lit lias 4~ i terlku'ouelei otattmlgg ii w rotter Frmdou itS itlt laboe t hs. aou îo aigi M. ~d tmh» m ftèwlitDi<. o Uqb*t.his.1télhS~ WOSutdisnt 'et *dan deChiç om fop.ý oe-et dueohlw leuàmi h. viclnty. ourial vp A âtltheWancoaida ccanclry Monm aotalng. Miste Mius-84 l fud.riead, fBoum UUIlier, vistai boe .ovoe? Suay.- Emti! PruhkIasltaIrWveru S con Tiaunisy plsote nu 0olvmetluuc sud yon Wini b ae u caellsaifwmt ullia 0 niS yow choeies froua blSaS. Barr T. uW, fit. ouis. van at It,ui4 I1kW, ii. roMulass er,, xéilý pma Zyem ekwm. sas r qmt MW~t;e~n' MD@"a Wood me ipb bWp~*, et double barmtk., l~ 200 but nse rope 8 dose ta ,be% viS te hr a~soetiosîjmber wogmi14i Il. ehibppînu e p.,. *1k 0,15 a aIr s. 0touagbrf#litclo"W bi bjky, 10 tU~ 'r é o u i,, b sb 1 t i w toc Usilatotei. Cea. J. 'Youffd, prop, W. HrAPPLuT, Auction"sr. KALP DAY - J. W. n ofeIaiChicago, iutcd saI tl« is.Mtth Jobalon sad sounpt Xgml a ud1ev Ymr'at ir.. Ptteos il Ba'aeevood.. J. W. Lu" ltrlgtpoedof4ulGrata st tbe gtS0ci Yards lai chlcgo 1maIweei.. S.hue. Dy"U I Plains, Pegelbat ber llnd. Tourer le èwaiheulaag fur tborougbbcdhor.. or Me aciaca cb. FPoe l a ei s u"o01bli a.FoOt Mballt ai 5 t inIIaylf naniug RotaiBivarals. Mr. aStuhii )mc imai. plots sud viiido a lawg Auliaisawumif t niéns e of a hi v*mat.bouesâ lm S&dRIUy n.hioq it loto sa ium t a sother boues cm 4bs-aDd ;Jak plee sAI al ova. W% WUs5 eoiithlrty-fi*e heA 61 ,cipIb o M.AUaduuloa, aflai Vv, ls btee.W ,I4 p*aa Oitô iellors tb. tire~ t fthe, 4ý boumeolad n asçcay, .lb. haUrin-. I R6Jýî»Iard mecor It)MW sait. C.LWigh*aaai of< (Ialake, va bu-" clir_»day.' .È F. tiUii econt&nue@ Maut b. mule" ", tflaay Mrende hope for hai spsdy ruaavsY0. Mir.' t*ile li- t'taliroad map. vas Imflu.Fueîlmbcr ventt 0o cato M*oB46y. ebe nhob.a..secumrsd .a posIton au brosinan wftb the Northi- vouerai ompsuy., MI. Dl)T4ýu lattWlfor Anaumi lovai0 ,Ï h baee e.wlll aÏb ber hoo i wft Dve.andud tre. 1D. C. isliuaie rmt resurmed tcscang hi ia poaoâ y Ditrct monideMyora- regt uer"lmM eluisa e galu able th lire. jMeou iY >relurned fron am enlaeici t vâwtâaeffCl reiativee Mwra MI.yad OrnfaWatak. upi, W5 ualuw hmr. lnt B.C. l usta, 0 f (rAralswvu MsIllg oit lssdb.r.aturdàv. maiste - .x Mr« lrsuwwsdtô lb. city ?er- llt.s IVOwpkis Me tayar boeu boie. 1w BÇowm i v ol.10Barrlgom ýiosim; bwst b. li niU "&durlu ý* w!la .kdm ttusipuo ean «éa4 ig ihI iê uU'M*< H. tma. lir. sud Un, .l L shliehoa eitlrt&Wulg Bsn. tieV-igh fthe cPa-$ Barman AbreclilWhob iu mesu ver! " ici ai pômolaine bathbter. D)r. Trsp ilauatt«erc. tir. sud tirs.Chas. Stahi sud 1Mmily -aI LOnÉG <ore. *ad.ciiMtir. Sa*ir vbh have lassa opouih* ons vees *wt t oir pareta, tire.'!.A. Mausabari erm i te Boad. g»& . ToVm., etClilago sud Mms 'frot'ai Warratil Oarivc, ae vlsitg Mt O*ot. ap»sus' , Mime.m .o GIé i-ohRlgllsad Pari. »mdpeuia mevetal eoes wa hber dugieler, tMre.M. W.Xndler. Mir. aid dis. Wm. Diward. celbrathd '~ht blteutl w4iAagnaiiniuy by lavhtlug mewa1 efisir efriai.