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Lake County Independent, 16 Mar 1906, p. 1

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NIMEPENI NT« VOL XIV. N(Y. . LIBERTYYILLE, LAKE COUNTY, IflÉi, -FRIDAYï-MARCM$i.8,- 1908,.,S8pam IIF1DPER VRAR IM AIWLÂ~ f 'ft CA iDIU t!S Sktche of ch.lien Who Ask Your VOtA ý Ra $ph Ohittendm n. 1 Balob Chittendon, o01(iuruee. ilaa candidaste for oherift and meke the reimblon of the. connty to give hOn the. nomination at the comlng prlmare. Ego Iaa Lake couuty mani havlng Ilveci hmeaulhie flle. Rewa bornla Warren townmhip Jan. 5, 1858 anci lved wltb hia father ubo va. a miller until twenty-one years of age ut whicb time ho niovec to TIilrd Lake, in the town of Aveu wbere h .commenced farmlng living tiireten yeurs. He thon mored inoved to mltilaluthe town of New- port wiieré h. remalod tino ysara. Aller tue h.o moveci ta Gune_ purchas- tmg thie place known ne the. lAu Bbwn frIMM iieré ho tili, ilyps and rune annp to.date dgliy. xdivetiJ. Beytimke.'. Iiuca "nta" lor Comrnatjuigevas boreil ou tovu o nevprt « 8a hriid et lume, 15, vineàhoV"reo a.a loti ant roeilie»Qutich.autumit or F -1 aschat oa nan t isrvrisths W'aken hl hio obl. Alcer eavlng lie' faim h. purauthe ou* ld'ea law, suidva. aimIOOhi ta practice b lS IN WAUKCGAN Woenan Who a Short lrime Ag o Was Principial in 8nsational Divorce Came la Coffee Demonstrator in County Seat Store. same ime mago Chiago papere eoutaineti leagthy accoutit of a senisa- y tional divorce suit l in hcit vas sai tie action vas due ta the uawilllngnem4 ai the vii. of the lmil> ta remain et haine anti look ater ber ciltiren but preierreti business Ilfe ineteati. The voman len1Mr..Hamblin antie.le noie In Wankegan tieionstrating collée. t Ufr..Baublin brougit Lie suit againet ber huabanti aud dai.clame se.won out 8h. adini ta court that hem soui va ainthebusinesevork andt hat ebe vautedt ta arryou h. vork lu vich sh. was ongal mno an>' yeare. er privaI. statemente are that th rmal trouble hotvesu berelf anti huabanti va. that ho insitai upon hoer glvlng him aulthe moue>' bsharnod. Re laa job priter la th. City. WEDS ATir ME Aole 01r8aiYVARS. Harrison Browa, ohf Llbertyvilts, wth Four Score Voars andi One 10 His Credît Tukea tinto Hlmaelf a 5)rie. Harrisn Brown, af Llhrt'ville, ageti 81 res, anti a gret-grand fathor, vas onfut at nda>' niarristi WalUn. A. P. Staples, " of ai bqpi-O've, ageti 55 yeam Mi1r. Brown bai h.su a vldower for about Ivo.*maraBebmstirs. ous vltb grovu up falll e net, oi Lihortyvîle; BUti>', of Uitiirp,,anti walte, i 1Waukqâa, Mrm lia lv bhMal.vnn che Supremne Court oft "watae&bout Ififien Years ago, and inlenov ou. of ch. Ieating attorney@ at 1h. lme (kuty bar. Mfr. Hleydocker bas aiways been 4& ardent andt constant supporter of the Republisan Party, baviug cat bilirai vote for IRutherford B. Baye@, as preeldent lu 1876. and hbueer r@!noc afiflit.d blînseel i th andi supportedt h regular Ilepublican noinioee, botb by hie labor anti influene. Hie tret public office neme chat of dO>' attorney' ai ch. city of Waukegan, a few yeare mgo, wh.re h. rnade au excellent record for efficlency andi honest>'. He neyeraike t h votera of Lake coaint>' fora couat>' office utul two year. ago wh.n h. van for the office of tate', actoruey.and niade sophonomenal arace cthat k3Ie blonde « paçtai .uvprteedst hige t AJ .u th8t camPaigult yl ho reniembereti that L. P. Banna, reeeL.ved 87 delegatea. B. J. Ieydetker'85 A. E. Éuliley, 12, ad P. L. Peneons, 3 delegates. Mir. Heydecker was th. trot inan ta atisounce bitiîself as a candidate for the office of Lonacy Jacige la thie eampalgu anti bam been zîaakiag a very cleati and aggres-sic-e lgt for te nominaton whielàhoh.hope. ta Win mt ch.enext ditrtbutcgltrouhoêl a.oancy. Hie ientiel lia bo .