- ' biflt te qtt tÎ*4'l gsWM e - , . staipublic auctionu tM a*U>4 f -Lé>atOfIvuh.,o . , 1,cm :,I~i1~ s Is "O.iiwlg propei>' I uticvet Ist*Lcame lu iu Marc-b, bol], 15 ft isag, 4 maian i, s.mo. E ~Mr. and MWo.aosl am ul Arl aa T1e jt ejuutosietk lAke Coisati'Mdasti osl flo miee la repoiwtie1d0pounda. 1000 buof comu bhait1ud efaui 'prsi iu o te etSieso ~vi a . ~ tentla . bg î InU 4 biv 0b d - 7 Imokuia, 400 bu ot oqt, 50 bu barl"7, 60 O o flf tftuW eSliité- -00s, 1 u ns Sm e" o r tse Poa'", eve or ~ ~tea> m i S«turda l' yp b u ye, 1 I bu cnW « we t, 10 bu Mdswd a g e~ ih i ,4 i .1 .4 1 f ie la Mv O u m; l as' t &MI u u er m anti -U« o co ll s._ 15 loba choiee bay, a bout 10 mIl cO ns?! i t 1 ynsrpuasl aie aam te.#«a r gcs. n h a tse inlx of a n ~ fr A oe' f41 Y IU >tUQ ~ o!co n sale, M Comm iel grng blutiorl, «, eç 1 d sb e aie- fOg,.iii aItepi _Asis aqdeyg ~tmilmliijne, l. fftts Hili uuu. k810 re0sof.- "kr, oulen, 800 lbeaep. i j My non for ths renom1 Smal0ebise petecly competerit e dpart të f b e »à of '* u b 20 b gay s lon m eat jar an ti lar el , 4 0 s a tj e p osti n h b. I i dl, s id be ileve hlM U b e ho acceptable t is eo p e pa 081% Al. 4*vu 91 th Oq t;;,-?a. kèttle, chiec noV cornsplanter, dti tnt] tt ksÇu* biooSatprdal, Jeu, fl l.IUI.An .1Pê riat le lvrdrg f Mw M O mtiug w»titheir work A"t e.Hbeh raa aecp scalp tla dhly. pulveriaer, nmirow lite wagon, rS p,"noe igail- wbom maam t &sw thirsit td.IlesDais; Vauplew .*waohog rak, road carl, 5bsn tgsau etise wvansperios'teti ortise tas epoe d ud lv Ssilait ivih M lire. ok temfedî Iabb " he"e Tegno nDo effm e éo o; caho.patoma bsa.ma., it. iseqae I.arsmik a so seceoanc0 e maouinst. joi0à r bon kgrindstone new, fanniug 1 ule Elaaemn !mofiea baau rooiin F Begniar terma.e. aatried ta0 C0u t m'anbusiniess prtIaciple. [vs.~~~JH Deana cople t P hav flo eis'e it ond pollcy ta eplo, peope aisply for thse par-.- ue iOrjraéeia, a e, cie OfW. -R AIPPLEv, Auctioneer. pose cftise polillealsupport tise; voulti 1e able te gte.E ~ ttage rayer meetig i vii voa ro~F~ .-.-,,,][baavemv l ee ploye i ai t ilcient heip ta perfoonstise g or k t e ]bcdon. cor- t he. Mr inspeon, 'nhursda home, secondflinofuthle Warren hous 1baye-b&d aMse. lel propositionsa te cotend wvus anti the courtisliave wtx on Orehard treet, Satut'day Jan. 27, mu sai me la MWn deciatona. ot andi cupper i!b.10wmecilia 1:0 ihtolwlojiriaposei Couasî; dem of tise Coust; ou Janry 21et, 1893, b; fic ACEZuRICH iouseiold gouda: lieatig loire, range,1 ucetiLviC.Dsa~t ecaci [vnn.M W .hal Dn ia ii as al1 uri;2 8:pîleied oom sots, mattlessei and on March i09115, .1 lhe sanie ear 1IAv a saapeclal iection, elccted bjr att g, Fbeb M. W-A- gaoli nigli hems u y pig iigtabail. 