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Lake County Independent, 5 Jan 1906, p. 4

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LAKE COUITY IN] T, FRmDÀY4 JA1qUARY 5, 1906 EDITORIAL SQUIBS. T Thee arerumiors titat the Czar ig 4 dead, andatise Czar tiobabiy wigisee theyI were frite. -o tIay or'l, e ,15- ue. James flazen Hyde says be lha@ no intention of going to France to live. That ie too itad. 40 1t.u4e,vfe E~.....- ______________=__ Pitteiburg nillionaires appirenýtly a Pom-oMeie ni LIseh it ,lt. ufs-r bore it-stin thotus girls tioaý U- ,$ooosd 5?tsuMstsee fort-titite d-ale la Wall st-r-f ~ÂjýcNULtRX5 06. w PRMARY LAW kqisreIt thbe Repubiiean Coanty ý'cet4mftte s ma tenîka n bonset tu e outtrue ifs dîties ander ,,d compiez primaury la- to t-e %1gsontewhat aebitrury ow'ers ýmtedmay tn no waY [le i-""-itSd *%twêection l , tbain if the ý, keepé la mind,in ie ill uge u%2ter le tihe one entitI-d f stilret èbtioi, Il aterer je is Nils-ult eçàipatib-le witia t-be ia-v, s Of knportanes titan the wi8llis eOf MW primary ian iltes tsait alls- àî, *à@ deissd tsi ps-mitithe rather t-ban poiit-isia"slte s-iisg htms D on -strucstiotni iitise V, ommitts-s-wbieh curtimthet-a ýWvleges, as contemPiated bY Olatire i, mue)t tW be gsiards-d oo of deisgat-es te lievotes- for s- r45 iee Whs uio are tW Bit la tits- t- ly Convention ans-inun -rn names Wil t-o st-te, Senatoria att> Cn- ésm i oventions, abouti> fot its LIt-eSor County etrai Cota- "aen..Tise funstion beiottgsI W*I ta thbe voter subo sîsoals be t %»d difft expression o!fcitoice in se ~ Ithis le not- ptactisîs i t* Do0w Issu, t-bsn latt-respect- t-le deectlve ans- sullfi luo! ap- are not unilkely to resuit- Sw lu aw wbich sull il e it o! ce W ilandidat-es sbat - - l Count>' conventions, ans- tain that- resusct are îlot W its, - f<ebr are t-be votesret-olue thir privilege of namiag vobe tes- for ut- t-bs- toa t-beth.Couty Canvetu- ta tisealteeb eeto w ItT NO IBBONS? ouamgetion t-bt Dnnim Gibbons, I)eeld, m nority - reprs-sntafive1 ~*edlstrlst shouls ait-ronOa terni 1 Hoàeý o!f tepreentativen, @tep 5i ~adthat Peter McDrmnot-t, of àbomdon is toga, i not pieuing oumtais-e o! Waukegan. Il 7.18reptitat-on for probity and il1e. acquaint-aice an> sy mpatby Wu constituenta, ans- faaiiaity - -t lerm bus lent wtb duties li-r Ï:i.11 argulor asot-er t-erni. a -a invariable preces-ent-t-o re- ont term Offs-ais unises .tbere lie good resson for flot 80 soing. No ,roeon existe in t-is case. An gent ln t-bs way o! a second terin esur> rigist- dueMr. Gibbons. No1 IO= iouli ise sast- upon bis bs gesvice isy denylng ita bis dus-.1 jr ,-ýkcout->'democrat- betile 0 lngsvity epreeentativesisip, wby WPME ?HÂN PITIPUL. 