>'Y have ln hlm an able, effient aud hoest eandIdats, vha tie.rvesch. van enopport oh ever>' lo>'aI citizen cf Lake count>. DOG POISONIRS MN GRAYSLAK!. Someone In Thot Town le Wreaking Vengeance upon'Doge 0f Village; Valuable Animale Have Been Civen Poison Potion; Owners are Wrathy. l>ug poleqonere have madle chir preeeiie kaown in Grayolake where almeati> several OF ch. anituaIs have died ne a reuiaio their operaloits. Lust Satur. day E. 13. Sherman'@ ighly priseti "'Rogue" andt Editar Savoy', "Bueter" tell vitiais tu the womk of the- polsoner but ver. tioctaredti hrough and iare nov recavsring. Doge beloagitig ta Meuers. Bxiler, Thurwell anti Came Warden, Blnghain vere flot an fartinte d>iug as a rosait ai th. poison vbiei vas givon chou ln anme maner. Thon len considérable feeling lu h. tava aauiet the poieneur *hase itentit>' in, luckily for hi., not REV. WAD RMVZD TO H0Mt Or l' RND Accused Parson le Somewhat lm- proved, and on Baturday Laut vas Taken From Hospital Whore He ha. Doen Since Accident. Rev. Justin G. Wade, Waukegan's pastor vho ha, gaineti an mucht un- veelènt arlet>' dnring the pet lofe veeke vas On Saturtia.yreinavotifrom the MAlister bospital v.r. h.ovwu taoinson msdfl4te l>'aterOh legetib acIdentwvicit nearî guet îtbie ie1Ie. . ebuaganeds#tre*apilýy turlng tho Puetiew df dp aasi iefriendt those vio 1.1?min b ~c4ie dacSnoe hape for bis omltupiec«ît. e$.la1at the homu.of 49b , toecfrîle former a'ane. BFtT SIJGAR jaae.vtfleConc 0" S..klng Cou- tracta Witb Lake Couaty Farinera OFFER $5 PEU TON AT POINTS 0F SHIPMENT. The beet eugar industry wbich has hithorto been a factor among agricul- curiste in varions parte ni ch. country but qut. uaknown througb h tu li- mediste setion promfie sta dMt a coui- siderable figure witb Lake county fariner. chie eeaeon. The Rock County Sugar campany of Janeeville, Wl.., bas had agente lu centrai Lake county ch. la.t few daye aiakine contracte for beet plaiittigs chie coming Resaon'acMi Win ~th~~ol'âii.lodutry.af-m., nearby date. 10 le tho plan ai ch. company ta arrange wltb fariner. for largeplant- ingo. The coaipany prommes to take ail bseta raieed at five dollors per ton ai the farinera' home itation. The ptpduet wili thon b h ppeti to the, coucern's fatary ait Janeiville anti refineti. Laet year lu Rock couaty Wiseonbin andi in the. aorthern coitipe, of Illinoistu, t h. vet of here tbe company bnci under contracs about 6000 aéres dev.,cd en- tlrely to the raieiag of, beeta. Un an avrage cbey clairech. crop yîeldeti elateen and &all tons ta the acre and 11.000,000 paunds of wbite granalateti engar va. turnedtiot hfactory. ta bave about eigbt thoneanti acre, under contact. The. plant at Janeeville le repremeutedti tabave. met *800,000 andt tahave a capacity of 000 tone of lSetsevery tweaty.iour beure. The beete in th. cour.. of muirntum. me mthrough wee.ilng veto viere I»0 e.%.1k st ti.la itemove& .A4 le demeu, utxua vos moles..&antismuite lara f$or ae t the. rate of 8014 pr tan. 