27. schaie, thetublican pa«r ;for lth unexpled teru.Ba igOn 1<01. A1906,Pig04,Jan.a27.e<ti ogfsitre.- g'piepart-p. Ever.l'ody- A fine aaaortnsnt of nalentine aI Fusil rocers anti coachi, cnter table, stands, onNi.6t1841wn1 lcefrmtutrL »c Wnnlers neyer fait Fraisk's.i. ewilsg macinfe, carpe", r<aanti mat- loebr1h 881W" falu electeti. audionatise -411day of Nocein-.a William Bicknnee madie a trip lu Elgin tingt Paiis and numernus rcthpr articles. e 92 s-lcei o Pettn u nV eig Ucual terni. Mue. Wst. Hlcs e 92.rrace'ortetr,1 mn eves.Mr- --5,-"--:- - "É-bWldres Iuehler o ihS 'àsn  m n aetiin. mnr population bas lunease 75 per cent. A number af Ke churci «sers are entodscoule 0 heinfrmnlsttO 'vi gdcd ynlges ,. Dyi* reno tm<~~?0ci- li Ast ciaptèr of tis a djoiniufo mera. I vilI soiellat public aucîlon .on tselh e ahCavety put4mweli mas theTrev nuewt o te lia'.a.-emd belon. Bunday. Choir hFrieuide ut George Thie.vihtidhie pmuemiées kisown ai the. E. W. Buatterfielt Ian gti Cuti;ourt, i nwl aitais rteue vr ha ire.hoiniceslie ot . PanOnage :Fitin;band Ilujui Ia corn abretider a couple tatethree anti une.haif utiles couli-et la«reste? poejsotnu otlhataadln ofpoputeeonbandche cha etne outcl&*- of wsels &go will lie gladtahoheartiaht of Libertyvilill anti one and -usselmafp' etb esno ts nraer otlhi u iecag ic ai liedota i biaile taaae thie ml.nriea n ino a e, n5fctIaflai 1Sé oill;ai -la aoboy btle foliavlatreport of le"e crnes!M memo 1ke i 1er. vascalle te 10Wauconda Monda, t'ebmuamy 5, 1M0, cammening at olcei rouapiiiosmiictig m olcin,~'vil Tneeay on cmotable dut;, at 10 a. M. the followiug rproemt: 28 c« icy sre asi'ofie expensea a» Weil sa thie MnuPt pailt th e coutil Se W<tweday i ià w eel. Oi ranr'ait adividenti of $1832 chile ulcaa, tire. or Wàlre withtresosaifeutoe t e timnsdireisottedttathe Countyl;Board et t110vsan- lsyli l, sem oe eper bunstreti for the month oi Deconsier. calvres iv @ide, iull blooti Durbansbu» uiuseii u etme ec8er i11 tru i ecrao i *Z* lm ilutr fErnnel Shenl matie absiness trip yrs aId, pair heay maessit 100, 3-yr- enq euoardl:b ta Chicago Tuesta;. aid horse sireti by coach hotue Qîeec, Bteatcnieltt ni os arned sti colecteti. Valdifor gaairy clevk ite and a! Wnlmg'5 a ugust Mage, 0f Barmngou, bas by orne 9 yra lti wt 1250, b" a cktle. exi1iai ad &muaeit tuitied listeCounti;Tressa"t7 Ions amer; 21, a * uitPiUll, boIrves b; Kohl Bro., Be yl tart a yeenlyaring colt sireti by Diwey, I>Iak 198.0ta uste8, 1»&5,11A. L. Reistie, Coutii .Cerk, aiappeara frontthe' G sanlleis tiseeping. black cucing colt ireti b; Dewey, gray record$oa- tise Couly Bord:*a William ffma fb!Garey anti Frankl hors12 y4olti Wl 1500, 5 shonts wl Psld forsler>. Turnsd lot. Scioaai(mmnscsiei v aen.175 Io, about 250 @bocka corns id, u = d C.iedd od.e«sa Tesur T San Bda;. 