's'~n g h y m n O t o g e f r , E s t h e r , "~~i U I lg o a w ay , s a i s M r s .' rO10 'lar-ol d daughter. rtt.eaong hae-d dhe chld atbeeltmax of a @tory as tois-' PW& m o! ft-be sicknes ans-'f f a littIe chîls- for wbom ie beis- ta bave refuses- mses-ali mue 01 ber alisgiance tW Peophet 1 ,ofiate flsmgoof discretion o! wa 'oltion cisoose W s-ans- l4 ýbIii loyalty t-o 1)0,". is t-bs-lepris-ils-goansFj am 4bey or Iol" lnr > bi. laOur opinion, t a ayone. iýeildrnareplerfor-e oblige> fuW4Wb iIh n M erenas t-bs-ler r4tWous belketishe woeld ýlbaWdowarlgt criminel.Itt-il - le noiraj Atf.seiey Csstts-cs-À Noodv eattbe1 Aitisja1tsjim ilzssi cii ithase a laie trial. Wsuldit t-at iodge soase of t-eiseîî jai[? Si suc Istetsgis iiicsttigrcu-s ansd eînse go to iîil. su ils- a lest c-pcueily iatoredî ont-e aisîtsar t-o b lîs iîtîtli tîsLI),s-ths t hurls ise a lttg. 1,o is dilitreiti iîu.m isli- ise q isuil' lis sr 10,010tbille s ate e hs--iiist-r)Iid ini loagre.es aîr-ssiy Il sIl iiifi iei ulriel t-W itss-îiîs i lisea su v m îli l ia vs-t-s- sit-u tiiigiste tu t-t eths tsut -st- tsî ittet-lsisg hlss .e itss-î attii î4yIlle ittttiisii(j_ ll.sii-itt tisilsT-- 1)isi v isoldietisclts-Iu-J a -sîîrîlsu-s -re t-at ilsey 'II I inont-Ime s- 1 ial, e ait e tht-ise luis iis-ssstt i1 iss--t-lu1ilic, -rat - îeag ina fis-tI.- wesern L-sai-s- sîuity s-valves luaa vaioolîls- fus- I r(siias-s-r st w iii bs--spit-o Ile toaI dealiers tus iusetle about auts-frsî îssa. e-at t-ust. othitsee t-be î -1s - art- iks-ly t-o ilsrive reai bs-ns-St by thes lis-oves-y. Tint souls- not do at aIl. Couot-s (ierk fis-ns-se le t-ettisias-ily tostsis-iiedentis et-ising t-o blufîts. In t-bs-iutteriî bs-t-ares-n reituovai s-f luis t-set-b ansi t-bs installation of a s-t-or-" Set AI. iikea te t-ell is as-quaiitans-es t-bat be bas niitb-d so long at t-fe Publie crib bs-bas suaru out bis tes-us, aud ads- -I wouid appres-lat- anot-ber aibitie." Mr, Hendese s-ans-id or not-bing. WANT ADS. IlATe-hs-aensapar uaefer e-bIset-tas S1ix.osilo- stasa-iseta a.... S pes-ia t e-bh tis mess-b. Ternisasasl svans-a. tVa sutî set lset miese as-naitass unas as-t-ldin savases. 1St sent hi mails-aicash s-tas- compan s-as-i s-o tsura taserties Es-uruS. FOR SALE-a 30-30 W ioi-ieer re- psatilîg tiflef tan sepattes-n et ii th ,- uslais glo be sght-.. W ilI l I5lsti sif RAY, ockeslss-is-IIi Is if FOR RSAL E-Psî ii t-si île rti-c Pl v iut Retsk vs-tesIle. lis s o sLtss , 'iîsti 464, Lieryv ile.12 ti RAW FURS WANTEO-l will puy the bigbest- market prics- for ail kinds. liIOAcE Bt LKIEt. LibertYs jus. Mar. 1-d FOR RENT-l armIst-o reît uy twe fartas, en-eif 105acres as-ar Wadssos-t-b ans- one- ai S0acres ns-ar ltanboe. Botb su-s-l inipeoved. FT)WAuet-uBat-Es. Bits-e fs-ur. 12-i3 FOR SALE OR RENT-Neu bonse 7 reatuis. bail ands bath, an Lincoln Ave. 7-t-t S. L. Tii-s-.Lilertyviis-. )IL WANTED-Tti iii , vsîtsll Istnsi. (littu W.- Il. SuiqTEs.i.is- l. 1 2ti LOST-GoId "Nort-hwest-era "unuvereutv ipuin isias s-namei. Fisser les-se returu tess iIsts-rE'sT stific. 