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Lake County Independent, 2 Feb 1906, p. 7

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Avlù IONEE1RS. WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS *09 Wulilngton St. phone 3878. OUR CHARGE 18 f Pur Cent, Satl.faelloa aranteed. àMar.15.pd Defis ie weathmr SBave$ ime Protucts the home Lae Cou etg Telephones Connect wýihh Chicago Aima your friends A Iew cents the dayj Lake ,Countq Telephffae- Co. Vi111e: Knis.ht Block Libertgville - hibou sulte wrom a comd Tu e a o dg er ut of nd engtrd Conaumption or other serons lun trouble fi FoIy'B Noffl und Te is taken, as It will cure the most stut born cougir-the dangerous kiwi tir settles on the lungs and' may dv3 pu~ ar vznigit. Iyou have a cougir or coid do 0 V rfmk Pneumon;a wben Foloys eallU a"Ti WwiU cure you quicklym %trengtie r lungs. Remesnber tire naine - -F010 ue, m&no Ter-and refueeai liobttute offéred. DonottakocbAne wftb gmre nnknown prepurâtion tl coasI you the amnewien you eun Fois'. Uonsi MdiTW, tiraIcol y» n q iuO and in mi*. and corta la reuts. Coetalne noaplates.ý Uai O.muptlou. B. H. Joues, Pastar M. E. Chirr Grave, Md., writes: "About even efght yearq ago i1irad a very ers cý wbicir physicians aald w« very ne pneumouia, and which they afterwa pronouuced cousomption. Tirrougi trd I 1wea induced to try a ampla Poiey'm Horrey and Tar, wiicir gave1 ijýmuce relief tirat 1 bougrt gtome tire reulars= mlme waor three bot eured me ef wat the pirymciankcs eoaption, land 1 have neyer bad à boitble wth my throat or 1»98a ail thst dm.,* Thee l me. $SO, 1.00. Tb* Sa cent a"secotaiatwa 0 un-hlM times aM machaM tire llmaili a»d te.$1.00 bottle aimait mia til P. 0. IL@VKLL LlSJfTVVILLE jd~;. Z~ZZ]VOLO Bm.LONG GROVE - - The Ladies Aid aocletY giet w _M r. Iiss ?reinlcis itoging, of Round Lakec, Br.W..driesday, Jitu. 31I, tue1fr. asud Ray' (reo Strang Thuredity ltet-nooan. srit Sunday nt'Ihonte. 1frà. Cham. LaF'rnntz, a Dine and a bal Northt Th hrubJ n a s nM iri Carne iRater bas liern in ii ti. city Miss Charlotte Madden, of Iingwon.l-, Pound baby girl. North bredStailontwo weeks andi l; mimerd froimi the. choir faeripending a fr-w days wirli Mrs. James lin. lJtin Iloffert retrrrned ta ber Wea Ten Broeck -, Fanny Ellis very mur-b. Kirwan. borne luthe ritylavt Friday. Convr Anoted sire of huntersand high.clau utility The Misioary Soviet ' will miet at WitItliowe, of Waucoatda, was a Vrab Ms tarrie Zimmrerlin, if Chicag.,go, iii iems. Mr@. Rob)et trang'a W..diieday alter- caler sunday. asâiîting lit@. August Msyers a few, Guy horses Doon. MiseAuna Compton returned tu ber wek'. 