7 stadke totder corn, 2 stacks1 corn 180* 0 1,758i,0 "'- im&u D_ 9,15lit 10 8 opooititisa ferir AugetFraellcl bas rnlti liee up- aWstale140ô baikela goati bon aud ine a " . ~ 7ls»5.12L4 9.75 0%15l 1 ,, muhand ihe vi» tairs ai Hery Bmandins'bouse. Sud l .&4 7ýo8- le13.768 8,504. ___ v* - ilimoet. ot l. corn, 800 bu white osta 12 baskets ed 1@06 ëf; ms 7,01.54 880BA 300.2M -,u.dylt George Grabor la employeti b; Ernealt corn, lumber wagon, nill wagon, 2 1807 sS1 7,769M8 4.001 3. 8757m8 ý las * i b utai4uùfl * oant truck waglons, top buggy,, palm bob lm@ 'leU1 7,55 8.J15 %6,76.11W -»M.uass aya Sb.anitsgt le, cntter, Keatane aide deliver; rake, 1911111 10ilgée8 8.Ms.OS 4,009 4.104.80 ~t'ô tlomato 99»eytn sa nte, oe,10058684 9,8»0.74 4,517.17 4,879.57 uettis w101 14*8 074.8 4,767.79 2,006.5 w-Deemtng grain inder, Bled HavI corn 19«t&0 10,80.88 5.5.24 ý» 4,0.29 MiWs IushIe Aptid, it Pida; for planter with 80 roda vire, Deevi rldlng uoMM,147 11,810.19 1 ,4».'l 5870.48 Ïf t »WUeP«ie4tt bar bonse lu Loutios, Canada. cutivator, Bradey walîing eultAvalGr, 19,04 11,748.01 ,54"0.5 . * Ot5i~ uo'.William Merrimati visitediti l l>.rfii.dlaesufc nivODamtitol 1 on no oorus m d lait irea. cultivaton, pulveenlur, ummier sulky Total.s 114aM&M 181*0O0.56-U *iâ185-Î8 050,412.57 u.ratbe tdmi!one %w., .w6mnst, of Wsuîegan iitilplow, hay rack, Prairie Ciy;@seeer; 25 Table torilOS le fbous Jan. t at Moadi ls'afofolOWi<Jouie. ehWIppig cana. 2 hollng tars., star -la ta qioon.wt to>kee 1VIII tatelise atuiOge coaltiho vcci? r led cutter, ha; iorl, 150110f rave, 30 rnterlyl icrW-. WÀ i4lien, *paoed to eharw e fr aarivta ant i fllag C Tpleioriudaiet nlsa an~S.bu potatoes, anoe funiturq a4pd oIber laimsa gaiet eéatûW as' tovpseparimg a&0t veaag petiese t e 0r - ouse liueala our Cille., Luke 19: articles toeo numenounst, t mention. quarterî; couchers forat petin fis.. vissda; 4148. Viola Bocleniaci. Iteglar terme. ' 1 bacc mt ou bie ibisfer tise mens nIl vouldufeaetishe cot oi admîin- laschyi. ETho Amt; Club met vili tie MimaeaW. D. Gies-ena, PrOp. heategs apont otan'. estate otaon. ta oeil».? ctmmult&nem qulte mater- MOMv, Jack aloi Deekinger Tuutiayeveiig. W.B. Au'PLEV, Auctloaeem. bal,. la nîber words tise cles'k'e te"es ud bc greier tha la a wealtil; hfll5 lidothle Amella Peteraia quit. I11 t ptesent rit" 9esedtias for a peaueloisela ise i bave airais frit If a veteran, Xqr! yder andi Mr. wmting. ~bis witiov .or minor clti w«i entitiedte 10peuit.tise; vere entîtIedta l il a;à041 tthlb ome ni R. M. Pansni ofChicago igitet