14-2 3FOR SALE-esoas- bans-argalsu goos- cons-ition. Will selI vs-ry s-itaîr Muit. 1Bs tuosCes-lus - ,lt-srtyt ils-. 111 .14t FOR RENT-S recase,, aIl mas-srn iii peovs-ments. laiure ut Litbest-yviill Rots-. 14-3 FO0R SA LE-S ixtîIl bîsuets-Scotch colli pape. PattIfs-saORSr, ltosks-ielier, R. F .No.2. 14- To The Public, IVs- knoss a! no greater serv-lis- t-t t-is ncwsfiaper san reader ius tuait reaees titan W ilet- t-itsn know o! reaiiy nîsrit-erisuos articls- ans- suiers t-it sanie may tic procures-. For titis reaissi sue sisb t-s bavs- s-vsry reader psrase t-i foiiosiîtg e-ct ustt-sr t-si te munufas- orses rota Dexter Maisons-y, a gs-ns-r mt-eant-at-Quigls-y,lil. ies-says: *Pieas sens- uie by express t vo soasna!ois-Go. fins- t-an excellent uledieine an>dihave t( keep it- in t-ask.' Re-Go Toieis Laxa tive Syrap le an uniaiiug Vare fur censi r tion, Sick Headache, Biiousnsse, Sau tomash and Dyspepsia. It- is thbs ides mes-us-ms for chilsrea.ESsis- in 25e, S- andI $1.00 bot-tles b>- F. B. t-suttELL Lit ertyville. _____ _____ A Certain Cure for Croups Wbsn a childsh iowrs symptuassc croup tbs-re is no tinsut-o experimn witlu nes nases-les, no mat-tee bc iigly tbey may be resommende Tises le one preparat-lon tiat na lways ho dependes- upon. It bas hee in une for asany vesuad bas neve been known t ails viz: Cbamberlaip' Ci4 Reinesy. Kr. M. F, Compton( î akt, T«xa, soja o! iti,*1 ba~r nu £abesstmiasCough ,R9 iie4yle '. B. Col ca o t E-i-- t- E, LUMBERI -ALL KINS- (iood Grades at Fair Prices. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULD- NOS, BRICK, LIME, ALPHA PORTLAND CEMENT, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, ETC. G. Ml. SCHIJNCK' -Free Coal For You IUIJNOIS STATENEWS. New Int-erurban Lino Opened. Edwardsviiie.-The 6t. L.oois Nortbeast-ern raiiway, the t-bird inter- urban s-isst-ric lune into Edwardsviiie, bus been put lato aperation. The ma- chinery in thbe suit-station at Hantei was started, and the equipmelit of t-be st-ation, as weii as thee unes, was t-ber- oughiy tested. The opeaing of t-be new division ms-ans thbe connes-ting ei s-isctricity of 25 t-o 30 Ilinois citieS ansd town wit-h St. Louis. Lt la n0w possible to travei eniireiy ity eleC- trislty from i S. Louis via Edwards- ville t-o the toliowing Illinois s-fics: Staunton, Mount olive, Carli vi île. Litcbfild, Springfield. C-haunpaigni, Urbana, Decat-ur and Danvilie. N<ew Railroad. Spu-ngeld.