1for Del WIU stand until fuxther notice àt E. A. Martin wau ntiitiy Monday barre in Elgin Saturday alteir a few Mfr. and frs.. L. Keiler speat Sunday 31. and Tuearlay on buminess. weeks is iit witb relativeu bere.. alt..rnoiîn with their, darrgbter. Mrs. it. NM Oo.DuicV_ u bs ee on the Mn,. C. Dillon le epending a few daye Frank Kane and lanîily. to%%n Ilele larutwopaa iteiiltamore wlth relatives and,fri.nds beap Ci Gorewillerra ami niyîîtejt i Paul SIltz, Manager tu Highland Park and i v.i have a sale Mis Saraelîcn Nicboll liras b,,e, relatives. et Diarnand Lake tsundrly. - r'erioui Feb 7.runiblered w.illi the ik but is împraving M'ra tba 'altran is on the sick list liti Tuesdi Witt Strang bu allgoe t<lie r-iiîa tvek eat pre8ent. 4.Iresent witing.1 prese- or two at Deer Lodge lie hi. hîappy tarlnt- Mise Senie Kretilcbfmet, <of Fax Lake. Born. ta 1Mr. and !lrs@. August Meyer Flti ___________________________________________________________ing grolitds lu northénr~iis ,irsin. visited relatives and f rienils iera a drnghter re-r.ntly. lrierîî J aa a.a. Te Yilo Feer em atuday and Sunday. It is rcîîorted 'rsr. Curis ttI-lieaffi C ~ ~~ ,I~¶ YY V' hba recently b.e diacverr-1. It heura Miss Iiennia Commnt, ofiRollins, was eouremplate iiaring to tri e ity lu the fricrir doslae resemblance tu, the mîalaria germ.a Vola rafler last Tlursday rcrftr teeili.01 .. ir T Ne ,fea tbe s. Ge r n oo litusac gr e , i] r eJolin W alton and daught r El.ie jbone w itli M r. and 'rr..John lo f-rt. venin litewmoniffecPie urneyl ta r ai î'mere iVauonda callers Saturday fore- The îireetors ofiithe Lonrg (;triivr-alorit dreeaitew due touialaria iiisoaid con- noon. rreairry tead tlîeir ici, liane.. illed i îrt 'h Cures agi kirids of headache and neuralgia. One capmantetipat an. 27ec. at F. Il. Li LeLi is f-iveeEfinger, afi 'auronîla, w..ek, enîtel lgenerally srmfficient ta relieve the mmt obstinate case of è1ryile eand GrAsAs 'imi~Ndrug is eiiuua adSrda il le :îd, ai lîer(,reel.Eii J nervoum and sick headaché. Theme capsulem do not con- grandiîarvntit utola. I iaîiiîl Lake, -jllit sîiily iil 1 tanaypoimon or opiatem, iGuaranteed 10 satiify you* SMe laa Miîîîjyrlenelt eatvslee dames 25c. Sent potpaid on recel pt of price.Eli atwkat- iinigsvr qteaumrfot heittnId M liy MteraI 'li lia ws ti1.waeke witli lier ifer, Mrs. Mary Heniry Itakers salie ar-ar t.2îDiî-ritIalnd. 6Il rt be~gauiP-smer qfMrand Mis. 1. E. .9ay,.r Coniîton. C,îrrî..r- usd YCDVU Misses Mary Ruîigiît îandi elian Mrs Piefer, of Park lLidg.-. 1.-nv aktfr-w ri Cor. & Sts. ~~~Tii Laires lorcas soi. i 4rte. lr,.e. IL-tiaîh e .-erreîrrllriatrîydays witiîberlparents.M. liaui Mr-.i.erut SWaukegan, 111, C r GÇenesee* MadSOn SS 1%tii frbur-b'iow, Haodtes Hi.rThursday ateri,i.Cl3d'e Wr.ightt aait sist.-r 1yrtie, of Frediîieosw1eill,-r. 0r Rocrkefeller, tran- ln t. E. tîri Feb. 4 W *-ik W, May ilo irîîha-all.d lat Tham. Fishers on,. saiteillusineeliera last Fricduy. - Cht.î tIrist and the -lîîit *Luki- 1248 gay îast _:~ rî~~.î avr lAîaksct~4 iii : I l . 3' f. (i - iiEffili-it %f.. Nr- M y vo i. Juste Woodmniiii -r. 'rr. J. Frosit, W. M. Fros uit ilM ies oihr,lîivee iwre. un-r Sutiday. Katiecpi-ut Saday %vitleliMrs. JoliiN Mre. H.