ne-01t.enqutyhaeMermdacageu ,treS. Mqf sunn<.latinea liera Friday. %O! ils caue 1 aeqhs tlae menatepmatie a cat 1eml eir car e. oeth Kma' pending acceral veeka in Waukga h oEhave inet bailau opportmtte arendthelb.proe el;ofatthse Count; aseeal dy. f Thmas lirdioat aippti acarBoatrd. or bave neyer hWtioccasionate trasact baneaa mth the office. toutot tIleeluChsagoiaofTueda;Wftis thiaswio baccebail occasion taetaUsa»ct buafste-e iti ne whie Il,1 1.Abert Zuei.tiori won a Volo coller ls fetlbt hcg ave beec . làofce mA slov thse condition aoflise records 1 ans willng te ~iâ,gr»en viaditet îh Wetineeday. ight. bac.' ns; came vîthot argumnst. aetiriIlle sndai. C. 0. Busnu vaiaeemun aur troete Therela cunitierabie cîtiesa among dri gta reporta pubiiabeti 1feel fIlas ti te y ste>'.llanti tanul; t0 bc a Tuéay.Our aclinol chiltin: thse. nov illste candiigte for re-teltn. 1 appiccigte tsaItishe peuple af Lake Couatyl bave dsugiler liesn of D; 1uotby Ifarai. Vers Ruaiell, May anti au !F. Knlit<-anti Peter Meyen wuasAound Lake coller Joseph lxlskI reateti me ver; nicellinl a poiticaivay, anti vbile I hava beep tiseir uer- - Wedneoda>y.. vot 1 bacc lnled teaigA"etiemn tise sanie treatiseist anti @ball continue te do *V .misa Rose Lajuimecht la i i with appev.- no as long se I rrnala a pubi>c émeecant ,tisoîvaheM. W. A. hlIiA. J. Raymond returnei trmoSuth r hodsicitiae.eae»M*eagistm orteofie b; aary oug pes.Dakota Wetinesday. lMt. Swalervs a ieteit e stlii'eata ettts fie léa'oim aedaeî lll I-s aet iurta; Ed Camnol apenttialumta>' anti Sunda;. le a gentleman In ever; peetieulal?, anti alsouith e Repablicani deîide bc M'in siy' afwsý« t ilîeFrst@putThmdy n iti E. J. Canrot! andt iil>. enserve tisenibette tisais1,1 aha ei! regardiblAns ai I do iodai-a gen- os*LIngleside. -Quite a nunher froîn hoe alteniedthe 0 iemn-s mme 0f Wanlegaun m-a ean limaeaoren Raymund anti Mary Farmer' Institute ai.Gurnie.. Ataforii r ea4cl-doust Iosa.tise publie fa ver; mach Intereateti Ranglt are ap.iing a tew tdeys vitilée. W m. Glilugala on the, ilcI list. intht. I 1bavre luslued eeudanibave Ma& tise balaut.lua aIegfitutate lébliait ryalake viitti re nHighadPak mong tho Cicago visitora ti!. eel VOW. I1bave manaed asefat te arsyr j'4.1e visen du. sud bope t10b0 able r »hoseiBâaurde Y. Hmr;Nicholle matie a huainestrip w mn adtsm lu Chica<ro Tueeday. es:lire. J. J. Kelly, Chamles l'M- hoote e. adla n wk dept la nov, complet. t hc us. brect ant iWn. Rutéhingboii. A.u M report shows 1. bave net conattaetianl te es esraeti, for Murne- "whow eMifromiDIon City JiniCamey vas a'llocnllerdatuntial'. ýHennin Bu atlcleia ret~ emey esk blire, etc.. uringtise: tiirteen ;eare ot as; ollcil Icire.'