-The ses-retary o! st-aie Issued a license to incorporat-t-be Har- risburg & Onio River Railroad Com- puny. Thse principal office is ut Har- risbturg. Thte capital s3tock la nominaiiy $50,000. The road l t-o ite constructed trait a poinît on ihe Illinois Central railroad near Galata. Saline coîuisy, to #pIn t on t-be Ohio near Roseciaire, in county. An Ianmenae Hog. Danvlle-A bog raised on a smal taren near thbe soldiers' home. owoed ,an-t operat-ed by Mary Jones, lias jout Pbeanq but-cbered. and ws-lgied, sihen v resss-.i.725 pounda. It Is one of te tbiggesi ever alaugittered lis-ne The an- e maI svas an Engiisb Yorkshire ami but 18 moitba oid. It measured seven feet from t-he tip of thbe nose to Uip of Adjudication Notice.Ou og yu ue btnt ogs1Ti50S .-. Wi nît..- h srs-tss- stve a i -sth, sesbas-kifwith a ton ofs-nat. Buy aboutleanad guessonltse s-ual, ,,abas-ris-se adlsit-at-r wl,- a19'Ixt- tisy oste WHITE PINE TAR SRRUP, if is-oea nour--ss yos-e nf;tisc osiat-a o! Saoamon s. Wiilus>. ds---t wisîattes-> the C-saut-sCauti- -t .-ahs s-s-i, - cough gai your moacy bas-k and KEEP THE GOAL. ut- t-armt-bse-ct nt-at8u1,u1-1 Ut--tsfThe one who guessas. leurs-st tII-e ns-mit-mof pies-es iathe t-st Ms-nsay of Atîi et-t 19 6c es-Ilsiai scuttla gela the coul. subrs- t r an isavrg-sa gsi- s-- lisesaune t-osais- castlfoir isui-01,iIsabuI r Il. îe LOVELL'S IJIUU 3ISTORE W a d j,. . u d1 ) C t i26 . an o t i 1 3 - 3 p-dî , b r, 1 ,- 1 ,,-r- hl l t t 11 rut-ftis-ssc st I t. i tiser"-! h.~htl-- ssi ti- tr- t tas~~ ~ " ,; ',i r- C o meat ti e T-e Wusis.o' b s-al i ult i.I1-- l tir- ar iotil-'l hd ir-u'"i1 re stLia samottO-lisîituri,'jfiitiîi JOaMn. Orue Exeî,ulsix WssIuesRft5 - _______2Oth Cen aoi. Adjudication Notice. Dat-e la Changed. et-sestsratmalessi ttu-Foîît tr... Springfield-At- a meeting of t-lie osr -trsge o.1tss-as u itsiisiths- grand officsers or Knlgbt.e of Pythia es-cifi U- s-tîte i e csutr13-.IU 05 lillinosbs-Idlant-lis it-y, t-be dat-e tsk-ti.lssi stt. u s-si- Mis,. das- tisi -t. use- et-eiosi is,-si RUBBER or boidîng ibe annual ms-eting, wlicb -s-sueiajz.usass ~ine-t -Msu -sa se nuail i-d on t-bs-t-ird Tussday tin resoIfis-tu)e e-i-i air-e-tise ostoitsr. sas cbunged tW Tbursday. No- LESLIE i.Nauss. Ps,tic ýAsIuistrt-fl. vemnier 8, 1906, su as not- to lnts-fee-Waukeau.Dec, 15,l. a-,1il36E1À sit-b tbe meeting of tbhe supreme los-ge OdnneN.16 In N s-w O rlans o stoits r 16 , n oit- ysar. A n o rd an e po nti lt o lo. i x ng i E R M A B C Cruekamen Steal $1,400. "" . ojaus.îii -tc i ilet i> .sr Iroquis.-Burglars bruike litht-e Of or 4 th;setltieilsage et LiU.rtyvtil 1IBE privais- banking Institut-ion of Stickiey, Teastes Imsu ssPoint s-asts s-s-r. su Vila£- Wray & Go. and wres-lusd tbe sati sit-h tttilesit-ce.ws ssi.attsts-lw t-b'lns of uiasnb4plitminft t- tise.-nd a s nîtro-glyceria, sesuring about $1.400 in miais-i. ai yeue sud uunluht ssbisae 6a5iso cash. The explosions arouses- t-be toIn Sustases-r 1 i iuiy 5.ut-eitsd uts-t sii55t tv Tise ierssoua- apPoucisste tustr. aisoti un> James Witemanwsaut-be tirer on ets aiat, sas-b boudesa moiter"e 1ir)S t-b se-ne. He firs-d several abot-s into t-be Bs-anai Trusta tsastisstt.efosc us . t-be banik and t-ebiurgiara repliisd, bol ru-st-.