'lb. oMffnýr propomu Io fltué"a Io tie iammen wieial*u*bwpropook tion st iOugi eMts t» i paua. Alio Mt.sn panais of ...i le rsquur ta plant man acre .pe>'.t for vhl4 vill ho i. ucteti trou tii. remi lancefi th. tiret alpinect maie., .Pos Whbas a.huareprc..ting tb la lAbRe couac>' has appoinletid c afente &an-tiepreusa himUse#A m vitit he Inntec t ken hi tih. matter b>' larmer. vittet. #"TOI1 SOCDIES Un able t. Keep Prone Drink ýJo.eph 8S- ltb Tae. Parie Green *antieu>., LEAVES WIDOW AND FAMILY 0F SIX. Joseph Smith, a fairl>' Weil to -do fariner residiag an île little hontesteati ni eighty acre, about four ailles souci. sent of Autioci cormmitteti suicide laet Thuratin> afternoon by taklng a quarter of a pounci ai pari, gnon, wbicb bli been MO eover grain lutO summer. EHa Mcf a vile ant i echiidren, au. ai Obsu a Young man vaîke ln the postaffice i Chicago. Siith va. respect.d b>' sl Whaknev hlmn hie cul>'iauls holng hie habit ta go on perilca sprs e . ati been drink' lug hoavîl>' for sevoral de>'. andi it le holleveti became deepondent aver bis tuabuîlO>ta tobreak saa>'front drink. A th h.time of ch. tragoti>'hie vii. va. lu th. kîtchon ai the hanse vaahlng milkc eane. Sith clleti ta ber chat ho bai taken poison but tblakhig, It vas but an lnebrlate's vhiu ,e@pali ittie atten- tion to hlm. Lacer ho becanie deatiti> slck anti .eetég ch. empty box vhloh bnai containeti'the deadi>' mixture se burriedi>' etminaneti a Dh>'lcian. When th. doctar arrivedthte juan va, begonti&aU medical aid anti paasti sae> chat nigit at about eleven 'clack after baoumeof suffring. Be vas about liai>' yeare of nus. The poison, lie mîxeti witi bard eider irom the bannI vbhichh.at beea drlnklng fron. Tb*. resec Or. PadÀUocle Uver 1il1 gin. nediot lifaia hdus te ED ECT Of: 'ATI ENTS Nevapagloe story Esaiuating From Waukeraa Gamtte le ».ui" by Doctore. i HOSPITAL 0001) AS ANY IN COUNTRY. Charge, allegec to have been matie by a couple of Waukfgan docoare chat Patieoent ti9. MAiter ioepltal lu Wévk«gea veon ta certain Inetance, negleteti antimistreateti have heen Machi taike about ch. pont lew daye anti the uâWelééme notorlety wbich ch. hoopltal -ntnasmncbas recelveti as a reeut ia, Manda, dre.w iroin che phymiana o1 the« town n signei state-. nient tbat the, itditioq Of aftars g. Xcc.m.tom t the management of 0i ch. hasptal lastituteti an laquiry ta determne vhothor or aot ch. charges matie wore cru. and fr1mifactegleaneti decitied chat hi on. or tva Instance@- there had heen light acglect due ta aover work icImen of rush. .A statement elgneti by twelve pr0m- iment %phYelelaa <f Waukegan vas gi-e t h. Stit for îpublication viich teusuredthunea.. rculatiag the engatiob-, aI story rearug h.- cnlaniageaieac The taten" w as t o ti. efect chat the article app*riag in the 'asette ai ltaturtiay'a s tand ileurrorting to h. a report of the ne lMeAliter hoapiwa vas. in ch.e de of ch. signer., atn. injustice- tu 4hospital association. Tbu he ch amlcomared favorably with ti.hebot, itais lun the coutry bath In eare: ýpatienaeanti efficec at hat Mi. e> % . chargedthIncil- 99m1teq b*hertlcle, was a patak. lut Andi .OMPOet nurse. Thoeiate.i mout VanL b>' Dr.. Tonb«h Vu, KnighOt Kelovki, 51017 'arn immOlent ol ~ ~'artiiliu To ch. Mepublicen Voter. ai Lake olyqty>' . ý Aller enppotlg nt cnt b-Wgt the m omef te Rhublln at', forý Poo pet ui7e ,sari« à éveihvlnr beld a cautity offl,Tis Icaw on dfteatI>'aek thoesBpublilan voter. forý titei support ai' ni, cndiacy for tho .01cm et Count>' jutigç. ý, ,lfleeu years aifactive practic eat ch. LAiecounty bar, Iyetdeme ta helleve that ch.ecltie, of Oie ocli. of Count>' Jutige, require the qutire ime ai tLe court: anti if eleetedtat that position, 1 vil tevote