? anti ~ lra.Rauxoti nt Aua ilîer en Wsîe an sta . Iouoelder tis ahlal-ausgoodas an!'coantalth1e sate of thse ame lir. aym4dandAna Mllr Mm.1re lanera. ùai uby 1eVa een onouiath showALlIER? L. E Ade.1?-1.S &tgu 0 Waucanti clltiMtnenr caners atud » nrlda. F rink Doveli ta apendng a iev da;a 0 aliot anti Hetry Kramen n Waukegsn. ,y allat.gmndaohre riti Lewi. Lual, aif renont, vwu sen on lggêqti vie of Liiertyville Tisa social given b; the yauug Wldesà cd *glar pensaISua;. ni1tise K . cisumisat tise home of John r, in« ~at Anima clalteti Walln vas a sucse.ll-95 rai eCaaLaati vils olore. cleansti. The suit -aWoclal Ib. aI thie ,aodlel;viluMive a book home ai ofLewis Lu*in lu ebury.. lder «Misng (Jan. 26) se 1.11 *nale. Il!.lilit e a 1OR NL affai, as eaehgueal attend--M L req*jsWt vicprmualtl.e lB. Humonla onthe ÎWk ÉÏLt 1 » bok. Admission 10 antid ie.LMon Davis i. reconerbng frmn Retrembnleute mil b. serced hemr ecent Iliume. the *111 b. hati. A. B. Comusa cutiis footwmhile spitting iveunit éOu i viimet ailoige lat ?siek. sut FMay elteinoon Jan. 26 #Jeas Davis le luoking alter the vomI CL ~at the Bonr.fann 'C. L. Thomson bia Put in a euPPI; Of atm Mircle. for smnier us.. mbug'- M-e . t e j Mlite. .Geo. Bacon and Mises aComýabmd JioIuIl ola 0of liiiplace.", uw -n Ciauvstn Z.=ý1uu weoper ChicragoTnu.. onday * ~*iedy cugbiugup uas Mies Jetie Davis, u Chilca(o, i. ~W Dontone tiecaretiber di gw lu as vus hberm I.tbr ~~~:, ~ whn ho a aae Shnnanti cainglor tie aid aies. ,ýýrqi»W D Èw e ew John fiae»W em accsieopti a position *,g hj.,vilb thé as, -a5alarge poulliy faim newr Lierty- t*e Uéal; oi. fls Mieas Haoa eireMcftn fi hoth ca 94WS l *0i. cars!.iou ea 1 lai sur etmee o.. day lust viol. MisaM. 1taotgdti wa steer, useting aetliurns a lutalurtia., lima.Fid 0,amese 2ue iuu .ndatn RSm l'aiera af di tmla n l qd- lng a lew dur» iilitaMe rnmprest, mr. andi Mn. Warrn Powaua., ,1 0. E. Heetbtlasof Irvlu Park vlated mnde hope sti yend**<Iu.e Johs Young aMdi aity Wl Mo"e lita the Convaîl hbom e oon. Beveralof lb. »à* mcb fotts iola- lty'aîtended Ith eanlreatdi Itla. &0lu teoaufer witb badacliianMd pais aver tise kitigees, vissa a mlii dose of PIneules yulgise nilula on. niglil eulterng womap asiotiltbwd lkit..;. anti tladder, c * bris un d nilm tle bas e a *t o.i.f OICW lga"ahntatil. - lui 0 !at q . U ii ilimwblte o! Antiuch, calied un .Q49 M . ichard Paxton Saturda;. lire. 1it gwtSndY if iiu' igoV la tw A tib lot 10 e 0 om oflier daiig90«lu Milwaukee.