-'u i k AN Si t-bey sscaped 0. cT 2.ala.latha h ie dat-y oftht. eoietusr 1ta esutS au ftocii I 0asme-flf and efsiber swarrantsa ai, ub bs- isw sasdtise Outut f oalMins. ortlinauôeâ t t-beTillasse ut i Uiertyvilie niay Out-ut- ! Cul Mne. be eos-ut -u Waotnandtiufsllitiperforas $asta Springfield.-The total out-put o! 990 utber duIs as are os orn beroeMaysus bu coai ~~l isf-d s oion hlitishe L"W$ ofthe 8-te es colmines lu 56 ceuitI llinois .n ot llinais or tiseoasdiuansseat,aliuViias. t-be yeatr ending Deoenuber 31, 1905, was Bzcasioesî. Saisi s-is-iettue baili snob uas 37183,374 tons, according tu the annai boO anadbis as-canuLa la Sas-uiner as . v . P A ,le ial, tIs oe mereqaire-> byesdrorsE n WP A soui report- just made public by the-bs ,e lution of tise boad ut! Trustes-a. He stas hourd o! laitor atatlstics. fat-bShiatn. a- otteisas La r sestir> hi su.puy as-sr a t-otise Villame Tseaeuset, alil mssnes oiIrcuod lOt-h Century1 year 199 ms-n suses-kilied ans- 102 bs- nias trom Mays-source Wbaeee.t-aki.es somen wers- made wldowa. t-h- Treasreras reeels-t- s-ers-ur; wbiites- stiP aissttlIltIs->itei i-r]BifOCu Vslue (liet; bu thte Tiazu risr SMt s-i iSHNi-.DAA-s Todidnla aFew Lines, tt ettile t,t . ses uld Kt>ivu -as-i CtJi.eot-sr a __ Norris.-As t-bs-reosat o! a drianken Bas-Tus-S. Il" abati sau-s -a r l i tW.iiînï ti tise Bisas-diotirutses. t-brus-sis tuuriel over aasuras efmoney aunount-- tuVS&iurClet -iaUinoneîaaallss ,uet lng t-o $60, Frank Bart-oaisb, un Alla- nus-. t-iýýc as-s-tistt urs-af a Ii-tedand ost atstti e r ussela s,Lts-isttiu sis-bbis trian s-oui miner. shot Milke M Ooffice, us-tbs- fi uet astug of tiùs-aid s- IodH at t fbrogb thbe bs-art- sit-la a lot-gun. ans-d se-smoiuti. isd-u nas b goteuýreas ts--o eit it is-e-s. He ubajitais t annualti. oas-r busfors- now lea afugitive troa justice uns- a t- s-fis-su d>ust eps-lt. fie wt-t-bh ir epnslrcye issl qi murs-srer. Durag t-be mslas- a second .tsfeneta ait sesses- -s-leteded-ns bvys- issbnt-ileaop dt i',s t-is s--artise particulase sarrait. miner was shot- s61,-walassesuet, s--easteiu on ebiit Cicago.-Tbs polis-e repart- a large-s-,is--tet tUsissiltie etf mnoies- itielis-ts-d il b an I attant-slus bis bonus.,s-d île taloas- Inèreses in t-be crime o! aboplîfttn sa i nfS n-ate-asfut -be tisas oftrise during t-bs-Cristmas seson, maay r-t-aau"",, assau iiuteubuti-b s- aal ats-i womea and ciildeen iteing s-uugbt- in tis s-t the at of teCTiON ,5. It shahi be t-be dat-s-oaisai t-bs as- o! tesingClleitet moasresur t-ar fn a ftles-tisent you by Springhieid.-R-pessntut-ives o!f11i.iis- tis suntiiof tas-aandunu5sasnts noiecols-getasuItles enonce>i'Mt-plsssed 1.litIs bnde fsr coIIs-ev1ou seitesand a not coleg faultes enonee fot-of tiseBs-as-a s-tTruetees ou sai Villags- sr bal as -trenaletiatlictîîaand asicite> a- rs.staiseii Us- tuasesmnt Fxir resolat-lon "eympathiulng wltb et- w S as-aIe.Us-outs alit seintlai 5entt-5onM fort- e toparity thbe gridiron spart-, tis lecates aitt s-aies--t ise iuisrsst home su annuaits- an ait t-be s-s-fsre sat-allaeus Kankakes.