otls orne-bau limes mémUei and tise 31.00 batts sl n usmch. F- l.LOVELL LIBSUWIYVL T h bldre'. jubilesof gond fallows the assaf liesLéatise and Tar, tise cougi s yrup tbatn cold traintise syimuby acdoi cathartlc on tise bovefe.A 1 remiedy for Croup, Wbooplsmoo ail luog and bronlehba 1d S< by WILL BACSLIýy, ls*1 GnÂvsx..szz PÂMC RU' AND CRIED OUT [AD HURT HMSELF. ter vas vorking. Ris n- standing la the déont. Qgu and hma aumi iew dI %.Tisr.*v"-,th* at. Tkesa lsomsrmbled ru f.a1 the@ bous And laitise a.rmu cf bhW la ths. aon'a. egad tus . tise v su nu OPENS January 2nd and we W- ant you to b. with ni& at ta ,~turne. Wilhave several new students tartlng at: that uie. Won't you be one? Don't keep O.putting this matter off, but get started NOW-no better time than right now. You want to get a PRACTICAL, EDUCATION and you. wane t6,, get it at the W. B. C. This education you can use every day of làdiî ilfe-no matter whethierl"u lniend belng a fariner, meobanlo or mer- chant. The W. B. C. offers suplirlor facililties for securlng msuch au ,educatlon., The best teaehers and thxe beat methods are employe&. Po«ition@s sured. .Call and t.alk the matter over wlth us or write us about it. Rernenber * iTS A CfflDSCITOOL W'allkgall -lsillesJo1Ig, Cor. Wàswhington and Geneaee St. thse wooe. at ça