> sd ,cafus ta ridei, hroU* . e po t Luat w eek i sa.. M ahel aud 1Belle townshp.DieJttusyr went t9 Jisicao. UPon arr!,. it sa oodt tmu-W. j. OQ*verlu IpSébers the latter tounti bem pocket- aur qti&le in, Ie i. pft»a$mg 10book mi*lng: No trace oi It lias as ;et 010bffl 00opta blsmInU b@ ilfl*. isen fointi. IaewuW»a wx ipetitid aI lb. Fran~k Rouer nanmnwi>' eecped a cer- p&rner.!Inaottiib@Ula luOurnue 11itIons acident lb. album day. Wie lu W*k. Wadewoft'tbthe. king boit 0f i. wagOn. .Tbsa osrs 0f tilu sentim Ae amiinln toke sud hiWbormsebecupg frigît- tilpg ho Wsubugan thotg6nr* $buoielreae ed puli.&lm leur the tiqai board.Hes wllb1 1110Chcago , MU dseItlD.waabadii bmueeti sud abaken Up butn Tb"; yul stop andti lill belon tiey boum. ver. brotl. eont About thlrti vere presnt lait Satun. lia.Lion. Cane; bau moved to da* mglt t t lilîataiiatiuif tdhe Eseaso, "baning mrefto4ber faim, 10 omSlret thelb.Ben 1.ur. Dle. Bouamof Waukegaa vas at home Ove. Sonda;. MiesBanna Patli of Romsean ata- v 17 __ . tscher' meetiighere Satur- Ii.ati Me. Plllili l>enee orm I.s eStewart epent a, lau'days 01 * toist to hicgo iai atpdalro~ theb pot weeelcwlth 1Milo.PearIl aseil PpebiSundow. d tilb te oart bomn..- Merov* aar ues, Ulo 0 i Mlwuke il- w ' MOD ' ysq - 1 b*eu w e tb 'sr tbin# of the but a% fl > qW ErinIton Phac aTbure y 0164 lbi£ et théOakland MAfi.'>wa. tmig, Pub. t, »MsL r àPiîe6"Ir . AM"o, . ut twno;mn orregiterpd 68,dug asi Wshsgs, cetiA>tmo Mendi e naler- i. serm Satrd.; ai tenoon antrd., jàj front doora et"oti de open. . asa' rgsmfrtl y y.aFb eO alot, ..toeforIna.Wora'card p&rtis.lu as to1lpvi - J'ebru~7 1 010for & O sae. or Weduniday evnli, a 2 4;WejuU rticuISTm d ie loals foutber down te£nlng, Jan. SI; MoudsVuu4g t1050 cotumii& 1 eb, 5; Woundai evenlag, Pub. 14ý rb. meetiffg of Ihi W*11001da AOAti- Monday erelag Pub. 19; b)ion45y iras TbIf« atialoI VII iiiherd evenlD5g, Pib. 2d. NEuh play«r wtt!bu turday %lteruoiý *:2.charpeil 10c. ltef.bmonU asved fre., Win FrauMe, of Woodâtock, brought a Lady'sand gent'e priasu awgrdrd me Me lkmd of buckwbeat to the mliillait encli party. Ail bMytimeant teir irluido id.. nier 18 years of gav incordlUllp kAI Reclinger, of Chiego, wu thl ntitei., qie of'lla Emma Weleh Sunday. The Ladies Tueuday Club met iailthe Ear Powera, of Barrington, 4lulted at home of lMra. C. A. Golding MalndaT - ohome of hi. gmandpamftelit i. andi eveuiDg andi playedtifr- acbeduist e. Warren Powere the tiret ut the. ganiai ot cuchre. Mis. C. L. Pratt eTlc. 1 -1carried home tb. tirat prIze, witb lirà A. D. Loomia, of Mdlienry, eallOtien V. D. Kliiball a érlus second. The nsaa ide here Saturday. * ood lime l iported. Miai Neli Donlea, of Ilarrlngton, The match race onti1eledOonThuraday, tendeti the teacher'a meeting bireiattemnuon, Feb. 1, Don Pedro vaeOf& aturday. Swift promîsea to e une of thie best, »&as Maggie Mefanu, of Chicago, lu re.e ar aeuied in ti, vmty.ed n ending the. week st the.hume oflosaaeqi.ernymtidat e. il hin uki iily . their haeer, Hunier Ficher ad J . Ire.Harisonandlamiy. 