-and sutéttlug4tbem >ta* a mpper Suadoy 4ieliig.' wlri bakm acheitbi Richorde lalile of tb* 4sath of lttlo Mii.tia Tupe oq*Rofti r. a . tlire. Wn. Taipper, Mr, . Rolat I. nluuaul coutatinsl ttiui.ibishibos Ibis wlilcr Ji*Ratéhiulta, Iof slnvie, Who of hies*ou visiuh ii I - 1W Oaa..Albechlba"aeiottsm te bave hiSg.1M." ordô61wood uleutma aisai wor WMbWaàtiheDaveéa talf *4WW ila hff .;o Kivari Johas on nd 1 Loaie -' Ia a vot suUsd". . ~~ for, pattaunlinova 1NewYeiand thelb ýpe oa14 IWlb 1 irf, ?rloWtaenerlansler h«.dat - Musy ni IISfrOlai OiI4cqOm rsiday. MOU.5 paool WM IWDe.-a luow at tb. btab. tuu&obous l Whsllag àa "dTrust Bou ank n rWIs*lMri WW ftu fIa. ade 1 isas charge M litaposr! lmmet à augltr Eva r4 sla Wokuiplàa wtth! eaoo,'shltod villa lie8bltw i cIa, laitor e w IO'Yei.' eV oltwith Mm . ý.Dr. Schbteder, àoi Chiongo, apcum Ne* 1wl b. glvea tu lb.o aa.. Joh""son blis céatacto eut id B. Paa oulie h utaI -* 0sd-004 for tir. abe. CJea. 25 by 15.11. nipi4%7 p. n. sharp. & A Reotpmý Mr.a~ àwp1 'Eom. Uuud or to yo M ,e Me bill taâOonsesMap&uisd Mcmi. Mhrud 101hbailmberidabou tb. doora wtt.opusi 10 the. gnulesud1 à short but Intçrmtlag program wa pen&ads. Mr. maiu. . LL Orathamé hndebarge *1 lIpssoma ufoiue t«mptxug **tblm 10ta the PPred&at "ýmulttdw" A.mout clajoyable evea- log la the unlvereal verdict To rSlast tlurd.y woneeily woni bi BI&&k Bawi là stridglitbéat, John M4, tS" -'b o-e, peowlsg-U mtt Wtoot. psdy buaci. Tii.oenung SâWds.*y wilhrlg together thr.e good bormes ta .Irsi rac, vis. Don Pedr,L. &. Bui"; <Rd fwli, y. Brimus-; TeMdy Boo@esvst,ýChas. Bon"y. The msond racefor a pures of 925, yulib. eoa -l D OM X1eIa, L4n Book; IMan t, IL. IL Klmbcrij lady K, A- E. Kir- wa; Seuato(L Badi Ma'rl11 Md BIOC Ravi, Bush Mar"l, Jr. Theerace. ape o «Ier tardai .r. mai II. uzpoeted Ilt a arge cwowd VIIIlur nuit e.lot". The rbnuu bav, aot ajtboue'mi.ublie. -îé Db., atlr4y aorahng. êstlb. oe eie is sô lis~al, Thous. Raoselat lb. adwacéd àPl of oSyrs. Deeams va.»m t ppsea ol.gat. by hie il. utrcrl 35*5Yom ,Sd hie boa. bus uâ»4m&Uy god bWati itil about ueo r wl beo i. désta, vbm hilue tc lhIRiM eLt'L W Ths foul was he sforait bth Tuu*4graltuCatiio>l eOMuburcla oe. v. Palilir Woub-e e a*gg, »ai IéM»Rmelwaa m4d0 la A"a Wbilssr. Jan. 22. tir. Peao, 0< Chiago, viasiast svanens dardy taut. WUIi saneioa rlsit@d laie" ino! li lcgo lthelitât of Ibis vebi. . 1 stnelraIy sMet t ii. .*w the rot obstWàlis taieof n ervoê an suali hoachde. The pw.s otc on- * ton OY polion Or @OatU5, Guarant*td t. nUufy v.U. l dome, lc. sont postpald on rsc.lpt of pries Vou ShouId Buy No Our Assorium tis SusudiiiCru* ie 1*I Vs, ouied Wuks4 2o- St.rve oh Spcwlh 30 de~ onoit, MFI OP0F ALL MKWD WIN A. B5elop",Mg'r -LoiDkTYrvla IL Pboaa47 67 tir. &WUaMm. Cséamare viitiug thearIR aiter, tire.Bouton lau Stonghtou, Win c. V John Ciaphsnmaebeesaiute sdci with tâe.grlppô the pu eat vak 'but in mueli SAUGATUCIC.NEVFoeT. botter a pr'esait,.vlirs. jobn Fry sud Xm sa(iyneth J. 0. it e,ol Reàcer6m, W"#& Un. soflhay sud daugliter Moud, of Colby hava lieai cil, but are botter. bagou on bu»nwxcqMoudy. ' Clitago, vislld at Dunliap'i lant veei. Mns. Fred liordtbometen