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Lake County Independent, 5 Jan 1906, p. 5

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LAKE COOUNTY INDEPENDSNT, ERIDÂV. JANUARY à), 1906 MEATS F 9 AD OROCERI ES [~[8 CANNED OOODS In Season They are Life's Necessities and must be of that Grade and Quallty Trigg's made bis Iteputation on to makti ...life worth living... .1J. ELI TRRIGS. LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and GROCERY WE wish yoii o remern- ber now and dulring the entire year that there is a first-classi jewelry store at '9 10 ;..0 ....S g. Sc2 ... tc1 lSe lic s0e 100 109~ ls...104 ......9 ..... 0 r..... 85C lb.4 .)w .F le10 .100te E, -~ EVERY DAY NECESSITIEiS. LaVe Winter Weath- er is just about cer- tain o be severe- you'll need warr n - ter underwear and cold defying wearables yet, and wfien the tirne cornes you'Ii find our stock complete, varied and rigbt priced. Tardy arrivai of te cold days has left us with a big stock on our shelves, and you can save dollars by sup plying yourself riglit îîow with every day necessities you are abso lutely certain Vo need. Smithl & Davis Libertyville, Ill. NE Î. Local Items of Interest to LUbertyville Readers YEAR'S &u PikdU ean ir &lkdU lreadTee* WEDDINGS. t, -----------B-y-C metîg ow 0 Th. III. t fc o lî.sa 1<kThree Lîhertyville Couples pier h -: og&avl iýii , THE Fit-st Day of 1906. have arrivel wth a vnrl.'Dprin a TI ME. IROPITIOUS FOR Bonii Suerda.,, D.. :I0. t i r.and D' NUPTIAL J,,, S. Mie. Willîtir Merediltlî, a NUTIL O 'S H'î'.' rI l BoYes .is finrg ai îthe A Little Speculat ,)nl 11,3 Mîtý%i rar* nenttlust w liat Maulroililactîîry lit 1pre-tt. L.amt tal a studelit ut Ill.,1I i si t (I 11wii t , \re- lliiiiil, lrS 1 f lîr . î rty- The Lilm-rt.yv ir IlBusiness îoilge re-I Làke Foremt rafilll tb h l ]iîî ,iî' upu T ier rl hn tir suiiel lis 5, rk NV-dnîisdty ()f thlis eek boeî.Iital .1 ihat toiIl II, er tb.w tii. îîuîLld lrialtethe- tein il istefilln iafl- ffîlte anîd akkedlbu1, t Il l t ]ig. . îît flre ro)1itîoue lle for the' T he.ix -nitî T, re u t îrI rsl3 ost tu liave lus a e-i. edî,. 1lee irrlîîg.- t îîas t laî N e w N are day.1 t e-nul CE gi us a i -ilIiin th,-lî bu r. h recre d desired tn loi i ai al tlîbut J . . lattuand NMertie larkllnriggs, larl.oe îîîîeriftriîun sauneterl wh gfl Krl-laard Ilulois arîîlMise Myvra Johnson Mi-e 'Mire - li.e, i Grrî 11a1Iha s %a ak and annî,uflcell t l i a,1 i lii'ul jA rtlhunr H. k rn-kitnu andl Mary le-e cmjm-ni I g tlhefaest fIcîxdulu,ai tIi Ir the llieration 8 -lîr--ka-. tSiug-nîlswh relt - l,-.-Tii- o-trle.lîitr ti iie~iIî 11H be-rth lday am îîarti.- uluarl3IVl ttieg and SIr aîîl Nirs.1 ~. ~ .~. î.f ui rononerd lîîî iiislri nitîi ii l lut ngliîî Mr.and Mrs .1 1_ Z l - iw-,t, liFNtulelt ýhiF le illi, l", tiît M1i(I Po..i. Ire Ittgui-tc it îiî- I în il,î ,,Hyall Briggs. 1î îîîri ie eianîd ilî,uritii&l ii ilmer (fblit i uo sIý t a iiie ni'rig Ir- T. M I4 arifiil .1N--.lîîî e. ,tîr thie .,3 ni-laIle-s flu- annl-- illlll i t eîiIr etlri t. iMl NI.ne I iîrk Bliggs ut the homne ot sl-u t N eNrare mi th M r îîand11Mrmte lat lie lîad coue fîrnail i - rationi andiierprnî,M n xJFCak J îlin lier. %alaitril to liave ilIanI l,. t lie Ibal theler fl H FsN. Laanid -r i HiJ tFi u 00 i, hî ît tîli liisl tet irait Ilt ii* ilt ettlr foîr it mxli-i -- l--i nea ltRe i H. ,Kretîîiî tI i v ilutlig.I-ipIele lî,e î îuI xil-, iî i llllflîr a ,hiort xlit tl) Ie sc oe f the b, Jle ecini t a li(r.