1 oney reapnctively feel confidentau tlnog L)r Wison niPaltin, wa nbuine $100> richer mIter the. race. Come ont lier ~ ~ ýj» en lstra;Q* tii. seart.. NoTW-E i re»erv e i rivileg ~f~i anging the order o uo nsti, to l lw suitwas theiet .. op.ie of-r *tify my peronal ldeae-the wther' Mogiday's pmegrfm, Juohn lowe bringing an. suIt againat. Klrwan & Fuller for tlw uan ? recov(.ry outa .,olt *lich vas taken iiy MIseJeaette Thumpe, ut Barrington, tii, iefendants in payinent of a debt. vialtéd with Mb Ti HthisliA K. Strarne piesti tii came fer the, aturiiay.1 pliinttffmJ-iiK. Ortie defendeti t su" A. K. iltearna, of Waukegan, îran.mcted i<.t b(t iiai nw. tm saWt Tt - business lier, lait Frida>'. 'nry'q verdict wn In tacoT of Klmwau We. lesmn Ibat Clande Pratt bai tilet i Fuller. a clalm of llo acresucilfine landtin Ialuie.B . iwtweret'*lIed sffln ,oftheir mu, J. W. Gilbert. Tiie latsut lMr". Elma Imahuiu returneti home! reporta are that the patientinrecovering. rhuroday alter a twu week'» riait witii 1<N.IB.Dunemsa nd daugbter Idus Mas* Chicago friende. çere Chicago cittorw Wutnday. Sbonid youm 1%DEi'E.uiEXT il IX<> Lewia Broncheon fgr., ha. pumciaMe reacii you cail for a copi at the Bac.rldceolItatu W auconda Pharm ac 3. ijthewH arricup e id ir n ti lir . J.bn Lev: S. F. Wulle waa the guet ut jDow s sud ild b. antU. bl W Fatiier SScnlon ut Libertmnllle Tueeay.. will lacome reuident. ut our village éb L. E. lialman meleveti L. A. Jones aI lbth near future. ýt F st f ýjgh an to, came tront Stevonsa Palitqa Ze. A. - J. ya.iîIita'nainienroute for Chilcago. T"W 104 urSs; lu Clulcago. i, brother who nit, i ocltllgl dange ous y uliek la im pr av ng .. j T he; etpe cal e ti n le l a Mre Tuil; ut Evuret lisa taj'tng wlth 1iront Cisicago. rdasgtenraes:LB. Maonaatti ramy Mitchell- Vio undrérut a ii foie a fev tieys. -" oieration for a tuluor ou hie tailce re- ina. iletwr ot Chilcago, bhau en speftauting froni a spark front a live match sgiecenj 4Si %% ia Anber tiaugister Mmr. . lait wvee, vl prtblY have ho Wb- J. ll>ae. 1dengti niioth-r uî,eratioiuitile eL Dr., A. . 1 *Maeteiieadte a buaineea tnip tu. !Marni luIn iug tIie wik. lertyville Tuesda. Sl..S. L .Tripp i. ,ird sîlihlber 1tev. A. j. ltyai lieliaIl [Ley. fluenste ut pinr.