tertalned 11h.. Thelaavy wlud chiçc)' ý' tirs.Dunlap itertaied qut. a Elsa Taeptowof Làtbertyiile 0ou Tlue». thin viemnty I1tW9M oiat auimber of Iheddatom Chicgo auaýl dey; -siderable danage unroofing a m Waanisgsu New Teau.dey. Mm. W. T. Marlatt of K--oha Made a 1 mall buildings snd bliwlug dcq tir su tie.Wilou uddamgliershort riait willi rettivu lait Tnèada.r.1 trou Euni. have hueta rieitn_; relatlrcu i Mn.Un- ,1). Kunoz went to Chiengo,'- lerma Sai uw, Sr.,'CAlleion I Nbraisanad lova.Baturday 1tapeaad a ow data vlîb ber j, Davi Young, a. DM"Ub Robit£s~r ashoa uît mdi~~ dsugbter M re. Wl» McBride. dey. the grippe but la reportai on thi. gain. J lierai Iran this viinity weaat 10 DanetllHaKgerty wv ire@* 4 Abes wauson lia pumuhu a afine ,Chiago laist 'lialuriSitu1oe, e u.Morfa ri W&$ vastktit.*4o teann 0< horessi, ho cupectu tomore tu0iWissrd of Os" subd pcplaoiaaaoe gond. lest Thursday :but ta o*n1a Wnuigaa eoo. JmesCalai t k hi. rbin "jobaiIA) proved at paremut,. lr. Jàâdâ P*'rd Datoaiof0<lAei.lle, basIluciMedca Cllge,haalu'eek, M and dattenidance.- reailsi théiJohn gcci Iarm. Mr. Dcl suc gmeful operation perlormmaion -Elmtr Pollock rturuci tbli w enilecto teia""s 10Graystalie. j1dm, for s groWvîlin i th lruaL. Florida -briîlag *shebody e 14 Willam.ladlb.ini,îorun.10non vIra died of typboM *~W Wiliambadthemifrtue t iFor couglis and eclisnu remedY il e 1edays mago. hurlai Wasý4I oof o? bs ct homes Oue blîht lat eqial 10 Keasedy'l#Laxative loai.Y and cemetery. Irelsl viic, dled wtlaont apparent >Tai?. ît le dlDcmut frua ,al obaS iîaWb u 4og mrïis le ia i onab te o i bcG l Ote-ur tarin.M Oe Mil Fefatr., bofer * launs lu exspels ail eold Iromtbe ver. ln Waulre * a M& ey)oUIa.rtville, l eepkug syntem 'b! acting am a catharllc onui, a >p19M for lier brotb.Ilduring th. abseancea rois. Cois Whn ai CMugluei Ee Book, ofa pAnldai4*à v ________ flldreailo e.. ldbq ail drogglota. verni. e r. _Rou a n d- chlr epTfWR. ROGECR4lý?s. bauflg ther n t u, tir Mu'. . Ioaai ta- ~ihu'~ ter Vka Mm. John Strahbon acmoWiànd by proeuit >by am, 1 ios- ant S unday cith W rdaugiterber oiiJoix tid Wigie ulaul a week binlel. -. nlitisagrelateves lai OdeiLi CSozar low.1ta~ is eSaand !Therela Wagner of , h.rtaed1.neitalb.i. 1h1 pita *4Chicupalmter .apending thie it and' plate a singrieàek ~ '"' ~ wvlamerlhm. auvey I hbe ely -9ë m1lJ PM4 Md sua rsceNolrop tii ~II5ItNMuatinWagaersudlb' lauter,'alf Rinbaiokead, nUls"o os M m I l p>g honse oflierfathe, tir. J. (>llvuaos er n cki a tirW *e inau h~l.vae hsy vil? Ptari. , Ui lit Michael l oua~qh ohvola lîlirelativres and 1 We are al gled 1 tuh 5 shtr uk l' giol.Amuce'tino boys Who s.6" lairdau lgo *Udy LolirotBoiaad Laie wonafflu! cover~ins fr*=ai "bold lever clth BMi. E.J. CanoT '4 - m **5 r aet J aS Iet. sladi h oisitli bp IL4 laeîuaay nelflyp u W lisa pfaaistdy O#Sig and - M.: MaryChevalertg' w 1, i#aie Mm. ,-A , muSokablp -.sntlof, foodl ives lu Chiagg. -Mn., ~ ~ tboro«lgly ns. W#m]»Wé.. . -m eaolaw d 'mai1 lvays Iac.aée the h oohn i ______ 1tr"pghb .ilYOUr dtolaib le a "11111e D5ettWitchBan s ý 1