-iîry Uîilnff net Hue n a oid at A imuletier fronrli-et tat- iil-d ti, owe lut Mauî-ouda. wmvIiikuio%%n ut Lonîg tiriivr-being ioru n Misi I;a Plit r. and Mrs. Alibert ltîîîgbt wî-re la're, died Jani, 19 uit lier horne in 'unie , ê àpryltMullerîry ruiler.. on..day test neek. Barriîigtuiu of heurt troublle uithte age sari. the îî.u of Mrs.fil. M.Unit iiIligli- luI Hîimile îrBu Tland SarkitteSstngs Bank îndj:arutwi:Î, jThe youug ladies cet thi %',,o NI. F. o3 yiar..Xltiiougiian CAPITAL c5O,OOO.OO - SURPLUS $50,00-OOO.OO yebe4_ w-i iiwiý bueofL .Lusk ut 3West Freinantrend is fkit ne aterribtle blow ta tue i <ail. Charles Whitney, Geo. R. Lryon, Tho. H .Ourst in Clhi-ugo witir the E'Itliiiiiuiy.- Fi-iday evcniag, Febrîrary 1). Eve~yua relatives and eeperiaiiy b li er Iiiislrand the Pe.Vice Pres. Cas hier IMr. îand Mrm. Lini-ulir lîttisu Viited eordially hiîvitcd. and tiormernait riiiidren. Tlh.. lineraiwu ____________________________________________________ wiîiireirtives filiOak Park iidiuay. services ocre baid Moiiday, Jan. 22, ut Hont ~ anIThey nr-var grîpe onr ick.-u but clearîse the M. E. cburcli.$.0 TRÀSt À 5EEfL ÀN .INQ AB . USINS AR EN ONand istra:ugîen tire stoiuacli. livernaud -Tha date maie lung by ileeosi orrow. ile 1lîawels. This il% the uriversal verdict îîf The teare we shedi la grief and vain. The Bank bas a S.alt AND osi Vl s oo a te es i M» Mary Rudd le visitîng witir th many thoumande mba use De Wit'@ Wil lceaee fureer onlthe brgbt tomontow the United States. Large Enough to Accomnodate ail of the Irelativesi at Lake Forest. Little Early Riserir. The@@ lamait, little Whr-n ail yl meat lu Heaven &gain." People of Lake County. Rntar RfasConabe. em n, . anuduetuliu er Pille reiýeve Ieadille, constipation, bit-- Reliable Atendant- Box aetlvr esnbe ev irs .Ra netrann e if usees,, jaundice. torpid liver ealiaowt Masonry ConstruJctioTn. Lie oBta adSdawt ram Waukegau., ciînnplxin,etc. Try Little Eariy Biser-.Smtan u rc RAilroad Steel rail; Filled wth Concrete, than Lined again Sold iny ail druggists. Peupile the vorrlîl ven we rhrifiptl wth Heavy Plate Steel. CALL and INSPECT IT. Ap27d - 'lire. G. -Brogden sud 31rs. C. Chandler on learlng aI tIre burritug of a C'hicago ___________________________________________ et*aChicago visitan, on lilîday. __________________tireutre lu wlîie nearly six buudred WA JKEG3AN : S, ILLINOIS Otto Buraudt. of Chiago. i. isiting LONG LA"E eplc e ltheir lvei. 3et mare than z :va tirnes this nunîber or qver 3.000 ee witb Mr. and 1fr,. H. Burandt. Mr@. Mitchell is at Fax Lake belping pple died tramfl pneumonia, ln Chicago 8ki Jah. Connolly, of Waukî-gan. vlitad' ta rare for ber tirotirer, James Lana Whoa dururrg lie rnsi year, w.itb ecarels' wu - witb treade in thia viinity Wadnesday. te seaiousilit. pamiîng notice. Evcry ans of Ibese cases dey, of pneumonie reaulted front a cold and gay A numbar Ironielîcre attended the (lute a crowd attenulad theelay pigeon 1muld bave beau prevauted by the timaly t0 uerai oI the laie Stplien Bille wbich shoot ait Guy Book@ Sunday. use of Chanrîhrlainri Cougb ltennrdy. pro wae beld in W aukagaiî on Suuday hest. H. Gilbert was a caltar at bis brother', A % great rarny wro badt every ream o tai lear puetumonia haved warded it off by ra-e MW@e M A. ilyan miii give a basket li Monavihle Monday. tbceIprompt nos of Ibis remedy'. Tbeta I f Your riens vvon't Lay social anud entertainrient aitirhe Madden G.Hia n.ani e.traue pboigJi i ntacm af tinus sort: the aiboal to-nigbt IF1iday i Feb. 2. Every. nuriber af Chircago peapleaovar Sunday. Charerlab in ot ha said andoftis T y O rbody corne, ladies are requeeted t1 NelieBrow 'd Griysiake, bas been epetially fer n aida and influeuza. 