-Davis- s-sGuI, a Wutseku .,trilie ouis- as ataiisasnf allait bs-as-mesMil, bunker, made bis seven daugiters aas, ans- tbs- it t-e5st s-aastutis -steren- n! $10000 eab ut a sstssisas-tts st-tti -u-s>t-s-stue Maiinoa r - pree-t-o 10W otil !uamily ith, tinatsu s-se an> tise utire iet Pubn guîbering et- is home Christ-mas day.amsa. f Uns-It. iiu be retaeaed tn t-be ville Pubn Sprn0ld-Te sat ad prro -s sat-y ofiseras t-bs-amiunt delua- Sprlngfeld.-Ts st-a-s-faudt-er oof uhe publiegs-sounite bas issus-> a pertati t-o SCIt so n euts- f etlion.at-b l H.L N. Ss-buyi-r, J. E. Resse-and F. A. t-I Iss--of eprt-. bes-s-s fass-s-otrias mît5 f bisdsitusssi.is easmtes-ils teman H tWae Cut-ter t- oroganias- t-bs-H. N. Ss-boyer balrne -bus-est sudte> biMt-b t St-at-e bat-k ut-Pana witb a capital oft s-u tapsstd fi sl- ss-b t-aUrt-usas-,and t-be s-oiu-cs-r re arlliiUc asps-nss-stIf toias- Engines, Compressed A $200.000. cre-.attpa- nfil- un t-bs-Vilage y Bleemingo.-Whils- skating as-ar uts-s-us-ahi s-e. ait sslot-tu Country Dwellings, and DPontias-, Russ-Il Eiss-kows-rs-, tIlyeurs oait s-sa--stc aiesi ervicesee n-l't atfiue thny rn, ils-, suas srasns-d. ireuking tbroogiss-- 1 s-t o"almlil-e '-clc"s.i ianadfgrswihnyu tee whit-uts-as-> wavent-s-bihehe ilant, Tuasusse. mii> wsatbs-r o! t-bs-prait- ws-sk. èpp-e--e> Jan. 2.1tues. S E U .~ e Sterling-.-To spit-on t-b sadewaik of UL ais s- VllgePrisdot tfthe treestofe Morrison bas bs-sn mas-e W. U-s. bNueious!5 ,is-sk. a- misds-ms-nor by un ordinance. Ail.L I M s- psrsona touas- guity willI be fins-> not- UaiTersai Praise, .LI H [cas t-ban $10. When a rutail dnoggîst- subi selle îîattY - Cinago.-Postmsts-uGensrai Cor- dilerenît- iinde o utisogît ttsdis-tnesgives Libertyjvilie, Ill. le t-s-you saye Chîcagos ns-w post- offices hie iisdsrseats-nt- toanay purt-ssuiar osne, F. la nadequafue and officiais bs-lisvs- son- it- s eertaitsly-it-estrangs-st-svis-ens-e green In the nsar ftu-re wil aut-borîzetors-tone oit-rit .' ia L s-more ilran - a ns-w building. rdnay s- r.Nr. W.Labis- d rog an o snterpristsg ad it bedugito Springfis-d.-Gov. and Mes. Dens-en Rtaymond, îîLinu a ietts-r t-sthtbs manlu-~y ,i' at- gave a Ns-w Ysars es--sption uit-h-b fastar-es, dat-si Juiy 23, 1902, eays, i .)l F R l" ! J ay axecutive mansion und wers asaiatsd ihave file ic gsy tsart-be eale o! Hart-s a by t-bs st-at-e officers an> tbsir sives in rastuis-y ans Ilireissins an>dIRs-Go Tonie- le- res--s-ving. Lxtive Syroîs about- ans-year ugo. ---Merchai n cbcgt iau>disave lias- a guîad sale for t-bsni ans-. te hag. ar Dean, 14 >ears oid, t-bsy are vcny 1îiî1ioiar." F. B. Lot ELL c wue toans- asphyxiated by bis mot-bs-r. Liitsrtyviile. .i suit-bbis bans-s and ftet- tue> an> a se sart twists-s-about- his en-sk. J-- i inie Jssortîent .1 Bloomington.