ni>'wbol. tinte t h. offie anti the hest intereste ai ch. people of Lake eouaty. Tour bup)port will b. mout tliankfuil.v receiveti. EnivÂmn 3. Bai lEcKt:i.1 Pnlmary electlon ivill li el-d on Saturda>', A pril 28, 1900. PullIs îll lie apen at 12 o'clork naoni tu 7 p. ai. N otice. To th. Dcaioctatic votera of thet twn- cabip ni Libertyville: There will he a caucua of the deacocratlc votera of the township of Libertyville helti at ch. tavu hall on March 17 ai 2 o'clock P. in. for the papa.. of piaeiagi nominationi candidates for ch. fulowhîg offices: supervisor, tava clerk, assessor, epllectar, commissioner of htgbvayo anti trutie@eof schoote; anti ta transmet an>' other bueinesse vbMnay' came befora saicamus,. B>' orier of towvsiehp coiniittee. Notice.9 To h. rapublicati votera af the to wa-1 ship ai Libertyville; Th.re vili be a canuof th. republcan voter.aifthe1 tawnehlp of Libertyvllle, helti at ch. Iovn ball on Marcb 17 at 2 0otsk P.1 mi. fer the pnrpase of placng ln nomiri-1 atian candidate, for th folowingg OffMe: supervisor, town Clark, 1asseeîor,* colletor, commiesionîer oi higlîvays and truete of echote; andtu10tranact icy otlier busintess whiicimu>' oca. be-t fore salti caucus. B>' order ai township committep..e Be-Go Tonle Laxative Syrup Is a pleasant anti effectuai medicine for lmoang the systeai, reqplatlng ch. iver anti bowele, cures Cotttene., Billin,.e nem, Daabè IW 0AppeiBadi BreM h D î4n, Diegr gof- lth etoima* XWge.tm Md 4Dy'sppet 1>4F ILEVEEO. Market tStreet isItrict tn Thât City Visitd at t atuarday' Nt:by'Xoipoicers. BAR MAIDS, CHEAP WHISICEY AND LUNCH. Tbe openiag of Market etreet ia waa- kegan ta licenseci saoons bas brougbt about a change la the. Ile af that cit>, "loe@ district" Which places ln oui county seat a miniature Austrin. Bore, clown below the bill andi alontch.e nd scretche. ai the, @bore. af Lake Mchgana, black andi evarthy foreignera lice la thoir own peculiar fasilotie alter ch. mannersannd costume oi their various a, acatterlng of individuele froin alaidet overy prluclpallty of southeru Europe froin the Pyrenec eaeet ta the Balktans andi îorth tu ch. landi oP the. Czar. Blwarc and a~ilcrjeof l11% and destitue oft onecle he .habite of cime people aM ueot un-Ameri=a. It vas witb view t a acertaîiag ch. statue of affaira lu chie levee district that ch. Waukegan office af the lt~ iENttENT sent tW,î reporters tbrough Market etre'et lut@ enat Saturday nigbl. It was fouaci chet begrinied vorkmen were drinkitig wblskey ut live cents per glass and heer frot ehoociers ch. ase of a wash tub. Fre. lunch wasa pon every coutiter and lu matiy of tih.enloone bar idsc, to the present cime unknown tu Waukegaa, vaiteti upon thîe castamer. anti joineti the meain latheir rougb foreigu joke@.. Sot machines wh.re aa alleetcigar coulti h. proctiret by- dropping la anickel vers everywh.re. thus vas the Amerlcaît idea oi mochanlca vendlng making lie va>' aanong thmi. Amnother lNeult of l*. 0o=*tug ai 1k ulIng y .1be àI.'Y.t .5g as Somma. ein vaslie*9t- ebou& ioreae tbttedhur.Navvb be loleevile vlomobeer,for herwsV and éDitamite moane 01 aibOh.amalte mmea iof e hogubqU ithb. ~gq&Mt boir vth » jpaQeesuislthe ainier suit of Chak. Lyos4 ariouarlyof Lubertyville i.,AalusWlre ITALIAN MUHIOHEERS . INDIST SOT GUILTY. Tueeday ioriag et ch. court sesion la Waukegaa ch. case oi James Robert- son va. the Chicago Milwvaukee Electrlc Railronît compaay mwent tu ch. jury. A verdict of nc gulity wae retarn etia@ the railroad caîapauy coulti not