-,cii. Tue l-lrat ing tai I- , l ui, real . Kilon.ilîedy ltHi 4ae %Im..rtliir::î (',fi,î -i-t sne 1 istirilrilsngl ' % hori t:i[i-ltie oiit:î,,t ic ian - ,rJa). ia 1.- %I r. an f-ýj %siili tie liý fe% dt- ýîI %l e(*,v rii Ilv 'ffý-t o Mr. llutt xiiitlp lit ho t i lîleir îit îiei ii ilii îeîtîî. t , tiltIi - u ki , j fr n , elt, r uthe itîpi3 of tIi. f 1% 1 teiil tueiîjsrat ii il lIa-lelîllil elitri( rîîdnd bis dhcriiv lias ianyý dî ers aear.Il..îc .N" eiî .ar iîandiabuiîut atnd ii thleI>, -t wi ,*îrite. fimi ir ilîrii;tlipr itud , l i ll ,1q .ý îtîi n ed l le Hlarold aiîl(] %%ei(î'lttIxellii 1 Wf di lieur iîIm l gtle- il ailine r iTi 1 i lie 1',-lt1il D u Bo is-.Jo hn i r . ieîa ii trii iig foîr Vi g iici. lîre thlîrt t le uî,epî lI ked hiii a; i l pt ift e.to i A lie reil-nîe of M r. an rîlMis.W.M. aîI a eu tle auiii, Nfii r~llirats I Lxei .,ert l srIleutlî , Ld . rA I luhiiiandf Miss Aî-aienliv. fîîrtîîed. Mlra Johnson i aere aedlied ou New Frak luseilirryliui-la.-ll lirse i . ,e s t Uctik- -îi~ ,ie sjîl'uar*s day .only relatives being presetit. Frank IuwiA»ýry purca-d a orse r lu awler pronouk. ullitd' the aiords at tii,-ae uir etsîek it Ilexter IPark *I w ne lier.teilbro)ke, 11111]Ikuew il any tvLalrpoui-C th wrd pavlin l belili wii le în raieng tirrioumie la1îpsn-ii tieiiîlk- st homne tiiuking iman anid ail.- hiîs adilknown forth cliîn ah ie aoilI1mgurwouîd send me pîîenflîî iîior'v so 1Young couplle. Mr. IluBois bas livrd acrit to the batik and iîrr-îwedi noughli iany years in the village andl served le Mrm and Mrs W. E. N îiig ason1 to liay for the job. Ife-us just i littie positions of trust a nuruber ut ternas, Einet epent Suna lit the lhonteîroflE.s1.eulation, and @est I glît a teck having been a niember of the buard ot C. Young the latter rrmainiaig fur the lroiu the guveruor lirlli% unîred this trusite-Se, village clerk, sebool director. rest of tile holiday vacation morning toi pay ni) the bille.hUse 3 our e tc. He i. ruuployed in an office capaclty Mise Marne Ilatterson eutertaiued a head Willie, wben youute l.usted. by a Chicago iai. Missi Johnson hma doze frendsat er uiteof ooni un-0-taught the tlîîrd and fourtb grades la Division stre-et New Ye-at-s nigiît. A How To Wear Themn. thpulesol, migerfon plea.sant tirer was enjoyed bY ail. As every loud has a eter lînîag Mt. Sterling, thiis state. Mr. andl Mro. 1 I slsr> turn mi, -ouis abeut IluBois wiîl reside at bis borne ou Louis, son uf Mr and Mrs. Chas. Andl always wsar ilin raside out,. rbard street. E'illips w as buried in Fairtield ceretery Thue thsy are ever shilintg, Kruckman-Schreck. Sunday, alter faneraI services at the Ther e are many guse at thre borne je Libertyville. M rPhlllps' deatbîX SPORTS .0l AMUSEMENTS X muarriage of Arthur Henry Kruckrnan to ocrtirred the préviuue Friday eieieg. Sixty couples attendeti tiré dance gîveri Mary Sophia Scbreck aIt omne of thre 1New lears night bv ttle 3ortbwestertn iides parents, Mr. and Mr@. Rudolpb A5ttlîrnev fBriu.Il. Miller anA tainily Pîrusure Club at theToîvu Hall, Liberty- S.Chreek north-east ut Libertyville let %Nedneesay iiriiieg for W ashieg- ville. Another dance id tu bie given the .G erat fWuea ton wliere NMr. Miller arl requtie lts eei utf ,uay24 it fu