1 and fing basket,wiil lunch for two.rlvshe. knaw thiat it crrred datigbter, Leurs. of vis dîr' imitilîg-I. e.fe. a sevare raid, and 1 beliare savad ber vr liii. i *'55 515C 'rIe. N litnoni andl faîîrily w-re milicdisewas tbreatenenl oitb Pneu-an e- L........-...--................-...FOOD-.-.-... rayeluke vmitan, Saturday. ui irr. 'V i.Wiax Mlatiiaw and Aniiie Brown, Peter and' York. Sold by F. Bl. Loi ELL Libarlyville for A ure winner and ECG PRODUCER. A well balanced T Il a Wagacr, of % îla, called on frir-udi Chambetlainîs Cough Rerxledy the adGýl'LiEPAMC.ne Dg ~~ration, and justat a hen lîkes. We lohvSU e una.Mtw vlieF_ N RTb FLOWER SEED. KAFIR CORN, WIEAT, BARLEY Mme. John IIart,1 wh a wri serionsly Tbeeotirîg andl liaiîliig praperties of eu, CHARCOAL, GRITS. SHELLS, BEEF SCRAPS, CORN lh na again slanil1y iipovirîg. ti.is1îeerttaste undlpromupt asid o let ermnnit iires have mradilt a favorite, Johin Irvinig uid fannily ocre IVauke-oc ALFALFA and ail ther supplies. MirseBerthna Wagrar. aofIlls iplace mrt îcîleecyoîr. iliseeriitly gaue vistrrs nn Thriday. Lil 'r s ted witlu Irienîsl-i t Rounid Lake blet îrzeil'y Ili oti"if louitllehildran - for Michnael LauLuevas a Millîhu entcaier ast 0<weelt. cide, ciroup amrd whooping cuugb, as it Tuély O John Lauren J.vmallde a business trp Ialwys uflîrds i1uiek relief, and as til rslay OURt pOA,-.initine rua opinuinuor cother barintu it '. i-'star mn li lires the Heyiierkar ad ~~tuChicago ane day tiIsweek. drug. ittiiay b.. given am coildently tea ruwsluMbrThri a y. ti JUST LIKE THE WINTER Mises Katie Ilirunimuo elbas returned iîîas mnie adl. For sale F. BLovEliý ain a uMiîuuTb n.Il ré far fe b. lîir Iber sieter, Mrs. ILibrtyvila aand Gtis.KEar m Ix lenry Sheliard aud mife raflmonauco LnyA I D AD I I Frankfl..rrkel. i 1 friande iie Newport Tuas8day a ven iug. In eu A WARM E A RTICLE-s GRANGE HALL i Dnut lorat George Duurahus sale but AND ENJOYED BV ALL ROSECRANS ~Fi-m. 7ira tie Thnas.ley fartau. 1f.îîîher..$ufuidiiWNigIî~ r,,airloi re. sieter Strang vlsited 30u Mt ,llme t iaS 0o.ltiiçeilii rig.1tr iivlthair dai'rgttr M'rr. Frî-d Broniet eCi RioH-iuy I. n uîne next Nt-(Itîîi uiy uli ,'- esîîuîI - - .nîiai-lri-riday.d IA n~I MF CF B Revelliug. Mrr. Wiisli olis ..îill m.-ry sh-k, lis t. af ENM N - E C R L M r- MissFr fWiho abrlatbohe ri oai wc iiit in G. Il. Steluleut4 is on th ii. ik liseti Mise Liait Wlliuuîusou n of l uvli Jil,uWilliuiiu s uaî sellie i -k Abut forty atteirded thea iart3- giveu se EDWIN A.BS O ,M-rmethi ukIi aleg(i rcel e 1ý1I1sIy Masanie bail Friday em-ciug. Ail repart th lb IETVLE Lthis icniuity. M. F1-r. rl -ainnot tfieti or LBRYIL.LLMissewL.wu-' ciiitehst i-iitiiiîI ii]Fvia:. ou iiîluisnifnelie 'Phae 4 67 annr'guîu.Le) Jeaumelu- mas a ruiler inn aid .0m1ii4b a1ii-aanî