-WhiiO piaying witb a tr lt-aules-rifle, Robert, the stvn-ys-ar-oi>lwitr e Ir'-sonof M. ad Mm NesonSt-evens, ur' resisiagas-ar Mahomet-, diachurged thefrbste t tu wve&pon ans-thbe bulet ent-ers-sit-be bodyr os- oftht-e lads six-asont-hs-olsl brother In ,b t-besrasle, kiliing hblm alunt la- et-sntiy, .V IUN . .aeFrs- glerJames 0. --f A 5 1 W Libertijville, Red fLake s oreIt semnlnesus-- 01 entumber! t-oburne res-elvesi la a fires Ile~ ~ 't- whbieattempting tWrene sbais twe, MsU- N * 5~ Dw wubolat- ber lift a a gasoline explo- ~45I~Tise realson Dr. Dadsiàt-tle Liver PilI id. sion. - give perfect satisfaction le due Wt- hel un Bemington.-WolvOh ane bowling 1 4 fl tonte effect on the lis-sr. Tbey naet s-n in ogiesonti aisi t-iolsheep xiijng AND. grpe. Sold by WILis-HACKLET, IUbertys; -sr operationis an-e 1emmg expenssh-e ta viio o~t~~lle and Ona.atsexs cPuÂmAçy. o! fumers. At a meting aoft-he boa4 of ______ supervisrs ît- wua rioedto in Lua saTourt il 1*UIUa d. liste bout>'for ila é oi01.Cumtsbl it8*e.al,» * out».211 4j~~ioeas..~aRSSlY ~*s *I~~~ ~ ~~pF~YC L.. Shermsa,ês-k als EoMavan i j..ua..lo----~ ntury Cash Store RBMOTS, N SOCKS, OOTS anId RS. RKHURST yCash 5tor ,ment. Y our shuld pue r nil tý ii a Vd a wel o h -lîht tu sid! wîl msae ilss a ale c a Pctîtm ic cherfsin rauet.fo ,y haig ole mny nsa ~eate oring PlaitisGaluine Et-i e WaterfuSy ftems for ýail up-to-date cornforts means. 1Tell You Abolit It! TFELD. Prop., Kaiser Block CKROKER j&ý- Iliinois In a d Chase jei er Millions rush in mad s-base after heatb ty from one extreme of laddism to anoter], when, if they would only est good food, and ksep tlaeir boweîe regisiar with Dr. IKing's New Lite Pille, their troubles' Wi wguld mil pou away. Prompt relief itil Wo lIfrm ad tommh trouble. 250 at- We'eklpPrice UIl 20> ibéqiraissiaed Siigar .....il 1 a lo n c a ti s a ille Sv rui- ...t.......... . t-j art ctitTaible ~Svrup................. lI l aiais e Il turl psr pkg - 0 vii els u ise MNi npe Sisgar . .... N- Y I Il Cr-ail its-see ps-irît-s.....150. i )trissIe S"sdesi Raisins. îîssiiid psg-..... IÇ Tiiiaiîk.gisîisg s--sed Carrante. njg.100> tsi isars-li Mtis- ens-t- per p ..- . Large Fans-v ltse ler 1)i....... . Fstssu l -Is uPsasu-sl1sr îound-. .13X Sýisreslisîi.1tsi-i saisiesr jsound-.... 0 Pssait ult-s-s-eai.laige iîkg.----------.... . »2 Girapie Sut-e.-) kg ..................... 2111 Pettiîss iss sIeakfast-Food. per pkg. .1M Raotsistlrs-al.fsst Fosod ps-rpkg-... 4 BAKERS CHOCOLATE, cake .. 115Ci BAKERS COCQA 1-2 lb. can -. AOC Faits-v leis-ir ltse-lb ................. 8c i Ns-,% 'as rv lsatisa îl sr Il ............ 