îas %.. sud Mes. Jom. RiîAsîidd for ,nthtlelti during a ern.a ul revivais latit tn o dnî mxt* v Lira. Vue. nittjted midi lira. Chai. leauierger lust week rtiay>. INavigation on Ina Pb. John~~~~~~~~ ltecfrun;<fti îe,~ the Itallan gveriment wml emnt JohnReefl ormrlyof hisplaë, i"I$23,100000 .tu Improve nacigatton ,0ce nChicagu Iuîîlisy ater hîsittiulelé- thc river Pos, ltaly, ant iîta trbu- roue several openuîtioi. taries; 48..00 home power euerhyil I A nuniber fruttiî ber. atteiîded th, 10 decelopeti aîonsg tie Po faor - la mterai ci Mn. Chiit Shaeifer, tif Long tilai enterprlaes tie annual renit 01r nrove latit eek Wedueday.. whcli yl yild lia gaccrmeat 1$M.- Dr. aud lir. Tr6wy and tie. tqon epelit Uonutay il itcigo. iWomniunSmokmr. lir. Jl. Dlleniiiýim anti 11111e son oi Tih", udm Truti quotas lhe follo*- .A5.ertyville, riied with lher ji4ielite, Ina mear naggînat smoking b; va. Mr and Men. V. G. Mitchell recend;y. men;:"T e ntlela Ia smoking d*te!-. . hrs.Un, Hlsttileu; Wdnad _ ( 'ope the inuatache. snd lhe.offledt&ta lire.LemiaBoletspe . W.na& 1aismoking Prod'.cesait su an; te lit vol. Itut seek witb ber brother Min. anîdlire. men, 'weaIu-ilmmed e;mltia! Peter biltanti taiiuily.Bik ai T1 illie M itc h ell p e n t S in d a y n i M n. f a ck o s d m a tu L o i s l la; wit Ethel tuedie0 rau t; his latcreateat a brick fUlti Paul Rit>'o! Diamndt Lake cancassaetiln a iforula. Prairie y1evant i ciinit>' ton-llis boton- inlaw John Badge of lvanho"WhÔola a TH MARKMP cauiditidiie ton Count; Supteninte- dent ni »choute. NTew YKalmr * lIra. F. Bunte at iîmnb o a e ate... ...... t detinital. ........ RNIY.................... E. R. Mlison bu thb. idaortUtietn OR -a W.s1.....- ileverly injure bis band wvisle.pltig Mr. uutTa ............... Penter inthe àhop.cHEMImn....... .:.i... Peste lu ie COp. s.......... ......... Sua.Meýga@ peut lioitdéywitihbem CÂvTTxJ-Csioe06,110...St aiter lima.Shaiter in Ciicao: . c '.""o G .ooe tours." Casime lpis vinla tteidutsk acon o ale, Co... . aC.... . .....l" eI Étberyvllle s a tel A aal;lever Coins...........4 ty va, 1300SLI t Mlxed ...... ant pneimnois. Mn. anti ble. >Pb nIeaci'acking . IWrer clled tu, hem bed"liab; a mesaage 3trrlc m v. Btda.Dar.... .. ... Ethel KuetIier aperit fiturday vili.... -fiuae.lagon. l.i-Wsa is' Mm. and 'lia. W. Buck anti tamly; Corn, Ma ............ topent Friday mot satusr&in luChicgo. j Oat'M..... ... :.. The> Royal Nilgibora ant igootensMlLWADIMKE Wao0dmlen ba ojoint installation le*t OGRÂIN.-rWbçat. Delstii0.. !M ,ma" ............... vsek ThÏradaeoceg.Tii, lleera ni corn,*ïà . .. tise Royal Néelbors vin i mi uoo: itrNo~t. 1.......... racle, Mns. . G. Miteisl;icke Oracle,1 KAAB S . ru. ilen; Rocordsr,ie. Antde Knoll; u;........ Maahbair. EnmaNsalil <Ihancetar, . 1Mn. ,leule Cous; Roelver, lira. Mary 7LtfU Itrouer, _,imereit lLi, liyMitpheIr; CATL 13e te-ru.S ' Oter SiaUns, KMs."ma EranerP; tOGu-Pmkiro up ie vaseis rtelaiter la the là wtna iunaili e ailt oq at l .a LL