pèevillage. Rev- iBunn tWuea dutes s srrearyol he ava Cui venng suay 2 ~ih alotr Pe-officiateil and an elahorate wedding dutfflas ecrtar o th Naal Coi-orchestra in attendance. Fuenxlîody itnrfloc teüem y.Ith rttr H, eP»ente tiirettirtinrethe lnvited. The Club is deuervîîîg of tlic itnr ulue :tb a reUnule he sprngfilbein ttndaceat il Machpatronage It e.is eeivieg, the îanîe rierîids ut the young îpeople bas been ternii of lIurt. havieg aillieen well îrdered anA invite-A tu the nunîber oif 150. G. A. Triggs, (if L.ake Park. hua a, son 'euîoyable affairei and the routine the bet Rudolpb Schre-ck and Henry Smith ,if th, lut.- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Trrggs 'Landl -ii Ni1 lias lrîk,-îî su t e,'acte-das fie-t men, Berha Scbreck and visiteA Lih.ert3ville relatives'this week. r,.-iitilof i iiiiu-era]prîî.ltitite. uî ille l T it a Eruckînue attending the bride, Mr. Tr.gge is 1roprietor of a large and elrt(f tiiintlio-.toit cumil, lthiileTue-y w ors guans ut bines silk îeulI atîî lucrative liardw-are- busirwiî-'s t Lake N le lhiî îiîa ptîîîu. tille..-11ifiI. i arriril whiîtr cai-riatillns, The bride l'art. lac-k ie the Hile lie lix v e i î b,.. i Iiai rai ' etî' iliitiîe e-as attireA in eues veilîîîg anîl Lrbe-tyville. raî. lli tli, t 1api m u l', i 1 goci arried ewbite luiides ruses, The Marî y oeeg pe-ulîletook advantageý fil,. 1101t4ir ell ;iitilul iii tii- ,libeautiful anAdnuerîce wedding lîreeentis of the- fine skating New Yeare îlaY at the tîlie, , x llif-llui)tiîî îl îellghilof u xvicb Mn. and Mrs, KruckLuan were Lake arîd quite a crowd waarout Luth ii.iii îti il ii i vii iti l-tte girl. recipients attesteA the regard ie wliieh atterDuon and ci-seing. Several young tiin eti rt,-etI- lifre gît tl)rlilili tbey are belA l'y their fiende, me-n suiccced in l odieg allai-t of tie- irel,( TI3 tVtoo pi ... l e,,Cati i,-3 5n1 Mn. Kruckrnie eeployed je tire by ucîeg thr fire IiumpanA su greaily und tiivl ,î'W,11 tt eet. iliîlit tueýSimons Maeutaturieg Conmpany@ iniprovrd the coriace- fora cousîderable S.\xaîzti-it. auk-mcii ionIi iiii3 plantait Keeoeiain wbirh City tbey usd11 gliae.liitiuiry 5.reside, Hie bride il eldIkuuwu le Bob peliîia an Ton Mocre ~.VL~Liertyville aed pupular ie tlîe circle fl the alon bbsiesAilut ihe lraeîr lock SEWER OUTIET. To aIl of the. youeg coluples ltie the aluoi bsines jethePrucor buck______ INDEiPENiENT extende ajelies tors muet and ireniedite-Iy assumed charge of thue- plae. he oug iienarepoula. wllResent Village Officiais Alîeged Hîappy New 'lear. May Ibm-jr paire be îîlce.Th yongîlee ae opuar tuhl Retîcence in Regard te voîd ioi tle bard places adead to ereduct tue saluon ru orîerîy and theur 1îPlan. p.nîmperity, their lîve-s replets witb venture te generally regarded as liound îunppinescî. to rîîg ftletra giod filancial retuires . .-.. -î t-Ni "i%%etrtH reemar ofi art wee-k 'Mu,î , ili i i ii, l . tia.,1 tI., R!EAL BARGAINS 1ubhse-on itrs tfrontpage a 1î1-tune ofi lxiii t-iî.il--U tvillaîge i iiMI, t.. i-1 mIN REAL IESTATE M'alter Direct 1rî.raitîieg Iiîî lu-m one of ic'utL, .it iiiinformtuion 1ti ther fast -t hordes ut the mar. lie we- an s irl-ifor î lîire lottue% linge -iet SOME TOWN LOTS traierd t tiîeLiliertyville Troîtting îîîttî li tuîtîîl ii: I. htt t lei , ii]ii% 3 WC ni-e oilering front une ts i fle-acre asmociatrone mach laHtsp îruîig yix