11 l alilîts-ia is tiîi a iselwsr li ...... s-'« Nssit.Ils 1,-sic -r Ils..................go SIIs-lîs- Pol,'(*,.Itit t i -rIl,.................. Buî lk iis-i i sî -r Il .......... .. A s; tîsla s-îi \ %ltit itî Ils-ai lier b.. .rtt îtin & 1 Siiîis. esîtid plig. . C5 à sari netilti t i tiler ei55 .................b lipt î ri-lSardi i-e le-rvatt.......... l 1, s-ais Salmonts......... .......... < i lb-birck BI- sîiIe. t-sl imh ...î ...b ..1 2 Pliti isitt-Is- afeuil.. ..... ....... oc Manszan sitlts s-iis il-r sttis.... ...eM P rs-pisrud Nliistitsred - - ....... <M Nisisars-is (tnsîisd 1111kos-r s-an-.....1 A u-t li,.ssotti dSssup ps-rcsaIO 2 1lb -aistEaris Jaune Pea---------...... 100 11 lisais Ssus--t- (oeil ........1.... o Il cf satis (is-e-iSt-risg lisans. ..- ..... 31 Il, c-sisn llaLscd lias .s ................... t il Ils san ttl'Iis ..t... .................. l i 1, sien Egg Plante----------------........ to af Ili-ais Apls ............................ 0< 3.1, Ilsan Extra Tsssiîatos-a ..----------.... l I li csan Ssiil 1Pilieavtîle-----------.....0. l5as-kags- Filss-Tales-Sait------------......8s 10 Bars Anisris-an Fuitiiiy Soap--.....40 l1t-- Ces-ans Lusîsdry Soap--3.....if j I -Mapîs- it-y Soap------------......9 1( -Stifis Wsxtisoap. sasl ls.aft j10 Bars Lenox Soap------------. ........Z< 3 - Tsslet Sstap in box ..............100 (,raadias tAWonder Tue Soap. per bar..44 li-t Lump Starch nb nulk). per lb... 4 P'ound pas-isagi- blosSt-aif .........7 *Pe rfes-ilsn Lys- ps-rsan-... .s-.a........ Ext-rau st-eng Amunania per bottio....10 Pe-rfes-tion laiitg ps-r battie ........10 .) s-oas-n wsssslottesPins-------- .....8 .1 Ibos Waultng Soda----------------.......8S Scsuelne, lie-e caise- - - --.......8....... SapaIls-sps-r cale--------------------.. ......7 S Bon Anmipersaie..................8 Parlo ia tiies 5041 lîssaox) iboxes-...100 Gjalistn 4>11Canti li i)........... .......9 Long handie Fie-Su siol............80 Nickel pIsat-es-Sasd Ironssetof 3 ....85C E. E. V3LLSWORTI1 F. BAI RSTOW m,%NUFACTURER 0F Marbie and Granite, Monumenis Cemetery Work of Every' Description Correspondence 5olicltSd 126 Genesee St. Wankegan FURS XYÀIEII llighest market prie paid for ail kinds of -5v-UR Chas Stempâ1 LONG GROVE, ILL. Mar The- îîost pî1saant-, saisst pu% bout remeuly te use for Colagli, Coide, Crônupip wboaping Coug, stc., le KeuueWys Laxative fions-y an> Tue. This remis-j' expeis ail coise romth -e systeas by set- îng as a cathartis- on t-be bowle. Sols- 'î bv als-saes. Qualitg, Thats t-be loundaths upon whie.b ws- are building. Satisfaction, or yourmo, bask. Boyer Bros,.,- Did yoîî sce the coud sc-uttle iii our winîow? Guess the nimîber of pieuces of coal ili it and we wvill give yoti a ton of c- -ai free. 55.lr rn-h .veun c .ffsobtnt.5 e ouizhs 15 t is seo-es-si->that- l' t, A=À, i

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