b. heldt e- sponsible for the policeman'§ action ia arrestîag Robertsoni. D. H. Johnison was th. attoraey for Robertson andi Charles Whitney andi F. S. Munro defendedti h. compati>. Ia tie aicernoon th. court began heur- iag ch. cas, ni Charles Lyon@ vs. the American Steel and *Wlre compati>. Lyon a ashurt la Deceinhor, 1904, vbile. In the emploY of che coitpaay andi le sulng for 019.00 damages. IL V. Orvi. repecsente Lyon; th. campan>' le defèndeci b> W. C. tipton anti Charles Whitney. Murderers Walt Trial. The tva Italiens are nnv avaltlng thoîr triailnmit week. Thé Ove brothers of Salvatar Pili ane camlng ta visit hlm frou Pennsylvanie, neit Saturtia>. Orvie & Edve1rde thelr appointai lawyera, are varkingh"ard on -the oaa.. vhlcb yl prohall>' ho hardt h. fret ai neit veek. Wien lnterview.d 1Mr. Edwardseaid that ithe twqI bati beau ativie tu tapleqO guilly adwould not. *'AIl th.y know le 'No Sulît' andi Truet lin Goati'" aald Mr. Ecivarde. Tfim two aien sees ta tltlnk cie> aru ta ho saveti by divine. interfarence. Batbthe'i. tatea attanbe>' andtihfe defending lawyere are extremel>' bus gecting reati> for neat v.ek's vork anti soute exclting trIals are promîseti. The besec a>' ta rldtih.e yetem of a colti le ta evacuate tgo haela. Kenuetiy's Lavative Han.> anti Tai alit$e a apleamatyet *fectuai etbar' tic on Ohhe ove& elluea-ehebaudi, cuti the pblqts eutleohihotbrag "M Iàhltephj boaht -bu, -T PRESEMTS$13.500 TO ZUON CHIJRCUI. Young Man DIves ail Me Ovns Ta Ziona Cause; Mande Overseer Voliva Fortune in its Entirety. ,,Here! a."eitia uakaovn Yonng man ta Ovoriner General Voliva nI Zioticity lest âPrlday aitrnoan. -'le tiirte.a tbouead ove huntireti dollars. Do vilt the mitue>' as >'ou yUL" ne then preaset h. fortune lnticth band, ohfOh.staniebeteai of ch. CrttlnC"110110 Oubudant&M 'Whth.r ho yl gat atoelt isheIndu.. tries or vOll ask no equlvl.nt for the Oum cannot h. learneti. Hie sim 10on h. churci register. It laenialt h. money le ail lie posuetid andti hat i. git reduce.hlm ta the necesst>'0f taihg for hie dail>' oastînene. of laere t i.Paets. In buylng a cough medicine tua&e atinieteni ta cildron aMi Persan vho are of a deicate constitution, parentse houlti avoi uylng thoé. bad taetîng e>rupe that nauaste ch. atoni- and diturb th ii destlou. M-7 01a sueh miedlcîne. contain apluin an4(Ober eitupe>lug tiruge vhlcb are danserons, as velI as unpleamant 'Thor a leuns nictie olmotib P . B. LOVZLLt, Lhb#e- ville, he v l .ee ma I ai l ob obs tton& - It lis Bate' Bouer' antidora. hounnianti b ina>' alvAYS i.e iai upa ta speetily icure Coge comis,Croup, La&Grippe anti ail Throao m"a LUI affetIons.Large baut t t25e, 50 amii f1.00. 'Lut oe So Say Mr. anti. Mre. Ohee o'f IRound Lake,. Who Publiclty Given Tiel1 Affaira. Cal $tory a Fia 1fr. anti lre. Charles Mh Round Lake, via bave reamIt victimea cf conelderbl throngb loae Aven goWspà paper publcît>'atatt4o$1 PaiEITi? hie veoR liaI Do trouble hateVer e domnestie Y& wvu.cd tb5 tii. rumS Ior îli -ié nelghborhood cht li trouble bulves*6litwo. IW aide goelp le Maidto al tbe, vas a Wi£6no q1 euphatloally. Mr. Brahaseti astoseo0m ta aWalvomli omanbqtwm Mmre Brainentl *as aiesM butor. bslng I*A tvormmt Baryve>',, aiOrayalak- u 't Plain chat Oh. m@toris eu tlonà and that hey iéwfj Tie cum b*l,. . MalleBa i IN r DOWIE IIIMSELF DEPOSf IS THE GËNRè4f VOLIVA, THE COMING MAN 0F Tabernacle Oso w ý ZION, LIKENS APOSTLE TO .Thte anifotfiCeflet ths,*t thîe il M~OSES; IIMSELF A seer ias t,, acdren Chfr~ JOSHUA. the