sr47ie t6pr-frierîde in Ilis niiity receu-tiy. l Miss lulu itîtei arttiiiu tuce It ll ce laatsrrm op rda~~Mm . uus'ls whoiiai-e suhject tua rttai-ks 0f bu orn ru uri Gailaglir a-arr tpeaclîe' I1nia-i upiiuLiliertyv ii,- S-intir- ionn.n... and l cu-k ietî~che u t eiruthientîi wuf oru îerbgyifmsd (behry. -ptromnpt rali-f and ajdlrtain cureîrny le tua w oitivrbgy tfwd afhiall liy tuking Re Go Tointe- Laxative:r agir a boit ireakinig anid ittinng the me Mies Ger-trudeîii- lmitirop mviiilit hole Syrup. lueuany ruspes the attark rnay f ronît gear luose troueuthe test, ut the rig. I 0<om-r Siid~ -tuamvbilyîirvertadlîytakrîgt"- The horse rail away tnt nmas Inter Mrs iliffumu uîîîlMie 3Viçi mm doesof Be-Gu as'soon as the firestîn- Mr.IIe.qaidMes e- ria- r nse the troubleapaulea-. le-i*a cuugbt. Veny ittle deiiiagt, oas tons. mu7 Aution-hu mnitiurd liet meek. pesnt iqriid nedieine, eîld iu 25ec, 10 ilîîillip Dietuuayýr entertuiued et bues We aie dînltii.s Raîpli Craivluvoin ot anîd $1.00 bottas nuitdle an ideal touie Joad (Ai hunters frotte Wàukegau aver mcm d laxative for dlicata. women and I agnuc. hildren. Suld by F. B. LOVELi., Liber- i Surrday.B Tii.. ruurteriy ii-ntiiig mvil oel ieiu iityville. W. Li. Davis ralIKI-ni a îîd friands ilu adCindy yl ineuiu-iu hoth aaring iait uiuGURN EHI Vene Nifis tu mure anta Ithe Bayes munel eelg.IL.W. Chittenden was eagI- v sitofar iltemr 1 have a few stoves left that I Nlrie. E. Fainier antd rrs. Norithurop Tui-aday.araa wvure Chicangorricin us l tait; -r-ik. - I y t alegn pet1SAÙGAW RO 5da Wtt tls dy r, I Wr.uauîkeganE. surli atitth xi- ISunEyAS-ThFlus LArKEî, lure. wilI close out at a bargain. iNow I - 'îr ir Ms.E E Mrsrar iu A. L.iuyilxnu a tisi-i riteik liet.L A.L.ieeff nuis a Ch1icago viitai' reltive-s lure i-irtiua3.Misnra'lîsiIEastnulniu- May I>iy. Iu id Mrve 1 M u igmîue(-tairarer E 'ranetnidvh.t lit a chance to get a first-elasit TiMa uorsd. eLeel ngtpi bohe .n. oele ______________________________________Gravre and Trumas Galiger wre 1u-tertiil ellIie.PleucuirriClub utthie 'isZriSurabsoelnCiau Airtioclu visitais Suiiday.1 )onoleiiIieEiii.M uoed Ms oiShrabsgn tCico stove -. I. heciv lixo tu riîyceutg.Alarmyu a sie-iria fco days. soeat FIR T CO THerbert Nelsonu mnnIta ertu iiii1ina emnt tiuîue. T arat o pnrcbaseda finie ilriving hanse -î-4etlv. 1 Park sulitlu î-tertailiued hlm fat lier, .îaV Mr un rre.W' .Mrat 0 a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M. aind Mrs. NI. L. Gafiger mere Srnitlu. o! 'rIiskegn, Miuhn. durirîg tIre;-K-unhavet-lniltvslceo nd rlare atI ngliI ni-ard Fart 1hli aI 'wcrk. Juluu Caiiîaiua and W'llie Chandler are W6 1 'rr. Iimaiiihununu ehaaiî;î e. 1.anîdiasr'O Mrs.Geoge Vimt I caingtui lir Ma. attr a ;ibs Aie ird'rm.nd 1.xIrr-nlslorgiiigtoMts. Fred Mordbant nim laracýoverng trom hierue*# rMuirili, oai Grayelake, la workk4 nIll 81nlith. 3l. White spenî Monday lu - -nq. a8J. F. i>noca, aIt(rayeake 19M nTuesdav. swida natieWatt ain xhti îu-iy ijnrred lu a ruuamm-ay a 14â laiy. fibe id gettinig aiang Mru~- eni. brance Feudenson enitertainfoi id@ the êarly part of the wuek. %V. 