dl plat. Ttoi-i iii uuîin, 1, il ii- lots onre uîl>veod farta adjoinieg tue- (1 ou teîleeitruc ioaA, station on the pro- lierre xulio Cationird thiat î îijbîv he cori li ctuNIr. >1- -xx Il t ii--l Doi -Ilyouu anet a lot large eeougb s t orsein te w rid n un Il- -it Ilfina ý,ttei bý )ý i n- o tty( a muldhe he artet ureuetueaurA i muliI le e ii i i t il-Iel u3 ii iti,, i a ialittle Ianm? Will huilA for youuht anutlier seatson ur ta o if rîothîrîg lisp- iffiic ,îboardi ii. tiîîg -Nîiiiiiilîî igîit, desiie.I. Irivetigate aIonce. penrtîi hî tin.* i', ii l, uquîî-t t i mire ri p.il 1tii-1-1 CHOICE VILLAGE LOTS ConduîctorîGant, u oflte loi-al svvitchl iîug ,IiesiuiitIGl -i-iiieî, Ir W e hbave cortie very choiceslots le tîîe lirliiilif iliifrqI 1C. F.Wrighit euh division for $350, 3300 I-tainiiiîii-rtliie t ae.it W île lii liit e250m and $210.W]IlI makle you a build- ranouvar ueay. Iy rî-d a a NIi.- steiî-Iiiti -1rr iCetI , i îrg Irîneif uvarte-d. This is a good op- Rmnduîi Tmueear. H enrrgunec was ! 11; , ii-u nieeu-I." it 1 .- 1oitunity tuo ure a lome, Se-e us to-day. standing still upue tîhe trii-ek nerr tiuat 1--ls, i-ud At, e--ui ot-ut - iof If yo i h-drt., 1uy bouses, lots or station we riiin teipe oifarîîs, cee- us. Vie bave surnesgond bar- make- a ffyîîg se-jtch. Ilii one inaneer kîîîiii u m gaies. aM.Si iCs niii ti xii um FRSL-omslaîladu-l the cahr.latuons of the nuen tuent utroîmg ,iti- ýirelut ti ib île-ttt1b, 1 ,tî ti_ 1 StaLîEîi buse, brtyadvill and îfour or Ire iai-s fîtinpsîlinto hie rîtîi- cliiîlilî,îiiu u lert ta OR SALE-Ilineuse inlit u ilutaes engine- tbruaing bina uuith torc-e agaînet-iitircit, hxîloaino l,ý,Ný ORSL-iiiisslt(t iwue t -.. h .ile . Nbienutcr-uîey ut he - t leiliiti ,umîîiiiii uic FO1AE$ 1m i i, t lnts lias Ireeuoff duty silice tie accidl-ît .Ituit elIiiii ii , uîî si le-r liilim Treijlsure-i- Daniel [,es euiunitse if oIiiiîi rml- il, uuuutîicuiitrluti % lu a-ng fieancual tatemeet for thre firtet kiIl Tiii u iiA fltic pîuuî li i ueulmîI quaerut tlîe fiscal year f,-Ileif hr,-tîiîîe aiidi - iii itîcd 1, 1iiui uctt Octoher 1, of thie Methodit chîtch. umuun, M r, Sien\ art je anuit iii to BECErPTS. i,-te-ruiii.- millit i i eux - 1tit-l,lil Thanksivngcollection-....... $11)92 agaile 3îilt.lit uteusiui lite Basket Collection----------------...... 39 95 villatge Coliltrýil llli0.e. If theiî- ii îuii Envelupes and Cntributione...-. 342 S-,brîne-red lts Iuitis.ss xx nei, euifer li consmnereolfIî-ou îlut au r, n-i- s Totat-----------------........ 384 72!il, the-courte . ut1,1 edouhtîes Illotx riicnhasEM N lU an(]lit lmle nîîuuiigussip suiti ai-lili il, Ligliting----------------------......... 9 75 coirtemphaiell iî3 tie conîparuy. Pastor, salary-----------------.......220 00 Presidetit Ntî(iifltn tatoîl lie haul Supplies------------------------......... 27 87 , anse-ered a comuiciathonîsm-t lii y Premhdieg EIder-----------------...... 13 00 one officiel of thie Macaroni conuparuy iuil Fuel----------------------------.......... 26 40 fruni lîje reeuarks tii tireboard the con- Repaire.-.-.................-............ 10 52 clusion s lue regarded Mr. Stetuarts Janîtor---------------------........... 12 60 persistence as arn uucallsd for interfererues. Totl.......... 330 -4 Village offichals mala"thl ie seeer CaToW ha....................... 82 4 outiot vilI not becil a nuwmSt~ and Cah û an ..................