olci tabernacle inMlh which bas been adandonaf M* Hand of Man He Raised ta Power la monthg, calleci forth a erowd', Turnd Aaint Hh an Folow afternooa that packed tho &LIt TureciAgina Hm ad ollw-An air ni ceuse epectantèyvr Do Not Cmplain.able, for interestitig r«eeat"e antlcipatoci and th. kffowff lu a sermon of great dramatir power, Zion City nov j@le aclg Upvt whlch abounded iemotional limaxtoes r51wag common ta an. and lmpaesloned appeaus for popular The openlag annonpeemooe' confifrmationi of the trutb of hi@ titter- speaker that Dr. Dowi. e i *î ane, Getieral Overceer Voliva on laet Pension liec of glinounidl1M SundaY officlally aunounced tho down- of mach that va. t.Iu M., ial.of John Alexander Dowle, likenitig made without ileutlonas7 cff. tho tiret apostle an Moaee*viha ving tih. direct, lorcelui mana ehown tii. waY ta tho promisc land, cbaracterized the. add".e< - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n scoà 'leJupi « ied ~ 4.~aadmuet yield tii. dIMc. "T1our grmat tlan of their 5àettiy ta a joshua who eaid, "i8 1k. aauthor sbould coine aler hlm. having led his chn'drie t That- eho bmeli a, th, Joshua té lanid, allowed a~r ta e l bo- the people of Zion muet look for strucà, tho rock tat10 lh guidance the speaker macle ciear. luailn the lif-givcng stren. Pbtw thatumeemblage of 1,500 pergosewho humulty would haïe aoke&L bnci gatbernd at Zioii tabernacle un the rod andi smoto." Mchigan avenue la Chicago to hoar froin "You ail knowlo yon nt, tMf the ne w dîrec 'tor'a own lipé a csear etate- Mous. emote the, ro* beho d aent of bis lii, future policy tnta dia- There waewmomenaey @is seatlng voice waa ralec to. rebuke the. theospeaker leaneci forWwad. critie of thoir original apostie a»d for che reeponfie. Thon aa ir inspirer. It watt clear that Dowle's voire the audience spolie. nîetlîod of absolution andi bié habit of 'Yes," th.y cried. Ilaintaing mecrecy es to the commun. "Aad the momtent thgt Voeu itYsa basins. affaire have alienateci ch. the rock hie ubefulescameidUd Most loyal of bie follôwyers andi no help ia *Yee," came tho rsepoaeq, tb Iooked fur in chis oriels from t tI fouanter with greater ritadlnew. bf Zîona . "And though the greafi ile Cal Dowie a Momory. eiown his people the. We& it *m ladeeci, it wae plain tnt te« new cary that a Joohua shý ol*it ove-raerbas gaineti lu ch.ehorti nterva l"d h u a to OProinie4uW of hie direction of the. city'ea affire a muet deli5td upon a aaoàwfJo ireat aeeedoncy aver thoeim"ude1 heo dtleder has failsâibar, owle's people and, as ho e4dýee4lm .ta 06rr7O«m hie wo&'. *Me drtvlng point afterpoit w"I"a o eat oM tô b I admrable draniaticoNeffu t h m 01 ofadilultratlu. a1 peilset, bond ai eqilpouii. *Ïâ saIS q1.Mil Whiet f ~idé -& - ai. îi.î U " .ho " ho q %q,~ iLMM7 à, , ddne..d' hies dum ut .1eC st v an.,eMt tli «gteoodtiwtjlat US" Iba mmo hlp le a thing cd meuvy o«4m.,. Tho new. dretu Il lkaith Whuet4 Introduced by bies .'deso a' erUxel B 1 m"tertfve- e _7 iI ý tipchtnery 01 govmmmi t t 611allet tb1e -.devtl '$w irénlZion wau "0. xclilve.,1- odIý maade.a" i eps Idustriel tawn ie epeaker said a wm jelirevr eoqaa te regrecteti, and 'hoInfarince'dtaAxcoure.. from hie reniarke a>b Chicao Zonie<. Tii rm»rke vere takeU4 s'as thst the agricultural pursulte viii Dow_ý*'a followere tu, "Mo 0 receive a strong Impetue under hie leader, who le kmownà to iè,ii iianagetcen.laiJamnaLa .9 fi t ti 9 ti t n lm it n 9 JD Pl 91 bi Irw re m

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