'rlirunicîr. of Chicago, coai i&. fa Round Lake TUsM*Y- e ihuuri ut Aunirmo. T1iàmd* ng ie.-vry largelY. att-"du ut 1:111 tickets were eold. ,s itertîra Wagneli, 0I FP9111m r, visit-d lira 1"t week. AinRiw itas ol n the eick liat. amny Hertel,.nul Freinant, wua aei onl ouie.eveniiit ast meek. luinr o Ornce badl ropgir ho ,il. iaduuuleniuerru and amoitmi -lui finamîl Salve. bunt he iiiie-that bearinup-tre isn rîit t&c ~ hl-go oarebn b umus. hiruiee, et- m nb é a anfrlfiurdrusit imadiaha relieffu i. I.ediîrg. itcbine. and prou si es suuIl l iîyal ru ar P.. :à 1.aof an inoa Ma.. rs the '-pr.iof uf the pudding fvlb Ang and rail lbthe<-bwing tWeild the inerita unîjimedicine are îaOQ niy deuuîurstruîtarl aI'Cen Il - u 'lu d. 'Mr. Jua T. Tr.ai Tabor I ". I hav e ejr badiug ;1- iey and Hurrebinunil Iontire p dhane îund it Irey merli~S ive used ii n.My O*n fémili3;Wei' -unt resuiits. and it isn wY 1JEII4 $toîre." Wuen aur readerel ussinttanead a caugir mdimhi tif. reourmeînd lirsaite0trv S )ney aind Horebouud. 25c. 400*60 .0. slSad lu'iF.1.LTL i0 le.9 THE FIELD ESTATL an Now mumated te flme0% 000,000 Xnateed of lab Cicago, Peeir, t-Tre petitiSa et meutors of *Maahii Ft716X% îl.ng that Il b10 datfflW 1 aà sled lu tire preet court &y. lu lire petilltire the t tirey are unable, Itirhe ps!um0tl stîiale tir. lu»amelult et rperty. but aay t.ttbeir tee anedla lutathua tirat tht e Ueffl Le la vaiued At allout pWU le reml estats Set soO II0 te total. $1500,000, us ba prnpertY la llim.Thre019 ai addirediem o01the leigtu u *4ý isees are meutioned And tire eI rs etats tirey are wilhltg te mWU aid undertake lire tust . 'lire7 I at tr einnaoflire Pothltiob r Wednsday, Ileirmaary 21, et t 'ock. or as Bousiàeh.eMttwi~ * ireard. The, figares, iflanmaId, >wl îpplied by Jouelti N. FIeId. llà ftira dead mercirmil. Bannie V ecasioned by a retors 80 IMMl U M Imate, il beiug gerteraliy xpeteêi otale would excend $100,600110* ussibly reacirh .0000 TIile 'aes given mess% paYaent eOfS¶OMM . tir satate tremurY uurier tirhel" taure lam and of475..000 ta ruuty as lire docitet les of tire M i the proirate court. Xmrvelouis pued. Ormouf, Dayton& leaci.716-..à 0.-Vctor Demogeot, Of IWrmnee. % mmaned apeed kig of t11w MITl4 day atternoon on tire-DytoaA.$- lIter drîving hie gasoUine cm-ir miles lu tira marvelous tmo cR sconds. Denrogeol maiatUiuei, speid of 123 miles anuirpur fa M thie record. Chiù ie lr«tlm. Beau cake la lireechiaeIUm lerlzen' luChina.' THE MARKETS. LIVE STO(-K-Bte6r4. os jwMEAT........... ut. RYE-No. t Western.... BUTITER ................... i CATTLE--ChôOeâ t g s ...r t2amntetaGow mirs.e4 Yearlinmg@............ . . 4 HOIIS-Ligbt MIt.r . la Hoavy Parking. H a y M x e d . . . . Cary............... BlUTE rei.... ......... i t.uVE POI1LTRY..'........ PO'TAT1'E5 (bu.)-.... GitÂIN-WuS£t. tMay. JuIy................... ort. May------------.. ltî. May ... :..- GRtAIN-Wheat Decemnber.. i Oea. arauldr... Rye, Nu. i G3RAIN'-WhteaMa - Cura ............ orntay .-2W- ta n., LttiX- -2 , . 0 -

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