ýLin o way menaou =Iitq of iielg- - - fl ...J ...& -- l~i5tWMe lui - FORh Siirg - * i roit.ios FO11 iR :AL 2111 ixtiii ioîn. FOR'SALE 241111 amx,.îu rouu FOR SALE Gi(()-itrl trei Lai- it oi3 lu uug JI g-ýir l, isiieýse.intiiieo jinuit 345m111 ifi 'îlic lmet ine, ure îi-Iîiî mtitin fuir an i uue w inlfv)tengrgiîim DYMOND & AUSTIN AGENCY, Pmoctom Bock, Liirertyville, Illinois. Marriaae Licenses. Ede-. L. Du Bois, Ltbertyville, 42; Myra Johnson, sains, 27. Jesse Hyatt, Libertyvîlle, 25; Mrs, Mertils C. Briggs, saine, 26. For the world'e news gel Tire )aily Inter Ocean. For home news take th. IiWEpEIUIEIT. Onty 38.50 for botb 41 ý -j wif LAKIE CO. NATIONAL BA * CAPITAL 550.00(.00 SURPLUS 100000 A BANK ACCOUNT Cultivates thrift, foresight, prudence, anud a» ; saving qualities. it would give a. good impreutc ail with whom you have business relation&. To make a quick clearing of'odds and ends and smai lots 04 * UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, MENS-and BOYS' CAPS *CHILOREN'S CAPS, GLOVES. MITTS, HANDKERCHIEM, BOYS' SHIRTS, FANCY CHINA, ETC., We have arranged thieiun two countors, 1On the lOc Conlier, On th1e 25CcColiter Yo ifrmerly a neo, 20esd $50 35c5e nd mnov II We wiclî you ala IHAPPY NEW YEARd hope you Wi na ieral a portion of sour trade a8 you have if te pait to- LHJ TIlFA IR LmrymuU-Ii2 THE FI RST NATIONAL B - LIBERTYVILL.E - JOHN L. TAYLOR, BENJAMIN H. MU President Vic&presdent, C. W. TAYLOR, Oasher. SAVERS WANT1.,,, Wbenever esucnceed ln per..uadlganldflb. aaver of ruoney lnstead of a spsdjr, we ODWsMsv 1.rrd a benefit upon hlm asu Ii I1 w. want tointereot mmtosSS.IM PouNDiN iTErmT,,os your very door. m you can do no better than to bring your repairiug here where it will be in @afe and skilled bands. -.- ANDREW HUSS uBEonyvîlL X X X ILUNOIS I 1paid Mari Id, Crôupi. Kennod'. hi remsadjl tm by ut. ) Ie r none 1 1 0 %TE the happy and genial expression onhe above S pr9ss ce countenance.' He iras noa winîer elottoie , I.jbey, and hisa noc klie, th ough flot of thre laestapprov pattern, s slrong and serviceable. But then, I irad his winter wearables to purchasa ire rnigirt still retain I jovial disposition if lie only knew of lhe greal reductions we 1 nraking in ihose articles aI the present lime.-- Thti . itiîrivie tilue xitlî us and wu tire elliig cuits andîî îvercoats at prilos thai w ilI titril you. Peulple are J coîiîng tii rialize tlîaî we ean do bottai lîy tiltholn uChicago merchanta fi goîîîle ofitue S hME QUALITY and 1h rea.)i.tis ouNio us. We want your FI'r fLIIE TIIfilETite Cîiego merchanti -Il& --mar ',i, ýER FEXPEUT TO SEE YOU AGAM. JUST A WORD ABOUT PRICES hit a special iniiucernîet to tîake quick sales we wili gîte 'voit ;uurlprofite on a feux articles w lhe we wish tiidispose oit t oi-e. Tlueseare al up)-to-date sud l tiie late.t 1tyles.................. OUR OFFER AIl *l2.50 suite .................................. 010.00 AiIl$1000 suits ...................................S3 8.50 Ail $12two$12.50overroate ...............31000 MIl $10.00 îîvercoats .............................S3 8.00 - Bîîys' Shoeo, were $1.65, uow....................S1.25 Bîîym Situes, were $1.40 and 31.50, now .......8.00 Frît Boots and Oversirues, $8.00 and ........ 2.75 Libertyville - Phone 29 flhinoi Il

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